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/lit/ - Literature

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21317517 No.21317517 [Reply] [Original]

>never had bedtime stories read to me
>never listened to audio stories
>never read a book
I just started reading and this is literally me.
Does anybody know how to cope?

>> No.21317537

I used to think this was a meme but now I'm starting to realise that the 00+ babbies unironically never interacted with abstract entertainment. It used to be punishable to bring your motorola to school, now every child busts out a fucking laptop to study. I'll be interesting to see what generation induced aphantasia does with culture

>> No.21317540

this unironically makes me sad

>> No.21317562

Just keep reading, I was in the same boat.

>> No.21317573

>that pic
>that post
please tell me whether you are serious or not. You have never read a single book in your life? How old are you?

>> No.21317591

George RR Hacktin

>> No.21317601
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the key is to take little notes :D

>> No.21317616

you can beat your aphantasia and it's not even that hard

>> No.21317622

When I am reading I see movie before my eyes, get lost in the pages and stop existing, that is if the book is entertaining. Therefore it's hard to give you advice. Maybe try reading slowly, reread sentences if you have to, and try to actively think of what the characters are like based on the information you gained. Since you are reading Game of Thrones, what can you tell me about Jamie so far? Or Cersei? What it feels like to you when you read the description that one is like the mirror image of the other? What kind of man Robert Baratheon is? What kind of man he used to be? Build up the database of characters in your head and then as you continue reading, see them interact together.

>> No.21317625

>past tense
congrats @ilovefairies444, that is indeed the past tense of "to like". And indeed, the phrase "mentally, not physically" indicates that it happened on the inside as you well noted. Furthermore I must commend you for figuring out that the phrase "Loved it." seemingly states that the protagonist enjoyed it.

>> No.21317653

Why do you feel like she is addressing you/us? She asks us to ignore the little notes. They're so cute desu. Her little cute darling take on things. This generation is well known for only saying highly agreeable and obvious shit anyway. So why does it make you angry?

>> No.21317659

Start with THE GREEKS you're wasting you're time.

Honestly that image is what it's like for me to read philosophy and I grew up reading a lot.

>> No.21317661

Her point is that he doesn't enjoy it anymore you unsurmountable retard.

>> No.21317715

Cope by reading a book, pussy.

Horrific, but at least it forces her to understand the text on the most basic level.

>> No.21317747

Ur supposed to start with the Greeks

>> No.21317760

she's enough of a fan to set her pf as a character from the series and sets the background of her post as one and still can't into martin's prose
i thought i was pitiful

>> No.21317782


>> No.21317786

it doesn't make me angry at all, I just find it really funny

I am aware that "enjoyed" is past tense you mongoloid

>> No.21317801

That person is barely human imo how do go through life without basic reading comprehension I swear you can't pass high-school without it.

>> No.21317890

You are on here reading and writing posts, so you literally can read and write on a basic level. So I guess the fear is retention. Most reading happens subconsciously. I only actively read carefully from one word to another if is super hard and technical, like a complicated math proof I am unfamiliar with. You probably just lack the confidence to have the subconscious take over and "read" for you. Or maybe your zoomer brain is turbo impatient and you stop after 3 sentences and say "omg idk what is happening" when nithing has really happened yet that is noteworthy.

Try reading 10 or 20 pages per sitting and then write down every important thung yiu recall just reading right after. This will force you to read enough for something to happen(10 pages minimum) and may show you that you are retaining more than you think.

>> No.21317902

>Does anybody know how to cope?
strange, I did not think your kind capable of that kind of suffering.

>> No.21317913


Anyone that has more tiktok book cringe like these please post

>> No.21317935

Whatever works for you. If you can't remember or understand anything in a book, you're probably not reading the right sort of book. It's something you need to build your way up towards. Even people who are /lit/ as hell can get bogged down in a dense text. No shame in it.

With novels, you don't have to visualize every little detail. You'll naturally find the right state of flow. You read and a healthy amount of images will pop into your mind. Occasionally you'll stop and reflect on something for a bit if it seems significant. You don't need to remember every little word, almost no one remembers texts verbatim. Although if you're turning back a few pages and you don't recall something after having just read it, there's a problem.

>> No.21318196
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>> No.21318215

Try starting out with something you've never seen a movie or tv show of. Read silently. If you forget what you read, or your mind wanders, go back and reread. Focus intentionally. I would be very surprised if you didn't start naturally imagining what you're reading.

>> No.21318277

It's entirely possible to have never read a book for zoomers. I was born in 2000. In high school we had to read Gulliver's travel or diary of Anne Frank.( Our teacher made the choice so it's easier for them to teach lol.) And then our teacher made one student to stand and read the book out loud and then she added her thoughts and stuff so we didn't really read the book in the end coz I didn't listen during the class and also the teacher would anyway summarise whatever was read out loud.

>> No.21318292
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I'd pay up to 50 euros for her copy of the book if it were annonated like this on every page. Sadly, I'm certain she didn't even make it past the first page after receiving over half a million of attention points from fellow braindead roasties.

>> No.21318323

How do people like you even finish primary school? Do you go to special education or something?

>> No.21318355

he's probably american and they don't teach them to read over there they just make them sound out the words they will need to know like 'big mac' and 'extra large'

>> No.21318379

zoomer women attempting to be smart and analysing a text lmao
I enjoy this because its someone who has no selfreflection and reading comprehension trying to fake it for internet points
Her thoughts were "ill post this pic of me writing notes on a male manipulator book, it will seem like i understand male and that i analyse them" and she ended up writing "past tense" and "mentally means on the inside", oh ill also circle the word "Loved it" that means he enjoyed it!
"pls ignore the little notes" = "look i made notes"

>> No.21318387

it's like how when they're sad they will look into the camera and cry, record it and put it on the internet. normal people who are actually sad will want to get away and be alone

>> No.21318388

>male manipulator book

>> No.21318399

manipulator? I hardly know'er!

>> No.21318409
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My mother taught me to read when I was three and then once I knew how to read she told me to read silently. I would tell this person to read everything out loud for a while and see if that helps

>> No.21318410

If you've genuinely never read a book, it might be worth your while starting literally from the beginning, i.e. with children's books.

Schopenhauer was right: the first rule of reading is to read good books, and the second rule is not to read bad books. However, there's no point reading anything that's too hard for you to enjoy.

Many good books for adults are going to be too hard for you. There are some easy good books aimed at adults, and those are a very valuable resource for someone in your situation, but I don't think you can get by on those alone. The answer is to read good books aimed originally at children or teenagers.

>> No.21318457

>male manipulator book
What book?

>> No.21318586

What are some good easy books for adults? Animal farm was kinda ok for me.

>> No.21318591

I think it's Diary of an Oxygen Thief

>> No.21318600

I know this is supposed to make me laugh but it makes me sad. I want to help this person. At least they're trying.

>> No.21318694
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My parents never bought me a single book and used to read me Disney comics as bedtime stories. I'm building a library of sorts now and while I can "imagine" things, they're fleeting images in my head "seen" by my "mind's eye". Most of the time I can't imagine anything new, I just imprint similar stuff I've seen in movies/games onto the description and kinda go from there. It makes me sad desu...

>> No.21319320

>not even
>or something
>its like

So, this is the power of being a well read individual!

>> No.21319335

Why use more formal language with a barely literate individual?

>> No.21319336


>> No.21319344

Its insurmountable, but continue rambling about retards.

>> No.21319362

Why do you not get on your hands and knees when you speak to your dog? I'm sure we both know the answer to this question.

>> No.21319376 [DELETED] 

>Loved it
>"He liked it"
Gets me every time.

>> No.21319384

I have a bitch, and sometimes I crouch to give her extra pets!

>> No.21319385

>Greetings, dear companion. Thine master hath brought thee sustenance for thineself to gorge upon. Therefore I command thee to place thine buttocks upon the ground.
Is this how you talk to your dog?

>> No.21319397

I dont have a pooch anymore, but you could easily speak to your dog like that and it would be no different than modern Zoomer creole in essence.

>> No.21319407

so we agree that it's silly either way. you don't talk to your dog about metaphysics expecting a coherent answer, so why wouldn't you talk to a person on their level if it eases communication?

>> No.21319442

The difference (in concept) of a dog and a human is that a dog doesnt have any possible understanding of nuance in speech, where as a human (in concept) should. But when a human does not have this understanding, to the point you are simplifying your language to speak to them like a dog, they are a dog. Or at least lower than you. And if they are expected the things expected of a full grown adult, they should be chastised, not adulterating your speech. In short, if you choose to talk like this to make it easier for them, instead of forcing them to improve, you are letting a retard prostrate you like a bottom.

>> No.21319471

nobody fails high school anymore
and it isn't because people are smarter

>> No.21319500

Reading and speaking are two different things

>> No.21319567

If you have no distinction between how you type and speak, you are a cretin. This is a written forum afterall. Anyone who types like this hates beauty. Writing is a creation of the ego but separate from the instantaneous ego, it is not reactive like someone asking you what your name is or what you are wearing. It is contemplative. And can be immortal. So be cognizant of this and write with more thought.

>> No.21319606

I am literally a sped/ SEN and most days in school I’d rush my work (to an acceptable standard of course and a high enough standard to remain in my county’s equivalent of honours classes) so I could spend several hours just reading. I go outside a lot more now and have found several quiet places around my town to read, so I can still get my reading in. My dream in life is to live off grid in a cozy cottage so I can have a good place to read. I don’t understand degenerates who can be happy being functionally illiterate.

>> No.21319662

>What are some good easy books for adults? Animal farm was kinda ok for me.
I guess fantasy since it relies so much on the visuals. Training this is the best start.
Games of thrones, lotr etc. Or harry potter as well.

>> No.21319728

Do you always wear formal clothes or uniforms?

>> No.21319794

shut up faggot lol

>> No.21320445

practice reading every day.
It will come naturally.
It's like the meditation in a way. The more you practice, the more you understand what it means.

>> No.21320465

I come to this board to see this type of autism kek.

>> No.21320499

Anything and everything by Orwell is God-tier. Do not miss out on his essays, either.

>> No.21320670

Using a meditation analogy to explain the act of reading a book to someone who hasn't even done that is like explaining addition to a kindergartner with a multiplication analogy.

>> No.21320688

lmao Orwell is not god-tier. he's good, but not that good. he's Diomedes-tier at most. maybe even an Ajax.

>> No.21321108

>no understanding of tone in text-based communication + ego stroking
Ask me how I know you're either 14 or 40.

>> No.21321110

You unmountable retard.

>> No.21321116

You're thinking about it too severely. Just keep reading.

>> No.21321122

I agree.
It's a terrible example when I look at it now.

>> No.21321179

>Why do you not get on your hands and knees when you speak to your dog?
Wait, you don't do that?

>> No.21321182

This is unironically the NPC meme come to life.

>> No.21321194

bet this was funny in your head

>> No.21321196

>ESL criticizing actual English speakers

>> No.21321203

>Anyone who types like this hates beauty.
You do know where you are, right? Or do you think anons are posting Goatse and Chinese LiveLeak vids because they love beauty?

>> No.21321552

Constantly ask questions while reading.

>> No.21321590

yass queen @ilovefairies444 you are such a smart person, for trying to understand these vile creatures (men )

>> No.21321639


>> No.21321657

Certified america moment
He's right doe

>> No.21321759


>> No.21321763

fuck you, mexican

>> No.21321790
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>> No.21321800

It’s even better, they only think they know how to use technology but over half of these zoomers are technologically illiterate. Windows 95 gave a generation of idiots a UI made for children who can’t understand a command prompt and has ruined us forever

>> No.21321805

Start with something meant for a young/kiddie audience in your native language.
Maybe a folk story/bed time story, and just take it one paragraph at time.
After you finished a paragraph, draw a line and think about what you just read.
Also you can just try to imagine what you are reading, even if it doesn't come natural; for example "Johnny sat on his chair while Tom, the cat, jumped in his lap" imaging a dude sitting in a chair with a cat in his lap shouldn't be that hard, unless you have some medical problems.
Good luck.

>> No.21322642


>> No.21322793

He used “literally” correctly here, ESL.
What an embarrassing post. Take the beam out of your own eye first.

>> No.21322798

Wait, are there really people who don’t visualize words? Can they even make images in their head?

>> No.21322819

I used to date a girl who said she couldn’t think in words, only in images.

>> No.21322850

This debate pops up all the time. It's called aphantasia and it's very common.

>> No.21322882

I don't speak to animals looking for answers as to why they act a certain way. I'll speak to a person in a variety of different ways to get to the core reason as to why they're acting the way they are in an attempt to help them become better or, if nothing else, to leave the conversation with another viewpoint to consider. I do that because it's possible with people - it isn't with animals.

>> No.21322891

it's also very easy to overcome

>> No.21322901

Is she a 14 year old ESL that's analysing the text to improve her comprehension?

>> No.21322963

>how to cope
you can either give up and go back to whatever it was you were doing before, or realize that learning anything from the very beginning is going to be tough at first.

Start with easy stuff, like fantasy or sci-fi books, then move onto harder stuff.

>> No.21323021

op's pic is reading an easily digestible fantasy series though
unless she's to go to easy light novels or mangas i can't imagine anything that's realistically significantly easier to read

>> No.21323063

>can't read
This isn't even surprising.

>> No.21323152

>no notes seeping through from page 2

>> No.21323180
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>op's pic is reading an easily digestible fantasy series though
Not exactly. The show may be popular, but in the books GRRM tackles complex themes and is a master of subtext. (Pic related.)

>> No.21323202

I never had an issue with understanding these parts as there's literally a map and anyone who's a fan of the tv show is already familiar with a lot of stuff from the early books

>> No.21323268

oh, i didn't realize OP was actually referring to fantasy books when he/she said he couldn't read anything. Thought he/she meant harder stuff.

Hmm... then in that case i'd suggest young adult fiction. It's similar to fantasy/sci-fi, but it's written in an easier style that keeps the reader interested (less descriptions of the scene, more action and faster paced, etc.). If even that is too difficult to read, then maybe comics to start out with? They have the absolute bare minimum of descriptions (relying on artwork to convey that) and extremely fast pacing.

It all depends on how serious OP (or anyone in a similar situation) is on wanting to get into the more advanced stuff.

>> No.21323301

what about picrel indicates complex themes and mastery of subtext?

>take the ironmen in the rear while they are beating off

>> No.21323333

It's a meme, the entire paragraph is a sexual innuendo and I was being ironic. Wow, /lit/ readers are even more NPC than I thought.

>> No.21323348

the vast majority of /lit/ are children in their late teens or 20s, as well as a healthy compliment of non-whites who have a horrible grasp of the english language, and treat this place as a chance to practice their english.
This is why /lit/ sucks for the most part. Children who don't know what they're reading, or adults who don't know what they're reading. The joys of the internet bringing the "masses" (the non-whites and the children) together to discuss things they shouldn't be discussing.

>> No.21323409


>> No.21323415

oh hi! did you need someone to practice your english with?

>> No.21323963

This makes me very sad.

>> No.21323987
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i try to imagine what im reading but then stop 2 seconds after. Then i forget what i just read and have to reread. After a couple of pages i put the book down and play league of legends.

>> No.21324008

I have a similar problem. I often zone out while reading and suddenly discover that I "read" the last 1 to 2 pages on autopilot without actually comprehending any of the words. So I have to go back to figure out what happened. It happens with audiobooks too. This experience ruins reading for me.

>> No.21324039

hmm yeah.. It gets so exhausting after a bit I Cant keep forcing myself after a couple of pages.. Not fun at all... But my imagination is pretty good I enjoy writing and that keeps my attention, just journaling stuff, I can spend a lot of uninterrupted time on that.

>> No.21324081


>> No.21324279

Have some perseverance bro, you do have to force yourself at first but you'll get better the more you do.


>> No.21324378

Maybe she's just an ESL person?

>> No.21324472
File: 25 KB, 512x414, FAD1B8F2-BD89-4966-8E56-F641F0E81318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my family only me and one of my cousins enjoyed reading.
Everyone else made fun of us while we read.
I just don’t get how you can deny yourself the tons of stories and worlds that come from books.

>> No.21324481

is journaling meme? just started doing yesterday

>> No.21324523

Analysis: anon is laughing. (he finds the post funny)

>> No.21324627

Same. I've read a whole book during a 5hr drive on the backseat only to discover that I zoned out amd didn't read anything.

I have to force myself to focus really hard to not think about smth else.

>> No.21326011


>> No.21327073

>Maybe try reading slowly, reread sentences if you have to, and try to actively think of what the characters are like based on the information you gained. Since you are reading Game of Thrones, what can you tell me about Jamie so far? Or Cersei? What it feels like to you when you read the description that one is like the mirror image of the other? What kind of man Robert Baratheon is? What kind of man he used to be? Build up the database of characters in your head and then as you continue reading, see them interact together.
Best advice.
More questions would be even better.

>> No.21327111
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>loved it.
>this means that he enjoyed it

>> No.21327131

This is why despite Literature class in school having the effect of making people hate reading, it still makes them read even if not out of love. Its necessary.

>> No.21327168

“No child left behind" exists in most slav countries too. I hate Bush for pushing thing on the whole european world too,

>> No.21327274

I'm Slavic and if you managed to get to secondary school, you're gonna read the assigned reading or you'll never finish your grade. As one of popular university professors said "In my cunt, you cannot become a butcher if you don't know the Decameron."

>> No.21327358

Seems like most of you don't have a reading problem but discipline problem. You are spoiled by exterior motivators like youtube and videogames, that an interior motivator (understanding what you actually read) bores you and zones you out.

>> No.21327383

Sub visualisation is for plebs. It's not a film script guys.
Goid post until you added your own sentence.

>> No.21327390

Take the epigram pill, frogbro.

>> No.21327447

It was funny on 4chan as well.

>> No.21327491

For millenials like me(and likely you) it was so. But I think zoomies(in Bulgaria in particular) don't have to retake grades if they get the lowest combined grades possible.

>> No.21327492
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>Does anybody know how to cope?
This is 90% determined by IQ, which is genetic and invariable.

It's not that fewer people are able to read this generation, it's that too many are taught to read now who simply can't. Universal literacy was a mistake. I equate it to teaching everyone how to be a plumber. What's the point? Most people won't be plumbers.

>> No.21327516
File: 29 KB, 448x685, CB3F47BC-5490-4209-B993-15BAD4F2880E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is insane to me, ever since I was a kid I would autistically mentally insert myself into the world of the last comic/video game/ movie I saw and would interact with the characters in my head and I would even imagine what I was wearing in these little fantasies right down to the shoes or hat or armour or whatever and whenever I got bored I would pick up from where I left off and continue with the fantasy I still do this and the fantasies are even more detailed. I don’t expect people to be exactly like that but the fact that people have NO visual imagination is fucking crazy to me.

>> No.21327552

That is escapism kek and not healthy, might as well pretend your a woman

>> No.21327574

No that’s gay

>> No.21327589

Its normal to do as a kid you retard.

Having bad reading comprehension in English as a child had me just imagining characters in Harry Potter as I wanted(only age and gender were the same). Only till the movies came out did I restrict myself to how they were described. Had a very hard time with Treasure Island, but now that I think of it my surreal version of how the characters looked was way fun than getting a pre-described version.

>> No.21327615

I'm not a millennial, I'm a 25 year old zoomie. It's still possible to fail in Croatia. One of my classmates was kicked out of school for failing the same grade twice. I doubt things have changed since then. Basically, if three of your grades are 1 (F), you have to retry the entire grade, including every single class. If you have two 1's, you have to take the correction exams, and you have two tries. If you fail a single one two times, you have to redo everything. I think redoing everything is a good threat for kids. Almost nobody drops out. Even if you mess up big time and get kicked out, you can still go to another school, so it's not that bad at all.

>> No.21327642


Just like how your mind makes up an image of reality when it's not reading (i.e. walking around at the mall), let the book fill your mind with the details so that it can make up the image again.

As in, when I say,
>"The green leaves fell on the forest floor and reflected the moon's white light into my eye."

You should now realize that it's either summer or transitioning into autumn (green leaves falling), and that its night (the moon only comes out at night).

If I then say,
>"My sleeping bag couldn't replace the warmth the fire provided. It was small enough to not illuminate me anymore."

You should feel how cold the person talking is.

Now you have all of these elements (summer night, cold, small fire, in a forest), you can transport yourself there into that moment and feel what it would have been like yourself. Once you can do that, you're immersing yourself in a book and you'll forget you're moving your eyes across a page. That's what people mean when they 'see' a movie'.

Godspeed, anon.

>> No.21327759
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Not OP but this "seeing a movie while you read" thing never happens to me. I just don't have the capacity to imagine something so complex, I can imagine some things to an extent but having this "movie" playing in my head while reading is just impossible for me. At the same time I've never been so immersed in a book that I "forget" I'm reading and just stard do it unconsciously, for me reading is always a conscious effort.

>> No.21328099

Your Brain is stunted due to insufficient activation during development. Can't be fixed. Is your body young and healthy ? Then I'll give you my brain. How about it, you'll be able to read finally.

>> No.21328932
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Same. I have ADHD and Ruthfoss is the only author who has ever evoked the "movie" in my mind (pic related, from The Name of the Wind). What does that say about me as a reader? Why don't other authors write like Patrick Ruthfoss?

>> No.21329045

ITT: anons looking down on illiterate people while every literate person from the middle ages would consider them illiterate because they can’t read Latin Greek and Hebrew

>> No.21329223

>Well read
When preceding the noun, it is proper grammar to hyphenate the adjectival phrase, thus it should be "well-read". Unfortunately this is a point of contention; one may argue that since "well" is an adverb, then it is unnecessary to hyphenate the phrase. This reasoning is flawed, since it is only true of adverbs that have the common morphological suffix "-ly", hence the hyphen in "well-read", "ill-conceived", "far-fetched", &c.

If your syntax places the adjective after the noun, then the hyphen is not necessitated (e.g. "So, this is the power of being an individual who is well read", "This plan is a little ill conceived", "My post's validity is a little far fetched"). You may think this is a pedantic and inexplicably arbitrary rule to enforce, but it exists because that hyphen adjusts for the change in rhythm when the adjective precedes the noun (typical in English), vs. when it succeeds the noun.

>> No.21329232

I feel so bad for you younger zoomers. Shame.

>> No.21329246


>> No.21329399

literate people from the middle ages were in a far higher social class or were dedicated members of academia/clergy compared to the average anon your post is like saying
>lmao imagine being less educated than a prince or a professor, what a loser you should just give up reading at all

>> No.21329983

you absolutely should

>> No.21330052


>> No.21330768
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This has to be b8. If you never read in school or learned how why would you suddenly decide to read a large fantasy series? I don't believe that the portion of the population that can't imagine things in their mind would take the steps necessary to realize they cant understand a book. Doesnt this shit come naturally when youre like ~10-11? When I was in 4th grade I was reading Homer's Odyssey and Edith Hamilton, my teacher told my parents I was reading beyond a senior in HS. Never once did I ever have to question how to visualize thoughts in my mind? We had a Christmas book in the house as a 7 year old and I was reading the inside-cover and it described how modern Santa was essentially a creation of the Coca-Cola corporation and that was how I learned Santa wasn't real, had an inkling already, but still the shit is easy. Are people seriously as mentally inept as little toddlers? Is this just a low IQ phenomenon? I'm baffled desu. Never heard of someone all throughout schooling or beyond raise their hand and ask why they cant visualize words.

>> No.21330929

>If you never read in school or learned how why would you suddenly decide to read a large fantasy series?
They called it the "Game of Thrones books" but the series is called A Song of Ice and Fire, the first book is titled A Game of Thrones. It's obvious that they are reading it because of liking the TV adaption.

>> No.21331362

A single-word response is on par with an upvote/downvote.

>> No.21331677

It's not just zoomer women. My mom gave me books she wrote in in high school and her comments were full of dumb shit. Pretty sure she still writes in books too lol

>> No.21332110

I'm 25 and I've read like 3 books desu I only come here to shitpost I don't know anything about literature.

>> No.21332171

You're stupid, windows 95 is still difficult enough that zoomers wouldn't be able to use it properly, the problem are people born into the smartphone era and are unable to properly use computers

>> No.21332182

What is with this zoomer pathology of admitting to the most hilariously embarassing, demeaning, exagerrated shit humanly possible? I mean I know its some kind of grasping at humanity from a post-ironic position, but its completely beyond the pale and feels more like narcissism or pathological lying.
"I've literally never read a book" shut the fuck up

>> No.21332275

True that

>> No.21332340

Maybe she is learning English. It looks like she didn't know how the past tense works, and that's why we see notes related to "like". I suppose the rest are sentences that she didn't understand.

>> No.21332572

I also have ADHD and Rothfuss isn't that good if you ever read widely, especially outside the fantasy genre. I do enjoy the genre so I'm not shitting on it as a whole, but I can instantly tell if an author reads widely vs one who only ever reads fantasy. Everyone who says Rothfuss' writing is poetic has never read a single poem in their life.

I keep seeing this "waah I have adhd it's hard to read" cop-out shit. I've been an avid reader since childhood. I can hyperfocus on reading and it gives me hours of brain-movie time. Maybe you need to retrain your brain to get dopamine from words. Kids are naturally imaginative and it gets beat out of them. Adhd kids get a double-whammy of negative associations with reading. I was lucky in that I also didn't ever give a fuck what teachers told me to read and was consistently above my grade level. Reading will eventually become more rewarding than any video game or tiktok scrolling session if you allow the challenge and stop blaming your diagnosis.

>> No.21332818

You and at least 20% of posters on this board.

>> No.21332897

At least he has good taste in women.

>> No.21332913

>Everyone who says Rothfuss' writing is poetic has never read a single poem in their life.
There are different meanings of "poetic". An author who writes simple prose but is able to evoke complex feelings with really good use of metaphor is poetic. Same with an author like Ruthfoss who has a really good grasp of rhythm. Your poetry comparison doesn't make sense, since fiction prose doesn't have to be verse to be poetic.

>> No.21333033

Have you heard of prose poetry? Arguably, a novel is just one long prose poem. He still isn't poetic no matter how you want to define it, and even when he tries to write an actual poem within the book it's garbage. Rhythm? I didn't catch all that much. NOTW is one of the worst books I've read and I lose respect for anyone who defends it.

>> No.21333052

I won't defend Kingkiller Chronicle, Rothfuss is a terrible plotter and when you remove the window dressing his protagonist is just a Gary Stu self-insert fanfic. I'm just saying he writes prose that is uniquely poetic for the genre (that's why he's popular). His prose is accessible and uses simple language, but still manages to capture feelings that other popular authors with workmanlike prose normally doesn't even come close. It's like if Hemingway was trying to be profound. I would gladly read any other fantasy series in Rothfuss's style, it's like candy.

>> No.21333112

Try Patricia A. McKillip.

>> No.21333140

Can I have an excerpt?

>> No.21333199
File: 716 KB, 1080x2400, Song for the basilisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better poetry than Rothfuss just in the first paragraph

>> No.21333214

I'd put the two on a similar level. Rothfuss is definitely clearer, I really have a hard time comprehending parts of this excerpt, and that's not a compliment.
>Within the charred, silent husk of Tormalyne Palace, ash opened eyes deep in a vast fireplace, stared back at the moon in the shattered window.
I had to re-read this sentence like 5 times and still didn't understand what the fuck it was trying to say, it's all over the place. It was only several sentences later when I realized there's a gay metaphor about ashes having eyes and "seeing" the city. And the lack of conjunctions here is just silly and feels choppy to me.
People on this board seem to believe obscurity is what makes something profound or high quality.

>> No.21333422

Roald Dahl Is my fav.
I read his books when I was 17 yet I enjoyed it.

>> No.21333466

>But I think zoomies(in Bulgaria in particular) don't have to retake grades if they get the lowest combined grades possible.
I'm a bulgarian zoomie and that isn't true. If you fail a class, you have to go to summer school and take an exam that summarizes the curriculum of the grade and subject you failed. If you fail that exam again, you get held back a grade.

>> No.21333820

What an idiotic person you are. You think whites only speak english? Europe speaks english? Jesus fucking christ this is the most retarded post on lit this week.

>> No.21333895

Recursion fucks me up a bit. Some algorithms take a while to click.

Funnily enough, I couldn't visualize the arrow from yellow to green for a bit. It went green to yellow. Sometimes my brain just doesn't do what I want it to

>> No.21333949

Pick a book that interests you, consider every 5-10 pages a goal. When you reach it, set another 5-10 as the goal. Keep going until you have something else to do and remind yourself you can stop at any time because you've reached your goal. Simple as.
Don't worry about understanding every little bit if the information is not necessary; I used to do this.

Lastly, unless you are fully immersed and loving it, stick to simple books you are confident you can finish. A couple hundreds 100-400 is a sweetspot IMO, these books are also usually much simpler.

>> No.21333958

Recursion is easy. F.e. in Javascript ->

function ReduceFunction(x){
return x;

Call with console.log(ReduceFunction(3)).

Guess the output.

If you can't solve this in your brain instantly there is no help for you and you should be euthanized.

>> No.21334035

I don't know JS and barely know programming. I'm not sure what console.log does
Does it not go 0123?
>If you can't solve this in your brain instantly there is no help for you and you should be euthanized.
Seems harsh

>> No.21334150

You're right. See, recursion is easy even a total tard like you can understand it.

>> No.21334241

Why are you so buttflustered? Nothing even happened.

>> No.21334271

I understand all the other puzzles but I think I'm missing something with the gradient color puzzle. It seems like just a long winded way of asking "if houses on the street have a gradient color from yellow to green, what color is house #0?" (yellow) I might just be too retarded to figure out where the language/abstraction trick is.

>> No.21334290

It is that yeah. It's long winded because the point is that the test taker has to equate the arrow with the street numbers. Like, the arrow has no numbers, the street has no color gradient. You need to "map" them

>> No.21334387

Listwn dude, I live in Japan. I can eat tamago sandwich whenever I want. You jelly? Pathetic piece of shit loser lmao I`m typing this on my laptop on the bullet train right at this very moment. What the fuck are you even doing?

>> No.21335626

this unironically makes me sad

>> No.21335683

>you think whites only speak english? Europe speaks english?
huh? Are you a native English speaker? You don't sound it. Way to prove my point lol

>> No.21335750


>> No.21336077

That is sad when you think about it.

>> No.21336111
File: 49 KB, 400x400, 1663465496899600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of young men in this thread who are probably going to be used as cannon fodder in the upcoming decades of civil conflict, mostly because they lack the abstract reasoning necessary to be commanders.

Poor zoomies. It's a bad thing when you can't think abstractly but are really, really good at following commands and prompts.

>> No.21336176
File: 342 KB, 639x958, 1660784192725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd be made a commander in a civil war!
>wh-what does it matter I can't look someone in the eyes and speak without st-stuttering?
>I'd be made one just by virtue of being such a special snowflake "smart but lazy" intellectual!
>then I'll get gifted a harem of teen girls and finally lose my virginity in my 30s!
the /pol/tard equivalent of pic related

>> No.21336199

Its the delusion that keeps them living on

>> No.21336205

Pure cope. I sure hope you weren't one of the Anons earlier in the thread talking about your trouble reading.

>> No.21336212

how do u max abstract reasoning

>> No.21336253

Anti intellectualism is being pushed because critical thinking makes people realize Jews control everything

>> No.21336302

>Don't worry about understanding every little bit if the information is not necessary; I used to do this.
How do you tone down your autism anon? i have this problem with more technical books like programming.

>> No.21336323

By going outside

>> No.21336343

>i have this problem with more technical books like programming.
Programmer here. It's most likely not you , it's the book. I always cross-read in 2-4 books about the same topic. Most authors are retarded and can't decribe things simple enough for a novice.

>> No.21336425
File: 3.68 MB, 1500x2500, Child, Discerning Patrician Lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21336432
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x6361, Start With How To Read A Book v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21336711

thicctator's goals are noble

>> No.21336943

Maybe a unique perspective in this thread- I'm not reading through this cockamamie- I enjoyed literature when young but tough circumstances, a need to flee from trauma, and my own abject weakness turned me to alcoholism in my teens and after teens years of hardcore alcohol abuse and some moderate drug abuse, I cleaned up. That's been nearly eight years now since I quit and while I've absolutely done the gym and exercise addict act since I also eventually found my way back to reading.
Problem was starting back that I had absolutely obliterated my mind and ability to focus, for myriad reasons. The short of it: despite knowing words, I essentially had to learn how to pay attention to things again and, while I wasn't going through life like Stevie Wonder, all smiles and a bobble-head, that meant basically treating myself like a kindergartener initially learning to read.
I picked things that seemed both enjoyable and wholly able to be conquered and took them one page at a time, per day. I could read more than a page a day if I wished, and sometimes would out of pure excitement and determination, but I forced myself to the one page per day, best I could, for over two years until those muscles had been brought back to life and built up again.
Other than a week of not reading earlier this year while moving a considerable distance, I've been passionately back at it for a while now and consistently so. It's genuinely tough at times and intimidating when your brain is fried, sensations I recall well and still struggle with on occasion because I think I did permanent brain damage to myself in seeking refuge from my grief, but it's so worth enduring the struggle to claim/reclaim one's abilities as a reader and thusly a thinker.
>tl;dr My brain may never fully un-pickle yet even I found it in me to be a dedicated reader. Treat your brain like the pile of mush that it is for as long as you must and you'll make it.

>> No.21337587
File: 3.60 MB, 531x354, im a little retarded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From time to time I catch myself zoning out after finishing a paragraph, but i have no idea how you could go entire pages without realizing that your mind is wandering and not taking in the book.
You just have to get good at catching yourself when you wander. If you really need help, try keeping a notebook next to you and summarizing what you've read every few paragraphs or so, to make sure your mind is engaged. Doing this helps me get through more complicated books, while also giving me small notes that jog my memory if I've been away from the book for some time.

>> No.21337682
File: 73 KB, 680x668, costanza will kill again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haunting of Hill House is a good, easy read. Has a plot that's potboiler enough to keep you interested, but still has enough depth to help a beginner reader slowly transition into more difficult works.
It's also really short so you could finish it in a week without trying

>> No.21338501
File: 494 KB, 431x759, retarded slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I searched "#malemanipulator" and "#booktok" on that website, and the women are just posting a bunch or Murakami. As a male manipulator I'm offended they'd think I read that trash

>> No.21338511

>drinking a massive iced coffee from starbucks in the book tiktok with no context or reason for it to be there
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.21338567

This is the most basic whitoid woman I've ever seen.

>> No.21338959

I imagine what I'm reading just fine. And sometimes it is all well.
But then sometimes, the words on the page lead me to a thought, and I immediately branch away to think of that, which leads to more and more thinking. explosive chain reactions that will leave me sitting and forgetting where I was. All the while I will have 'read' and my eyes absorbed the words on the page but I realize that I didn't even comprehend them because I was in my own head. As far as I know I've always been this way and usually end up re reading stuff on a page 2 times. It gets very tiresome.

>> No.21338975

I can read descriptions and come up with character feels but I almost never imagine a face. I blame autism/face blindness, but I can distinguish between people irl so that's just my cope.

>> No.21338981


>> No.21339020

It seems to be the meme to like 'sipping tea' while posting matter-of-fact statements. Don't try to understand it, everything is a trend.

>> No.21339040

They made you read books in HS we were assigned in 5th grade?? Shit I guess the teachers are millennials now eh?

>> No.21339125

This is missing Gilgamesh, some pre-Socratics, Faust, MLKs best work OJATL, and somehow has Solzy but not Gulag Archipelago trilogy?? Otherwise good.

>> No.21339256

unironically sounds like adhd desu
i suggested this to another anon, but jot stuff down in notebook as you read, so you consistently engage your brain to recall information from the book

>> No.21339533

I found it wry and amusing (not him by the way)

>> No.21339544

I can't believe this thread is still going...

>> No.21339550

She's not wrong about Norwegian Wood, though. It's one of his worst and creepiest.

>> No.21339558

>which is genetic and invariable
Quantifiably false. Also, posting 4chan threads as evidence is laughable.

>> No.21339568

Hahaha, an aniweeb. How unsurprising.

>> No.21339635

why was it creepy

>> No.21339651

>Agreeing with a woman
>Using "creepy" as part of a genuine criticism
Female fingers typed this post

>> No.21340198
File: 209 KB, 1173x1755, ic symbol drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can read descriptions and come up with character feels but I almost never imagine a face.
Virtually no one imagines realistic faces based on descriptions, not even the author. The only people who can do that are those with a one-in-a-million talent for visualization, such as Nikola Tesla, or artists who have specifically trained analytical (or 'right-brain') visualization skills for hundreds of hours.
So many people in this thread clearly want to think that they're special, but I'm sorry to say that you're just not.

>> No.21340386

Thing is I don't forget what I read, my braun just wants to drift away at seemingly random intervals. Only time I don't recall what I just read is if I'm glazing over it as I'm thinking of [new thought] rather than what's on the page.

Do you think that I was trying to be special by saying so? Or are you just calling out anons for trying to berate aphantasia zoomies? Because I assure you. I find nothing special about the ability to visualize information and not faces. Even already established ones, I definitely fan recall them if I really think hard but in my mind's eye I just don't automatically picture what faces look like.

>> No.21340505
File: 529 KB, 1030x610, brain_scan_image_reconstruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, reddit spacing.
>Do you think that I was trying to be special by saying so? Or are you just calling out anons for trying to berate aphantasia zoomies? Because I assure you. I find nothing special about the ability to visualize information and not faces.
The last paragraph in my post was directed at everyone in the thread, not at you specifically. I was trying to say that everyone who is pretending that they are somehow mentally crippled as an excuse to not read is a faggot. If that's not you, then I'm glad.
>Even already established ones, I definitely can recall them if I really think hard but in my mind's eye I just don't automatically picture what faces look like.
Yes, like the vast majority of the population.

>> No.21340537

>reddit spacing
It's called a paragraph you nigger

>> No.21340542

You have to go back.

>> No.21340544

>separating two replies for slightly easier readability is reddit spacing
At any rate, I just hadn't really heard people complain of my specific issue; unless they had said that they were the kind who has total or almost total aphantasia.

>> No.21340562

I didn't even write it, schizo. You're starting arguments with people over nothing, you're an isolated loner who hasn't had a meaningful interaction with a real-life human in 72+ hours. You feel yourself on edge, violent. It's probably a good thing you're keeping yourself away from others; a nigger like you would chimp out on some poor unwitting fellow of high virtue for no reason other than "I felt like it".

>> No.21340569

Is that a copypasta, or did you actually just write all that projection over me calling you a redditor? lmao
>Verification not required.

>> No.21340603

He's not even the guy who made the original post you called reddit spacing, I am, here >>21340544 and here >>21340386

He's kinda right though. Adding a line break doesn't mean I use reddit and I'm tired of pretending this meme holds any fucking water. It's ridiculous.

>> No.21340607

Completely true. You can easily corroborate the '4chan post' with 10 seconds on Google so either you are pretending to be retarded or retarded.

>> No.21340615

Perhaps you should go back too, then?

>> No.21340659

Gay thread filled with niggers. I came in all your moms pussys.

>> No.21340676

I've never used reddit in my life, adding a line break means literally nothing. and you're a bigger nigger than previously thiught.

>> No.21340687

You seem a little upset, anon. Maybe one of your fellow redditors can help calm you down if you go back there?

>> No.21340706

What the fuck is reddit anyway? You seem to know a lot about it, maybe you can enlighten me.

>> No.21340727

Oh wow, anon uses the unbeatable "no u" defense. The crowd of redditors goes wild! Anon takes his reddit gold and his upcummies and goes backstage to return to his favorite pastime of sucking cock.

>> No.21340760
File: 8 KB, 192x192, Download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Have some gold nice stranger.

Maybe both of you should go back and continue the ass rimming there?

>> No.21340778

Do they even read or just hold up books with some STUNNING and BRAVE hot take pasted over their face (that despite the content of which is about the book must always be in the picture).

>> No.21340780

I'm the guy he was arguing with initially, I've just stopped replying after he said 'REE' so he will get no more (You)s from myself.

>> No.21340787

good point.
i would also like to add that the use of capitals instead of lower case could, possibly, indicate that anon is indeed laughing loudly, perhaps even "manaiacly" as some would call it.

>> No.21340792

Good, you're starting to learn. Maybe after lurking moar for a few years, you'll finally stop being such a fucking newfag.

>> No.21340815

Sorry but I've been here since 2008. You are getting mad over post formatting. Continue to act retarded.

>> No.21340838

I'm 24 and I've been always reading. the protagonists in different books look almost always the same or very similar, even when they don't really fit the description given by the author. normal?

>> No.21340874

I wonder if kids that don't have shit parents and therefore grow up with books, playing outside and without excessive digital media use will be regarded as having some sort of super power or if society just evolves in a way that accomodates fries brains and where none of this is an advantage.

I notice at work when I read a 5 page manual and do the thing afterwards my tiktok watching coworker looks at me like I'm some sort of dark magician. She sais "I can't, letters make me tired" but also stuff like "uh, I would never just read" in a weirdly condemning tone.

>> No.21340922

Been there, they treat you like you're some highly intelligent super genius just for the notion of reading for pleasure. It's fucking bizarre. I think the fact is the masses were never meant to be literate, most of them don't care about it and don't want it anyway.

>> No.21340924

Liar there's no way you can get through school without reading some kind of fiction

>> No.21340925

i also have a couple of "default" men or women appearance that keeps showing up in my head when reading

>> No.21340954

Why should the masses read?
Who still reads anyway?

There are AAA+ kino movies worth billions of dollars that you can have for cheap and you get the story served on a silver tablet without any effort while snacking chips and popcorn.

>> No.21340959

So glad my parents got me into red wall instead of Harry Potter. I loved hatchet too read that book like 3 or 4 times as a kid for some reason it’s burned into my brain

>> No.21341043

It's not on that chart, but was anyone else given Where the Red Fern Grows to read when they were young? I wasn't the same after reading that shit.
t. boomer

>> No.21341050
File: 439 KB, 1080x1745, Screenshot_20221204-140544_TikTok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You became a shitzo after reading it?

>> No.21341068

6th(?) grade had us read that and watch the movie. All the girls in tbe class sobbing. Similar in A Day No Pigs Would Die, one girl just ran out of the class sobbing when he has to slaughter his pig

>> No.21341101

>I don’t expect people to be exactly like that but the fact that people have NO visual imagination is fucking crazy to me.
Yeah. It's crazy from my side too. I didn't realize how much people could visualize until I read Temple Grandin's Autobiography. At first I thought she just had autism superpowers, but then I realized that most everyone could do it.

>> No.21341174

>Proud expat.