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21317651 No.21317651 [Reply] [Original]

what books should i gift my brother for christmas? hes a new reader and got into stuff like 1984 and likes Jordan Peterson, last i heard he started a book by kafka. i'm not sure but i was thinking Blood Meridian and maybe Brave New World. hes basically a typical Joe Roganesque guy. i want to give him something high T and/or slightly more redpilled. he used to read almost exclusively non-fiction and those books about "not giving a single h*ck".

>> No.21317655
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>> No.21317720

Don't gift people books
They all act like they so appreciate it but 99% think you are either a) cheap or b) socially handicapped (and possibly both). Because 99% of people are retarded.

>> No.21317728

I got my Danish mom a book on Danish culture
She never read it
But tbf she got me Sapiens and I never read that

>> No.21317729

What do I get mo coworker for Christmas? We read Butchers Crossing, Stoner, and Augustus. She enjoyed all 3 with Augustus being her favorite.
Don't want anything expensive and books are usually cheap.

>> No.21317739

and ESPECIALLY NOT TO A WOMAN. I know OP mentions his brother and you are talking about your mom - first degree relatives are easier to handle in this regard but still wanted to add this. Women are 100% retarded and won't ever appreciate you or your love unless you shower them with expensive gifts and flowers and chocolate

>> No.21317743

i gave him a book on ancient sumer and he read that. atleast he says so. he also read 1984 on my recommendation, he didn't even know it back then.

>> No.21317775

Starship Troopers

>> No.21317776

How many books or how much are you willing to spend?

>> No.21317808


Idk it is nice to receive a book as a gift, I have gifted, received, and traded books throughout my life.

OP if he is reading Kafka then he is probably getting into classic lit. Idk what books qualify as "high t" or "redpilled" but other 20th century classics are good ideas. Vonnegut is pretty funny, Cormac McCarthy as you said is another good choice. I thing No Country for Old Men by McCarthy would also not be a bad idea. Merry Christmas.

>> No.21317812


>> No.21317829

Your brother will probably like Brave New World. You could also try gifting him:
>Storm of Steel
>No Country for old men
>A clockwork orange
Should be right up his alley

>> No.21317834

Storm of Steel is a good recommendation.

>> No.21317846
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My brother was new to reading recently and I got him to read this book, which he loved and which I would highly recommend everyone. It's like an Indian retelling of Crime and Punishment and it's excellent. It's comedic, interesting on numerous levels, suspenseful, clearly-written, modern, etc. I think anyone would really like it.

>> No.21317848

And I think Brave New World is a good choice. If your brother hasn't read Catcher in the Rye ever then that would be a good pick too.

>> No.21317856

hey, my sister gifted me this book last year. been meaning to get around to it, i totally forgot about it

>> No.21317959

I always reccomend the following to new adult readers

Slaughterhouse 5
The Stranger
Old man and the sea

Short, digestible and good.