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File: 28 KB, 300x424, outer dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21316787 No.21316787 [Reply] [Original]

>There's a physiological and societal reason why incest is taboo and it's taboo in all cultures [because it leads to genetic defects].
>If a brother and sister love each other and use contraception, is there something absolutely morally wrong about that? If it was once, and everybody went off, then I'd have to think about it. Would I recommend it? No. Would I be willing to listen to those arguments if they were rational? Maybe.
Then the whole room of incestuous, inbred Muslims from first-cousin marriages chimp out. What did moralfags mean by this?
I'm reminded of Outer Dark by the prescient author, Cormac McCarthy, who by the way was in conversation with Krauss on NPR.
Can incest ever not be morally objectionable to the point there needs to be intervention? Hasn't there been incest throughout our mythology and throughout our history?

>> No.21316799

Lawrence Krauss needed to shut the fuck up 15 years ago.

>> No.21316973

It's funny that le rationalist stemcuck thinks he's being a galactic brain by divining that contraceptive incest is less objectionable, yet missing the fact that this is a purely eugenic notion. Ask (((Krauss))) or any other libkek if we should prevent high IQ individuals from having children with low IQ individuals, if we should ban procreation of those with genetic defects, history of hereditary diseases, violent tendencies, drug and alcohol abuse, AIDS, or past 40, and they will chimp out just like the muslims in the video and call you a racist nazi.

>> No.21317055

This is where pure rationality gets you. Maybe reason isn't everything.

>> No.21317639

That's just because they hate the "eugenics" of Platonism.

>> No.21318044
File: 56 KB, 680x591, le science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incest is...le good!
This is your brain on Atheism.

>> No.21318076

take a moment to stop and think about the fact that you have this image saved on a computer you own