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21315194 No.21315194 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, I have struck gold. Shortly before his death, Based Jung did this interview with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette newspaper and dropped redpill. This is from issue published on September 10, 1961, page 45. Some quotes:

>I have never said so much to anyone in any interview before. Probably I shall find myself in trouble--especially with women--for some of the things I am now telling you. Women are so much tougher than men underneath. To call women the weaker sex is sheer nonsense. Beware those angel-faced types who always appear weak and helpless. They are the toughest of all.

>Talkative women should not be taken at their face value, either. Women who talk most, think least. To me, a particularly beautiful woman is a source of terror. As a rule, a beautiful woman is a terrible disappointment. Beautiful bodies and beautiful personalities rarely ever go together.

>Women will call me cynical and dislike me for being so frank, but it is women's instinct to capture and hold one man. A woman's best prey is the man that no other woman has been able to catch. To catch a man that any woman could have caught--that makes the prize relatively valueless.

>It is man's instinct to get as many women as possible. Man tries not to be caught, at least for as long as he can readily elude his pursuer. That is the instinct of the fast-running animal: escape.

>I know this sounds like the convenient philosophy of the selfish male, but a man's FOREMOST interest should be his work, whereas for a woman--man is her work and her business. Marriage means a home, and a home is like a nest--not big enough for both birds at once. Once sits inside; the other perches the edge and looks about and attends to all outside business.

>A woman is only at her best when she loves a man. Personal relationship is her basic need and when that falters she grows dissatisfied and argumentative in a way that often leads to divorce. But this definitely doesn't mean that men and women should remain placid. On the contrary, some tension must prevail in their daily lives, for otherwise there cannot be the ideal relationship in sex--and sexual happiness is a 'must' in marriage.


>> No.21315253

Thanks for this.

>> No.21315272

It's a shame /lit/ can always be like this.

>> No.21315319
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>In joy and gladness to bear the thing conceived, this is the deed of Woman,—and to work deeds the woman only needs to be entirely what she is, but in no way to will something: for she can will but one thing—to be a woman! To man, therefore, woman is the ever clear and cognisable measure of natural infallibility, (Untrüglichkeit), for she is at her perfectest when she never quits the sphere of beautiful Instinctiveness (Unwillkürlichkeit).

>> No.21315345

Wow, Jung needed Jesus so as to not be such a bitch

>> No.21315374

He was a Gnostic.

>> No.21315377


>> No.21315387

Jesus and the divine god are part of people with souls like the psychics and those with knowledge, which is the view of most forms of Christian-related Gnosticism. That’s why he dedicated a lot of time to the symbol of the fish and Christ in his later works.

>> No.21315426

I highly recommend that you read "SHE", which is basically Jung's theory applied to woman in the most understandable way through a Greek mythical story.

Basically women have something called
>positive femininity
>negative femininity
>positive masculinity
>negative masculinity

As a man you also have all four "psychological behaviors", but as a man you are MUCH WEAKER, even if you mastered your inner waifu, compared to a woman.

A random woman has a power level of her inner femininity at about 9001. A trained woman has an inner femininity of about a power level of 200k. A man who mastered his inner waifu has a power level of around 100. Without mastering your inner waifu you have a power level between 1 and 7.

Negative femininity is stuff like
>being angry
>being aggressive
>being egoistic
and so on. Negative masculinity would be something like

That's for example why Andrew Tate is such a weak beta. He focuses on aggression and angriness. Every woman with a negative femininity can psychologically destroy him if she wants to.

On the other hand the positive femininity of a woman is beyond heaven. If a woman is naked (easiest way to create positive femininity) and is praising her husband (in combination with being naked an amplifier of positive femininity), she could literally say at the end "btw, jump off a bridge" and a man would do it. This is how powerful women can be psychologically. If you are a man and your wife is using positive femininity in regards to your job, you can become a billionaire. Women are this powerful if they know how to use their positive femininity.

Women are really insane creatures. Weak as shit physically, but psychologically a trained woman can literally rape and destroy a man for life if she is able to get the man to allow her to be inside his inner waifu. Women's psychology is broken beyond believe and as a man you should NEVER let any woman inside your inner waifu, because the moment she is inside you, she literally has your life in her hands and she can do with you whatever she wants, in a good way (like getting you to make billions) or in a bad way (like demanding that you harm yourself).

That's why women love "bad boys". Bad boys don't allow the positive femininity of a woman inside her, and for a woman this is like a man isn't allowed to train his body. If a woman wants inside this "bad boys" inner waifu, she will literally do everything. But the moment the "bad boys" allows her inside, she will most likely destroy him, because for her he became uninterested the moment he opened the door of his inner waifu to her.

>> No.21315453

He’d be called an incel today.

>> No.21315544

Good post anon thanks. With regards to Andrew Tate, I'd suggest watching how he talks in his serious interviews. He seemed to have used the "aggression and angriness" as a persona to become famous.

>> No.21315583

Go back

>> No.21315590

>your inner waifu
stop using retarded meme words

>> No.21315601

He probably means the anima. Jung wrote that men who have not integrated their anima are moody and prone to anger.

>> No.21315603

he was married (had numerous affairs) and had 5 children...

>> No.21315765

BASED. I feel so nice, calm and peaceful when just working, reading philosophy and using my brain. Falling into crushes is maddening. And he's absolutely right about the beautiful ones they're fucking scary once you get past the initial niceness. God, I'm comfy being alone. You don't know how good we have it lonely bros.

>> No.21315818

Indeed. And if you want real peace, make sure you don't fall into the trap of porn and masturbation.

>> No.21315825

Definitely recommend Robert A Johnson. Not sure you got everything he intended out of that though.. Woman that rejects the animus is what promotes unbalanced negative femininity. There is no "power level" with one-sided femininity or masculinity. Only neurosis and antisocial behavior.

>> No.21315838

what do you mean by "negative"? as in bad or as in negative value "(-)"?

>> No.21315845

shut up christcuck, there's absolutely nothing wrong with pleasing base instinct when needed.

>> No.21315969

Muslim, in fact. You can waste away your testosterone if you wish so, but I'd rather not. I've been getting crazy gains in the gym ever since I quit it and been feeling a lot more driven.

>> No.21316006

See this is why Jung is a bitch

>> No.21316020

Is it true muslims are circumcised like jews? lmao

>> No.21316021

It's amazing how wrong someone can be successively about every single point. Literally the exact opposite of the truth.
>Beautiful bodies and beautiful personalities rarely ever go together.
Either he is retarded or he finds pygmies beautiful.

>> No.21316032

Did you hear that from your wife perhaps? Lmao.

>> No.21316038

Test peaks after 7 days, and any longer than that I get blue balls. Like it legitimately starts aching my balls because I haven’t gotten a release. And it gets to be quite painful after a while. I just got back in the gym this past week and my test skyrocketed from that alone, I went from masturbating like once a day back to 2+. I need the release. If I don’t do it myself it just makes me want to fuck a fat chick. I’m no hedonist but I also don’t think extreme restriction is really necessary or a good thing.

>> No.21316052
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>Jung when he takes the blackpill on women

>> No.21316055

Yeah I had that as well. It takes about 3 months. If you manage to control yourself for that long, you'll be free from it. I don't even feel aroused anymore even when I see attractive women on the street (unless they sit next to me, which is quite uncomfortable). It's completely worth it anon. Do it as a challenge for your self-control.

>> No.21316065

I'm not a cuck so I'm not married. Just asking. Is it true?

>> No.21316070

Why is it uncomfortable? Clueless woman asking
Sometimes I rub shoulders on the subway with men (not intentionally it’s just packed) I feel a tension but idk if it’s in my mind

>> No.21316080

Yes, circumcision is obligatory in Islam just like the rest of the Abrahamic tradition.

>> No.21316083

It's not obligatory in Christianity.

>> No.21316091

Also, bummer. I thought Muslims were based. They're just another flavor of cringe.

>> No.21316108

Same thing every 'redpilled' man already knows and says but it's nice to see it out of the mouth of Jung who's very articulate. I take it his preface about being in trouble with women is a concession to the time and place he gives the interview.

>> No.21316113

When an attractive woman lingers around me for enough time, I get a strong primal urge to just take her with me to somewhere private. That is why I generally try to avoid them. But most guys masturbate daily (especially in the west), so they generally won't experience something so strong. If anything, they might suffer from dysfunctions.

>> No.21316139

I’ve been more confidently talkative lately and it has more to do with my new insights and studies. Which feels a lot better imo.

>> No.21316147

>It takes about 3 months
That's impossible. One month in and your own body will make you ejaculate at night (nocturnal emissions).

>> No.21316157

This desu. After 27 days I had an amazing lucid dream where I fucked Liz Hurley and drenched my bedsheets in semen.

>> No.21316180

I meant it takes about 3 months to get rid of porn/masturbation addiction. I do get nocturnal emissions occasionally, but I don't at all feel the need to watch porn or masturbate.

>> No.21316186

"Confidence" is no longer an issue for me. I used to have "social anxiety" but now I'm starting to think maybe that comes with low T.

>> No.21316189

Wet dreams feel so fucking real, I swear to God. It's like you're actually there having sex.

>> No.21316194

Low sex drive (libido) usually comes from low test levels.

>> No.21316208

With porn/masturbation addiction, it's not your gigantic T levels that causing you to masturbate daily (in fact the average male testosterone is decreasing every year). It's the dopamine addiction. That's why I get aroused by real women instead of pixels.

>> No.21316225
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>nofap is about religion
>masturbating to pornography is a base instinct
enjoy your stay in this board, fren, you will learn a lot.

>> No.21316229

If you read the full article Jung is a cuck

>> No.21316236

How so?

>> No.21316247

Holy shit a board about reading and nobody reads the posted material. The article is written by a gabbing bitch that interviewed Jung, he says some cucked bitch shit.

>> No.21316249

I am the OP who found the newspaper. You are unhinged.

>> No.21316333

how do I integrate my anima?

>> No.21316382

>Talkative women should not be taken at their face value, either. Women who talk most, think least

Explains black women perfectly

>> No.21316397

Doesn't really matter. I've seen guys who are married with five kids get called an "incel". It just means "white guy with opinion I don't like"

>> No.21316762

Interesting stuff. I'm reading Venus In Furs right now, so I'm really trying hard not to picture Jung as Severin, begging for the whip, and screaming "Madame!"

>> No.21316769

>instantly defaults to thinking of black people
Jews next, right idiot?

>> No.21316776

Foolish, colorable mortal. One day we'll learn you yet.

>> No.21316809

Gnostics are not Christians, silly.

>> No.21316824

by having sex and touching grass

>> No.21316833

>had numerous affairs
So basically another degenerate. That really explains his views on men and women that has cursed the wester society for decades now.

>> No.21316857

It involves a bit of castration and self-cannibalism, but the end results are amazing! 10/10 would recommend!

>> No.21316868

>Man tries not to be caught, at least for as long as he can readily elude his pursuer.
Jung is wrong here, and evidently his perspective has been distorted by being unusually attractive to women. Good for you Jung. I have some game but I ain't never had that problem

>> No.21316869

Christians worship YldaBaoth.

>> No.21316893

I didn't realize it was story time. Sorry, madame, I'm not in the mood.

>> No.21316900
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Just look at him, the sick bastard

>> No.21316946

do active imagination(look it up) and eventually you'll just find her, talk to her and let her influence your life

>> No.21316988

That's not a redpill, it's a milquetoast trad shit, preambled by "but bro I love women so much they're so strong lmao" simpbrain. Reminds me of how Bill Burr has to call men retarded niggers after every midly joke towards women.
The redpill is that women are barely sentient civilization wreckers who are not meant to have any agency or say in sophisticated matters lest they destroy everything good and beautiful around.

>> No.21317040

>it is women's instinct to capture and hold one man. A woman's best prey is the man that no other woman has been able to catch. To catch a man that any woman could have caught--that makes the prize relatively valueless.
Jesus Christ was society really that different back then? Hearing pre tinder boomers talk about sexual relationships is like looking into another dimension.

>> No.21317056

I started dating and fucking as a 16 year old in 2006 and the sexual landscape was vastly different even then. As a 7/10, I turned down several 7/10-8/10 girls initiating casual stuff because I already had a 7/10 gf.

>> No.21317057

i'm sorry i meant niggers

>> No.21317073

>rather than self-reflect, ups the ante
And this is why you're stunted.

>> No.21317076

Same. It was fucking wild to see it change so fast too. Like having the rug pulled out from under you, all the old rules just stopped working.

>> No.21317092

Yep. The saddest thing is that you will never even know what you lost zoomy boy.

>> No.21317741


>> No.21317749

Also, you will search about Aniela Jaffé and learn a thing of two about Carl gigasimp Jung

>> No.21317809

It's still like this, but you need to be in the top 10% of men. I doubt even during his time women would have done this to an average man. As he says, if any woman could have caught the man, he would have been valueless.

>> No.21317832

Sorry you're such a fag

>> No.21317840

>being this autistic over shitposting banter
Where's your self-reflection? Or is your vanity utterly lost on you?

>> No.21317851

No need of concern for me, my barbarian conversants. The monopoly on both faggotry and autism is entirely yours, and so it should remain.

>> No.21317867

How is this the “trouble” with women? This seems like a very positive description of women.

>> No.21317870

It still happens though. Even if she doesn’t really want you date you women will go to lengths to keep you around even if it means just sending you bullshit daily. I hate that shit.

>> No.21317885

Either that or the pressure in your nut sack will condense it into a substance similar to candle wax and.

>> No.21318036

It is 100% a push into religious fags preaching about muh bodily instinct and humanity being bad, masturbation and pornography are two different things. And the rate at which one consumes pornography is incredibly important too. How about you add some nuance to your shitty opinions, you fucking retard? MASTURRBATION IS....LE BAD!!!

>> No.21318038

KYS. That's all you are. That's all you will ever be, there is nothing else for us. Delusional condescending prick.

>> No.21318142

Yet the only thing "immortals" dream about is getting colored!

Must be sad to have grey ass

>> No.21318155

Unfathomably triggered. If I can enrage you so easily, you're not ready. And you had to even borrow my metaphor to riposte? Oh, mortals!

>> No.21318159

>coomer so in love with cooming he rages at the mere thought of no fapping

>> No.21318415

>deny the passions
>deny your humanity
>deny your instincts
>deny your life
Typical christcuck, and they still have the audacity to saddle such an imaginary moral high ground. Pathetic.

>> No.21318425

Not ready for what? To be indoctrinated to your pathetic ideological wanking? Rage is real. Your silly ideas are not.

>> No.21318479

Why are you so upset that the thoughts of other men not touching their penises?

>> No.21318493

You, vessel of fleeting passions, do not even know the meaning of rage.

>> No.21318499

>Christians are the only ones who practice abstinence
Mortal! Mere plaything! Vessel of dishonor!

>> No.21318522

It is because it is overestimating and causes brain fog. No moral faggotry. That’s for retards.

>> No.21318554

It was a long time ago anon, young women wanted to get married and pussy wasn't hyperinflated.

>> No.21318564

I think Jung is talking about hypergamy there. See:>>21317809

>> No.21318605

>A woman's best prey is the man that no other woman has been able to catch."
>It's still like this, but you need to be in the top 10% of men.

Surely though for the top 10% of men *many* women will have been able to catch him because he has lots of sex? That is the initial confusion: Jung is claiming women covet men that no other women catch (i.e. ugly losers that no women have sex with) which is just obviously not true in today's society.

>> No.21318618

Catching in the sense of turning him into dedicated provider simp, it's the premise of half the woman books - high status playboy drops his fast lifestyle to settle with next door Becky.

>> No.21318627

"Catching" doesn't mean sex. It means catching him in a marriage or at least an LTR. When Jung says no other woman has caught him, it means many have tried to get him into a marriage/LTR, possibly by offering him sex.

>> No.21318635

That's not what he says whatsoever.
Women dream they could make the man commit which no other woman made commit. That's their "catch".
So an alpha will sleep with lots of women and each and every one of those will hope she's "the one" he settles with. So they all offer him sex and incels cry about hypergamy(noticing the same phenomena as Jung but being internet addicts tehy're less savvy and people dismiss them more easily).

>> No.21318715

>there's absolutely nothing wrong with pleasing base instinct when needed
Post body

>> No.21319255

God he sounds like a reddit pseud.

>> No.21319880
