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File: 12 KB, 250x239, FiLgxdiXwAIhQs5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21298271 No.21298271 [Reply] [Original]

Antisemitism is the mark of the resentful artist/writer while Philosemitism is the mark of the patrician artist/writer. But you cannot get to the latter without passing through the former first. Prove me wrong.

>> No.21298288
File: 291 KB, 800x778, jew-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are basically two groups of jews, the western libtarded jews who support all the degenerate shit and the Israeli far right zionist jews. They are usually fighting each other. But jews arent the only powerful ethno group, i mean, oil arabs and the han chinese, and wasps have some control over things.

Pol is retarded, but so is being overly philosemetic .

its just things are more complicated than some retard who thinks the jews control everything

>> No.21298303

It is totally possible that there is a mafia controlling everything and its based on ethnicity(it could also be a religious order or something else). People act like this option is obviously retarded but it's not. Its plausible. But there are of course several other plausible scenarios and there isnt really a way to know for sure which is true.

>> No.21298307

Philosemitism in this context means admiring the work of Jewish writers and artists, as well as Jewish culture, folklore, and mythology. It's not necessarily political. There are people on this board who unironically cannot read something written by a Jew. I find that incredibly backwards.

>> No.21298312

thats just bullshit cope so you can go on being a pol retard

jewish art is gaytarded, its insecure crap about how they should be the one who fucks Shiksas

>> No.21298328

How is it cope? How is that a pleasant scenario? What about it is implausible to you, how would the world look different were it true? Have you ever even considered these questions honestly or do you just base your opinion on not wanting to appear like a "pol retard"

>> No.21298336

>like who knows what is le true and what isnt mannnnnnnnnn xDD

>> No.21298340

I have no idea whether Jews are actually evil or not; I just go along with the memes because it seems to be the only way to get white people to actually do anything.

>> No.21298350
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>> No.21298351

That's not what I said at all. It is completely implausible that we are secretly under the rule of Nazis for example, because this is not how they would govern. But a group like kabalists, jesuits, masons? Totally plausible. That doesn't mean its necessarily true either though and the only ones that would know are the very powerful themselves.

>> No.21298398

>jewish art is gaytarded, its insecure crap about how they should be the one who fucks Shiksas
Not true and it's exactly this generalizing brutish mindset that leads to large scale disasters like the Jewish genocide of the last century.

>> No.21298405

Simultaneous antisemitism (against the "bad Jews") and philosemitism (against the good Kabbalistic Jews) is the mark of He Who Knows.

>> No.21298407


>> No.21298408

My religious beliefs demand the former of me

>> No.21298410
File: 74 KB, 612x612, 19fa6d9e-8365-4b94-9c57-f92708db15d5_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God's book is "antisemitic", so they say.


>> No.21298411


>> No.21298424
File: 210 KB, 508x432, jewish subversion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jewish culture and religion literally demands that all material on earth belongs to Jews as a promise from their fake god. Actively conspire to self fulfill this prophecy
>Some dumb goy: "Jews are just like everyone else guys!"

>> No.21298427

No, Marcionite

>> No.21298430

Well its based in Tikkun Olam

>> No.21298445

Not even, only some middle class retard communist Jews believe that. Any of the ones (99%) that demand everything be theirs based on prophecy will readily blow the brains out of any palestinian that does not submit to land annexation. They do not give a fuck about some spiritual karma system. Any Jewish philosopher will tell you that the religion is more of a guideline, while the survival of the Jewish race/people is the entire point and its main tenet

>> No.21298449

>atheist Jews don't exist
>Judaism is the only religion with absurd ideas
>every Jew believes everything just because it's in their main religious book just like every Christian believes everything in the Bible
>an ethnicity is good when it looks after their own unless it's the Jews
>Christianity is universal and based, Judaism is ethnocentric and therefore bad. Also, globohomo is bad and nationalism is based.
classic /pol/tard mindset

>> No.21298454

I guess, but do you have sample sizes of this claim?

>> No.21298459

They get angry when you ask them that. They'll say that sources are cringe and reddit. They're predictable creatures.

>> No.21298491

L2 read autist. Jewish religion AND CULTURE. Whether that religion and culture is from epigenetics is a discussion.
Christianity is terrible so I dont get your point.

Just a halfwits attempt at sucking circumcised penis.

Sure read. Samuel Maurice, Roth, Martin Buber, or even the fucking Grand chief rabbi of Israel himself Ovadia Yosef.

Widely different ideologies and religion from socialism to far-right, atheist to orthodox. All the same conclusion of goyim property, objects or their own skin and land is theirs.
Jews do not think on the same wavelength as goyim and the retards who don't read what Jews have to say themselves will never understand why their ethics, music, and art traditions are so widely different

>> No.21298530

>L2 read autist. Jewish religion AND CULTURE. Whether that religion and culture is from epigenetics is a discussion.
'And' is inclusive, retard. Learn to write.
>Christianity is terrible so I dont get your point.
So you're an atheist?
>Just a halfwits attempt at sucking circumcised penis.
Freudian projection. Unsolicited sexual insult.
>Jews do not think on the same wavelength as goyim
>why their ethics, music, and art traditions are so widely different
Every ethnicity has different art and literature. That doesn't mean anything. And not all Jews believe the same things.

>> No.21298551

I mean sources are bad if they are drawn from empirical conclusions. However if you know, you know.

>> No.21299007

Le ebin centrist has arrived.

>> No.21299012

He's right. Read Salvation Through the Jews by Bloy.

>> No.21299033

If you and him mean it's not exclusively Jews, that's correct. But that doesn't mean it's not most Jews and Jews in particular who are leading "it."

>> No.21299052

>my name is pol polirson and i hate being exploited by those jews, ill only let the white man exploit me!

>> No.21299065

Straw man. Typical. Or ESL. What I was saying is that Jews are the majority of globohomo but there are non-Jew collaborators like every US president.

>> No.21299071

‘its da jooz!’ is dinduism for white people

>> No.21299075

Not being obsessed with the Jews is the mark of a normal person

>> No.21299077

You have to admire such a voracious will to power

>> No.21299093

>an ethnicity is good when it looks after their own unless it's the Jews
Except they are using their power in finance, NGOs, law, the media and our educational institutions to influence others to not look after their own and dissolve any sense of national or ethnic identity you bed shitting cretin.

>> No.21299110

Bull fucking shit. 90%+ of all STEM related endeavors are the product of gentile European ingenuity. Jews were late the the intellectual arena - the Jewish enlightenment (Haskala) didn't occur until 200 years after Newton and Leibnitz invented calculus. Europe had already entered the industrial revolution by this time.
>b-buh muh Nobel pwizes
Hugely conflate by the Jewish media. Jewish recipients can account for like 20% of the winners in the sciences, and that includes individuals with as little as 1/8th Jewish ancestry.

>> No.21299112 [SPOILER] 
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There is no such thing as a Jewish people or race. Even going back to their supposed origins. What we have is essentially a merchant cabal who marries into other cultures and consolidates wealth among their own families until it's time to assimilate into a new culture. Everything that could be so called 'Jewish' 'culture' is more accurately described as technology engineered to further this peculiar reproductive strategy.
If you want to worship them, I suppose that's your prerogative. All I know, is while I can never respect them, logically speaking, to a greater or even equal extant compared to the genuine races they latch onto, there are a couple of them that pop up now and then who I can respect individually. But while I know many people consider this concession to disintegrate their racism (so-called, with regards to this odd group), I'm under no such delusion.

>> No.21299239

There's also no such thing as le Aryan race but nazis and now /pol/tards believe mythological nonsense. The Jews at least exist as a clear ethnocultural group.

>> No.21299270

>The Jews at least exist as a clear ethnocultural group.
If Judaism is a race then it is surely racist. If it is a religion it is surely a terrible one as it doesn't have any missionaries. If it is both then it is simply a lie. I don't think people get it - Jews no longer exist, they are just heretics and cultish ones at that. Jews existed to show how a culture, or the true religion, could be hidden from the world at large for thousands of years and then all at once become common via Yahweh Himself, or Jesus, and beyond that it serves no other function in the grand scheme of salvations. Jews are spent rockets loving when they had fuel and left to decompose in the landfill of religion with other heresies and apostates, snuggled in between the Mormons and Muslims and just below the head of Lutherans.

>> No.21299284

>If it is a religion it is surely a terrible one as it doesn't have any missionaries.
Unsure why that is a bad thing. Not every religion is as proselytizing as Christianity.

>> No.21299422

You need to stop visiting /pol/.

>> No.21299926

>we believe true thing that is the best
>teaches no one
>and that's a good thing

>> No.21299939

>groomed into the abrahamic discourse by the back door
no refunds

>> No.21300054

is liking Seinfeld enough to be a philosemite?

>> No.21300070

Meanwhile the "science" makes you do dumb shit too and is as dogmatic as any religion

>> No.21300079

>It's not necessarily political
Taste is political.

>There are people on this board who unironically cannot read something written by a Jew. I find that incredibly backwards.

It's more like

>wow 99% of jews have the exact same takes, likes, dislikes, and resentments, and are extremely unoriginal and uninteresting if you know the gentile artists/philosophers they are ripping off and bastardizing, not to mention their tendency to cluster around other jews who are so like themselves that they might as well be clones of each other, leading to an even more incestuous (and therefore uninteresting) milieu intellectually
>maybe I should spend my limited time and energy on this planet reading the works of people and intellectual circles who write more original, interesting, and beautiful things

If you didn't want people to have this sort of reaction to jewish writers and artists you shouldn't have given them a reason to develop these intellectual/artistic reflexes.

>> No.21300148 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 233x350, 46AC68EB-62C8-4C07-B8B3-D2D7C512F8E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anti-Semitism is an announcement of inferiority and a protest against a level playing field – a protest against talent. And this is true, too, of the most hysterical, demonizing, millenarian versions of the cult, according to which a tiny minority, the Jews, planned to achieve world domination. Now how would they manage that, without inordinate gifts? It is said that anti-Semitism differs from other prejudices because it is also a ‘philosophy’. It is also a religion – the religion of the inadequate.

>> No.21300276

These inordinate gifts are precisely: word games, aggregation, deception, nepotism

>> No.21300305

Look, OP, you might want to read books about nothing but Jewess titties, and I respect your personal choices, but some of us want to read Nazi/commie boy love novels and you can't say we're wrong.

>> No.21300336
File: 12 KB, 258x245, raf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards will see someones wikipedia early life section that vaguely mentions jewish parents and instinctively take the opposite opinion, until they find another jew who has those opinions, at which point they will revert again constantly being 100% defined by whatever jewish opinion they read last.

>> No.21301463

>its just things are more complicated than some retard who thinks the jews control everything
>t. hasn't read Mein Kampf

>> No.21303178

I like Jews, Middle Eastern history is cool, and Iranian women are hot, but I don't know if I ever had an antisemite phase...I don't think so, but there was a time when I was politically retarded and 18-20ish and had started to believe the anti-Israel propaganda of the left, before I became a Christian and was divinely cured of such retardations.

>> No.21303230

no, what makesyou think that?

>> No.21303231

it's a start

>> No.21303477

Very few great authors were jews, nearly no great painters were jews. They produce terrible artistic works for the most part.

>> No.21303492

>now, how would they manage that without inordinate gifts
The beast they serve "rewards" them until their dying day

>> No.21303513

>Jewish culture and religion literally demands that all material on earth belongs to Jews as a promise from their fake god
if youre talking about the talmudic thing of jews ruling the world after the messiah comes, it's something only very religious haredi jews know about. the overwhelming majority of jews have never heard about this and would answer 'its probably a misinterpretation' if asked about it. the only reason i know about it is from this website


>> No.21303523

That's fine, you aren't the one setting disastrous policy, producing disinformation media, or instigating ceaseless wars for the sole benefit of the Jewish state.

>> No.21303527

>wow 99% of jews have the exact same takes, likes, dislikes, and resentments
Any more than Russians all have the same takes dislikes and resentments, or brits, or italians etc...?

>their tendency to cluster around other jews who are so like themselves that they might as well be clones of each other
This isn't special. latinos stay with latinos, blacks with blacks, italians used to stay with italians and same for the irish (in burgerland). Why should it be bad when the joos are doing it but acceptable when everyone else does it?

>> No.21303535
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It's bad because we don't want drag queen story time, endless wars benefitting only Israel, Hollywood and media kikes producing everything everyone sees and hears about every subject, political jews being given every platform at rates of 40x what you'd expect given the population (in the US this is equal to Native Americans) and constant denigrating of whites and white culture, and thousands upon thousands of pro trans/faggot books aimed at children, trans hormones given to children, mass medical malpractice, and government which works directly against the interests of its people.

>> No.21303541

yeah but theyre not haredim either so dont know/dont care about that prophecy

>> No.21303550

How do you know what they believe?

>> No.21303555

>It's bad because we don't want drag queen story time
I dont get this. In my country (france) Jews are much more transphobic and homophobic than the rest of the population. Either its /pol/ bullshit or its only a burger jew thing.

>40x what you'd expect given the population (in the US this is equal to Native Americans)
this is retarded. jews are on average richer and better educated. Noone with more than minimal iq denies this. it would make no sense to be as represented as native americans who on average are poor and uneducated

>> No.21303560

Cos theyre secular. but lets say they knew about it and hoped for it. even then, it would remain a prophecy - something GOD gives them when the messiah comes, not something they take for themselves. it would be defying god to do otherwise.

>> No.21303578

>either its pol bullshit or its only a burger jew thing
It's a tactic to destroy the people's pride and sense of themselves. It's a strategy to reduce the population to a blended, historyless, familyless, nationless, unhealthy, genderfluid mass of subservients. You're French and would you say Paris has been improved over the decades? If not, why is it so that your country is being engineered towards self-destruction of everything that makes France beautiful and comfy? Do you think this is some accident.
>this is retarded, jews are richer and better educated
Yes you'd expect larger representation but not to the extent they enjoy.
>cos they're secular
You know them personally, do you?

>> No.21303584

>It's not necessarily political
Ask them about shitraeli then. Even the "liberal ones" will recoil at the correct and moral FACT that shitrael needs to be destroyed.
An easy way to smoke out zionrats and shitraelis hidden in every crevice is to put forward anti shitraeli subjects. Then they will come out of every direction.
Those who support them, or do not care about them are either zionrats themselves or never directly confronted zionrats

>> No.21303585

>The Jews at least exist as a clear ethnocultural group
Zionist invention.

>> No.21303586

It was Christopher Hitchens who said antisemitism and philosemitism are two sides of the same coin.

>> No.21303588

Most of the Jews I've known personally are the types to get a (((social sciences))) degree and immediately begin spouting despicable nonsense about gender and white privilege, trying to publish their crap anywhere they can because they think the world needs to hear what they have to say, and even attempting to get like city council positions. They really are blood cursed and just can't help themselves.

>> No.21303591

Christopher Hitchens was a complete moron.

>> No.21303600

>>Anti-Semitism is an announcement of inferiority and a protest against a level playing field – a protest against talent. And this is true, too, of the most hysterical, demonizing, millenarian versions of the cult, according to which a tiny minority, the Jews, planned to achieve world domination. Now how would they manage that, without inordinate gifts? It is said that anti-Semitism differs from other prejudices because it is also a ‘philosophy’. It is also a religion – the religion of the inadequate.
Jews never actually put forth an arguement to dismantle "jews control the world" narratives because they can't. Just character attacks and association to unsavory groups and implications to unsavory solutions.
The internet exists. I can instantly look up who controls everything and their early life section. No amount of this garbage will ever disprove reality.
Look at this idiot trying to shroud basic observations of minority groups controlling societies, a common occurrence throughout history, as some unique phenomenon used to attack jews. Delusion.
Jews gained influence in French and British societies in the early modern period, then latching on to their empires, extended their influence and control around the world and everything today that stems from the anglo/frog empires such as the USA

>> No.21303604

Possibly the most retarded post on 4chan right now

>> No.21303608

>It's a tactic to destroy the people's pride and sense of themselves. It's a strategy to reduce the population to a blended, historyless, familyless, nationless, unhealthy, genderfluid mass of subservients. You're French and would you say Paris has been improved over the decades? If not, why is it so that your country is being engineered towards self-destruction of everything that makes France beautiful and comfy? Do you think this is some accident.
Maybe maybe not. I dont see how this is relevant. im just saying in france jews are openly more transphobic and homophobic than christians, so this /pol/ trope of jews spreading queerness to corrupt non-jews is clearly not true here.

>Yes you'd expect larger representation but not to the extent they enjoy.
what makes you say this? where do you draw the line? when you consider jews' average education and income and the areas with the most jews, their current representation isn't that surprising.

>You know them personally, do you?
no kippah, peyot, beard etc... anyways youre ignoring my point. hypothetically, if they were haredim in disguise, it wouldnt matter. read the post midwit

>> No.21303612

>until yours
Lol, jk. I'll seriously say a prayer for your philosemetic moment, friend.

>> No.21303619

You even have the "iranian women are hot" bullshit on top of the zionrat brainwashing, typical dumbass westerner failing to mask their typical westerner imperialist projects.
You are a cliche.
And please say a prayer for me, as a literal Palestinian Christian you fucking faggot. Keep sucking kike cock

>> No.21303620

>maybe maybe not. I don't see how this is relevant
You're Jewish yourself so that's understandable.
>what makes you say this? Where do you draw the line
I would like to see Jews banned from publishing, teaching, and speaking/writing on/for television. That's where I draw the line.
>hypothetically if they were haredim in disguise it wouldn't matter
Yes it would, and yes it does.

>> No.21303622

That's not even novel. He's just replacing the Love/Hate aphorism with two opposing concepts. You could literally do it with anything.

>Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin
>The vegan diet and the carnivore diet are two sides of the same coin
>abortion advocates and antiabortionists are two sides of the same coin
>woke-sters and the kkk are two sides of the same coin

>> No.21303632

>you are a cliche
I wish, friend. There aren't many like me, but I'll say this, if you're really a Christian, you need to read your Bible much more. "He who hates His brother whom His eye has seen, cannot love God whom His eye has not seen." Is a good one to remember, for starters.

>> No.21303637
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>if you're really a Christian, you need to read your Bible much more
Kill all shitraelis
>He who hates His brother whom His eye has seen, cannot love God whom His eye has not seen
I'll be sure to recite this for you when a bunch of muttmeat larping foreign invaders show up at your home proclaiming their return and recreation of a bronze age state

>> No.21303645
File: 376 KB, 596x1054, 1646344020702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to read your Bible much more
>I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

>> No.21303648

"A good tree cannot bear bad fruit." "Keep your heart with all diligence for from it flow the wellsprings of life." "Love your enemies."

Also, reread Psalm 15. You'll be glad you did. May the Lord bless you, friend. There's a lot of wisdom to be had in the Word of our Jewish Messiah. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ, who blessed even we whose fathers did not keep his ways to be brought into the blessing of Abraham through Christ Jesus. May we bring glory to His name.

>> No.21303654

"For we war not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."

>> No.21303661

Shut the fuck up. You are in no place to be posting this "le peace" bullshit when you literally stated your support for shitrael.
I am sick and tired of the invaders and conquerors soap boxing and "calling for peace and love" once they are satisfied with their conquests, and the second you even entertain their supposed "peace" they use it to further weaken you and grind you up in their disgusting machine
You have never experienced and existential struggle

>> No.21303663
File: 80 KB, 602x602, main-qimg-1829d172bf2725168319288170d07456-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like Jesus huh? Would you be willing to denounce the Talmud in writing then?

>> No.21303670
File: 72 KB, 640x640, ab67616d0000b273aa9b280f81bf9e8f66e88e91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another aatroturfed media mouth-piece kike rat who plays on the pretense of desiring a more "loving world" every time his mossad mouth gets the chance. Watching him writhe while he tried to flatter Kanye enough to get him to JUST STOP naming the Jew was entertaining.

>> No.21303673

I prefer this version:
>For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

>> No.21303688

""I ask then, "Has God rejected His people?" By no means!""


"For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their (Jews) acceptance mean but life from the dead?"

See Revelation 7 - "And I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel"

" "After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all the tribes, peoples, and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands; 10 and they *cried out with a loud voice, saying,

“Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” "

The Lord will NEVER forsake Israel. He does not change His mind. Israel is blessed forever! It is the ONE and ONLY nation whose borders are officially given by the Living God!

"Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. 22 Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off. 23 And even they, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree."

Again, God bless you friends. May your hearts come into accord with the Word of the Living God, and may He bless you to be a blessing unto His people Israel, for their salvation and the sake of His Great Name.

>> No.21303693

kill yourself

>> No.21303696

The tribe of the sons of Israel refers to different people from those masquerading as "gods chosen" right now.

Are you willing to denounce the Talmud or aren't you?

>> No.21303699

"Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."

Luke 9:23
"And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me."

John 12:24
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."

>> No.21303708

>no attempt at discourse
>no replies to comments directed towards him besides unrelated Bible passages
>Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

>> No.21303715

I would have to read the whole thing to say yes or no.

Whatever agrees with the Word of the Lord is true. Whatever does not is false. Christ is truth.

Vowing is also something the Word is against, friend. Also Scripture warns us, " "do not say rashly, "It is Holy." " Which likewise implies not to rashly do the opposite.

>> No.21303720

"Love never fails." Never means never, friend.

>> No.21303727

I love it, too. Beautiful.

>> No.21303731

And there it is
Alright, can you identify some of what you deem to be the world's most pressing problems and explain how love will accomplish their cessation?

>> No.21303735

And can you explain what it means to wrestle against
>the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
With love? Practically speaking, how would you accomplish this, and what's your interpretation of the verse?

>> No.21303741

It isn't necessary for me to do so. A Christian has but one mission on this Earth:

To see God glorified in the preaching of the Gospel to the whole world, and in our obedience to His Word.

I don't have to have the answers. God does. I just have to do what He asks and trust Him to take care of the consequences.

>> No.21303751

You aren't a Christian. You are a liar.

>> No.21303760

Prayer, fasting, preaching the gospel, and many things. Let me find a wonderful passage sometimes nicknamed the "birthmarks of a true Christian."

It is in Romans 12:

"For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned."

Here it is:

" Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit,[g] serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly.[h] Never be wise in your own sight. 17 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it[i] to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

This is the weapons of our warfare - in addition I would recommend looking into 1 Corinthians chapters 12 and 13, maybe even others.

Our weapons are divinely powerful, and are of a spiritual nature, praise God. His Love is mightier than an army, and His Word more powerful than weapons of war.

>> No.21303761

>Abhor what is evil
>large quantities of jews are evi
>n-no... not like that!

>> No.21303768

Satan twisted the Word against Christ in the desert, you know. Any reading of the Scripture should be logically consistent, not picking what suits your own feelings, rather doing as the Word says and, "making every thought captive to Christ."

>> No.21303772

How can you take "Abhor what is evil" in any sense other than exactly how it's written, and why is the idea of truly abhoring evil something you can't accept? Satan offered Christ all the world's kingdoms. If they're his to offer who has control of them now, and why? Where's the spiritual darkness in high places coming from and why do you refuse to Abhor it?

>> No.21303779

You're not being logically consistent, brother. Not even among the small handful of verses that I've shared here today. The Word is our wonderful revelation of the heart of our Great and Living God. All of it. We have no right as men to pick and choose so that we may do as we please.

What right have we, sinners, to strike and war against men, when the perfect Lord Himself, did not even open His mouth in His own defense? When He prayed for those who were killing Him even as they did so? Our model is Christ, and His love and salvation is for ALL men.

And lest we forget: it came to us by His people Israel - "to the Jew first, and then to the Greek."

Good night, brother. May we greet one another in love in the Kingdom of the Living God someday.

>> No.21303780

We won't meet anywhere. You aren't a Christian.

>> No.21303782

May the Lord judge us all in the mercy of His unfailing love.

>> No.21303785
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>> No.21303792

>We have no right as men to pick and choose so that we may do as we please.
So follow your own advice and Abhor Evil. Hate the antichrist and denounce the Talmud. You are not a Christian. You are pretending.

>> No.21303895

>>t. hasn't read Mein Kampf
The schizophrenic ramblings of a deranged retard. Grow up.

>> No.21303899

>>Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin
This is the only one that's true.

>> No.21303927

You've never read it. Find one flaw.

>> No.21304202

what does that have to do with what i said

>> No.21304218


Heidegger and Blanchot did that for the Jewish pussy

>> No.21304231
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here's a sketch by Arnold Schönberg showing his three axis classification of jews, for a more nuanced picture

>> No.21304820
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Adolescence is being anti-semitic. Adulthood is realizing that Jews are a net benefit to humanity despite their flaws and Germans are the real problem.

Wake up and realize the sheer inhumanity of Germans. A people who spent 10 years slowly genociding Jewish women and children but left the Rothschilds alone. My support for Zionism is only tempered by a belief that we goyim need Jews in the west.

>> No.21304833

>Germans are the real problem.
This is true. Many of the things that the Jews get shit for it's actually done by the Germans.

>> No.21305291

All I'm going to say (because this is a dumb thread) is that if Jews, as a collective, were not so unlikeable then antisemitism would not exist.

>but left the Rothschilds alone
because they kinda left.
>My support for Zionism is only tempered by a belief that we goyim need Jews in the west.
okay anon.

>Many of the things that the Jews get shit for it's actually done by the Germans
T. person with a massive inferiority complex.

>> No.21305298

>T. person with a massive inferiority complex.
It's true. The European Union, which is the main globohomo body in Europe, is led by Germany. Open borders, declining demographics, faggotry, troonism, feminism is all under their nose. Europe's ongoing suicide is due to Germans, not to Jews.

>> No.21306485

Globohomo is hardly attributable to one people anon. You just have an inferiority complex, like everyone who repeats that retarded line.

>> No.21306516

>Philosemitism in this context means admiring the work of Jewish writers and artists, as well as Jewish culture, folklore, and mythology. It's not necessarily political. There are people on this board who unironically cannot read something written by a Jew. I find that incredibly backwards.
Honestly, the only good Jew whose work is worth reading/studying is John von Neumann, and he was a mathematician. Other than that, maybe Einstein with his physics, and maybe maybe some of the lolbert economists like von Mises. The rest are just socialists/communists/degenerates of some kind. Also, kek at Jewish "artists". There were definitely many reasons Hitler hated those kikes, and one of them was because of those "artists" who kept him out of art school.

>> No.21306569

>There's also no such thing as le Aryan race but nazis and now /pol/tards believe mythological nonsense.
Aryan = Proto-Indo-European. If not for WWII, Indo-Aryan would still be the term for it. What, you saying that the Yamnaya culture or Corded-Ware culture never existed?

>> No.21306599

>"Love your enemies."
>Jewish Messiah
Jewish != Hebrew, first of all. Secondly, that quote is the hallmark of the christcuck. By that I mean that you're not a Christian, you're just a cuck.

>> No.21306614

>Criticizing Hitler
>Not reading Hitler
That's what you jews like to say, isn't it?

>> No.21306651

>Europe's ongoing suicide is due to Germans, not to Jews.
Germany has been an occupied country since 1945, they don't have sovereignty. The EU is an Atlanticist project like NATO. Also, the tranny and other globohomo shit is a transplant of Frankfurt School ("Western Marxist") ideology which Hitler threw out back into Europe via USA. Virtually all of the Frankfurt School thinkers/writers were Jews, at least the important ones.

>> No.21306696

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.21306961

retarded idea

>> No.21306969

>Globohomo is hardly attributable to one people anon.
I specified main globohomo body in Europe*
>You just have an inferiority complex, like everyone who repeats that retarded line.
Enough projection for a bit. What line, anyway?

>> No.21307133

There are a lot of crazy people around here who think they're Christians, yet revile the Word of God. Repent.

>> No.21307345
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Hitler was a competent painter and draughtsman, but the idea that there was some sort of "kike" conspiracy to stifle his artistic career is just ridiculous. There's nothing inherently Jewish or left wing about modern art. Realism was a dead-end and everyone who was smart knew it.

>> No.21307456

Notice the kike never replied to this

>> No.21307478

This never happens. I hope your handler kills you after reading the stupid shit you post here.

>> No.21307479

having your life revolve around jews in any capacity makes you a retard

>> No.21307485

If noone makes it a prime focus of their attention the truth won't spill out to the masses. Nobody wants to be focused on the world's evils rather than living a beautiful peaceful life, but doing so will become impossible forever should they fully succeed in their aims. Are you smarter than Bobby Fischer?

>> No.21307541

rare based op

>> No.21307548

lol, post nose

>> No.21308158

>>but left the Rothschilds alone
>because they kinda left.
What? They never persecuted them and the only one that was arrested was released unharmed. Cope hard and wave this problem away. Nazis were frauds. NEVER follow Germans.

>> No.21308161

what caused jewish people to be the way they are anyway? what happened in the early days of their history to cause their culture to become vampiric, almost parasitic?

>> No.21308162

Look at Germany right now and tell me without going red in the face that their insane covid/ukraine/environmental response is the fault of Jews forcing them to be like this instead of just Germans being Germans. How pathetic do you have to be to think Germans are the master race but easily controlled by the supposedly subhuman Jews. Doesn't make sense.

>> No.21308204

>just Germans being Germans
*ignores the past 70 years of anti-german propaganda being fed to german people*

>> No.21308254

Aww poor weak victim Germans with no agency. I guess that excuses the whole country spending 10 years killing Jewish women and children but leaving the Rothschilds alone, ruining the med system of fascism, and believing they are superior to every other neighbouring country (who have proven throughout time to be less soulless and autistic). Tell me again how Germans did not do nothing.

>> No.21309025

It's called a Kosher sandwich bub and you're stuck in the middle with Jews.

>> No.21309062

I'm actually jewish
I don't care about israel or other jews since i grew up poor

>> No.21309098

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.21309110

haha tremendous cope

>> No.21309285

Never happened comrade, nothing to see here. You seem to forget that it took the whole of the western world and waves upon waves of enslaved russians to take down such a poor, little country, that happened to leave the Rothschilds alone because they were so coldblooded and ruthless.

>> No.21309331
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I started as a Christian philosemite, admiring Jewish music and political writings by Chomsky and Rocker, for example. But the more I learned, the more anti Semitic I got. I still admire the products of Jewish culture that I did as a child, but I can hold those and the fact that the world’s preeminent superpower is beholden to an ethnonationalist religious minority in my mind simultaneously.

>> No.21310735

Your cuckoldry is not Christianity. As the other anon pointed out >>21303792 you don't denounce evil. If you're not LARPing, then at best you're a hypocrite merely posturing as moral to appear "holier than thou".

>> No.21310744

>they'll tell you to go back to pol but never that you're wrong

>> No.21310768

>How pathetic do you have to be to think Germans are the master race but easily controlled by the supposedly subhuman Jews.
This is such an obvious shill talking point. They say this all the time.
>wow I thought the white race was the MASTER RACE - who unironically says this? Noone, it's always a strawman along with the term white supremacist
>so then how do Jews rule over you if they're so INFERIOR LOL - morally inferior and physically inferior for sure, intellectually inferior is arguable, being hellbent on anything will always lead to accumulation of that thing. Jews have a nearly monomaniacal drive to accumulate wealth. Wealth is power in our fallen age; therefore, Jews have power. This doesn't make the wealthy superior to the humble. Someone who enjoys things other than acquiring wealth is not inferior to someone who enjoys nothing but acquiring wealth, and Jews literally can't understand this, showing a very clear lack of intelligence. I also question what's intelligent about cutting off pieces of babies penises and then sucking them.

>> No.21310778

Not that there's anything wrong with that..

>> No.21310779

Wouldn't call it a "conspiracy" per se, but he was rejected because his work was considered outmoded, i.e. it wasn't modern enough. Not all modern art is produced by Jewish artists, but the vast majority of Jewish artists produced modern art. Can you comprehend the difference? Similar to Jewish overrepresentation in socialism/communism/anarchism (see Solzhenitsyn). I'm aware that the prevailing currents within art were to break rules and classical forms, but it's not the only way art could have developed in my opinion.

>> No.21310796
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>there was no Jewish-led conspiracy to debase the arts
Whatever you say anon
>there is nothing inherently Jewish or left-wing about modern art
Yes there is.
>realism was a dead-end
There are spectacular paintings that are "realist" and there are monumental works of art and architecture of breathtaking beauty all through Europe. Impressionism is beautiful. Jews have never produced anything like the Sistine Chapel and never will. What they produce is hideous and nearly everyone hates it, but they've corrupted the art world to such an extent that there is barely an alternative.

>> No.21310818

You didn't address the second point but went on a different tangent.

>> No.21310912
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id rather be a bad writer than suck circumcised cock as much as you,OP

>> No.21310939

>It is totally possible that there is a mafia controlling everything
It's actually not.

>> No.21310950

You equated all art prior to goofy splashes of paint and canned shit with realism. It wasn't. And realism was not a dead-end, we simply no longer have competent masters capable of producing stunning works.

>> No.21310999

Why not? There's nothing more natural than a mafia.

>> No.21311038
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Not reading this thread but I've been working through this 1,900 pg. suicide note by an actual schizophrenic Jew and it's definitely of interest to people on either side of the JQ. Just reading through the overview and provocative chapter titles might get you interested in checking out some part of it at least; it's rambling and repetitive but highly radical and disturbing. Author's central claim is that there is a direct line of descent from an ancient Jewish revolt against nature (think Nietzsche's slave morality) to liberalism, human rights ideology, leftism, and the modern world in general and that the Jewish affinity for left-liberalism is at least partially biological in nature. Read about 500 pages and I still can't tell if the author is a "self-hating Jew" (though he has huge problems with the idea of the existence of such a thing) or a "Jews are the main characters of history" guy. Middle chapters are about how Anglo-Saxons picked up the torch of the Jewish revolt against nature in the Puritan/Whig/Progressive movement. For the Nazis ITT, author also seems to fawn over Nazi intuition at least. Either way, fun read albeit extremely unpolished as the author killed himself after making it public and had no editor/help

>> No.21311050

Woah, so it's exactly the same content you could find in facebook groups full of mentally ill 60-somethings, truly enlightening stuff and speaks to the rigorous approach to history, political science, philosophy and biology taken by the average anti-semite.

>> No.21311070

How do philo-semitic Christians deal with the fact that for almost all of Christian history almost all Christians believed in supersessionism? Do you guys really think it's a coincidence that all of the churches changed their tone directly after World War 2?

>> No.21311102

Well no, the author is Jewish and is obviously versed in Jewish lore/theology and seems to have a lot of respect for his people, although it might be begrudging respect. I would actually like a philo-semite to read through the first 150 pages or so to see which claims of his they think are ridiculous because there are probably a few. Also, I don't think there are any 60 somethings talking about this stuff. The conspiracy people you're talking about are all on Claus Schwab and Bill Gates covid stuff still and are usually pro-Israel

>> No.21311138

Anti-semitism is quite literally one of, if not the oldest conspiratard canards.

>> No.21311171
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>all of human history is rule by small groups organized into royalties and nobilities and mafias
>this suddenly changed 200 years ago and now there is no ruling mafia, now things just...happen...all impersonal forces now, nobody in control...
Yeah ok m8 whatever u say. They're definitely not just hiding. Epstein collects blackmail info on high level politicians and oligarchs, the FBI "loses it", he dies in jail while the camera is down, the courts blockade coverage of Maxwell trial? Nothing to see here. No mafia. Epstein was just collecting it for fun, he wasnt working for anyone lmao how silly. How could rich powerful people conspire? Only 90IQ hoodrats can engage in criminal conspiracy; intelligent unimaginably powerful people obviously could never conspire that's insane hahaahahaggaag

>> No.21311179
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>> No.21311195

Historically, people ruled over relatively small, simple administrative units, and even then enacted far from perfect control or were able to shape narratives, events and occurrences. Attempting to scale this up to the entire world is an absurd and likely impossible task, as all of the fruitless forays into cybernetics, big data and now AI have proven repeatedly, the world remains anarchic as ever.

>> No.21311199

Anti semites are defintely retards but doing the complete opposite of them is also goofy, to a lesser extent but still goofy. Honestly sucking off any ethnic group is just cucky behavior in general

>> No.21311206

That author isn’t really creating a conspiracy theory, he’s saying that the Jewish fixation on social justice is basically rooted in their founding myth Exodus when they escaped Egyptian oppression “…you shall love the stranger as yourself for you were a stranger in the land of Egypt”. That’s not a very outrageous or conspiratorial claim. Jews themselves say they have a responsibility to defend minorities because of their historical experiences

>> No.21311210

Yeah they could never brainwash people all over the entire world in concert to give up their rights over a common cold for example that would be sneedful and unrealistic

>> No.21311217

lol, gotem

>> No.21311220

It's rooted in hatred of white people and it has nothing to do with anything even close to "justice."

>> No.21311221

An event that only occurred in the minds of schizophrenics.

>> No.21311225

I am lost for words

>> No.21311228

Right. There definitely wasn't a months long night curfew in my city over a disease that I didnt see a single person catch for the entire first year it was a "pandemic" in our country

>> No.21311231

If that's what had happened, there would have been no pandemic in the first place. In reality the covid-19 response and the enforcement of measures therein varied wildly from country to country, and from area to area within countries.

>> No.21311239

what's your favorite jewish author, guys?

>> No.21311240

>If that's what had happened, there would have been no pandemic in the first place.
What are you even trying to say?

>> No.21311247
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>the enforcement of measures therein varied wildly
Thank you for correcting the record anon

>> No.21311258

Anon there weren't multiple shifting years of "lockdowns" and mandates destroying small businesses to funnel more wealth from the middle class to giant globohomo megacorps while also dividing people along a wedge of social compliance. There weren't mandated poorly tested vaccinations (up to like... 6 shots now) that really did cause people to have heart attacks.

None of that happened and if you question any of the narrative brought to you by corporate media and government psychopaths you have schizophrenia.

I'm not sure I've seen a dumber person on 4chan than

>> No.21311263

The entire world doesn't really have a chance to speak or organize. The non-Western world is mostly either aping the West socially and politically, and narratives in the West basically come from a small group of zipcodes and corporations. If the world were highly anarchic I would expect to see a lot more disunion amongst Western institutions and publications. If anarchy reigned you would think that Ivy League schools and newspapers would be sharply divided politically, and that there would be far more "rogue states". That isn't at all what we see, and in fact any deviation from liberal democratic capitalism is immediately singled out as aberrational and dangerous

>> No.21311265

If the entire world had acted in concert, applied stringent measures and actually enforced them with great prejudice, there would be no possibility of any spread of disease, which applies whether you believe covid-19 was simply the common cold or not. Now of course since this is not at all what happened, we instead ended up with dragging our feet for two years and not really achieving either the goal of zero-spread nor to preserve economic momentum.

>> No.21311267

>Attempting to scale this up to the entire world is an absurd and likely impossible task, as all of the fruitless forays into cybernetics, big data and now AI have proven repeatedly, the world remains anarchic as ever.
These two are totally unrelated and so your whole post is a lie.

>> No.21311270

A mafia controlling the world's sectors of power and information doesn't mean "the entire world will act in concert." How are you this fucking stupid? And they wanted a disease you absolute clown.

>> No.21311272

>If the world were highly anarchic I would expect to see a lot more disunion amongst Western institutions and publications
There is.
>and that there would be far more "rogue states"
No, because that is a precarious position to be in. Every state, just as the persons that state is composed of seeks to avoid precarity to the greatest extent possible.

>> No.21311273

>The entire world doesn't really have a chance to speak or organize.
Just to name the public ones.

>> No.21311275
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>believes everything his authorities tell him
>"but how could they control the entire population with propaganda, people wouldn't listen"

I feel like I'm studying wildlife at this point with you people

>> No.21311278

>there would be no possibility of any spread of disease if stringent measures were taken
This isn't possible when people have to interact on some level to survive in urban areas. Go back to Re-ddit where people are still hysterical about covid.

>> No.21311296

By stringent measures one would mean what is implied by the original assertion of people "giving up their human rights", incarceration, forced disinfection and forced isolation.
Strawman. Covid was states, and invididuals for that matter acting in accordance with their assessed risk working off of imperfect information. It should also be noted that there was no shortage of dissenting voices at the time measures were enacted at regional and state level.
That is what you imply when you assert that people are "brainwashed" by some sort of cabal.

>> No.21311308

>That is what you imply when you assert that people are "brainwashed" by some sort of cabal.
No it isn't. They can't literally control everyone's minds no matter how much power they have. They can't make everyone do the same thing, only people like you.

>> No.21311313

>Covid was states, and invididuals for that matter acting in accordance with their assessed risk
We knew in fucking February 2020 based off the princess diamond stats that the death count was minuscule. Anyone who thinks covid was about public health is irreparably retarded. Remember when the public health experts declared BLM riots to be ok but anti lockdowns went

>> No.21311315

>There is.
I think we should test that idea. Let's examine some statements about the biggest news happening of 2022, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, from three prestigious Universities. One from California, one from Massachusetts, and one from England. Surely there will be some disunion here?
Oxford statement
>Congregation expresses its strongest condemnation of the war of aggression started by Putin's regime against Ukraine
Harvard statement
>members of our community rallied at the heart of our campus and spoke clearly and forcefully against the crisis.
UC Berkeley statement
>As citizens, educators, and scholars we unequivocally condemn this war unleashed by Russian forces on Ukrainian territory.
Okay, those are all WASP dominated countries. Even though ethno-religious power groups don't exist so WASPs can't exist. Alright. Let's check in on the Japanese at the University of Tokyo. Maybe they have a different opinion?
>The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is an attempt to change the international situation unilaterally by military force and is completely unacceptable.
Ah, thought not. Although there is some diversity here; those Japanese conspiracy theorists are referring to some normative "international situation"? Since chaos reigns, there is no normative international situation that all intellectual institutions are working to promote, so I guess I stand refuted

>> No.21311318

>Covid was states, and invididuals for that matter acting in accordance with their assessed risk working off of imperfect information.
>imperfect information.
I don't think you frankly get it - a godly version of incompetence is simply an ignorant shrug but a demonic version is following the "science" of masking, "vaccines", and what have you. Make no mistake, the cabal is, nearly all of them, not even aware it is a cabal.

>> No.21311330

Nta but do you mean to say people spontaneously synchronize their actions around demonic conditioning and their own demonic possession whether partially or fully? Because that's something I literally believe.

>> No.21311334

It's also important to note that universities releasing statements about geopolitical scuffles, including war, is a gross transgression of their role as simply objective viewers and not originators of pseudo-ethics. Not only is the person you have thoroughly demolished wrong but they are also wrong about what they are wrong about - not only do these mindless satan slaves walk in lock step they also shouldn't be given that privilege in the first place.

>> No.21311338
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Philosemitism is gay.
Exterminatory Anti-Antisemitism however..

>One must wage a ruthless war on anti-semitism.
>It is one of the most morbid excesses of the so absurd, so unjustified Reichsgerman self-gazing.
>I am just having all anti-Semites shot.

>> No.21311339

Satan has a team and if you aren't on God's then you can figure out what team you're own. Satan enjoys tormenting people by letting them live the lie that they are a "good person" because they vote for welfare, want fewer people, and love sodomy all the while it's the greatest form of his pleasure to see souls wasted in service of him without them even knowing it. Also, demons and angels know everything about history but not the future unless God reveals it (se Fr. Chad Ripperger's Dominion fkr more).

>> No.21311341

>dies of madness caused by syphilis

>> No.21311385
File: 1.70 MB, 2550x3300, img_1351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a good portion of /pol/ tier antisemitism is literally them just not knowing the Talmud is literally just a collection of opinions and not the literal word of their deity

I'm not even Jewish and I felt the same way as they do after being fed cherry picked quotes..Wasn't until someone actually sat me down and patiently explained that a lot of my beliefs were based on misconceptions and showed me what the Talmud actually was

>> No.21311389

kek typical Jewish projection on display
sounds based and worth a read, thanks king

>> No.21311391

Fuck off rabbi

>> No.21311398

I'm not Jewish. you can't just say shit because it emotionally feels good to you Anon. That's childish

>> No.21311425

This viewpoint is easily dealt away with via a simple shift of mindset: antisemitism does not have to come from ressentiment, rather it is because the Jew acts as a parasite on society, getting rid of them is merely a manifestation of the will to power of the host.

>> No.21311432

>I feel like a good portion of /pol/ tier antisemitism is literally them just not knowing the Talmud is literally just a collection of opinions and not the literal word of their deity
That's not true. Of course we all know that the Talmud is a bunch of rabbis jerking each other off. That doesn't negate how disgusting it is nor the fact that the book is held in high esteem by Jewry.

>> No.21311464
File: 69 KB, 543x349, cKzhwopP5WrTp7xi_a0-3cyPiDxuItMv6WAZLQXYiHM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder

>> No.21311520


>> No.21311690

I read a somewhat interesting theory from a Jewish author. Basically amounts to this
>Since Judaism perpetually identifies itself with the outcast and the disinherited, and because it is relentlessly critical of all earthly power, self-hating or universalist absolutist Jews are the most Jewish Jews
author posited Chomsky, Marx, and Spinoza as Jews that fit this mold. I would probably add Jesus as well. Men who either held the tribe at a distance or openly despised it. Would it be possible to add to this a further claim: Jewish particularists, supremacists, and Zionists are not really Jews, but rather gentiles at heart that have imbibed the morality of their oppressors, and are trying to become Pharaohs, Nazis and Hadrians through mimicry?
Or would you say this is schizophrenic

>> No.21311818

Just about to head to bed so I'll have a better response in the morning but I think you're onto something here

>> No.21312617
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>> No.21312624
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>t. complete retard

>> No.21312631


>> No.21312646

Based if you’re Jewish; schizo if you’re not.

>> No.21312652

Dav Pilkey

>> No.21313169

>and wasps
Yeah maybe in the Gilded age. lmao

>> No.21313492

Reminder that the Bible is God's long breakup letter to the Jewish people, His toxic gf at the time. Any day now, he's going to write another "Bible" to his current gf western civilization, given how awful she's been to Him these past few centuries.

>> No.21313664

Jews are part of society, just like you and me. They are not “parasites.” That’s a nazi talking point.

>> No.21313676

Capitalists are part of society, just like you and me. WASPs are part of society, just like you and me. Investment bankers are part of society, just like you and me. No analogues for parasitism are acceptable. Landed Aristocrats are part of society, just like you and me. Dehumanizing the rich and powerful is just gross, and frankley I won’t stand for it

>> No.21313690

At the degree most people here inhabit it antiemitism turns into a legitimate pathology.

>> No.21313694


>> No.21313695

Don't fight the players, fight the game.

>> No.21313701

Mentally ill schizo

>> No.21313740

yeah just look what's happening with Kanye now and tell me that isn't legitimate psychiatric pathology

>> No.21313833

Open antisemitism is a public display of a childish mind. It's truly an embarrassment.

>> No.21314009

>I have no idea whether Jews are actually evil or not
This is /lit/ for fuck's sake. read more. Hell, even european fairly tales are about warning children about jewish evil.

>> No.21314066

>be antisemite
>source? umm fairytales duh

>> No.21314110

Yeah, it’s called Liberalism. It’s a cult

>> No.21314116

Incredibly based

>> No.21314334

The Dark Crystal remake that came out has some interesting articles on anti-semitism. People were complaining that some of the enemies were Jewish caricatures even though none of the creators seemed to be anti-semites. I suppose you could say the same for stuff like the Harry Potter goblins. It does seem that Europeans are hardwired to associate Jewish traits with various monsters. Hell, I saw a side profile of Abigail Shapiro who I thought was attractive initially and my brain fired into danger mode based on that physiognomy

>> No.21314456
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>> No.21315108

Oh yes I love cuckold porn

>> No.21315212

This guy knows, take heed of these words.

>> No.21315231

Ironic that they don’t consider themselves a part of society. Perhaps that is where the feelings stem. Spoken like an upity slave.

>> No.21315989


>> No.21316280

Yes. I love this passage. Eloquent, amusing, and still manages to be true.

>> No.21316293

Antisemitism is very low IQ now that even the blacks are doing it. Was probably always low IQ.

>> No.21316304

"People are often unaware of how a thing, turning away from itself, agrees with itself in a back-turning harmony." ~ Heraclitus

"Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good." ~ St. Paul

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.21316321

What you abhor isn't evil. It is anyone who is not on your side. There's no love in your hearts. You've deluded yourselves, and in so doing reject even the very Word of God, so long as you can get your own satisfaction in this life. Yet, the rejection of the Word condemns you, and all those like you, to dissatisfaction forever. Those who have rejected the Word of God, have rejected their own lives.

>> No.21316331

Your post is low IQ as well.

>> No.21316490

This is just "Hitler was Jewish"-tier rhetoric.

I guess being resentful is bad - unless you are Jewish?

Or maybe the Jews are discounted, because they are resentful, only if you do so because they are Jewish, and not because they are resentful, then you are resentful and your criticism can be discounted.
Then the resentful Jewish artists/writers are once again credited because those who criticize them were anti-Semites, and thus resentful.

You're a retarded faggot.

>> No.21316525

So is your reply.

>> No.21316529

Theres no point engaging them, they and their golems are dishonest to the point of comedy.

>> No.21316534

You are on the same side as low IQ negroes. Philosemitism is the patrician approach.

>> No.21316536

I don’t hate every hee but there is something to be said about how much money we give Israel

>> No.21316555


>> No.21316560
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I will marry a beautiful Jewish woman and read Jewish literature. Hail the Jews! Long live to Israel!

>> No.21316581

>please please PLEASE fight the intangible and bloated bundle of abstractions!! do NOT fight the creators and perpetrators who give such nonsense weight!

>> No.21316596

lol wack ass faggot tourists trying to use a 7 yo meme

>> No.21316610

>ass constructions

>> No.21316724

BAPfaggots are so easy to spot lol. Can’t believe I initially went up to bat for that guy when the first people were accusing him of falling to zionism. All the effort going into defusing the kanye fiasco (as retarded as kanye probably is) and to control schizo political discourse is just too funny to watch

>> No.21316834

>(No u!)

>> No.21316845

Terrific argument.

>> No.21316863

So Jesus boiling in excrement for eternity (from that Talmud) is the Word of God? You're a cryptokike, then, not a Christian. QED

>> No.21316875

I'll put it in retard speak so you understand, he deboonked you.

>> No.21316876

Like I said, I haven't read it, but anything like that would obviously discredit it. What is your obsession with the Talmud anyway? You seem fully deranged.

>> No.21316878

Additionally, the Word of God is the excerpts from the Word I've posted. Excerpts you've reviled because they demand of you a Christ-like heart and forgiveness and love, which you abhor. You represent the most disingenuous form of interlocuter. You must repent. Do not fail to repent, for your own sake. That is all I'll say further on this matter.

>> No.21316882

Anon, the Jews are a very, very small minority population-wise compared to other ethnic groups. Their achievements far outweigh their size.

>> No.21317042

Ezra pound and Ts elliot disagree

>> No.21317218

You forgot the Orthodox Jews, who are the only ones who still care about Jewish culture and religion.

>> No.21317234

Not exactly good examples. Pound live a sorry life and then regretted his actions by the end.

>> No.21317487

The question here is, Would you disregard someone in a daily environment such as work, some store or any social gathering as soon as you learn they happen to be Jewish?

>> No.21317654

No and I'm a raging antisemite. I've had a Jewish friend or two, but so did Hitler.

>> No.21318016

Again, Talmud is just opinion. It's a dialectical work that includes the OPINION of various rabbis on various issues over the course of 2000 years. Jews don't think it's the literal word of god. Some opinions are included literally just so another rabbi can deconstruct it. Any given passages inclusion in the Talmud isn't necessarily a claim that it's true.

That's like saying Christianity is inherently antisemitic because Martin Luther wrote a pamphlet. It's so egregiously misleading and ignorant. Please go take the time to actually learn what you are talking about.

>> No.21318021

It's their opinions on the literal word of God. They take it very seriously.

>> No.21318032

>Some opinions are included literally just so another rabbi can deconstruct it. Any given passages inclusion in the Talmud isn't necessarily a claim that it's true.

>Uh... actually goyim... t-the part about you all being our slaves is actually a... a... a sophistic thought experiment! Ya... so you can't draw any conclusions from that or, actually, from any word in the text!
This is a good example of Jews everyone.

>> No.21318033

>That's like saying Christianity is inherently antisemitic because Martin Luther wrote a pamphlet.
It is (and it's a good thing)

>> No.21318041

no it's their opinion on previous rabbinical oral tradition.

>A law is de'oraita (Aramaic: דאורייתא, "of the Torah," i.e. scriptural) if it was given with the written Torah. A law is derabbanan (Aramaic: דרבנן, "of our rabbis," Rabbinic) if it is ordained by the rabbinical sages
>Thus, those commandments (mitzvot) that come directly from the Torah (de'oraita) and are biblical, are a superior authority to those rabbinic ones which do not come from it (de'rabbanan).

this is basic shit anon

>> No.21318047

you are going to claim the same culture that produced Hegel and Marx doesn't have a strong current of dialectical thinking?

Jesus fucking Christ this board is so much less rigorous than the last time I was here

>> No.21318156

So the law comes from where originally? It's rabbis commenting on rabbis understanding of the law which would ultimately be God's right? So it's all commentary on God's laws.

>> No.21318161

Of course they do. That's not to say their religious leaders aren't lying sacks of shit, something nearly everyone admits to be true of many other religion's leaders.

>> No.21318173
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Also lol
An awfully bad thinker
Pic related. J-jew bros... are we okay?

>> No.21318178

>Judaism is but one inferior path to Christianity
>clearly this means the Jews own Palestine. Thank you Hegel
What the FUCK is their problem?

>> No.21318205
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>the same culture that produced Marx
Hey how about "produced Jesus," this Hegel guy seemed to have a pretty high opinion of him

>> No.21318221
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Fuck it. Where should I start reading Jewish holy texts? Sefaria? Sacred-texts.com?

>> No.21318261

Despite having control of every institution in the Western world, philo-semites are still losing hearts and minds daily because their message is so wrong. How does it feel to know that you’re losing to black israelite schizophrenia and chud shitposters? It must be deeply embarrassing given all of the enormous advantages you have over your opposition

>> No.21318275
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Well said lol

>> No.21318279

Yes incel, also video and textual evidence of Jews still believing that they will each have 2800 gentile slaves in the 21st century is not evidence that they believe that. Also, unlike white people, they have no responsibility to collectively denounce bad eggs in their community. The reason for this is that Jews are unique in the world in that the slippery slope fallacy does not apply to them. Since any criticism of Jewish power or thought will inevitably lead to a second holocaust (this is not a slippery slope fallacy) we shouldn’t ever criticize any aspect of their power or thought. Don’t look up the ethnicity of Ghislaine Maxwell or Jeff Epstein either, and if you do, it’s a coincidence.

>> No.21318308

the jewish genital mutilation cult must be exterminated for their crimes against humanity

>> No.21318328

Wow you've put thought into this subject? You must have a mental disorder anon. Take the meds.

>> No.21318337

>Since any criticism of Jewish power or thought will inevitably lead to a second holocaust (this is not a slippery slope fallacy) we shouldn’t ever criticize any aspect of their power or thought.
Uh... hello anon, that's what the NAZIS did???
>any criticism of jews surfaces in the mainstream
>"oy vey this is giving everyone flashbacks to just before ww2 when that thing supposedly happened. Shut it down"
They actually almost never fail to bring this up.

>> No.21318357

Go find another site to sully you evil coward.

>> No.21318458

go suck an infant's bloody, mutilated dick

>> No.21318529


>> No.21318612

>Give her an ultimatum
>Get crucified by her kike lawyers
Ain't that how it is, amirite fellas?

>> No.21318650

you don't even get the two different groups of jews right

>> No.21318707
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It could be that anon is being intentionally deceptive for unfathomable reasons

>> No.21318738

Jewish religion is entirely based upon pointlessness and being professional victims. There is nothing respectful about it and there is nothing to hate. Do not even consider these people.

>> No.21320112

>A Metaphysical Identity
>I dont exist, but I am a Jew
>I am atheist, but the Holocasut Happened!
>Races dont exist, but how dare you be an Anti-Semite!

>> No.21321669

Now replace "anti-Semite" with "jew" and it reflects reality a lot better.

>> No.21321676

>Since Judaism perpetually identifies itself with the outcast and the disinherited
I didn't see any jews identifying with the unvaccinated

>> No.21321771

>Antisemitism is the mark of the resentful artist/writer
>Philosemitism is the mark of the patrician artist/writer
>you cannot get to the latter without passing through the former first

>> No.21321774


>> No.21321778

based lifegoals
ywnbaj though

>> No.21321782

your point being?

>> No.21321907

>esau gambit intensifies

>> No.21322093

Isn't it more fun and valuable to think about these things on one's own? Would it help you to consider the quotes in another order? Herclitus, then Nietzsche, and finally St. Paul?

My point is a simple, yet wholesome one. It can be said with many other scriptural verses.

>"For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings." ~ Hosea 6:6

The weapons of a Christian's warfare are not murder, but love. In dealing with the great evils of the world, we must bring them under the subjection of the laws of our societies, yes, but we must also deal with them in accordance to the Word of God which tells us, our battle is not with men and women, but with the spiritual forces which have affected them. As Christians, we have the power to deal with the unclean spirits which plague men, and divinely through the power of the Holy Spirit of the Living God to deliver men supernaturally from every wicked thing - even working miracles against hatred. We aught to always and earnestly desire the salvation of those who are not of the House of the Lord, even those in the wickedness of antisemitism. Now that said, I do think there are points which can be reached where man gives even believers little choice, but to take up arms, however, as the Word says, "So much as it depends on you, be at peace with all men," and, in the sacred Words of Christ, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." My point is very simple, again. It is merely that we aught to use violence as an absolute last resort, that every holy way to peace must be sought first, and the Lord sought in prayer, before natural warfare is ever seriously considered.

>"Her [Wisdom] ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace." ~ Proverbs 3:17

Additionally, as per the Heraclitus quote, extremes of most, if not all, things are related. When an ideology pushes to its furthest point, it often becomes fundamentally congruated to it's enemy. They take on opposite trappings, cultural markings, what-have-you, but the logical justifications and frameworks become identical, or nearly so. This is the "looking into the abyss," of Nietzsche, as one extremist beheld the extremity of its opposite, and became an extreme force for the destruction thereof, etc.,. This phenomena, like many occurs time and again in many things and ought to be meditated on.

There's an Adam Curtis documentary series - it may have been the one entitled, "The Trap," and it ends covering the rise of the first wave of anti-Fascists in Germany after the Third Reich. Curtis is interviewing a former leader of the movement, and ends with a meaningful statement by the man, if slightly off mark, "I realized that Fascism was a component in all of us."

In any case, I hope this has made some sense of those three quotes. That we ought to be careful not to become like that which we abhor, and, to that end, to make sure we cling to what is good in the sight of God.