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File: 2.28 MB, 224x400, druggie goes mental.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21301347 No.21301347 [Reply] [Original]

Books on gynocentrism in the West?

>> No.21301354

Based maenad

>> No.21301356

This is what christcucks thinks happens to you if you dont read the bible

>> No.21301401
File: 9 KB, 168x299, djinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it happened because she commited blasphemy againts God

>> No.21301408

Fuck God and fuck you hahahahahah

>> No.21301417

Nah bro fuck YOU

>> No.21301458
File: 746 KB, 748x744, 45v0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it does

>> No.21301469

Lol its fucking over bros...

>> No.21301491
File: 719 KB, 1153x1421, Satanic_Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at me lelelele, underage and posting! phuk gawd lewl!!! supa based!

Go back. 4chan is exclusive to individuals with a clear conception of the kike's tricks. That includes the removal of God from our society, and the product is retards like you

>> No.21301494
File: 37 KB, 680x505, female-cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, get beaten up by a druggie woman, then by a police woman, it's over for that guy

>> No.21301495

the essay by Evola and that's about it, but you can always read otto weininger or schopenhauer if you want more autist takes on women

>> No.21301496

Oioi dont pop a vein over an anime image board

>> No.21301497

The removal of God is a Jewish trick, mi6

>> No.21301498

Dafuq, was this irl demon posession? Coz that looked like irl demon possession

>> No.21301503
File: 112 KB, 736x1512, 1669410803197317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Book of Life.

>> No.21301510

Its the jews, they’re all around me, they’re gonna eat my son and take away my freedoms oh my god someone please stop the voices in my head ahhhhh

>> No.21301511

there's going to be a book coming out in 2030 explaining how the white middle class got hooked on drugs and ended up in a downwards spiral because of mainstreaming weed, The butthurt will be immense

>> No.21301563

I unironically believe this pic

>> No.21301570

Cops are so stupid

>> No.21301625

I hate people eating on the subway too desu

>> No.21301683

This is so fucking fucked up. I saw something just like it recently but I couldn't do anything because I just got back from work and I was not physically or mentally up for it. I was literally paralyzed with anxiety and wracked with pain from work. A muscle-bound man who was 6' tall and defintely on drugs was literally harassing an Asian man who was just minding his own fucking business. I was holding back tears because that's just not what you do to another human being, and yet, clearly even the bully in this situation had a tough life and he was just taking it out on the easiest target he could find. I was fucking disgusted that noone and I MEAN NOONE bothered to move an inch except for one other guy who thought he could take on the bully but almost got beat up himself until the cops showed up. It was a fucking shit show. Stop Asian hate is not just a slogan, guys, it's a fucking reality on the NY subways, and I saw it with my own fucking eyes. Right now everyone is too fucking focused on Ukraine to give a shit about the old current thing but people are getting fucking brutalized and we seriously have to work against that. It really upsets me that the public seems incapable of supporting more than one social issue at the same time. I fucking hate society so much.

>> No.21301699

I just want to add that the city and state of NY are doing fucking NOTHING to deal with this problem or to even just raise awareness that, yes, it is an issue and that, yes, it is still going on. Most people for got about it and the slogan is all they can remember, like it's the switch you have to flip to flip them from "do not give a shit" mode to "pretend to care" mode. Yes, people, and especially the public, are cynical dickheads, but the fucking state shares in this by not living up to their duty to protect the public and fight against instability (which this definitely is). They barely fight against the people commiting the fucking crime because, let's be honest, justice in this fucking city is a joke (and I'm a pro-prisoner type of guy! these positions do not have to be separate or contradictory). Anyway, I should probably end my rant here but this topic is just so fucking infuriating that I have to post SOMETHING!

>> No.21301702

You forget to mention the aggressor was black. Only niggers commit asian hate crimes.

>> No.21301716

Look at the thread you're fucking in, dumbass.
And no, the aggressor was an old white guy with a beard. Stop assuming shit, dumbass.

>> No.21301717

the lesson from this video is if you ever get attacked in public you're better off taking the hits. Whole justice system from sentencing to policing is weighted against males

>> No.21301819

the real conspiracy is jews are behind this kind of conspiracies

>> No.21301852

The only time I was ever assaulted in public was by a meth'd up homeless dude who was asian. As much as /pol/ would like you to believe it's all blacks, the drug problem in the US is colorblind.

>> No.21301856

Don Quixote

>> No.21301947
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>> No.21301988

So you couldn't stand up against an old white guy? Weak sissy bitch.

>> No.21302027
File: 82 KB, 1080x1005, Trumpisatva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21302042

>facebook boomer election tourists telling other people to go back
You absolute nigger.

>> No.21302071

he should have either moved away and not engaged with her at all or stomped her face in the ground so hard that she remembers the day with her disfigurement

>> No.21302218

fuck the polic

>> No.21302222

If you unironically believe that pic you’re stupid.
You really think Goebbels, the minister of propaganda in Nazi Germany and fervent hater of Jews and communists, would let this perfect slander piece go unpublished?
/pol/ rhetoric falls apart g you think about it for more than 2 seconds

>> No.21302225

Holy meds
Pervitin really makes you see, think and do crazy shit

P.S. Do not google Dirlewanger


>> No.21302444
File: 41 KB, 633x758, 1610224065230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love free entertainment like this.

>> No.21302464

It actually does to some people. I've only seen one possession that was like a movie, but I saw one.
lol, stay away from the maenads
Why on Earth would you want to read about that? I'm bored just imagining it. It sounds like a foray into a Gender Studies degree, lol.

>> No.21302482 [DELETED] 

>no guise the nazis were heroes saving children by killing millions including children
Ridiculous. At best, AT BEST, this would be half truth.

>> No.21302484

Cute. I'm a sucker for American flag bikinis.

>> No.21302491

I wouldn’t go that far. Blacks are certainly demographically overrepresented in crime but it isn’t an exclusively black issue for sure.

>> No.21302510
File: 162 KB, 1024x896, Negroids are objectively a sub-race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21302524

>keep in mind blacks make 13% of black population
>obesity would go down by 10%
>the average income would be over 20k more per year
>the prison population would go down by 37%
the absolute inability to understand the world

>> No.21302531

Everyday you people are obsessing over the same shallow subjects: Jews, Blacks, Feminists, Nazis, Mysogyny, fear over the fate of Whites....

I mean, come on... Are we just crippled by a perpetual influx of dumb kids dealing with this boring stuff for the first time, or are you all just as shallow as saucers?

>> No.21302542
File: 298 KB, 735x850, Niggers are worse than WMDs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, seethe and dilate.

>> No.21302551

People like you are what makes 4chan dogshit. Literally worse than reddit.

>> No.21302611

>one picture is a zoomed out city-scape
>the other is a cherry picked run down building
How retarded do you have to be to think this is objective evidence of something?

>> No.21302646
File: 1.03 MB, 480x270, Joggers should stick to jogging.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers provide evidence of their sub-humanity all by their own.

>> No.21302649
File: 2.67 MB, 600x860, 1591027256051.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21302659

Based islamabro

>> No.21302722

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.21302728

im literally shaking rn
the patriarchy is still alive and well in 2022

>> No.21302765

more cherry picking man. that's all your kind knows how to do.

>> No.21302780

showing examples of things that happen is "cherry picking". nice. yes these things aren't happening all of the time everywhere. but they happen often enough to be an issue. please stop putting your head in the sand. ignoring it will not make the problem go away. explaining it away by making excuses will also not make the issue go away.

>> No.21302794

Despite making up 0.19% of the population, Jews make up 19% of world billionaires. That's an overrepresentation of 1000%! And Whites after centuries of plundering the rest of the world are only overrepresented by 400%! Isn't that crazy?




>> No.21302855

behind red doors, anon

behind red doors.

>> No.21302862

Of course we are. It's the only things that matter.

>> No.21302878

wtf wikipedia scholars are LEH-TER-AH-LY shaking rn tho

>> No.21302984

Yes, that video most certainly was. That you can't tell shows how biased you are.

>> No.21302989

>to brainlets
>also *they are* not "it's"