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21298228 No.21298228 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good female authors?

>> No.21298232
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Alissa Nutting

>> No.21298234

George Eliot
Anna Kavan
Tove Jansson

>> No.21298239

Mamma mia.
Damn right, I'll be nutting for her.

>> No.21298253

Shirley Jackson
Flannery O'Connor
Katherine Mansfield
Anna Kavan
Anais Nin

>> No.21298341

all of them

>> No.21298345
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oops forgot image

>> No.21298404

Anna Maria Ortese

>> No.21298435
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>> No.21298447
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>> No.21298455

"The Lottery" is a stupid story. I knew the winner would be stoned to death as soon as the kids started putting rocks in their pockets, it's so frigging obvious.

>> No.21298462

Alice O' Connor also known as Ayn Rand for you misogynistic assholes

>> No.21298469
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Elena Ferrante

oh, wait... not a female

>> No.21298477

Ernaux, Didion

>> No.21298486

The only female writer I ever liked was Evelyn Waugh. All the rest were pure cancer.

>> No.21298494

>Evelyn Waugh
Mid. There are many better female writers.

>> No.21298495
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Marie-Claire Blais

>> No.21298501
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Anne Carson

>> No.21298510
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A.S Byatt

>> No.21298515
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Phyllis Webb

>> No.21298520
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Alice Munro

>> No.21298589

Ursula Le Guin
Agatha Christie
Ethel Voynich
(unironically) J. K. Rowling

>George Eliot
The only reason why we don't worship Middlemarch like we do some mainstream novels is because it's a huge brick and zoomers literally can't.

>> No.21298612
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Hannah Arendt
You have been successfully filtered.

>> No.21299141

Good female authors don't exist. Everyone ITT is a dishonest lying shill. Women shouldn't have stepped out of the home; that was a fatal mistake

>> No.21299151

how to say you're getting 0 pussy without saying you're getting 0 pussy

>> No.21299266

Post ONE, ONE single original poem which can compare with a Christina Rossetti poem without merely imitating her.

Do it, or you're outted as a groin-guzzling street whore.

>> No.21299283

I mostly read poetry, but:

>Marianne Moore
>Tracy K. Smith
>Christina Rosetti
>Emily Dickenson
>Elizabeth Barrett Browning (I don't like all of her stuff, but some of it is good)
>Joy Harjo (I don't actually think she deserved the PL of USA post, per se, but her poetry has interesting generally symbolic and orientationally symbolic themes sometimes - she's definitely more skilled than the average modern poet, and less perverse than the average modern female poet)
>Ruth Miller (South African poet - I dislike her sentiments, I'm pretty much opposite of them, but she's skilled)

That's all that is coming to mind at present, but there are more.

>> No.21299291

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

>> No.21299293

He meant one by (You).

>> No.21299298

Why would I want to imitate a woman in the first place? They have no genuine feelings anyway

>> No.21299338

I literally said not to imitate. Besides, what would it prove to post Ozymandias? Most men cannot rival it either, but at least you chose a good poem. I like that.

>> No.21299343
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So far, not one actually good female author mentioned ITT. I don't think such an animal ever really existed

>> No.21299344

No genuine feelings?? I think it may be you who is lacking in feeling, friend. Read this, and tell me this woman's heart isn't genuine.


I would have her good sense preserve any daughters of mine, I'll tell you that.

Or what of this? A sincere musing on the future as well as a tasteful commentary on the degradation of women by modern culture via transgenderism.


>> No.21299349

>Most men cannot rival it either, but at least you chose a good poem. I like that.
meh, it's such a famous poem to post, yea, it's good but it's essentially a cliché. you let him go too easy. agreeableness is a female trait so I guess you're a woman.

>> No.21299351

Well you're wrong there, and spoken like a lazy fool. If you had something better you should have posted it, beta, instead of trying to cling to me.

>> No.21299355
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By the way, lol, ironically just got these results. My agreeableness is fairly low.

>> No.21299357

>t. brainlet non-reader
I dare you to debate me on any woman I posted here >>21299283 (You). Even though I'm the same anon who made the Straight Male Protestant Poet thread which made the lesbians seethe, I love female poets and writers as well.

>> No.21299360

I'm not the guy you asked. Just disappointed in your meme response to his posting Ozymandias.

>> No.21299365

Pray, what is your favorite Emily Dickinson poem? Share it with us.

>> No.21299372

So sue me, I love the poem, just like everyone. If a man hits me with a poem I love, is it any wonder my indignation loses its edge?

In all seriousness, I've been drinking a bit for Thanksgiving, you see. Yet drink-warmed or sober, Tracy K. Smith's, "Sci-Fi," is possibly the best modern poem I've seen, and read way more modern English language poetry than most people. She may have been given the Poet Laureate of the USA seat, in part, because she is a black woman, but she is also a genuinely skilled and thoughtful writer.

>> No.21299380

well, this time you were pretty agreeable. that guy posted le heckin poemerino Ozymandias and he's off the hook kek I will try that one later, that poem seems to wow people.

>> No.21299382

>If a man hits me with a poem I love, is it any wonder my indignation loses its edge?
It means you were robbed if you paid for that test.

>> No.21299387

It's difficult to say which one is my favorite, but I'll share one I love.

Because I could not stop for Death – (479)

Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality.

We slowly drove – He knew no haste
And I had put away
My labor and my leisure too,
For His Civility –

We passed the School, where Children strove
At Recess – in the Ring –
We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain –
We passed the Setting Sun –

Or rather – He passed Us –
The Dews drew quivering and Chill –
For only Gossamer, my Gown –
My Tippet – only Tulle –

We paused before a House that seemed
A Swelling of the Ground –
The Roof was scarcely visible –
The Cornice – in the Ground –

Since then – 'tis Centuries – and yet
Feels shorter than the Day
I first surmised the Horses' Heads
Were toward Eternity –

You don't find many authors with that command of English phonology beyond Yeats and Joyce in that era, at all - much less among women aside from Rossetti, and Dickenson came BEFORE Joyce, and did not have the education and exposure of Yeats.

Her work is thoughtful, powerful and profoundly novel in its time - changing the landscape of English poetry forever, especially among women.

What artist can ask for more?

>> No.21299392

>off the hook
In what way, doofus? I posted two more poems for him to read and comment on.
I didn't. Its on a well known quiz site among 4channers. https://openpsychometrics.org/
It was simply ironic you're accusing me of something this test just accused me the opposite of. Don't get so butthurt.

>> No.21299393

Woolf is easily my favorite author ever, but honorable mentions to:

Selma Lagerlöf
Hannah Arendt
Tove Jansson
Moa Martinsson

>> No.21299408

Two people now, have listed Tove Jansson - who I've never heard of. What should I start with?

>> No.21299410

God, women are so retarded. It's not even worth interacting with them. ZERO critical skills. This thread is just people patting themselves on the back. Essentially a reddit thread.

>> No.21299414

>t. brainlet non-reader 80iq

>> No.21299416

She's too good for you. Stick to your burger poets. Imagine it's 2022 and not knowing Tove Jansson. Fuck you.

>> No.21299419

Why list her at all, if you don't want people who don't know her to get to know her? I couldn't think of anything less logical.

>> No.21299431

Sounds like a *you* problem. I'm not here to please you. If you cared at all, you could've googled her at least, lazy dilettante.

>> No.21299437

Actually, it sounds like a "you" problem. It sounds like you're butthurt Americans don't pay more attention to your culture.

Yes, I could have Googled her, obviously, but Google would only give me an impartial list of her works. I was humbly asking for your personal preference, which I don't care about now.

You're right. I'll stay with what I already enjoy. American, Canadian, Spanish, British, Irish, Japanese, Italian, French, and so on poetry. Forget about Finnish - because if you're any representative of your people, it isn't worth worrying about.

>> No.21299465

Ah, this brings back memories! The last time I read it, it was the prompt for an essay in a standardized test.

This is perhaps the finest work of probably the most celebrated English-speaking poetess. Such being the case, it would seem that English-speaking poetesses are in a sorry plight indeed.

Rereading it, I find it to be just as much a load of nonsense as was previously; and the verse is sickening, as is all Dickinson's verse. The novelty of it is the only reason she ever got any attention. Her womanhood is the only reason she gets any now. No, anon: this won't do.

>> No.21299470

You're sorely under read if you think that's the best, and your sanctimonious tone just makes it all the more cringe. Pick up a book you fucking losers.

>> No.21299478

No, it's a *you* problem. I'm naming women authors like OP said. And Americans and others with taste have already read her. They don't need to be spoonfed, much less in the era of information.

And yes, don't worry. Stay ignorant, stay dilettante.

>> No.21299479

I would start with The True Deceiver. All of her books, no matter if written for adults or children, are comfy as fuck.

>> No.21299485

She's very annoying, isn't she? I wonder what she's doing here. She's very punchable judging by her writing.

>> No.21299491

Actually, put your money where your mouth is. Analyze this right now, and then post a poem written in the same time frame or newer which obliterates it in both stylistic originality and complexity. Let's see it, you pompous, little-dicked, ESL fuckboy.


There will be no edges, but curves.
Clean lines pointing only forward.

History, with its hard spine & dog-eared
Corners, will be replaced with nuance,

Just like the dinosaurs gave way
To mounds and mounds of ice.

Women will still be women, but
The distinction will be empty. Sex,

Having outlived every threat, will gratify
Only the mind, which is where it will exist.

For kicks, we'll dance for ourselves
Before mirrors studded with golden bulbs.

The oldest among us will recognize that glow—
But the word sun will have been re-assigned

To the Standard Uranium-Neutralizing device
Found in households and nursing homes.

And yes, we'll live to be much older, thanks
To popular consensus. Weightless, unhinged,

Eons from even our own moon, we'll drift
In the haze of space, which will be, once

And for all, scrutable and safe.

>> No.21299492

But I'm gay

>> No.21299495

I don't care ESL. Keep seething from your irrelevant country.
Thanks sensible poster, but I don't give a shit now.

>> No.21299505

>seeking group support
How ironically feminine. Are you going to don a bonnet as well?

>> No.21299526

>deranged shit-eater
Explains everything.

>> No.21299529

t. low IQ reader of Rupi Kaur.

>> No.21299545

There is a less than 1% chance anyone in this thread has a higher IQ than mine, not that IQ means shit, and like anyone 130+ it is obvious Rupi is shit. Besides, dumbass, did I list Rupi? No. Did I post Rupi?No. So stop deflecting on account of your cowardice because you, like all these other sad fucks who can't admit women can write are too much of a intellectual gremlin to rise to my challenge, or to actually be bothered to read.

Fucking fat loser.

>> No.21299578

Sounds like I hit a nerve there lol it's okay. I know women like to read Rupi Kaur even if they don't admit it. They were the ones who made her a sensation (kek). And you sucked the dick of the first guy who posted a cliché poem by another author, your "challenge" is a meme.

>> No.21299583

Pitiful, kid. Fucking pitiful. Just pick up a fucking book you degenerate waste of your father's ejaculate.

>> No.21299622

Can anyone explain what's so good about Shirley Jackson? I only read a couple of stories, incl the lottery and the one about a toothache, and they felt like clumsy beginner writing desu
Flannery OConnor is in another league

>> No.21299627

Solid spooky tales, nothing more. Tove Jansson is also in another league.

>> No.21299762

Nice picks.

>> No.21299778

George Sand

>> No.21299810

Good list, anon.

>> No.21299886
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Pic rel

>Flannery OConnor is in another league
Yeah, the league of ugly useless women. You're stupid.

>> No.21299943
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Yourcenar is great.

>> No.21299945

so youd say shirley jackson is better, or what?

>> No.21299980

Rabelais > all the women posted itt

>> No.21299999
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>sucked the dick
>father's ejaculate
There seems to be a bit of a fixation here. Why are feminists like this?

>> No.21300006
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This entire thread

>> No.21300007

What's the male equivalent of her?

>> No.21300021

I'm not familiar with the name desu chances are she's much better than O'Connor

I am everywhere

>> No.21300212
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>good female authors

>> No.21300226

at least we know this is not a GPT-4 bot as it wouldn't be so stupid to put "good" next to "female" output.

>> No.21300238
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This board really doesn't read. I thought you were memeing but holy shit it's true.

>> No.21300244
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There are no good women authors

>> No.21300424
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where my sistevas at

>> No.21301292

record scratch...
from now on i only want your sexiest female authors

>> No.21301296

>I'm not familiar with the name desu chances are she's much better than O'Connor
She's not. O'Connor is cuter and a better writer.

>> No.21301502

Ayn Rand

>> No.21301757

> No Elfride Jelinek, No Emily Bronte, No Natsuo Kirino, No Unica Zurn, No Plath

/lit/ you really need to kys

>> No.21301766

>/lit/ you really need to kys
Like the shitter Sylvia Plath did? LMAO

>> No.21301918

>Flannery O'Connor was a woman
What the fuck? I have thought for a decade it was a man

>> No.21301927

Yeah the lottery is terrible. I much prefer the Babylon lottery.

>> No.21302004

OP said good, retard

>> No.21302094 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21302129


why are women like this?

>> No.21302452

>still couldn't analyze the poem nor post a obliterating one
>has the audacity to bitch
Illiterate swine.

>> No.21302469

>just discovered Zurn
>needs to grandstand

>> No.21302500

We don't read/

>> No.21302563

So you admit you're getting 0 pussy. Fail more faggot.

>> No.21302604

Already mentioned:
>Shirley Jackson
>Anna Kavan

Not yet mentioned:
>Marilynne Robinson
>Iris Murdoch
>Fleur Jaeggy
>Willa Cather
>Maureen F. McHugh
>Penelope Fitzgerald
>Susanna Clarke
>Judith Schalansky

There will inevitably be some retard that has read one book by one of these ten authors and not liked it, and therefore dismisses all the rest, and to them I say: what is it like, being almost dumb enough that you can't function?

>> No.21302633

JK Rowling

>> No.21303157

>Not yet mentioned:
>>Marilynne Robinson
>>Iris Murdoch
>>Fleur Jaeggy
>>Willa Cather
>>Maureen F. McHugh
>>Penelope Fitzgerald
>>Susanna Clarke
>>Judith Schalansky
A good list, anon, I'm surprise by this.

>> No.21303203

Barbara Kingsolver

>> No.21303793

the girl reading this post

>> No.21303908

You can just tell she resents the fact she didn't get a good dicking down.