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21296717 No.21296717 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Something Nice, Please. edition

Previous thread >>21290181

>> No.21296728

Let's try to make this one less pessimistic than usual

>> No.21296761

I wish there would be good things in my life. I'd write that.

>> No.21296770
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Why? What's the point? jk, life's good, anon-frens

>> No.21296771

Get good

>> No.21296792
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I only wish we had had more time, it was nice to know you for a few months )

>> No.21296799

That's no longer possible.

>> No.21296814

lmao even

>> No.21296828

I’m looking for book recommendations for someone who has deep regrets about their past and is pessimistic about their future as a result.

>> No.21296830
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>> No.21296838

Former Mormon here. I really wonder what the future of the LDS church looks like sometimes.
Before I left the church leadership made several changes in an effort to fight falling membership attendance rates, like reducing the meeting hours to cut down on the number of personnel required to staff churches and allowing younger people to go on missions in an effort to get them personally invested in the church before going to college can expose them to ideas that might unseat the LDS mindset, among others. The leadership has also attempted several image changes and PR moves to make the church seem like just another Christian denomination - discouraging the use of the "Mormon" term (after the previous prophet encouraged it, to boot), rebranding from "the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints" to simply "the church of christ," and more subtle moves like executive leaders moving away from definitive statements about literally seeing God or receiving revelation and towards lawyer-like statements like proclaiming themselves to be "special witnesses of the name of Christ." Time will tell if any of these moves do anything for the church, but I'm not getting my hopes up - the SLC area, the seat of the church itself, has had falling membership rates for multiple years now and general conferences have stopped announcing statistical data about the church every April. Some estimates put the number of members actually attending on a weekly basis at half the published membership figure of roughly 15 million, and in some areas such as England the stats are even worse, with attendance rates hovering around 15% of the on-paper membership numbers. It's both funny and sad to watch.
At one point in time I really thought I would go to BYU, marry a nice girl in the temple, and have a boatload of kids. If I pretended to swallow the Kool-Aid and went back in I could probably still do it, but I refuse. For others the truth might be less important than more immediate concerns, but I simply can't even pretend to worship a "God" who is not even a proper deity at all, much less partake in eerie Masonic rites in secrecy and act like they're anywhere close to what was taught during Christ's ministry. I don't know how my parents did it, honestly.

>> No.21296844

I’m aware of the sunk cost fallacy, but it doesn’t apply because of implications for the future.

>> No.21296849

The belief that past events dictate future prospects is superstition at best

>> No.21296856

Do you think someone who worked as a garbage man until they were 50 will become the President at 51?

>> No.21296857

Sunk Cost and SCF are slightly different things. SC are the expenses incurred in the past that you can't get back, while SCF is when you double down because you paid the expenses in the past (letting them influence future decision making). SCF isn't an inherently bad or good thing. I think personally that almost fuck all would have been achieved if people hadn't been acting as it describes.

>> No.21296858

is this the reason you don't look at a roastie's cock carousing past?

>> No.21296864

Terrible kitchen design.

>> No.21296863

More like reason to ditch the roastie.

>> No.21296865

But he was implying that I'm committing a sunk cost fallacy, and that would be true if it was fallacious to think past decisions would change future outcomes, but it's not. Past decisions can and do change future outcomes in life sometimes.

>> No.21296866

Do you want to be the president, or do you want to be happy?

>> No.21296869

The former.

>> No.21296877
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Kek it was even in the wiki article, I swear I didn't read it first

>> No.21296885

If you look at how people trade options and other things pegged to money (which is just associative memory), it is very clear that past has almost no impact on present.

If you can put your past behind as sunk cost, it will help you immediately. Committing to SCF / superstition might make things better or worse, no guarantee.

>> No.21296892

I realized something about my life.
No matter what I choose to do, I'll regret it somehow. Either I'll ignore clear warnings that things will go wrong or something unexpected will suddenly happen and ruin it all.
I'm a hopeless case. If there is a God, I wonder what he wants of me. Is it all for laughs? Am I a pathetic joke (one of many) that He made just for giggles from time to time, as if I'm Costanza or Jerry from Seinfeld.

>> No.21296898

I feel the very same about my life.

>> No.21296904

Go to therapy

>> No.21296911

Not every decision you make in life is like trading options. You can't reduce everything to mere transactions. If I thought it was reasonable to accept I'm committing a SCF I would, but I don't.

>> No.21296918

To quote the arch-father of pessimism, Schopenhauer:

"The life of every individual, viewed as a whole and in general, and when only its most significant features are emphasized, is really a tragedy; but gone through in detail it has the character of a comedy."

>> No.21296925

What's comedic about the life of Augustus Caesar?

>> No.21296932


>> No.21296934

Somehow, knowing I'm the plaything or brunt of a joke for a cruel God is preferable to knowing that he just doesn't care about me at all.

>> No.21296935

The past literally doesn't control the space time in present either. It's all in your mind my friend, you just have to figure out if your belief results in greater good or bad.

>> No.21296941

Augustus Caesar, arguably the most succesful man who ever lived.

Even Schopenhauer lived a life that reads as basically tragic and romantic. There's a story in it at least. Who is he to speak of the lives of people who are either unremarkable, shameful, or downright embarrassing and pathetic?

>> No.21296947

It absolutely does. If you have sex and conceive of a child, your present now includes a child. This idea that life is a series of isolated decisions with independent outcomes is nonsense and you know it.

>> No.21296953

>If you have sex

lets not kid ourselves here anon

>> No.21296959

Yes, child is an investment, usually 18-20 years if you stick around, don't die or abandon your family.

But, you can always walk away. Cut your losses, maybe the child was a real fucking cunt, maybe you hate it. Kill yourselves under the Christmas tree, real present for the ages.

>> No.21296971

Nobody is denying that you can make decisions, but your possibilities just aren't independent of past decisions. You had a kid, and that changed things. That's just how life works. Once you accrue a sort of a biography, it's there forever, and I do believe it has implications for your future biography.

>> No.21296984

You are mixing up what are entropic skidmarks (such as cutting off a limb, or having a baby) for the actual decision whether to continue investing or not (investing just because there is an entropic skidmark is the fallacy part).

>> No.21296994

Life is not a series of investments. Things happen, by fate or free will, and those things have certain implications for the future. Is this not obvious?

>> No.21297046

> Life is not a series of investments
Life is a series of investments, your own persona and behavior is a product of low interest rates from the United States Central Bank, allowing you to live in a certain way for extended period of time.

> Things happen, by fate or free will, and those things have certain implications for the future
They do not have "implications for the future" unless you believe in causal determinism which would be in direct contradiction with your free will idea. The sunk cost fallacy again here is the part where you believe that you need to keep paying for the thing just because you've already paid for it in some way or another. If you do it out of love or something, it is not a sunk cost fallacy (but something much dumber).

>> No.21297096

I give up.

>> No.21297170


>> No.21297182

The fire is long gone.

>> No.21297188

This describes your death. Quit wallowing in self pity.

>> No.21297197

I have nothing besides self-pity.

>> No.21297207

Self fulfilling nonsense

>> No.21297214

Whys that? You dont believe it?

>> No.21297238

I think you're mistaken about this, but I see you won't consider my point.

>> No.21297254
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WHAT IS THE PROBLEM IN THAT?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

>> No.21297291

Just now I got hit out of nowhere by such a wave of sadness. Why do this happens? Completely drained of energy, feeling like I should lay down and waste away.

>> No.21297298

There's no problem, though you seem pretty upset about it

>> No.21297315

I'm actually pretty happy now, but that post was just a culmination, the overcoming of a general pessimist that I've been dealing with in the past years. But I'm finally free, I don't feel that owe an explanation to the universe.

>> No.21297403

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. There is so much that Ive learned to appreciate this year. This time last year I was depressed, binge drinking every day, cutting myself, and being a little pussy in general. Back in February I made a resolution to take charge of my life. I've made new friendships and strengthened others. I've worked exciting jobs. I went back to college. I went on fun trips and parties. But most importantly, I realized just how good my life really is. I have supportive parents and more than a few second chances to fix my life. Things are good. I have hope. Be thankful anons. Write a list of everything you have that you appreciate. Things arent as bad as your brainfog makes it appear.

>> No.21297410

What are some good history books about the Holy Roman Empire?

>> No.21297412

Go for a jog

>> No.21297420

Also what are some books about the historical significance of the Napoleanic Wars? I'm not interedted in all the gritty details of the dates of the battles, but rather how it affected europe politically and culturally

>> No.21297450
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"Normal" people are willing to lie to themselves for a basic sense of security and community, even if it means believing blatant bullshit. This isn't a dig at all religion, just the irrational tendencies in religious people, which is the exact reason people join cults and clearly bullshit pseudo-religious organizations, like that atheist church thing in England a decade back, pagans, most political parties, etc whoch corporations have now taken advatage of to make a profit at the expense of the cohesion and solvency of society. Erasmus was right on a lot of things especially in saying uneducated/irrational people are no better than animals.

>> No.21297456

And by "religious", I don't just mean organized religion or any particular religion. I'm talking more about the primitive religious instinct in all man that manifests itself in the things we do, implicitly or explicitly

>> No.21297529

You see people complaining about mental health and supposed mental illness all the time, yet why do none of them have the slightest historical awareness to consider why it has become a widespread problem only recently (within the last century) and not before? For my part, I used to be deeply mentally sick, to the point of near dysfunction. Even basic daily interactions were a struggle. What worked for me and cured my soul almost completely and made me an entire different person within just a year or two - and people rarely take me seriously when I say this - was turning to religion. To quote Jung:

"Not only Christianity with its symbols of salvation, but all religions, including the primitive with their magical rituals are forms of psychotherapy which treat and heal the suffering of the soul, and the suffering of the body caused by the soul."

Do you think that it's only a coincidence that the rise of mental illness takes place at the same time as the rise of irreligiousity? If anyone here is interested in the theurpatic power of religion, I'd recommend a study of Jung's work, and then choosing one of the traditional religions and participating in it fully. I don't want to say which religion, but obviously not all religions are of equal value.

>> No.21297545

You should be the one telling us about the problem in that, as obviously you're the one who is troubled.

>> No.21297560

Not previous anon.

Depends on what you call religion. I'm not sure someone living from joint to joint and using drugs on a daily basis is any better than a devout of any religion. The problem with atheists, beyond their obsession to take digs at religion whilst not knowing anything about any of them, is that they can't actually see everyone is the same.
From what you've said, I can infer we're both of the same mind regarding base human instincts (we HAVE to put special emphasis to certain things in our lives) but you still seem to think that perceiving the world through logic alone is the only true way forwards in society (to what goal? happiness? full control?). It is not. You also seem to think that belief is all there is in religions, and this is not the case either.

I could go on and on but it wouldn't serve any point. The only thing that is about right in any of these deabtes is that we all choose the chains that bind us, regardless of our affiliations. Calling out irrational behaviors (to be comprehended : witnessed behavior that you cannot understand as you are) as animalistic is the proof that you lack empathy and are unable to put yourself in others' shoes. That kind of thought process is exactly the reason why every country of the world is accusing americans of being stupid idiots whenever they travel overseas.

>> No.21297571
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What should I do for Thanksgiving, anons?

I was gonna just stay home today but one of my roommates (an African woman) invited her family over for the weekend. They're fucking loud as shit and I don't wanna be at home while they're there. My other two roommates (including the guy who owns the house) are gone too. If I stayed it would just be me and the Africans.

What should I do? Where should I go? I have no family or friends in this town so I can't just go to someone else's place and chill. I thought about going to the library but im not even sure it's open today.

>> No.21297580

Trading options or bonds, or indeed, even gambling isn't really something you want to get into the weeds of sunk cost on because a lot of time a martingale strategy will pay off once you don't go bust. It's basically only a fallacy if you're a poorfag.

>> No.21297587

Crash your roommate's Thanksgiving. At the very least you get a free meal

>> No.21297599

>You also seem to think that belief is all there is in religions, and this is not the case either.
Really what else is there, when you get down to it? If you don't believe, you can't really say you're Christian or Muslim or whatever

>> No.21297616

Catholic here. All you get for not believing is extra green sepulchres as gifts from aunties.

>> No.21297638

>Former Mormon
There's a butteriness to this phrase . Didn't read your post but I felt like pointing that out.

>> No.21297661
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I disagree. As a Catholic, I believe God gave us the capacity to reason. While we can't justify every single belief we have, we can justify the ones we have and the ones we or someone else has experienced in some way. Frankly, of you can't do that at the bare minimum, you are acting animalistically. Unless you are genuinely mentally handicapped or have absolutely no access to education, introspection should be something you do often when it comes to any belief you have. It's npt a matter of being wholly rational or fideistic, but balancing the heart and the mind since we are humans (i.e. rational animals), not angels or animals of a lower degree. If you as a human can't do that or see a problem woth that, you can't complain about the spiritual malaise, decadency/degeneracy and general meaningless in modern life since all of these spring from overplaying and underplaying the role of reason in one's faith life. I know too many Catholics and Christians that believe but don't know why other than that's what their family/community taught them or expects. These people end up spiritually stunted as a result. Even the Apostles (especially Paul) had a great cpmman of rational resources which they used to spread the Gospel (read John, Acts 17 or really anything Pauline if you don't believe me). Faith without reason is languid, forceless and limp. Reason without faith is dead. But Faith and Reason is literally how one progresses in the spiritual life.

>> No.21297663

Have you read Kokoro?

>> No.21297682

As long as I still maintain feelings of jealousy upon encountering certain people and carrying the dreaded "chip on my shoulder" of trying to subtly prove that I am better, I will not be able to make it in any meaningful capacity. That much I am certain of. Now how do I get past the jealousy, I don't really know for now, because I don't know how to find satisfaction with the way I lead my life. I'm afraid of being the kind of person who never finds it, but that's just laziness and cowardice talking.
Do you lads get jelly at all of other people?

>> No.21297704

The only way to save yourself from the worst existential crisis of all time after you hit 30 is to have something going on that is completely your thing and that nobody can take away from you. If it's your lifelong quest to solve some math conjecture, or a career in medicine because you need to know you're helping people so that your life has meaning, or just the fact that you know in your soul you would be happy as long as you have a tent and a piece of land in the back woods, you need to have that shit figured out by your 30s or you get hit hard.

Everything else can be taken away from you, lifestyle, people, creature comforts. But if you know you could pack up and move to Siberia and all you would need is a long distance subscription to an astronomy magazine and a cheap telescope for your life to be yours, you will be fine.

For the vast majority of normal people the most they can hope for is family, and maybe meaning from their job. But most people who get meaning from their job are extroverts who feel recharged by day to day human contact, helping people in little ways, etc. And family can always go to shit when the love dies. It's much safer to have a higher purpose in life. Especially in the economy that is to come, with everything collapsing and the first world slowly turning into the third world. If you could find out that you will have no power, no electronics, no internet, and not much socializing for 5 years, and still basically live a fulfilling life for that 5 years, you're safe. Most normie people had mental breakdowns during COVID because they couldn't go to movies they'd barely remember anyway and restaurants with people they bitch about right afterwards.

>> No.21297728

I dont like predestination but I feel compelled to believe it

>> No.21297732

Your describing a strategy used to encourage proper lines of thought about individual decisions and, because you are retarded, are applying it to a longform look at the consequences of events long past over the course of an entire person's life.

>> No.21297748
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I'm amazed how much like Fuller I looked like when I was a kid. Same age as Kieran even

>> No.21297770

Hiroshimoot is Japanese. I think the Chinese are just banned because racism. I doubt the Chinese are even allowed to post here by their own government, however.

>> No.21297790
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Thanksgivings dinner time! What is /wwoym/ thankful for?
I'm grateful that I have a nice big bed to sleep in.

>> No.21297807

Tell us more about your own personal experience anon, assuming you went through what you're warning against. How did you get to that point, what was it like for you, and how did you get out of it if you have?

>> No.21297817

>30 is the new 15
When they remake the movie of Logan's Run as an inevitable subscription series, I fully expect runners to be bloated 50 year olds in ill-fitting suits.

>> No.21297904

I only woke up and felt good when I understood and accepted I have no choice in anything I do and am only here for the ride. It is absolute surrender and submission to riding the moment to live this reality without freedom.

>> No.21297912

You are a man of faith. I admire that.

>> No.21297923

I was working some job with a 21 year old. This guy had a baby face so he looked really young. Guy started talking about his son. Going on about cost of diapers, anxiety about education, and all that stuff parents talk about. I was shocked. Guy is so young but he works his ass off doing labor intensive jobs to raise a baby. I'm a few years older abd I live like a teenager, working part time for beer as my wealthy parents let me live at home for free as i piss around at a community college. I'm so fucking thankful that Ive been given so much to live comfortable and easy while I put my life together. This appreciation has encouraged me to take advantage of all Ive been given and make a good life for myself.

>> No.21297946
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I haven't had a serious and sober look on life for the past couple of years and it's doing both wonders yet slight concern.

I also feel a slight urge to poop but won't because it's almost bed time and the toilet seat is cold.

>> No.21297950
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Did Harlan Ellison just casually admit he's into toddlers in this passage? Or is it just a weird joke

>> No.21297967

I'm pretty sure he's mocking the fake morality people in show business generally have, when it's quite well known they are sexual deciants. At least that's my reading of it.

>> No.21297988

I'm drunk

>> No.21297998

I can’t even talk to people about philosophy because I am just so far beyond them. Their arguments are pointless and I have already considered them and understood them better than they have. But it’s impossible for me to even explain how deeply retarded they are because I would have to take them through my entire development in order to elucidate all the basic concepts they have zero knowledge of and they wouldn’t be able to comprehend any of it and they wouldn’t want to due to their prejudices. It’s not even funny how easily I make everyone look like children and they aren’t even smart enough to realize how much smarter I am and how stupid and uneducated they are. I have to leave this world behind

>> No.21298042

recently turned thirty. haven't been feeling like myself for the past year and a half or so. during this time the number of books i've read fully has fallen by about a half, which doesn't bade well for my writing. ever since Russia invaded Ukraine (I'm from a nearby country) the anxiety has truly gotten to me, coupled with a sense of guilt for not contributing more, which I realistically can't as I'm living hand to mouth, but that doesn't stop the guilt. i suspect that even if there were no war i would feel as if i'd have to earn the right to be alive. there are rare moments of calm, but i generally get one to two hours of a clear mind every day tops. the rest i feel decentered, as if i'm having an argument and the other person is intent on misunderstanding me. just applied for a grant, which would really change my life as i'd be able to go to therapy. there is some obstruction that doesn't allow me to 'just be', even when i do calm down enough to write or just think and imagine there's still always something that gets me back into an anxious spiral. i want to go to the US to do a PhD next year, and it would mean the life for me, but suppose i got accepted there would still be very many days like this when all i do is feel lonely and afraid, too many days to be able to do the work i'd want to do. and somehow it's a matter of love, or care, or whatever it is that envelops you and smiles at you and says that it's going to be okay, that you have never fucked up, that you are okay, surrounding you like a warm bath and carrying you to the place you know inside you so well with all the pretty images that hold your world together.

>> No.21298048

I have. Why do you think that’s pertinent?

>> No.21298056

Free will or determinism? And why?

>> No.21298059

cope incel, Emily DICKinson

>> No.21298070

Me too

>> No.21298075

Well everyone over for Thanksgiving is east asian and no one speaking english. Kind of sucks being culturally alienated in my own damn house

>> No.21298078

I invented a new dish. BBLT: Bacon, Burger, Lettuce, Tomato

>> No.21298086

you married an asian woman, not me

>> No.21298096

No, my dad married an asian woman

>> No.21298148

I really think being constantly surrounded by people of a different race causes depression

>> No.21298153
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>> No.21298163

It seems like my post wasn't posted.
I went on a couple of dates with one girl, first ones were nice and she started texting me daily.
The last one, I was depressed that day and I was just boring and dull, I think the mood is permanently fucked up.
She stopped texting me, just replies to my messages with mechanical short answers.
What should I message her, I still have hopes to revive the vibe, but I'm also very tired these days to socialize and make connections.

>> No.21298177

fuck your cousins

>> No.21298192

Free will but it ends up being the same as determinism thus both are meaningless concepts because they are defined in terms of each other yet are the same.

>> No.21298202

I dont have any cousins to fuck because my dad hates his family and moved to a different continent to get away from them

>> No.21298217

Great, but explain how they are both the same concept.

>> No.21298225

no point. you wouldn't get it.

>> No.21298227

I already agree that they are one and the same thing, but I think your understanding is different. How are they defined in terms of each other?

>> No.21298238


>> No.21298245

Free will. Determinism, when taken to its logical conclusion, denies life itself

>> No.21298254

I was in such a great mood until people showed up

>> No.21298256

Asians don't get along with other Ethnicities of Asians. Its a well documented fact

>> No.21298272

What should I ask Santa for Christmas?

>> No.21298274

ask him to kill me

>> No.21298276

I don't think Santa gives things like that for Christmas. He gives things like toys, books, games, letters, etc.

>> No.21298277


>> No.21298284

No. Stop being weird about it. I won't do anything like that ever. I know what kind of person Santa is and that's not the kind to kill someone!

>> No.21298291

fine, then ask him for a model of an aircraft carrier with planes

>> No.21298301

Ah, i see. Ask him for a gun.

>> No.21298314

Analytic and synthetic a priori justifications are exempt from that condition, as well as ambiguous propositions that aren't clearly classifiable. Popper's philosophy of science was also BTFO'd by Kuhn because the history of philosophy clearly never worked under that scheme (I'm not making an is-ought fallacy read the next sentence), and Popper had no justification on which to claim such a condition would be beneficial to science when Kuhn presented cases that showed the opposite.

But even in my reply to you, even if every sentence by itself is right, the organization is so poor, and betrays so little clarity, that I am embarrassed to post this. How do I arrange my thoughts to attain clarity? A similar effect happens in percieving art: we can comprehend what was meant to be felt, and even feel it in a vague way, but we never truly feel the feeling is that makes sense... it's like imagining eating vs actually eating. It's like when you look at a pretty girl: nothing you could do with her would be enough to feel like you got sufficiently close to feel her. It's as if you need to crawl into her skin to be finally satisfied, and everything else is playing around. Or, looking at cute animals, for instance. Even here we invoke the metaphor of eating the animal in reference to the magnitude of cuteness, but this metaphor makes no sense on the face of it... until you add in these facts. Experience is a chaos, and memory is a random barrage of trash, like mixing all the ingredients in at once and expecting something edible. What a terrible existence. How are you supposed to sort this chaos out? What would such a sorting even consist of? I just want to *actually eat*. The only thing I care about is clarity. Everything is a mess.

>> No.21298357

Is-ought fallacy (it's contrapositive specifically)

>> No.21298378

I deeply relate. I have spent nothing but intensely thinking about and reading philosophy for the past half a decade. It's all that I do and anything else I do is justified by it's utility to philosophy. See, never explicitly talk to people about philosophy. Philosophical questions will inadvertantly be brought up in conversation, and at this point you use your skill to fully elucidate the position of who you're talking to, and take it to it's logical conclusion beyond what they first imagined, noting all the subtleties, problems and interesting inferences that could be made from it.
Another fun thing to do is give very small prompts to whoever you're talking to and see them develop your position for themselves using your small prompts (never explicit). This makes them think they have come to the position themselves, when it was really you, but they have no way of telling because from their perspective you were just making irrelevant, innocuous comments.

>> No.21298406

Don't really care. Hume was a prick. He was the one who mistook appearance for reality

>> No.21298415

It seems like the mentality that Sensei has at the end. What kind of regrets to you have about your past? Why do you think they’ll impact your future?

>> No.21298420
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We are all completely fucked.
The environment is collpasing.
An deranged alliance of corporate elites, trust fund babies, and aggreived manchilds are on the verge of seizing control of the American government and dragging society back to a Neo-Feudal Gilded Age.
There is no opposition to this.
The Democratic Party are beholden to the same interests.
The fractured and disorganised """left""" are more concerned with internal power plays asserting who is the most radical and being the biggest fish in a leaking pond, most of them I wouldn't trust anywhere near a workers co-operative or communal environment - the moment they couldn't bully or intimidate the rest of the group they'd start organizing a red brigade.
When the climate collapse hits we are going to face a catastrophic and terminal catastrophe.

>> No.21298422

What do you give up on, anon?

>> No.21298428

if the world were going to end in 90 minutes or if I knew I was going to die in the next hour, I wouldn't do that gay shit of talk to my family or whatever, I would just go outside whether it's raining or snowing or shining and I would sit on the ground and be at absolute peace knowing that my fate is finally out of my hands and I don't have to do anything anymore or worry about the future.

>> No.21298442

Hey, it's a good thing. When the collapse is imminent, the Messiah/the Mahdi/Jesus/Kalki/Saoshyant (or whatever you want to call him) will finally come.

>> No.21298670

i miss my ex so much that i want to die. it's been 2 years and i still miss him. i'm never going to stop missing him, so i want to die.

>> No.21298678

fuck, i can relate :(

>> No.21298680

Are you the Australian

>> No.21298723

who is the australian?

>> No.21298730

Human beings are filth infested bags of pus and blood, stop idolizing what isn't worthy of it.

>> No.21298736

Why am I always horny in the morning?

>> No.21298745
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Does anyone on /lit/ actually like the way they look?

>> No.21298749

Based misanthrope. I do wish I wasn’t one myself. But I’m not sure how a man of consciousness does not reach this conclusion.

>> No.21298752

holy fuck the words don't make sense anymore

>> No.21298756

T levels are higher early in the morning.

>> No.21298765

I'm getting weaker

>> No.21298796

physically or mentally?

>> No.21298804

The australian femanon. The one whose boyfriend developed the schizophrenia. I gave her my email at one point.

>> No.21298807

>How are they defined in terms of each other?
Not that anon, but it's somewhat simple. Freedom is completely void of concrete meaning if it is not freedom "to do", that is freedom to actually determine something in some such way. For something to be determined in some such way by an agent, it needs to affect the agent in such a way as to make that determination choice-worthy rather than its opposite or some other exclusionary choice (otherwise the agent would be making a "random choice", which is hardly free. So the agent who is free to determine is also free to be determined in a way which becomes absolutely ambiguous as to how "determination" or "freedom" could be defined with reference to the agent, ie the result is it can't even be said to what "extent" the agent is free or determined, it is equally both (this is, by the way, what the Scholastic philosophers meant when they say that "potency" is the limitation of "act", and that "act", despite being wholly definite, is also infinite in its definitude, whereas potency is entirely indefinite yet finite and limiting. In other words, an agent has an active potency by virtue of its actuality, yet its actuality is simultaneously constrained by its potencies, both active and passive). The more interesting point to come back to which I don't know if that other anon considered is whether or not freedom being void of content means that it is not freedom. True freedom would have to be some kind of non-action which is the only means of absolute unlimitedness, which needless to say would surpass the human state altogether, something more akin to the Tao's transcendental man.

>> No.21298808

lol, tryna get some aussie pussy?

>> No.21298835
File: 224 KB, 633x477, tumblr_34c76c4a32dc263fe5adf75dd10fbf55_35f4652e_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend has trooned out. It came as a total surprise to me when he announced it last week but apparently he has been covertly considering it for a while.

We met for the first time since his "announcement" at the start of this week. He was wearing a fucking wig and a dress and everything. It was completely ridiculous and I had a very visceral reaction of disgust which I hope I managed to conceal from him, though I think he sensed I was not taking it well. It was accentuated by him having a bloody shaving cut on his purely masculine face, framed by the absurd wig he was wearing.

We tried to grab some food and carry on a conversation like we always have but I can't fucking do it. it's only the fact that he really is my best friend that keeps me from wanting nothing more to do with him.

This is one of the most miserable things that has ever happened to me. I have known this man since we were in third grade together. I was the best man at his wedding, and then when that didn't work out I helped him cope with his divorce. I had always considered him a reliable comrade. And now I am supposed to think of him as a woman.

He said he wants me to "be okay with it." I'm not fucking okay with it, /lit/. I am not taking this well at all.

>> No.21298839

no australians are retarded, i'm an American. i'll email u tho if you give me your email

>> No.21298845

Kinda but there's always some room for improvements. My arms need to be a bit more muscular, especially near my shoulders. Besides that it's an unfortunate roll of dice that my torso is very long.

>> No.21298849
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I wish things were different. Better, to be more specific. I've been trying to make things better for myself but nothing seems to work.

>> No.21298851

if you valued him and his friendship as much as you claim, you would be able to work past it and let him live his life how he likes considering it’s not harming anybody else. Unfortunately your rotted 4chan brain won’t allow you to do this hence your use of phrases like ‘trooned out’. You know it’s the same person in there, choosing to wear different clothes and appear differently. Ask yourself why this disgusts you so much and whether you’ve been spending too much time on /pol/

>> No.21298852

I think there's some truth to this, but it's really not that simple.

>> No.21298865

My youngest brother behaves poorly, but less in front of me than others and he's already college age so I'm not sure how I should correct him.

>> No.21298867

If anon valued his friend he would do his best to snap him out of his self-destructive episode.

>> No.21298871

I have such intense mood swings. I go from super happy and hopeful to the darkest pit of despair and then back to elated again all in one day.

>> No.21298875

Shut up faggot. Trooning out marks such a major change in a person that he can't even be considered to be the same person who was the friend. The darkest pits of his soul swallowed his personality and his freakish perversions corrupted all possible future interactions. He is quite frankly not the same person anymore.

>> No.21298878

you too. get off the Internet, get outside, interact with a trans person. its crazy how deeply rooted peoples opinions are about this ‘issue’ to the point youll make snap judgments about how ill fated some random dudes friends decision is to dress and present different

>> No.21298894

even if the way you characterise ‘trooning out’ were true, people do not go from secure and stable to lurching into the opposite gender. you dont get ultra manly lumberjack types who suddenly wake up and decide to be a woman, it’s a process that anybody with half a brain cell can see coming. if op is as bowled over as he seems he cant have been paying particularly close attention to his ‘friend’. you are further evidence of pol nerds seething and raging over a conceptual idea that they havent even bothered to see play out in real life. find something else to be angry about

>> No.21298900

What are you talking about? People have deeply repressed issues and sudden life crises that consume them all the time. Are you a tranny yourself? Is that why you're so butthurt?

>> No.21298907

nope but have a couple trans friends. you dont need to be so upset at the world around you, remember you dont know any of these people friend

>> No.21298911

should read jung's the red book or anything by cioran. accept pain and regret as tools for growth. you regret because you're better than how you were (how you acted) - that should make you feel optimistic about yokkjvtur future, not pessimistic

>> No.21298913

So you're faggot whose surrounded by turbo faggots. Cool.

>> No.21298916

your* sorry im drunk

>> No.21298929

sure, if you like. do you feel better now?

>> No.21298937

also you got it right the first time retard

>> No.21298944

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.21298990
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it really is sad and alienating. I dont even have some deep /pol/ racial hatred and im kind to people and give everyone a chance, but it just feels wrong. its like we've created some sort of weird artificial form of community that doesn't "work" like natural communities are supposed to. another brick in the wall of a nightmarish hellworld where yet another important aspect of the human experience has been torn away from us by force at the barrel of a gun in the name of progress.

>> No.21298993

Make friends with ethnically similar people and never look back. Whenever you're forced to be in the same place as other races just pretend you're stuck in a plane temporarily with lots of people you don't know or care for.

>> No.21299010

>not all religions are of equal value.

>> No.21299013

Man it's been 10 years and basically my whole adolescence. I am deeply entrenched in a "diverse" community and I have to drive at least an hour just to get into the periphery of white america. My non white friends and my non white community are my life. I'll always have to be the alien. It really sucks but it's my life now.

>> No.21299029

No, I have intense body dysmorphic disorder.

>> No.21299030

I worry that I’ll never be able to stop missing you.

>> No.21299041

Why is it depressing to be surrounded by diversity? How did you end up there in the first place?

>> No.21299048

I believe the future will bring a state of such total apathy, hedonism, and nihilism to the average member of the human race that all who came before, even the most depraved libertines and amoralists, would recoil in disgust were they to glimpse it.

>> No.21299059

I grew up in an idyllic white american town. Middle class suburb, everything provided, happy life. But my older brothers thought it wasn't good enough for them so they decided to turn to drugs. A lot of shit happened and eventually a social worker was put on the case and advised my dad to leave town or else my brother would die. So we moved to some ethnic neighborhood in the big city. My brother of course, 10 years on, is still a junkie piece of human garbage. But my idyllic life was destroyed in his interest. So now I have to be surrounded by immigrants who dont speak english and always be the odd man out. My ethnic neighborhood high school had more ESL classes than normal classes. English is the second language and my customs and culture is alien to these people. I'm a forienger on my own soil.
Dont get me wrong, I've made friends of these immigrants. But it's just exhausting being the only person of my race and the only person of my nationality and the only person of my culture all the time. I have to do interpretative dance just to have a conversation and thats a regular event.

>> No.21299069

I cannot live with constant self-pity.

>> No.21299076

isn't alienation itself fundamental to a system that promotes and necessitates division of labour ? People believe there are divisions along ethnic lines, but these are really class distinctions, no ?

>> No.21299080

Me too. How do I accept how I look.

>> No.21299082

No, ethnic alienation is much more powerful than class alienation. I'm from an upper middle class background and get along better with white working class people than coloreds of my own class. Race is more powerful a marker thann class

>> No.21299103

but race is an arbitrary distinction since it’s value is entirely relative, whereas the distinction amongst classes is, by reflexive definition with society itself, fundamental, as each classes value is engrained within the hierarchal order of a system that necessitates the division of labour and redistribution of capital ?

>> No.21299125

Thats fucking retarded. Race is an observable phenomenon and anyone who denies that is brain dead.

>> No.21299133

to clarify the point a little with an example: Black men may be more likely to win footraces, but what value or importance this has is entirely relative. Whereas, if capital accumulation is a social imperative, we must then assume that the more money you have the better, and most importantly that this is *necessarily* so, that is to say that it is *necessarily* good to have more money, therefore race distinctions are contingent but class distinctions are categorical, so long as we define class according to differential capital accumulation.

A more thorough definition would have a few more points, but the above will suffice for now.

>> No.21299136

I'm the kind of man who writes long letters to people for no good reason. When I do finally call it quits, I'm going to do it with a flintlock pistol.

>> No.21299137

Very interesting that you'll say physiological differences between races affect atheltic ability but not economic output. Why should racial distinctions stop only at foot races? Culture is behavioral, and race affects behavior.

>> No.21299144

you make a good, valid, rebuttal, but suppose I were to say that economic output is itself subject to

>> No.21299148

oops, posted to soon, suppose i were to say either that economic output is itself subject to representational inclusion and enfranchisement or that economic output itself is a flawed metric that presupposes the same class distinctions we are attempting to challenge, what then ?

>> No.21299153

I hate smiling and I hate how my smile looks.

>> No.21299156

You have cause and effect reversed. The problem with marxists is that they see economic standing as the underlying cause for all other things when in reality economic standing is an effect of other underlying conditions.

>> No.21299170

yep, this definitely is a difference between marxists and capitalists

>> No.21299176

Capitalists are just a different brand of marxists because they posit economics as the supreme ethic

>> No.21299177

write me a letter

>> No.21299189

ha, fascinating take. All societal orders are just super structures expressing a supposed transcendent order and in that way of course they are all the same.

>> No.21299195

No bro, capitalism is an invention of Marx to satisfy his dialectic. Without capitalism historical materialism is meaningless

>> No.21299197

Do you really have to read Jung to realize this? I thought this was the baseline and common take of utilitarian views of religion. Basically that they provide answers that it's extremely difficult to live without.

>> No.21299206

also very interesting take, but we can reduce the label of capitalism to the social principles of utilitarian and Pareto economic principles, no ?

>> No.21299210

oh and of course technological innovation as the driving force of historical progress

>> No.21299221

Elaborate. How would this contradict the claim that capitalism is just the flip side of the coin of Marx's dialectic, sharing the fundamental material metaphysics as communism?

>> No.21299226

So how worthless is it to be an English major? Thinking about switching to it solely because I’m terrible at anything else but I know it’s one of the worst majors around

>> No.21299229

The late worm survives the early bird.

>> No.21299233

how do i take the Late Worm Pill

>> No.21299234

>sharing the fundamental material metaphysics
If you believe Marxism contains metaphysics, then you have been really suckered in by their pilpul. It's the same, typical hogwash that modern scientism uses to create surface plausibility while being entirely gutted of substantiality underneath the appearance.
It's also equally as absurd to say that capitalism "has a metaphysics." Materialist metaphysics died with Newton after his "fundamental principles" were deconstructed by later physicists (not even so-called philosophers).

>> No.21299238
File: 27 KB, 327x500, B0060MGHK4.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy the physical copy of don Quixote or just read it on my kindle?

Also is this version/print any good? I own one other "vintage" book and the writing was kind of small and blurry. Not sure if it's really like that or I just unfortunately got a bad copy

>> No.21299242

Go to bed late. Wake up late.

>> No.21299255

Give me a break man. Materialism is a metaphysics

>> No.21299264

Capitalism is nominalistic, marxism is not.

>> No.21299282

What does that mean

>> No.21299287

I've gone and melted my brain with existentialism and now I dont know what to think about anything anymore.

>> No.21299295

capitalism or it’s underlying doctrine supposes a nominal ‘thing’, that something can be reduced to an irreducible kernel, a transcendent object, marxists do not believe such. Marxists follow the Hegelian doctrine to it’s final conclusion, things can only be defined not in and of themselves but in relation to one another and that in fact each thing contains it’s opposite and is therefore not a composite, discrete whole but a process (this is all ad lib)

>> No.21299320
File: 46 KB, 600x800, BE57F33F-5DEF-4F8A-80E8-C0E01E640304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chin chin

>> No.21299342

That's the thing. They're not even honest about their use of the word materialism; if you investigate their literature sufficiently you find out that the Marxist idea of materialism is something totally different from a metaphysical belief or presupposition. It's basically just an a priori method of connecting empirical data with no actual grounding, either ontologically or otherwise. So at best, "materialism" as espoused by the run-of-the-mill Marxist is an epistemological framework or assumption, you could even say that to an extent it is merely a psychological projection. It suffers all of the flaws of modern philosophy, ie it is an epistemology which has been established without regard to metaphysical principles; it puts the cart before the horse and assumes it can know without there being anything to know. And when you boil it all down to the fundamentals, it's all just hogwash, except in the very narrow sense of having some (entirely limited in space and time) degree of predictive validity.
Capitalism does not suppose ANYTHING. Capitalism is just as instinctively psychological as Marxism, the only thing that matters in capitalism, arguably, is maximizing certain figures. The existence of a thing behind the figures is immaterial to capitalism as such.

>> No.21299370

But now are we not moving towards Baudrillard’s realm of the hyperreal, wherein the map precedes the land, that’s no longer Capitalism, it’s robber barren territory.

>> No.21299374

Can you define capitalism or at least tell me who defines its doctrine?

>> No.21299375
File: 45 KB, 400x419, squint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing ever happens until it actually does. If you look at history, it really does seem like so many of the great revolutions and changes happen when, one day, there was a seemingly small moment when someone decided to do something different than had been done before.

It really sometimes seems that simple when you read about all the wars, revolutions, coups, and conquests of history. It all seems to start with a dramatic, but initially small-scale deviation from the status quo. And then, like a small flame growing as it feeds on tinder, circumstances and events conspire to feed the upheaval.

>> No.21299379

Buy a physical copy and then pirate a pdf onto your kindle and read that.

>> No.21299389

it will only go to the munchhaussen trilemma, you will say I am invoking dogma, circular reasoning or an infinite regress. I am not an anti capitalist, just a devils advocate.

>> No.21299395

Was unironically my plan lmao

>> No.21299401

If it were possible for "pure capitalism" to exist, then yes, it probably would be robber baron territory. Reality is generally much more complicated than philosophical and ideoloical simplifications (thankfully). Not all human beings are ideomatons, even if they're not entirely articulate themselves.

>> No.21299404

yes, i agree with you and feel this is a very astute observation, thank you for helping me hone my knowledge and understanding more senpai.

>> No.21299425

Happy to help, but I consider what I just said to be fairly common knowledge amongst people who argue against capitalism. It's even one if the go-to polemics. In mainstream (non-Marxist) economics it is expressly admitted that capitalism without mediation (government, ethics, etc.) would be a disaster for most people, possibly even the people at the top.

>> No.21299456

oh, i know, i was going to rebut with the tyranny of the managerial class, but in my opinion at that point it’s moot imo.

>> No.21299561

I cant laugh or cry from my chest. Only pathetic wheezing

>> No.21299632

How do I grow a thicker skin and become unfazed by getting yelled at/treated like a useless piece of shit? I realize that this is a bitchy thing to admit, but I still mentally shut down and shed a few tears in private whenever I get yelled at by my father, especially when i have to help him out with something and have to deal with the scorn and contempt. I think I'd rather get beat up than listen to that tone of voice. I have to be stronger, to look past these small trifles so I can be more effective at providing assistance, but I have no idea on how to do so.

>> No.21299643

>and then choosing one of the traditional religions and participating in it fully.
Though I'm an agnostic myself, I don't feel like that's how religion really "works". You can't just say "Huh, I like the tenets of Zoroastrianism; I guess I'll worship Ahura Mazda now." I feel that to become truly religious without your fingers crossed behind you back, you have to come to a revelation, not an agreement - You have to realize that this IS the truth, not assume that it is.

But hey, I come from a majority-Christian country, so maybe the way I think about religion isn't really right.

>> No.21299746

/lit/ is full of bots.

>> No.21299751

Nothing ever happens. History is all fake. Anyone can lie and just write shit down in the history books while the "experts" decide what is true or not.

>> No.21299766

>Only pathetic wheezing
That's normal

>> No.21299770

but why do I feel like my chest is being squeezed? am I not allowing myself to laugh or cry?

>> No.21299777

it’s about desensitisation imo. Firstly, part of the fright of being shouted at is that it comes suddenly and unexpectedly, so the more often you are exposed to this sort of thing the less unexpected it will become, thereby reducing it’s emotional impact. Secondly, you need to get used to standing up for yourself, that’s also about desensitisation, the first time is hard, you’ll have shakey legs and a racing heart, by the fourth or fifth time you’ll be wanting them to shout more just so it gives you the opportunity to give them another piece of your mind.

>> No.21299821

speaking of zoomers i feel they kinda ruined /x/, i used to visit that board sometimes before they're blatant larps right now. not saying they didn't larp i remember there was a quite fun thread that the OP managed to fool people into believing he was going to visit some paranomal place near his house before somebody exposed him. but at least somebody at that time still put some time into their larping (still have the video the guy recorded). you visit them now you see blatant made up shits like 'the nobody' or memes like 'the fucking' (it's supposed to be... funny?).

>> No.21299844

yeah /x/ actually used to be kinda comf, some of the greentexts were awesome and the schizo posts were also prone to imparting hearty keks, now it’s literal drivel, maybe it’s what happens when youtubers popularise /x/ content.

>> No.21299921

everything about me is fake

>> No.21299962

Stop giving so much of a shit guys. Enjoy the historical moment you are in. You can't change shit any more than some nameless bootblack could change anything 100 years ago. Don't stress.

>> No.21299968

I'm all up in my glory hole S O oh no no

>> No.21299987

>bro, just be nothing

>> No.21299996

That song is wicked

>> No.21300094

I've fallen in love with making miniature models, and I'm having a lot of fun. I've already made two, and I'm waiting for my third to arrive today. On Monday I get another. the only downside is that I finish them so fast. I don't have the money to feed my new obsession.

>> No.21300103
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>You can't change shit any more than some nameless bootblack could change anything 100 years ago.
Can't win if you don't play.

>> No.21300112

Play as much as you want but you'll always be unhappy. There's no organisation of society that will make you happy even if you got everything that you wanted.

>> No.21300117
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>> No.21300126

As I recall, Sensei is regretful but he kills himself because times are changing and he doesn't understand the new world and not because of regret.

>> No.21300136

I have myself. I still don't like them

>> No.21300142

>There's no organisation of society that will make you happy even if you got everything that you wanted.
I don't care for society, I just care about getting what I want. That's why I keep playing.

>> No.21300156

People who do things for selfish gain are always the worst pieces of human excrement. I think there's something to be said about ungrateful people. My mother has accused me of the same shit but its not that she didn't do anything about my situation its just that her suggestions actually held me back than jumped me forward. My sister was the golden child so me as the eldest was passed over for not having a vagina. The amount of praise showered upon her gave her a really ugly, arrogant personality and never really had to deal with any sort of setbacks. Women piss me off so much...

>> No.21300162

To the

>generic early-mid 20's American male suffering from alienation ITT

Let me lay out the bad news for you as directly as I can. This will be the character of your existence no matter how much you strive to change it.

The American is a born and bred hustler, his nature is grifting. For the Chinese/Indian/Jew the biological imperative would be family or kin. But for the American it is the enterprising individual. All facets of the american personality exist only to further the individual american's capacity for and hunger for monetary success. Like the aforementioned civilizations, the American does not have a soul, does not have an inner life. There's nothing going on in there.

So you,

>generic early-mid 20's American male suffering from alienation ITT

are not going to get around this by reading any amount of radical trans-emancipatory cybernetic hard right accelerationist orthodox rosicrucian neo-aristocratic literature, because you are intellectually and spiritually barren.

You could spend the next ten years reading all this shit, and the end result would be your concern with relating your learning to your and every American's lifelong question of

>"how do I make a dime?"

In so many forms.

The american is an economic function, absolutely nothing more. If the

>generic early-mid 20's American male suffering from alienation ITT

feels bad it is because he is actualizing his existence as an economic function sufficiently well, nothing more.

>> No.21300166

Pessimism is progress whether you know it or not.

>> No.21300171

Let me help you: The same villain in your past will be there in your future unless you make a permanent fundamental change in the way you think and feel and live and be who you are and have been. Play it long enough and that new person can be you.

>> No.21300180

I'm afraid there isn't much to elaborate. Some religions are more true than the others, and some traditions are more faithful to the original founder than the others.
Note that I'm not advocating for a utiliatrian view of religion. What I'm saying is that if you notice that so many good things come from religion (eg virtuous way of life, peace of mind, beautiful art and ambience, etc.) and so many bad things come from irreligiousity (corruption and degeneracy, "mental health epidemic," ugly art and enviromnet, etc.), then this realization has to open your eyes a little about the reality of the situation. Many people who are disillusioned with religion (for the wrong but understandable reasions) I think would benefit from reading people like Jung and Eliade to start seeing the value in it again.
I'm not sure if I understand the issue. When I studied different religions, in most of them I recognized some of the truth in different forms, but only one of them I believed to be the most complete and entirely true, and that was the one I started practicing. This is what I was recommending. Even if you, as a Christian, would like to believe in Christianity, I don't think you could be secure in your belief unless you study the other major religions in some depth. Although I'm afraid no one could do this with Zoroastranism because the religion no longer accepts converts.

>> No.21300186

It's worthless, but most degrees are.

>> No.21300198

It's wishful thinking, I think. A man can consider himself lucky if he has a clear purpose at 35, even luckier if at 30, and luckiest if at 25. It's hard to say whether or not it's owed to the intervention of fate. Great biographies seem to always have a call to action early.

>> No.21300220

There is this one cool girl who is a passing acquaintance that I approach online with cryptically absurd jokes under an "anonymous" social media account, which contain no amount of obscenity whatsoever mind you. I am not aiming for swooning her or getting her romantically interested in me, she's just approachable and chill enough to make this into an experiment where I try to see how far the confusion can go, it makes me laugh and I would hope that it makes her laugh as well. I already try this with other random people from time to time. Ideally, I would like to make penpals through absurdity (I successfully got one before we eventually lost touch) but I realize that it's one silly & naive method of going about things.
The possible issue is that we have mutual friends that know me quite well irl, and they are aware of my love for nonsensical wordplay, which means they could easily identify me as the culprit if she ever asked them about it. It's not that embarrassing in the grander scheme of things, since I'm not doing anything outrageous, but I'd rather not get outed for private messages.
This is all very stupid, but what do you think?

>> No.21300223
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Seems like it could be fun to do but I don't think your normies friends will understand it. At best they will think you're weird, at worst they will think you're a manipulative heartless bastard. Of course, who should care what others think?

>> No.21300281
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How do I know if I like someone? I guess if it is the whole "butterfly's in the stomach" thing, then I know that I don't like them, fair enough.

>> No.21300311
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If you can stand a woman for more than her looks and want to get to know more about her, you like her. If you suffer her because she benefits you some way all the time or flat out use her or ignore her, you don't. I've seen many hot women. Past their physicsl looks, I've liked one or two of them in my entire real life. Most women are boring as shit and try to pretend they aren't.

>> No.21300319

I mainly don't want to be misperceived as a thirsty creep, when all I want is a hearty laff, especially when complete strangers to me could hear about it through word of mouth without the necessary context. I wouldn't really call them normalfags as i did catch them veering into serious autism territory and have a more significant presence of mind than your average clueless lad, but you know, nobody wants the dreaded "creep" label to be attached to them.

>> No.21300321

I've ended up in the worst possible career.

>> No.21300322
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Did Guenon have anything to say about the People's Republic of China and other Eastern communist movements?

>> No.21300414

he died around 1920s

>> No.21300450

what would that be? I had to work rather humiliating job.

>> No.21300454
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wasting away

>> No.21300491
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Guenon seems like brainlet shit, literally masturbating over what amounts to chinese fortune cookies.

>> No.21300495

I hate it when people talk like they are deliberately trying to spread their bad breath to you. I doubt they actually intend to do it, but I would imagine most people have the awareness to not breathe into someone else's nose while they talk if they haven't brushed their teeth.

>> No.21300508
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People, especially normies, bloomers and neo-Luddites, like to divorce the sphere of influence of the internet (especially the "terminally/chronically online") from the "real world". But isn't the line between the two getting fuzzier every year, especially in urban/suburban areas? With the collapse of the economy and the recent descent into decadence (both for and against the common man), more and more people are becoming "terminally online" and the internaut's delusions are becoming realized in tangible, practical politics. I once heard a theory that a SomethingAwful subforum gone wild is the reason why insane identity politics is the chief talking point of today's American left.

>> No.21300566

i want dildos

>> No.21300576

i found a funny girl is she funny or tryhard

>> No.21300592

My internship is a lie, it is supposed to be about maintenance of electronic equipment, but I actually work with excel sheets and tell prices to clients.
I hope the college never finds out, I don't want to work with EE, I'm finishing this course out of hatred, not love.

>> No.21300594

I want to learn more about graphic design
it seems fun

>> No.21300615
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This is normal. Unless you are like a hot shot from Ivy applying to shit like FAGMAN or Jane Street, companies will make you their towel boy dick washer like that.

It is slightly better when you become a real employer.

>> No.21300628
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employee*. I will never ever remember this one.

>> No.21300640

SomethingAwful was the source of so many bad faith arguments I can't feel too sorry for it falling from grace.

Guenon is practically useless to anyone west of Turkey hypothetically speaking

>> No.21300641

that chick looks familiar. was she in an 80s punk band by chance?

>> No.21300686

Damn that hit hard

>> No.21300745

Retarded post.

>> No.21300767
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the xi jinping of being employed again. maybe life isn't so bad. guess ill just have to wait and see

>> No.21300768
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She's Kaori Kawamura. She's a half Japanese half Russian folk rockstar turned punk musician who played music from the late 80s until she passwed away from breast cancer in 2009 at the age of 39. I find her to be that mixture of cute, hot and beautiful that you only see in tomboys and generally women that are comfortable being themselves naturally. Frankly, I'm only really attracyed to such women past the basic physical level since that level of honesty and sincereity combined with a nice and intelligent (she wrote a lot of essays on Cold War politics as it related to Japan, blogging and the underground music scene in 90s and early 2000s) personality is rare in people, let alone in most woman. Definitely wife material while she was alive. Plus, she's got that look of fierce determination in her eyes that's always a big turnon for me.

>> No.21300838

Only trooned out trannies love posting these "biblically accurate agnels" from their archillect feed but you give them some Biblically Accurate Beliefs they run for the fucking hills

>> No.21300859
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CnQDDT2ryc [Embed]

There's this depiction of an angel as an undulating mass of fractals I think about a lot. I found it a few months ago on YouTube, and it made me sad for a while.

It's not the angel itself, really – it's the strange, dark landscape it's floating around in, like a big black hall, lined with glowing columns. Anyone would guess those columns and that darkness stretch on forever, because that's what fractals tend to do.

If that's heaven, it looks bleak, cold and lonely. It's unsettling to imagine wandering aimlessly in that space.

I guess the argument here is that there's no way that's what heaven looks or feels like, because heaven lies outside of human comprehension. Imprinting my sense of pathos on that image is a waste of time – consciousness doesn't even exist in the same way on that plane.

And neither does that darkness. That fractal space is a place characterised by its infinite-ness, so the blackness isn't really blackness at all. It's an infinite something, as opposed to an infinite nothing. It would be a never ending tunnel of colour, light and time.

It's interesting to take that logic and apply it to our plane, too. Space is black, uninviting and cold, because we're stuck in our singular point in time. But if the universe is infinite, the blackness of space isn't really black. It's blinding white, lit by a billion billion stars in every direction. Not infinite darkness, but infinite light.

>> No.21300866

Nice xi, seemed like you weren't doing too well.

>> No.21300880

Sorry, I think that was a response for my post, but I had some bad syntax

Here it is again

And yes, you're probably right lol.

>> No.21300886

Nothing’s more annoying than getting a Warning for responding to off topic posts when you’re also the one reporting them for off topic.

Do your fucking job in the first goddamn place, ya tard. I shouldn’t have to even report them. Spot them and do it on your own.

>> No.21300974
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>I find her to be that mixture of cute, hot and beautiful that you only see in tomboys and generally women that are comfortable being themselves naturally. Frankly, I'm only really attracyed to such women past the basic physical level since that level of honesty and sincereity combined with a nice and intelligent [...] personality is rare in people, let alone in most woman.
Holy shit, you did it, you actually put it into words. All these insecure prisses and trannies bite at us tomboy lovers about how tomboys are "pretty much just men, and you're pretty much just gay", but you finally catalyzed my realization that my love for tomboys is a love for women who are totally honest with themselves, who don't hide behind prettiness and sex appeal to fool men into loving a colorful facsimile of what they are.

>> No.21300987
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Ah yeah look the other way

>> No.21300993

> "suck my dick lol"

You haven't dated a tomboy if you think they like to be thought of / likened to boys, thats not really their internal monologue

>> No.21301003

I am going to text her again bros

>> No.21301012
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1. Do not text her
2. Do not call her

She will give you read receipts while she is farting his cum out of her ass on a toilet at 3AM, and immediately forget about you.

Stay stone cold brothers.

>> No.21301026

>She will give you read receipts while she is farting his cum out of her ass on a toilet at 3AM, and immediately forget about you.

That can't be every girl ffs

>> No.21301044

You do not even cross her mind while she does it anon~

>> No.21301053

I believe it is finished

>> No.21301069
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>> No.21301077


>> No.21301078

American and Russian fiction is the only fiction that is worth reading

>> No.21301083

lmao even

anon she has 47 good friends like you all holding their cocks in whatsapp or whatever

and a dick in her ass

>> No.21301103

Asian nonfiction is the only nonfiction that is worth reading. Russian/American fiction is the only fiction worth reading.

>> No.21301105
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I want to stop being an underground man. Any books or anecdotes about people who successfully managed to stop being spiteful and ugly and become sociable? I just want to stop being so bitter and lonely.
Although I have to wonder if it is even worth it.

>> No.21301107

His success was plundering the future of humanity into an eternal prison state.

>> No.21301110

There's something very compelling to me about things that are inaccessible to humans. Fractal shapes whose terminals are only hypothetically viewable, hollow underground spaces that can be explored only via ground-penetrating radar, celestial bodies which are physically impossible to visit without violating the laws of nature, unclimbed mountain ranges in vast frozen wildernesses unreachable even by plane or by boat, tiny volcanic islands in the Pacific on which no ship can land due to cliffs or shifting coastlines, hypothetical extra dimensions of space or black-hole interiors or the cores of exotic stars, lightless oceans of liquid methane under the ice crusts of extraterrestrial moons, continents once reachable by sail now separated from the mundane earth by divine decree, volcanic calderas too choked by fumes for the air to be breathable, Eden after the Fall, and so on.

>> No.21301114


>> No.21301117

You're a victim of acquired behavior basically. Learn to make new mistakes, it is how I got out of the jam. You need to get into strange, out of comfort situations, to do new mistakes. Just don't sperg too bad when you do them.

>> No.21301123

It looks like you have to learn the hard way.

>> No.21301124

Hi guys. Made another audio blog
Very curious url. Anyway feels like I've had a lot of revelations lately, lots of things that would appear obvious to an outsider have remained vague until now. Could 4chan be stopping you from improving in life? Well, there's certainly a chance.

Try French fiction.

>> No.21301128

stop reminding me of my ex i failed and let her down so badly damn it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
it is over

>> No.21301131

Don't let people down, act always with honor. Not rocket science.

>> No.21301133

>Try French fiction.
I did. It’s shit.

>> No.21301134

They've taken fiction further than any other country tbqh. American post-modernists don't really measure up

>> No.21301139

>Quitting 4chan after 8 years
See you tomorrow.

>> No.21301145

Did that guy really delete his capitalism is le everything thread

>> No.21301156

I should’ve added in my opinion to my post. This is just how I feel and am especially upset at spending years studying western philosophy.

>> No.21301159

Why do you want to stop it?

>> No.21301161
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Do I seriously have to justify why I want to stop feeling that way?

>> No.21301165

There is nothing to learn she ignores me every time i try. Yeah okay shes fucking chad or tyrone who cares

>> No.21301168

Sorry, this is terribly written.

>> No.21301169

It's not justify as it's something wrong but why do YOU want to change it?
I know my reasoning

>> No.21301201

After years of watching uncensored pornography, I’ve converted fully to only consuming Japanese or other censored porn. I find the latter to be more aesthetically appealing. Based on this information about myself I’ve given, recommend me a book.

>> No.21301217

too late i have already messed it up a year ago. things are irreparable now, doomed to remain a lowly shameful fuckup

>> No.21301237

Moot quit, surely you can too.
Do you really want to be stuck here?

>> No.21301255

Just stop being a coomer. How hard could it be? Why are you guys so weak-willed?

>> No.21301266

there's certain people in the arts that are so skilled yet adamantly leftist that it is mindboggling. naturally people this competent would adopt a somewhat RW style of thinking even if artistry is the domain of 'openness'. Anyone who masters anything knows that they must be incredibly honest with themselves so i would assume they'd carry this into other parts of their lives and beliefs.

it is hard to picture that while being completely emerged in the leftist craziness, they don't see it's ultimate denial of reality. again I can imagine this being the case for most people on either side of the political spectrum (being totally captured by the 'reality' of the dominant worldview). But it is hard to imagine that competent people actually believe in the leftist myths. IMO most of these types in the arts are like Ariel Pink and possibly even more crypto-right but don't ever dare to ever show.

>> No.21301299

Interesting I guess. I have only vague knowledge of Russian and Japanese punk scenes, like GISM and Egor Letov

>> No.21301303

You don't want to go down that rabbit hole

>> No.21301311

graduate from the wingbrain syndrome you ass

>> No.21301316

what rabid hole?

>> No.21301320
File: 492 KB, 540x768, 1651728288373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this rabbid hole

>> No.21301325

Oh yes
super hot I
Just coom
Now pantswet
Fuck you

>> No.21301337

I had a dream a few nights ago that I can't get over.

I woke up in the morning in my room and went to use the bathroom. I have a tiny bathroom and as soon as I walked in I realized that from about waist height up the room was covered in disorganized pockets of spider webs, and there was a black widow perched on a web above my at eye level. I've found a black widow in my room before so this wasn't especially terrifying, but I thought I'd run over to the main house (I live in a shack in the back yard of a residence) to show my brother before I moved it.

When I went outside I looked at the sky which was cloudless and blue like on many summer mornings here except for the full moon, which was still clearly visible. It looked strange in that you could hardly see the low parts of the moon at all in the blue sky and the high parts appeared more haphazard and less uniform, sort of like a meteor. Then the moon began to fall towards the horizon, slowly at first and then more and more quickly. When the moon made contact with the horizon it flashed and then looked like it disintegrated.

I thought that that was strange, and when I looked back towards the house I saw my brother standing next to me. I asked him if he saw the moon and he said no and asked me what happened. I told him it was nothing but saw him stare into the sky. I looked back up and saw what looked like stars that were clearly visible in the blue sky begin to fall towards the horizon and flash and disintegrate like the moon did.

My brother and I looked at each other and I said something to the effect of "that's weird" and got over it and was going to tell him to check out the black widow when I saw him look to the sky again and express surprise ("woah"). I looked up. Beside the sun appeared burning golden characters in Hebrew, in two rows of three or four characters each. Then underneath the characters a burning golden rectangle like a door or a window appeared and then opened after a few seconds. After another second or two of being open, another sun shot through the door into the sky and towards earth, rapidly becoming larger. I had time to yell in surprise before the sun filled the sky and I woke up.

Almost without exception my dreams are lucid, and I know pretty well before the end that I'm dreaming. This felt totally different; I was confident that what I was experiencing wasn't a dream and was real, and I woke up yelling.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.21301340

Bae (๑๑)

>> No.21301353
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Next thread


>> No.21301367

the tomboy origin is rooted in above average intelligence, strong father and no tits/ass. they leverage intelligence to learn how guys think/act and become interested in learning guy culture solely for the social benefits but fundamentally still think/act like women. they are just as irresponsible and socially predatory as the rest. they're also prone to BPD probably because being around men gives them an ability to introspect and when they ponder the void that is themselves and womanhood, it is too much for their overly rationalized alienated selves to come to terms with. seriously some of the coolest tomboys I've met have been batshit insane.

>> No.21301743

Work is healthy