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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2125007 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/.

Can someone offer some epic fantasy series'?

Stormlight Archive

I'd like some more suggestions please.

>> No.2125011

>epic fantasy
Why do that to yourself?
Most actually good fantasy is in the other subgenres.

>> No.2125012

farseer trilogy.

best of the best

>> No.2125014

>good fantasy
OH HA HA HA ha ha, ha.
That's a good one.

Also: Doesn't /lit/ have a wiki which lists stuff like this?

>> No.2125016

wikis are shit. Fantasy is as good as any other genre. (Which is to say, pretty lousy when taken as a whole, but with specific moments of greatness.)

And this man knows his shit.

>> No.2125030

How is Farseer epic fantasy?

>> No.2125040

It might not be. But it's damn good.

>> No.2125050
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>> No.2125056

I've read quite a bit of fantasy, and by far the best I've ever read is the kingkiller chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss, namely, The Name of the Wind (1st book) and Wise Man's Fear (2nd book) the third is still in the editing process. Seriously, do yourself a favor and read these books.

>> No.2125059

epic fantasy is generally not that good. sorry but it's not. also, kingkiller chronicles is okay but wildly overrated. anyway, check out Joe Abercrombie and R Scott Bakker.

>> No.2125085

Prince of Nothing trilogy (continues as the Aspect-Emperor trilogy) by R. Scott Bakker.

The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie.

PoN is more 'epic', serious and dark that deals with concepts more than characters (that isn't to say the characters aren't brilliant, one of the best PoVs I've ever read is in this series)

The First Law is more personal, human and sometimes even comedic but as a whole quite dark. The focus is on the characters (similar to ASoIaF)

>> No.2125107

Yep one of my favorite fantasy books.

>> No.2125111

I loved Tad Williams' Dragon Throne series (dunno the actual series name since I read the first books in translation when I was a kid). Also I liked Dave Duncan's Pandemia cycle.

>> No.2125114

That's Memory, Sorrow and Thorn. Underrated series. Well, at least now it is, in my mind, despite the kitchen boy cliche.

>> No.2126675

Way of Kings is awesome

any of the asspies in this thread that laugh at people reading fantasy clearly never tried it

OP go read Mistborn by sanderson

>> No.2126753


aye mistborn is very good, i was expected it to be shit tbh but i really enjoyed it

if you have the attention span, wheel of time series, although be prepared to lose the will to live during books 8-10, before it gets awesome again

>> No.2126763

Is Book of the new Sun worth reading? I'm thinking about adding them to my reading list.

>> No.2126806


It's way better than anything else mentioned in this thread.

>> No.2126812

Probably the only good fantasy ITT.
But it really falls under pulpy rather than epic.

>> No.2126813

another two asspies that haven't read anything by Sanderson but feel free to judge

>> No.2126814

Falls into the Tolkien trap of describing every little flower.
Also he can't handle a climax worth shit.

>> No.2126817
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too obvious

>> No.2126818

Book of the New Sun is good if you're expecting a good book. Don't expect an epic fantasy series.

>> No.2126820

Fanboy much?
His Elantris and Warbreaker books convinced me of as much.

>> No.2126822

As an "impartial observer", his Sanderson enthusiasm is mirrored in your Wolfe enthusiasm. Pot, kettle, black. But you may disagree with my assessment.

>> No.2126824

There's nothing particularly enthusiastic about my like of the Book of the New Sun, nor am I defending it's very clear flaws such as Wolfe's obsessive love of allegory.
I said it was better than the shit mentioned ITT and that's about it.

>> No.2126825

That drive-by "everything here is shit" is what I meant, I just phrased myself poorly. And perhaps inverse instead of mirror.

>> No.2126829

>epic/high fantasy
That's code for unreadable tripe OP.

>> No.2126843

you could try the dark tower by stephen king. i dont know it but stephen king usually is awesome.

>> No.2126847


so fuck off and start a thread about how you pretend to like nietzsche with all the usual 2deep4you shit?

>> No.2128954

never seen a more truer comment in my life

>> No.2128963

Just read The Hobbit and LOTR and then grow the fuck up and leave the "genre" alone.

>> No.2128966

well welcome to 4chan then, newbro.

>> No.2128970

generally fantasy sucks and is not anywhere near LOTR level. by generally i mean all of it

then again you're a tripfag and prolly won't know the difference.

>> No.2128972

>Sanderson not writing Book 2 of Stormlight Archive till November

>> No.2128976

Final WoT book being Sanderson's number one priority? Feels good, man.

>> No.2128982
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>what's that? story, characters, good writing? you bet I'm looking for some quality reading /lit/
>the author made a universe from scratch that makes the society,story, characters and even weather have unique elements to it?

>> No.2128992
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When I first found out about the way of kings I was really skeptic, this book fucking hit me hard how well written it is. Started reading Mistborn until the next book appears.

>> No.2129005

the author copied something that's been done a hundred times before and made some half-assed characters that are either bad or re-dos, then proceeded to tell a story most likely in the form of turn-based combat. also every part i didn't mention sucks too.

compared to this asoiaf is god-tier but compared to something better it's still shit.

>> No.2129007

I don't even care about WoT. I want my Shardworld events.

>People not knowing that every Sanderson series except a small few are connected

>> No.2129020

which ones exactly?

mistborn and way of kings? any others?

>> No.2129022
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you keep yapping but you're not giving any signs that you are anything but a troll talking about a book you've never read

>> No.2129039

Elantris, Warbreaker.