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21277870 No.21277870 [Reply] [Original]

>create a utopia
>call it a dystopia because some manlet and some mixed mutt don’t belong
What did Huxley mean by this?

>> No.21278317

you're right to hate the common interpretation of this book but that interpretation is bad. it isn't a critique of hierarchy but of pleasure and harmony as the ultimate ends of society.

>> No.21278861

>industrial collectivism is utopia
One day, you're going to grow up.
But not yet, apparently.

>> No.21278870

Explain to me why you think John flagellates himself to be worthy of the lighthouse?
If you can empathise with that, you can understand the book.

>> No.21278900

I don't understand why so many people post this. Is it a zoomer thing or have people always been filtered by brave new world

>> No.21278943
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Out of 1984, animal farm, fahrenheit 451 and brave new world - BNW was the worst.

John is such a cucked nigger and the whole book is drifting into satire till the end. The whole chapter about his literal whore mother dying is complete shit and the whole book could be written in half the length.

F.e. Huxley spend a whole page writing how to go from city A to B to D to K over C but the road to C is closed so they have go over E and F to reach D and K and all of this is just useless filler shit.

I just wanted to throw the book against the wall a few times.

>> No.21279050

Some zoomers who can't remember communism or the Cold War think it's edgy and cool to be a communist.
It's really just a way of baiting their parents, who rightly abhor that whole retarded philosophy.

>> No.21279823

Get off the computer Lenina

>> No.21280536

I don't understand why so many people post this. Is it a zoomer thing or have people always been filtered by brave new world

>> No.21280773

No racemixing you idiot

>> No.21280835

You're not supposed to empathize with him when he does that. The point is that no matter what they give him, he is a broken and incomplete, and can never live in their better world nor in the world of the savages.

Huxley came from a family of politically elite insiders. He did not write a story glorifying human stupidity.

>> No.21280838

If you don't understand who Huxley was and who he was connected with, and you think of BNW as a dystopia, then it is you who have been filtered.

>> No.21280947

>call it a dystopia because...
He didn't do this though.
That people who couldn't adapt because they couldn't let go of their old-world thinking criticizes the audience, not the society. Yes, a lot of stuff was done purely to shock readers. That readers were shocked does not make those elements actual critiques of the system.

>> No.21280949

>Is it a zoomer thing or have people always been filtered by brave new world
No, they just find themselves perfectly content in the world of BNW, but can't admit this fact to themselves because it exposes them as brainlets that they are.

>sex whenever you want
>ordained placed in the world
>genuinely happy about both of these things

>> No.21280953

>Imagine being filtered by Brave New World.

>> No.21281021

Something extremely important that BNW has is a way out. It's not a dead end like so many other dystopias, and it actually does its job of keeping people content.
I see it as a chrysalis stage in human development. Although it looks stagnant, people do emerge who are genuinely too intelligent to be satisfied, and they get sent to their genius island where they work for the benefit of mankind, without the interruption of twisted sorrow-worshipping pseuds Marx. Eventually they will create something better, some previously unimaginable solution that doesn't rely on drugs and predestination. In the meantime, everybody's at least happy, which is worth something.
A better solution will NOT come from brooding emotional idiots trying to fuck everything up because they actually like shakespeare.

>> No.21281040

The whole point of the book was to paint a perfect society and ask the readers with an outside perspective if they would change their current world for it.

>> No.21281176
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Huxley's view on a perfect society makes much more sense if you read 'Island,' the last had written before his demise.

More a manifesto than a book, it potrays Pala, an island utopia that explicitly DOESN'T have hyper advanced technology or miracle make-me-happy drugs. Set in 1950, the conflict is not with the flaws of the Utopia, but impact of other countries and their consummerist or commonist ideologies on Pala, which it tries to ignore. Palasians live good life, control population, are very focused on science and real world, while at the same time pursue mystical experiences and most are commited, faithful believers. They use a special medicine (drug, you could call it) to help them experience the mystical experience, but it is all in pursuit of a happy society that values the good of its citizens above all else.

Anyone that wants to learn what's the culmination of Huxley's work and pursuit of knowledge must read 'Island.'
Just know that the book is kinda, uh, boring if you take it as a story. It's rather dreadful to read, and even I found myself falling asleep at times.

>> No.21281339

I've recently read Farenheit 451 and I laughed out loud how non-dystopian it was. That book was scary to boomers, but it's not that bad at all.

>> No.21281566

This but unironiclly. The structure of the world is sound. The complete separation of classes is a brilliant fool proof caste system and should be replicated the second we are born from tubes

>> No.21282088

Good observation.

>> No.21282117

Uxley isn't that complicated, he's just a basic bitch conservative.

Have manners, only have missionary sex with your wife, be faithful to God but not weird about it, appreciate great classics, etc.

Which is why BNW is about people living immorally, not people being oppressed, which is the difference between rightwing and leftwing dystopias.

>> No.21282160

>Uxley isn't that complicated, he's just a basic bitch conservative.
>Have manners, only have missionary sex with your wife, be faithful to God but not weird about it, appreciate great classics, etc.
>Which is why BNW is about people living immorally, not people being oppressed, which is the difference between rightwing and leftwing dystopias.
Island is all about people using anticonception to control population, children being raised by multiple people (not just family, many fathers and mothers) so that they aren't fucked over by a bad luck in parenting, people can have sex with other people even when married, same-sex relationship are okay and typical christians are stupid in the way they approach God.

I am not exaggerating, the entire book is like that. And don't think even for a moment these aren't Huxley's views, in BNW he might have been a basic conservative bitch, but after living many years longer and getting knowledgable in people and religion this is what he had arrived at.

>> No.21282490

>doesn't recall the scene with dozens of identical quasi-morons getting off work and clambering over eachother for drugs
That scene is horrific and if you want to act like it isn't any different than what we have now (except no one has the ability to notice it's fucked because they lack reference and/or the capability to think about it) congratulations: when you eat the bugs in your pod you'll be happy.
>the scene with Lenina messing up at work and thusly killing several people in the future didn't lead anon to reflect on the thin margin within which BNW is operating

>> No.21283081
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Brave New World holds more ideas than it's given credit for, especially upon rereading it. The scene where Lenina keeps mindlessly lusting over John while he realizes that she's basically a sentient sexbot worker and storms off reciting Shakespeare is untold levels of kino.
>The whole chapter about his literal whore mother dying is complete shit
You really didn't understand what you read if this is what you took away from it.

>> No.21283563

wow you must be really intelligent for your age anon!

>> No.21283589

His Shakesphere experience is interesting. Simply because if he read the context of those stories he would’ve known better. Either directly in Taming if a Shrew or indirectly in Macbeth Shakespeare was clearly against the exact kind of female his mother turned out to be. A lying, manipulating, self serving whore

>> No.21283777

state literally one utopian element

>> No.21284300

You can live in the utopia right now if you take heroin.... See the problem?

>> No.21284304

Bernard the failed normalfag is a great character.

>> No.21285315

>the whole book could be written in half the length.
Anon this is almost every book

>> No.21285494

BNW is explicitly dystopian. Huxley was concerned about a type of peaceful totalitarianism wherein everyone is pacified into full submission with the aid of drugs, sex, and eugenics. Unlike the subjects of a violent totalitarian regimes these people are entirely unaware of their predicament. I suppose to anyone who truly believes ignorance is bliss then this must appear utopian, but if you want Huxley's actual idea of something approaching a utopia read Island.

>> No.21285522

>geneticially engineered retards gang raping each other on drugs and having an absolute chimp out when denied
Yes please

>> No.21286669
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What are some other books that feature a hyper-sex-positive society as a setting?

>> No.21286671

So you completely missed the part about Bible and Shakespeare then?
Christ, what a fucking bugman.
Huxley wrote more than this, I suggest you read it.

>> No.21286689

>The point is that no matter what they give him, he is a broken and incomplete, and can never live in their better world nor in the world of the savages.
Because both worlds are routed in ignorance about the soul. One through no belief in it, the other through no tradition to cultivate it.
It's not a coincidence that neither world had the bible.

>> No.21286739

Yes the inherent issue with this type of dystopian fiction is that it features a protagonist who just happens to be the only one to not fit into the system. So of course I the reader must be that person right?
I couldn't possibly be one of the average Joes loving life in a perfectly functional society that must be made to seem demented purely by way of contrast and a priori moral structures.
It's simply a manipulative and dishonest way of writing a story that only reflects the human tendency to think of itself as the center of the universe.

>> No.21286813

>this type of dystopian fiction
>protagonist who just happens to be the only one to not fit into the system.
Fuck yeah, give a dystopia from the east any ol' day. The protagonist just happens to be one part of the who don't fit in the system, but have learned how to causally game it and maneuver through it because carelessness means the magnificently corrupt government will unmake you and everyone you care about. It's a different breed of story.
That said, BNW is a cut above most Western dystopias, because after setting up your standard faggot who's just too smart to fall for the utopian myth, it abruptly turns around and dunks on him by introducing a true too-good-for-the-system chad, who's actually having a great time, but will be rewarded for his objectively superior intellect by receiving a well-deserved position as co-architect of the society's future. It's a really excellent twist on a genre that was still young at the time and has only grown more entrenched in its stale tropes since.

>> No.21286816

Any book from the solarpunk genre.
Except solarpunk displays sex positive, drug using hedonism as a good thing.

>> No.21286820

>happens to be one part of the who don't
* happens to be one of the majority, who

>> No.21286827
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Read Monster Girl Encyclopedia from Kenkou Cross (pbuh). It's basically Brave New World but interpreted in a purely idyllic and utopic light instead, where mythological monsters taking the form of nubile young women end up demographically replacing human women entirely and bring paradise on earth for men.

>> No.21286828
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It's morally wrong because it makes my tummy feel really fucking bad when I think about it.

>> No.21286832

Reading Huxley unironically gives me diarrhea.
I shat myself eight times before finishing BNW.

>> No.21286838

>instincts tell you your life is disgusting and unnatural
>suppress them because I MUST CONSOOOM

>> No.21286845

>I couldn't possibly be one of the average Joes loving life in a perfectly functional society that must be made to seem demented purely by way of contrast and a priori moral structures.
If you were then you're a subhuman and deserve humiliating defeat and death.

>> No.21286854

holy fuck if this is your take you should have your computer taken away. Hopeless midwit. You think morality and ethics are just 'tummy feelings'?

Fuck I bet you're one of those droolers who compare historical figures to Harry Potter characters to get moral clarity.

>> No.21287177

This is one of the worst written books I've ever read.

>> No.21287197
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>> No.21287231

Interestingly, I think Aldous was an important inspiration to the hippie movement. Orgy Porgy indeed.

>> No.21287558

>The scene where Lenina keeps mindlessly lusting over John while he realizes that she's basically a sentient sexbot worker and storms off reciting Shakespeare is untold levels of kino.
literally me!

>> No.21287649

He was a literal Socalist; a member of the Fabians alongside Orwell.

>> No.21287651

Also; Wowwwwww! Lenina, Bernard Marx, Sarojini Engels and Polly Trotsky. Very subtle there Huxely!

>> No.21288005
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>look up solarpunk on Wikipedia
>see this
Something really irks me about wojak words getting Wikipedia articles. It's like shitty memes being reported on by media as if they were serious topics. Shouldn't be surprising, since what memes do is spread, and things that spread will get acknowledged, but something just seems unnatural about it.