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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 297x404, Jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21286128 No.21286128 [Reply] [Original]

Imageboards are the only modern community that facilitates individuation. Everywhere else is spiritual poison.

Imageboards are the only sizable communities that allow you to shed your persona and further your understanding of yourself and humanity as a whole.

>> No.21286130

Is this why 99% of the people here are opinionated retards who do not read and are proud ignoramuses?

>> No.21286136

Compare that to the rest of the internet.

At least we're actual people, instead of possessed meat puppets.

>> No.21286164
File: 410 KB, 1200x1359, 1200px-The_Pirate_Bay_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite enjoy /lit/ desu. Superb book recommendations and funny people.
You guys are pretty cool :)

>> No.21286171

But everyone calls each other retards. They pick arguments apart and get picked apart by anonymous vultures seeking nothing of value. Their arguments grow over time, get better, and never do technically stagnate--when faced with infinite knowledge the only way to go is up, all to prove another anon is a fucking dumbass.
The only problem being that no one here discusses anything of value or with real depth. But that will change.

>> No.21286224

I freely admit that this place won't help a hylic individuate. He'll just become possessed but the most commonly communicated belief system.

However this place is a paradise for pneumatics and psychics.

>> No.21286412

Image boards are fast food. There's nothing of worth on here.

>> No.21286452

Fpbp. Im sick of this romanticism over this shit fucking site. The overwhelming majority is stupid here just like on Twitter except you guys say nigger a little bit more.

>> No.21287456
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1635844165566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a sense of freedom here that you don't longer find on the rest of the internet

>> No.21287471

In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king. I’ll take what I can get (nigger).

>> No.21287496
File: 1 KB, 235x150, 9ff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shed your persona

>> No.21287507

The point, I think, is that you can if you want to: you can be brutally yourself here if you so choose. Or you can be anyone you can project, it’s entirely up to you.

>> No.21287534

No people here still put on a persona to get (You)s and to fit in the board culture.

>> No.21287586
File: 16 KB, 300x374, 73AB175D-DDF7-4D39-8BD5-7CF42F4DA6FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quantity will never be the answer to qualitative questions. I don't believe the problem of meaningful discussions will change, but I see this place as a virtual testing grounds for rhetorical and revaluing weapons which are to be employed against the "masses" (in it's most formless sense) and usurp it's position as the current bearer of historical power (if it can even be said it really "bears" that power). When quality posters here conflict with the baseness of the mass of posters what is happening effectively is a simulation of a qualitative paradigm shift. An increasingly clear will to power begins to announce itself, or, rather, a new reality has long been present, striving to express itself unequivocally. It is easy to feel a sense of being lost in a tangled thicket of opinions, events, and interests. What appear here as systems, prophecies, and invitations to faith are like the flashing of headlights in which light and shadow are fleetingly cast, and which straightaway leaves behind a deeper uncertainty, a deeper gloom. The age of masses and machines constitutes the gigantic forge for the arsenal of an approaching empire, from whose perspective each downfall appears as willed, as preparatory. What has become overpowering must be mastered. That which can tame absolute agitation can only be defined as a new humanity.

>> No.21288699

>it's blind because I love being an ignorant retard

>> No.21288805

They allow you to shed your persona, but let's not pretend it's not just a shadow cage kek

>> No.21288895

>missing the point of the metaphor entirely
Never change /lit/

>> No.21288903
File: 208 KB, 2048x869, destiny lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the imageboards are one of the most spiritually impoverished ways of communicating

>> No.21288925
File: 638 KB, 320x180, sneed dose.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sadly popular sentiment is nothing more than a projection of self hatred. Oh i'm a loser and the place where I hang out must be filled with human garbage as well.

>> No.21288944

>makes thread
>low effort retards knowing nothing about the topic proceed to arguing over petty things or meme themselves to death

Really high quality information there

>> No.21288946
File: 45 KB, 376x401, sheeple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21288951

You are retarded. Nothing else to say, buddy. If you think a forum full of memes and anime pics where 80% of people become racist shapes your "persona", you're retarded. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.21288978
File: 539 KB, 811x710, 0000 smug lain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading comprehension.

>> No.21289065
File: 58 KB, 700x700, Meet-The-‘Victoria-Crowned-Pigeon’-One-Of-The-Most-Stunning-Birds-Ever-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this unironically.

Anonymity and lack of likes/dislikes is a good thing. I never received as much unconditional help and compassion anywhere else on the internet as much on 4chan. Even though a huge portion of it is a cesspool.

Also I would rather get directly called a retard by someone who doesn't like me, than be engaged in a passive-aggressive, time wasting, futile discussion, forced by hypersensitive TOS.

>> No.21289103

> Also I would rather get directly called a retard by someone who doesn't like me, than be engaged in a passive-aggressive, time wasting, futile discussion, forced by hypersensitive TOS.

That's a good point, and I don't see it discussed much. Redditors and the like troll each other just as much as faggots on 4chan, but through an infuriating cloak of feigned innocence.

>> No.21289222


>> No.21289323

This might be the post that makes me never come back, or at least stop looking at this place as any kind of social fulfillment other than a petri dish to examine. I don't think that my time here has created any meaningful contribution to my life, and it should be obvious to anyone that those who practically live here are the complete fucking opposite of
>further your understanding of yourself and humanity as a whole.

>> No.21289324

still better than conversing with courtesans

>> No.21289344

Completely agree. Forcing young men to spend time in hyperregulated social spaces is like oversanitizing everything your baby touches, which causes allergies.

>> No.21289345

>I don't think that my time here has created any meaningful contribution to my life
But that's your fault. With that kind of attitude no wonders you aren't gaining anything worthwhile from being here.

>> No.21289350
File: 376 KB, 686x686, 00000 nasty Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We won't be any lesser without another hylic retard.

Bye faggot.

>> No.21289449

You get out of this place what you put in. It can easily be both the worst place on the internet and the best.