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21284759 No.21284759 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most essential science-ficion novels?

>> No.21284834

Roadside Picknick, One Billion Years to the End of the World, Hard Being a God by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky

>> No.21284837

Do Androids Dream of Electic Sheep, also PK Dick in general
Neuromance, Snow Crash are also considered essentials

>> No.21284839

Invisible man and war of the worlds by Wells too

>> No.21284848

Brave New World, 1984, Starship Troopers, 2001 A space Oddysey, Frankenstein, Prometheus Rising, 20 000 Leagues under the Sea, Princess of Mars, Dune, I have no Mouth and I must Sneed, Ernst Jungers Glass Bees, The Road, Zamyatins We, Flatlands

>> No.21284983

I'd add any book from Iain Banks' Culture series.

>> No.21285923

Starship Troopers
Stranger in a strange land
Caves of steal
The stainless steel Rat
A quest of three worlds
Odd Jon
Stairways in the sand
Enders Game
Ready Player 1
Cities in flight
Out of a silent planet (whole series)
Fahrenheit 451
Tripod series
Old man's war
forever war
stranger in a strange land
Slaughterhouse 5
the Jesus incident
Tuf voyaging
A wizard in mind (whole series, yes, scifi)
murderbot series
The free Lunch

>> No.21285925

*Neuromancer not necro

>> No.21285946

A Voyage To Arcturus
A Flight To Lucifer

>> No.21285962
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Seconding Out of the Silent Planet

>> No.21286007

Idk if it's the translation but all the Strugatsky I've read read like YA and are a total drag Roadside Picnic is cool but honestly Tarkovsky did a way better job with the concept. Most Sci-Fi is very badly written, James Tiptree Jr. and Angelica Gorodischer are basically the only SF I've read which is actually enjoyable to read probably because they're both women.

>> No.21286025

I hated Neuromancer, tried several times to read it but couldn't finish it. Trash.

>> No.21286036

I want to listen to the Dune audiobook. What do you guys think? Would it be too hard to keep up with all the names?

>> No.21286050

>>21280333 (OP)
What do you guys think of audiobooks for books with lots of names? >>21286042
It was hard to keep track of people and events for the first third of the dark forest, but it had a lot of skipping around. Would Dune be difficult to keep track of?

>> No.21286104

Snow Crash is trash but i dont know how you can hate Neuromancer. Its a straight up heist flick with theatrics and gibsons best novel before he went full on braindead canadian faggot.

>> No.21286117

many such cases
the problem is so many later authors stole ideas from it so it doesn't seem "fresh" even though it's a seminal work of the genra. Of that whole list that's what the midwit focused in. Seems more butthurt about losing some debate than having an actual critique of any value.

>> No.21286123

dont know if anyone mentioned vernor vinge yet but he is 10/10
currently enjoying random selection of his books and i plan to finish everything he wrote

>> No.21286127

>Most scifi is badly written
>Only reads female authors
I see the problem--you're retarded

>> No.21286133

Getting filtered by Neuromancer must be so embarrasing it's just a thriller it's not even a difficult book you were just too stupid to use basic context to figure out what the sci fi things do.

>> No.21286139

The Strugatsky brothers my favourite female author

>> No.21286144

Have you tried LeGuin?
Give The Left Hand of Darkness a try.

>> No.21286188

No I'm kindof suspicious of writers who get reccomended so often but I do mean to read her soon.

>> No.21286265

Good list

>> No.21286300

Made up words would be a bigger problem, it's better to read it.

>> No.21286968

look into Patricia Mckillip
not scifi, fantasy
you'd probably enjoy Ann McCaffery's talent series or freedoms landing series.
The former is telekinesis the later is giant alien cock.
I didn't want to read about giant alien cock it just happened.

>> No.21286973

>no Foundation series
Have you all lost your mind?

>> No.21287034

Caves of steel is the first book in that series. Don't post about Asimov until you know what you're talking about... clearly you don't.

>> No.21287105
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Truly an overlooked gem by an underrated author

>> No.21287153
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Read it
you're welcome

>> No.21287159

>no Rendezvous with Rama
I am disappoint

>> No.21287183
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Eon, Greg Bear > Rendezvous with Rama
Bear shamelessly stole the whole story and made it way more interesting and added much more flavor. Rendezvous with Rama never had a satisfying payoff.... so much work with so little gratification. Bear delivers.

>> No.21287194
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Peter Cline has another scifi treasure

>> No.21287204

The lack of payoff, as you call it, is the whole point, which you seem to have missed. We ain’t shit.

>> No.21287214
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I didn't miss anything.
Eon has more to offer and shamelessly upgrades the source material

>> No.21287222

Ok, you’ve convinced me to read it. I’ll try and keep an open mind.

>> No.21287233
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I'm not going to downplay Arthur C. Clark,
I just don't think Rama is his best work...2001 and 2010 are amazing. Rama isn't really in the same ballpark. The concept of Rama is amazing (especiallywhen it was published), the delivery is lacking compared to his other works

>> No.21287250

I don’t disagree, but I already saw 2001 and 2010 on a list. I think Rama falls under the category of essential, but that’s obviously just my opinion. Even Childhood’s End is good imo. Not great,
mind you, but good enough for a read.

>> No.21287266
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Childhood's end was originally a short story that got expanded. 2001 has much faster pacing than Rama as does the short story pre dating Childhoods end. Much of the content of Childhoods end was lifted from Olaf Stapledon.

>> No.21287332
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well now
no one mentioned the grand daddy?

>> No.21287338

Less sci-fi than comedy, but I enjoyed it so I agree that it should make the list.

>> No.21287345

I’d buy that re: Childhood’s End. There’s lots of superfluous semi-historical stuff in there that seems irrelevant to the plot, if I recall correctly. I liked the pacing of Rama, and it’s been so long since I’ve read 2001/2010/2067 that I can’t really comment on it. I should reread them I guess.

>> No.21287346
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>> No.21287360

*2061 sorry. I don’t remember ever even reading 3001.

>> No.21287366
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>> No.21287379
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>> No.21287383

Appreciate the recommendations: I’ll give them all a go. Good thing I don’t have a social life.

>> No.21288449

>Ctrl-F Solaris
>No results
>Ctrl-F Cyberiad
>No results
>Ctrl-F Lem
>Only results are the word problem
You guys suck. Read the Star Diaries, the Futurological Congress, the Cyberiad and the rest of Lem. Never have I had so much fun reading science fiction as I am doing reading Lem - maybe with Heinlein, but certainly not with other authors.

>> No.21288567

>Searches the thread instead of reading the thread
You have no idea what books were recommended so your opinion is invalid.

>> No.21288810

NOOOOOOOO, you have to read these books in chronological order or you're not going to make it:
1. I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
2. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
4. The Forever War
5. Use of Weapons

Its just five books. You can make it.

>> No.21288850


>> No.21288865

Not OP. I read the first two stories in Cyberiad but got either filtered or bored, does it get better?

>> No.21288870

Snow Crash isn't trash, but it is junk food.

>> No.21288880

Too late, I’ve already read most of those out of sequence. What do?

>> No.21288890
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>> No.21288915

Lem wrote in various styles. I personally dislike his satirical style, in which, among other things, the Cyberiad was written. On the other hand, I think that his philosophical/futurological/hard sci-fi style is a lot better - Solaris, Golem XIV, His Master's Voice etc.

>> No.21288916

I loved this when I was younger, but I don't think I'd be as into it now.

>> No.21288961
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Reading Neuromancer right now and its pretty comfy.

>> No.21289033

I thought that--until I recently reread it. It holds up, like the Hobbit or the Count of Monte Christo
>Posts fantasy in a science fiction classics thread
Why are reddlters like this.

>> No.21289213
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Cyberiad is dope but Solaris is a drag and the Tarkovsky sucked too

Unpopular opinion Stapledon sucks. There's like one passage in Star Maker I loved where he talks about praising the throne or whatever but a lot of it was just boring. Like that alien planet he goes too where the intelligent life is sailboat creatures then he just writes a boring communist revolution plot with them like what was even the point of that? the telepathy thing gets worn out too.

Does Ballard count as SF bcz Crash and High Rise are fantastic.

>> No.21289327

>He thinks sci Fi and fantasy are different
Extreme reddit. Especially considering Vance and Wolfe's contribution there.

>> No.21289336

Snow Crash is trash and you need to go back pedo.