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21285343 No.21285343 [Reply] [Original]

I hate the fact that philosophy is dead. I wish there were new original and insightful texts for me to read, but unfortunately all I find in philosophy is either infantile language games or culturally destructive tranny propaganda.

>> No.21285364

Read Maurice Lurgi.

>> No.21285399

We shifted from philosophy to science. You can thank the industrial revolution for that. If the industrial revolution had never happened we would've solved so many problems in philosophy and probably would've definitively proves the existence of God as well as solved the problem of consciousness.

>> No.21285405

Your mother is dead

>> No.21285430

Philosophy is dead and /lit/ have killed it.

>> No.21285431

you're a fucking retard lol philosophy is in the question, not the answer, it has never nor will it ever prove anything

>> No.21285433

If philosophy is only the question then who's the answer? And what's the point of questions which are inherently not answerable?

>> No.21285444

pharmacology took over philosophy's former role

>> No.21285454

>I hate that there are no ideas

>> No.21285465

Me too, we need it so badly. What do ya’ll think it would take to revive philosophy? Is it about a cultural shift, university funding, a great mind popping up, or something else entirely? I think about this a lot and have no clear answers.

>> No.21285484

Certainly it would have to happen outside of university. Universities are cesspools of midwittism and teach narrowmindedness. They'd instantly censor and fight any novel ideas. Also universities very much rely on authority. For them the person who presents an idea is more important than the idea itself.

I think we'd need a decentralized and anonymous platform.

>> No.21285491

people are too doped up on xannies and prozzies and addies to even comprehend that they are a sentient being

>> No.21285505

>I hate the fact that philosophy is dead.
Same as its ever been. A bunch of bullshit with some gems in-between

>> No.21285511

the answer is politics, ideology, science or any other axiomatic study of the world
philosophy has no such axioms (ones that cannot be refuted by reason)
combine that with the fallibility of language of any kind and it turns out it's impossible to come to definite conclusions about the fundamental of the world
philosophy is by definition a constant state of wonder, it's an art of thought
I recommend Wittgenstein and "Das Sprachspiel der Philosophen: Von Parmenides bis Wittgenstein" by Manfred Geier

>> No.21285516

Like… 4chan? Well I guess it’s official, one of us needs to be next great mind of the era.

>> No.21285518

>axiomatic study of the world
surefire way to get lost

I understand some axioms may be required but you can never forget the fallibility of the axioms.

>> No.21285519
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If philosophy is dead what is pic rel doing?

>> No.21285523

I'm here but all I feel like doing is playing vidya and jerking off all day

>> No.21285524

I already thought about writing a huge ass PDF with my deep philosophical thoughts and publishing it on 4channel. But then I figured memes are a better medium to convey ideas. Now I need to learn Photoshop.

>> No.21285567

Not true. You can get published if you write proper academic papers. I get the want to do something outside of that definitely, though.
Have some self respect and use medium. Twitter and 4chan sounds like a repulsive way to get your ideas out, can’t take any of those meme philosophers on Twitter seriously. If you’re gonna write, write. That’s just my worthless opinion tho you do you.

>> No.21285625

What about religion/theology?

>> No.21285725

nobody said u cant get published its just that the chances of that happening in a remotely decent journal are inversely proportional to the transgressiveness of ur ideas and have more to do with ur integration of popular traditions, ability to network and navigate bureaucracy, and etc.

>> No.21285858

It's been replaced with psychology, we don't need to make stuff up about how people think anymore

>> No.21285940

>what is pic rel doing
The picture you posted is a bad attempt at a PBS animation for a children's hour. If you know you know (remember that dude trying to lift the giant pencil and the artist's hand sketching away).

>> No.21286081
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>I wish there were new original and insightful texts for me to read
There are, see pic related. I would also recommend many of the books by Bernardo Kastrup. The problem, as many here have pointed out, is that academic philosophy is FUBAR. See for instance these
Both are true. Also, dogma pervades academic philosophy, and the resistance to empirical evidence againat materialism is _THE_ biggest taboo and dogma in all of academic philosophy hands down.

The literature on NDEs, for instance, is so convincing that one NDE researcher said that he does not know a single person who has read the NDE literature who has not been convinced by it. But the problem is that pseudoskeptics will not familiarize themselves with and actually read the literature, they just assume it can not exist and merrily go about their lives in blissful ignorance.

Additionally, nothing gets normies and NPCs more uncomfortable than the idea that NDEs are ACTUALLY real, and that there are valid reasons to think that they are and that we should take them seriously.

Here is an extremely persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It makes a huge deal about the fact that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and that when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Statistics collected show that the "deeper" the NDE the greater the percentage of those who come away certain of the existence of the afterlife. Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. And so would you, me, or anyone, including the most dogmatic atheists and skeptics, because it is VASTLY more self-evidently real than this brief little experience of life on Earth we have now. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep, deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.
No dude just write a book and publish it, do not be shy or defeatist. You can do it anon! <3

>> No.21286120

That's where all the cool stuff happens, but anglos are too retarded to notice yet. The French have figured it out a few decades now. Look at the religious turn in phenomenology.

>> No.21286149

dumb frogposter

>> No.21286173

Loss of human autonomy. That's all. That's the answer. Modern humans are systematically encouraged into having a docile, hedonist lifestyle, not to mention the marketplace of ideas is more barren than ever, people with nothing to say now have the largest platform.

>> No.21286182

Read Byung Chul Han. Psychopolitics explains the tranny problem cogently and upsets academic niggers that spent their whole lives studying Kant or Foucault (yikeserinko).

>> No.21286248

there is actually a modern philosopher, his name is Jordan Peterson

>> No.21286277

I knew a guy who temporarily died. Flatlined for 5 minutes after a car accident. He said that he lost his faith in God because "there was nothing there." He didn't see any afterlife. He developed a death wish and later died after walking along the ledge of a bridge and falling off.

>> No.21286290

>tranny propaganda

>> No.21286298

Satan called him to spread lies about Kingdom of God. Sane man wouldn't kill himself just because "there was nothing there".

>> No.21286303

>t. hasn't read Homo Sacer Integrale

>> No.21286314

How would you possibly know what an adequate philosophical position would be if you can't think of it yourself? How could you be trusted to even parse the simplest treatise if you aren't capable of finding breadcrumbs online? What could possibly be lacking in philosophy that you couldn't state simply in your OP? No new amazon grifter book?
Get a life. Get a life quickly and seriously.

>> No.21286331

gigamidwit detected

>> No.21286692


>> No.21286714

Leftists do not like being called philosophers because of the relation to Greeks and Western ideology, but rather intellectuals.

>> No.21286740

>if NDEs show religious shit, it's proof of god
>if NDEs don't show religious shit, it's proof of god

>> No.21286800
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>I wish there were new original and insightful texts for me to read, but unfortunately all I find in philosophy is either infantile language games or culturally destructive tranny propaganda.
What would you even WANT in philosophy?

You have whacky pomo stuff like Deleuze (he even has military applications!), there's also sorts of whacky ancient ideas being implemented in China (Social Credit comes from Laozi!), Indo-Europeanists are reconstructing the perennial ancient Tradition from the words of Wotan (there's even neopagan groups that you can join!), neuroscience has opened up the brain and found it far more complex than anyone could have imagined (more discoveries, more ideas, how does it work?!), there's online Platonist communities forming (they're trying to achieve union with the Form of the Table!), there's massive efforts to translate ancient Buddhist texts that have not been read in centuries (wanna learn Tibetan?), physics is making advancements at such a pace that journalists don't even know how to clickbait it (crack open a math textbook!).

What do you want?

>> No.21286805

>all I find in philosophy is either infantile language games or culturally destructive tranny propaganda.
(Nearly) all philosophy is like this. Plato lead to the death of Greece.
You are a sincerely stupid individual.

>> No.21286811

I don't take lowercase typing marxoids (trust me I can tell) seriously, especially when they tout ideology as a culmination of a perennial truth.

>> No.21286818

SO TRUE. F*ck toxic masculinity!!!

>> No.21286846

Congratulations on your accurate assessment of how things currently are.

>> No.21286857

Holy fuck what a retarded opinion.

>> No.21286875

Thank you, this is the correct response. Nothing is dead. If you're bored you're the problem and you should think about how to fix that first.

>> No.21286883

We are headed toward a holographic language society, where visual arts and animation are no longer efficient to convey meaning. The word of the day is everything. Social events, news happenings in the real world are now projected from meme language. Everyone will become their own expert in the new holographic language and will beam the course of history.
Then in a post holographic society we will not have any simple clue into our own thought because of how sophisticated our communication is. It will no longer be descriptive enough to change minds because of how fragmented our mind became as thousands of new languages are created and millions of identities struggle with the complications.

>> No.21286900

Cringe fake optimism.
>Nothing is dead
Everything is - aristocracy, the traditional family unit, morality, religion, you're just blind to the fact.

>> No.21286903
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>>philosophy is dead

woo wee

>> No.21287415

>axiomatic study of the world
>such as politics, ideology, science

>> No.21287425

Literally everything you said is wrong. I'll just hope this post was meant to be satire.

>> No.21287460

>the answer is politics, ideology, science
You wouldn't have any of these fields if it weren't for some ancient autist philosophers coming up with them

>> No.21287472
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>> No.21287557

the linguistic turn is the best thing that has happened to philosophy as all ontological philosophy is just empty blabber by people who haven't realized their limitations. we're closer to socrates' teachings now than ever before

>> No.21287609
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>> No.21288207
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The most moronic take I've heard in a long while

>> No.21288219

Orgy of the Will

>> No.21288279

Philosophy has always been cringe, and you can count on your hand the actual amount of great philosophers.
Aristotle, Spinoza, Rousseau, Kant, Marx and the analytics are literally the only philosophers worth reading. I would also say David Graeber is essential reading to understand clown world and your place in it, but the jury is still out on whether he can be considered a philosopher.

In terms of the bad, any philosopher that pushes a pessimist outlook is evil and demoralization propaganda, which is why academia pushes them. Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche are literally what no pussy does to a mf and you should never listen to what people like this have to say. Kant was like this too to an extent but he actually had ideas that were worthy of his level of autism.

>> No.21288292

>I recommend
Pseud moment.

>> No.21288517
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Your opinion became irrelevant after you mentioned him as a "great philosopher worth reading"

>> No.21288534
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>>Nothing is dead
>Everything is - aristocracy, the traditional family unit, morality, religion, you're just blind to the fact.

>> No.21288543

I didn’t even know she was sick

>> No.21288676

He is though. You got brainwashed hard by Fox News boomers.

>> No.21288735

But anon, I like the real. I like dreams too, for that matter. Why do I need "more real"? Have you had an nde?

>> No.21288801

Wittgenstein is for midwits

>> No.21289076

Clean AND decorate your room chud

>> No.21289343

That guy doesn't exist.