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21283847 No.21283847 [Reply] [Original]

post your favorites. post the ones with SOUL
note: after ‘76 stuff is welcome, but posting stuff about the indians is cool too

>> No.21283949

Just watch “the story of America” documentary

>> No.21284044

Just watch “the story of America” documentary

>> No.21284080

This one really blew my mind.
>The Shipwreck that Saved Jamestown; Lorri Glover and Daniel Blake Smith
Just enjoyed this read.
>Three Days at Camp David; Jeffery E. Garten
And these two I want to read.
>The Cold War - A New History; John Lewis Gaddis
>1776; David McCullough

>> No.21284100

no monarchy = no history

>> No.21285253
File: 61 KB, 600x300, Hamilton-Burr-duel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21285261

didn't realize what board I was on.

>> No.21285279
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About halfway through pic related and it’s amazing. Hamilton was Uber based, not as he’s portrayed by the mainstream. He has been vindicated on everything and the founders should have listened to him more.

>> No.21285302
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>Democracy in America; Alexis de Tocqueville
>The Rough Riders; Theodore Roosevelt
>Of Plymouth Plantation; William Bradford
What the fuck happened, Americabros?

>> No.21285486

So the book makes claims that depart from the mainstream telling of his politics how?

>> No.21285564

found the kike.
see here: >>21285253

>> No.21285565

>Contrary to what many of detractors say he was not a monarchist, but was very skeptical of democracy and believed in a natural aristocracy (what we call meritocracy)
>lifelong appointments for President and senate (“under good behavior”)
>strict proponent of order and virtue, defended Tories and Loyalists in court and against violent mobs seeking to tar and feather them (Such behavior would tarnish the cause of liberty)
>naturally good at everything he did
>mogged idealistic Jeffersonians with his realist big brain
>moral realist, influenced by his Christianity, most people don’t think he was Christian
>against slavery not because he was a libfag as popularly portrayed, but because he was a Christian
>requested communion during his last hours which were spent contemptky and happily around his family, unlike virgin Jefferson and Adam’s who were assmad to the very end

There’s a lot more shit I can’t remember off the dome. Good read tho I’d give it a look.

>> No.21285699

>central bank enthusiast
Not quite.
We've always been a deeply flawed nation, and in most respects are much improved, save these two critical points, which are proving our undoing:
>We failed to defeat secret societies
>We lost the battle for sound money

>> No.21285889
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Books on conservationist history?

>> No.21285938
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Edited by Mark Twain.

>> No.21285958


>> No.21285967

Burgerland, and possibly all other Anglo countries, is an eastern country, not western. Think about it:

1 - They are a materialistic, greedy society. They care more about making money than doing a good job or doing the right thing (their movie marketing budget often surpasses the budget of the movie itself). While Europeans are more concerned with virtue and ideals.

2 - Just like Jews in Hollywood or anywhere else like to portray Romans as black instead of Italian or Joana d’Arc as a decepticon, burgers steal other people’s culture and make a twisted version of it, see: their metricless poetry, their white house’s architecture, their “philosophy”, their language. While true Europeans (not Anglos) respect, preserve, and build on other peoples’ cultures.

3 - They subvert other nations, with their movies, their songs, their entertainment news that destroyed journalism worldwide. Just like Israel stole Palestine from the Arabs, and keeps instilling conflict between the Arabic countries, mutts stole California from the Mexicans, Philippines from the Spanish, and shamelessly spied on Germany and Brazil for years. Europeans built entire cities in the wilderness of sub Saharan Africa. What have mutts built for others? Absolutely nothing.

4 - They are willing to give up their racial and cultural composition in order to advantage themselves. 30.7% of US Nobel prizes were awarded to immigrants, and god knows how many to children or grandchildren of immigrants. Jews too marry into families of other races in order to join their countries and practice nepotism there. Continental Europeans on the other hand obviously don’t do that out of their own will, only by burgerjewish subversion (see: refugee crisis).

>> No.21285972

5 - They are a vassal state of Israel. They send their young men to die for Israel in the ME, they pay billions every year to Israel with tax payer money, their government, elite universities, biggest corporations, and culture is factually owned by Jews, despite Jews ever only becoming a meaningful population in the US less than 100 years ago.

It is clear to anybody with two working eyes that Burgerland is not only unrelated but also antithetical to the European soul and culture, both in Europe and elsewhere. They are much closer spiritually to the Semites.

>> No.21285986
File: 393 KB, 1600x1260, Theodore-Roosevelt-Rough-Riders-Spanish-American-War-Kurz-1898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rough rides by roosevelt is fucking awesome. So many colorful characters
>The most serious loss that I and the regiment could have suffered befell just before we charged. O'Neill was strolling up and down in front of his men, smoking his cigarette, for he was inveterately addicted to the habit. He had a theory that an officer ought never to take cover—a theory which was, of course, wrong, though in a volunteer organization the officers should certainly expose themselves very fully, simply for the effect on the men; our regimental toast on the transport running, "The officers; may the war last until each is killed, wounded, or promoted." As O'Neill moved to and fro, his men begged him to lie down, and one of the sergeants said, "Captain, a bullet is sure to hit you." O'Neill took his cigarette out of his mouth, and blowing out a cloud of smoke laughed and said, "Sergeant, the Spanish bullet isn't made that will kill me." A little later he discussed for a moment with one of the regular officers the direction from which the Spanish fire was coming. As he turned on his heel a bullet struck him in the mouth and came out at the back of his head; so that even before he fell his wild and gallant soul had gone out into the darkness.

>> No.21285987

Yuropoor mad we're fresh and blacked.

>> No.21286020

What a ridiculous post. It is completely detached, and off-topic to boot.

>> No.21286826
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Conrad Black entertains a good yarn

>> No.21286834


>> No.21286835

Americans had a monarchy for 169 years.

>> No.21286916
File: 111 KB, 316x475, America's biographer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21287016
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Probably one of my favorite periods in American history is the settlement of the Ohio river valley and the wars it incited with the Shawnee, ultimately leading to the War of 1812. I can not recommend this biography enough for a unique perspective of the period.

>> No.21287039


>modern book presents itself as a representative history of America
>cover image is a reproduction of one of Jasper Johns' 48-star "Flag" paintings

>> No.21287054


>> No.21287065
File: 273 KB, 635x446, bobbay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spawn of Evil by Paul Wellman

>> No.21287070

>the author has any say whatsoever in the cover graphic

>> No.21287074


I am merely noting the existence of a trope which I've seen in the book design for many modern American political/historical writings, especially ones which have some pretense at being "authoritative". Jasper Johns is a modern artist, so cribbing his paintings gives the book a veneer of "modern taste". At the same time, he is a fairly uncontroversial figure, and his flag paintings are convenient props to show the flag without actually showing the flag.

>> No.21287089


Wasn't implied. I was taking a jab at the book designers, not the authors. But of course it's quite possible for an author to have some input as to what the cover will be, although some other designer is commonly in charge for marketing purposes.

>> No.21287136

"The Indians are happier and kept in better moral shape without any sort of European-model government, we should do as they do,"
Sole Author of the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights and US Constitution,
in paraphrasis

Thomas Jefferson, Aug.

>> No.21287149

Any works by John Meachum I recommend. His biography of Thomas Jefferson was easy listening, made an entire shift of work feel like only an hour.

>> No.21287752

>t. peasant

>> No.21288068
File: 160 KB, 720x479, Bill_the_Butcher_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't listen to guys like this...

>> No.21288227

albion's seed

>> No.21288250

You think whatever media shit we export to your shithole actually teaches you about us, and not solely about the gay shit you as a people buy. Like going to a cheap chinese restaurant and thinking you know a lick of chinese cuisine, stfu poor. There is no culture besides america, go turn on the radio and see what songs are playing

>> No.21288296

These are very good points. The nature of the Burgerland franchise to completely ignore its earlier history, also, reminds of the franchise habit; underneath the gloss paint and mascot pictures are the layers upon layers of the founding society, that being the conquistador spanish and cromwellian english. I miss Grandma Tudors Apple Pie shop. I hate what exists on the site now.

>> No.21288301

These are awful points. The nature of the Burgerland customer waiting in line, crying out to insist that he's there of his own free will; having difficulty moving due to his girth and internal health, attempting to brag that others are envious of him. Like going to a chinese restaurant and complaining that fries aren't on the menu, stufu poor. There is no culture besides the conveyor belt from the fryer to the mouth, go stand on the scales and see what the numbers say.

>> No.21288316 [DELETED] 

there is no culture in the USA. USA was founded by british tax evaders in order to create their won society base on commerce. Bourgeois don't give a shit about the content of their sales, what they care about is just selling stuff and remaining in power.
This means that the democratic republic has no substance whatsoever. Whatever sells will be sold and that the entirety of the content of the republic.

>> No.21288338

There is no culture in the USA. The USA was founded by british tax evaders in order to create their own society base on commerce. Bourgeois don't give a shit about the content of their sales, what they care about is just selling stuff and remaining in power. This means that the democratic republic has no substance whatsoever. Whatever sells will be sold and that is the entirety of the content of the republic. In other words, the american culture is just a succession of fades artificially created by the mercantilist ruling caste.

>> No.21288382

>the american culture is just a succession of fades artificially created by the mercantilist ruling caste.
That's not really true at all; the republic was founded on the basis of agriculture w/ the laws or the citizen written on the assumption that the citizen was a small-landholder and producer, hence taxes paid in produce.

Still stovepipeheads civil war put an end to that.

>> No.21288387

> w/ the laws or the citizen written on the assumption that
w/ the laws for* the citizen written on the assumption that