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[ERROR] No.19831[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1. what's the last book you read, and how was it?
2. what is your height and weight?

>> No.20286

Echopraxia by Peter Watts
6'1" 187 lbs

>> No.20316

The Satanic Verses by Salmon Rushdie

6'0 140lbs

>> No.20393

Old Man and the Sea
It was ok. I enjoy Hemmingway's other works more.
and I think I weigh 185

>> No.20417

how do even exist m8?

>> No.20442

thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.20465

S-shut up p-plebeians. I don't like eating, okay?

>> No.20481

Love in the time of cholera Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Not bad, not nearly as good as 100 years of solitude.
5'10" 185lbs

>> No.20523

Meditations Marcus Aurelius
5'7 155

>> No.20555

1. Heir to the Empire, I really enjoyed it even though the content isn't considered canon anymore. It's made me upset how they've neutered Thrawn in Rebels though.

2. 5'2", 118lbs

>> No.20596

Sound of Waves by Mishima Yukio. It was perfectly paced and very satisfying all the way through

How do I gain weight muscle-wise

>> No.20597
File: 79 KB, 800x639, Part-PAR-SAPA990217231280-1-0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Beloved - Toni Morrison
It was a terrible melodrama. I wanted to read a book by a woman of color to get a new perspective but the thing was not well written. She used too many writing cliches you see in other shitty contemporary novels that I don't like. It's hard for me to articulate why I didn't like it because I'm a bad critic but the feeling I got from reading it was not good.
2. 5'10" 185 lbs

>> No.20624

1. Moby-Dick. It was my second time reading it, and it was as great as it was the first time.

2. 5'8", 156 lbs. Trying to cut some fat. I'm pretty muscular already.

>> No.20627


How to win an argument by Marcus Tullius Cicero

90 kg, 178 cm


>Bench 140 kg
>Squat 200 kg
>Deadlift 240 kg

>> No.20636

1. Fuck if I remember
2. 180cm, 64kg

>> No.20676

Histories Herodotus

6'2 idk about 180

>> No.20678

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by Dick (no homo)
5'10 180lbs

seem to be stuck at this weight so im just going to enjoy being able to eat whatever i want

>> No.20696


>> No.20721


>> No.20725

Alice in Wonderland for the nth time
6'2, 179

>> No.20761

I Am Malala, interesting, she seems like a bit of a cunt though desu

187cm, 103kg

>> No.20989

1. Middlesex
I liked it. Really made me reminisce about my childhood and I guess consider my gender identity a little. Turns out I'm not trans, yay.
2. 6'0 175lbs

>> No.21059

1. been so long I can't remember
some warhammer shit if audiobooks count
2. short and fat

>> No.21089

what are you doing on either of these boards

>> No.21283
File: 269 KB, 567x960, 1429298316418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War and Peace

5'11 170lbs

>> No.21366

The Metamorphosis
5'3' 120lb

>> No.21448
File: 198 KB, 830x506, Tolstoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and how did you like it

>War and Peace

A classic, even better than Anna Karenina. How many bales of hay do you think Tolstoy could deadlift?

>> No.21461

be my kafka gf

>> No.21542

Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas, 6.8/10
5'11”, 123lbs.

>> No.21557
File: 122 KB, 785x463, yuropes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were tremendous
just like me
6 foot 12
three hundred and a hundred and three pounds

>> No.21583
File: 32 KB, 255x374, scornful wally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people aren't able to post a coherent sentence about what they thought about the last book they read

>> No.21599

small book for a stick man

like pottery

>> No.21646

Infini-dick JUST
5'1, 650 lbs

>> No.21653

The Loved One by Evelyn Waugh. Funny I guess, but the guy was too assblasted about America

5'11. 125 lbs

>> No.21682

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
5'8" 170 lbs

>> No.21726

Robinson Crusoe. Okay, a bit dull in places though

5'9, 160 lbs

>> No.21751

1. All Quiet on the Western Front. Pretty good.
2. 5'10, 150lbs

>> No.21794

A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again.

I generally thought he had some interesting opinions, particularly about irony, cynicism and tv. And his descriptions actually made me give a shit about tennis. I like the use of footnotes to add extra information. It's funny how the 90s seem so dated. But the title essay just made him out to be an insufferable tool. I'm not sure I want to tackle IJ now.

5'9", 160 lbs.

>> No.22005

1. Read The Alchemist. I get why it was so popular with the general public for the whole 'personal legend' thing, but story-wise it wasn't worth much.

2. 5'3", 110lbs

>> No.22063

Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
5'2'' 150~ lbs

>> No.22079

House of Leaves
190 lbs

It was a very unique, interesting book. I wouldn't count it as particularly great, but it was worth just for the strangeness.

>> No.22243

1. The Bible.''Truly, paradise is found within the one whom lifts'' - Jesus

2. 6'0, 170lbs

>> No.22278

City of Bohane by Kevin Barry. Hreat book, read it in 2 days, kind of reminded me of the movie Sin City without guns. Real gritty.

6'3" 255lbs

>> No.22955

Soumission by Houellebecq

It was okay but I probably won't read his next one, they are very similar.

I'm 188cm and I weigh 105kg.

>> No.23028

Are you a girl or super skinny?

Not tryna be rude here, I'm a turbomanlet at 5'5 - 130 and I remember how I was when I was 120...

>> No.23369

Scars by Chris Wraight

Dope book about samurai space marines killing each other


>> No.23453

1. The war of art
2. 6'2'' 185

It was really good. I am happy I picked it up because it helped me break through some shitty habits I had

>> No.24021

Does W&P match the last 50 or so pages of Anna Karenina somewhere? That section was incredible, I didn't really get Tolstoy until I read and thought about it.
>Anna Karenina
It was great. I came across so much insight, but the ending was something truly special.
>height and weight
5'11, somewhere between 180 and 200. I don't own a scale but I'm obviously fat.