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21280391 No.21280391 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically one of the greatest writers about loneliness and isolation in history.

>> No.21280545

> And then this black boy
named Chance said that he lost his virginity when he was only thirteen! In addition, he said that the girl
he lost his virginity to was a blonde white girl! I was so enraged that I almost splashed him with my
orange juice. I indignantly told him that I did not believe him, and then I went to my room to cry. I cried
and cried and cried, and then I called my mother and cried to her on the phone.
How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am
half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it
more. I tried not to believe his foul words, but they were already said, and it was hard to erase from my
mind. If this is actually true, if this ugly black filth was able to have sex with a blonde white girl at the age
of thirteen while I’ve had to suffer virginity all my life, then this just proves how ridiculous the female
gender is. They would give themselves to this filthy scum, but they reject ME? The injustice!

one of the funniest

>> No.21280561

Dude was so close to accepting the truth, but sperged out instead of dismissing w*men as worthless fuckholes and using the narcissism as fuel to become great at something. Shame.

>> No.21280597

This pitiful loser's life is so full of irony! It drives me crazy every time I hear the stuff that came out of this guy's mouth (or pen), and then he continues on cluelessly not realizing that the worthless thought life he's leading is precisely the reason why he can't get anyone, or accomplish anything.

This man thought stalking happy couples miserably in his car and keeping a video diary about it was somehow a good use of his time that would lead to a happy life...

This is exactly why Socrates said the unexamined life was not worth leading.

So sad! So flipping miserable and sad! I can't stand it. What a doofus. A poor, miserable doofus - and every bit of it, self inflicted.

If anyone here is thinking like this collosal failure of a man, TURN BACK! Do yourself a favor and TURN BACK WHILE YOU STILL CAN! And boo on OP, for keeping his poor example alive to lead all the wayward fools on this site astray.

He was NOWHERE NEAR TRUTH! That is why he spent all his time sulking and brooding; all the while getting not one step closer to anything he wanted, nor any respect from anyone! He killed himself and his only friends for goodness sakes! He brought shame upon his own parents! You can't get much further from truth than this monumental sad sack! He was near as far from doing anything great than East is from West. Great deeds are not done by whiney, weak-willed, weak-minded, entitled, treacherous, self-absorbed twats!

>> No.21280600

You write like a woman

>> No.21280603

You spend a lot of time reading women's writing do you, Eliot? I bet you do. Pitiful man.

>> No.21280639

Would reading Notes from Underground have saved Elliot Rodger?

>> No.21280651

It never even started for HAPAcels, did it?

>> No.21280663


>> No.21280693

You mean, would reading it have saved us? Elliot doesn't need saving anymore man, he doesn't even exist, but what led to his state of mind, his decisions... all that still exists. That's us. What's happening to these lads and ladies is our collective Karma, the products of an ailing system too disconnected from truth. You don't have to evaluate it, just resonate with what he says and you see how it can happen, how things can get twisted and how the environments and cultures we create can be, or cannot be, conducive to human growth and well being.

We've got alot of work to do, and we get to die failing to make it all happen because it's too big for one lifetime. If we give up on heroics, if we dally too long at the threshold, things get twisted up, it's inevitable. If you don't dance with life, it'll twist you up just like a double helix. You have to move with the momentum and see a life as LIFE, not just an adolescence leading to an adulthood, etc. We used to draw lines from the center out to both ends, now we only care about getting from A to B, forgetting how to be, not just get there.

If only he'd given up on the masculinity presented to him and worked up his own, and yet... did we not require his sacrifice, his example, if we are to improve? Does not our manic, malevolent masculinity demand such sacrifices to suture up its sad excuse for 'sovereign expression' with scapegoat after scapegoat? In some ways, in many ways, Elliot Rodgers remains more valuable to humanity and to the hope of harmony and equanimity than many hard working, life-long academics or doctors who simply keep band-aiding a festering wound to 'keep the fever down'.

They never had anything to threaten you with, Elliot, and you never had anything to do with all that strength. You could've laughed and lost. Shit, he could've done ANYTHING else, but he needed to violate someone, something... sacred, praying, begging for something truly sovereign to say something, anything... anything to fight off that ferocious and fascist intellect and its all consuming need to divide and conquer within and without.

What will save us is involvement, nothing more, nothing less. He's done what he could and only made it so far. Let's do our part to do better, or worse, so long as we choose. If we retain our agency, our integrity, violence is never a seductive solution, though it can be necessary, and pleasure passes as the fleeting fancy that it is, unable and unwilling to enslave us.

Embrace Elliot and Elevate Everyone, Eternally. Condemn him and contemptibly confirm your callousness and cruel, cutting consciousness.

Emotional quests over intellectual conquests. Give the mind a worthy goal for once and just see where you can go. The solution is subtle and simple, always. Seeing it simply, sensing the subtlety... that takes way more than brains.

>> No.21280708

Its not my fault you quoted Socrates idea about self examination which led to Marxist self critique eventually led to white people examining their inherent whiteness and what they can do to be less of a burden on every other demographic. Kevin MacDonald had a point. Alas, Socrates might not be Jewish but he has the Jewish spirit, after death in which the Greek spirit and Jewish spirit was bridged by the Neoplationist Philo. I'm far from saying it was inevitable but that's why Nietzsche was right to hate Plato and embrace Heraclitus.

>> No.21280709

More Jewish than Socrates or Plato ever was.

>> No.21280713

You're going to have to lay down the weed. You're developing schizophrenia, and not in a good way.

>> No.21280722

Separate the thinker from his ideas. You should try that

>> No.21280724

Reject the embrace or fold your hands and bow. I know my choice. Good luck with yours. Namaskaram.

>> No.21280780

You're a fucking clown. That's it. That's all I have left for you. I don't take you seriously because clowns aren't taken seriously. Rethink your life, you /lit/jester.

>> No.21280791

His ideas were Jewish too.

>> No.21280922
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Death to amerika

>> No.21280926

It wouldn't save Japan.

>> No.21280928
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No but it'd make me happy

>> No.21280934

>cries to his mom over the phone
yeah no wonder why hes a (((incel))) virgin. Unlike me a gigachad one.

>> No.21280935

>insert one of an infinite number of Japan's exported perversions

>> No.21280964

No, but the parenting is legendarily poor

>> No.21281020

Looks like a couple of lads having some fun. What's the issue?

>> No.21281142

What's the giveaway?

>> No.21281160

You first, Chang. And I know your countrymen will fall alongside you because they lack individuation

>picks on low hanging fruit
Hows the weather in Tel Aviv, Chaim?

Its just a Jewish or Chinese person having a temper tantrum. At this point I can't tell the difference between the two

>> No.21281174

Asians and hapas will save themselves a lot of grief if they just never look at white girls. White girls will always dock their score by -3 or -4. If you are 10 Asian male in the eyes of a white woman you will never be more than a 7.

If Elliot has somebody looking after him he would have known what was in his league and what was not and could have found some happiness. Poor bloke

>> No.21281200

He was a low IQ narcissist.

>> No.21281286

You'd say anything if you thought it would provoke people. Why not go to a math board and start posting "1+1=3" over and over.

>> No.21281326

even on the internet you cant get away from some woman nagging you
shut up cunt, no one gives a shit

>> No.21281343

not him; exclamations which clearly lack emotional engagement. Look at poetry with it's "O! Thou XYZ!" and then compare to how female journalists always write "but it's the opposite!" "how surprising!" "so sad!" "This pitiful loser's life is so full of irony!". oh, and thinking that writing with caps lock (equivalent of speaking louder) WINS THE ARGUMENT!
to that you can add writing which is soulless, yet full of "essnece" and "arguments"
maybe not the best method, but usually works for me

>> No.21281535

How does someone turn out to be like that?
I am not the most successful with women and I admittedly get envious as well when some dude tells me he was having sex with a hot girl, but this is some next level mental illness. What has to happen in one's childhood to become like this?

>> No.21281594

And the irony is he doesn't even look half bad.

>> No.21281599

a rich absentee father

>> No.21281642
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This shows a lack of self-reflectivity I can't even fathom existing in a real person. How can he not step outside his own head for 2 seconds and question himself.

>> No.21281663

>he thinks self-critique and self-reflection is Jewish because its better to be an unthinking caveman banging on rocks in shere immediacy

>> No.21281735

You're thick. What a clown.

>> No.21281751

Dude sounds like anakin skywalker

>> No.21281764

japan is just as bad, except in the complete opposite direction

>> No.21281804

>What was seen can never be unseen, and I will never forget it, nor will I forgive it.
>Humanity is a disgusting, wretched, depraved species.
>You will finally see that I am in truth the superior one. The true alpha male.
>I am the true victim in all of this. I am the good guy.
>A beautiful environment is the darkest hell if you have to experience it all alone.
>It made me feel like an insignificant, unworthy little mouse.
Some of my personal favorites.

>> No.21281823

Your way of writing is very repellent. Please fix it.

>> No.21282139

Found the incel delta male. Hit a little close to home did it, Eliot?

>> No.21282141

You first, ESL.

>> No.21282158

Whoever needs to hear this.. you guys are going do a dark path. We live in such a world with many different possibilities and the more you focus on the impossibilities of succeeding then the more bitter, depressed AND further away you move from your true desire.

Once you realize you’re lonely, that is the starting point for solving it. Furthermore, your attitude towards woman will affect your personally. If you see yourself and women as enemies then you’re just going to make your own life worse. If you are on the right path things feel light, not full of suffering

>> No.21282181
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He really had so much potential. If only he had a father figure or older brother to guide him. I could have unironically saved him.

>> No.21282200

This thread attracted so many screeching women.

>> No.21282208

>doesn’t even know what ESL means

>> No.21282592

You cannot refute him so you dismiss him. Intellectual cowardice at display, right here on /lit/.

>> No.21282604

boomer parenting (non-existant)

>> No.21282617

It's nothing to do with looks, his attitude and personality is repulsive to 99% of people. No chick wants a dude that cries.

>> No.21282626
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I'm alone and I don't experience loneliness.

>> No.21282634


No parenting. I know a kid like this, absentee Dad, a mom that never says no, step dad that would buy him Playboy, in fact I went to see if he was home once around 13, and his step dad said "Alex isn't here, but hey, he got the new Pamela nderson Playboy, if you want to come in and take a look, LMAO. You know how many times my Dad told me to "grow up", "stop your nonsense", "shut up, you sound like a fool" many times, that shit works, if you never hear that, no basic discipline, coddled told you are handsome, you end up like Elliott.

>> No.21282641

the age of consent is 13 in Japan. LMAO, you know what that means, imagine being 13 or 14 and knowing all the chicks around you are getting pounded out by Chad 17 and 18 year old seniors LMAO.

>> No.21282668

I see no difference between Chris's anguish when compared with Dante's for Beatrice. It is quite poetic.

>> No.21282676

I'm aware women are mostly trash and I can barely look at one without scowling nowadays but chateau heartiste was correct to say celibacy feels worse than starving to death. I don't blame Eliot for sperging out in the way he did, romance is rarely in the cards for young precocious and feminine males nowadays. I suppose those guys become trannies or faggots nowadays, it's the only way out for the weak.

>> No.21282708

Elliot reminds me of a loser I met years ago. He was very into Miguel Serrano and was a hateful catfish who didn't even know the meaning of the word and that he was one. To date, he doesn't know how he's a virgin at his 30, but he's excellent at blaming women for not liking him.

>> No.21282709

>imagine being 13 or 14 and knowing all the chicks around you are getting pounded out by Chad 17 and 18 year old
Age of consent in my country is 15 and what you described was still happening in my school, a Catholic education school for talented kids too lmao.

>> No.21282716

black kid definitely lied but is still based for driving Rodger to insanity

>> No.21282864


>> No.21282908

No! Whenever I see a picture like that I get all sad and want to build houses for animals. I think we should build houses for animals.

>> No.21283069

Being a virgin. He wasn’t “not the most successful”, he was dying for it. All it takes is being a little shy and picky, isolating instead of making an effort. Then you fall behind developmentally and by high school you still view women as these angelic unobtainable creatures. Then you decide to brood about missing out.

>> No.21283088

Oh look its me hello

>> No.21283156

His big issue was going for 8+ blonde aryan beauties and seething when he couldn’t get them. Had he gone for a nonwhite, or even a homely brunette, he’d still be alive today.

>> No.21283186

>white people
He said whiney, not whitey. Get your dyslexia fixed bro.

>> No.21283194

Truth hurts, eh anon?

>> No.21283196
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>delta male

Yus, that be me, miss. I don' know nothing bout no women, but I can pick a row of cotton faster than any man you ever seen.

>> No.21283202
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>> No.21283347

stupid dickheads like elliot have existed all throughout history. there is nothing to his experience that is uniquely caused by innovations of the current era

HERE IS A READING https://voca.ro/1leQF9ybtLYC

>> No.21283353

Make me

>> No.21283354

An unnamed CIA agent?

>> No.21283358

When your "manifesto" unironically contains memes and 4chan screencaps I think you should seriously reevaluate your life.

>> No.21283361

You know, as someone who's been in similar circumstances, its amazing how r selected black kids seem to be less socially inept yet know nothing of basic human dignity in the dating market. I don't get why people don't point this more often.

>> No.21283573

Its not even just twinky looking guys.

Was he wrong though?

My problem wasn't even my dad. He knew when to raise his hand and taught me basic respect and even got me into political talk radio and interesting music. I spent a lot of time with him growing up. The issue was my mother and sister who were the bobsey twins of frigid, distant, judgemental women

I was half joking but ever notice almost every person from music to film to theory who engages in severe criticism always happens to celebrate Hanukkah? You got mad because I struck a nerve.

How is the eternal return, and will to power jewish in any way? If anything its paganism.

>> No.21283579

To be fair I would probably go on a murderous rampage if I had those weird lips and attached earlobes.

>> No.21283623

plato wrote like that lol

>> No.21283625

>girls use zany wordplay
>Also, Plato used zany wordplay
>therefore, Plato is a girl

>> No.21283626

wordplay isn't gendered

>> No.21283630

Looks like you too are trying not to believe for your insecurities.

>> No.21283640

Shut up chud. You'll never compare to the true asian chads

>> No.21283663

gender isn't real, there is just sex

>> No.21283666

was I addressing you bat eating, hivemind-dwelling sycophant? no? then shut the fuck up.

>> No.21283675

That Elliot worshipper above lol

>> No.21283689

>My problem wasn't even my dad. He knew when to raise his hand and taught me basic respect and even got me into political talk radio and interesting music. I spent a lot of time with him growing up. The issue was my mother and sister who were the bobsey twins of frigid, distant, judgemental women

Yeah, buddy, I understand. Moms can be quite damaging. My Dad is not the strongest and my mom really would abuse him psychologically. You know that saying sticks and stones blah blah words will never hurt me? Well I think words do far worse damage. Anyway , I know the feeling, fuck it's funny now, but the first time I asked a chick out was in grade 5, and she laughed at me and her and her friend made fun of me. I withdrew and didn't talk to a girl until I was done High School basically. I was kind of stupid because even in. grade 7,8,9 girls in the grade above would compliment me on my shoes, call me cut, but I would scorn them. Try and get over it I guess

>> No.21283726

>there is just sex
so why haven't you got any

>> No.21283940

>How does someone turn out to be like that?
He spends time on 4chan

>> No.21283941
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He's right.

>> No.21283951

reddit response

>> No.21284031

unsettling frog

>> No.21284096

This reads too composed to be true. I suspect his manifesto was a fraud

>> No.21284470


>> No.21284475


>> No.21284569

black culture is just centered around flexing, lying and showing off
that is x1000 for middle school black kids

I guarantee you if you walk to your nearby black school and ask the 14 year olds if they'rfe virgins they'll all tell you they lost their virginity to a 25 year old big titted blonde celebrity

>> No.21284582

It gets better after you hit 20. Just stay fit.
t. Negro-lipped Dumbo mystery meat.

>> No.21285002

>personality is repulsive to 99% of people
Would you say the same if he had not killed anyone or planned to do it? Just asking. That's because I have noticed, that if a person commits a horrific crime, or even has "wrong" political opinions, then EVERYTHING THEY EVER DID, turns to evil or at least despicable. Even them reading "Pippi Longstocking" as a kid is really, really evil or somehow bigoted or degenerate. Same thing can be any of those three, depending on who is reading. It's amazing how easily people's perception of reality gets distorted.

I used capitals to underline the fact that it literally is everything. Not to shout.

I seldom post here but I read all of your Elliot threads, of course, as I read them everywhere. Also I know that telling this makes you conclude that I am an incel worshipping him, which is bad, so you will perceive everything I wrote heavily distorted. That is how human mind works.

Not sure if spoilers work here.

>> No.21285273

What do you mean? Which part of this >>21280545 indicates him moving towards the truth?

>> No.21285289

>i get envious
you are not a man

>> No.21285304

He was beginning to understand "how ridiculous the female gender is."

>> No.21285334

I'm wondering if true autists post here. Some posts sound just too structured and fixed in an alternative reality to had been written for someone who isn't in the spectrum.

>> No.21285335

ah I see. But doesn't every incel already believe that from the start? It seems to me like a core part of the ideology

>> No.21285337

how new are you brother

>> No.21285342

The most based man in history
Go ahead pretend to be all above him you reddit dogs.

>> No.21285357

Yes. Elliot attracts them more than /sci/

>> No.21285372
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His prose wasn't the best but I did feel for him.

In college I had one opportunity for a relationship and turned it down because the girl was fat. A few years ago I met a girl at a job I was working at. She was polite to me and we would chat every now and then. When I left the job I added her on snapchat and she acted like I was a stalker. I actually ran into her at another job and she would purposefully walk to the other side of the hallway if we were passing each other by. I heard one of her friends saying, "what's the worst he could do?" as if I were some criminal only restrained by my surroundings. .

I realized then that if you are physically weak women fear you because you are still strong enough to rape them but not strong enough to protect them and their status. They also fear socially awkward men as they could damage their status. Everything about women is based around making sure she conforms to the expectations of society. Without women we would have no need for society, we could just live in the woods and hunt/forage all day.

That is more or less what I do now. I work , eat and sleep, with a few hours here and there to read and work on my writing (and browse threads)

>> No.21285388

This is the truth. It is as barebones as you can get about this subject. But, as a man if you want to get a good woman all you really need to do is to be strong, confident and have friends, i.e, status

>> No.21285413

Did he ever thought that maybe the reason why he was avoided was because it was noticeable that he was so aware that he was weird that sharp people noticed that asap and smelled that he could act violently? I bet it wasn't strictly restricted to women and that men perceived that too.

>> No.21285816

being a half asian inferior mutt
yeh cope ching chong

>> No.21285850

The fact that attitude alone can increase chances of success and that optimism wins out over sensibility is itself a crime. It's driven me straight into pessimism.
Humans are vermin who are fumigating themselves en masse with their own waste, death to all optimists and if women are necessarily repelled by this attitude then fuck them too

>> No.21285870

he wasn't attractive to a woman so he should be punished for it?

>> No.21285878

Got a good chuckle at the lot of you pseuds overanalyzing this. The kid was a micro-peniled (4 incher, confirmed by his online posts), asian manlet (basically a triple death sentence in american mating world) and on top of that he had some serious mental issues (extreme narcissism) and a worrying lack of introspection.
All of these combined clearly explain his lack of success in having sex and maintaining friendships.

>> No.21285896

pure SOVL

>> No.21285902

could always get into carpentry and build them a house

>> No.21286012


All the "manly" men above saying how childish this sounds, yet they will never be able to produce something as sincere, honest and truthful.
Act, act, and then act more. Go grow a beard and buy yourself a "manly" shaving kit. Fucking losers. Fake people.
That right there is one of the most earnest expressions of soul's desire. All of you share his thoughts, but you would never dare to admit it on paper for everyone to see, you are just incapable of innocence, you'd rather hide behind your pretentions as if humans are beyond desire, as if humans are not just animals. What do you get if an animal learns of beauty? You have an animal who yearns for beauty. And it seem he was brave enough to admit it. You are so "mature" for disregarding sincerity. Dull-headed retards.

>> No.21286061

>EVERYTHING THEY EVER DID, turns to evil or at least despicable
Not true.

>> No.21286137

>Would you say the same if he had not killed anyone or planned to do it? Just asking.

Of course, but I wouldn't know him. I have known people with his personality that haven't killed anyone and yes they are repulsive. You've never met a weirdo?

>> No.21286170

That anon didn't mention anything about punishment, he's talking about instinct. Pretty much, Elliot believed he was made aside because he considered himself an incel instead of a psychotic individual. You can tell when you're talking with a weirdo.

>> No.21286200

Frankly Dostoevskian. Bravo!

>> No.21286206

This, he's several levels above what's shared in WWOYM threads.

>> No.21286208

based based based

>> No.21286359

I'm gonna build a bunch of little birdhouses and go into the woods and hide them in bushes and stuff.

>> No.21286620

based, I also hate niggers