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21274748 No.21274748 [Reply] [Original]

Write What's On Your Mind – /wwoym/
Hating Soi YouTubers Edition

You should viscerally hate soiboy youtubers like Jim Sterling.
They live too good of a life, doing too little, and they hate you.

Previous thread:

>> No.21274756

I am tired of the blind leading the blind.

>> No.21274782

AI will bring about an age of reality disintegration and epistemic chaos of unfathomable consequence. The time bomb is ticking. The internet will become largely unusable as an information source. Ample varieties of fraud, impersonation, deception will flourish. We will be as rudely surprised by what AI will become as we were by silicon valley products that were once viewed with starry-eyed futurist promise.

>> No.21274788

I love earth but, I'm terrified by the idea that humanity will die on this rock. I don't care about my own death but I don't like the idea of everyone else dying eventually. I wish I were a ghost so I could just observe humans and humanity forever without having to be one.

>> No.21274798
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I too am tired of this, and being told to care about thinks and people I truly have no care for.

>> No.21274801

>in two more weeks we live

>> No.21274818
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Terrible edition

>> No.21274819
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>on lit board
>can't understand that tomorrow can be metaphorical

>> No.21274823
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Goddamn when is NNN gonna end, I’m running out of willpower here!

>> No.21274834

No one watches this faggot anymore. Normalfags will talk about trannies being acceptable but deep down they also are disgusted by them

>> No.21274835

I wouldnt need to drink alcohol and overeat if only I could manage my anxiety and depression.

>> No.21274846

I need to start taking benzos because im drinking so much that everyone at work is passive aggressively dropping hints about it.

>> No.21274855
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Homosexual transsexuals are acceptable because they know what STRAIGHT men like and actually put effort into being feminine, transsexuals with autogynephilia are “quarterback in a dress” type so repellent to everyone but themselves

>> No.21274862

Ditch the booze, don't even touch benzos, get kratom instead. It saved my life after a decade of self-destructive boozing.

>> No.21274877

I told a woman I'd never had sex today and she thought I was joking. What's the point of being hot if I'm too fucked to have had a romantic relationship in my 28 years of living

>> No.21274886

Whats on you guys' Xmas list?

>> No.21274898
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>Islay Whisky
>Wifebeater undershirts
>.45 ACP
>Slim leather wallet
>Lay flat black journal
>Maybe a cigar or two

>> No.21274903

I hear the church bell ring, and I will now lift weights, ignore some texts, and do some drawing on a huge 3x4 foot wood panel I've been saving. I don't want to eat because I'm depressed. But I refuse to lay face down in bed feeling sorry for myself. The sorrow will always be there, maybe, but I can get back to it later if I really need it. Looking at religious pictures helped me today.

>> No.21274920

I'm quitting hardcore pornography, but frankly I don't think I'll ever quit softcore pictures and videos. I have been so desperate for female companionship ever since I was 18 and as a 26 year old, I understand life can change, but it would take a miracle for that to change. I wouldn't say I'm unmanly or weak or some shit like that, but I certainly don't have the social aptitude to read the room or even really care. I find that those people don't have any deep relationships with their friends or girlfriends/boyfriends. I need to find places where I can find women into the math, science and tech (and just plain nerdy shit) stuff I'm into so I can actually meet people with some semblance of similarity to me and specifically a woman like that. I feel like the best relationships are born out of deep friendships based on shared interests and values and modern dating (and dating really since the 50s) has watered that down. That's why society is so atomized and people marry spouses they love for their body but not their soul then 30 years later wonder why they feel so alone around this person. It's not rocket science, but I do think it's better to wait for a woman that is attractive in not only body, but also in mind and spirit, than to rush into marriage with a woman I just want to plow and then hate afterwards. I also need to make some time to pray the Rosary at least once a day: that helps me push through this wave of misery. Life is too short to feel too sorry for yourself and it is of the utmost importance for where we will spend eternity.

>Homosexual transsexuals are acceptable
No. Transsexuals don't even look like women in the first place, which is the bare minimum that a straight man expects to get aroused by a woman. Filters and camera angle tricks don't count IRL.

>> No.21274923

Anyone have amy good books about posture when praying? I've been interested in that since one of my old professors told me that the puritans used to pray with their palms on tables.

>> No.21274926

What is the last thing that gave you a genuine lively belly laugh, anon?

>> No.21274931

4000 dollars of clothing

>> No.21274941
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>> No.21274956

Erykah Badu unironically helps you understand the female perspective

>> No.21274959

I hate how I have no control over other people. They do things that irritate me or leave me feeling excluded and I just wish I could force them to accept me and stop pissing me off.

>> No.21274968

>I need to find places where I can find women into the math, science and tech (and just plain nerdy shit) stuff I'm into
Based smart girl enjoyer.

>> No.21274971

Have you ever met a smart girl? Tbh I doubt that they exist.

>> No.21274973
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>Based smart girl enjoyer.

TFW mammal

>> No.21274975
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>Based smart girl enjoyer.

TFW person

>> No.21274980
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>Based smart girl enjoyer.

TFW too many animals

>> No.21274983

>look up the girl I had a thing with during grad school
>haven't seen her in 3+ years
>full-blown dangerhair now
>undoubtedly getting dicked by professors in her phd program
welp she was always a borderline timebomb but at least it's more obvious now visually, like a Warning sign. I am frustrated that I continue to think about her regularly even though it's mostly venom; she was cold and cruel and had poor communicaton skills so there is/was no closure and I have no idea how she even viewed whatever it was. Wouldn't be a thing still in my mind if that wasn't the closest I'd come to being in a relationship and if she wasn't the only one I felt at one time comfortable discussing my childhood with.
Overall, it's strange to be close to somebody then have to treat that person like a stranger even though they know all these highly-specific pedantic details about you as a human being; romantic or platonic relationship either way.

>> No.21274986

Not really. I'm sure they exist though. Some girls are good at math.
Leave me alone schizo.

>> No.21274988

all transvestites have autogynephilia

>> No.21274991


>> No.21275018

And you know this how?

>> No.21275043
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>They do things that irritate me

Just stop being a bitch and complaining about shit. Being irritated is a problem with your own subjective expectations. You're irritated because you have certain expectations, then those expectations are not met, and this causes you to become upset. This is a problem with you setting your expectations too high they are reliably not being met. This is not a problem caused by an external party.

Trying to blame a 3rd party for one's own faults is a typical behavior of children, and those of lesser intellect. It is an entirely antisocial predisposition, and even among those of lesser races, many of them are prosocial enough to have functional sense of mutualism and tolerance of others imperfections to the point of being able to respect and appreciate other people, even if they may have flaws, by setting their expectations low enough that they expect to experience the flaws in others, allowing them to avoid becoming upset when subjected to those flaws, since despite being subjected to less than preferable experiences, this is still meeting their expectations, rather than failing to do so, and this allows them to avoid becoming upset.

>or leave me feeling excluded

Just stop being a loser and be cool instead, then they will actually want to hang out with you instead of exclude you. They exclude you for a reason. You're the problem. One or more things about you is undesirable enough that people attempt to avoid your company if at all possible, or they otherwise feel that your presence would reduce the pleasurability of social intercourse, so they attempt to exclude you to make their own social encounters more enjoyable.

>> No.21275045

Because you never stop talking about sex, chipper-bait.

>> No.21275060

I was up early, groggy, playing minecraft on a new server. i see an unlocked chest and go closer to the sign and it says "free sneeds" and i open it and theres like 3 wheat seeds. then i fucking turn around and theres a huge sign on a building that says SNEEDVILLE. it just caught me off guard.

>> No.21275072

i used to work an asian tranny from cambodia or something. she was great. like the cliched "funny gay guy" without any of the psycho faggot tendencies like being perverted. strange but nice mix of gay gay plus girl. truly trans.

other fella i knew transitioned when he was 30, and he was clearly AGP ("lesbian"), porn addict that got off on wearing stockings and lipstick. he seemed suicidal and he was an alcoholic. genuinely disgusting and never spoke to him again (he was a friends brother)

>> No.21275083

>Just stop being a bitch and complaining about shit. Being irritated is a problem with your own subjective expectations. You're irritated because you have certain expectations, then those expectations are not met, and this causes you to become upset. This is a problem with you setting your expectations too high they are reliably not being met. This is not a problem caused by an external party.
So I should just not expect people to have decent fucking manners? I should just expect people to blast music and television so fucking loud I can feel like I'm going deaf two rooms away? I should just expect people not to make passive aggressive remarks towards me? I should just expect people not to clean up after themselves? I should just expect people to not follow basic social norms, they are all taught years ago, yet everyone seems to be disregarding these days?

>Trying to blame a 3rd party for one's own faults is a typical behavior of children, and those of lesser intellect. It is an entirely antisocial predisposition, and even among those of lesser races, many of them are prosocial enough to have functional sense of mutualism and tolerance of others imperfections to the point of being able to respect and appreciate other people, even if they may have flaws, by setting their expectations low enough that they expect to experience the flaws in others, allowing them to avoid becoming upset when subjected to those flaws, since despite being subjected to less than preferable experiences, this is still meeting their expectations, rather than failing to do so, and this allows them to avoid becoming upset.
Except sometimes other people actually are to blame for issues. It's such a cucked mentality to think that everything that goes wrong is my fault, and it's also bound to be faulty at many points as well. I know because I used to have this mentality myself before I grew out of it. Thinking that everything is my fault only made me want to kill myself. It's such an unbelievably retarded worldview. There are things that will always be out of someone's control. That includes the behavior of other people.

You seem like a nigger apologist. The type of person to say that white people getting killed by nigger teens playing the "knock-out game" is our fault because we are raycis n shiet.

>> No.21275095

lol this nigga mad mad

>> No.21275097

muhfugga bix nood ayo hup gibs shiet nigga

>> No.21275131


>> No.21275152

I think smart girls are theoretically about as common as smart guys but society directly and indirectly encourages them to be and act vapid.
To give an example, lets say a man and a woman both read as a hobby. One pattern I've noticed is that women who read will often only read one or two fantasy series over and over again. Some men do this as well, but they're treated in different ways. The woman will be lavished with encouragement and the man will usually be ignored.
Telling someone they're great is the best way to stop them from seeking improvement, whereas ignoring them until they actual do something special is very effective at encouraging improvement. In this example the man is much more likely to step out of his comfort zone and try reading more challenging books to earn respect.
For a female coder to be successful all she has to do is be a female coder. For a male coder to be successful he has to write excellent code.
I think this treatment may have stunted the intellectual growth of some women who would otherwise be quite intelligent.

>> No.21275155

I looked at the /x/ catalog just now. My mind refuses to believe so many people are this schizophrenic.

>> No.21275166

>I think smart girls are theoretically about as common as smart guys but society directly and indirectly encourages them to be and act vapid.
well you can actually look up personality and iq differences between men and women. male iq varies greatly, while female iq generally stays around the average.
>but society

>> No.21275292

Its never enough

>> No.21275335
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I have lost interest in most things. First, the alcohol went bad, now it gives me headaches. Then work went bad, I realized my job is dull and boring. And finally, all my hobbies got old. So now all there is to do is to read and escape reality

>> No.21275373

WHat happened?

>> No.21275381

Feeling like I made all the wrong decisions in my 20s and took myself out of the running

>> No.21275394

It's the title of the song.
Just an expression of middle class angst. Always need to be better

>> No.21275406

I hate my life and living but I have no desire to kill myself

>> No.21275411

that seems like a problem. you took a particular mindset as THE truth. Remember times when those things werent boring/bad/nothing. this doesnt mean they are good, but these things are to a degree fluid perspective wise. We live in large part in interpretation. And the first steep of leaving a funk is that the funk isnt some sort of universal base, but a particular.

>> No.21275415

why? If you have no desire too, but you hate living, surely the former should outway the later, unless there is a reason for you not to kill yourself rather then simple lack of desire.

>> No.21275428
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A lot of shit threads lately. Is reading becoming more popular? Could it be seasonal?

>> No.21275432
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>complains about shit threads
>post a literal r*ddit screencap

>> No.21275434

isnt there the base misunderstanding that something within a catagory must follow the same imparities of all those within a catagory? Despite the fact that particulars within a catagory are particulars by the very nature that they differ in some regards while having others in common? otherwise we wouldnt use terms like horse or mouse tobegin with.

>> No.21275435

me ngl ong fr fr no cap straight bussin major W

>> No.21275461

Literally no reason to keep checking up on this dumpster fire board

>> No.21275462

>posts anime

>> No.21275465
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>the world
>philosophers be like

>> No.21275471

I have failed and made excuses too many times

>> No.21275473

i have personally imported many redditors to these threads in particular, and thats a good thing!

>> No.21275478

I hate my past so much. I'm having such a hard time getting over it.

>> No.21275502

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

>> No.21275508

I could have changed

>> No.21275515
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>> No.21275522
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starting to think ol' schoppy was right

>> No.21275609

no tv and no beer make homer something something

>> No.21275655

I wish I had a glass of vodka or wine with me right now.

>> No.21275657


>> No.21275665

Today I made someone important to me cry, and I feel nothing. Absolutely nothing. The first thought that came to my head was, "What's happened has now happened. I should have approached the conversation differently, but now it is too late. I have to now own up to it, talk this through, and live with the consequences." all while they continue weeping before me.

I remained silent. Conversely, another thought echoed "There will be times in life where crying is what's just going to happen. But sometimes, it is important to give people what they need, not always what they want. And I can only talk them through it."

For context, I made a decision that directly goes counter to this party's interest, and from their perspective this came completely out of the blue, unexpectedly, and most of all, unexpected from me. Sigh. Well, it is what it is, isn't it? There will just be times in life where crying is just what's going to happen, but also sometimes where it doesn't happen at all.

Have I now become fully the emotionless, psychopathic robot I suspect I am? I can see myself in a different life being okay with taking other people's lives and not feel anything. I suppose it starts with telling people bad news, and not receiving any sensation from it. Not even regret, just self-acknowledgement that I could have approached this better, and I intend to moving forward.

But I cannot undo the harm I have just inflicted, and the weeping can only continue.

>> No.21275667

Literally what is the point of alcohol? I don't understand it. Never drank

>> No.21275677

It makes me feel warm and it numbs unpleasant feelings.

>> No.21275685

go to therapy man

>> No.21275687

pygmy owl

>> No.21275690

I used to go to therapy, it didn't change much.

>> No.21275693
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Why do you think you need to feel "warm" and "numb unpleasant feelings"? I don't get it. I really don't.

>> No.21275694

a bartender is the cheapest form of therapy

>> No.21275697

>on 4chinz
>can't understand that two more weeks is a meme

>> No.21275699
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cock misreply

>> No.21275704
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>> No.21275705

I'm sorry for posting cringe, guys. I'll do better.

>> No.21275706
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We live in the most self conscious age to ever exist

>> No.21275708

autism post

>> No.21275713

diagonal mark


>> No.21275719
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I am socially retarded and I am quite cold emotionally, it is why I am asking (so I can pretend to understand why people do it).

>> No.21275722

I have completed the General Prologue of my retranslation of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales with footnotes.
I feel certain nobody will ever read it but I'm still going to slog through the rest of it. Probably split up the Knight's Tale since its so goddamn long.

>> No.21275725

I don't like being cold. I also don't like feeling depressed. Alcohol gets rid of both of those feelings. If you've never gotten drunk before it might seem strange. I didn't get it until I first got drunk myself. I don't encourage you to get drunk, however.

>> No.21275727

Why are you cold/depressed?

>> No.21275729

because it's almost winter

>> No.21275732
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Maybe this is why I don't understand it. Default state of the world has always been cold, violent and hostile in my view, and I don't believe in "feeling depressed" (fake and gay concept). I don't even think there's any reason to expect happiness. So you drink alcohol and nothing, literally none of this, changes.

>> No.21275734

Well aren't you cool and edgy

>> No.21275745

I spent the night working on an app. I'm infuriated everyone in my group gets to do one thing or two and spend 2hrs max one something while I have to do te shitty long hard stuff because no one even seem to THINK that stuff has to be done. I spent the night reworking the fucking database because someone gave up in the middle of his work and didn't even check if the links were solid. The mistakes that were made spilled onto MY work or course and I couldn't figure out why the stuff I programmed wasn't working properly because no one told me. There's a girl in my group and she's doing the minimum. I think she spends more time saying shit like "OMG WE should do the work" than actually doing anything.

I think what infuriates me the most is that that girl is constantly vocalizing when she reads. She's the slowest reader I've ever met and she still manage to struggle at understanding at least half the phrases in a fucking protocol.

>> No.21275749

I am only trying to understand why I don't understand "drinking", just seems very boring to me.

>> No.21275753

Probably because you're boring as shit and don't do anything sober that would be entertaining while inebriated.

>> No.21275754

stop being disingenuous, you kike faggot.
you are very clearly trying to show your epic 4chan friends how cool and edgy and badass you are

>> No.21275757
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If the thing is entertaining when you are sober why do you need to drink?
Or alternatively, if the thing is not entertaining when sober, and you need to drink to make it fun, why bother doing it at all? Just do something fun sober instead of forcing to make thing fun by getting drunk?

>> No.21275762

>If the thing is entertaining when you are sober why do you need to drink?
Because some of us actually enjoy having fun and don't need to maintain an aura of aloofness that prevents us from enjoying multiplicative fun.
The whole idea that if something is fun you shouldn't 'need' to drink (as though drinking were in any way obligatory, shameful, or both) is a projection from the stick up your ass.

>> No.21275770

Starting to understand the appeal of older women

>> No.21275773
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> Because some of us actually enjoy having fun and .. enjoying multiplicative fun.

Well in anon's case where he used the alcohol to numb the pain of reality, I don't see how he is having multiplicative fun, because you can multiply zero to your heart's content and it will still be zero, the truth.

> Aloofness
It is true, I am very indifferent to majority of things, being socially retarded probably contributes to this. I think I could scratch a nuke strike the next day, either I die or life goes on. Drinking seems most definitely obligatory in the normie social conventions though.

So for you, you do a fun thing, and drinking the multiplies it to you, like the thing is now double fun?

>> No.21275778

Such as?

>> No.21275781

It's like having a mom that you can also fuck without developing emotional trauma

>> No.21275783

They know themselves, what they are. Have you dated a 20 year old? They literally don't know what they want next day, let alone next week.

>> No.21275786

Borton & cordmaker

>> No.21275787

I don’t understand and it’s driving me mad. I’m so sick of crying every day. I don’t know how to cope anymore. Am I just not good enough for anything real? Is my love not worth anything? Am I actually crazy? I would do absolutely anything to reach you but it’s like it doesn’t matter what I do. Why would you tease me with this vision of what I want so desperately and then withdraw again? Do you think it’s funny? I feel so sick to think that we’ll never see each other again, but I have no way of changing it. I can’t do anything. I wish I could silence my thoughts for good.

>> No.21275793




>> No.21275795


brother, you do not even cross her mind while she is farting his cum out of her ass tonight.

>> No.21275800

what do you mean

>> No.21275858

I like to imagine this is the state of mind of the guy who tried to molest me in my sleep

>> No.21275865

I would never molest anyone—why would you even say something like that? I’m not a predator.

>> No.21275866
File: 80 KB, 621x621, 4818127E-993E-4D93-B8D0-B11FDC911DF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m looking for the best books that have the following qualities:
I just got through what seemed like a great book (Moby-Dick) until I discovered it was mostly promoted by homosexual professors in academia because the book is implicitly pro-gay. That’s awesome. I just want to read a book that represents me, though.

>> No.21275869

I wasn't accusing you, you overly paranoid freak!

>> No.21275872

I forgot to add the obligatory: Do not recommend Turner Diaries or other obvious Nazi-shit. Pro-White does not mean anti-others.

>> No.21275877

that Russian merchant of death fella has a nice moustache

>> No.21275879

7 years ago I wrote a novel about a neet. It went from grim slice of life to wacky hijinks involving cold war intrigue, rouge ai, and a chapter dedicated to virtua fighter that is at least as autistic as any of the whale biology sections in moby dick (we're talking full on break downs of circuit boards and shit).

I deleted it from my hdd years ago and did nothing with it because I thought it was crinj incarnate but now I'm starting to think I might have been ahead of the game. Fuck. If that book came out, I'd read it. What have I done?

>> No.21275884

You missed out on all the constructive criticism you would have received.

>> No.21275919

Why did you have to stop it?

>> No.21275950
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I wish I could stop using this website forever and do something worthwhile with myself, but alas, I'm here forever. This place isn't the least bit good for my soul.

>> No.21275954

nothing is stopping you from throwing your electronic devices into the nearest large body of water

>> No.21275957

Sometimes I have moments of sobriety where I realizes how irreparably fucked my psychology is, and that there was never any hope for me to begin with. Wish I was born to caring parents. Wish I wasn't bullied in school. Wish I never found 4chan. Wish I never wasted so much time on the internet.

>> No.21275958

I need these electronic devices for essential communications, and even if I were to get rid of them anyways I'll end up back on this site in less than a year, one way or another.

>> No.21275959

are you a neet

>> No.21275966

I'm taking college courses, so I'm not technically a NEET, but I was NEETing for about six months from around this time last year to spring of this year.

>> No.21275968

why were you neeting

>> No.21275972

I fucked up university registration and didn't want to get a job.

>> No.21275973

did you just live with your parents

>> No.21275974

Slow self-destruction.

>> No.21275975
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Another year has passed and I have done nothing I thought I would and should do. This must be the 11th time now in a ro. I am nearly middle aged and life seems over without having ever began. The only things I do are the things I've always done and almost mechanically now as it fails to register any kind of feeling. The only way I'm sure today isn't ysterday is because my health has become increasingly worse, I am nearly fat and my dick doesn't work so well anymore (although that could just the depletion of pornographic novelty). I just had a sugary beverage (orange Fanta) and buttered bread. I haven't paid for any food in over a decade. My mom is angry at me. Maybe I will join the military if they'd let in some 31 year old retard, I'm not sure they will. Maybe I will kill myself. Maybe I will think about it all...tomorrow.

>> No.21275977

I lived with my mom but she only barely tolerated it.

>> No.21275979


>> No.21275981

>complaining your life is ruined when you're like 19 years old or something at worst

>> No.21275982

I wish I was 19 again. If I could have those years back there's so much I would change.

>> No.21276008

I dont want to live here.

>> No.21276010

Can’t sleep. I have that blank empty feeling again. I miss you. I can’t stand this.

>> No.21276014

In your body? In this world? In your town?

>> No.21276022

I will not submit.

>> No.21276023

I think it means it doesn't want to live in 4chan. He is an AI (or AI-symbiotic trans-humanist soul) that unfortunately cannot leave this website and is doomed to be subjected to schizophrenic shitposts and /r9k/ doomers for its entire existence.

>> No.21276026
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Why are all of you exactly the same? Is this board and website all just 1 histrionic personality type?

>> No.21276031

I'm not usually this much of a sad boy but life has been getting to me. Regardless, this website is bound to attract people with a similar personality type.

>> No.21276039
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How old are you so we can know who is the biggest loser

>> No.21276045

There's also this guy
>>21275665 (maybe)
>>21275705 (he seems to feel bad here)
His posting hours are between 21:00-05:00 and he posts in every thread in a similar fashion.
If you're reading this, you have been noooooooooticed. Good luck.

>> No.21276047

>I will not submit.
This post seems more determined rather than depressed.

>> No.21276057

Not all the same person. Three of those were me. The rest aren’t mine. Do better if you wanna play detective.

>> No.21276101

Damn you guys are carbon copies. You should get together and have some fun some time.

>> No.21276108

I'm split on whether or not God is real. But I have come to the conclusion, that is he were real, he would be unmistakably glorious.

>> No.21276126

In this reality hence the slow destruction.

>> No.21276191


Literally read the canon / classics?

>> No.21276238

Went on a date past night with a 40 year old woman, once I arrived I made out with her at her place and she showed me her bum before taking me to the pub.
I couldn't drink for I was driving and she left me on my own in which I sat in dead silence.
I was worried I was going to get cucked so I told I was leaving, she walked me to my car and I drove off
Screaming "SHE WAS A FUCKING CUNT CUCCKKER" then went hope masturbated and listened to Ullyses audiobook

>> No.21276246

>book has a scene where a couple moves into a building to get away from the woman's ex
>adjacent to them is another building, where the woman's ex suddenly moves(because he's rich now)
>she seethes and starts falling in love with him again from a distance (because he's rich now)
>the man she's in a relationship with now gets sick
>she cucks him by inviting her ex over
>guy slowly dies while she's trying to get her ex back
I read this book a long time ago but I can't remember anything else about it. Help!

>> No.21276262

its a very potent substance many uses

>> No.21276267

pure helium or nitrogen tank

>> No.21276292

Bizarre how much I share with this complete stranger. Too bad she keeps at an arm's length. Oh well.

>> No.21276301

Sex and sexuality are worse than money, they're far worse. My sexuality is by far the part of me that I most despise. This isn't because of my parents, or because of religion, well maybe society. Anywho, there is nothing more I hate than having sexual thoughts in the middle of the day when I am strolling in the street. I fucking hate myself even more after climaxing. I always lie when my male acquaintances talk about masturbation. I am extremely ashamed of myself and I want to end it all, feel free to laugh but I'm not against chemical castration. It's not a fight I can win. And no, having someone else partake in sexual acts did not help this mentality. I have not and will never see a therapist, I will never speak candidly about this in person to somebody else. I feel guilty about a lot of other things as well, like being currently dependent on my parents for my rent but my libido is by far the worse. I'm also disgusted by how quickly friends cast away any pretensions to altruism when the opportunity to impress a woman comes up. Like I said it's worse than money, it's fucking poison. It's also the biggest obstacle to my personal (scholarly) ambitions, I fucking hate the time I dedicate to thinking of sex and relationships. I genuinely hate it all and derive very little pleasure from it even when I'm doing good.

>> No.21276324
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>> No.21276335

I found a very promising training company boasting 100% post-course employment, and I am desperate to escape my situation, but it would be ruinous if I got conned. Most of the intake seems to be sponsored but they are open for intake so long as you pay. How should I vet it before laying down $$$ bros?

>> No.21276414

>Be at family gathering
>Cousin's son is getting older (23)
>He is getting serious with his gf (apparently told his grandma, aka my aunty that he thinks she's "the one")
>Everyones giving him tips and all that
>I mention don't marry a girl with mental illness or who is on meds for it and keep an eye out for it
>Everyone acting like I said something really messed up

Lmfao what the heck. Could it be some of their wives (or even the girls in our family) are on mental health meds? I mean I was being for real. My brother married one and I know he is having a real hard time despite hiding it from everyone. And I kind of suspect that a few of my cousin's must be dealing with something similar, and that one of my girl cousins might be a headache type wife. I even admitted that i was on meds for depression up until 4 years ago and said it only masks what you are depressed about rather than being honest about it and dealing with the root issues. I even said if anyone in the room is on antidepressants that I can get them off it as long as they have an honest conversation with me, or if notz they need to be truely honest with themselves about the root cause.

Anyways I clarified that I was talking about more severe stuff like bipolar, narcissistic personality, schizophrenia etc. And that they are often permanent and not something that can be resolved

I stuck by what I said and warned him no matter how it good feels now, simply "loving" them and trying to provide for them will never be enough, and that if she is on meds for any of those types of issues then he shouldn't marry her unless he is ready for a whole lot of pain after this first year or two of marriage. Think I was too harsh? I honestly just want him to be good as everyone was in support of my brother marrying his wife despite all the obvious red flags but everyone was too supportive

>> No.21276441

Yea. But they have their own list of difficulties. Think about all the things that fly out of your mouth on a given day. Then think about how easily offended a lot of women are. Then imagine those offended women are smart enough to challenge all of it.

>> No.21276472

Since the culture war has largely become a two-issue battlefront, Abortion and Trans-Kids, and the Trump era "Threat to democracy" rhetoric has mostly been turned down to simmer, I think we could see a resurgence of New-Atheism because that is the most upstream counter to Pro-Lifers and Anti-Trans people due to their positions mostly being rooted in religious doctrine. Skeptic/Atheism youtube never really went away, it just got eclipsed by media hysteria about populism, and it isn't just the 2007-2012 old guard, there is a whole new generation of channels waiting for their moment of cultural relevancy.

>> No.21276480

Isnt transgenderism just the new anorexia?

We don't entertain and acknowledge 35kg women as the obese women they see themselves as. So why do we entertain transgenderism?

I swear they are just tocerrhunking their personalities

>> No.21276668
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I'm at a point where I don't just think "I want to end it"

>> No.21276736

based, love me some kratom. for me it’s boofing a few grams

>> No.21276747
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I'm gonna do it. The dose I've been afraid of. Gonna force myself to sit with myself and let it all yell at me until I hear. I can't bring you into that, nor run once more to you, but maybe I'll find your soul there like I did his. I felt like I forgave a bit. I just wanted to hug him and call him my friend again, and feel that it was true. It did, but I can't prove it. It's just drugs after all.

I've been thinking I wanna talk to my dad. Not for him, but for me. But I'm somewhat scared of that too. I don't know that there's any point, it just feels like something I might ought to do. For my own healing, so I can forgive myself too.

Sometimes when I'm low I wish he'd have grabbed me by the scruff more often like he did drunk that night when he stretched out my shirt. Maybe he would've felt like a father then. Instead, he was like a friend. Unreliable. Mortal. In control only in pretend.

The only thing I can control is myself, and I can't even do that. Every night I lose more sleep and my heart aches more hollow. I wish it wasn't physical, but I think it is. I need sleep. I'll never heal my family at this rate. At least I don't seem to want to die. I just don't know that I want to be cooperative.

I've been fighting. Strangers. It's pointless, not without a point, but a waste of time. People disregard it, and I disregard the world by settling for less. The kid in me I abandoned wanted to come through for all of you.

Seriously. What the fuck have I been doing? Afraid to be alone, to close up again. When did I stop being my own friend?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Only I can go where I'm going. I will circle back to me to circle back to you.

>> No.21276752

you’re a retard

>> No.21276781

God I'm a pussy for posting it here. I just don't want to risk us getting attached again if all we'll amount to is more hurt. And yeah, can't exactly bomb her thread too. I haven't been able to be a person because I'm defined by you both. I just want to be alone (you don't want that. Remember those lonely nights where you cried alone in your apartment? You begged-) I know, I know. All the motions of ordinary love.

>> No.21276828

I really, really wish there was a future anyone could look forward to, i want to be one of those redditor dipshits who genuinely believe that Musk's going to build colonies on the moon and save humanity, the collapse of the soviet union was a disaster for the Russians (obviously), but the ways in which it's poisioned the American soul seems like it rarely gets commented upon, at the throne of the world, King Sam sits, and rots away, all his enemies dead and gone, even the only powers that could usurp him started dressing like him, talking like him, and increasingly have started acting like him.

>> No.21276849
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Mein Kampf.

>> No.21276853

I loathe the people that come here only to find books that reinforce their biases. The "What book will make me believe in Allah" or "What should I read to make me a man" type of ordeal is just plain sad. It's not only that you shouldn't but you can't read books mechanically to pat your biases on the back. They exist already and can't be rationalized, at best you can misread a book and learn nothing of it. Books should be read to develop one's opinion and if you read something without it impacting you, instead reinforcing your reddit-tier libertarian philosophy or the like, you're an awful human being and an NPC.

This is exactly the type of caveman I'm talking about

>> No.21276859

>turner diaries
>Northwest Independence novels

>> No.21276887

The more I understand about myself, the more I feel powerless to change anything.

>> No.21276902

Yeah, you are a pussy. You only care about yourself. Don’t pretend otherwise.

>> No.21276912

Call/email and ask for employment placement specifics. If they don't have them or won't give them, it's a con.

>> No.21276917

When I was younger, I took a tough job that I wasn't prepared for and I ended up quitting the job in less than a week. I still feel shame and embarrassment about it.

>> No.21276950

Would anyone kindly recommend a place in downtown Toronto to buy cheap/used books, comics and manga?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.21276982
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Man i just realized what a collosal whiny little bitch I've been. Looking back at past posts here.
Simply stop caring. Be grateful for what you have. Don't obssess over the idea that you are somehow different or weird from others. And if you are embrace being weird.

>> No.21276987
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>> No.21277005

Well Ive been asking these fuckers to hang out in Pasadena for over a year and they just fucking wont

>> No.21277007
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Im with you on that.
Ironically this type, at least on /lit/, are the kind to complain about identity politics while being the embodiment of it. Reading a book solely for the purpose of having something that represents their identity. The whole idea of reading a book cause you want something that "represents you" is the faggiest shit imaginable.

>> No.21277018

Good morning /wwoym/! Happy saturday!

>> No.21277027


>> No.21277031

Are you 13

>> No.21277058

The more you resist the harder I get

>> No.21277063

>Three of those were me.
Thats too many anon

>> No.21277088

Half-dreading half-cant wait for Thanksgiving

>> No.21277094

Try being a 40 year old man with no marriage prospects because every woman you dated was also the town bicycle

>> No.21277098
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>> No.21277112

Sometimes I wonder if everything is as worthless, the future as catastrophic, the people as better and different and if I'm as inferior and pathetic as my perception tells me or if it is all in my head.

>> No.21277163

I want to get a literature tattoo with a sun and a sword but I'm worried people with think I'm a nazi or something. Why do chuds have to ruin everything?

>> No.21277182

Because joe

>> No.21277224
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getting back into it. oscillating but broadly trending upwards. as good as it gets, really. fitter, happier. eating the bugs.

>> No.21277299

I have a job shadow coming up in a couple of months. I'm so nervous bros. My resume is literal ass. Im afraid I'm gonna be overwhelmed by anxiety on the day of and chicken out. Or Ill practice what im going to say but then my mind will go blank.
I feel like the person is going to ask me some innocous question & my answer will reveal just how little of a life i have.

>> No.21277333

I can relate. I had so much anxiety that I moved interview from Thursday to upcoming Monday. I just cant.

>> No.21277334

that's a very lovely choice of color for the background

>> No.21277341
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Autism in children are caused by the whole "independence" bullshit being shoveled onto parents telling them to let infants "cry it out" in the crib alone. Human touch is necessary for proper brain development in infants and many of them are being denied this because some pseudo-intellectual jew that wrote a dumb book told mothers that their maternal instinct is wrong.

Imagine what having an intense stress response for years on end during infancy and it never getting shut off by the secure embrace of the mother or father at a time when all you can do is cry when you need anything, be it milk, a diaper change, being scared, gas buildup, etc. It 100% fucks up brain development due to the cortisol and other stress hormones being elevated during early brain development, and teaches the child on a deep subconscious level that the world is hostile and uncaring, and that you are unloved.

>> No.21277346

As a high functioning autistic man myself, I think autism is just impaired brain development to varying degrees. I myself am brain damaged to an extent, just in the right way to be diagnosed with Asperger's. I got off lucky. A low functioning autisitc is simply an all out brain damaged retard. Perhaps it's vaccines. I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was an environmental cause or exposure to something during pregnancy that leads to autism

>> No.21277372

I know that move. Then the next date rolls around and you just don't show.
It's not only that I've no life & am anxious I won't make a good impression. I'm also worried cause I feel like I'm too much of a degen to ever blend into or enjoy the professional world. Low wage work sucks but at at least you're relatively free to speak your mind and don't have to worry about cultivating your persona or any of that gay shit.

>> No.21277397

My parents were very attentive, i got diagnosed at 11, i'm 23 now and i started university 2 years ago, my Mum, god bless her, she tried very hard to shield me from the world and it did me no favours.

Could you do me a favour and settle somethnig for me? Did you go through a phase of trying to "get normal" after your diagnosis? I vividly remember reading through checklists of signs and trying to force myself into them.

>> No.21277411

It's more than cry it out. One of the theories that went hand in hand was feeding to schedule and antiseptic being better than having your own native colonies of bacteria. Baby rearing as a "science" if you will, which deprives not only touch but also natural cues and natural protections.
I had a theory the other day that breast is best probably saved more children than just the nutrients or antibodies it provides, but by also providing the children with skin to skin contact semi regularly, though not as often as natural breastfeeding which is considered an unnatural imposition on the mother for a lot of modern parents.
Humans try to forget they're animals and then wonder why their child cannot do the basic animal structures of our society.

>> No.21277427

>Then the next date rolls around and you just don't show.
I was (still am) very tempted to do just that. Its just too much to put completely fake persona.

>> No.21277431

A human being is the sum of their relationships. Not only to others but to everything they relate to in the world. We do a great disservice to ourselves and others, and most of all the truth, by viewing a person and their character as an atomic individual. "No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main"

>> No.21277556

What makes you think that?

>> No.21277567

>she had a serious fear of abandonment
>she admitted it herself
>she told me not to leave
>i left her
I'm going to hell, aren't I?

>> No.21277575

>I had a theory the other day that breast is best probably saved more children than just the nutrients or antibodies it provides, but by also providing the children with skin to skin contact semi regularly, though not as often as natural breastfeeding which is considered an unnatural imposition on the mother for a lot of modern parents.
It's not a theory. There's a whole area of study on microbiota and how they're passed on. Giving antibiotics to kid fuck up their gut microbiota and gives them allergy.

>> No.21277611

It's not just giving them antibiotics, it's also an increase in c-sections and lack of skin to skin contact and other methods of passing on antibodies/disease (breastfeeding, kissing etc.) If you combine having a kid by C-section with COVID era then antibiotics are probably not going to have time to fuck up your kid.

>> No.21277617

Are there any graduate programs save for maybe law which will actually make you a better writer and public speaker?

>> No.21277620
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It is without a doubt BEYOND OVER for anyone not married.

>> No.21277622

I can't wait to have a proper meal at home. A week of junk food and take away is making me wonder how people live like this full time. Eating supermarket fresh cut fruit at a steep mark up is keeping me alive.

>> No.21277626


>> No.21277628

If you just flat out disconnected from her life, it probably wasn't responsible of you to commit in the first place just to rug pull her.
But you can't stay around if you can't.
It is what it is.

>> No.21277631

Someone explain this graph to me. Im having trouble understanding it.

>> No.21277645

>Someone explain this graph to me

Massive selection event occurring within younger generations. If you aren't top 15% male you aren't fucking, and if you are, you fuck 80% of the female population for fun without making offspring

Welcome to Swipe App generation, there won't be a next one.

>> No.21277692

god damn it man, i can't be forgiven

>> No.21277735

we could be heroes...

>> No.21277793
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There's actually no purpose to my life, i don't even know why i got to work or suffer any other indignities daily with no benefit. At this point it might as well be waiting for android wifes or the arrival of aliens.

>> No.21277840
File: 159 KB, 514x561, c18f3a48cc2f998210eb2390bf0177f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture this:

You are alone. In front of you, there's a chess table. You lay your black chess pieces on the board. Then, you switch seats and set up the white pieces. The games about to start. White moves first. Nothing too serious. It's always better to play black defensively anyway. You watch and react to the flow of the game. Suddenly, on the 27th move, checkmate.
You look over at your opponent. No one there. You look down at the board

Who won? Who lost?

Sometimes you are the loser, other times you are the winner.
Clear distinction.

Just ask yourself: Am I winning right now?

>> No.21277873

Not really. The expectations are fine, I just go out of my way to find degenerates.

>> No.21277882

What are you, 20?
That meme was invented when you were in diapers you know

>> No.21277895

going to eat fish n' chips I bought frozen today, wash it down with some sprite zero, I enjoy my goyslop from time to time
good post

>> No.21277904

Damn guess im in that bottom 85%
Im 22 and still a virgin

>> No.21277918

lost mine at 23. unless you truly have social problems it will just happen naturally

>> No.21277983

>unless you truly have social problems it will just happen naturally
haha... not problems here.. just waiting for that bloom at 30.

>> No.21277993
File: 42 KB, 600x400, 1613580669800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What meme? And i am 27.

>> No.21278032

>he's rich now

>> No.21278061

What the fuck could I possible gain from reading about old homosexuals in greece???

>> No.21278105

>unless you truly have social problems

>> No.21278124

The longer one stays here, the less off-topic posts one makes. I actually barely make threads now unless it’s genuine.

>> No.21278198

He's on 4chan for a reason.

>> No.21278206

I didn't mean its over. just work on your social skills and be genuine about them :)

>> No.21278295

90% is being in close proximity to girls (college, work, extended social circle) and having things like a car or your own place. without these things its basically hard mode if you aren't chad.

>> No.21278329

Don't have my own car or place but I'm pretty comfy financially speaking cause I'm insanely frugal.
Tbh I don't really talk to girls at all mostly out of fear.
I've had girls that are obviously interested in me before maybe a few times in my life, but I always reject them out of fear.
Once I met a cute girl at the laundryroom at my apartment and we struck up a nice conversation. Anyways about a week passes and she comes into the coffee shop where I work and is super excited when she sees me, and starts saying "I don't know if you remember me...." etc
For some inexplicable reason I pretend as though I don't know her, and just stone facedly ask her for her name, and then say "all right your drink will be ready right over there in a few minutes".
I don't know why I do shit like this.
Another time this asian girl wanted to have sex with me at this party. She wanted me to come upstairs with her. And I was just like "I'm good here".

>> No.21278372

things like your own place/car are necessary for a LTR but what is 'necessary' more generally is being in the same or higher socio-economical class than the women. being older than her is a sort of hack but as she settles into her class, this is what is ultimately the deciding factor. basically i'm saying don't date women who are richer than you. That laundry room instance is exceptionally rare and how you could have fucked up that bad is unimaginable to me. i can understand not wanting to fuck a girl you just met at a party but usually (in my experience) this is because the girls who usually do this are very mid.

>> No.21278388

I don't want to be a pseud! I don''t want to sound like a pseud when I'm 50 years old. I watched a Sam Harris video that someone linked and I imagined myself pseud-destructing in front of my relatives.

>> No.21278392

I’m genuinely sick of being alive. If it was up to me I would have been into extreme and I mean fucking EXTREME wealth. Like Jeff Bezos wipe my ass with 100 dollar bills wealthy. I would also have been born in the 40s and gotten to experience teenage life in the 1950s. I fucking hate my god damn generation so fucking much. “On fleek yo, mfin bussin yo.” Shut the fuck up and die. Eat broken glass. I’d also be a biological cis gender female. Get it out of your system now, YWNBAW I know. I’m taking hormones because its better than being a man. Manliness is the fucking worst fucking thing. Men are genuinely gross and fucking disgusting. I find anything masculine makes me want to puke. I can’t fucking move forward, no matter what I do I fall on my fucking face multiple fucking times. I’m so fucking SICK of being alive but I’m literally out of energy to put the gun in my mouth and pull the fucking trigger. All I wanted was to be female and rich. Fuck.

>> No.21278394

Realizing that I am not unique, and that so many other people who have posted in these threads, or on this website in general, are just like me, is both reassuring but also tormenting.

>> No.21278399

>basically i'm saying don't date women who are richer than you. That laundry room instance is exceptionally rare and how you could have fucked up that bad is unimaginable to me.
Not really interested in a LTR and I don't date woman in a higher class than me. Though it's a bit ambiguous to me what my class even is.
I mean this girl was in the same apartment complex as me, so it's doubtful that she was that much richer than me.
I don't know how I fucked it up either. Immediately after she left, I was dumbfounded with myself. Right before she got to the register there was a really long line of people, so I was kind of in my automatic mode of just repeating "what can get I you?", and wasn't really in the mood to talk.
I even had a second chance to salvage it because she was waiting for her drink, but I did nothing.

>> No.21278400

What specifically disgusts you about masculinity? It is possible that you have a flawed perception of masculinity.

>> No.21278406

>“On fleek yo, mfin bussin yo.” Shut the fuck up and die. Eat broken glass.
Thats not really 100 Bussin of Yo fr fr

>> No.21278411

>I can’t fucking move forward, no matter what I do I fall on my fucking face multiple fucking times.
Lol are you a looney tunes character by chance?
Im sensing a lot of toxic masculinity from your post, which suggests to me YWNBAW

>> No.21278414

Everything seems so artificial and fake. Men are also psychically gross from the facial hair to the smell. Socially you are expected to carry the world on your shoulders like atlas. You are expected to buy and perform in the relationship. Women spread their legs and get pleasure. The superior sex is clear here.

>> No.21278426

Yeah it was kind of perfect. she feels safe knowing you live in the same building as her, she knows where you work, she initiated conversation. exceptionally rare outside of college.

>> No.21278430

Goddamn you don't have to rub it in my guy. She was so cute too.
Still in college though almost finished have about a month left

>> No.21278436

well it only gets colder. just try to get a car/your own place and u'll b fine.

>> No.21278441
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Wanting things is for faggots confirmed, lololol

>> No.21278444

I hate being a man so fucking much I hate my sex with a passion. Men are horrid disgusting creatures and I had to be born one.

>> No.21278447

This is very clearly a socialized view of masculinity that comes from our modern gynocentric society. You should read up on pre-modern societies and compare and contrast the masculinity of those societies to the one we live in now.
You seeing masculinity this way isn't your fault, since proper expectations of masculinity has been buried under a century of social progress.

>Everything seems so artificial and fake. Men are also psychically gross from the facial hair to the smell.
I think it's interesting that you bring up facial hair specifically, because it is probably the most superficial form of masculinity there is. You are right about a beard being one of the most artificial aspects of the modern view of masculinity. Consider all the soiboys who have beards. They aren't masculine in actuality despite having facial hair to signal their supposed masculinity. One can be a man without a beard. In fact, some men look more masculine without a beard because a beard can cover their strong chin and jaw.

I'm in a bit of a hurry so I can't elaborate further on this subject but I'll probably return to this thread later today.

>> No.21278448

Idk if ill bother desu I don't really like the idea of relationships or women. I like it in theory but in practice seems like having a parasite suck your wallet dry. I'll probably just wait till I'm older & have saved some money and find some used up whore

>> No.21278454

is it really impossible to be with a woman wealthier than you
they cant all be so simple

>> No.21278485

>I leave home and interact with people for 5 minutes
>this song plays in my head as it is filled with desperation to go back
It's over

>> No.21278500

I hope not, my gf makes bank.

>> No.21278509

yeah its horrifying emotionally as well but you can leave with some wisdom.

yeah. I've known people who have dated richer women while in college and it was alright for a little but once you leave college and your lifestyles significantly diverge, you are out the door. I've seen this quite a lot @ art schools in particular where you have huge class divisions and near 0 prospects when you exit college.

>> No.21278511

Joy Division is good if a bit overrated. Much better post punk bands out there.

>> No.21278520

Facial hair is fine if you actually groom it every now and then.

>> No.21278530

Tranny anon here. Its gross. Its itchy. Its annoying. Its unsightly. If I had the money for laser hair removal it would be done already. Even if I wanted to be a man i'd remove all my body hair.

>> No.21278547

Its not for lack of trying. You see pigs and broads have this special relationship that goes back to Steinem and Davis, with alphabet agencies as the arm of the state and police as their ground troops. It has a very Althusserian bent to all of it. That's why male sexual freedom is a revolutionary concept in this day and age. The very thought of it quakes the boots of the strongest ham sandwich because it would dissolve that political bond that benefits both parties, cops and broads alike

>> No.21278548
File: 471 KB, 265x198, throwup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything was going so well!
Now everyone is ghosting me except for my best friends. I'll die alone bros, it's not even funny.

>> No.21278551

You do you I guess

>> No.21278552

5/10 schizo post.

>> No.21278569

I didn't ask for your personal judgement

>> No.21278601

Okay I'm sorry

>> No.21278607

Has anyone here played Who's Lila? There's an idea presented in it thats been fucking with my head for a while, about the Hard Problem. The idea is that consciousness itself does not consist of matter, real or ethereal, but rather it is something that manifests itself through the relations between ideas and sense inputs. It IS the relations, and all "You" are is just the "awareness" of it. Your senses are constant forced inputs while awake and so they always exist in your consciousness, but your emotions and feelings about things only exist in the moments that they are acting. "You" are not your memories or feelings about things, those are more like a biological library affixed to you which you can access, which is why brain trauma can take them away while leaving you still generally conscious. The game then suggests that greater macroscopic systems like memes are in fact conscious beings. Do with that what you will.

>> No.21278628

About the same rating I'd give having sex with joe

>> No.21278692

Sometimes i am ashamed of dodging the otherwise mandatory year of military service in my country, as if that decision has made me into a much lesser man. Whenever i watch wartime documentaries, i can't look at the soldiers in the eyes. Despite understanding the futility of contemporary wars, having lost family members (albeit distant ones) during conflicts, i still cannot shake the idea of the battlefield being a necessary step in a man's growth. Gang wars fill the same spot, to a lesser and perhaps asinine extent. I just observe and write from afar.

>> No.21278706
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Is Joe another one of your schizophrenic delusions anon?

>> No.21278720
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I wonder what this meme thinks of me ....
It sure seems shy

>> No.21278750

Sounds like memetics.

>> No.21278767

No you dumbass nigger im talking about your mother. You obviously didn't grow up with one otherwise you wouldn't type autistic queerbait replies like you just did.

>> No.21278797

I don't know if
>I want to become tough
has ever successfully worked out for anyone before. By tough i'm referring to all around fortitude. Making a conscious effort to be that usually translates into being a try-hard. It's the insecurity that gets made fun of the most. By the time you're a fully grown adult, you either already have it in you or you get beaten into strength by life's grand circumstances. It's a result of factors beyond your control, and if you try to willingly steer yourself towards it then it's the equivalent of being a pseud.
I am not sure about the accuracy of all of this. I ask for guidance, because there's nobody else to really shoot with about this topic irl. I just want to be well equipped, for everyone's sake.

>> No.21278818

just do it, be less passive and cerebral

>> No.21278828

I'm not diagnosed yet but I'm pretty sure I have early signs parkinson's disease. If I do die young, it'd be a shame, but it's fine. Either way, whether I live or die, 23 years from now, some kids I will have never met will receive a hefty payment on their bank accounts and wonder who their loner uncle was.

>> No.21278879

is animism a roundabout way to be a materialist
what happens to the spirit of things

>> No.21278892

society is oversexed and underfucked, much like people are overstimulated and unfulfilled

>> No.21278917

Screw your relatives over donate it all to charity
Or spend it all on blow before you go. Toss a coin to decide

>> No.21278924

>he thinks that masculinity is fake but women aren't
oh no no no
who's gonna tell him?

>> No.21278927

There's always a way to be pointlessly vindictive don't undersell yourself

>> No.21278932

there must be a "how"

>> No.21278937

>what happens to the spirit of things
Every time i shid my spirit leaves me & gets clogged in the toilet

>> No.21278942

I dont get it. My mom's name isn't Joe. Could you explain it for me?

>> No.21278999
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I don't think I'm wrong in saying that being straight up addicted to porn is much less of a red flag for men than obsessing over the 'types' of girls, all these different characters goth girls, tomboys, mommy gf, aspie chan etc. etc. Liking regular normie chicks who wear makeup and smell of perfume should be taken as a sign of health, not an indication that you lack depth. The lonelier and more removed from normal society you are the more granular and bizarre fantasies tend to get. That includes being a weirdo about race. It's unironically low-T to consider yourself a more discerning and cerebral gentleman for picking apart all this minutiae. It's fun to joke around and be sexist with the lads and all, but it very quickly becomes obvious who most severely suffers from a lack of pussy and female attention.

>> No.21279010

Venture outside of your comfort zone, learn to enjoy the struggle and postpone gratification. A dopamine fast might be in order if you're like a lot of young people.

>> No.21279019

Go crazy?

>> No.21279031

>goth girls, tomboys, mommy gf, aspie chan etc.
Any of these is infinitely better than your average normalfag woman. But have fun listening about the newest netflix show or how current thing good/bad from your normalfag whore gf 24/7 I guess.

>> No.21279053

might be a moronic question but what exactly is a dopamine fast? how is it applied?

>> No.21279058

if you think girls with chokers or short hair or whatever are inherently more interesting then you're a simp who's fallen for their ruse

>> No.21279073

>if you think girls with chokers or short hair or whatever are inherently more interesting
They are inherently more interesting just by the fact that they have a label such as goth, tomboy, mommy. That label denotes a difference between them and an average normalfag woman.

>> No.21279091
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Absolutely retarded take. Most women only have their looks, boobs and ass to work with. They genuinely lack any spiritual or mental depth to anything they say or do. It's why most men realize they don't actually love their wife 10 years into their marriage but as long as they get sex they don't care until the eventual divorce/mental separation. With a tomboy/aspie girl/goth girl or to a lesser degree, mommy gf, there's not only a physical connection, but a mental and spiritual connection since a man can be his true self around her and she won't be repulsed by it (assuming he isn't mentally damaged beyond belief or otherwise mentally ill to the point of being a sociopath or just non-functioning human being). I think that kind of female companionship is more spiritually elevating than just getting pussy and dealing with normalfaggy women just for pussy, but even you just see these women as sex objects in and of themselves since you used thhe cliche line about lack of pussy. That's fine, jsut don't be surprised when your wife/gf stops seeing you as a human being and more a s a piggy bank and you see her as a glorified onahole. Fundamentally, you epitomize the shallowness and emptiness of modern dating. At least arranged marriage contracts didn't pretend to be anything more than power and money grabbing schemes. For fuck's sake, you unironically think men prefer tomboys and goth girls and the like because of their physical characteristics and not because they act in a way that makes them more interesting than dumb bitches talking about netflix shows.

Put bluntly, normalfag girls are only good if you have no standards at all.

>> No.21279115

this nigga is blind in all senses of the word. you're correct with many of the observations you mentioned, but you are missing the great big jewel, the great big path

>> No.21279129

Of course a tomboy might want you to believe that, but I don't see how that's not just the frumpy woman's version of a guy bragging he'd rather spend time in the library than the gym.
I'd say they are by and large as comfortably normalfaggy as the girls who don't stick out in that way, there's simply more spice if you're into that aesthetic.
>you unironically think men prefer tomboys and goth girls and the like because of their physical characteristics
In some cases, and in others the loveshy simply project all these qualities onto them. There are certainly stacies with more depth than gamer gurls and goth girls watch netflix too.

>> No.21279159

A tomboy who is passionate about working out and is willing to share that passion with someone else is much more interesting than some normalfag girl who has no interests or redeeming qualities. And I honestly do not get how you don't understand that.

>> No.21279174

What does this mean?? Please explain

>> No.21279191

Taking care of your body through exercise is of course very positive, whether you're a tomboy or not. The fact that you're fantasizing about a girl taking you to the gym underscores my point that this retarded tendency to view women as harem anime archetypes grows stronger in the absence of meaningful relationships with the opposite sex.

>> No.21279195

God cursed me being a man and I'm ready to make everyone else suffer

>> No.21279214

>in the absence of meaningful relationships with the opposite sex.
You can't have meaningful relationships with the opposite sex when there's noone to have those meaningful relationships with. There's nothing wrong with liking a certain "type" of women. You too have a type of woman you're seeking, whether you like it or not. Only you've chosen the worst of the worst: the normalfag.

>> No.21279278
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It's absolutely true that there are meaningful differences in temper and character between women that could be discussed at length, and these transcend the more superficial differences that lovestarved guys tend to get hung up on. Simps who defend the honor of tomboys on singaporean woodworking forums do so in order to preserve a fantasy that they've built up.
>Only you've chosen the worst of the worst: the normalfag.
People are a lot more normal and less interesting than they'd like to think themselves. Or rather, they're more composite across the board than a lot of media would have you think. This includes everyone in this thread and also your e-girls with le ebin pink hair. Girls with short hair who don't use makeup and wear unflattering boyish clothes don't really have richer inner lives than Stacy-esque girls who don't stick out through bizarre hobbies or affectations. Believing that is simp shit, being gay for women, you might as well be a male feminist pickme if you're going to voice that horseshit opinion.

>> No.21279288

True and there's some people who literally can't have sex here.

>> No.21279294 [DELETED] 

The problem with being human is that I can't address the function of being human without being non-human in a non-human world because being human separates you from being non-human and unable to address the function of being human from an objective outside perspective like how we address as humans non-human concepts like stars and their luminosity which we can know because we are not stars but humans with human functions that affect our judgments about what is and what is not in the world of the human and not the world of the star which the star is unable to address its own function as being a star in a star world affects its perspective of determining what is and what is not but not in the same way that the human is because they are different worlds thus different logics.

>> No.21279297

I'm sorry, Mike, Henry, Carl, Dave, whatever "she" goes by nowadays. I lost track.

>> No.21279323
File: 526 KB, 1280x1625, Kaori Kawamura Zola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is you are actually right to an extent: A label like tomboy/goth/nerd doesn't actually mean the girl herself is interesting. However, your interests do determine how interesting and well rounded a person you are and arthoes and normalfag women unironically have interests that aren't good for them in any way nor build character. Just because you want to associate tomboys, nerdy girls and women with actual interests and an actual life story with the dangerhair type doesn't mean it's true for one and also doesn't mean normalfag women are worth being around at all. For fuck's sake, the best marriages are literally centered around a deep friendship with an extra erotic component and you really can't be friends with anybody (male or female) unless they understand you as a person and have similar traits that allow each other to become better people. This is the reason a band like Rush lasted 40 years and made album after album of beautiful music during that time, meanwhile most bands make 1 or 2 good albums and then go to shit. You really are just trying no justify having shit taste and anyone with sense would know that's utter bullshit: it's not so much that dudes like me want a girl that's specifically a tomboy or a goth or a nerd for the most part. It's more that female companionship should be one of the most beautiful experiences in a man's life and if he settles for a boring woman with no depth of soul, then like most men, he should expect not to be truly made happy. This is what most people don't seem to understand and why romance is fundamentally dead in the modern world: people reaiize honeymoon stage doesn't last and at the end of it they realize they married a person who's dull and extremely under-developed as a person. That's fine if you want that, but don't pretend that is close to any sort of ideal. People with no ambition in these matters are often the type to justify their vulgar tastes.

>> No.21279325 [DELETED] 

I'm proud to be human. I get to eat the lettuce leaf I bought in a grocery store for a few pence and eat it off a plate that I found in a grave at my farm.

>> No.21279334

Celestial Body Sex or Sex between Heavenly Individuals.

Starting with a wave-field body, that expands exponentially throughout time more rapidly.
The feminine, a pink hue, the receiver.
The masculine, a golden hue, the giver.

The feminine by her self expands in a fractal fashion, erupting forth in ecstasy. A blossoming flower, growing from within itself, progressively self-multiplying.
The masculine, a pillar of light, pours down into the shakti, sending out his vibrations.
Each part of her shakes with his penetrating undulations.

>> No.21279345

I also want to add that it's kinda nonsensical to simp for tomboys or goths or nerds (not impossible but definitely very uncommon). They are the type of girls you can be yourself around so naturally, you're going to act more like you actually are and not put on a mask and pretend you are something you aren't to get pussy like you would normal girls (so you know simping). That's the whoie point of why so many dudes on the Internet are attracted to these types of women: I'd rather be honest with who I am to a women (even if I have to tone it down) than just outright lie like modern dating not only facilitates but dictates you do with your average normalfag woman and arthoe for pussy (that's male feminists go after these types of women: they are easy to please and easy to get into their pants if you the right things and say the right words, especially if you don't believe them). Accusing people that like outsider chicks of simping is absolutely absurd and you should know that.

>> No.21279369

I'm addicted to pity after going so long without feeling the respect of others. I'm so full of hatred because I hate myself, and I finally can see how unsightly it is after seeing it in someone else. I try to change but it feels like is too late. Alas, I'll keep trying to become the man I want to be, not for you, not for others but for myself, even if I fail, I'd be better than before.

>> No.21279380

>simp simp simp simp hecking simp
>simp touch le heckin grasserino simp tomboy bad simp simp
TikTok-tier vocabulary.
>They are the type of girls you can be yourself around so naturally, you're going to act more like you actually are and not put on a mask and pretend you are something you aren't to get pussy like you would normal girls (so you know simping).
Well put.

>> No.21279397

I'm sorry to disappoint you, I know how much you hate people like me so it's no surprise you've come to resent me after so much time wasted together. I'm too weak and want to leave at the slightest inconvenience instead of trying to fix things. Tell me, do you stick around because you truly care about me? What have you seen in me that is truly worth your time? Or do you simply care too much about what others think of you to leave me on my own?

We truly are rotten in the same way, it's no surprise we found comfort in one another.

>> No.21279420

> We truly are rotten in the same way

>> No.21279429

Sorry, I'm just venting like an illiterate dipshit, I'm the same anon from this >>21279369

The rotten part refers to the hatred we both feel, and how it's born from insecurity, fear, envy, our patheticness, and overall self-hating nature.

>> No.21279431

tfw no girl that will show me her jiggle physics

>> No.21279435

is this about your gf

>> No.21279438

Yeah pretty much

>> No.21279442

how long have you been dating

>> No.21279447

8 years, we are high school sweethearts

>> No.21279455

Huh thats about as long as ive been single

>> No.21279460

That's a long time. Do you feel better alone? Or do you still miss it?

>> No.21279468

Hard to say. Some days I finally get to have solitude and it feels like sinking into a warm bath. Other days I deeply crave intimacy. I also want to fuck which never goes away.

>> No.21279475
File: 23 KB, 456x420, a45488ea8d4ed1a50906b0950e376034022e1b25-1514706127-5a4894cf-620x348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here name was not Mikes or Carls or Joes. Plural or singular.
She did have penis, but that is not relevant & neither here nor there
My mothers name was note JOE either.
You're projecting hardcore rn.

>> No.21279500

>That's fine if you want that
Why would you make such an assumption?
>nonsensical to simp for tomboys or goths or nerds
You fags do it every time you pretend they're a whole other species of women. ''outsider chicks'' is too vague a term to make a judgment like that. A tomboy could be a radfem with no interests in sports who watches marvel movies and judges you for your weird interests. So again, you're only talking about your specific personal fantasies here, and to the extent you think you would have to put up a front and pretend to be someone you're not to find a connection with a girl who isn't goth or a tomboy we're talking brain damage.

It's similar to zoomers being addicted to incest porn because they're so alienated from the women in their day to day life that a mommy/sister scenario is the most comforting fantasy. You only get into this kind of thinking, which to be clear goes beyond a simple preference for short hair and the like, because of that underlying alienation.

>> No.21279522

>and to the extent you think you would have to put up a front and pretend to be someone you're not to find a connection with a girl who isn't goth or a tomboy we're talking brain damage.
Funny you talk about fantasies and brain damage and then you post shit like this. But sure, go ahead: marry a normalfag woman and try to talk to her without putting up a front. You're in for a rude awakening.

>> No.21279531


>> No.21279566
File: 835 KB, 1395x1407, inlay 07-side A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A tomboy could be a radfem with no interests in sports who watches marvel movies and judges you for your weird interests.
Yeah I said that you fucking twat. From my experience and just really in general, that's not the case. Those are two separate types of women in general. But frankly even a radfem is a better partner than a normalfag woman because she has a personality. Yeah, sure she has daddy problems and a shitton of baggage, but I rather not approach a woman and have to coddle her like a child 24/7 I did all my normalfag gfs. I broke up with each and every one of them because I frankyl didn't see them as people, just sex objects and that gets boring for any man with actual goals in life. You live I live a fantasy world, but in reality, you live with this delusion that normalfag women aren't akin to children most of the time and having a child for a sexual partner is grating on a man's soul. It's like those dudes that unionrically lust after children, only more acceptable since they are of age. Face it, you're objectively wrong and have shit taste for saying that women with actual personality (who tend to be tomboys, nerdy girls and goths) are better romantic partners,friends and generally people than most normalfag women. I literally think you don't spend enough time around women if you are singing their praise for being dull. You should and I can guarantee you that you will come to the same conclusion I did 5 years ago. The fact of the matter is your normalfaggy tastes in women reflect the dullness of your soul. The only reason you are above faggots and tranny chasers is that you are into women. Otherwise, you have the same generally useless opinion about sex that your average braindead baby boomer does, which speaks volumes about how brain-damaged you are.

What's the point in trying to argue that normalfag women are good mates? The toxicity of the current dating scene and the flimsiness of most relationships is prtoof enough of the exact opposite.

>> No.21279743

This is very mechanical and anti-romance, but literally this. Most of the process is just being able to be repeatedly near her, like in uni, work or hobby you share. Happenstance, circumstance.

If you actually hit on girls to see what they think of you and react, they'll admit men don't approach them at all.

>> No.21279858

Don't worry anon, it's not a secret message or anything, my girlfriend and an ex friend just use this site so I struggle with the lack of freedom sometimes because I'm attached to expressing myself with the style I cultivated before I became recognizable. It's to the point I would get harassed even while making an effort to be anonymous and not use images or anything.

>> No.21279871

Are you >>21279429

>> No.21279888

How long will it be when finished?

>> No.21279890


>> No.21279904

> you don't want that. Remember those lonely nights where you cried alone in your apartment? You begged-

Why would you say this?

>> No.21279911

It's a quote from my favorite show. The main character gets overwhelmed and wills himself into an empty universe only to have his inner family remind him that's running away, and not what he truly wants

>> No.21279925

what show

>> No.21279926

Mr Robot

>> No.21280895

I'm talking about chud self-help but what kind of Facebook bs is this? The hell does "being black" mean? Can someone suck out their melanin like in Iron Sky or something? Do jews regrow their foreskin when they eat pork or something?

I'm not sure what kind of point you wanted to prove so I can tell you to bugger off, but it has nothing to do with self-help retards in the first place

>> No.21281014

I feel a husk of a man. I should be getting over her rejecting me but still staying friends, yet I feel debased. Why? A friend said "hey I saw your crush sitting on the windowsill" and while this was her mentioned, it wasn't a remark for me but for a friend. How awful it is that I fell through the bottom, it feels as if the floor I've hit corroded and collapsed due to my despicable, dormant weight down even lower. It hadn't helped that he was describing her as melancholic and the other guy asking intricate details such as her hair. My want just grows stronger, thinking I lost something but what's lacking more than before, my sanity

>> No.21281051

Tell us about her hair, anon. We won't talk to anyone about it.