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/lit/ - Literature

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21276103 No.21276103 [Reply] [Original]

>My translation has to be old sounding and unintelligable because...because...because it just fucking has to!
Is there anything more cringe and pseudish? No publisher should be printing an older translation of a work. Get a good new translation or don't bother at all. I picked the translation because I want to read something that I can fucking understand. If I have to keep a dictionary by my side to read your "translation" I might as well learn the language to read the fucking original myself.

>> No.21276109
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found the perfect translation for you

>> No.21276111

>t. filtered by thee, thou, you

>> No.21276119

>Brings up a book that was already in English
>Suggests that I should read a book written in slang / AAVE / emojis / etc.
You guys are so fucking predictable.

>> No.21276124

This board is so hilariously dead. You aren't as interesting as you think you are, you're just annoying and, honestly, cringey. Please attempt to engage with a real argument for once in your stupid fucking life.

>> No.21276141

have you tried the new beowulf?

>> No.21276148

I'm sorry you got filtered, anon. But there's no reason to get so upset about it- try breathing exercises and mindfullness techniques.

>> No.21276156


>> No.21276171

No. What about it?

>> No.21276189
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it got modernized

>> No.21276323
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I honestly have no idea what you expected out of this thread.

>> No.21276464

Cool, I'll check it out.

>> No.21276470

Different view points about this thing that bothers me but is everywhere in literature nonetheless. This is where we go to discuss literature and things pertaining to literature, correct?

>> No.21276491

Could you post an excerpt of what you mean so we can understand you?

>> No.21276552

because stuff that's old should sound old or else it's weird and cringe. don't pretend you seriously have trouble understanding slightly archaic grampa english, or even the fake middle English where you just say ye and use thou and thine regardless of context.

>> No.21276555 [DELETED] 

what is the translation that filtered you, zoomie?

>> No.21276634

>This is where we go to discuss literature and things pertaining to literature, correct?
Yes. But so far, in a thread supposedly about literature, you have failed to name the book and the translator. Heed your own advice faggot. If you speak broadly people are going to call you a faggot because you are one.

>> No.21276647

Take your pick of any of the translations by fucking Dryden (which aren't even particularly good) that are still floating around.

>> No.21276652

>filtered by poetry
We get it. You're a retard zoomer who'd rather watch a heckin epic marvel movie. Why don't you go back to the movie theater to watch Black Panther 2 for the 10th time this week?

>> No.21276721

don't pretend your threads deserves a response better than that

>> No.21276743

The reason a translation by Dryden might be valuable is that in poetry style is everything. If you like Dryden’s style you might like his interpretation of Virgil. That’s all it is: an interpretation. Unless you read the original you’ll never get the original. Translations of poetry are artworks in themselves and they may be worse or better according to the style and skill of the translator. If you don’t like Dryden’s verse, or you find it incomprehensible, then you can always just find a different translation. I happen to like the old style of English poetry more than the modern.

>> No.21276745

>name the book and the translator.
Are you retarded? I'm describing a phenomenon.
You already made up your mind before you sullied my thread with your filthy, thoughtless posts.
>Old = Good!
The Greeks, however, did not speak with "O,"s and "thee"s or "thou"s or "forsooths", so why is that in my translation? even when the language is tamer (like what you might see in the Cambridge Press) the prose is very pretentious and not written in a modern way. It imitates a bygone age. The translations of Cicero are a good example of this.
You don't actually read though, you posture to feel better than others so it doesn't make a difference to you.

>> No.21276754 [DELETED] 

Are you kidding? his Plutarch's Lives is the best there is.

>> No.21276767 [DELETED] 

>my translation
Getting a bit too intimate with someone else's work, are we? You can call it your translation when you write it.
> the prose is very pretentious and not written in a modern way. It imitates a bygone age
Again, name a translation. People here don't even now what you're talking about. If you can't handle older stuff, don't read older stuff. Simple as.

>> No.21276775

What is the point of translation? by definition you've already pissed on the original work by stripping it of the context of it's original language, so you might as well stop acting like a hoighty toighty cunt.

>> No.21276780

Don't have a dog in this fight but don't be such a pedant, you knew exactly what he meant when he wrote "my translation"

>> No.21276795

>>Are you retarded? I'm describing a phenomenon
Surely you have an example in mind? Are you so retarded you can't name one?
>>Old = Good
>is reading Greek translations
Heed your own advice.

>> No.21276802

fox, grapes, etc....
it's also a way to encourage people to not lose the variety and possibilities of their own tongue by constantly dragging it towards the lowest common denominator

>> No.21276812

I'd rather you didn't respond, vermin.
>If you can't handle older stuff, don't read older stuff. Simple as.
Exactly why I didn't choose the Ancient Greek or Latin original. Stop being disingenuous.
I was thinking more his Plutarch's lives than his Virgil but I must have read most of them by now (which is why I'm fed up and over it).
>If you don’t like Dryden’s verse, or you find it incomprehensible, then you can always just find a different translation.
Sometimes it's not up to me or I get a translation I hate or there aren't any others. I'm seriously contemplating learning Latin so I can translate great works properly.
>I happen to like the old style of English poetry more than the modern.

>> No.21276819

Honestly, I agree with OP.

>> No.21276826 [DELETED] 

Yo, no problem my nigga, check this out fr fr

Da Odyzee:
>Holla @ me bouta fancy nigga
>Thot, holla how dat nigga be missin' 'cuz he finna gonna go
>'cuz he wuz clappin' da cracka crib of Troy
>and where dat nigga went, wut niggaz he holla @, da payne dayum
>dat nigga be in pain in da wutta
>n how dat nigga got da welfare 2 be alive know whattam sayin
>how he got his niggaz back in da hood
>but dem niggaz were 2 wyld to keep at bein clappt', fool niggaz
>dey wuz eatin da sun kang grassdoggos n sheit, and da kang
>wuz like miss me wid dat sheit u aint gettin back in da hood homie
>now thotkang, nigga of Thundercracka
>be tellin da old story fo' rite now
>finna gonna look fo' da begin

no hard cracka words, just written in brotha

>> No.21276827

Pope's is the only Homer you will ever need

>> No.21276848 [DELETED] 

>reads old translations
>whines that they sound old
>Sometimes it's not up to me or I get a translation I hate or there aren't any others.
Are you a slave? what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.21276867

Sometimes there is only one translation of the book I want (shocking! I know!) and sometimes I have to read a specific edition for school (yes, I am still in school, so maybe that makes me a slave in your eyes, good for you).
See >>21276119.

>> No.21276878 [DELETED] 

>Sometimes there is only one translation of the book I want (shocking! I know!)
You can use an online translator to translate from English to Simple English.
>I am still in school
You need to be 18+ to post here. It's a board for grownups, sweety.

>> No.21276914

You're either a LARPing kiddy or a literal rotting Boomer. There is no other reason why you should be so offended by my (justified) distaste for some silly old translations. Frankly, I don't care for your attitude either way.

>> No.21276916

The Odyssey wasn't written in English. You say you're in school. Is it a remedial college?

>> No.21276922 [DELETED] 

>You're either a LARPing kiddy or a literal rotting Boomer.
Wrong on both accounts.
>There is no other reason why you should be so offended by my (justified) distaste for some silly old translations. Frankly, I don't care for your attitude either way.
What even is this thread? You found some translations that filtered you because they are not in modern parlance (ebonics/zoomerspeak/American English). How is that anyone's problem or why should we care?

>> No.21276939

>or why should we care?
You seem to care a whole lot because you simply won't leave this thread. Go away.
When the fuck did I say that the Odyssey was written in English, retard? I don't even see how you could come to that conclusion sarcastically. Dumbass faggot.

>> No.21276946 [DELETED] 

>ass constructions

>> No.21276958

You silly ass.

>> No.21276977 [DELETED] 

Imagine being so retarded that you squeal over this.

>> No.21276979

Maybe you should reread the posts the you quoted when you typed "See". Seeing as you come from a remedial college or possibly an HBCU, I can see how you might find this difficult to understand.

>> No.21276997

I am not sure what you are on about. I am not sure how you can be so incomprehensibly retarded that this bugs you that much, if you don't like these things, then stop reading mate. God damn. You obstreperous mendicant, febrile incorrigible gnat. Ever and anon you cry, piss, and cum. Go grapnel about for your crumbs, you faggot.

>> No.21277001

You are so fucking autistic. Context should have told you what part you were supposed to "see" but you are so gorrilla brained autistic that I have to give you extra-special instructions to ignore everything that isn't relevant. You dumb faggot.
>Pearls before swine?
>But I don't understand what this conversation has to do with either pearls or swine!

>> No.21277012

Try looking for a little picture of a penguin on your "classics". Or you could try to read the "impossible" version and better yourself and your comprehension of english mulatto.

>> No.21277051

>someone posts an AAVE translation of the Odyssey
>you autistically respond to them by redirecting them to a post which says
>>Brings up a book that was already in English
>you are so retarded you can't fathom how someone would make fun of you for thinking The Odyssey is written in English
Try heeding your own advice. You've ignored it at least three times in this thread.

>> No.21277412

I agree it's pseudish as fuck, in ancient Greece ancient Greek was their modern language and translations should reflect that context, but you're still a faggot vocabularylet

>> No.21277549

if memory serves--I'll weave an odyssey
pertaining to Odysseus and every of his awesome feats.

the dude-star wrought war on the Trojans
and toured 'round the oceans
weeping liquid with emotion.

several times was the leader led astray
as his men (all were gay) equally were tossed to bay.

the dummies feasted on the sheepies of Hyperion,
who got his gat and blasted when he heard the type of shit they on,

but yawn that one's boring.
lemme tell you bout another of Odysseus's Rico Suave stories:

>> No.21277579

>translations should reflect that context
They do, but you wouldn't know that because you can't confirm it for yourself.

>> No.21278115

I agree, translations like this are cringe. English is an evolving language and translations should reflect that. Especially for translations of non-fiction work.
It just seems like people want to retain their ego for not having read the original by making the version that supposed to be in their own language harder to read.
>inb4 it's not hard to read actually.
Well, the language could be made easier still which is worth pointing out.

>> No.21278125 [DELETED] 

I will never understand why zoomers need dumbed down, watered down versions of classics. Just read wikipedia at that point or those kiddie versions with pictures.

>> No.21278141

>dumbed down, watered down versions of classics.
>t. needs a translation to read the classics
It's a translation, pseud. Not the original. It's obvious this is just an issue of ego for you because if you actually care about the original quality of the work you'd just learn the original language.

>> No.21278149

There's a difference between translation and literally dumbing something down.
>Tell me about a complicated man
Is 100% dumbed down. It does not carry the same meaning. And any other faggot garbage that seeks to lower itself to modern zoomspeak is the same.

>> No.21278168 [DELETED] 

That logic doesn't follow. A translation can be beautiful in its own. I'm not sure where all these newfag zoomer niggers got the idea that translations were meant to be as retarded as possible simply because they can't understand it.

>> No.21278314

Old != beautiful. More often it actually just means the opposite: ugly and difficult to understand. (note: Just because something is difficult to understand doesn't make you smarter for having read it.)
Again, this is about ego thing more than anything else. Often the older translations were written in the plain language of their age, so why aren't our translations written like that?

>> No.21278326 [DELETED] 

>why aren't our translations written like that?
They are. And I'm not sure what you're reading that bothers you so much. For example, all the translations of Homer in the 20th and 21st centuries are extremely readable.

>> No.21278802

I agree. Just read the original if you can and skip out on the silly Anglo """intellectual""" LARP.

>> No.21278850
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You shouldn't have made "modern" translations synonymous with dumbing down, politicization, anachronisms, and silly gimmicks. People didn't develop a defense mechanism against modern translations for absolutely no reason at all.

>> No.21278854
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>> No.21278860
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>> No.21279012

>If I have to learn a new word to read something, it's not worth reading that thing at all and the author/translator should be shamed for expecting better of me
You never should have been taught to read in the first place.

>> No.21279375

I don't think he said that :)

>> No.21280263

Any Garnett translation of Dostoevsky.

>> No.21281037

>You shouldn't have made
are you blaming OP for creating these translations you fucking schizo

>> No.21281194

This. Educating the masses was a mistake.

>> No.21281217

Don't kid yourselves, you are the masses. (happy to be proven wrong though if you have proof of *European* aristocracy).
* (we wuzzing doesn't count)

>> No.21281436

Why care for the credentials of a system that stopped existing a century ago? My family were illiterate dirt farmers for centuries, but here I am.
There are still great souls and weak souls regardless, and you can tell within seconds of meeting somebody where they stand.