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/lit/ - Literature

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21272717 No.21272717 [Reply] [Original]

While the Epic trilogy by Homer and Virgil and lotr by Tolkien surpass Berserk I have failed to find other fantasy of this caliber much less others better than it
>recommendations /lit/?

>> No.21272725

>Epic trilogy by Homer
very gay post OP

>> No.21272727

I will say Ovid's metamorphoses and Milton's Paradise Lost are close enough, and yes mythology is fantasy

>> No.21272729

Very true
Very gay my nigga

>> No.21272743

Between Two Fires. Pretty much any fantasy novel in the public domain (e.g The Worm Ouroboros, The King of Elfland's Daughter, Phantastes, Haggard's lost world adventure novels, etc.) But fantasy was (appropriately) a genre for children, young boys specifically. Historical fiction is basically fantasy for adults and has many more classics.

>> No.21272752

Berserk is trash

>> No.21272782
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the real question is what is the /lit/ equivalent to FOURTEEN?

>> No.21272845

Nobody would give a shit about Berserk if not for the art. The story is two-bit revenge edge quest of which there are gazillions

>> No.21272880

There's a part where he's raped by some sort of nigger goblin as a young child. I thought that was too fucked up and disgusting.

>> No.21272938


>> No.21272968

There are manga with better art.
Nobody would give a shit about Berserk if not for the Golden Age arc and the Eclipse.

>> No.21272981
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>tfw will never experience FOURTEEN for the first time again

>> No.21273239

manga is just extremely slow and tiresome... and cringe. Would love it if the Japs could actuallhhy write their fantasy stories in good prose.


>> No.21273279

>Between Two Fires.

>> No.21273310

People who say this have read very little fantasy, let alone literature. Berserk mogs most anime/chink comics, but that says absolutely nothing compared to stuff with real artistry behind it.

>> No.21273327

where to buy this?

>> No.21273496

I agree. It's a cool manga and Guts is a cool protagonist, but it's not a "Nietzschean tragedy" as it's been described
It's known for having such an unforgiving and cruel world, but the last few chapters were the first ones in a long time that added any stakes to the story. Right before these last chapters it was literal avengers where all the characters that were ever named are now getting together, with constant quips, without any of them ever being at real risk

>> No.21273534

berserk is 10/10 manga and probably the optimal way of getting kids into reading
but compared to even a 4/10 novel, its character motivations and development, world building, plot, twists and turns etc, mysteries, thrills, berserk isnt quite there

berserk is still better than romance/child/ya/woman novel cancer, and its a mediocre fantasy story, but i think that almost any hard sci fi, technothriller, pulp/action, mystery and even political commentary novel is simply much more developed, categorically, than berserk

still berserk is 10/10 manga, its just that japanese children are the target audience for most manga

>> No.21274021

On amazon

>> No.21274507
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What is the story that is above it than?

Guy literally goes through an existential crisis at the age of 8 or so, because reality of the world is a bit too real to bear. Then goes to soul crushing rampage, literally and metaphorically until slowly melts to equally desperate misfits on his journey only for it to be a tragedy greater than ever imagined, all in the world that that is beyond hell.

Every step he takes has double meta meaning that wraps around in itself, having a pretentious purpose while being laughed in his face with intensity equal to his struggle.

It's a story that writes itself because it's absolutely grounded in reality which is equally incomprehensible as the fact of its creation to the fact of its substance.

>> No.21274544

Getting BLACKED after his dad pimped him out was truly horrifying but it cheapens the rest of the plot because it doesnt get any shittier than that. Best friend cucked you and killed all your friends? yawn who cares you took gigantic nigger dick up your ass before your balls dropped. Thats like stepoing in dog shit by contrast.

>> No.21274554

Literally this, it is a cool manga, regardless. It was an interesting read, because you can clearly watch a mangaka get old. It is a shame that Miura died before finishing it.

>> No.21274565

It has good presentation, great intro, pacing, guts is badass, and the themes are actually very interesting. The art is obviously incredible too. It’s honestly staggering that one man was able to do such a project, largely alone. Despite it being unfinished. Mangakas are quite amazing. I do think these types of stories will be remembered for a long time.

>> No.21274596

Based, only on 4chan i can find people who know this kind of stuff

>> No.21274619

its overhyped tripe.

>> No.21274626

The core of Berserk is fate. And one man fighting fate really hard, and many others being consumed by one man’s great fate. All the fucked up stuff is kind of irrelevant to me, Miura did create a fascinating world that would be unbearable without Guts and his gang. But Berserk is pure fantasy so while I think there are some interesting themes I don’t think it offers much to really think about outside of sectioned off ideas.

This is the problem I have with a lot of Japanese fiction, they romanticize the fuck out of certain ideas and it may be fun, it may be easy to envelope yourselves in it. But things like a superhuman fighting against fate, and this idealized form of friendship that transcends all boundaries is silly. It’s complete fantasy. I think this is part of the reason why japs seem to always have a hard time creating an ending to the stuff they write too.

>> No.21274642

This thing is so trash, thank you so much Anon

>> No.21275632


>> No.21275646

>Epic trilogy by Homer and Virgil and lotr by Tolkien

>> No.21275648



>> No.21275650

It was just a black guy.

Miura was 100% abused as a kid.

>> No.21275662 [DELETED] 

Lol the story is laughably bad.
Stay in the visual media lane ,Berserk fag.

>> No.21275675

>Berserk is an all-time great fantasy story
lol, no
some panels are neat , that's it

>> No.21275691

Berserk is for coping cucks.

>> No.21275700

> and this idealized form of friendship that transcends all boundaries is silly
Lol wut