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/lit/ - Literature

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21273056 No.21273056 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that will teach me how to sublimate my sexual energies into creative endeavors such as writing?

>> No.21273059 [DELETED] 

yeah but first you need to fuck a horse, it will unlock your hyperborean storage of mana

>> No.21273116

just write porn or make porn
turn your sexual desires into your creativity

>> No.21273187

I will tell you, but first you must let me kiss your ass, spit/trample on a cross, renounce jesus christ as your saviour and worship an idol of baphomet

>> No.21273193

Analy or vaginally?

>> No.21273201

Fanfiction.net and archiveofourown still exist don't they?

>> No.21273210

Short hair is so hot bros

>> No.21273271
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Look into Vajrayana / tantric Buddhist literature. And not the pop-phil written by westerners about tantric this and tantric that. I mean the actual Indo-Tibetan coomercore symbolism about vajras and padmas. Start with secondary or survey literature first though, e.g. Snellgrove - Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, Davidson - Indian Esoteric Buddhism, or for more visual stuff Landaw and Weber - Images of Enlightenment. Wisdom is female and you can coom to her.

>> No.21273294 [DELETED] 

horses may have self cleaning marvel-of-biology tier anuses but vagina is always a better option

>> No.21274464

write smut, go nuts. OC or transformative fiction depending on what inspires you. If you get popular you can even get a few comissions later.

>> No.21274485

I can't tell if that's a twink or a tomboy.

>> No.21274488

Just start living a healthier life and it shouldn't be that hard.

>> No.21274490

gonna need a sauce for this

>> No.21274630


>> No.21274651

No. Writing porn is amoral, it makes you a slut. These people are so depraved and lacking in self-respect that they are willing to open their mind for the sexual desires of random strangers. They are the whores of the literature world.

>> No.21274839


>> No.21274869

obviously a woman numbnuts
too much time on the internet

>> No.21275267

Fuck, I want to punch this smug ugly dyke in her ugly faggot face. Fuck you for posting this whore, OP. You deserved to be raped.

>> No.21275350

back to /pol/

>> No.21275387


>> No.21275388
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too based

>> No.21276198

Why do you need sauce? Just answer the question.

>> No.21276226

devilishly cute

>> No.21276260

Why every anon on this thread lusting after the girl in the OP image? She looks basic, just jumping on trends to appeal to the common denominator. Disgusting.

>> No.21276270

Sadly no. You could be one of those psychotics that feel so full that writing is an urgent pressure valve but you would have known by now. Just be miserable out go to therapy

>> No.21276359

It's called transmutation. Start there.

>> No.21276426

And does it matter?

>> No.21276435

Because she looks like a dude and /lit/ is full of faggots.

>> No.21276597


Realize that you choose with what to fill, and/or how to empty, your psykhic space, and/or your body, and that the more abundance that you scatter the longer it takes to regather.

Remember that the greater the achieved conversion the easier, and the heavier, the potential reversion; be carefully diligent, and warefully vigilent.

>> No.21276654

No, you just have to do it.

>> No.21276659

This sounds like good advice, thanks.
She's a model. I don't remember who she is, but you can find it with reverse image search, I suppose.

>> No.21276695

I dont get it.

>> No.21277691

>Is there a book that will teach me how to sublimate my sexual energies into creative endeavors such as writing?
why would you want to do such a thing? there are more English language books published a day than you can read in a lifetime
you should do something useful like hunt down immigrants... or if you are a pussy, at least take their jobs...
being a garbageman is a very underrated occupation that is a shame to give to subhumans; indians did that and look at them now (ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING)

>> No.21277892

I'd write in French, THOUGH.

>> No.21277944

and who's gonna read it?!

>> No.21278191

If it's a woman, then her features are a bit too strong. If it's a twink, then he's perfect.

>> No.21278273
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That's a man

>> No.21278319

no, just beat off after you write, or before. stop making it difficult . your conflating inspiration to create with inspiration to fuck.

>> No.21278323

Chapter 8 of Think and Grow Rich is about this

>> No.21278334


>> No.21278562

In the mouth

>> No.21279376
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Instead of sublimating your sexual energies...why not...oh, I don't know...HAVE SEX?

>> No.21279391

>still no source
she looks german btw

>> No.21279413

I know everyone's going to assume I'm making this up, but I went with this woman for three months in 2017. She was on the same econometrics course as me. We broke up because she preferred this PhD who was teaching her R after classes.

>> No.21279415
File: 195 KB, 1080x1350, 272784683_5011942365494040_5828835260929231006_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, sorry, I lost the source and couldn't find on image search. Here's the other one

>> No.21279560

my opinion was also south german

>> No.21279563

>not having skills teaching the D

>> No.21279584

German boys look like THIS? Did all the manly ones die in the wars or something?

>> No.21279585

not edgy enough you attention faggot.

>> No.21279795


Who is this semen demon?

>> No.21279798


>> No.21279806

built to be my wife

>> No.21279835

Seeing this, I'm shocked I've never seen a cute girl deliberately styling her hair into cat ears like this.

Maybe because you need a short tomboy cute to do it, and fem types who want to look like an anime degenerate don't want short hair?

>> No.21279846

Nobody ACTUALLY does that.

>> No.21279860

i fucked her actually so...

>> No.21279864

she is perfect ....

>> No.21279869

You guys are hopless. That's a man and he does streams in russia. The internet has completely fried your brains. Give it up and live in a cave- you were drooling over some dudes bum.

>> No.21279868
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>> No.21279874

Apologise to me now. You don't ever do that to your friend's wife.

>> No.21279881

Im sorry brother, she raped me!

>> No.21280151

she fuh my aass
she fuh meeeeeee

>> No.21280238

who is she?

>> No.21280243

I need a short hair girlfriend

>> No.21280247

>Thread full of supposed "incels".
>It turns out all of them are just simping faggots fawning over a dude-faced whore.

>> No.21280657

Which books do I have to read to get a cute short-haired gf like that? I am 25 KHHV btw and my favorite book is Elementary Particles by Michel Houellebecq.

>> No.21280658

It is a male. It is a male. It is a male. It is a male.

>> No.21280660

Stop bumping this thread. Let it die.

>> No.21280664

Fluffy jackets are so hot bros

>> No.21280856
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>> No.21280865


>> No.21280872
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>> No.21280878

Smut writer here: It turns into a chore after a while. It's very annoying to masturbate while writing and the stories lack artistic merit.

>> No.21280904

no need to thank me anons

>> No.21280909

I will anyway. SANKIUUU!!!!!!!!

>> No.21280982

She looks prettier when she doesn't try so hard to look like a boy.

>> No.21280990
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>not edgy enough you attention faggot.

>> No.21281016

There is no need for homophobic slur here anon

>> No.21281017

>is not actually a boy
thx anon

>> No.21281019

Sadly it really is like that...

>> No.21281032

The Art Spirit, Robert Henri

>> No.21281145
File: 301 KB, 1080x1350, p_6854384854644457173060_0_96c506050d3757248fb33cd1ed727197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eliott Rodger? Robert Pattinson?

>> No.21281153

Stop posting this whore and bumping this thread. Go enjoy the Instagram, you dumb coomer, and stay there.

>> No.21281184

How about a racist one? Nigger

>> No.21281305

supreme gentleman looking good

>> No.21281528


>> No.21281534

Don't masturbate while writing retard. I'm also an avid writer of smut. Do you think smut writers masturbate while writing? You're doing it wrong, your sexual energy is supposed to go into your prose. If you masturbate it should be before or after.

>> No.21282738

>sublimate my sexual energies

Prince did exactly the opposite and it paid off for him handsomely. So did Hemingway and Thompson.

I don't think it's your sex drive holding you back.

>> No.21282825

have you heard of thumos?

>> No.21283017

C. J. Van Vliet - The Coiled Serpent: A Philosophy Of Conservation And Transmutation Of Reproductive Energy

>> No.21283063

yes, but I guess we don't mean the same thing. It's what makes an Argive warrior throw himself into glorious battle. But does it have to do with what I said?
Thanks. I've downloaded it. I hope I like it.

>> No.21284256

gonna go ahead and bump this bitch back to the first page.