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21271764 No.21271764 [Reply] [Original]

The judge rapes the kid to death in the outhouse
The kid becomes the judge and the horrific scene at the end is the raped and tortured body of the girl from the bear dance scene

>> No.21271775

You tried this yesterday

>> No.21271850

they literally hug in the outhouse, its supposed to be wholesome, at the center its a tale about forgiveness

>> No.21271893

what is this meme

>> No.21271971

>read this
>it's bloodshed and misery with beautiful and desolate landscapes
>didn't care about the atrocities
>get to the bear
>be devastated

Was it because everyone else was a savage that deserved their fate?

>> No.21272804

i wanted to read this but it has the style of writing i hate most: no adherence to punctuation
you don't know if you are reading narration, thought, or conversation
same as when someone rec'd 'angel's ashes' to me

>> No.21272814

nigger jargon

>> No.21272822

How do I get that awesome cover?

>> No.21272872

it's coal

>> No.21272917

Buy the first edition hardcover.
The current 25th anniversary hardcover you can currently buy on amazon is pretty similar.

>> No.21273532

same reaction here and yes I think that’s why

>> No.21274148

>you don't know if you are reading narration, thought, or conversation
Context clues. Also the audiobook makes it easier to follow since the narrator has a director and he changes his voice a little for each character so you can tell who is talking. Blood Meridian is my favorite novel and I've read it several times but I still have a hard time keeping track of who is saying what during some passages.

>> No.21274768

the judge doesn't rape anyone. it's imagined speculation by coomer redditors who read sam chamberlains description of holden.
the judge is naked a lot and so are other characters and there is some light innuendo here and there. but naked ≠ sexual, and nothing even close to rape is ever even slightly hinted at in blood meridian.

>> No.21274830

>he just gets naked around children for the sport of it

>> No.21275066

Happens literally once, at the “noon of expression” peak debauchery of the gang in Yuma. Given what we know about the judge it’s equally plausible he was studying pediatrics for some nefarious scientific purpose. Instead of the obvious and thematically consistent interpretation that children are the unseen victims of war, reddit coombrains would have me believe Holden is a bisexual pedophile rapist because evil. Ridiculous.

>> No.21275084

I think the judge goes to therapy

>> No.21275118

yes only the coomiest of brains would conclude that a dead naked child was a victim of a pedo and not necessarily a crazy scientist

>> No.21275150

Are you talking about the halfbreed boy with squatters now? He was already naked while he was alive before the gang got there. Girl in Yuma was cowering, not dead. Don’t think you read the book very well.

>> No.21275160

>it’s equally plausible he was studying pediatrics for some nefarious scientific purpose
Can you give me a personal contact email so I can talk to someone as clueless and deranged as you? I’m fascinated you could be this fucking off. Do you have BPD?

>> No.21275167

Instead of unproductive name calling, how about you provide textual evidence for why it’s more likely the judge would rape and kill children instead of study and kill them

>> No.21275185
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, 0257255C-6C12-4EB6-857F-9D69A6AB05BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This opinion is also held by Joseph Sepich by the way, author of Notes on Blood Meridian, who has assuredly researched the book more than you

>> No.21275187

The entire book. Did you want a sentence saying “and then the judge with his miraculous member shoved his cock verily into the child’s pussy, where pee comes from”. I’m leaning toward autistic. Do you think McCarthy was trying to tell you he was a scientist of sorts? That’s what you got from it? The honus is on you to convince me of your hair brained theory because it’s so tone-deaf that I genuinely assume you might be on the spectrum.

>> No.21275189

*John Sepich

>> No.21275203

>the entire book
Shouldn’t be a problem to provide a single sentence that implies it then, but nope just more unproductive name calling. I already provided evidence.

>> No.21275216

I would have no clue how to search through the ebook with the way it’s written

>> No.21275253

The end is supposed to be open ended. It is up to the reader to believe what was the scenario to be shocking enough that it is unspecified after a whole book of visceral wanton violence, and what shocks the two men at the end whereas everyone else doesn’t blink an eye at the brutality throughout the book

>> No.21275254

You can’t even remember a scene or chapter to search for? What absolute fucking cope. Don't reply to me again.

>> No.21275492

336 pounds (weight of The Judge) is also the number of pages in the first edition. All the numbered pages that add up to 336-37 are also mirror images. The Judge's hat is put together with two symmetrical hats such that "the joinery scarcely did show". On the middle page of the novel (168-69) the Gang is attended to by the Governor's 'Chamberlain'.
This is the life history of Chamberlain:
>In 1844, at age 15, Chamberlain left home without permission to go to Illinois. Two years later he joined the 2nd Illinois Volunteer Regiment and headed to Texas to participate in the Mexican–American War. In San Antonio, Chamberlain joined the regular army and became part of the 1st U.S. Dragoons. He fought at the Battle of Buena Vista in February 1847 as well as several other operations in Mexico. In 1849, he was declared a deserter and by 1854 he had returned home to Boston to raise a family.
The Kid is modelled after Samuel. With the literary trick being that BM presents the events from an Omniscient 3rd person perspective as opposed to the subjective accounts in 'My confessions.
Except, does it?
The Kid (Chamberlain) is deliberately thrown on the periphery of narrative spotlight for a large majority of the novel in an act of subversion of Chamberlain's memoir. The narrator shares diction, an interest in geology, flora and philosophical ramblings with The Judge, who also dominates the portions where The Kid is in the Background. The real Judge is given very little space in Chamberlain's memoir, an inverted dynamic with its fictional equivalent. Judge is also large with small hands, while The kid is... well a kid with large hands.
The Judge is also PALE, described repeatedly as such and a constant connection to the Moon (luna) is drawn with him. He also steps through FIRE as if 'it was native to his element'. His character arc follows an ascension from historical person in the beginning to an almost Supernatural entity in the middle and finally to mythic legend by the end where he shows up in many stories populating the imagination of the people. The arc is subtly but at places explicitly metafictional His stepping into metaphorical fictional life is maybe why he proclaims that he will never die. A wink at the reader, who in the very first line of book is asked to 'see the child' (but by whom?).

>> No.21275514

Implicit sexual violation is there, but it seems too simplistic.

>> No.21275530

>and what shocks the two men at the end whereas everyone else doesn’t blink an eye at the brutality throughout the book
This always drew me to the guy talking a piss just next door to what is an unimaginably horrific scene.

>> No.21275531


>> No.21275533

>Are you talking about the halfbreed boy with squatters now? He was already naked while he was alive before the gang got there.
he wasn't completely naked when he was seen alive
you learn to read faggot

>> No.21275661

the judge and the kid took a HUGE shit and it clogged up the toilet
the man said "i wouldnt go in there" because he was telling them to use another toilet

>> No.21276092

Didn't you try this yesterday?

>> No.21276408

this, I feel like its a red herring, a distraction from the judge's larger cruelty. like, his pet retard is also constantly naked, is he raping the retard too?

>> No.21276545

>is he raping the retard too?
probably yes
I don't get the "judge's evilness is too evil for casual rape" talking point as if it was an either or situation and he couldn't include rape as just one part of his le unfathomable cruelties

>> No.21276571

he could i guess, i just don't see how it adds anything to the story or any evidence for it aside from
>he's naked a lot

>> No.21276590

and "larger cruelty" not meaning unfathomable, but on a greater scale - wanting dominion over the earth, wanting humanity to engage in endless warfare, expunging history as he sees fit, etc. i feel like "raping kids" would be a minimization of this character; it's trite

>> No.21276604

Of course I remember the scene and wording almost exactly, I just can’t find the search functionality in my e-book reader. I called my IT guy and he’s driving to my house as we speak, so we should be good soon.

>> No.21276636

and how does being naked a lot factor into dominion over the earth or expunging history?
inb4 he's just being primal for symbolism: rape is pretty primal as well and fits right in with being naked around children a lot

>> No.21276643

what was said:
>he's naked a lot
because he is

what was not said
>he's naked around children a lot
because he isn't

>> No.21276657

>he's naked around children only occasionally
besides, the historical Holden was described as a child rapist, would corncob mccorncob really take that basis, keep the killing of children but discard the rape because it's "too trite" but still add the nudity and innuendo?

>> No.21276675

It's not "occasionally" either, out of the times the narrator mentions children missing or dead there is explicitly one time where both the child and the judge are naked. I refer you to this post >>21275185

The sexual innuendo in Blood Meridian is mostly around Glanton. Sam Chamberlains account of Holden is the one and only and likely embellished. Why should it hold any more authority than McCarthy's? (this is a major theme of the book btw).
Look, I'm not saying its not possible the judge is a child rapist, I am just thoroughly unconvinced and don't see what it adds.

>> No.21276704

>the Judge murders multiple children throughout the course of the book
>implied to rape a couple too
>throws murders puppies for fun
>wears kidskin boots
>in his final confrontation with THE KID he is naked and embraces him
OP: hmm I wonder what happened

>> No.21276891

Is it expensive?

>> No.21276905

>I am just thoroughly unconvinced and don't see what it adds.
Corruption of the innocent. Simple as.

>> No.21277772


>> No.21277777

>implied to have raped a couple too
where. provide evidence from the book to support this claim
>murders puppies for fun
>for fun

>> No.21277811

What was up with the judge accusing the preacher of being a pedo in the beginning to get him lynched? Hypocritical considering what the judge does later on in the book

>> No.21278036

that's the point, he can do whatever he wants and get away with it and he can make innocent people die

>> No.21279411
File: 371 KB, 709x1040, 918f6981270171.5cfa3ccf5806f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has nothing to do with the discussion, but I found this picture somewhere and it looks so fucking cool

>> No.21279602

The entire story is about the kid's destiny ending in a gruesome death. Pay attention next time.

>> No.21279641

Hello James Franco.

>> No.21280558

it's because you're redditors

>> No.21280766

Were you touched when you were younger?

>> No.21280782

>Do you think McCarthy was trying to tell you he was a scientist of sorts? That’s what you got from it?
I'm not that guy but the book details extended passages in several chapters where he not only recounts unusually extensive knowledge of many matters but also specifically studies and chronicles new rare or individual phenomena in his ledger with sketches descriptions and prints
Anon is wrong but he's not a schizo