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/lit/ - Literature

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21258844 No.21258844 [Reply] [Original]

What is lit reading right now? Reading gone with the wind at the moment

>> No.21258847

>reading a female author

>> No.21258863

She and Allan, it's also full of niggers.

>> No.21258868
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>What is lit reading right now?
Earlier today I finished "out of the silent planet", now I'm starting on "ham on rye"

>> No.21258874
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Has a pretty neat cover. I will check these out anon.

Ham on rye never heard of it or silent planet but i will check them out.

>> No.21258881

Henry James’s ‘The Portrait of a Lady’. It’s very enjoyable and comf but I’ll be glad to be done and get into something depressing.

>> No.21258891

That one portrait of a lady looks pretty interesting anon. I will check this out for sure. Idk what i wanna read next. Still got like 300 pages left before im done. Maybe ill check out your book after

>> No.21258988

Stoner - john Williams

>> No.21259027

>shit a Yankee ...
Damn man don't leave in suspense move your damn finger . What kind of Yankee did this whore kill

>> No.21259329

Stoner - john Williams

>> No.21259386

The Unnamable

>> No.21259702

I am reading many books right now
Finnish soldiers in french foreign legion
Meän kieltä: book about torne valley dialect
The virginian
Harry Potter and the half blood prince
Galaxy's edge: attack of shadows
40k complete rafen omnibus

>> No.21259704

I forgot to mention warlords of mars

>> No.21259707

Tropic of Cancer

>> No.21259710
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This stuff practically writes itself

>> No.21259785

The Count of Monte Cristo
I'm having a great time with it.

>> No.21259797

Liking it a lot despite it's popular opinions

>> No.21259803
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I thought writing a shitty serial fantasy novel would be fun so I'm looking through royal road to try to figure out what story beats a chapter should have. Starting to realize that I'm too much of a fastidious editor to pump out 3000-6000 word chapters a week without resorting to fluff. Also my original idea is too vague

>> No.21259819

Swann's ways

>> No.21259880

Halfway through Infinite Jest

>> No.21259898
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When I'm done with the part about Ancient Philosophy I'm gonna dive into Plato.

>> No.21259913

reading A Canticle for Leibowitz as well as the Rig Veda. It's supremely comfy

>> No.21260112

Just finished The Aeneid. Planning to read Middlemarch and Oliver Twist next.

>> No.21260114

Confederacy of Dunces. It exceeded my expectations by the twentieth page. Fun book!

>> No.21260132
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In the middle of the second section of pic related, brings up very interesting stuff that most people who comment on Freud seem to not mention

>> No.21260344
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Good books everyone. Im glad everyone is reading something.

>> No.21260346

da idiot

>> No.21260352

fuck you read perelandra next

>> No.21260369

blood ravens omnibus

>> No.21260539

A Study in Scarlet

>> No.21260889

>fuck you read perelandra next
lmao the first book was kinda slow..

>> No.21261142
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>> No.21261312

I wanted to comment on other anon's reads but I haven't read any of these lol

Currently reading Tomorrow in Battle Think of Me, by Javier Marías. I find it really cool so far, his style is close to what would normally annoy me but it's great so far. Also god help me I'm invested in the plot

>> No.21261365

You don't read and it shows.

>> No.21261376
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Emmanuel Swedenborg - Heaven And Its Wonders And Hell

>> No.21261386

Finished White Noise last night, was pretty good now about 100 pages into blood meridian. Loving it so far.

>> No.21261397
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Very comfy

>> No.21261424

Skipping around a bunch of Egyptology texts.
In the pile now is Budge's text on the worship of Osiris, an introductory text on hieroglyphs also by Budge, and two others on general ritual and symbolism in Egyptian religion by authors whose names escape me at the moment.

>> No.21261425

Waiting for a different translation of Rabelais to come tomorrow so just reading shorter stuff in the meantime. Essays by Thoreau, Holderlin, Emerson, Miller, Lawrence and Plutarch. Short stories by Poe and Lawrence. Poems by Whitman, Emerson and Byron

>> No.21261461

Currently reading the complete works of Shakespeare, on play #6 out of 38. I'm getting to where it's starting to just flow and I don't need the footnotes as much. Also, the point where I realize I've become emotionally sucked in to the world of the play is happening much sooner now, as opposed to just feeling alienated by Elizabethan English & Shakespearean wordplay for 5 acts. Going to save Hamlet for last.

Side effects: my internal monologue is starting to sound like Ian McEllan in Lord of the Rings; saying things like "ere long", "whither/hither/thither" and "would I that thou hast" in casual convo is driving my wife nuts.


>> No.21261466

Enchiridion Militis Christiani by Erasmus right now, in between selections from Jung's complete works. After Enchiridion I'll read Institutio Principis Christiani and then maybe In Praise of Folly.

>> No.21261912
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The furfags over at /tg/ recommend this to me forever ago and I finally got around to it. It kinda sucks NGL, I hope it gets better by the end because I'm very unimpressed, it's both not something I'd like my kid reading nor something I'd recommend to an adult.

Mouse guard remains the best book about mice.

>> No.21261950
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7 pages left in Children of Dune. Taking a short break before I finish it though.

>> No.21261965

Based, might as well read paradise lost next since youre in the same era

>> No.21261971
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Im reading all the Metro books and Ill be honest. I did not understand Metro 2034. Am I retarded? I really did not get the ending....

>> No.21262430

swag. God Emperor was my fav in the series so have fun with it : D

>> No.21263002

ive never read it anon but maybe it just had a confusing ending. have you tried rereading it??

>> No.21263025

the cheese and the worms - carlo ginzburg. rly enjoying the way it’s structured, moves quickly and is pretty careful to not make too many leaps of faith in the dissecting of mennochio, at least in the first half i’ve read. would rec

>> No.21263033

The Screwtape Letters

>> No.21263037

The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang. Just starting chapter 8 and I'm really enjoying the book so far.

>> No.21263038

Nostromo. 90 pages in, great so far. Conrad’s writing does take some getting used to though.

>> No.21263039
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fire on the velvet horizon. It's supposed to be a monster manual but there's no stats and a good chunk of the monsters seem like they're not fun at all to actually play with in a /tg/. The writing is nice, though

>> No.21263040

If you didn't like the first book you won't like the rest of the trilogy.

>> No.21263044

Try the Batrachomyomachia

>> No.21263168

Reading Hærværk by Tom Kristensen and laughing at the fact that none of you niggas will ever read this masterpiece

>> No.21263182

It’s published by NYRB. Not that obscure

>> No.21263184

essays and fictions by brad phillips
pirates and the lost templar fleet by david hatcher childress
confrontations by jacques vallee
the koran
teaching stories of sufi masters by idries shah
morocco travel guide (going there in a month)

bout to finish the phillips (really good), 3/4 through the templar/pirates one (a potboiler but some good info, for example Christopher Columbus was a jew pirate captain who knew 100% that other expeditions had gone to America before and had maps), the koran is dope, vallee is the best UFO writer, sufis are dope, and i'm excited for morocco

gonna read baudolino by umberto eco and a book about paranormal phenomena and electronics next

>> No.21263190

i love that book


>> No.21263194

oh and also reading

both v good

RIP z-lib

>> No.21263252

white noise rn. after im thinking fof finally reading lolita.

>> No.21263628
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this thread

>> No.21264270

Gadamer's Truth and Method. Its good so far, better than what I got with Sartre.

>> No.21264665
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Thanks. Came to Billy Shakes by way of Melville, I want to better understand the milieu of classic literature; have not been disappointed. Partway through Shakespeare I'll be reading The Bible, some Ben Johnson and Kit Marlowe, then Paradise Lost at some point. Also working on Latin. Obviously everything hearkens back to a corpus of fundamental classic and classical lit, without which one's literary perspective rings a bit hollow.

It started off as a sort of "eat your broccoli" reading project, but has quickly shaped up to be fun in it's own right. Your brain adapts its expectations...however I'm starting to now think modern women dress a tad unchaste.

>t. middle aged dad who's sick of TV

>> No.21265047

Goethe's Italian Journey and Roman Elegies. I've never found an author with whom I've related to more than Goethe as he describes his personal life. I must be the man reincarnate.

>> No.21265052


>> No.21266446

That sounds pretty good that he speaks to you so much anon. :). Im glad youre reading something you enjoy.

>> No.21266483

It's so fucking dense. Jesus christ guide me.

>> No.21266612

I read all three of those books, and retained nothing from them but the setting and aesthetic. I remember the first one being decent, and the others not great.
The first couple games were fun too. Exodus was a boring slog.

>> No.21266622

Paradise Lost. Only at Book III but already there's so many brilliant lines.
>Nor did they not perceive the evil plight
In which they were, or the fierce pains not feel;
Yet to their Generals voice they soon obeyed

>> No.21266635

The Floating Opera.

>> No.21266739

rereading Beyond Good and Evil, and started Chekov's The Story of an Unknown Man. I tried reading The Nigger of Narcissus but couldn't get into it.

>> No.21267403

>What is lit reading right now?
Nothing, like always.

>> No.21268406

Re-reading the Gormenghast trilogy and thinking Peake's prose is better than Tolkien's.

>> No.21268688
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I can see why they pulled it from amazon.
Very dry but interesting.

>> No.21268694

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and The Diary of a Nobody. Finished Little, Big a couple weeks ago.

>> No.21268706

without dogma by sienkiewicz. 200 pages read and its a fantastic novel so far

>> No.21268707

Shitty LNs because that's what I enjoy.

>> No.21268719

dare i say... a based weeb?

>> No.21268721

The Poetics of Space

>> No.21268739

Lyotard. I dont even care about anything he says it just soothes me to drown out my thoughts by reading the boring academic feces of a french retard. Same shit as npcs listening to podcasts.

>> No.21268861

The Pillars of the Earth, French edition

>> No.21269343

Finished "A Moveable Feast" by Hemingway last night. Highly recommend it. Will be starting "Heart of Darkness" later today

>> No.21269657
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I’m about fifty pages in.
Thinking it’s kino so far

>> No.21269665

The Leopard

>> No.21269727

oblomov. this nigga wont get out of bed

>> No.21269956
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Sometimes a great notion by Ken Kesey. I loved his first novel "One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest". So far this one has more things going on and it's harder to keep track of. But I'm at the point in the book where Lee got the letter from his family and is taking the bus back home while spazzing out on drugs. The book just got a lot better so I'm very much enjoying it.

>> No.21270019

Simonow, Joanna. “The Great Bengal Famine in Britain: Metropolitan Campaigning for Food Relief and the End of Empire, 1943–44.” Journal of Imperial & Commonwealth History, vol. 48, no. 1, Feb. 2020, pp. 168– 97.

>> No.21270207

I'm about to finish The Rules of Attraction

>> No.21270496
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Ovid's Metamorphoses

>> No.21270558

Memories dreams reflections

>> No.21270579

I love these threads. It reminds me of good old /lit/ when this place used to be good and comfy. We used to make dumb takes, smart takes, laugh together, read together, good memes, fuck, I read more when this place was good. It didn't felt like a bunch of old people pretending to be smarter and sassy all the time

I'm reading Letter to His Father - Kafka

>> No.21270700

glad you're enjoying it anon, it's one of my favorite books of all time
updating to say that I finished A Canticle and I really liked the ending, it was really well delivered. I think the author suffers from some kind of profound spiritual malaise, I heard that he later grows disillusioned with the church in his later books in the St Leibowitz series and I think I can already see the roots of that crisis in A Canticle.
I started Victory by Conrad yesterday and I'm really, really loving it so far. I don't understand why people complain about Conrad being difficult to get into, this book is a total pageturner.
we should have an Exupery thread sometime, I really liked Wind Sand and Stars but I definitely felt challenged by how bleak it felt at certain points. It's definitely the sort of book I'd give my child, though, in the sense that it's profoundly educational.
Are you liking it? It kind of felt like a slog to me. >>21269665

>> No.21271162

Still trying the tractatus. Makes more sense now that I've got a better foundation in logic. Wittgenstein's argument is still pretty incomprehensible.

>> No.21271204


>> No.21271578

>Are you liking it? It kind of felt like a slog to me
It has some insightful bits but yeah it kind of meanders from one topic to another without really developing any wider theory.

>> No.21272512
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Extremely based gentlemen keep it up

>> No.21272954

How tough of a read is it? I assume you have an annotated version? Presently reading the great works of The Bard, would like to sink my teeth into something else from that era.

>> No.21273007

Different anon, but it's pretty tough if you aren't used to reading verse.
I'm pretty sure it's hard to find any printed version in stores right that isn't annotated, and I would think it would be impossible to understand everything without the annotations giving context.

>> No.21273020

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.21273031

reading ham on rye rn
the main character is the most stereotypical 4chan user.

>> No.21274562
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The Two Towers

>> No.21274567

Some minor Strindberg play.