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21268889 No.21268889 [Reply] [Original]

Why do writers smoke?

>> No.21268905

its an awe full exhausting activity compared to lets say hunting deer. there for you got forced into being a write there for you suffer neurological damage their for you need an nerve relaxant.

>> No.21268918

Nicotine is a mental stimulant

>> No.21268920

feels nice with a coffee desu

please learn english before posting again

>> No.21268923
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>> No.21268942
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Maybe life was to easy on you tow. I need already harder stuff as nicotine.

>> No.21268950


>> No.21268962

>Why do writers smoke?
because they think they're writers and because they think writer's smoke

>> No.21268963

It's sexy in photos

>> No.21268964
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I just will ignore the haters and use more tranquilizers okey?

>> No.21268972

...it is? i feel the complete opposite
t. smoker

>> No.21268976

Everyone smoked a few decades ago. As for today, it is still normal in most Mediterranean countries rape France, as well as Japan

>> No.21268981

You're partly right tho. To partake in such a boring and hard task you need to indulge in something to relax your nerves

>> No.21268995

No one even understands what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.21269019

Ah year i remember your jargon. Reminds me on this stupid little silly low afford writer, who was to much of a princess to learn proper physics before writing sifi.
This is what i am talking about.

>> No.21269031

>rape France
pls stop I like France

>> No.21269040
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For cigars it occupies the low level function of the mind. Slow, deeper breathing means better o2 circulation to the brain, allowing your more creative aspect to better attend to the task at hand. I love smoking amd writing, and drinking liquor.

>> No.21269041

Imo the States is very unique in how anti-smoking a lot of people are.

>> No.21269045

Huge in the UK and eastern europe.

>> No.21269180
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This, im a Northern European working in the Southern United States. They do not smoke but they do dip/chew tobacco, all over. It is disgusting.

>> No.21269195

only ever knew two guys who did that
but I'm in the midwest

>> No.21269196

Plenty of Scandinavians dip

>> No.21269228

Do they spit everywhere? Or have a cup with a papertowel in the bottom to spit in to? Then leave that cup on a work area.

>> No.21269238

A lot of people smoke. Why ask about writers specifically? I doubt a statistical analysis exists that finds a clear link between writing and smoking and how they are inseparably connected with another.

>> No.21269239

A lot of them use a form in little baggies that doesn’t require spitting

>> No.21269247

The writer's job is to romanticize things, of course they'll romanticize that too.

>> No.21269605

Isn't that called snus?

>> No.21269674

The shit in the US is raw cut tobacco that requires gobbing mouthfuls of black/brown spit.

>> No.21269695

I've tried it. The nicotine buzz was better than any other forms of oral tobacco. But the mouth sores weren't welcome.

>> No.21269754

for the nicotine.

>> No.21269790

it's the combo of nicotine plus the pleasant experience of the tobacco itself, just using say a nicotine patch wouldn't be the same. too bad cigars can give you cancer tho

>> No.21269796

>started smoking because it was something forbidden and mommy would kill me if she found out
>continued smoking to kinda fit in, was one of the cool kids in hs
>continued smoking because I liked it, started smoking pipe
>now I smoke because I hope it will kill me someday
I don't know about writers, but I like small "rituals" in my life, like rolling and smoking a cigarette, preparing pipe, brewing tea, rubbing one out to bondage porn, you know, just little things.

>> No.21269810

world famous horror fiction author, F. Gardner, talked about this

>> No.21269873
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>> No.21271155

Because it makes it easy to sit down and do the work and write for hours.

>> No.21272331
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>rape France

>> No.21273771

>rubbing one out to bondage porn
Oh I know.

>> No.21273855

Yes, some of the faggier Ivy League kids treat patches and gum like a less damaging Adderall. You feel exhausted probably because smoking it leads to short term oxygen depletion (duh) but nicotine itself is probably making you way smarter and more focused throughout the day than you really are. You get two hours of a pure nicotine high and like 12 hours of cotinine for cognitive enhancements. Turns out those nicotine receptors in your brain really like their oil.

>> No.21273901

Is a way to look cool when all you do is look at paper.

>> No.21273905

Smoking is cool

>> No.21274670

Because they want to, you stupid frogposter.

>> No.21274693
