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21264087 No.21264087 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is cringe. stop thinking so much and loosen up. eat good, sleep good, exercise, get out of the basement and form social bonds with others, and put honest effort into the studies/work you have committed to. put in the work, simple as.

every other measure of progress, including studying philosophy to answer pointless questions, is cope for your inability to do the above.

>> No.21264090

retarded sophist opinion

>> No.21264095

primordial truth is enslaved by life

>> No.21264101

>he thinks he knows what primordial truth is
>he hasn’t read Anacalypsis, the Enneads, the Yoga Sutras, the Vedas, the Dao De Jing, or the Hermetica
lol @ OP

>> No.21264109

You fool. Don't you see your suggestions for excersize and socialization are in fact a philosophy? And, moreover, discussing it via text in a location where you expect a response(one the will likely require reason and rhetoric) is participation within a philosophical dialectic. The only difference between you and real philosophers are things like originality and strength of argument.

>> No.21264112

You just posited a philosophy, faggot.

>> No.21264127


>> No.21264153

>put honest effort into the studies/work you have committed to
I've committed to philosophy. Get rekt frogposter. Your advice itself is a paradox

>> No.21264170

You literally just posted a philosophic argument you fucking retard. Congratulations despite your best efforts you're a philosopher.

>> No.21264183


>> No.21264194

>loosen up. eat good, sleep good, exercise, get out of the basement and form social bonds with others,

that's not different than the life of a cow or an elephant

>> No.21264224
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>> No.21264226

>eat good, sleep good, exercise, get out of the basement and form social bonds with others, and put honest effort into the studies/work you have committed to.

That's not enough.

>> No.21264230

Get the fuck off 4chan in the library you nerd

>> No.21264238

>Just be a shudra

I'm not disputing this is the right procedure for the mass of humanity. However, this is also not what the best strive for.

>> No.21264244

what's enough to live a good life, then?

>> No.21264261

Heraclitus, DK B29.

>> No.21264269

Fat frogposter

>> No.21264414

>dont read
why is this opinion so popular on this very sub-board, really makes you think

>> No.21264441

>reposts the exact same, stupid, low effort thread
Fuck you.

>> No.21264483
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Aside of cringe framing, OP is essentialy right. Philosophy as it exists in public conciousness -- reflection on life. etc -- is not the worthwhile part of it. Every meaningful part of philosophy has already been cut away to become a science of its own. Every time you see a philosopher quoted, it's a quote about about psychology or human condition.
A person would gain much more by studying psychology, cognitivism and literature than another book about onthology, reading some bullshit about how "Thing and Being are important parts that constitute the essentially important process, which allows for the grater meaning to form on the theme of living."
Not a single person had ever read something like that and came out out better after.

>t.Philosophy Student for years

>> No.21264539

I made a lot of friends and connections while studying philosophy, I met my girlfriend while on a philosophy congress, I am 100% sure that I eat and sleep better than you and i find time to exercise too
I get paid above the average pay just for doing my phd in philosophy, and ill be making more than your dad once im a full time professor, all while having fun writing and reading books and papers
Your worldview is a cope for your inability to understand philosophy

>> No.21264548
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>Every meaningful part of philosophy has already been cut away to become a science of its own. Every time you see a philosopher quoted, it's a quote about about psychology or human condition.
Lmao so every time you see a philosopher quoted its about philosophy?
>A person would gain much more by studying psychology, cognitivism and literature than another book about onthology, reading some bullshit about how "Thing and Being are important parts that constitute the essentially important process, which allows for the grater meaning to form on the theme of living."
Instead of broadening your perspective you want people to narrow it even more
>Not a single person had ever read something like that and came out out better after.
Except for every person that contributed to philosophy
>t.Philosophy Student for years
No surprises here, philosophy is a midwit filter. Those who fail philosophy end up studying political sciences or psychology

>> No.21264742
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>Instead of broadening your perspective you want people to narrow it even more
Philosophy tricks you into thinking you know more, but in fact thoughts go nowhere. You don't learn anything. You don't acquire more sophisticated view of reality. Every gain you get from engaging with complated subjects and complex matters can be just as easily acquired in other places.

All you learn is some guy's schizophrenia about one exaggerated aspect of reality, which he then autistically over-describes with weird terms until people start 'interpreting' it, after which they share their interpretations wtih others, resulting in a schizo club where people think they improved themselves, when in reality they locked themselves in a cage.

>Except for every person that contributed to philosophy
There is no such thing as 'contribution' to philosophy. From time to time a man takes on topic of human condition then start writing about it using philosophical terms, most of the time it is quite insightful, but in essence it's just elaboration on already existing writings in literature or psychology. It's not really 'philosophy.' Marcus Aurelius didn't invent acting stoic. Nietzsche didn't invent constructing one's own morality or meaning. They at most gave already existing thoughts structure.

>> No.21264755

Give me an example of a primordial truth

>> No.21264800

>eat good, sleep good, exercise, get out of the basement and form social bonds with others, and put honest effort into the studies/work you have committed to. put in the work
that is philosophy

>> No.21264863

>this God complex I have will surely lead to a good life.
Nah. Your gonna live a hard life and be forgotten like everyone else. Why not just live naturally?

>> No.21264878

>form social bonds with others
But so many of them are like you OP

>> No.21264896

larpy sophist bullshit

>> No.21265066

>You don't acquire more sophisticated view of reality

Obviously. Philosophy is the enemy of life. The venom of the mind. The predator of being.

>> No.21265081

Philosophy doesn't exist

>> No.21265119

This is true. But once you’ve done all that, get into philosophy.

>> No.21265138

>get out of the basement and form social bonds with others
make me, faggot

>> No.21265155


>> No.21265160

I guess this is the "filtered mercilessly" general?
How does it feel to get completely mogged by another mans reasoning and then run toward an online forum and seethe about it?

>> No.21265169
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Look at your leeches, feasting on someone else's greatness.

>> No.21265189

The fuck are you trying to accomplish here anyways, OP? This is like when Witty would tell his students to quit philosophy and take up engineering instead, right before he buggered them. Peak autism.

>> No.21265217
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>”For the best men choose one thing above all—immortal glory among mortals; but the masses stuff themselves like cattle.”

>> No.21265399

When was this said

>> No.21265431
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Idk. Judging from the picture - yesterday

>> No.21265437
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I don't care
You're not a warrior, you're a mediocre white guy
Now either post about literature or commit suicide

>> No.21265439

>good, sleep good, exercise, get out of the basement and form social bonds with others, and put honest effort into the studies/work you have committed to. put in the work, simple as.

every other measure of progress, including studying philosophy to answer pointless questions, is cope for your inability to do the above.
You can study philosophy AND do those things. Some people actually enjoy studying philosophy, real philosophy isnt the 'HOW TO BE HAPPY' bullshit pop philosophy ur average midwit has in mind, it doesn't have to help you.

>> No.21265452

Somewhere around 535 BC

>> No.21265714

>what's enough to live a good life, then?
only Knowledge (not as a mere accumulation/bundle of information, but wisdom, in the sense that Plato, Aristotle or Samkara understood)

to work, eat, shit, fuck, etc, that's the life of a dog, not a human

in a 'healthy' environment, all those activities would at least have a symbolical meaning (they would be 'sacred', bind to Knowledge), but today everything is profane and void

>> No.21265879

>Primodrial Truth

>> No.21267269
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This is my all time favourite pepe, thanks for posting it. Here have another favourite in return.

I partly agree with it. You must not be a Philistine but ultimately few books can give you life's meaning and real essence.

>> No.21267281


>> No.21267297

Men naturally rule over women and the animal kingdom

>> No.21267317

>Not a single person had ever read something like that and came out out better after.
Philosophy is a way of life. If you're just reading words and not putting your beliefs into practice you're doing it wrong. It's why modern philosophy is in such a dismal state, they refuse to concretise what they profess to believe in their actions

>> No.21267934

it is not a philosophy, but an exhortation

>> No.21267939

OP is right and everyone else is coping and malding because theyre physically and socially inept. I would recommend everyone who had some quip to send back to OP start grapple training or maybe pick up and bow and arrow and stop being insufferable bug people.

>> No.21267956

I'm trans and a snowbunny btw
Forgot to mention it

>> No.21267965

Not to play devil's advocate here, but you can come up wirh your own assumptions, even at a profound and deep level, without necessarily reading somebody else's assumptions about those same topics. The degree of truth most philosophic assumptions hold, after all, is in the eye of the beholder

>> No.21267977

The problem here is that the as you put in the work, you come to realize that you (OP) possess a desire to suck on male genitalia. This leaves you with two options:
1. Embrace your faggotry as a tranime homofascist.
2. Refer to philosophy in order to cope with the internal conflict between the Primordial Truth and your own homosexuality.

>> No.21267979
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>eat good, sleep good, exercise
Muten Roshi, you forgot that some studying is a part of your regiment as well.

>> No.21267986

>>t.Philosophy Student for years
>cant spell ontology right

>> No.21267989

>Every gain you get from engaging with complated subjects and complex matters can be just as easily acquired in other places.
I know from my colleagues that we all avoid books written by sociologists and cringe at their writings, you cant compare literature, psychology or any other science to philosophy since philosophy goes beyond all of them. Any other science will trap you into a bugmen materialist worldview
>All you learn is some guy's schizophrenia about one exaggerated aspect of reality
I forget that americans dont actually possess any critical thinking skills and only see philosophy as the history of philosophy
>which he then autistically over-describes with weird terms until people start 'interpreting' it, after which they share their interpretations wtih others, resulting in a schizo club where people think they improved themselves, when in reality they locked themselves in a cage
the interpretation of a text lies withing a text, its not two different texts. And any "schizo club" can be easily critiqued, deconstructed etc. as it happened if you actually precisely studied the history of philosophy, all the time
>There is no such thing as 'contribution' to philosophy.
You just described it as interpretations from a schizo club
>From time to time a man takes on topic of human condition then start writing about it using philosophical terms, most of the time it is quite insightful, but in essence it's just elaboration on already existing writings in literature or psychology
Philosophy predates all psychology, also psychology studies just the way the human psyche works, it can not communicate experiences nor can it define "how" it studies the psyche, or what the psyche even is
Just as how physics cant define what existence is
>Marcus Aurelius didn't invent acting stoic
And nobody said that, also ironic that you say "acting stoic" as if stoicism is just not acting on your emtions (ignoring that you just contributed something to philosophy, since the word stoiccomes from a philosophical school).
>Nietzsche didn't invent constructing one's own morality or meaning
Nobody claims that, again midwit take, also try defining morality and meaning without philosophy
>They at most gave already existing thoughts structure
Thats why you start with the greeks, since its the purest form of structuring thoughts. Also, just because humans have a predisposition for philosophical thinking, doesn't mean that everybody naturally grasps them (for example you) thus the work of philosophers is to analyze and structure them. The development of philosophy is directly linked to the development of history; if it wasnt for Locke, there would be no US, if it wasnt for Hegel, there wouldnt be a 20th century as we know it. Unless you really want to argue that the Soviet Union would have formed without the influence of philosophers on the uneducated, overworker worker and peasant class of Imperial Russia?

>> No.21267997

That's a philosophy

>> No.21268008

Also don't forget sex. The turtles are wild.

>> No.21268031

>You don't learn anything. You don't acquire more sophisticated view of reality.
Wll, you certainly havent.

>> No.21268032

Good, OP. But you forgot the most essential step: SHIT MORE.