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21264676 No.21264676 [Reply] [Original]

>dumb protagonist with a heart of gold suddenly gets mega rich and has cute tsundere girls fighting for his heart, who love him because he's a weak-willed beta not like other chads
This is just harem anime

>> No.21264698

le sad russian guy

>> No.21264769

Only Aglaya is a tsundere, Nastasya has BPD. Also Myshkin isn't dumb, he's just under educated and socially stunted

>> No.21265950

Didn't like it either

>> No.21265984

Its why reddit loves him.

>> No.21265999
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>This is just harem anime
Okay and?

>> No.21266004

He's not dumb, rather willfully ignorant and likely a narcissist. It's a matter of choice for him to ignore the treatment he receives, as he views himself as having a near Christlike charity. Ultimately I think such an attitude is one of the most extreme kind of arrogance and frankly the duplicitousness people treat him with is I think justified. It's evident in more than a few moments that he's no true Christ-figure, and when those slips are made apparent it's as if the Emperor has no clothes. People feel they've been taken for a ride by a con man and are justifiably angry, something which is embittered all the more by his continued displays of virtue and charity.

>> No.21266032

Wasn’t he the epitome of “I’m book smart not street smart”?

>> No.21266038

Honestly shocked that there hasn’t been animu based on it, have to settle for the Kurosawa movie I guess.

>> No.21266161

I’m only like halfway through this right now but Myshkin dosent strike me as a beta at all. Gavril let’s a woman humiliate him for money and Rogozhin has terminal oneitis for a slut. Myshkin is loved for not adhering to the beta theatre of high society. You’ve been filtered.