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21264524 No.21264524 [Reply] [Original]

Then they gaslight you that this is "widely established." This wasn't even a meme before 2020. Any other obnoxious uses of language?

>> No.21264536

Ritual humiliation. Look up Yuri Bezmenov. It's been done in many places. South Africa and other defeated and demoralized countries are infiltrated by globalist thinktanks like Tavistock, who want to try out social experiments in what Stalin called "engineering the human soul" without any oversight. They want to see if they can take a traditionally "non-compliant" group of people (like the original ethnic stock of a country, or people with patriotic or nationalist tendencies) and over the course of a generation or two, make them so demoralized and feminized that they accept slavery and degradation in their own country. As Bezmenov says, once this process has taken, you can't undo it. People fucked by it are permanently fucked. They use various methods depending on what is fashionable at the time, like Skinnerian behaviorism or some other buzzword psychology. But the program is always the same, and these methods are always funded indirectly by governments and super-governments that want docile citizenry, and are able to think in generational terms, even in terms of centuries.

Think about it. You have to call blacks Blacks, and bow to them, but you yourself are "just" a white. In fact, white is a bad word - spit every time you say it, sign an upside down cross every time you think of it to renounce it. These are rituals that would have been understood by any ancient person as having magical power to form your mind over time, to create habits and associations, which is what the contingent, external mind, the level at which most people live their whole lives, is entirely made up of.

It is the deliberate opposite of ascetic "renunciation of conditioning," it is conditioning and re-conditioning, deliberately making you form attachments and cathexes you couldn't un-form except with extreme effort. They want you to "feel" your inferiority and vulnerability, your lack of basic validity, at the same level at which you "feel" that the sky is up and the ground is down, or social instincts like "One drinks coffee at work; that is what one does." Anarcho-tyranny is not a social or ideological system, it is a psychological state the system wants to impose on you at the level of instinct. You are in a global invisible war to dominate and shape the slaves of the future, and there are no civilians in this war, there are only those caught sleeping in the trenches and those who are awake and at least aware they are being shot at.

>> No.21264537

The same reason you’d capitalise “German” or “French”. All capitalisation conventions are essentially arbitrary, the only ones which serve a purpose are ones highlighting a name or marking the beginning of a sentence (in case you missed the period). In some cases it might be helpful to capitalise a noun when you want the person to know you’re talking about a Platonic Form rather than a particular instantiation of the form. (Eg. “I see beauty” vs “I see Beauty”. Or “I want justice!” vs “I want Justice”. I’m pretty sure capitalising the names of countries or races is just a way to say that they’re names. For example if I say “black person” I’m just using black as an adjective, but if I say “Black person” I’m using it as a name.

>> No.21264541

when i was redpilled in 2019 i used to get so frustrated at seeing Black capitalized and white not capitalized in the same text, but then i realized i dont give a shit and if you do you're a faggot

>> No.21264542

German and French are nationalities. Meanwhile black isn't.

>> No.21264544

>Why do Americans love to capitalize the word 'black'?
It's the same reason that many Christians get mad when someone says "oh my God."

>> No.21264545

Same reason we capitalize White, Chinese, Hispanic, British, Iraqi, Texan, Portuguese, Asian, etc. Black is a proper noun/adjective because ethnic descriptors fall under that category.
>This wasn't even a meme before 2020. Any other obnoxious uses of language?
There's plenty of accurate examples of nuspeak that you could be using to troll. Anyway, have your (You), OP.

>> No.21264554

But black is a color. All the things you mentioned are nationalities, regional labels, or linguistic labels. The word black when referring to skin color shouldn't be capitalized. Only Americans and their cronies like Canadians or the Brits worship blacks so much.

>> No.21264556

the british worship negroes instead of god

>> No.21264561

It doesn’t matter what you think about it, the fact is that people use the word “black” as a name rather than an adjective, and they mean to name the Black race rather than just describing the shade of their skin. The Black race (at least in America) is a race with a particular history and culture. When you say black you’re not merely talking about the colour of their skin, you’re also saying they belong to this thing we call the Black race. In cases where you’re JUST trying to talk about the colour, you shouldn’t capitalise black, obviously.

>> No.21264567

From this point forward I propose the following:
Nigger Nigger Nigger

>> No.21264569

To add an example, you could say “Black people have black skin.” In the first usage, you’re talking about the Black race, but in the second usage you’re merely talking about the colour. That’s why you capitalise the first but not the second.

>> No.21264613

If you're describing someone's skin then yes, it would be black. If you're describing someone's race then they would be Black. Same as if someone is White, as opposed to having white skin.
>All the things you mentioned are nationalities, regional labels, or linguistic labels.
Even White? You're splitting hairs when this is how capitalization works in the English language; I take it you're ESL?

>> No.21264615

Little bit of this >>21264536, little bit of liberal arts academics having nothing to do and brilliantly coming up with “Black” being an identity in the US. They ARE trying to get under your skin, but who fucking cares cause they’re all nobodies with nobody careers

>> No.21264619

Burgerlanders are cucks and nigger worshippers. It runs in the anglx blood

>> No.21264654

People were not really forced to capitalize black before the death of that American negro in 2020. It started with the media and academia back them up.

>> No.21264664

It's a misnomer to say black Americans are the only members of the black race. African American is a far more fitting label.

>> No.21264671

>>>or less commonly black
are they fucking kidding

>> No.21264674

Nobody is forced to follow grammar rules, but you look dumb if you don't. It may simply be that you're noticing it more since 2020, but there was any real change on capitalization rules resulting from the 2020 protests.

>> No.21264678

You enjoy whining and complaining. If it weren't this it'd be something else.

>> No.21264680

>but in fact having a wide range of skin colors
Ah, yes, the famous white blacks.

>> No.21264681

Why would that matter? You're denoting a specific group made of a specific demographic in either case.

>> No.21264684

You mean zoomers?

>> No.21264688

Because physical characteristics don't make up a group label. They're not called the Obese, the Female, the Blind, the Short, the Blonde, etc.

>> No.21264691

Those are wiggers.

>> No.21264702

People are not knowing that the reason doesn't have to do with noun denotation, but something about the "black experience" being so important that it needs to be capitalized.

>> No.21264710

I always capitalize Nigger.

>> No.21264714

People capitalize White now. Shut up, idiot.

>> No.21264721

You're a lying faggot.
> It may simply be that you're noticing it more since 2020, but there was any real change on capitalization rules resulting from the 2020 protests.
Fuck you. All these are from 2020, after the American junky died:

The Case for Capitalizing the B in Black - https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/time-to-capitalize-blackand-white/613159/

Why We’re Capitalizing Black - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/05/insider/capitalized-black.html

AP says it will capitalize Black but not white - https://apnews.com/article/entertainment-cultures-race-and-ethnicity-us-news-ap-top-news-7e36c00c5af0436abc09e051261fff1f

You won't gaslight me.

>> No.21264731
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I won't capitalize either word.

>> No.21264745

it's because negroes lack the required IQ to disagree with the pope

>> No.21264853

But in French you don't capitalize ethnicities or nationalities...

>> No.21264869

doubt you're asking in good faith, but it's because a lot of black americans are unaware of their actual "nationality" due to the slave trade. so instead of being Ghanian or Nigerian or whatever, they're Black.

just like you'd capitalize Italian or French or Mexican or whatever

>> No.21264888

Those are African Americans. The word black is not capitalized.
>just like you'd capitalize Italian or French or Mexican or whatever
Those are nationalities, not colors.

>> No.21264892

The most sane person in this thread

>> No.21265093

Colors aren't nouns; Man and Woman are nouns, Dog and Cat are usually nouns, dogs and cats typically aren't nouns, Men and Women usually are nouns, blue isn't a noun. The Dog had a blue collar.

>Why do Americans love to capitalize the word 'black'?
it's because they're white people doing social signalling to each other, nothing moar.

euhgm sfuck

>All capitalisation conventions are essentially arbitrary,
No, if you're referring to a thing and you want to specify it, you capitalize it; it's proper grammar.

The Dog came over to me
I was watching some dogs

It's kind of superfluous but it does help reading comprehension to anchor the reader; a treatise about dogs, for instance, referring to them specifically would use Dog and Dogs.

>I’m pretty sure capitalising the names of countries or races is just a way to say that they’re names.

> For example if I say “black person” I’m just using black as an adjective, but if I say “Black person” I’m using it as a name.
It's more of a slur, to be honest. Referring to Africans as Frizz-Heads is the same thing in that you're using a superficial detail about appearance "as if it 'were' their name".

Even if you were talking specifically about a black Cat or a black Dog, you wouldn't capitalize both [color] and [nomen].

"it's a Black Cat, look Mummy!" wrote down the brat, before squealing in agony as the grammar teacher smashed her face with his giant fist.

i.e. the child is a brat, as it's descriptive; the child isn't 'Brat', because it's not her name. Meanwhile a person may have a title 'of' Grammar Teacher, but it's really a description of duties; teaching grammar.
>“I want justice!” vs “I want Justice”.
(but not just any candy now)
(but it's got to be candy that comes from a cow)

unrelated. i just had to cheer myself up.

>> No.21265101

>so instead of being Ghanian or Nigerian or whateve
In fairness it's very easy to tell by looking at them where they come from. Is this a mystery to people?

>> No.21265121

>The Case for Capitalizing the B in Black - https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/time-to-capitalize-blackand-white/613159/
>Why We’re Capitalizing Black - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/05/insider/capitalized-black.html
>AP says it will capitalize Black but not white - https://apnews.com/article/entertainment-cultures-race-and-ethnicity-us-news-ap-top-news-7e36c00c5af0436abc09e051261fff1f
What a bunch of stupid false-pious cloistered lunacy; these people are literally the Church.

>> No.21265143

Why are regurgitating what you think """society""" thinks when it is just a bunch of socialites you unwittingly worship?

>> No.21265221

That's new? I've always capitalized the N,in fact I tend to capitalize the entire word, often punctuated with multiple exclamation marks e.g., "NIGGERS!!!!"

>> No.21265229

>don't know what their nationality is
>however since they're black they definitely come from Africa
>so instead of referring to them as African-Americans like we used to, we will just call them (((B)))lack
I bet you were really scared when COVID hit. I bet you did everything the government told you to do to "protect and save American lives". I bet you still wear the face diaper, even when you're alone in your car.

>> No.21265236

kek imagine getting this worked up over a nothingburger

>> No.21265289

How does that related to anything said? I can't even see how this narrative would be triggered in your head.

Genuinely curious how you reached this.

>> No.21265306

you are correct that the vatican is evil

>> No.21265458

I fired up a 3d posing app I use to draw and I didn't understand why the model looked so bad. Turns out they had put up a black skin option and if you change it to normal it resets to black every time you start it instead of saving your preference.
Changed my rating from 5 to 1 and I flagged it. Of course it was made by white Americans. I hope your disgusting cuckold country will be completely destroyed in a nuclear holocaust in my lifetime.

>> No.21265484
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Americans worship niggers

>> No.21265956

The problem is that the word "black", in an American context, is ambiguous between referring to a physical description of skin color and the ethnic group formed in America out of descendants of former slaves.

>> No.21265973

The problem is ritual humiliation like that poster said.

>> No.21266002

How do you propose disambiguating between those two senses?

>> No.21266007

The term African American exists.

>> No.21266017

I suppose you're right. Still, isn't the general rule that words referring to ethnic groups are capitalized? And it seems pretty clear that 'black' is sometimes used to refer to that ethnic group rather than just to the physical fact of having dark skin.

>> No.21266022

A better question is: why do so many people refer to "Americans" like they're a single homogeneous body that all thinks and does the same thing?

>> No.21266023

Same reason Hispanic, Latino, Jewish, Desi and Caucasian are capitalized

>> No.21266042

You earned it
African-American was fine for the ethnicity. The point of "Black" is juxtaposing it to uncapitalized white. No source that uses "Black" also capitalizes white. It's just another little act of proud American cuckoldry. Personally I call all brown people niggers as a catch-all and it's never caused a misunderstanding.

>> No.21266059

Enough with the thinly veiled /pol/ threads. How is this literature?

>> No.21266065

'White' isn't really an ethnic group, though, is it?

>> No.21266069

Are all the articles on literature that speak about too many white men etc. not literature related?

>> No.21266073

Neither is "Black", nigger
There are tons of ethnic gr

>> No.21266076

This feels like one of those problems /pol/ children self inflict and constantly think about

>> No.21266079

groups in Africa alone, and they literally eat each other

>> No.21266087

>just ignore discrimination against whites lol

>> No.21266089

But unlike those you mention, black is a physical characteristic (a color). It shouldn't be capitalized.

>> No.21266094

How is the use of written language not literature?

>> No.21266103

Internet articles written by over sensitive children trying to prove how 'woke' they are isn't discrimination, you just have no real problems and have to pretend to have them. No regular person writes like this. It's not a part of advertising or any offical protocol, it's a practices only done my nothings on twitter or grad students excited for their mcdonalds job. This doesn't affect anyone unless they want it to

>> No.21266111

>It's not a part of advertising or any offical protocol
It's part of official style manuals that journalists use. You literally cannot published uncapitalized black.

>> No.21266116

Yes you can, I can print 5000 magazines write now that just say 'nigger' across 40 pages and no one can stop me

>> No.21266117

the pope is behind it all

>> No.21266120

In existing publications, I meant.

>> No.21266124


>> No.21266125

>write now
Somehow I don't you're capable of doing anything more than "farding" and "shidding" and piddling in your pants.

>> No.21266138


>> No.21266143

I don't really care about the discussion and I'm not paying attention or proofreading. This isn't worth my full attention

>> No.21266179

>"This isn't worth my full attention"
>xe said, seething

>> No.21266202

After St. Floyd was martyred, the AP altered their style guide to make black a proper noun.
I think it's fair enough if you're referring to Black culture, but referring to someone who is simply black seems a little silly. In the same way that referring to someone as White would be silly.

>> No.21266205


>> No.21266717

This oldfag unbellyfeels Ingsoc.

>> No.21266747


>> No.21266887


>> No.21266890

"African-American" is, and colloquially the word "black" can refer to that. What ethnic group does "white" colloquially refer to?

>> No.21266897

Dangerously based.

>> No.21266906

>You earned it
I did, me specifically? Or is it the homogeneous body that lives rent free in your head that did?

>> No.21266918

>Americans don't even know what white people are anymore

>> No.21266924

>Americans lack identity that they substituted ethnicity with skin color

>> No.21266930

That's not what I said and you know it.

>> No.21266944

I always capitalized "Black", "White", "Brown", &c. when I was talking about a race of people and I don't see why I shouldn't now either. Because libtards and niggers are saying that I should? I'm not some contrarian and, again, I've been doing this before 2020.
This is a pointless seething thread, please delete it.

>> No.21266946
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That's the ostensible reason, the reason that they point to and use as a cudgel. The real reason of course is that it's a product of the nation-wide hysteria following the death of Floyd. It's also an obedience signal like picrel, if you say it then you get sorted into the "can get promoted" pile at work. And it's a class signal too.

>> No.21267026

>colloquially the word "black" can refer to that
please kill yourself

>> No.21267056

Are you saying "black" is not used colloquially in American English to refer to the American ethnic group formed out of the descendants of former slaves rather than as a simple physical description of skin color?

>> No.21267074

What fucking planet are you on? Of course black is used for everyone of African descent. Americans refer to fresh off the boat Nigerians as black, you twit.

>> No.21267080

Yes, it's AMBIGUOUS between those two senses, like I said above. Depending on context it can mean "person with dark skin" or "member of the above-described ethnic group". Examples of the latter include expressions like "black culture".

>> No.21267087

Bro you're arguing about how many angels can fit on the head of a pin. The ostensible reason is irrelevant. The deeper reason, that it's used as a purity test - that's the important reason.

>> No.21267089

How words are used on a daily basis is a very practical fact. It is not "how many angels can fit on the head of a pin."

>> No.21267094

Same reason American is capitalized.

>> No.21267100

It's bizarre to me that you think that this word was created and is being pushed in good faith. Everything about race relations is a weapon in the culture wars, except for this particular item. This one particular item is reasonable and conforms to the cool rigor of impersonal thought.

>> No.21267103

The use of "black culture" to refer to the culture of the ethnic group in question is a weapon?

>> No.21267104

I remember a time when we were told saying someone is black was considered rude and that we should refer to them as African American (or whichever their nationality was). There was no word on capitalizing black.
Sometimes the world makes me feel 50 years older than I really am.

>> No.21267108

>I remember a time when we were told saying someone is black was considered rude
Yeah same. People would say colored instead because they thought it was more acceptable than black. Then they would get chewed out for not saying african american.

>> No.21267113
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black americans are the final proof that the south was on the "wrong" side, as it were, of the civil war

>> No.21267114

The use of capitalized Black obviously is, and you're being disingenuous if you deny it.

>> No.21267126

Why is it different from capitalizing any other word that's being used to refer to an ethnic group?

>> No.21267128

except black isn't a race and neither is white

>> No.21267129
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I don't know, but I hacked into my brains language processing center and replaced every instance of the word ---- with Nigger. I reprogrammed my mind so efficiently that in fact, that's all I see now.

>> No.21267132

Christ dude. Le hecking reasonable anon. You know that it was created and pushed in the wake of the George Floyd movement, I know that you know that, you know that I know that you know that. My mental image of you is a 21 year old computer science student who reads Hacker News and has an IQ of 120.

>> No.21267138

america is where the border of hell is thinnest, you know this already

>> No.21267158

Linguistics major, actually.

>> No.21267201

You should know better than anyone that language is used in a social context. Capitalized Black is a signal. It's a semiotic sign.

>> No.21267207

I do the opposite. I purposely capitalize White but not black.

>> No.21267219

You probably skipped all the sociolinguistic classes (and that's not a bad thing).

>> No.21267220

American moment

>> No.21267223


>> No.21267228

Not really.
Because black is a color, not an ethnic group. Forcing people to capitalize artificial constructs is textbook prescriptivism. But somehow ebonics is valid and you're le evil prescriptivist if you say is retarded. Libtards have double standards.

>> No.21267239

are ethnic groups not artificial constructs? lmao. this place is so fucking shit now.

>> No.21267247

>are ethnic groups not artificial constructs?
Well, "black" is an artificial construct. It's literally a meme pushed by the media.

>> No.21267256

Hello. Stop drinking juice that makes you retarded. Please drink normal juice, like bug juice(raspberry) or normal fruit juices. Thank you.
>t. Grapefruit juice drinker

>> No.21267260

thank you for avoiding the question.

>> No.21267276

I mean, it correlates with certain political positions, but what word doesn't in modern-day America?

>> No.21267291

It doesn't just correlate. "Folks" and "y'all" correlate. Capitalized Black acts more like an oath of allegiance. If you refuse to take the oath, then you can't serve.

>> No.21267301

I could say the same of any number of right-wing shibboleths.

>> No.21267309

Whataboutism. If I'm telling my friend that he has body odor, he's not supposed to say, "yeah well you forgot my birthday." Like bro you still stink.

>> No.21267323

>You're splitting hairs when this is how capitalization works in the English language
he's reacting to the media doing this, he isn't the one splitting the hairs
>Same reason we capitalize White
>AP says it will capitalize Black but not white
>AT THE COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW, we capitalize Black, and not white, when referring to groups in racial, ethnic, or cultural terms. For many people, Black reflects a shared sense of identity and community. White carries a different set of meanings; capitalizing the word in this context risks following the lead of white supremacists.

i mean
good job on the gaslighting

>> No.21267331

Capitalizing a racial group "White" or "Black" is correct grammar.

That's because they are racist. Don't care.

Based but I was gonna use that Apu

>> No.21267333

Is there an in-group that doesn't have its shibboleths?

>> No.21267334

This anon is entirely right, the only protection against mass brainwash initiatives such as these is unironically to have a very specific form of autism (not the one that makes you a tranny, not the one that makes you love trains, the one that makes you "question" well established ideas)

>> No.21267358

The difference is that using the current liberal shibboleths are mandatory if you want to have a traditional job in communications or media in 2022. /Lit is a forum full of people who would love to have traditional jobs in communication and media. But /lit people also believe that liberal shibboleths like Black and he/him violate their principles. So /lit is understandably bitter about it. It'd be like if you spent your entire life training to become a tennis player, then they told you that you had to kick a dog before you could go on the professional tour.

>> No.21267372

Why, exactly, does capitalizing words referring to ethnic groups go against your values?

>> No.21267384
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We're just being circular at this point dude. Picard didn't care how many lights there were. He cared that the Cardassians were trying to force him to lie. I don't give a shit if some guy believes he's a woman. I care that I'm being forced to call him a woman, even though I believe that's untrue. I don't give a shit if black people are an ethnic group. I care that, if I don't use the capitalized Black, then I won't be able to obtain a job as a journalist.

>> No.21267386

The issue is that kicking a dog doesn't necessarily makes you a bad tennis player, so even if you refuse to participate in such a ritual, it is very likely that the global quality of tennismen remains high.
The sine qua non condition of subscribing to whatever idiotic collection of ideas is currently being forced upon you in order to be successful in writing is in direct contradiction with the necessary condition that you are able to think in order to write well. To write today, or rather to write good books, specifically, you need both of those mutually exclusive attributes.
Obviously that is impossible, that makes contemporary writings necessarily bad.

>> No.21267395

not him but i imagine the current trend of capitalizing Black but not yellow or white or brown or red as evidenced here>>21267323
would in some way violate egalitarian values.

>> No.21267399

Good point. Maybe it'd be like if there were an Explorers Club, but in order to join the club you had to sign a statement that you wouldn't explore certain parts of the map.

>> No.21267414

>I don't give a shit if some guy believes he's a woman. I care that I'm being forced to call him a woman, even though I believe that's untrue.
Category boundaries aren't true or false, they are useful.

>> No.21267416
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Anglos live in such a deranged state of racial paranoia it's not even funny anymore

>> No.21267422

It would be funny if angloids weren't so culturally influential, their mental sickness sadly isn't bound by borders.
They truly are a plague upon the world.

>> No.21267444

Calling a man a woman isn't like calling a whale a fish. When I point at a whale and say "fish", it's still a whale. But I'm expected to point at a man and say, "woman", and then pretend like I believe that that makes him a woman. And I consider that a type of lie, a lie that I'm being forced to make on punishment of losing my beloved job.

>> No.21267451

Did you actually read the essay beyond the first section?

>> No.21267454

Admit it, you wrote the "essay", didn't you?

>> No.21267463

I wish I could write that well. But that's not an answer to my question.

>> No.21267467

He makes an argument from human decency and empathy and "I should accept it just because it will make the hurt man feel better." It's all complete bullshit. If you agree with the statement, "the way that a statement is received matters more than the statement's truth", then you're fucked. The hair splitting about chromosomes and shit like that is a diversionary tactic that smart people use they feel anxious. You intuitively know what a woman is. I know you do. You may not be able to define it exactly, but I know that you know.

>> No.21267474

His whole point is that given that there is no one true set of category boundaries from God's dictionary, humanitarian/utilitarian criteria are also valid grounds for where to draw them depending on your values. For more detailed elaboration on this point see here:

>> No.21267496

damn it's so gay every single day on any single board there must be a thread talks about blcks or some minorities, if blcks magically disappeared from the earth what would you do next? cry all day?

>> No.21267505

Not the original guy, but that whole section about the categorisation of the whale isn't comparable to the categorisation of woman/man for the simple reason that the evolution of the whale's categorisation from fish to mamal came from objective empirical proof that were found between the times when whales were globally accepted as "large fish" to now when they're accepted as mamals.
There is no empirical evidence that the categorisation of woman/man needs to change, nor is the new categorisation globally accepted (which could legitimize it if you consider that categorisations stem from global acceptance and not from factual truth, which again, is debatable)
It is being pushed by a small vocal minority, and it has no ground in reality.
It is the equivalent of a single mad man going back in time to tell king Solomon that whales are, in truth, birds.

>> No.21267524

He also points out that even if the ancient Israelites had known that whales are biologically closer to cows than fish, it wouldn't be wrong of them to still want to have a word for "creatures that live in the sea and we hunt from boats". That's actually not a bad analogy- there's a real biological difference between a trans person and a cis person of the same gender, but there are also social and psychological dimensions along which they're similar.

>> No.21267527

My overall point is that I don't like being coerced. I wouldn't want you to be coerced either. I would never threaten to punish you if you refused to say something that you don't believe. Even if your belief was clearly irrational. I wouldn't force a flat earther to say that the world is round, even though I know his flat earth beliefs are wrong.

>> No.21267532

When was the last time you were arrested for misgendering someone?

>> No.21267548

>it wouldn't be wrong of them to still want to have a word for "creatures that live in the sea and we hunt from boats".
Sure, it was what fish used to mean, now you can question the biological imperative categorisation of fish, which negates the practical use of the term. Perhaps we could have made another word for non mamal marine animals and kept fish as a global word for marine animals, admitted.
Perhaps it could then be a good idea to invent a word that encapsulates both women and men who somehow convinced themselves they are women. That way we could keep the current well established meaning of the word woman and stop erroding its meaning to such an extent that people are actually unable to define it.

>> No.21267552

Ah yes, the classical "this obvious societal movement is non existent because I say so" leftist

>> No.21267554 [DELETED] 


>> No.21267582

But then again, that's not what trans people want, they want to completely fit in with "women", which is obviously a farce.
Then, it is not merely comparable to separating the whale from the fish. Rather, it would be comparable, as I said, to insist on the idea that whales are birds, to such an extent that people are unable to tell what "bird" specifically means despite obviously knowing that whales shouldn't fit in. The meaning of the word fish didn't erode when whales were removed, we still knew what fish meant, and it was clear. The meaning of the word woman erodes when you add men into it, which is exactly why you have politicians stutter when you ask them to define such an elementary word.

>> No.21267583

Now you're just being disengenuous. We're not talking about grifters who make a career out of being conservative contrarians. We're talking about some web designer who works for a fashion company whose boss "suggests" that he should add he/him to his email signature. That kind of thing happens constantly, every day, in every major media and communications industry, and you know it.

>> No.21267621

But I *feel* as though the entire program of white-hatred is projection of feelings of inferiority of non-whites. The reason for the term "white supremacy" is that those two words *feel* so intimately associated in the minds of the obsessed

>> No.21267632

>dancing on the American flag
This nigger bitch is more privileged than her black ancestors and blacks living in Africa today

>> No.21267640

>there is one ethnic group in Africa
Leftoids actually think like this...

>> No.21267684

>victim mentality

>> No.21267744

why are you like this

>> No.21267841

>>there is one ethnic group in Africa
>Leftoids actually think like this...
Uninformed, low-IQ, illiterate retards think that; it is less prevalent but, some leftists are retarded.

>> No.21267879

The two main colored-coded identities that remain in the western culture happen to also be the most embattled ones, suggesting that it's perhaps time to finally do away with both for the greater good, like negro and caucasian largely was.

>> No.21267884


>> No.21267927

When I read this kind of back and forth with leftists and their slimy bad faith arguments I realize how Hitler must've felt when he decided to go with gas chambers. There's truly no other way

>> No.21267936

poor whitey, so oppressed by his own language. The shift key is all the way over there, oh my aching pinky

>> No.21267944
File: 85 KB, 923x895, 7e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I read this kind of back and forth with leftists and their slimy bad faith arguments I realize how Hitler must've felt when he decided to go with gas chambers. There's truly no other way
There's your (you)

>> No.21267947

I'm not American, thank God

>> No.21268076

Yeah in 2020 journalists and academics were writing op eds about how white shouldn’t be capitalized because it’s just a group but Black should be capitalized to highlight generational traumas, black issues, yada yada. It’s obviously just ritual humiliation as it became popular at the same time as the St. Floyd Great Awakening where there were baptisms and idol worship going on in broad daylight. For all the people itt trying to give a grammatical justification for this go look up some culture war news articles and you will see capital B lowercase w. It’s all ideological

>> No.21268215


>> No.21268220

So should we capitalize White and Yellow too?

>> No.21268234

No that would be disingenuous

>> No.21268276

It obviously refers to an ethnic group now, so it gets capitalized. Same reason we say English and not english.

>> No.21268291
File: 28 KB, 467x411, Ben Franklin standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to call blacks Blacks, and bow to them, but you yourself are "just" a white.
No you idioit, it's because whites have the option of actually saying they're Irish Catholics, Anglo-Saxon Protestants, Dutch Knickerbockers (kinda extinct now desu), Ulster-Scots, etc.
"Black" is a term because the descendants of slaves in North America have no fucking clue or way of knowing whether their ancestry is from Igbo or Yoruba or Bengala or whatever. They all got thrown into the pot and mixed together and underwent an ethnogensis which created the Black American, entirely cut off from the actual African ethnic groups his progenitors came from.
A white American can still divide himself into more specific categories reflecting his ethnic background and the associated culture that comes with that (e.g. an Italian-American family in New Jersey is not quite the same in its religion, attitudes, etc. as some stuff Boston Brahmin of Puritan stock over in Boston)

>> No.21268300

>They all got thrown into the pot and mixed together and underwent an ethnogensis which created the Black American
Dios Mio...

>> No.21268304

Black Americans have obviously undergone an ethnogensis in the last 400 years and formed their own unique sort of culture and ways of living. You can hate it and be disgusted by it it or whatever, but it clearly exists.
They are a subcategory of the American culture now, much like how Germans can vary as Swabians or Bavarians or Saxons, we now have Americans who vary such as the Blacks, the WASPs, the Tejanos, the Jews, etc.

>> No.21268313

>But black is a color.
Anon, you'll be surprised to find out that etymologically, many demonyms for nationalities we have these days originate from adjectives too.
The Slavic terms for Germans stems from the word "mute". Using an adjective to denote an ethnic group is not some new-age SJW shit, it's literally as old as recorded history.

>> No.21268321

>ritual humiliation
>is that.... a capital letter!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.21268326

>/pol/tard finds out about ethnogensis today
Buddy how the hell do you think the assorted peoples of Europe were made, they just popped out of the ground like potatoes? Neolithic invaders, Indo-European invaders, Dorian invaders, Celtic invaders, Anglo-Saxon invaders, Slavic invaders, etc. Every corner of the continent (except the Basques I guess) was created by the mixing of various peoples. Even inbred Icelanders are descendants of Irish and British thralls and Norse men.

>> No.21268327

>almost two hundred posts of arguing whether one should use a slightly bigger glyph when writing a common word to appease the delicate sensibilities of brown-skinned people
Angloids are completely deranged and should be put down like rabid dogs before they infect other nations.

>> No.21268331

If you just say you want to look more professional or simply never get around to doing it, you won't get flak for it.

>> No.21268334

F- attempt moshe

>> No.21268340

They have been exporting the concept of 'gender neutral language' for years.

>> No.21268342

Black isn't a nationality or an ethnicity, you could argue that African American is, but not black.
Should you put an uppercase B on black when you refer to sub saharian Africans ?

>> No.21268344

"Angloids" here are simply explaining how their language works to butthurt ESL /pol/schizos who are getting butthurt over a capital letter.
Black Americans are an ethnic group, how can anyone deny this? If you hate using Black so much then don't write in English lmao.

>> No.21268347

I literally never refuted this

>> No.21268351

>1. Are you of Ibero-American origin?
>[ ] Yes
>[ ] No

>2. What is your ethnic background? Mark all that apply.
>[ ] Europic
>[ ] Afric
>[ ] Aboriginal American
>[ ] Asian
>[ ] Oceanic
>[ ] Other

>> No.21268356

>Black isn't a nationality or an ethnicity, you could argue that African American is, but not black.
Why is African American one, but Black isn't? They both refer to the same group of people, one is simply a shorter word. Do you say the Judaic-Americans instead of Jews?
Most demonyms are simple adjectives in their etymological origin. The English are really just the "Fishermen" if you actually trace the roots of the term "English" up the Germanic family tree (it's related to Anglen, the German word for fishing).
>Should you put an uppercase B on black when you refer to sub saharian Africans ?
No because they're not Black Americans, but you would say Africans capitalized for the same reason you say Europeans or Asians.

>> No.21268368

Black American isn't an ethnic group, African American is. Then again you are dishonest, as we're talking about the word "black" not black americans

>> No.21268373

This entire thread is so mind bogglingly stupid. A few media companies writing a few virtue signaling articles is not representative of the entirety of American culture and language.
In reality, the average American doesn't capitalize black, white, or any other word because the average American doesn't give enough of a shit to use the shift key.

>> No.21268391

What you say is nonsensical, black as a word defining skin colour has no regard to specific ethnicities, just like white, it works just as well for black Americans than it does for black Africans, you would both refer to them as "blacks" just like you could refer both to a white American and a white Frenchman as "whites".

Therefore the word black alone should not be capitalized, you can capitalize African American, but the people who capitalize black do it to support ideas of black supremacy, and obviously they do it for all blacks, no matter the origin.
In truth, if a Kenyan emigrates to the US and makes the news, do you think the journalist will use a lowercase black for him because his ethnicity is well defined? Obviously no, and you know it. You're just trying to argue yourself out of your own dishonesty, and that's reprehensible.

>> No.21268394

>Who cares how the people who have reach and power act

>> No.21268410

>Black American isn't an ethnic group, African American is
They both refer to the same fucking people, who cares if it's Black instead of African? As has been said before, do you insist on saying Israelite-American or Hebrew-American instead of simply using Jew? The same ethnic group can be referred to with many different terms, e.g. Germans or Teutons, the Portuguese or the Lusos, the Danish or the Danes, yada yada.
>Then again you are dishonest, as we're talking about the word "black" not black americans
Black is capitalized when referring to the American ethno-cultural group, black is not capitalized when used simply as an adjective.
In German we would of course capitalize black in every situation where it's used as a noun. Are you gonna kvetch about that too?

>> No.21268416

>Therefore the word black alone should not be capitalized
When it's used as an adjective or noun referring to the colour sure, but when you refer to the ethnicity in the US then why not?
> but the people who capitalize black do it to support ideas of black supremacy,
Absurd idea, you are simply paranoid.
>In truth, if a Kenyan emigrates to the US and makes the news, do you think the journalist will use a lowercase black for him because his ethnicity is well defined? Obviously no, and you know it. You're just trying to argue yourself out of your own dishonesty, and that's reprehensible.
Believe it or not, plenty of people do recognize the difference, hence why someone like Aaron McGruder publicly said "Obama is not Black".
Black American is used to describe the descendants of the slaves who lived in the USA. Why is it so triggering for you to have that word be part of the demonym?
Does White Russian and White Ruthenia scare you too?

>> No.21268424

>They both refer to the same fucking people, who cares if it's Black instead of African? As has been said before, do you insist on saying Israelite-American or Hebrew-American instead of simply using Jew
Every Hebrew-American / Israelite-American is a Jew.
Jew is an ethnicity.
First of all, black American isn't even an ethnicity, not every black American is the descendant of a slave, and even for slave descendants, not all of them have been bred out of the ethnicity of their country of origins.
Again, not every black is a black American, so no, black American and black isn't the same thing.
If a Kenyan emigrates to the US, he's not part of your fantasized black American ethnicity.

So again, black shouldn't be capitalized. You're simply trying to justify your own hate/guilt by putting black people on a pedestal and trying to gaslight people into believing it to be logical.

>> No.21268464

>First of all, black American isn't even an ethnicity, not every black American is the descendant of a slave, and even for slave descendants, not all of them have been bred out of the ethnicity of their country of origins.
Yes I am well aware that not all black Americans would be 'Black Americans', same why not every white Russian is a White Russian. As for whatever "pure blooded" ones you might be thinking of, sure you can argue that Gullah people are their own thing too, but they're obviously not actual Yoruba or Igbo after centuries of separation and deviation.
>If a Kenyan emigrates to the US, he's not part of your fantasized black American ethnicity.
Yes, I am aware, see here >>21268416
>You're simply trying to justify your own hate/guilt by putting black people on a pedestal and trying to gaslight people into believing it to be logical.
It's a capital letter not a pedestal you lunatic. There is nothing about this which "glorifies" dark skinned people lmao. Were the Nazis "putting Jews on a pedestal" by capitalizing Jude and Juden? It's simply a quirk of how the language is used in written form, nothing more or less. I also capitalize Anglo-Saxon Protestant or Scots-Irish.

>> No.21268581

Wonderfully said anon. The only missing part is that is done in order to keep extracting money from common people, by lowering their quality standards you get the perfect costumer that would buy anything no mather how bad it is.

>> No.21268669

>the descendants of slaves in North America have no fucking clue or way of knowing whether their ancestry is from Igbo or Yoruba or Bengala or whatever.
>what is a DNA test

>> No.21268691

>Were the Nazis "putting Jews on a pedestal" by capitalizing Jude and Juden?
Of course. The entire point was to draw jews into the light in order to use them as a scapegoat.

You're right about capitalizing black being a somewhat legitimate grammatic development. He's right about the support behind it being astroturfing social activists using it as a vector to shift public opinion around blacks and to goad racist people into revealing their racism.

>> No.21268712

>He's right about the support behind it being astroturfing social activists using it as a vector to shift public opinion around blacks and to goad racist people into revealing their racism.
You have it backwards.

>> No.21268714


>> No.21268718

The spelling "black" is the standard and what most people use. The spelling "Black" is to virtue signal.

>> No.21268742

brush up on your referents.

>> No.21268746


>> No.21268771

...I'm not discussing what most people use, it was a reply to a reply. I'm agreeing with the replier that capitalizing black has a genuine linguistic reasoning behind it, and I agree with the original commenter that the reason why it's being encouraged now is to push a social agenda; e.g. virtue signal.

>> No.21268781

>capitalizing black has a genuine linguistic reasoning behind it
There is no more reason to capitalize black than there is to capitalize male or gay or disabled (all of which you are). Stop trying to post-rationalize retarded idpol-fueled bikeshedding for slacktivists.

>> No.21268830

even a gay and disabled man like myself can be right twice a day anon

>> No.21268846
File: 1.54 MB, 1170x2532, C7DFF57B-4873-4DC4-A62B-AE722F737E60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you you absolute faggot.

>> No.21268852

it's ritual humiliation like that guy said

>> No.21268890

You could make that argument but a better one would be to compare “European American” to “African American”. StIll in English it was not normal to capitalize white or black prior to Summer 2020, which was when the media started positively explaining their new capitalization of black as part of an effort to highlight the importance of black problems in the US. There is no evidence that this was not a political decision, and if it was actually a grammatical decision you would have to explain why only black and not white is being capitalized

>> No.21269468

That is not what I said and you know it. I said that "black" in American usage is ambiguous between a physical description of skin color and describing an American ethnic group formed out of the descendants of former slaves.

>> No.21269495

You said "coercion". People expressing their disagreement with you, or choosing not to publish your words, is not "coercion".
What's wrong with using "woman" for the social category, and using "AFAB" if that's what you actually mean?
What, exactly, goes against your values about indicating explicitly that you are a man, you consider yourself a man, and you wish to be referred to as such?
Because I have questions, obviously.

>> No.21269501

Not misgendering non-binary people! Oh, the horror!

>> No.21269508

As we've been saying this whole thread, in American usage the word "black" is ambiguous between "dark-skinned" and "African-American", e.g. "black culture". The most sensible position would be to capitalize it in the latter sense but not the former sense.

>> No.21269510

>capitalisation of black in this use is now widely established
The sheer gall of these debased Americans.

>> No.21269522

>Were the Nazis "putting Jews on a pedestal" by capitalizing Jude and Juden?
I mostly agree with you, but that's a pretty dumb argument, because in German every noun is capitalized, that's just how German grammar works.

>> No.21269540
File: 1.09 MB, 2434x2110, occupy wall street race war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's part of a continued campaign to drive a wedge between people who should be uniting around tangible economic interests rather than idpol brainworms.

>> No.21269600

>What, exactly, goes against your values about indicating explicitly that you are a man, you consider yourself a man, and you wish to be referred to as such?
>What's wrong with using "woman" for the social category, and using "AFAB" if that's what you actually mean?
>You said "coercion". People expressing their disagreement with you, or choosing not to publish your words, is not "coercion".
>Because I have questions, obviously.

>> No.21269609

Am I not allowed to ask questions? There are contexts in which I may validly wish to clear up what someone actually believes.

>> No.21269620

I will never unite with blacks and gays on anything
Yes, I prefer rootless cosmopolitan bankers to blacks and gays
Cope and seethe
(Of course now that the bankers are pushing this shit anything can happen ;D )

>> No.21269642

Am I not allowed to answer your questions? Look at us two snaggletoothed imps, dancing our eristic tango.

>> No.21269645

You didn't answer any of my questions, you just quoted them.

>> No.21269659

Since when is referring another's answer considered bad manners in an argument?

>> No.21269679

>My overall point is that I don't like being coerced. I wouldn't want you to be coerced either. I would never threaten to punish you if you refused to say something that you don't believe. Even if your belief was clearly irrational. I wouldn't force a flat earther to say that the world is round, even though I know his flat earth beliefs are wrong.
What exactly do you mean by "coercion"? People expressing their disagreement with you or choosing not to publish your words is not "coercion".

>> No.21269704

Now you're just being disengenuous. We're not talking about grifters who make a career out of being conservative contrarians. We're talking about some web designer who works for a fashion company whose boss "suggests" that he should add he/him to his email signature. That kind of thing happens constantly, every day, in every major media and communications industry, and you know it.

>> No.21269719

Again, where is the coercion there?

>> No.21269758

only insightful post so far.

>> No.21269805
File: 2.44 MB, 2560x1600, 1555741101558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice effortpost. Seeing posts like these gives me hope.

>> No.21269876

nothing insightful about that, tranny. white is not capitalized either.

>> No.21269889

they are trying to gaslight people

>> No.21269955


It's not "Anglos", just Americans. In Australia our elites have no independent identity and just cargo cult whatever dumb shit America's ruling class is obsessed with. Hence there were Black Lives Matter rallies here for abos, and they've been trying to meme everyone into using "Blak" as a term to describe them. It's a sick joke.

>> No.21270148

Yes, magic indeed.
Alchemy, where the subject nigger is associated with neg(ativity) is a fundamental negative emphasis fractaclly expressed inside the english language, corresponding to reality.
Ie. 'black' can be seperated into 'b lack,' or 'to be a lack itself,' 'to be lacking X.'
It's like physical, (al)chemical poetry. Because their skin is also, comparitively 'black,' when compared to whites.
Westwardwide, one could view black people as coal, on multiple levels (they are the coal of the species, for they are those without civility, they are the coal of character, for they are the leftover 'burnt' branch of mans ascent, they are the coal of character, color, and semiotic position in human relations) who have repetitively been subject to alchemical experiments. Slavery attempts to turn them into literal gold. Now, the alchemy is more memetic. They are attempting to transmute the semiotic identification of 'black' from the inside out.
And once again, black people are just an effigy, just an arbitrary 'object' for the ritual, their humanity or any mention of it is completely irrelevent. The level of collective humiliation upon black people cannot be beat within our human history, I think, especially because black people don't and probably won't realize what's happened. I think this explains why so many white people feel 'guilt' for blacks - in reality this feeling is more an aggregate of general powerlessness that is inseperable from a selfish projection. Clearly the most empathic thing whites could do for blacks is to treat them seriously, granting them dignity of individuality - the entire 'guilt' aspect is part of the alchemical equation.
I don't know why this is happening. All I know is that what lies at the end is something like 'human instrumentality.'

>> No.21270168

american culture is centered around .......

>> No.21271522


>> No.21271564


>> No.21272411

That would include modern African Immigrants who are obviously culturally different. Black refer to African Descendents of Slavery. Although I think they should use a different term for a self-identifier this isn't a new concept. Hell Mesopotamians called themselves the Black headed ones.

>> No.21272466

>be racist from a small ethnically homogenous eastern european nation
>can easily distinguish khoisan, pygmy, mongols, tutsi, euros, even manchurian chinese from the han chinese with like 90% accuracy
>>>random new worlders cant
lmao even

the fact that you are all so full of shit is obvious when even your prisoners can sort themselves racially in like 1/7th of a nanosecond but you, the educated intellectuals (lol again), cant

nationalities are capitalized because they are nationalities, green and purple and black and other colors arent because they are fucking colors, if you start capitalizing colors you might as well capitalize every fucking word

>> No.21272478 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 668x800, John_Bunyan_by_Thomas_Sadler_1684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>might as well capitalize every fucking word

>> No.21272485
File: 274 KB, 976x1424, Mason_&_Dixon_(1997_1st_ed_jacket_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>might as well capitalize every fucking word

>> No.21272591

the papacy

>> No.21272930


>> No.21272971

Wow a good schizo post that's actually correct.

>> No.21272979

For me, black is short for "brain lack".

>> No.21272997

Go read a newspaper article where both words are used. Even in the same sentence black will be capitalized but white will not be in sentences discussing people of those races.

>> No.21273002


>Look up Yuri Bezmenov

A grifter, never was a KGB agent. Hero tier to midwits.

>> No.21273204

every single thing he said is true even if he made it all up

>> No.21273737

And the ancient Chinese called the common people the 黎首.

>> No.21273954

>he wrote this in three minutes
Kek. Even if a samefag this is impressive.

>> No.21274552
File: 1.87 MB, 1848x1106, 904394390430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anglo moment