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[ERROR] No.2126032 [Reply] [Original]

The good kind of drugs, not Heroin, Cocaine, Meth, etc.

Civilized debate please, this is the one good board left.

>> No.2126034

my opinion is shut up

>> No.2126035

>the one good board left
>be one of the many that ruins it with off-topic bullshit.

>> No.2126038
File: 48 KB, 310x467, Jim (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

William Blake, Aldous Huxley, Friedrich Nietzsche, Lord Byron, Sigmund Freud, Ezra Pound, WH Auden, Charles Bukowski, C.S. Lewis, Yevgeny Zamyatin, Kurt Vonnegut, Edgar Allen Poe, Ray Bradbury, Epicurus, Decartes, Plato, Socrates, Aristoteles, Oscar Wilde, Niccolo Machiavelli, George Carlin (few people of our era I respect), Sun Tzu, Langston Hughes, Albert Camus, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Paul Westerberg, Douglas Adams, Baudelaire...I might be forgeting some here.

Notice I didn't even MENTIONED the copious amount of musicians. Of those, I shall name only five:
>1- James Douglas Morrison.
>2- John Lennon
>3- Jeff Buckley
>4- David Bowie
>5- Nick Cave

Those are my influences, at least the ones who popped in my mind right now.

*Sidenote: Hitler and Stalin influenced my work, but not in the way you think. I'm open to discussion regarding to this theme.
*Sidenote two: this is what I posted in the other thread, I didn't add anything to my post OP.

>> No.2126039

This is a bad thread and you should feel clinically retarded.

>> No.2126042

look, ma, stagolee forgot his trip

>> No.2126043

Since a Hitler and Stalin utopia are pretty much opposites except in the role of authority in the society, did you just mean the existence of utopia, a willing toward utopia? Or do you find a totalitarian society desirable?

>> No.2126045

definition of pseudo intellectual lol

>> No.2126048
File: 113 KB, 361x536, Jim (81).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About the drugs, well...

Mescaline is my favorite one. Good trip, no hangovers, last the right amount of time, and it opens a lot of doors.
LSD is good too, but I avoid it unless I'm looking for something really strong. I took Acid for the first time in 08' and since then I've only taken 7 more times, 2 of which were bad trips.
Shrooms were good at the beginning, but after a while they became obsolete and boring. Not bad for a first trip if you want the most natural way of achieving a higher state of mind. (no pun intended)
Marijuana, well...is probably the best one here if you just want to relax and not have a hardcore journey.

I don't take anything else, since other stuff can be dangerous when it comes to long-term usage. I prefer a "natural" way.
I could specify any further, but I'm blue today.

>> No.2126050

- we have no f idea on how to relate to drugs
- foucault and his writings on lsd

>> No.2126053
File: 59 KB, 324x451, Jim (110).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expressed my opinion about said matter here >>2126013.
Their vision is what fascinates me the most.

Where is this bitterness coming from?

>> No.2126054
File: 66 KB, 500x375, costanza_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that heroin is not one of the good drugs

>> No.2126055

I was actually responding to that, just here- what about their vision fascinates you? Just that they had a, any vision, or something else?

>> No.2126060

There was an experiment run, with rats. They pu one lot in a cage that was pretty shit. In the cage were two bowls of water. One of the bowls had heroin in the water, the other just water. Another groups of rats were put in rat utopia, with the same conditions on the water. The rats in utopia did nt touch the drugged water, the other group didn't touch the water without heroin.

You want pseudo-intellectual? I think a good point to begin this discussion is to list things that we consume that don't drug the body. Meat: steroids. Vegetables: hormones. City air: car fumes, shit, bleach, paint...

>> No.2126070
File: 39 KB, 261x331, Jim (85).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all honesty, is the way they twisted a vision that preceded them.
The Thule Society wasn't anything near to what Nazism later became. Except from the Aryan vision, that Hitler adapted, the extreme evolution of their ideal is what fascinated me the most.
I might be explaining this the wrong way.

See how they were both influenced by other sources before them? Well, they actually APPLIED said influences and changed the world, trying to mold it to their own vision of what they percieved it was right. Utopic societies come and go, but when these 2 political giants put their mind to it they almost made it work.
This, plus the way they saw the world, is what fascinates me the most.
I disagree mostly with the totalitarian system though.

*Sidenote: I apologize for any mistakes I might have made there, I am currently hurrying.

>> No.2126074
File: 27 KB, 244x327, jim (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Utopic visions come and go

>> No.2126076 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 487x373, Amadeus (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't post anything
>criticise the greatest minds of mandkind
>spells pseudo-intellectual wrong

>> No.2126084

>on drugs
as long as you don't become an addict and/or loser due to them and you only use them for good purposes, nothing wrong. Idk how to put this but getting high kinda makes me feel more real.
>on the influences
mostly guys from the romanticism era.

>> No.2126086

i love weed and mushrooms. if i could get pure mdma i would also love that. i currently work in a country where the penalty for any drug outweighs the benefits, but if i was back in the US i would probably smoke weed a few times a week and do mushrooms/mdma once every couple months.

i have tried a lot of other stuff, but they're overall just not for me. i don't like speed stuff like dex or coke or meth. i haven't tried heroin, but i tried oxys and those aren't so great for me either

>> No.2126094
File: 78 KB, 342x501, Jim (48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More real, you say?
Think about it from this perspective: there are billions of animals in this world (I said WORLD). Every single one of them has a different vision of reality...what makes us, humans, so sure that our vision of reality is the correct one? I am not a religious man, far from it. But I am a spiritual being who believes that behind every atom there is a voice whispering "move". Not a god, not a higher form of existance, just something that motivates everything, from small to big, to give everything they have in order to survive.
Opening the doors of perception, is a way of entering that reality, leaving our own behind for a few moments.
Quesions answer other questions, so the only thing we can do with the short time we have is to accumulate the greatest amount of information possible.

I wrote something about life yesterday, my life philosophy per se, but I don't know if the thread is still around.

>> No.2126098
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>> No.2126106
File: 14 KB, 497x501, 1296686386906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. I'm speechless man, what the fuck

>> No.2126111

Good thing it didn't hit you while on drugs. I felt like dying when I discovered that concept.
Only if this was the end...when you think that an answer has been found, there is another question right behind it. Us humans tend to ask more and more, trying to reach a deeper truth.
I'm not an optimistic man, so I'm dubious when it comes to the matter of an ultimate answer. Is there an ultimate answer for everything or not, is my question...

>> No.2126112
File: 50 KB, 400x595, Jim (63).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image, oopsy doodles.

>> No.2126120
File: 16 KB, 320x240, 1300721167247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read what you said on the other thread...about life, and how to live it, etc.
If you are so certain that there is lack of meaning behind everything, why do that? Why accumulate information during a lifetime if you're going to die? This according to your own words.

>> No.2126126

shut up

>> No.2126127
File: 23 KB, 226x308, Jim (64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You completely misunderstood what I said.
That "nothingness" behind everything is the liberator.

Since nothing matters, since this life is brief and painful...since we are nothing in the eyes of the universe, why not to everything we want?

Did you catch the key words there?
The answer isn't "why". Is "why not".
Why not do everything you want, since it won't matter at the end?

>> No.2126129

I smoked a lot of pot and used it as a crutch to have fun, i quit after two years. Some good times but a good deal of time forgotten that I wish i could remember.

Did acid once, 4-8 san francisco drops, did it with four friends and no one including the dealer knew how much each of us got. Crazy, fuckng, shit dawg. Some of the greatest highs and lows ive ever experienced in that twelve hour period. I could talk about that for an hour or so.

Tried DMT, blacked out, dont remember anything, my friends said i just kept asking if anything was happening.

Tried coke, meh.

Now I just drink and smoke cigarettes, smoke weed on very rare occasions. Pretty happy with experiences. Though of trying coke again, or mushrooms

>> No.2126133
File: 50 KB, 379x501, Jim (76).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever tried mescaline?

Mind if I ask for details of the aformentioned acid trip? I'm much curious on other people's experiences with it, since only 2 of my friends tried it with me. Thus, not having a good reference ground. Ccounting only with your own experience is a tad frustrating.

>> No.2126134

All your post: no! An earlier comment about pseudo-intellectual spring to mind.

Have you looked at any physics? I would suggest starting with newtons laws. Then maybe moving onto quantum physics.

In otherwords we were pushed forward at a force, or maybe are being pulled. The question of action or reaction is the most fundamental in physics. Circling electrons can be seen to push other electrons, just as the are pushed by the same electrons.

If you look into the work of the most recent reclient of the Nobel prize for physics. A theses suggesting that the universe is expanding at an ever accelerating rate. This result suggests to me that an opposing force is working with the forces with our universe to create an oscillation of size between the two(or infinity). The only question is on this scale do newtons laws play, for perfect harmony? Or do these incomprehensivly large forces creat friction and are eventually going to come to a standstill

>> No.2126137

Get out and don't come back

>> No.2126146
File: 44 KB, 236x482, Jim (67).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again you missed my point.

I want to know what propels the said propellers. I'm not talking about quantum physics, or any of the other fields that science covers...what makes said circling electrons push other electrons? And what makes that force itself act when in contact with a determinate thing?

I never said that science wasn't the way to go, because it is.
But whoever claimed that science and spiritualism can't go hand in hand is a very ignorant man.

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.2126153

Anyone who uses a Morrison picture to state any sort of opinion or standpoint is automatically refuted on an intellectual level. Mostly awful lyrics, had a narcissistic charisma, created a cliche. The backing band he had was quite alright.

When it pertains to drugs. I remember someone saying something along the lines of, "Many of the great minds that I've read and studied never had to do drugs to do what they did." I sort of go along with that. You don't need drugs to understand the inherent value in everything, which is nothing etc etc. Also have to remember that drugs bend your reality, but that doesn't make one reality more real then the other. Anyone who starts coming on with "theres a better world out there man. hit this." can fuck right off.

That being said. If you want to take it, that's fine. Just get away from me.

>> No.2126156


>what makes said circling electrons push other electrons?


>> No.2126158

Not understanding the work of a man doesn't make said work bad. It just makes the reader narrow minded and dull.
General assumptions, ad hominem...the poor man's debate.
And what makes electronegativity work? I can keep this going all night. I mentioned this before, behind any answer there is another question. We as humans don't have the capacity to understand it all for now.

>> No.2126161
File: 34 KB, 257x386, Jim (68).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic again.

>> No.2126166

I know what you mean, but talking to all of my friends that have done it i think ive gotten a good idea on how to summarize what acid will do to you. Anyway, what happened to me:

me and four friends sitting in a room, all the took the drops. were in my house by ourselves, and plan to walk down the street to the park where there is a concert going on with shit loads of people (its not that cool, mostly old people listening to cover artists playing oldies, with young people in the back doing drugs).

We wait for an hour just chilling smoking weed, and i go outside in my backyard thats pretty big. i walk back to the back door, and have the thought "wouldnt it be cool if on acid i could just imagine things to be, like that puddle covering all of the sidewalk". then BAM, water everywhere. laugh in joy. think "what if my metal ash tray rusts over". BAM, turned to rust. laugh more, run upstairs to friends. they are also beginning to trip. watch this video
laugh hard, laugh real hard.


>> No.2126167


Your talking about something that many /lit/ users probably thought about in 8th grade. "Well there are atoms right, but there has to be something composing those atoms...AND SOMETHING COMPOSING THOSE THINGS.!"

It's a novel thing to think about but not something to pursue realistically. Kant tried to do that on different level. Hegel too.

>> No.2126169

then it really kicks in. we start losing our memories, and our ability to recognize patterns (what i believe acid mainly does to you, along with hallucinations being a side effect of your body not recognizing reality correctly). have your normal acid nonsense conversations. by this time i feel like im wearing an energy suit, have tons of energy, and everything is moving visually. casual hallucinations and what not also.

i leave the room to get some water, see my dog. sit down to pet him, then his fur start moving in waves, so i think hes angry. brother appears outofnowhere, and yells "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING". im terrified and confused. then i stand up oddly, and not really under my control, cup floats up into my hand, and i begin walking backwards into my brothers room. sit down in chair oddly. (it felt like being in a movie and going in reverse). visuals going to black, feeling cold, everything moving slowly. all i can think is "HOLYFUCKIMDYINGHOLYFUCKIMDYING". then before what seems like the very end, i say, wait im on acid, boom, back to reality. forget the incident 5 seconds later.

slowly forget reality outside of the house along with others, so we never leave the house. go downstairs, see my friend travis, for whatever reason say "hey travis, are me and you..". he finishes my sentence "...the same person". jaw drops, look up stairs. my other friends and brother are looking down at us nodding in unison. freak out and run to the back yard.

stare at sunset with travis, peak, and i cant even communicate what i felt. strong bliss and joy amongst nonsense. after that i just returned to reality. couldnt sleep until i blasted funeral march on repeat.

>> No.2126175


>Understanding the mans work
>General Assumptions

Your understanding of his work is based on assumptions. You don't know what he meant. Your point is just as mute. You weren't him, so you can't really say ad ho mien as a counter argument. It's all up to interpretation. You have yours, i have mine.

>> No.2126177
File: 62 KB, 501x292, Jim (42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes the 8th grader's approach is the one to go, for is there any other way to obtain answers? Asking more and more is the best path.

Also, are you implying that these thoughts are recent? I had them during my teen years, yes, but that doesn't make them obsolete. I just developed them, gave them a good shape. You haven't even read half of the things I posted here and you're making general assumptions as for what I think.

Your =/= You're

>> No.2126179

thats the main gist. aside from that were the nonsense conversations, hallucinations, and rule making that made no fucking sense, like thinking that if i stopped walking i was going to die, if i stopped drinking water i was going to die, if i stared into my friends eyes for a long time i would fall into them, etc. these things took up most of the trip

oh yeah, about half through the trip, after the near death experience, i remembered the near death experience and thought that in reality i had really died from over dosing on acid haha, and that the "me" that was thinking this was a figment of my imagination, being used by the dying real me, to cope with death. i then decided that the house was a symbol of my body, and that i couldnt leave.

and a clock told me "hello christopher" instead of the time. that was tight

>> No.2126183
File: 109 KB, 501x688, Jim (62).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great part of his work had a general purpose. You either understand said purpose, and admire it, or you don't and speak ill of it.
Have you ever tried to read his books? And I'm not talking about just reading, but about reading AND understanding.

His points, despite not being very clear, were there. And they were, for the lack of a better word, badass.

Each poet, from each generation is bound to recieve criticism....

>> No.2126184
File: 3 KB, 100x126, 1290992216836s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this guy again

>> No.2126189
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Various factors like atomic radii and atomic mass which is determined by proton and neutron composition.

>> No.2126191


I never said anything an 8th graders way of thinking. I said that you aren't the first, that someone already tried, and i read what you posted. I'm past all of it. It's a waste of my time.

But that is my point of view. I'm not imposing. You can have yours. I just don't see you having much different from what I've already thought about and read about. I just think that way of thinking is part of a journey that reaches a certain enlightenment, not the actual enlightenment itself. You keep saying things like "general assumptions" being in the way of people like me not understanding what you are writing. I could say the same for the phrase, "All animals have a different version of reality".

If you could actually prove they did.

>> No.2126192

Man,i hate Jim Morrison guy already >_<

>> No.2126195

As was stated at the beginning of >>2126134
An initial push, or pull. Just like there ininfinitly large there is infinitely small. Where are we on the scale? Somewhere within the descrepancy/perception of language?

So the future was pulled forward by the past

>> No.2126202
File: 52 KB, 257x388, Jim (69).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have experienced LSD before, as I mentioned. But for what I see each trip is different.

I am laughing, because your twisted vision of reality while high, was similar to mine while on Mescaline. Things out of place, shining with their own light, waves on fur, watery skin, wooden bones and scaly tissue.

Did your trip alter your perception of reality?

That would be like implying that you understand what's going on through my mind. You have seen a small fraction of what you think I think, but never actually reached my level of thinking. Don't infer that I'm calling you stupid, or anything else. I'm just saying that we think very differently. So why waste your time discussing something that escapes your comprehension? I don't blame you actually, very few people understand my ideas. Most of them being my old teachers from college, and so on.

About the animals...a creature with 8 eyes is bound to see the world from a different perspective. It's not general assumption, it's logic. What you are doing, however, IS general assumption, as I described earlier.
That is your, and yours only, problem.

>> No.2126208


I can see why you like Morrison. He "understood" Nietzsche. His professors acknowledged it. He thought himself a special snowflake.

Your still in the minor leagues if you think logic is finite.

>> No.2126214
File: 29 KB, 236x348, Jim (86).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...dear god, is like arguing with the walls. But what is the cause of all this? Of your mentioned push, or pull? What caused the Big Bang, why did all the matter of the universe concentrate on one single point, etc, etc...not even Stephen Hawking has deeper answers. He can only presume, but has no certainty.
Don't you understand that mankind isn't prepared mentally for such copious amount of information? Conscious activity represents only 1/6 of the brain's activity.
Since I am a close friend to Blake's logic, I never said logic is finite. In fact, there isn't a clear pattern.

>> No.2126218

yeah, the next two weeks after the trip i have sporadic panic attacks because i wasnt sure what was real and what wasnt. after that i had an immense amount of bliss that i still have now. its very hard to describe. in general things are just greater, more vivid. my perception on life is also greater. and in certain moments life kind of takes my breath away, and for no real reason either. one example is me walking from my house to the gas station to buy some cigarettes. its 2 in the morning, and i look to my right and stare at some stalks of wheat/weeds, and it just looked fucking beautiful

>> No.2126222

You 8 eyed skewed perception of reality assumes one major thing. That a fly has abstract perception. Or if they do, that their perception of reality is able to take in anything but food. You are assuming that a flys perception is anything but function.

>> No.2126226


Then you are contradicting yourself.

>About the animals...a creature with 8 eyes is bound to see the world from a different perspective. It's not general assumption, it's logic.

But it is general assumption.

>What caused the Big Bang, why did all the matter of the universe concentrate on one single point, etc, etc...not even Stephen Hawking has deeper answers. He can only presume, but has no certainty.

Hmm, yeah well that's pretty well to assume. I would think Stephen Hawkins would like to kn....

>Don't you understand that mankind isn't prepared mentally for such copious amount of information? Conscious activity represents only 1/6 of the brain's activity.

Oh.....never mind.

>> No.2126230

can anyone guess which person in this thread is putting on airs?

>> No.2126231

Walls meet walls. You are assuming that the past is the past. That it isn't actually the future and we are going back in time.

>> No.2126245
File: 49 KB, 501x339, Jim (77).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can relate to that feeling. Mainly because after my first experience with LSD I saw the world from a different perspective.
Lacking of a better expression, is like rebooting your mind. The flashbacks hit you weeks,or months later. You question reality more and more, which is good from my point of view.
The aformentioned flashbacks were probably the closest thing I had to a religious experience...
I am assuming no such thing, re-read what I said.

That is nothing but logical thought. It is, from a human point of view (since you insist upon it) to even THINK that a wolf, a lion, a whale, a jellyfish or an eagle (the most obvious one, if you don't get the reference we are not making any progress here) sees the world from our perspective.

What part of that did you not understand? Too hard?

Time is not fluid. Much like space, time is bound to be bent.
You are missing my points again, and I am being very clear about them. We have the perception of the past in our eyes, fractions of a second, btu still.

As for the rest, I am heading out. If the thread is still alive and on the first 5 pages, I shall reply to further questions. Have a great night.

>> No.2126252
File: 83 KB, 479x601, Jim (82).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is*

>> No.2126253

Let this thread die.

>> No.2126255

permaban doorsguy

>> No.2126256
File: 123 KB, 358x317, 1309303151528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO! Morrison guy has a point, I'm curious.

>> No.2126260
File: 33 KB, 303x401, Jim (90).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art thou rampageous maternal fornicator?

Luckily, I'll be back tonight. If not make a thread monday or so.

>> No.2126264
File: 29 KB, 300x300, 1296349929411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you guys certainly fucked up my thread.

Aren't you able to accept that there are people out there who are superior to you?

Can't you state a fucking opinion without criticising the judgement of others?

A bunch of pseudo-intellectual fags thinking they are smart because they've read some books. Go fuck yourself.

Morrison guy, thanks for he contribution anyways, and for the other ones who contributed without making waves or lifting shitstorms on their way.

>> No.2126287
File: 46 KB, 408x600, 1310166914266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drugs are good if you're looking to change the way you see the world. am saying this cause you never go back to being the guy you were before the trip.

and influences, well, id have to say that charles bukowski is my greatest influence

>> No.2126289


>That is nothing but logical thought. It is, from a human point of view (since you insist upon it) to even THINK that a wolf, a lion, a whale, a jellyfish or an eagle (the most obvious one, if you don't get the reference we are not making any progress here) sees the world from our perspective.

What part of that did you not understand? Too hard?

Logic is not finite. Your perspective is not proven to be real. Your reality does not definitely exist. You need to understand that your logic is your own, as in human, and that human logic is not proven to be definitive.

You seem to be taking this pretty anal retentive and are not capable of abstract thought so i'll give my final nail for today.

>Human point of view since you insist upon it.

No human point of view was insisted upon, you dumb arrogant idiot.

>to even THINK they see the world from our perspective

You have no idea what they see. That was the entire point. Stop dicking around with worthless knowledge

>You are missing my points again, and I am being very clear about them. We have the perception of the past in our eyes, fractions of a second, btu still.

What is your point again? What is our perception of the past? You explained nothing. You have stated no point.

For someone who likes Nietzsche. You obviously have little in the way of actually understanding him.
Nietzsche stated that since all idea's, concepts, and judgements of anything are taken from a particular perspective. There is no way of seeing any particular perspective as true, and yet does not entitle every perspective to be as true as the next. The fact that there as so many possible schemes does not make your vision of whats real any more true then the next mans. If you actually had any point that i can refute. I would, but there is little behind your words to refute. To that, you simply use adhomein like the walking contradiction you are and say no one understands you.

>> No.2126290

Thanks for contributing. OP here.

>> No.2126298
File: 16 KB, 162x162, Salp blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Logic is not finite. Your perspective is not proven to be real. Your reality does not definitely exist. You need to understand that your logic is your own, as in human, and that human logic is not proven to be definitive.

Dude, that was his point all along. Ffs, even I got it and I'm a dumbass when it comes to this kind of stuff.

>> No.2126299


/lit/ is becoming a piece of shit.

>> No.2126306

>Doesn't understand half of the points made
>This must be a piece of shit LOL

>> No.2126310


Did you read the rest of the post? Did you read his posts?

>That is nothing but logical thought.

About the animals...a creature with 8 eyes is bound to see the world from a different perspective. It's not general assumption, it's logic.

If he didn't keep saying shit like this.

>> No.2126316
File: 49 KB, 294x294, 1297041560081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, it's funny because that wasn't what the guy ment at all. You just understood it the wrong way no wonder he insisted so much on that. It got to the point when you became mad and had to call him names to make your point

>> No.2126328


Stop defending him. He couldn't eloquently phrase his point so that i could understand it. Your only supporting my argument.

>You just understood it the wrong way

What is wrong in my way of understanding it?

>> No.2126341
File: 85 KB, 500x333, 1297109725450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not defending him, but his point was very clear. Only a dumbass wouldn't understand it. It's like making a Requiem Lacrimosa out of Obladi Oblada you're complicating too much

>What is wrong in my way of understanding it?
It's just wrong, you can't make 2+2=5

>> No.2126393
File: 48 KB, 424x501, Jim (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am back, for 10 minutes, but I'm back. After this I'll return only on monday.
No wonder Einstein said that human stupidity is infinite...

Like mentioned before, that was my point all along. And it was not that hard to get either, I made it very clear.

Abstract thought you say? You clearly just rant about the first thing that pops in your half-witted mind. If you were to read (not just stare at them) my previous posts, you'd understand that I mentioned abstract thought in quite a few of them.

>Dumb arrogant idiot

Boisterous, aren't we? You were the one who pushed forward to this. I merely said that general assumptions are not needed, so I put forth the proposition of looking at it from a different perspective. You were the one who chose said point of view.


>> No.2126396
File: 37 KB, 380x401, Jim (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear lord, this is like arguing with an inanimate object. Son, I would advise you to look up the word "perspective" in the dictionary. If animals did percieve the world in the same way we do, we'd have a different chain of command in our hands.
I used the animals as an example, and instead of getting the general picture, you insisted upon throwing a tantrum over the aformentioned example.
And the part where I mentioned an eagle...you clearly didn't watch documentaries as a kid, huh? Fact, not general assumption.

Are you HONESTLY going to tell me that you didn't get that one...? The perception of the past...? I was assuming that you KNEW that light reaches our eyes fractions of a second late, thus we are always watching past events. My point was clear if you had half a brain.

How can you actually refute something that escapes your comprehension? You like to claim that you understand Nietzsche, thus assuming that you understand me. Not only you missed Nietzsche's greatest point, but you inffered that a) I was wrong about him; b) I was contradicting myself.
I can tell by the way you, ridiculously, attempt to make your points that you are nothing but the poor man's debator, generally assuming everything, using ad hominem at every turn, missing the easiest cues and claiming to have a superior knowledge, while failing to understand the most basic concepts.

>> No.2126401
File: 20 KB, 201x246, Jim (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out. Good to see SOMEONE understood >>2126341

Cheerio, have a great night.
Wine, my wine
You waited for a long time
The moment when you become mine
And we feast with the finest of the fine

*Sidenote: a fancy way of saying, getting drunk.

>> No.2126412


We are going around in circles.

If we would want to actually debate. We would both assume none of us knew nothing. Wouldn't it be too materialistic of us to think that we actually know anything?

I have no problem with saying i went too far, and i did. I had a hard time understanding the way you phrased it, and i'll take the fall for that one cause i'am not in the mood to argue the semantics of words.

The documentaries i watched as a child were about history, not about nature. I have no interest in what the Eagle sees. I just know that in any real sense it doesn't matter. I cannot prove it's perception in anyway. I do not use the argument of logic because logic is finite and ultimately down with perception. Our argument differs because you were arguing materialistically (Marxian) and i was arguing Idealistically (Kantian).

What put me off most about your posts was stuff like "Only old college professors understand." and in that, i suppose i can read it as "Well, the masses are not ready for the type of information i posses to give." but there are many degrees of assumptions, which is our ultimate argument.

What's most interesting to me now. Did drugs help you get to whatever point you are now, or did you do it without?

>> No.2127072
File: 81 KB, 501x630, Jim (83).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be the first to admit that yesterday I was blue. Not the best of my days, and that probably had a reflection upon the way I spoke.

That being said, I'll be the first to acknowledge that we know nothing. Thus me taking Socrates' sayings to heart. I don't judge...there isn't a standard human being out there, so until we reach that pinnacle, everybody is imperfect with no power to judge. I lost my temper ad might've stepped on that line, which is enough for me the light up unfortunately.

Until we walk in the shoes of others, their perception is nothing but presumable. But this is where we diverge. I put my money on the probability that they percieve this world differently, while you take a seat back and make no bets. Clever, but so far none of us is either right or wrong. As a child, since travelling a lot, I made very few friends and even those were temporary. So the only things that got to me were documentaries of all kind and the written word.
I will admit that Marx influenced me more than Kant, but none of them quite actually sink in. But it's good to see others who can appreciate the difference between both "styles", I can't quite use this logic on daily bases.

>> No.2127073
File: 78 KB, 501x794, Jim (97).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That made me sound like an arrogant prick, and it happens a lot...mainly because I explain that part in the wrong way. I am not declairing that I am superior to others intellectually (although if you and I take a look around that is pretty noticeable), but I am hyper-aware of too many things. Sharing those things with people who aren't aware that they are even there, it's quite overwhelming. My ideas (despite being heavily influenced by other authors just like they were influenced by others before them) are a tad unusual. So I can't quite go to a funeral and say "death means nothing, why the big deal?" without people giving me a distraught look. There are thousands of examples like that one.

Drugs, in all honesty just opened the doors. I walked through them. Most people open said doors and keep them open, but never cross them. I had these inert ideas since I was a laddie. But I couldn't quite put them on paper, or expresse them or even give them a shape that I or others could understand. I was constrained. The ideas were there, I just couldn't reach to them. I took mescaline for my first trip, and afterwards I felt freed. Light, non chained, peaceful and weightless....this allowed me to actually reach into those dormant ideas and give them a mold. In other cases (for what I saw in friends) they just limit themselves to use the trip to escape reality for a few moments...I give the aformentioned trip a good use and instead of, like I said, just open the doors I walk through them.
So did drugs help me get where I am now? They gave me the key, but I opened the lock.

>> No.2127078

why does someone keep posting jim morrison pics.

psuedo nihilist, hipster bull-shit.

be your own god you fucking beta figgit

>> No.2127082
File: 37 KB, 321x401, Jim (87).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even your own idols have idols.
You obviously haven't read anything of what I wrote.

Don't assume that you know how I think.
And this, my phase, is what follows the grieving period of nihilism. This is life. Meaningless, pointless, matterless life.

Also, can't you people make a point without EXCESSIVELY using ad hominem? Why so bitter?

>> No.2127099


You mean life is meaningless in that there is no God to define meaning to life? Or that it is impossible for a person to create meaning in life?

>> No.2127105

fuckin look at all these fuckin words jesus

>> No.2127109
File: 106 KB, 501x676, Jim (117).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I previously mentioned in many of my posts, the only meaning of life is living it.

There is no higher purpose for mankind, there is no god to welcome us when we die, there is nothing for us.

There are two ways a man can deal with this:

>1- Grieve and stop living since it won't matter at all.

or (this is my way)

>2- Live life accepting his size and enjoying the freedom nothingness gives him.

The only "meaning" you can create is by living life the way you want to with the little time you have.

>> No.2127112

christ, you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

if death means nothing then get hit by a bus please

>> No.2127116
File: 16 KB, 242x367, Jim (80).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....oh the angsty teens of today.

>> No.2127120
File: 25 KB, 480x360, Facepalm_vegeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't understand what he's saying
>lolol u must be a fag xD fuck u xD

>> No.2127123
File: 32 KB, 182x402, Jim (96).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, I got used to it. The bigotry isn't a matter that affects me.

>> No.2127128


That's great! You should be a very happy person having realized the freedom you have to live your life how you wish.

>> No.2127131
File: 31 KB, 500x469, lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhh yessssss-s-s-s, it's good to see you again Jim.

>> No.2127133
File: 44 KB, 318x482, Jim (91).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do my best to be blissful. Despite being a depressive man by nature, the little joys of life make me move.
What about you mate? How do you live your life? What is YOUR philosophy?
Have we had the pleasure to exchange words before my friend?

>> No.2127136
File: 102 KB, 640x640, lizard_display.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesss, but we were talking about favorite poetsss.

>> No.2127140


you could make each and every one of your posts using like a quarter as many words

>> No.2127144
File: 57 KB, 288x452, Jim (98).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I recall that thread. It was a good show, which one were yours?

I know, but the modern day English exasperates me. Too slow, too summarized. I am one to look at the big picture, but words is something we should express with most passion.

>> No.2127145

i would recommend mdma or those of you who want to party all night long.

Still have to try salvia, LSD and Mescaline (that jim guy made it sound pretty awesome)

>> No.2127148
File: 407 KB, 1000x1000, quentin-real-life-experience-sos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drugs are bad, that's why they're illegal.

Plus they're disgusting. What's so appealing about getting high and getting blood shot eyes? Nothing. It's absolutely repulsive.

>> No.2127151
File: 43 KB, 501x343, Jim (114).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is my favorite drug. Peyote is a consequenceless LSD, and you get a much clearer perception of reality. Every trip is different, but the doors holding a man's perception are all the same.
I Lshmmfo'd.

>> No.2127152
File: 28 KB, 300x300, ahahajim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2127161
File: 25 KB, 350x525, the-fonz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn Jimanon. I'm once again impressed.

>> No.2127168


I don't really have a philosophy but more of a goal: to re-configure the wiring of my brain to allow for true freedom. That it is, to prevent classical and operant conditioning from limiting my free will. To be able to live without inherited fear.

>> No.2127169

>messing with the natural chemistry of your brain
>"clearer perception of reality"

>> No.2127173


What i took from all of this was actually quite interesting. I could finally say that i'm more an idealist then a materialist for arguments sake. I know that point you are talking about, the actual nihilism in which you accept the entire circus and would rather it stay that way rather then feed a rage. That ultimately "broke" me where there was the short point of being in an extremely depressive climax of solipsism and then a real ease and calm that has stayed since.

I also understand the plight of drugs a bit better now then i did before. For someone like myself, my life experience and mindset never needed drugs and so i was able to achieve without. That doesn't make a person who takes drugs to get there any less. Whatever floats the boat so to speak.

>> No.2127176
File: 97 KB, 501x753, Jim (111).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is my opinion though. Perceptions are subjective.
It took me a while to achieve that....since I was a lad I knew that the conventional way wouldn't fit me. The money was always meaningless, the material possesions were matterless, and the traditional values made me rage.
When Jim said "kill the fater, fuck the mother" he used the Oedipus story to make a clear point.

Read this thread from the beginning and look for a thread about Shamanism on the /x/ archive. I made a solid point about that there. Not in the mood to write it all again, I woke up not a long time ago.

>> No.2127188
File: 20 KB, 350x303, rock-lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am guessing by drugs you meant... hallucinogens and hypnotics. These things are good to me. LSD and mushrooms (especially in higher doses) are my favorites so far, I have yet to try mescaline and peyote, mostly because it is so hard to find where I live. I have talked about doing DMT with some friends but honestly, I am scared. Smoked salvia with a philosophy grad-student roommate a lot (now moved). I've smoked as much weed as anyone else and it's still good to me; sometimes I like to smoke it at the peak of another drug. These things are excellent "disc-cleaners" as Terence Mckenna put it. I was semi-alcoholic for a while, bourbon is the drink of the gods. Can't stand rum for some reason, too sweet or something like that. Vodka is okay.

I think we had many of the same favorite poets, but I would tell you IRL that everything I've read has influenced me. JDM is also one of my favorite poets.

>> No.2127195
File: 723 KB, 1992x1303, Jim (112).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least this had a good effect on you. I have always stated that you can learn something from anybody. From the lowest of the low, to the highest of the high, they all know something (even if meaningless) that you don't. Thus, two trained minds arguing may give birth to something good.
I would love to give this stage of nihilism a name, since I believe that it hasn't been named yet.
Solipsism is a dangerous path, much like nihilism or panminimalism. Not only for what it does to a man, but also because of the descending spiral that life goes on, making it nearly imposible to get out. These points of view are devastating. But once you find a way out of them, life becomes quite delightful.

About the drugs, consider taking some. The non-addictive kind, everybody is constrained at some level. And since we are not buddhists who were trained to meditate since the diaper days, these drugs are the only way we have of achieving their state of mind. Sort of. This is just my advice though.

>> No.2127211
File: 24 KB, 386x275, Jim (109).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear is never a good ally when talking about hallucinogens, since it can (and will) influence the trip heavily. I experienced 7 trips with LSD, as aformentioned, 2 of which were terrible. I felt like I was a part of the non-existance while being the most real thing who ever stepped on this universe. It is an overwhelming (terrible) sensation, and all because I was scared at the beginning. Shrooms don't do the trick for me anymore, I guess my tolerance built up. I'll give it a try in a few years again, but for now it doesn't affect me anymore. Does it work for you my friend?
I have tried DMT just once, but I had to use weed as a catalyst. Maybe the DMT was bad, or I was just not in the mood, who knows.
I ordered some peyote seeds and now I have my own cacti in my house.
Terence Mckenna is a good example, but notice that he only exposed his trips. Like I mentioned before, despite every door holding our perception being the same, each trip is different.
We may diverge on that, I love rum but bourbon is something I drink very rarely. I'm a nutjob for wine.

We can shake hands on that matter, see >>2126038
Almost everything (good) that I read influenced me in some way or another.
But it IS a great feeling to know that others appreciate Morrisons poetry nowadays.

>> No.2127212

if jim morrison had ever met you in real life, he would have killed you and drank your blood for being a pretentious pseudo-intellectual who writes like a homo and doesn't even know how to spell words

>> No.2127213

shut the fuck up "jimanon"
keep your drug addiction to yourself

inb4 some long paragraph talking about how it's not an addiction and some form of spiritual journey

>> No.2127214
File: 40 KB, 481x313, Jim (99).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You again? Feeling threatened, are we?

>> No.2127216
File: 84 KB, 501x699, Jim (113).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said it yourself. Never criticise something before you try it.
Logic 101.
These general assumptions, this excessive use of ad hominem and the way you people express yourselves today...good lord you kids of today.

>> No.2127218
File: 19 KB, 151x191, 1314398829084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's mad lol

>> No.2127222
File: 107 KB, 195x297, 1301443061421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mind fucking off? if a man has a point must you be a bitch and throw a tantrum over it? some of us are interested in what he has to say

>> No.2127223

i dont mean to make enemies but fuck you too, tripfag, and the tripcode you rode in on

your intolerant, anti-drug stance is just as ignorant as the ramblings of this courtly motherfucker who got the shit beat out of him every day in school

>> No.2127225
File: 70 KB, 375x551, Jim (100).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, people like them crossed my path many times before. They feel threatened about something that escapes their comprehension, it's nothing new.
More general assumptions. Do you even know how my school days were? Where I attended school? WHEN I attended school? Childish bigotry is the worst kind.

>> No.2127234
File: 2 KB, 108x126, Arse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's alright man, I just hate these kind of arrogant pricks who think that they own the world

>> No.2127240
File: 31 KB, 248x402, Jim (93).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an excess of them people like that in this world. But it's good to know that they never acomplished anything, so I can put my head to rest on that matter.

>> No.2127243
File: 7 KB, 235x214, images..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just don't understand the potential of the human spirit.

>> No.2127244


you're not helping anyone by advocating acid. it's fucking dangerous. my friend got baker acted after an acid trip because her Id was telling her to kill her sister.(there is a marked split between levels of consciousness which interact in rather hostile ways with each other during a trip, I'm using Freud's terms for them, and the effects aare completely unpredictable). There's nothing 'enlightening' about acid, its just an uncomfortable mindfuck, with potentially detrimental long term results.

>> No.2127250
File: 46 KB, 335x352, fgsds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some people just don't understand the potential of the human spirit.

>> No.2127251
File: 76 KB, 380x648, Jim (116).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying that form a religious point of view or from one similar to this one >>2126094 ?
Start reading from "I am not a religious man".
This is exacly the constrainment that I was talking about. This "why do it" attitude towards life, has held mankind back for thousands of years. It is your choice, but I wouldn't walk on that path even if I was forced to.
Read this thread from the top, maybe you'll understand why I do what I do.

Also, don't assume that I'm an addict or a junkie. I dropped acid 7 times since 2008. Most people who are clinging to acid drop it 7 times in several months.

>> No.2127254
File: 10 KB, 229x220, zep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mob rules. the elite rule. the individual goes down like a lead balloon, tomorrow? when music defined mans struggle.

>> No.2127260


Jim, I wanna be like you when I grow up.

>> No.2127261
File: 14 KB, 460x300, slystone460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One child grows up to be
Somebody that just loves to learn
And another child grows up to be
Somebody you'd just love to burn
Mom loves the both of them
You see it's in the blood
Both kids are good to Mom
"Blood's thicker than mud"
It's a family affair, it's a family affair

I take Sly over Morrison any day of the week.

>> No.2127266


judging by your completely irrelevant response to my post, I can safely say that acid has warped your way of thinking to the point where you cannot even address simple claims/points being made. get some help, you retarded hippie.

>> No.2127267
File: 29 KB, 474x249, 110523-04-lizard.grid-6x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mushroom tolerance should disappear after about a week, I'm not sure... Maybe they were bad shrooms? I grew them over the summer, took them about once a month. However, I did them in bigger doses around 4-5g. They are so expensive and yet very easy to grow - it doesn't make sense. Sometimes though you'll meet a total bro who grows them and isn't looking to make money off them.
My fear of DMT is that I will be completely changed afterwards, which I think is silly because nothing like that has ever happened to me before. I guess it has something to do with being known as one of the most powerful drugs out there and my inexperience with it.
I want to mention that the only drug I have ever been addicted to is tobacco. Have any of you ever struggled with this problem? You get drunk and/or high and you absolutely crave a smoke?

>> No.2127269



>> No.2127271
File: 34 KB, 340x462, jim (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's your choice. I never criticised people who chose The Misfits over The Who.

You missed my point, you felt the need to use ad hominem to make YOUR point (whatever that might be) and of course you are not able of having a civilized discussion. Great tale ol' chap.

>> No.2127275
File: 60 KB, 500x375, frilled-lizard500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why even put them into competition? They're so different in style. I like them both.

>> No.2127277

leave /lit/ forever and go to /sci/ or /mu/ or /b/

>> No.2127284
File: 40 KB, 259x355, Jim (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shrooms were actually good. The trips were amazing, no "hangover" afterwards....
I have a friend here who has all kinds of stuff with him. He sells most of it, rarely uses and since we've known eachother since the high school days he gives me most of the stuff for free. He only charged me twice, come to think of it.
I had a similar fear when trying LSD for the first time. I though I'd never be the same, or that I would do something stupid. The secret my friend, is to relax. Meditate, put some zen music on the background, incese and so on.
This will clear your fear if you do it right.

About tobacco....I can't. I can not get addicted and believe me I have smoked more than enough to become an addict. I don't know why, but I get those out of my system pretty quick. Never felt the NEED to do it.

>> No.2127285
File: 47 KB, 639x360, oh_he_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2127286

have you ever tried reading while on a trip?

>> No.2127292
File: 13 KB, 294x304, jim (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, that is one of the greatest feelings a man can experience.
I read The Book of Los for the first time while on a Mescaline trip. It was the first thing I have ever read while on an altered state of mind. Afterwards it became something delightful to do.
I completed Atlas Shrugged while high and many other books were devoured in such voyage.

>> No.2127295

I hate Atlas Shrugged

>> No.2127296


>there is a marked split between levels of consciousness which interact in rather hostile ways with each other during a trip

This is absolutely true. Through this process, acid has the potential to annihilate every conviction, desire, and goal that you have worked your whole life towards internalizing. The dissolution of one's ego is not "perceiving reality", it is premature death. You will become a shell of yourself, deluded and lost. Dont do it.

>> No.2127299

I snorted some heroin for a couple days once. Amazing feel, leaves you fucked up though. I needed a full two weeks to get over it glad I flushed the remainder. I was doing push-ups on the floor of the office at work at night cuz the muscle pain was fucking unbearable. It's like this really low pain around the whole of your body and you gotta work out or you'll go crazy.

>> No.2127303
File: 56 KB, 672x500, Jim (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. I respect it though, despite me wasting 3 days reading it. But tastes are subjective. Most people hate Charles Bukowski, but I admire the man.

Do I seriously have to make my point from the beginning again...? Will you just please read this thread, so I don't was anymore of my time explaining why these "values" that you take to heart so deeply mean nothing...?

>> No.2127307


>my time explaining why these "values" that you take to heart so deeply mean nothing

you just proved my point.

get help now, it will take years to revert the damage acid has done to you.

>> No.2127318
File: 74 KB, 418x528, Jim (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just proved mine.
You are so soaked up in that concept that you learned from your parents, teachers, friends that you can't think for yourself and consider everything that is out of place to be damaged.

You understand nothing. Your coffin will be tainted with regret and a feeling of waste.

>> No.2127325




leave it be...he's way past that point.
i'm not even sorry for him

leave it be. the man is gone for good.

>> No.2127326

....how are you still alive?

>> No.2127329

OP what's your favorite song by The Doors? If you had to pick just one.

>> No.2127334
File: 100 KB, 501x553, Jim (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet you are still to refute my points.
You can not refute what you can not understand. I DO feel sorry for you people, who know nothing of what surrounds you. So go, work yourself off, get tired for nothing, kick and scream in the name of a cause that is not yours and try to get some placer out of it...but you will not be able to do such thing, sheep.

I often question myself about the same. Good thing I am, because I enjoy life. And I will enjoy it til the day I die.

Not OP, but if I had to pick I'd choose The End followed very closely by The Celebration of the Lizard.

>> No.2127335

if you people have to do drugs, do something which won't leave you batshit insane.

buy an 8-ball of white devil once or twice a year with a girl and have her snort lines off your boner...that's something which carries relatively little risk.

>> No.2127340
File: 67 KB, 403x501, Jim (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been there, done that. It is a special feeling, but nothing resembles the opening of the doors. And that crap will certainly not do that.

>> No.2127344
File: 38 KB, 958x785, 1302402442338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When Jim said "kill the fater, fuck the mother" he used the Oedipus story to make a clear point.

What do you mean?

>> No.2127345

> if you people have to do drugs, do something which won't leave you batshit insane.

talking about popular recreational drugs as if they pose a significant risk of leaving you 'batshit insane' is a great way to prove you are gullible and don't know what you're talking about. Drugs do not make people insane. Insanity makes people insane.

>> No.2127348

>citing Nietzsche and accusing people of ad hominem in the same post

good grief

>> No.2127349

ride the snake to /b/ please

you literally make me want to smash all my doors cd's

>> No.2127356
File: 91 KB, 365x826, Jim (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can killing your father, and fucking your mother can possibly symbolize? The father, representing the harsh hand of the parental relationship...the mother, the softer, transactional part of aformentioned relationship...getting rid of the father, embracing the mother.
It is not that hard.

Fraternal haft.

Boisterous, aren't we?

>> No.2127358
File: 32 KB, 413x395, 1309988582187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when you do this. Explaining thing in halves, expecting us to reach a conclusion on our own.

>> No.2127361
File: 58 KB, 501x338, Jim (104).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am merely alluring people to think. It is a good way of doing so, am I right or am I right?

>> No.2127367


(to delete this thread and ban this samefagging charlatan)

>> No.2127368
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It is lol. I love that picture the dude and the hobos. All of them are dead by now

>> No.2127374


Freud's Oedipus complex but this is adapting it to some guys lyrics as if he was meaning to kill the harsh way of interpreting the world and embracing the softer side, to see it as is. I don't buy it.

Rock stars aren't poets. This idol worship is replacing one thing for another.If your going to go all the way. Kill your idols as well. Anyone in this thread who requires someone to guide them to some sort of thought is as easy lead out the promise land the very same way. Think for yourselves.

>> No.2127375
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Art thou rampageous maternal fornicator?

Never thought about that. I suddenly realized that 95% of the people I admire are dead. Worshiping ashes...

>> No.2127380

I once took LSD without really knowing much about it, simply because so many successful people of all varieties have taken it described it as being an important experience. After that I really became interested is psychedelics, and drugs in general. I am on a half hearted quest to try (almost) everything, including heroin, but probably not meth simply because stimulants don't interest me that much and I've heard it's not even a particularly good one.

I don't know why anyone would abstain from drugs. I don't know why anyone would willingly abstain from anything, really. I think in most cases it seems to be an echo of historical puritanical tendencies (e.g. they believe there is something to be said about never using drugs: they want to keep their body 'virginal' or 'pure') or else they simply over estimate the dangers of drugs. I think maybe the only way abstinence might make sense is if you really wanted to carry out a hardcore ascetic lifestyle. Then I guess you really could say something like 'I don't need drugs' and not invite eye rolls and murmurs of 'but you do need WoW and coca cola, apparently.' I find the way drugs are treated and talked about, today and historically, to be almost as fascinating as the drugs themselves.

>> No.2127386
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We can walk to the edge of the universe and the only thing we'll see is footprints.

No man tries to forge his own path, he merely tries to emulate the path of his idols in his own way...
I encourage everyone to think for themselves, in fact, that was one of the underlined points of most of my posts on this thread.
Do I believe in a unique path? I do, that's what I'm doing here. But some of the stones that built the said path, are coming from other places, if you know what I mean.

Rock stars aren't poets. But some poets, may BE rock rock stars.

>> No.2127397
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I am a man who can add much to everything. But the way you put drugs in perspective, well...I couldn't have said it better myself standing where I stand right now.

How old were you when you reach that conclusion? That "perfection" isn't the way to go, but rather "destruction" of the traditional values that helped this world become this cesspool.

>> No.2127398

> this is the one good board left.

this board is shit

>> No.2127404


"I can make the earth stop in
its tracks. I made the
blue cars go away.

I can make myself invisible or small.
I can become gigantic & reach the
farthest things. I can change
the course of nature.
I can place myself anywhere in
space or time.
I can summon the dead.
I can perceive events on other worlds,
in my deepest inner mind,
& in the minds of others.

I can

I am"

-Jim Morrison Poetry

Come on dude. It schlocky. The metaphors and allegories are simple, prose lame, and topic cheesy.

>> No.2127405
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>most cultured and sophisticated board on 4chan
>this board is shit

you have no class.

>> No.2127406

fucking sage.

>> No.2127409
File: 56 KB, 361x501, Jim (106).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is your opinion.
You judge a man's entire work by something you googled a few seconds ago...?

By that logic we should all criticise Blake for being too direct, or T.S. Eliot for being too influenced by his feelings.

>> No.2127410
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Desperate samefag lol

>> No.2127424
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What made you talk the way you do? This whole "traditional" way of saying things.

>> No.2127434
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I read a lot when I was a laddie. Maybe that influenced me, who knows. Fun that you should ask that, since most people comment on my way of talking.

>> No.2127438 [DELETED] 


>> No.2127440
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>> No.2127449
File: 21 KB, 393x357, Jim (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good grief I love Black Cat White Cat.
Probably one of my favorite movies, I didn't acknowledge that people here actually KNEW the film.

>> No.2127450 [DELETED] 


>> No.2127459


Yeah it's a good movie. I don't see what's there to love tho. As a eastern european-fag I feel sad when I watch it. I moved countries recently.

>> No.2127460
File: 8 KB, 268x207, Really dude....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U mad?

>> No.2127467


Also if you liked Black Cat White Cat watch this one.


>> No.2127473 [DELETED] 


>> No.2127472 [DELETED] 
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>that feel when favorite director/film is eastern-european

>> No.2127477
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I travelled a lot after college. Eastern Europe, for some reason, was one of my destinations.
I love the optimistic way they paint that kind of society. Most people I met from that area were always blissful and had a lay-back attitude.
Whoever can live his life in that fashion is bound to recieve adulations from my side.

I will watch it when I find a chance to do so.
I saw many movies by Kusturica. I have a thing for Underground cinema (no pun intended).
Arizona Dreams or Time of the Gypsies were both great, and I mentioned Underground earlier.

>> No.2127480
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>> No.2127486 [DELETED] 


>> No.2127492
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>> No.2127499 [DELETED] 


>> No.2127502
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I have to go, keep doing this by yourself

>> No.2127503
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I noticed that too lol
That he googled "jim morrison poetry" and clicked the first result

>> No.2127506
File: 33 KB, 265x400, Jim (118).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the problem with most people these days...they just "google" random crap and expect to understand a man's work based on the first 5 results.
Call me old-fashioned, but I still buy my books.

>> No.2127510
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Hey man, I buy my books too only on desperate cases I try to download them
There are some rare ones that I can't find anywhere so the internet is my only way out

>> No.2127517
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Don't mistake me, I never said the internet wasn't useful, since I take the same approach towards literature.
But I resent those who make their lives depend on it. Books, music, movies, etc...a man's life epitomized in an article on wikipedia. And everyone takes it as a valid source.

Thus this generation of kids being numbnutts, there is so much information out there that the good one gets confused with the bad one.

>> No.2127529

I get what youre saying they made it all too simple
People aren't even trying anymore it's all too easy and comfortable

>> No.2127532

Did not read other replies.

I think drugs are necessary to read some books, which I only really realized after the fact (i.e. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Magus, The Illuminatus! Trilogy, etc.). If I was smoking pot while reading those books, I think they would've been more enjoyable and that I would've gotten the author's message better. I honestly believe these authors wrote these books with the assumption that their readers would be high.

>> No.2127535

>Not a good kind of drug

Not everyone that does it automatically turns into a crackhead junkie, despite what the media tells you.

>> No.2127536
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Exactly. People before could excell in their particular fields, but today...there isn't that much competition, but no matter how talented and skilled you are, the mediocre shall always outnumber you.

Well, that's that for today. I spent more than enough time on the internet this weekend, at least too much for me. I'll be back in a few weeks, keep the /lit/ rolling mates.
Good luck for your future endeavours.

>> No.2127538
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lol'd cause i was thinking about that. many books or songs give the impression that they were made to be enjoyed while on an altered state of mind
take care Jimanon, was great talking to you today

>> No.2127541
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cocaine is addictive bro. it'll fuck you up if you don't know when to stop

>> No.2127547


you might turn into bret easton ellis, which isn't exactly better

>> No.2127640
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>> No.2127672


But heroin *is* a good drug

I rather like poppy tea, also.

Influences: Lord Byron, Aleister Crowley, Percy Shelley, Edgar Allen Poe, Oscar Wilde, Carl Jung, Baudelaire, Berkeley

>> No.2127744
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It's addictive, the hangover is terrible and so on...not a good drug.
I bet Jimanon would've loved Aleister Crowley

>> No.2127746

I'm addicted to drugs and it doesn't inspire my writing for shit.

>> No.2127748

how the fuck can inspire your work if you're addicted? you have to have a good relationship with drugs to be able to canalize that into good stuff, not an addiction

>> No.2127750

>It's addictive, the hangover is terrible

Same can be said for alcohol, but I consider that a good drug too.

Of course, my definition of "good drug" relates to the powerful and profound nature of its effect, not its mediocrity.

>> No.2127754
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I think what OP ment by "good" drugs was the trip. Heroin does jackshit for you, it alters your state of mind but the trip is awful, the hangover is the worst after the crack one like that wasn't enough it's addictive.
My opinion though

>> No.2127758


It helped for a period of time. Now I just get high and end up here for hours.

>> No.2127766


A lot of artists and writers do great work on opiates. That it doesn't cause visual/auditory hallucinations is a good thing. Plus, with my busy schedule (get up at 4:45, work 6-9, university 10-1, work 2-5, homework 5:30-7, gym 7-8, online classes 8-9. bed, repeat) opiate abuse is the only thing that keeps me sane during the work week.

>> No.2127773

Anyone in 2011 who doesn't do drugs is an idiot and can't be creative.

>> No.2127774

Hate them all. Alcohol, coke, caffeine. All.

I'd say Emily Dickinson.

>> No.2127779


What about the opioid endorphins released during strenuous activity? Or the oxytocin, the same chemical as is released when you take MDMA, when you kiss someone you like?

Your brain runs on drugs. Modulating them by way of a substance is nothing more than mastering the mind.

>> No.2127788

But not hardcore opiates, amirite?

>> No.2127791


if we met irl we'd both be destroyed in an explosion of pure eneergy

>> No.2127794


I used to take about 12 Vicodin a day, in a cold water extraction, until it got too expensive. Now I mostly stick to smoking tar, or when I can't find any, poppy tea. I abstain on weekends and one week a month. I'm probably classified as an addict, but I figure as long as it doesn't eat too much of my wallet or my health, it's not too terrible.

>> No.2127795


Some drugs do release natural neurotransmitters but the huge amounts of serotonin from MDMA and dopamine from amphetamine and opiates can be neurotoxic.

>> No.2127796 [DELETED] 
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I'm not a drug user at all, however I don't think the government can, or should try to, stop people from taking them. It's a victimless crime and it's a shame people are imprisoned for using drugs.

I think humans have an innate drive to alter their consciousness. Banning cannabis is ridiculous, especially for medicinal uses where it can be the best treatment for illnesses like glaucoma or helping people undergoing chemotherapy to digest food.

>> No.2127797

/mu/ here
>paul westerberg
>not a musician
nigga you dumb as fuck

>> No.2127798

That's not scientifically valid, or at best questionable

Also, all you've said is essentially that the two differ in degree.

>> No.2127800

are you honestly gonna say that paul westerberg's work as a musician overlapped his work as a writter? he had to put him on one category, nigga you dumb as fuck

>> No.2127802


Do you go through withdrawal when you stop?

>> No.2127805

just read The Doors of Perception and you'll get an idea of why people do that

>> No.2127806

I get some toward the end of the week if I don't have any. Achy, feeling weak, high blood pressure, just generally feeling like crap, etc. I used to be pretty sickly and got godly pneumonia a couple times a year, so it isn't nearly as bad in comparison. If it is especially bad, I have some kratom tincture that helps.

>> No.2127807


Neurotoxicity is real. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/neurotoxicity/neurotoxicity.htm

It's true that it isn't certain whether large amounts of those neurotransmitters actually kill receptors or if the receptors just retreat or become desensitized. They can break down into free radicals which can cause cells to kill themselves.

>> No.2127811


I used to take a good dose of kratom everyday. That stuff is no joke.

>> No.2127818


Huxley's The Island features a society where everyone trips once a year. I think that's the perfect frequency to do that.

psilocybin is finally being taken seriously:


>> No.2127820

I loved that man's way of seeing trips and drugs, so useful IMO

>> No.2127825

This movie is the reason why I tried drugs for the first time.

I said "well, why the fuck not?"
After reading a shit ton of books about LSD and other hallucinogens, I finally tried it and I love it

>> No.2127826

isn't there a book about that film?

>> No.2127832

it's the other way around sorry

>> No.2127839


I'm pretty sure it's more of a novelization of a script.

>> No.2127849

someone must've written a book about chris

>> No.2127852

>anon eats drugs
>is visited by jim morrison
>extreme close up!
>everyone gets trolled


>> No.2127871


>> No.2127914

why this thread be alive still?

>> No.2127944


said the faggot as he gave the thread another bump

>> No.2127948
File: 332 KB, 633x468, 1294350383830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

also this, what the fuck?

>> No.2127983

this body this body holding me be my reminder here that i am not alone in

>> No.2128857
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>> No.2128861

Why do we /lit/ people hate anime? Gimme a solid reason

>> No.2128904

ITT: One desperate pseudo-intellectual idealist avatarfag

>> No.2128913
File: 18 KB, 215x215, 1317074946552 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He mad

>> No.2128918

somepeople in this thread are so fucking ignorant and intolerant

>> No.2129601

drugs are good. most of them atleast.

my biggest influence....i'd have to say lord byron

>> No.2129621
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>not a good drug

>> No.2129638

how is it an addictive, distructive, degenerative drug good? not to talk about the shitty trip

>> No.2129648

>never done heroin

>> No.2129668

i have DONE heroin before i just hate it, took me 8 months to get that filth out of me

>> No.2129953 [DELETED] 
