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/lit/ - Literature

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21257895 No.21257895 [Reply] [Original]

ideal comeback to this?

>> No.21257901

call him aesop

>> No.21257905

I like Plato

>> No.21257917

He’s giving you advice to keep reading Plato to become an intellectual obviously. The only thing to “come back” to is your book, and stop fraternizing with colored folk.

>> No.21258019


>> No.21258029

>colored folk
We call them niggers round here, mister.

>> No.21258090

Autists are terrible at reading social interaction. Black dude was encouraging the guy in a fun way

>> No.21258096


>> No.21258133

The appropriate answer is to laugh and tell him that was a good one.

>> No.21258137

Yakub posting.

>> No.21258141

I always answer
>N-no... you!
It never fails.

>> No.21258325

>are you an intellectual
people don't talk like this. 4chan larpers are worse than doujin writers

>> No.21258339

This. OP is autistic

>> No.21258397

i haven't read a doujin in a while thanks for reminding me, time for some paizuri

>> No.21258413

that he's not even reading

>> No.21258426

>ideal comeback to this?
I dont need my cum back, you can keep it

>> No.21258429

The best comeback is done retroactively. When he asks his question you don't even answer.

>> No.21258438

That's very funny, even though I disagree. A comeback isn't necessary. Gottems are for normal people.
No "we" don't. You /pol/-plague bearers do.

>> No.21258445

this actually

>> No.21258462

le pol boogeyman, the word nigger existed before pol you fag

>> No.21258463

It's best not to fret about charismatic chads "one stranger to another" statements like these. I've found they're usually just trying to maintain their vibe so they're randomly talking to people. Content of statements doesn't matter as much as overall positive outcome.

>> No.21258466
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it happened on a subway. last time i rode the subway a guy started stomping his feet and yelling "holy sharkys" and on the ride back a guy angrily asked me if the next station had a place for him to charge his phone or if they were all racists. any dialog is believable on the subway.

>> No.21258471

he should have answered his question with yes. i am indeed an intellectual

>> No.21258486

Yea, obviously moron. The point is people who use it, and encourage its use are better suited to the kinds of braindead, circle-jerk conversations which take place on /pol/.

Yea, boogeyman is a good word for it. The way you people shit up every board is just as horrifying as any boogeyman.

>> No.21258493

You are weak as a person

>> No.21258501

Wickedness is weakness, you filth. Clean yourself up.

>> No.21258505

This underage offtopic shitpost isnt discussing any specific literature.

>> No.21258508

It sounds like he was curious about you or your book and wanted to chat about it. Black people tend to be more extroverted, I think it's normal for someone to be slightly suspicious of sudden interaction with a stranger. That can easily lead to feeling someone is making fun of you.

I don't think anyone was being insulted. Wouldn't you look twice if you saw a person reading an old Loeb volume in Greek?

>> No.21258528

I agree with >>21258493.

>> No.21258546

Man I honestly appreciate you being the lone voice of reason and all that but it's just a word. Blowing it up into some emotional over the top thing like "horrifying" makes you sound histrionic. Especially when you're in a group of guys like on 4chan, sounding histrionic just makes your case seem pathetic, even if you're right. People will be too embarrassed by your emotional display to consider your argument's merits. Sorry if this is rude. You seem like a good guy

>> No.21258547
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> No "we" don't.
Opinions differ

>> No.21258567
File: 38 KB, 480x639, 597C4969-74D1-4113-B02A-60B7E07C1D0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the most famous piece of writing that /lit/ has ever produced tho

>> No.21258571


>> No.21258575

Figures /lit/ would focus on the black guy

>> No.21258601

I couldn't less for your opinions. I will, at every opportunity, ridicule, shame, embarrass, and marginalize every single unabashed racist who comes along. ESPECIALLY anti-Semites, just as they try and do on each every board every day to those they dislike. I will never let them express their sentiments unopposed, and you twisted, puerile fools can whine all you like -you can hurl epithet in your small vocabularies; it won't make any difference. I'll shame you time and time again. I'll remind you of what you already know in your wretched souls: you are evil, twisted, and wicked souls. You haven't even slightest claim to greatness or superiority over any man. You are slaves to your own wickedness.

I don't need council or apologetics. I don't regret a single word. I chose the words I wanted to say. These men are pitiful living failures. And, no, it's not "just a word." Words have power. No need for apologies, you said what thought, and so have I.

>> No.21258607

That's not even close. You're dreaming. Even the Katie thread is way more famous, not to mention the pigs and oats thread.

>> No.21258622

It sounds a bit like you're trying to convince yourself. Nobody is watching you, nobody is keeping track of your development. It's ok to have doubts. Those thoughts that seem dark and evil to you right now may turn out to be true.

>> No.21258627

>you sound like you're trying to convince yourself
Right back at you. Clean yourself up.

>> No.21258636

No, I've accepted my shadow

>> No.21258642

Then you've proved my point - you are weak.

>> No.21258646

This autist post this shit all the time. It's a seething non white insecure about his middling intellect, angry that whites don't respect him

>> No.21258648

nah I use /v/ all the time and that is undoubtedly the most commonly posted, although not always associated with /lit/. if someone mentions /lit/ by name though someone usually posts the katie thread or the thread about the short story with 4000 uses of the word nigger or whatever it was
the oats thing is mostly dead now

>> No.21258651

Nice fairy tale.

>> No.21258653

Why are you attempting to hurt me?

>> No.21258655

>begins with "nah"
>thinks he's proven something

>> No.21258660

This thread went to shit fast

>> No.21258667

>I couldn't less for your opinions
The fact you write that only to proceed with a long sperg is why I wrote that I agree with >>21258528. You're a very weak person.

>> No.21258668

The fragile non white has a meltdown

>> No.21258683

Would a non-autistic person even be reading fucking Plato on public transit anyway.

>> No.21258694

>cool random guy I just met on the subway
>I'm going to get back to my book now

>> No.21258696

It isn't that I'd like to hurt you, rather that I'd love to wake every ideological sleeper up from his slumber, especially when those ideologies divide and weaken society. In this case, to the reality that magnanimity is strength. Love is expansive. Hatred is contractive. Righteousness should be sought for, and that it takes far greater power of self-mastery to be a gracious and loving man than a hate-embittered critical one.

I admit, in my rage today, I've disregarded your feelings, and those of the others, embodying towards you all that which I'm decrying. That is wrong. I apologize, and thank you for reminding me that though this forum is anonymous and often detached in tone, these conversations are still personal and not merely a vague ideological battle. I'm sorry.

>> No.21258701

There's no point reiterating it. It isn't as though I'd accept your opinion on the matter. My own opinion of myself is supreme in my eyes, but even so >>21258696 applies to you as well.

>> No.21258704

My point is that it seems like you're the sleeper. You're close to wakefulness but still sleeping. You're in a dream right now

>> No.21258708

And what dream would that be?

>> No.21258729

from an entirely detached point of view, after having considered your arguments, I have decided that you are both a nigger and a fag

>> No.21258745

If you really thought that was worth posting, you're probably too young to be here.

>> No.21258758

Only autists think that reading on public transit is this weird thing that makes you a social pariah, or that anyone on public transit gives two shits what you're even doing

>> No.21258771

I don't mean what people think about you. On public transit you always have to be waiting to see how much time you have left before you stop, checking time and everything and I can't imagine trying to devote your mental faculties to something as abstract and dense as Plato on top of all of that.

It's like trying to watch a fucking opera on a 240p video on your smartphone on a plane.

>> No.21258775

It depends. I would think there was a strong chance autism was present if someone was reading the 5 lb Hackett on public transit. I would think course work would be individual dialogues but i would also take into account the reader’s appearance

>> No.21258780

>everyone who is says nigger must be a mexican LARPing as a Nazi
Very bigoted/ignorant. Check your privilege.

>> No.21258783

>people don't talk like this.
What's so unrealistic about that? I was at the corner store one time and this dude just looked at me and said, "you look smart. What's the square-root of [some number]" and then I said I'm good at math but mental math is not my forte and he was like "yeah yeah, I know, you look like you enjoy that kind of stuff".
I still don't know why he decided I was a genius but it happens apparently. Just go outside.

>> No.21258845

and then everyone clapped

>> No.21258871

yeah you're a real superior poster bro

>> No.21258875

I appreciated this post

>> No.21259007

ask him what he believes an intellectual should read
he would either freeze up or give you a bullshit answer
proceed to lol and maybe even lmao

>> No.21259017

>keeps sperging because random person (on 4chan, kek) was racist
>doesn't understand the irony of writing lines upon line to express how much he doesn't care
No, you're weak. Simple as. And I'm not reading all of your latest sperg, sperg. Weak people with thin skin aren't taken seriously. Simple as.

>> No.21259018


>> No.21259045

Not all colored folk are niggers, but all niggers are colored folk.

>> No.21259048

Ask, "Why do you say that?"

>> No.21259053

So much irony in this.

>> No.21259152

White people can have "niggerish" qualities too, to the point where they could be accurately labelled as such

>> No.21259256

this passes for intelligence among /pol/cels

>> No.21259297

Nobody comes to this forum to post something worthwhile, faggotface.

>> No.21259310

Yeah? Well the Jerk Store called! They're running out of you!

>> No.21259330

I was with you until the anti-semite part.

>> No.21259390

nigger is a synonym for black person
any negative connotations associated with the word are due to the behaviors of black people
if a person does not think that being compared to black people is inherently insulting, then the word nigger should not seem inherently insulting

>> No.21259399

so is cracker, gypsy, pajeet and jap, but all of those have a history of being used as insults and you have to be retarded to not get how calling someone that is insulting in and of itself

>> No.21259407

Nice Reddit response faggot but it happened. Things happen if you go outside, I don't know what to tell you.
I won't blame you too much though, I live in New York and things happen everyday that probably sound amazing to people who live in some boring suburb. That guy was proably a crackhead so he probably just went around bothering everyone like that.

>> No.21259418

it is illogical to see any of those terms as insulting.
that's not to say that all terms commonly applied to specific groups aren't insulting, however. the best example to come to mind would be the slavey indians. their french and english name is derived from the fact that they were raided for slaves by their southern neighbors. here's a group I actually feel bad for. they're still, essentially, called slaves.
but nigger? derives from the color of their skin. we call them black all the time with no issue. jap? why's that not okay but japanese is? pajeet? it's just like hans ot pierre.
etc etc etc
a lot of people, I think, only take offense to such words because they have been conditioned to. if they actually think about the meanings of them, they wouldn't see them as offensive.

>> No.21259420


>> No.21259431

no u

>> No.21259435

It isn't just about the literally etymology of the word though, but the perceived intentions of the speaker. Name me a single circumstance irl where you'd call a black person a nigger without meaning to insult them.
Bastard is also a word that shouldn't offend someone if they're not born out of wedlock, but it does because it's used to offend.

>> No.21259439

no u

>> No.21259449

Hahaah what a faggot you are. Every normal human being minds his business outside. You live among cracheads, so you think you are smart.

>> No.21259450

if someone sees having children outside of wedlock as morally objectionable then of course it would be logically offensive.
but someone who doesn't see niggers as morally objectionable has no logical reason to be offended by the use of the word.
of course I'm not gonna go around calling niggers niggers, but I'll always see people who treat it like a magic word which, when said, kills a nigger baby as ridiculous.
no u and you'r gay

>> No.21259461

No u, and ur a faggot.
Fuck niggers.

>> No.21259503

It's the intent that's making the word an insult. Why else would many not mind being called that by friends/people that want to be friendly? It's because, depending on the way it's said and the context, it's either just a descriptor used as a nickname between friends or a way of calling someone something that's neither ape nor human.
Calling humans hairless primates isn't insulting, but do you seriously expect someone on the street to not get offended at being called a hairless ape by someone they barely know (in a way that clearly meant to be offending)?
I agree that the reaction in the media to the word is often a bit overblown, but it's also not just a harmless description.

>> No.21259506


>> No.21259577

then it's not the word itself that's offensive. it's the tone of voice and context. if I go out into the street and yell something at anyone with an angry look on my face, they're liable to take offense.
the word nigger (and to a lesser degree other """ethnic slurs"") has taken on a magical quality, however. a large number of people will cry and stamp their feet at it in just about any context. see shit like mark twain's work being taken out of school curricula because it contains the nigger word

>> No.21259588

Brandish your AR-15 (issued by Jesus himself) and say "fuck off foul nigger or I'll send you back to hell!".

>> No.21259592

Lool faggot got upset

>> No.21259617
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>> No.21259663

>I live in New York
what do you do?

>> No.21259697

Let's do this video-game-dialogue-box style.


a) "Interesting point, sir. Do *YOU* read Plato?"

b) "What would an intellectual be reading?"

c) "How do you know it's Plato? How do you know it's not a sadomasochistic light novel starring Darjeeling from Girls und Panzer, wrapped in a Plato dustjacket?"

d) "I may not be an intellectual, but at least I'm not a nigger."

>> No.21259733
File: 482 KB, 426x639, its over 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /pol/ is haunting my dreams again

>> No.21259735
File: 604 KB, 600x900, its over2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I am utterly horrified by /pol/

>> No.21259794

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.21259824

maybe I should just start saying shit to people

>> No.21259856

Nope, that's newfag shit I was in that thread.

Seems poltards are just easily amused , probably because they don't read too much

>> No.21259860

Maybe just keep the racism on the racism board ok sweaty?

>> No.21260359

absolutely false. plenty of gook niggers, pale niggers, jeet niggers, etc.

>> No.21260380

Why are you guys like this? Why can't you just be normal?

>> No.21260381


>> No.21260389

He’s probably educated in post modern sim which is the root of all the CRT stuff that’s popular at university lately.

Plato is antithetical as he believes and argues for the existence of absolute forms and truth.

Aka he

>> No.21260475

that wouldn't be any fun.

>> No.21260517

wow bro that was like morpheus vetting you you must be neo and he's waiting to pull you out of the matrix like plato's cave
he wants you to understand plato fully before he does that

>> No.21260727

The correct answer is d)
What do I win?

>> No.21260753

>Girl interrupts me on the bus and asks me what music am I listening on the headphones
>I leer at her, pissed of, and I say…
>No You!
>She apologizes and leaves
>I chuckle as I go back to listening to my music with a wide grin in my face as I realize I’ve probably made that pretty blonde white girl with big booba mad as fuck at me
Yep I think I had a BAYSED day if ya ask me

>> No.21260819
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I refuse to believe that /pol/ lives rent free in some anons' heads to this extent

>> No.21260864

Sorry, I don't care about sophism. I care about wisdom. ;)

>> No.21261214

Am I the only person here that would have taken the black guy's comment as a compliment, regardless of his intent?

>> No.21261227


Grow a fucking dick

>> No.21261231

My religion demands I'm anti-Semitic. What you're doing is religious persecution

>> No.21261232

Holy based.

>> No.21261248
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"that is cute coming from you"

any further interaction can be directed that he came to you seeking your attention and that you did not want, need, or care for his dialogue

"Said the nigger" or no balls

>> No.21261273

very based
t. southerner

>> No.21261430
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>> No.21261443

No shit..what are you trying to say?

>> No.21263059

Intellectual negroes often talk in unusual ways.

>> No.21263064

cry and poop my pants

>> No.21263093

/lit/ btfo
based negro

>> No.21263104


>> No.21263110

ask him to explain parameides to u

>> No.21263118

>pajeet? it's just like hans ot pierre.
Pajeet is not an actual name, retard (don't get offended, I'm just objectively describing your intelligence).

>> No.21263136

>I couldn't less for your opinions. I will, at every opportunity, ridicule, shame, embarrass, and marginalize every single unabashed racist who comes along. ESPECIALLY anti-Semites, just as they try and do on each every board every day to those they dislike. I will never let them express their sentiments unopposed, and you twisted, puerile fools can whine all you like -you can hurl epithet in your small vocabularies; it won't make any difference. I'll shame you time and time again. I'll remind you of what you already know in your wretched souls: you are evil, twisted, and wicked souls. You haven't even slightest claim to greatness or superiority over any man. You are slaves to your own wickedness.

New pasta?

>> No.21263143


He was basically saying, "Right on man, keep reading, I see you and appreciate you."

What is there to rebuke?

>> No.21263197

>Every normal human being minds his business outside.
Only in soulless suburbs. In cities there are interactions everyday and in rural areas people are friendly and like to strike up conversations.
>You live among cracheads,
Just part of living in the city.
>so you think you are smart.
Never said that.
I work at the library (actually I've worked in several). I love my job so much.

>> No.21263221

There is none, that guy is correct

>> No.21263251

>lean back
>cross legs
>"hehe, yep" while slowly nodding

>> No.21263312

>ideal comeback to this?
There is no comeback, its time to accept the truth.

>> No.21263684

you sound like your skin is the color of poop

>> No.21263777
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>> No.21263920

>are you an intellectual?
>god, hell no. They're fucking insufferable

>> No.21263931

the fuck are you doing reading the Parmenides on the subway anyway? lol
i mean, more power to you, but it ain't exactly entertaining. one of the most profound and puzzling texts in the history of philosophy

>> No.21263960

Damn nigga. You gay.