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/lit/ - Literature

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21255815 No.21255815 [Reply] [Original]

Literature shouldn't exist.
I can't be happy anymore after seeing so many extraordinary lifes, events, love, friendships.
No matter how much I try, my life will never be as good as the lifes of the people I read.

>> No.21255819

Plural of life is lives. Learn English before posting your sad, off-topic nonsense.

>> No.21255820

Just do things lmao.

>> No.21255823

It doesn't have to be good. It only needs to be different.
The lives people imagine and tell are always better than the ones they end up living.

>> No.21255822

Any life can be kino at least.

>> No.21255845

Live all you can; it’s a mistake not to. It doesn’t so much matter what you do in particular so long as you have your life. If you haven’t had that what HAVE you had? I’m too old–too old at any rate for what I see. What one loses one loses; make no mistake about that. Still, we have the illusion of freedom; therefore don’t, like me to-day, be without the memory of that illusion. I was either, at the right time, too stupid or too intelligent to have it, and now I’m a case of reaction against the mistake. Do what you like so long as you don’t make it. For it WAS a mistake. Live, live!

>> No.21255875

That's why we read because one life is not enough

>> No.21255914

eng*ish is the more barbaric and cave-tier language that ever existed. every dimwit can speak it at a level every native will understand it. trying to make it seem worth investing time into just shows your insecurity. stupid langlet, learn a real language aka every other language. "hey senpai what's that? water. what do? fall. we call waterfall then". lmao piss off with your eng*ish

>> No.21255925

>He doesn't pursue excellence in his native tongue
Much too common an occurrence. Sorry your mother tongue was mogged by English.

>> No.21255934

>tries to lecture people on the correct use of English
>uses zoomer slang like "mogged"

>> No.21255941

>He doesn't pursue excellence in his native tongue
lmao where the fuck did you drive this from?
"hey senpai what's that? small bear. what do? wash. we call washing bear then"

>> No.21255946

Most languages have compound words.

>> No.21255962
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>hey senpai what's that? small bear. what do? wash. we call washing bear then

>> No.21255983

>Unlearned in modern terminology

>An angry hateful response to someone saying that English is worth learning properly, with enormous psychic energy placed in speaking lowly of another tongue.
It was obvious.

>> No.21256553

>Unlearned in modern terminology
Yes. Nigger slang is not English.

>> No.21256852


>> No.21256895
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>the English language's sole claim to fame is its number of second-language speakers
>somehow every other monolingual anglotard thinks pointing out others being ESL is a meaningful poignant remark
I'll never understand why you people are convinced that being limited to a Franco-German pidgin with completely degenerated inflection and agglutination is some kind of point of honor.

>> No.21258727

ESL cope

>> No.21258739

That's okay, you can be the protagonist of a Michel Houellebecq novel instead.

>> No.21258741

>more barbaric and cave-tier
You meant most barbaric and cave-tier

>> No.21258841

Read Pessoa, anon:
Rule or keep quiet. Don’t squander yourself,
Giving what you don’t have.
What good is the Caesar you might have been?
Enjoy being the little you are.
The hovel you’re given is a better shelter.
Than the palace you’re owed.

>> No.21259470

>Michel Houellebecq

>> No.21259502

Have you ever stopped to think that you're supposed to be sad about it.. and that going through that pain is whats going to unlock your "not give a fuck" to actually do something with your life?

>> No.21259612

Stop fighting your fate stop trying to mould yourself stop trying to become something you aren’t

>> No.21259614

Yet here you are on an English site, only using English. Go somewhere else. We’re tired of reading your shitty posts.

>> No.21260619

Why aren't you reading tragedies? ngmi

>> No.21260630

Found the fiction fag

>> No.21260670

in the glorious english tongue, we would call this post "retarded"

>> No.21260804

OP is spot on though he leaves out even worse sorrows. You read novels full of all sorts of characters and you analyze them to the depths of their being, intellectually, morally, aesthetically. It's relentless, its cruel. Then you get addicted to seeing the world with that novelist's eye and you walk down crowded sidewalks analyzing with lightning clarity every physiognomy that walks past you...it's devastating...you'll go home and just collapse with neurasthenic exhaustion.

>> No.21261557

Look at this one, he uses eng*ish and thinks it's some sort of achievement. Man I would knock rocks together and post it on vocaroo but you wouldn't understand another language as I already pointed out. Stay mad, I spoke the truth and you cannot handle it. Reality is harsh. Now off you go!

>> No.21261569

Really? That's the desperate lesson you've learned? Are you twelve?

Reading should have told you that no life is worth living. That's the real lesson; That no matter how much you improve or what trials you've overcome, your circumstances remain the same. The destination changes none and makes the journey fucking meaningless.