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[ERROR] No.2125407 [Reply] [Original]

What did you people think of 1984?

>> No.2125409

Not good enough to justify 4chan's bizarre obsession with it.

>> No.2125415

I don't really remember, i was 2

>> No.2125443


>> No.2125452

Thought it was pretty good.

>> No.2125462

The plot's progression was incredibly contrived, and the underlying morals weren't at all clear. George Orwell was a bad author with good ideas, simple as that.

>> No.2125466

Probably the best history of the U.S. book I've ever read. The best thing is that it comes from the future.

>> No.2125470
File: 44 KB, 970x645, who was dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great commercial

>> No.2125474

>the underlying morals weren't at all clear

Could you elaborate? I really don't see where you are coming from.

>> No.2125477

I thought that the plot was slow, and Orwell's style was mediocre at best. It is a good book overall, though. Certainly not the "best ever", as some believe.

>> No.2125479

It reminds me of many sci-fi books actually, especially Clark and Asimov, as in it being a great mindfuck idea wrapped in mediocre prose

>> No.2125492

It was awesome, I was 8.

>> No.2125493

How can I put it... Orwell spends the first half-or-so of the book introducing this dystopia, this "everyone is brainwashed and doesn't have any idea that they live in a shit world, oh yeah and The Man also killed Winston's mom," so you're obviously not supposed to support the Party. Then it goes on about "Recruit the proles, we can save this awful world, we can make everything better, we just have to STAND UP AND BELIEEEEEEEEEEEVE" and suddenly BLAM! Fucking O' Brien is all "Oh no you don't, boy, we about to re-educate yo ass!" Which is it? Can you stand up against the world, or are we doomed to our fate?
And this is me nitpicking, but the wording could've used some work too.

>> No.2125502

>Can you stand up against the world, or are we doomed to our fate?
If you let the totalitarians take over then you are doomed to your fate.

>> No.2125530

Well, considering the author is LITERALLY dead, I'm willing to admit that everything I said was just >Opinions. Still, that's my subjective belief about that book. And while I'm at it, Animal Farm felt like that moment in grade school where that one autistic kid repeats the same joke a million times and you want to eat his eyeballs with an ice-cream scoop.
>Old Major dies
Oh, how sad.
>Snowball and Napoleon take over
Oh boy, I sure hope they don't have conflicting >opinions.
And then every single friggin' paragraph thereafter is just "Hey, hey, guy, hey look guy, hey, did you see the part where Napoleon's corrupt? No? Lemme show you again? You see it yet? No?" Et cetera, ad nauseum.

>> No.2125545

A really good manual.

>> No.2125546

It probably was much different at Orwell's time, but today, the story doesn't seem like a realistic dystopian vision (dystopias are never quite realistic, but meh). There are few countries where a powerful party rules over a big brother state and there are usually special circumstances.
Basically, depriving people of information and brainwashing them isn't as efficient as just spreading falsehoods. So 1984 seems a bit (just a bit) outdated in the times of the internet. There are still governments seriously trying to control the flow of information, no doubt, but they do it more subtly and in different ways.

>> No.2125552
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You faggot, I was just about to read animal farm too.

>> No.2125555

It's an important book if only for the impact it has had on society. If you're interested in Orwell's ideas, his essays and non-fiction are more intriguing. If you're interested in dystopian predictions, Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World have proved much more accurate with time.

>> No.2125556
File: 3 KB, 97x101, OH SHIT NIGGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le me
>Doesn't realize not everyone has read the same books as me
Sorry, bro. I shoulda spoilertagged that. Then again, it wasn't really worth the read IMO, as expressed in my other post.

>> No.2125559


I forgive you, sometimes people forget that spoiler tags have a purpose outside >greentexting in the middle of a sentence.

>> No.2125558

>Le me

>> No.2125591

>Le me

>> No.2125633


>> No.2125635

It was entertaining and had a good point. Also, I found the whole having sex in a random forest while trying to escape the hidden cameras terribly arousing.

>> No.2125643

how do you do that by the way?

the whole >greentexting thing?

>> No.2125646
File: 15 KB, 346x280, 1303795863890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they say the war was with eastasia in one instant, and then later in the book they say the war is really with eurasia, then say that it was all along a war with eastasia, and then back again to eurasia?

Were they trying to confuse their citizens or were they themselves confused?

>> No.2125647


Put a empty spoiler tag in between a word with the > behind it and it should work. cover up the other side if you like if you want that word just greentexted.

>> No.2125651



I mean behind. like this without the *. [/spoiler*]>I fucking loved atlus shrugged.[/spoiler*]

>> No.2125652


This is me >testing the new information.

>> No.2125654

Winston explains in the book that the world is divided between three superpowers (the Anglo Socialist nation whose name escapes me, East-Asia, and Eurasia) that constantly fight over a small parcel of unclaimed land. The three nations are perpetually forming alliances and backstabbing each other; whenever Big Brother changes the name of the nation they're at war with, it just means an old alliance is broken and a new one is formed. The point is it doesn't matter who the enemy is, just that there is in fact an enemy and that Big Brother is valiantly protecting the citizens from said enemy. In this way, the citizens are controlled through fear and mindless patriotism.

>> No.2125659

I was hoping big brother to be actually a character even if it meant being mortal or at least find out the name of the face used for big brother was.

I don't know why to be honest....

>> No.2125661


Thank you, do you also know why winston could barely remember his childhood or before the age of big brother?

>> No.2125677



>> No.2125683

I think the implication was that Big Brother's constant revision of history and promotion of falsehoods through the media had made Winston's own ability to recall the "correct" past difficult. IIRC, there are even a few passages where Winston explicitly states he has trouble remember what really happened in the face of BB's ubiquitous propaganda.

(Food for thought, re: our present day media dominated culture)

>> No.2125702

Thank you!

trouble remembering*

>> No.2125766

They kept saying brother in the movie.