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21254233 No.21254233 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better science fiction series.

Protip: you can't

>> No.21254268

i personally like dune but, star trek, star trek next gen, star trek voyager, star trek deep space 9, star gate, star gate Atlantis, okay i am done, oh no wait their is this one manga with the super odd police robots which i cant remember by name, but after all this their is dune

>> No.21254270

Halfway thought my first reading after watching the movie recently. Really liking it. Good stuff. How are the sequels?

>> No.21254286

i wish i would find this manga find the artists and look if the did sth. new or different or anything. my younger brother suggested it to me and he was even more excited about it maybe i ask him if he remembers it.

>> No.21254287

I reckon they're all good and the story stays interesting, but I'd only read the ones his son wrote after his death if you want the plotlines resolved because they're definitely not as well written

>> No.21254290

it was the most dystopian series i have ever seen, it shadows even ghost in a shell in its darkness.

>> No.21254292
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>> No.21254309

>the feces was processed in the thighs.

>> No.21254323

peter watts's blindsight was better, so was vernon vinge's a fire upon the deep
i think i also liked stanislaw lem's solaris more too
ian banks culture series is a bit more interesting than dune, stuff like wasp factory and use of weapons books
arthur clarkes rendezvous with rama, cj cherry's downbelow station, heinlein's starship troopers, delany's babel17, even stanley's mars series, bacigalupi's windup girl, steakley's armor..

these are just random sci fi's that come to mind that i preferred over dune, but dune is alright too, it has a few interesting ecology ideas, but political ideas in it are overhyped, probably because it is baby's first sci fi

>> No.21254324

Nice. Looking forward to reading the rest

>> No.21254325

Why was it good?
Was it the verisimilitude that made it so believable?

>> No.21254328

Hyperion Cantos, easily.

>> No.21254332

besides op question was regarding series not literature, is this a good point to promote my books or would this be pompous?

>> No.21254344

for me personal if series and books are valid Lem with Solaris wins, in the space of sifi

>> No.21254394

I will throw Neuromancer and its ilk out there, just for thread discussion, although I personally think Dune is far better.
The interesting thing with the Dune sequels (at least up until God Emperor, the fourth book, can't remember after that) is that each one completes an arc of sorts. So, while the first novel stands on its own, you can read the sequel and still feel like you're finishing something, rather than just "book 2 of 6". Then you can read the next book and still feel like you wrapped up a story (although the third book leaves some larger ideas out in the open until the fourth expands on them).
So just read for as long as you're interested.
I haven't read the son's contributions, but I've heard from some friends of mine that I trust that having those plotlines resolved is quite satisfying, and that they appreciated the more grounded elements after how Full Herbert the later books become in the original series.
>rendezvous with rama
I really liked this as harder sci-fi, although the sequels started to get a little mushy and hamfisted. Dune, obviously, has a lot of fantasy and soft sci-fi going on.
>culture series
I've only read one or two of these, but they were excellent.
>starship troopers
Isn't a series, is it?
I know these are quite popular, but I just want to say that I found them quite hard to get through. I recall feeling like there were many plot holes or character personality traits that he seemed to forget existed, things like that. I did appreciate how he kept ratcheting up the stakes with each book, and there are some kick-ass ideas in there. But it felt like he never really had a handle on what role the shrike should play in things or what its power level should be, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed that the later books were so conventional in structure, compared to the first book.

>> No.21254446

>But it felt like he never really had a handle on what role the shrike should play in things or what its power level should be
It's an instrument of the forces of the future sent back to shape the events leading to that timeline.
All the major pieces fit their role in the story, and it doesn't take endless reiterations and powercreep like for example the Gholas late in the Dune series.
>disappointed that the later books were so conventional in structure, compared to the first book
Each book of the series takes inspiration of different works/story archetypes
Hyperion - Canterbury Tales
Fall of Hyperion - Keats dream
Endymion - Huckleberry Finn travelogue
Rise of Endymion - The Gospels
It's varied and complete in the end whereas Dune isn't. Standalone, I would say the first book of each series is equally as good (God Emperor and Rise of Endymion being their respective apex). As a series, Hyperion is just better at fleshing out the shared "big ideas" of man vs machine, biodiversity vs uniformity, the messiah complex.

>> No.21254451

>Fall of Hyperion - Keats dream
Meant dream-vision epic

>> No.21254453
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*blocks your path*

>> No.21254473

The Bible

>> No.21254513

>instrument of the forces...
Right, but it wildly varied in terms of its abilities, at least as I recall. I don't remember when it (they?) were sent back, but it/they were getting wrecked by the cyborgs IIRC toward the end, which seems odd for a future warrior. I don't remember the series accurately enough to have a more pointed criticism on the topic, unfortunately.
>inspiration of different works
Besides Canterbury Tales, I hadn't noticed the other parallels. The Finn one seems fairly obvious in retrospect. That is neat, certainly, so thanks for pointing it out. I agree that Hyperion explained its themes with more clarity (and nicely wrapped up a lot of threads), although it's maybe a little unfair because Herbert the Elder died before he got a chance to finish his series.
I still have a preference for Dune because it makes me mull over interesting topics and perspectives almost all of the time, whereas Hyperion had a lot of just routine sci-adventure stuff with people walking around, getting into fistfights, dodging robots by jumping into rivers, etc.
And again, the Hyperion series does have some great ideas. His view of the AI culture was distinctive and fun to read through.

>> No.21254562

What you described imo boils down to how both cycles are framed: Dune is more like Game of Thrones with big stakes politics using replaceable characters driving the story while Hyperion more like LoTR, an adventure/quest with individual heroics leading determining the conclusion. I don't dislike Dune, I actually read the whore series+sequels as a teenager and liked it the most until I read Hyperion later on. The latter is just more complete as a series and resonates deeper emotionally.

>> No.21254567

Any recommendations with AI as the main theme?

>> No.21254571
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no contest.

>> No.21254724

Hyperion Cantos. Easy.

>> No.21254806

hyperion and neuromancer both have ai as a main theme
im also curious tho, wondering if anons will recommend something

>> No.21254882

The apple doesn't.

>> No.21254889

>anon just casually spoils the ending

>> No.21254901

Nah, nothing spoiled. He is just another anon who does not read and is attempting to sound smart. He clearly does not even understand what science fiction is and just took a literalist view of the work based off the cover.

>> No.21254926

Star Trek's worlbuilding is literally
>no more bad things and everything we need appears out of thin air

>> No.21254948

DS9 is a lot better, it has a somewhat painful amount of setup and background but dumps the simplistic idealism. Does some interesting things regarding religion/spirituality.

>> No.21254973

I've heard a few people say DS9 is meant to be decent but I just find the whole approach ST takes to be low energy

>> No.21255090

well if you are concerned about stones and minerals i agree, if you are not its just a matter of will power.

>> No.21255166

History of free masonry

>> No.21255229

DS9 puts a fair amount of effort into exploring the concept of god/gods and does it in some interesting ways, and humans are not the moral center of the universe, they just try to work towards an ideal and often fail. The amount of background and setup it has is a bit much and at least half of the episodes fall into that category, but they generally do a decent job of making them not just background or setup and they come across more like stand alone episodes. The depth they ultimately go into exploring religion and god/gods is fairly impressive and they manage it without preaching which is more impressive considering it is Star Trek which loves to preach. Ultimately I suspect they needed one more season to finish pulling everything together and wrap everything up, last one is a bit rushed.

Much of the entire series was planed out from the start, humans are the minority/outsiders and flawed, and they are in a situation beyond their control. For example, the main character is the emissary to the gods of an entire world which he does not really believe in despite communicating with them and is torn between his conflicting roles as an officer and a religious icon. It is quite different from the rest of the franchise. No idea if it is worth watching it all, starts out kind of weak with lots of allusions to the various tropes of the franchise to hook the fans but never goes all out Star Trek idealism and gets better with each season.

>> No.21256151

The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson

>> No.21256218

SF series suck. All the good SF is standalone.

>> No.21256733

Like what

>> No.21257467

Nah, the trilogy was never finished.

>> No.21257828

based and true

>> No.21258105

Holy mother of based

>> No.21258155

I think I fucked up my reading experience with Dune by watching the movie first. Found myself getting bored knowing what was about happen. Still a decent read.

>> No.21258533

I finished it a few days ago and am halfway through Messiah now and it's just as good. I'll definitely read all 6 books.

>> No.21258948

>definitely read all 6 books
We'll see if your enthusiasm maintains itself. Children can be very slow at points, and God Emperor filters a lot of people. But I salute your enthusiasm and hope you make it.
Messiah is so delightfully depressing, a bold follow-up to how Dune concludes.

>> No.21259522

Star wars

>> No.21259861

I don't think God Emperor actually filters people, it is just terrible and filled with the worst sort of exposition. Half the book is Leto explaining everything to his moronic minion.

>> No.21259882

Lol no thanks

>> No.21259969
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>> No.21259972

Bible is second and most famous part of the abrahamic trilogy

>> No.21259994

All science fiction and fantasy series are trash.

>> No.21260003

Based classic scifi enjoyer.

>> No.21260009

Rememberance of Earth's Past Trilogy

>> No.21260331

prescient title, this

>> No.21260452

Dune is too fantasy.

>> No.21260521

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on this board

>> No.21261152

this board must be pretty smart then.

>> No.21261235

only trannies and faggots hate god-emperors opinions, which one are you.