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/lit/ - Literature

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21253744 No.21253744 [Reply] [Original]

How do you motivate yourself to read? Do you have any tips?

>> No.21253770 [DELETED] 
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look at the world around you, filled to the brim with niggers and kikes. don't you want to build something better? only old books can teach you how.

>> No.21253820

Read Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport, literally life changing

>> No.21253832

I never get why these threads exist. This is a board for people who like reading, or at least it used to be. You never need to find motivation to read if you enjoy it. Fuck this place now

>> No.21253838

I enjoy reading but I'm struggling through a slow book right now

>> No.21253839

There is really nothing else to do that is worth doing.

>> No.21254437

>/b/ was never good

>> No.21254497

>Do you have any tips?
Yeah, read.

>> No.21254591 [SPOILER] 
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It's this and this alone. Always.

>> No.21254607

i look like this

>> No.21255257
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so do i

>> No.21255269

nigga just pick up a book that interests you and read

>> No.21255617

Reading is literally the only thing I ever wan't to do when I'm doing my duty, then when I sit down to read all I wan't to do is sleep. I fucking hate myself.

>> No.21255670

Wanting to read is the best motivator. You'll never need another one.

>> No.21255949

If you're trying to read some dumb shit like philosophy or other pseud literature thrown around here and not enjoying it you're not crazy.

Like the other anon said think of something you'd like and just read that. Military history, a sports magazine, a fantasy series, a book about knitting patterns, whatever. If you're interested you wouldn't need motivation.

Trying to force yourself into a subculture you're not even interested in is a waste of time. It's no shame to prefer certain types of books over others.

>> No.21256878

>How do you motivate yourself to read?
Questions like these make me think this is a bot thread.

>> No.21256967

It is bots

>> No.21257145


Just chainsmoke like F Gardner

>> No.21257189

First, don’t read books that the pseuds on lit tell you to read unless you’re truly interested in them.
Second, do not keep track of your progress or autistically obsess about how many pages you’re reading per day. Even if you only read 5 pages a day, you’re doing better than 95% of people. And if you stick with reading you will naturally build up a desire to read in bigger chunks eventually.
Third, read multiple books at a time (but probably not more than 3-4). This allows your stimulus-starved ADHD-ridden zoomer brain to switch to something when you start getting distracted

>> No.21257220

Stop reading garbage you need external motivators to get through. The fuck? Reading is a leisure activity.

>> No.21257232
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How the FUCK can you even say something so stupid and dumb and stupid, chud? don't you know you are having a false-consciousness(no I do not know what consciousness is stop asking me stupid reactionaries)???

>> No.21258447

You don't have to finish bad books. There is no achievement to unlock.

>> No.21258456

The 'stats and achievements' page on my e-reader disagrees

>> No.21259523

What should I read.

>> No.21259528

read or die

>> No.21259818

I haven't read for a very long time and didn't die, how come?

>> No.21260016

I'm convinced people who don't understand where these threads are coming from are 16 year olds

>> No.21260169

I like reading, no need to motivate myself. Forcing yourself is retarded. I'd read a ton as a kid, one book a day at least, stopped doing so during my teens, and I'm starting to read just as much as I used to as a kid in my early 20s. I suspect I'll go back to not reading at in a few years.

>> No.21260173

Reading keeps me from blowing my brains out or going ballistic at the morons I have to interact with on a daily basis
You don't need to fucking motivate yourself. It doesn't make you cool or smart. If you don't want to read just go back to playing vidya, talking about thrash tv shows, internet memes, whatever is new on twitter, or whichever fucking gadget your tech overlords told you wear this week
And get the fuck off /lit/

>> No.21261478

Whatever topic or subject you are already interested in, there are books for that. There is your motivation.

>> No.21261491

Things you want to read, dumbass.

>> No.21261605

then drop it and read something else.

>> No.21261609

But Akko is retarded. How does a retarded JC motivate you to read?
Just curious, nta and I never have problems picking up a book.

>> No.21261644
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I go to mc donalds