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/lit/ - Literature

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21245632 No.21245632 [Reply] [Original]

Is it feasible to read 50 books in a year?

>> No.21245687

not for i/lit/errate anons shitposting on 4chans
but average CHILD can read 30 pages an hour
a fucking CHILD
meaning that an adult who actually reads because he enjoys reading, such an adult could finish a book in 1 or 2 days, on average
short stories, which have ~150 pages, are meant to be read in one sitting

so you should have no issues reading 300 books a year, provided you actually fucking read instead of cooming and shitposting 24/7

>> No.21245743


>> No.21245876

Yes. Very. Imagine for a second that instead of reading words on 4chan you were reading words in books.

>> No.21245923

i read 50 books a year and i don't even read that much a day
if you were really dedicated you could probably read 200-300 books a year depending on length

>> No.21245926

I dunno man seems kinda risky

>> No.21245936

am i a nigger for liking her fat body ? have i been psyopped ?

>> No.21245944

aren't short stories like one page long? I remember doing short story analysis in school, but maybe you mean something different

>> No.21245945

no women like her are made for pump and dumps, great to end up as village whores and such
not wife material, however

>> No.21245946

You're french : I can tell from your punctuation ; so , stop being a cunt in public .

>> No.21245950

>short stories one page long

>> No.21245962

Depends what you class as a book. Does a novella count? If so, definitely.
Source: me, this year

Otherwise, still yes

>> No.21245968

Feasible? Yes
Optimal? Fuck no. If you get through a book a week, you're doing at least one of the following:
>read simplistic trash in which case impove your taste faggot
>have too much fre time in which case learn something useful trustfund faggot
>read too quickly and without proper comprehension and reflection

>> No.21245998


>> No.21246019

most books are 300p in length, even shorter if you're reading a short stories or collections of essays
you realize when people say "reading books" they mean all books, and aren't autists that immediately imagine the other person is referring to some doorstoppers like decline of the west or phenomenology of spirit

>> No.21246020 [DELETED] 

Everyday is a new low for white women

>> No.21246030

>>have too much fre time in which case learn something useful trustfund faggot

>> No.21246038

50 books where you genuinely have to think critically? its a tough but very admirable feat

>> No.21246042
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Anything can be one page long if it's on one really long page.

>> No.21246184

Depends on the length of the books. If you read 50 pages minimum daily and the average length of a book you read is below 400 then assuming you exceed that 50 occasionally you should.

>> No.21246197

Neither feasible nor defensible
3 books a year is optimal

>> No.21246200
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>> No.21246217
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Read 51 books so far, read 51 total last year and 54 in 2020.

Last year was the year I read the most, but I almost only read classics throughout the year, so the average book length was 504 pages. This year I'm down to a 348 page average due to reading a lot of philosophy instead.

I don't even think I read that much. I just quit playing video games and don't use social media, and I use some of the spare time I have left over to read every day.

>> No.21246318

i'm one and she's digusting; you're either porn addicted or just horny

>> No.21246334

what if i said i have huge mommy issues ?

>> No.21246359

Are you sure you are a reader and that books are a thing for you if you arent even reading 200 pages a day? I dont understand..
>if you enjoy reading, you would naturally want to do more of it
>if you dont enjoy reading, you would find something else to do

>>>people on lit evidently never read, yet keep coming to the literature board to make their frog threads, coomer threads, politics threads, incel threads etc

>> No.21246468


>> No.21246588

well done anon . How does it feel , do you feel like you've actually learned more ?

>> No.21246605

Less than one book a week? Yes. Especially if you pick many books less than 350 pages (50 pages is about 2 hours of reading for me and I read pretty slow).

>> No.21246620
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Doesn't matter how many books you read. The important is the quality of what you read. Also, if you don't put in pratice what you learn in your books, then you'll think you're a big intellectual and all, but all your reading will be useless.

To read without putting things in practice is a disease.

>> No.21246639

The good number is 26 per year, or one book in 2 weeks.
It's enough to reduce the book pile and you will remember what you read.

>> No.21246674
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>> No.21246714

>have too much fre time in which case learn something useful trustfund faggot
This anon has never starved off insanity with ebooks in a homeless shelter

>> No.21246740

Absolutely. I'm still an idiot, but at least I have a lot of perspective on my idiot life.

>> No.21246747

No wonder Gravity's Rainbow filters so many anons here, if this is the line of thinking you approach reading with.

>> No.21248152

that's like a book per week
if you mostly read fiction it's no probs at all

>> No.21248321
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One book per week? Yeah, I'm thinking extremely easy.

>> No.21248358

>reading 30 pages and retaining 1

>> No.21248360

Why are you here? If you think a book a week is impossible, I don’t think you read

>> No.21249169
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>> No.21250357

>I don’t think you read
No one in /lit/ does.

>> No.21250394

>To read without putting things in practice is a disease.
But anon... I just read Lolita...

>> No.21250420

I think I'm a slow reader. The week is nearly over and I'm only halfway through Don Quixote.

>> No.21250466

how tf are you a reader of any sort when you havent even finished an entry level classic yet???

>> No.21250800
File: 187 KB, 1000x667, Vladimir-Nabokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, now you won't go out interpreting books through psychology like a psychologist faggot or a Dostoyevsky reader

>> No.21250808

i'm an incel with fairly low standards but YIKES

>> No.21250829

>1000 pages
>>entry level


>> No.21250835


>> No.21250838

why does the page count matter

>> No.21250867


>> No.21250970

lit niggas be like
>ive read one page today
>im a reader!
go back to porn and shitposting, kid
reading isnt for you

>> No.21250973

Yes. I read 54 in 2020 and 65 in 2021, I'm currently reading the 59th book of 2022.

>> No.21250988

wouldn't a child read like, you know childrens books?

>> No.21250994

>I think I'm a slow reader
Same. 50 pages a day is an accomplishment for me. Maybe I'm just retarded, but I prefer to actually understand what I'm reading

>> No.21251007

I read a few pages today, might read a few more tomorrow. Goddamn it feels good to have a large penis

>> No.21251009

>50 pages a day
depends on what you're reading, but 50 pages of a difficult book isn't too bad (would be another story if you're talking about ya-tier stuff)

>> No.21251501

1k pages is a lot for someone that just started reading. Especially if you live in a smaller country which doesn't have any decent translations and you are forced to read in english. Faggot.