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/lit/ - Literature

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21248551 No.21248551 [Reply] [Original]

My 9 year old cousin just asked me, "Why would you prefer reading books over watching movies?"
What would you tell her?

>> No.21248561

I'd tell her Harry Potter fans disagree with her and they are the #1 Marvel Movie fans.

>> No.21248577

I sometimes want a week of fun, not just an hour and half.

>> No.21248590

Just watch a Netflix series then uncle.

>> No.21248599

When you watch a movie, you're forced to see whatever images the movie shows; when you read a book, you can create images from the writer's words in your head.

>> No.21248610

>Reading is hard. This was maybe my answer to Uncle anon, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Books have a very medieval philosophy: that if the writer was good wordsmith, the reader would prosper. We look at real history and it's not that simple... Real-life writers had real-life problems to deal with... The people who are trying to write don't have an easy time of it. Just having good intentions doesn't make you a wise writer.

>> No.21248613
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, TalkingPeople17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say "In a book, I can imagine that all of the people are dinosaurs instead".

>have 9 year old cousin
>10 years ago pic related happened
>fucking people
>every time

>> No.21248614

why wouldn't I?

>> No.21248623

a movie is to a book what a five second tik-tok is to a movie

>> No.21248814

And what did (You), OP, tell her?

>> No.21248877
File: 126 KB, 720x960, 1560966790006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just find books more interesting.

>> No.21248906

Without niggers.

>> No.21248915

I am actually into three TV series at the moment and awaiting their new seasons. Yes, only three because I have high standards and can’t watch a B comedy shows just for fun. As for movies, I used to be a cinephile but movies these days are poor quality.

>> No.21248940

>What would you tell her?
I don't read.

>> No.21248945

Because reading hard books activates a certain part of your brain that nothing else can. It keeps you from being stupid.

>> No.21248986

It's not about preferring one over the other. Some books can be made into film, but not all.

>> No.21249129

movies have limits that the written word does not suffer from, allowing writing reach depths that film will never reach

>> No.21249245

Boomer doesn't realize 9yos today barely know what HP is

>> No.21249299

>My 9 year old cousin

>> No.21249543

Any pics of your cousin?

>> No.21249553

Any photos of your cousin?

>> No.21249555

"In a book, I can encounter every sort of person I can imagine. I can step into history with the deepest detail, I may carry on a conversation with the greatest thinkers who have ever lived, I can even hear the Word of God. In a movie, now - a movie has its place, and it can be fun, certainly, but movies are made to entertain us for an afternoon, while literature and philosophy - the things you may find in books - are a conversation mankind is having with itself forever, and there are no limits to the benefit we may take from them."

>> No.21249561

Somebody leak these IPs to the FBI.

>> No.21249574
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>he still isn't aware that posts like those are BY the FBI.

>> No.21249855

uncle, you sound like a boring cunt!

>> No.21249861

She's 9, just say "it's more fun"

>> No.21249902

It was his cousin, first of all. Second, a grown man's opinions should bore to some degree, but children remember these things as they grow, and as they compare you to the elders of other children. It is important to be honest and frank with them, but not to hold back or dumb things down too much. They are capable of rising to your level faster than you might think.

Last of all, what I sound like is a grown man, not the man-children you're accustomed to.

>> No.21249925

>he doesn't realize they're not on duty either

>> No.21249935

>not everyhing that has been written is available as a movie. Most movies are based on fiction, unless they are documentaries. Books help you better understand the world around you.
>a movie that was adapted from a book will in most cases offer a condensed or altered story
>watching a movie is a passive experience that does not require concentration and therefore often also provides no intellectual sustenance. A book demands total commitment from the reader at all times or they will not progress in the story.
>a book will enhance your vocabulary and improve your orthography and grammar. If you only watch visual media, you will soon notice that you are losing your capabilities to describe context with non-deictic language.

>> No.21249947

Wow, you guys have never been around a kid in your life.
The appropriate answer is "You'll know when you're older."
It knocks those little garden gnomes out every time. It usually makes them more interested too, because they want to prove they're mature enough to understand.

>> No.21249966

>he doesn't realize the FBI doesn't in the room with us right now

>> No.21250074

Wrong. That is the lazy answer which breeds completely average children. In these moments you need to think of C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Dr. Suess, Shel Silverstein - geniuses. Channel your inner warm, wise guardian, and you'll do fine. Do not give worthless answers which do not grow your children or make them curious. Fan the flames of curiosity as if life depended on it (the future of your society WILL depend on it).

>> No.21250099


>> No.21250108

Books allow for more to happen. Movies and comics are more limited im what they can fit in.

>> No.21250119

learn to read noob

>> No.21250157

If it wasn't clear that was a shitpost
Telling a child that a book can give them a whole new experience when they've been exposed to modern conveniences isn't going to work. They look at the block of text and feel instant revulsion. If you have a good relationship with them then they'll want to impress you; dismissing them with a one liner will make them want to prove you wrong. That's when you acquiesce and read a fun book with them. Kids don't like grandstand speeches and they won't understand especially if they're zoomies and post-zoomies.
But yes, I agree with you completely. You're definitely not wrong.

>> No.21250161

Most movies are boring

>> No.21250338

I'd encourage her to steelman the argument.

>> No.21250340

>he doesn't realize the room was built by the FBI

>> No.21250347

watch a movie take 1h30m min.
reading a book take 1week min.
watching movie is better 'cose in one week I learn more

>> No.21250348

ion give a sheet 'bout TV, sheet's lowkey cap frfr
books be bussin' I swear on me mumz

>> No.21250362

Why did that pic make me horny?

>> No.21250372

It trains imagination because your brain has to fill gaps

>> No.21250374

With movies, you need electricity, a screen, and speakers and even then the disc could be scratched or the internet is spotty or somebody wants to watch something else or it's too loud to hear. With a book, all you need is your imagination and you are transported into another world magically.

>> No.21250390

She wouldn't ask me because I enjoy reading as well as watching a film.

>> No.21250393

They do different things. Books can be slower paced and about less but still interesting because through written words you can include information that would be difficult to show on a screen without it feeling strange.

The reason why I prefer reading is that I find the things that get written about/have been written about a little more interesting than things that modern movies have been made about. In a lot of cases I read older books, which can tell me a lot about the past without explicitly talking about it; movies aren't really old enough to do that just yet. But both are good.

Also OP, I'm so glad you phrased the question like this instead of the incendiary and baity way people normally ask questions on here.

>> No.21250922

Because everyone can write a book, but very few people can make a movie or TV show, therefore you'll find all sorts of original interesting stories in books that you won't find on movies.

Plus books can get away with more violence and murders and all those cool stuff kids like.