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21249029 No.21249029 [Reply] [Original]

Is altruism necessary to live a good life?
Nietzsche argues how most self-actualized people just stack moneybags like Smaug, do nothing for anyone else, then feel empty

>> No.21249113

We live in a society where we have to work with one another to get mutually beneficials. Thus we're an altruistic by evolution when we take care of our families, friends, neighbors, community, state, species, world, etc There is a tiered boundaries but they're drawn by proximity to ourselves.

>> No.21249451

Gold is the physical manifestation of power.
1d4chan.org Why_Magic_Items_Cost_Gold

>> No.21249933

>Is altruism necessary to live a good life?
>Nietzsche argues
"An 'altruistic' morality, a morality in which selfishness fades away -, is always a bad sign. This is true for the individual, it is even more true for peoples. You are missing the best part when selfishness begins to fail. To choose instinctively what is harmful to yourself, to be tempted by 'disinterested' motives, this is practically the formula for decadence. 'Not to look for your own advantage' - that is just the moral fig leaf for an entirely different, namely physiological, state of affairs: 'I don't know how to find my own advantage any more' ... Disintegration of the instincts! - People are done for when they become altruistic ... - Instead of naively saying 'I am not worth anything any more,' the moral lie in the decadent's mouth says 'nothing is worth anything, - life isn't worth anything' "

"The natural value of egoism. - Selfishness is worth only as much as the physiological value of the selfish person: it can be worth a lot or it can be worthless and despicable. Individuals can be seen as representing either the ascending or the descending line of life. This gives you a canon for deciding the value of their selfishness. If they represent the ascending line then they have a really extraordinary value, -and since the whole of life advances through them, the effort put into their maintenance, into establishing their optimal conditions, might even be extreme. Of course, 'individuals', as peoples and philosophers have understood them so far, are a mistake: individuals are nothing in themselves, they are not atoms, they are not 'links in the chain', they are not just legacies of a bygone era, - each individual is the entire single line of humanity up through himself... If he represents descending development, decay, chronic degeneration, disease (- illnesses are fundamentally consequences of decay, not its causes), then he is of little value and in all fairness he should be taking away as little as possible from those who have turned out well. He is really just a parasite on them..."

>> No.21250182

This is incredible. I have to read more.

>> No.21250192

define good life.

>> No.21250247

>Is altruism necessary to live a good life?
I don't know about Nietzsche, so I'll answer by my own thinking. It's not "necessary", since once can still live a good life without being altruistic. If we take "altruism" to mean sacrificing one's own interests to fulfill anothers', then it's apparent then given that self-sacrifice necessarily requires that you must give up both the tangible and intangible possessions in your present and potential future hold, and qualities of your being that are in your sole control, and in no one else's (since in that case it's sacrificing another for the sake of others, which is not what we are talking about) then sacrificing those possessions and qualities of oneself that could have lead to a good life is necessary. This is because the whole definition of altruistic action is action for the sake of the good lives of others, and to value those other lives over one's own, since doing anything otherwise would as a result be an action of a different moral quality. So it can be said that altruism, actions done by oneself for the sake of others so that they may live a good life, at the expense of oneself and one's own ability to live a good life, can guarantee that one does not live a good life. You can either live an altruistic life, or live a good life, since the pursuit of one necessarily negates a pursuing in the other. Altruism is not necessary to help others; you can help others and improve others' lives, WITHOUT a large expense of one's own life and happiness. I'd rather live the good life than the altruistic one, for the my own sake but also even the sake of others, since a happy healthy individual is more apt to help others than an altruistic individual who's probably already sacrificed their ability to help others in order to satisfy their desire to help others in an altruistic fashion.

>> No.21250286

ayo ngl tho bitches be on yo dick tho if you got tht clout n bread tho like ngl tho they be live tho fr fr tho

>> No.21250441
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From an Evolutionary perspective, it makes no sense to live by yourself because you will die some day. We are optimized to either procreate our own genetic set or help with the procreation of similar genetic sets. That's why people like to be part of "something bigger", it's just selection pressure tickling us the right way when we do the "right" thing.

>> No.21250504

Finally, someone who isn't a total retard.

>> No.21250541

Altruism doesn't exist

>> No.21251762

Zarathustra comes down from the mountaintop (the Untergang, undergoing, after the Ubergang, overgoing/upgoing, or his symbolic withdrawal to a mountain top to probe himself, contemplate, and formulate a worldview free from the distorting influences of the masses) because he “loves man.” However, the love Zarathustra has is a selective one and also one that pleases him to bestow.

It’s the paradox, of egoistic altruism — still being able to be good to others simply because it pleases yourself to do so. So it doesn’t necessarily contradict Nietzsche’s philosophy, especially in TSZ, but it would be a different conception of altruism, as well as a maligning of what he would refer to as degenerate, life-denying, unworldly altruism which covers up ressentiment.

>> No.21252168


>However, the love Zarathustra has is a selective one and also one that pleases him to bestow.


>> No.21252774

I still don't know what a good life is.

>> No.21253381

You don't learn until the end.

>> No.21253914

What's the preferred English translation for Zarathustra?

>> No.21253938

A good life is life affirming.
What is life affirming?
A life which affirms that which it is.
What is life?
That which is good.
What is a good life then?
A good life is life affirming.
What is life affirming?
A life which affirms that which it is.
What is life?
That which is good.
What is a good life then?A good life is life affirming.
What is life affirming?
A life which affirms that which it is.
What is life?
That which is good.
What is a good life then?A good life is life affirming.
What is life affirming?
A life which affirms that which it is.
What is life?
That which is good.
What is a good life then?A good life is life affirming.
What is life affirming?
A life which affirms that which it is.
What is life?
That which is good.
What is a good life then?A good life is life affirming.
What is life affirming?
A life which affirms that which it is.
What is life?
That which is good.
What is a good life then?

>> No.21253943


>> No.21254002

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

>> No.21254090

What is will to power?

Why does Foucault like Nietzsche?

>> No.21254132

Foucault’s whole schtick is Nietzsche but in regards to punishment and sexuality

>> No.21254135

thats a lot of words to simply say
>altruism doesnt advance the human species, selfish people do