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/lit/ - Literature

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21241882 No.21241882 [Reply] [Original]

>The image that broke /fit/lit/

>> No.21241886

there's this epidemic wherein people fill a screen with words and automatically think it needs to be read

>> No.21241887

she's seething because those boys who would be simping for her and act as potential partners are now hidden in their rooms and fapping to 10/10 instagram dolls
no one cares about these mediocre bitches anymore

>> No.21241900

Which Anon is feeling up to the task to give her the dicking she’s so desperate for?

>> No.21241908

This kind of moron isn't limited to women - some people just feel threatened by others improving themselves and try to drag them down because it makes them feel inferior when the facts that they don't look after themselves, have no self discipline, and are only interested in children's media are exposed.

>> No.21241952

Refuted by Evola.

>> No.21241957

I thought Bateman was body weight only?

>> No.21241968

Why is she projecting such intense hatred on people she knows nothing about?

>> No.21241972

>woman has opinion
Who cares?

>> No.21241975

So basically she is shitting on people’s attempts at bettering themselves? What a negative creep this woman is.

>> No.21241986

>woman insults men by comparing men to women
Many such cases!

>> No.21241988

I concur, a lot. >I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear
here is the reality:
physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you try to fulfill some power fantasy, sign of betacuckness
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

>> No.21241991

>He can't give gf piggyback home
Hallyu is going to be a tsunami that destroys your soft boy expectations

>> No.21241992

She's right.

>> No.21241993

Shhh, don't tell her

>> No.21241994

Women are always right. Trust all women.

>> No.21241996

I am a faggot and I hate women.
Your move, soul-tranny

>> No.21242001

If Bateman lifted though the whole book would just be his oly record and stack, and maybe slightly more awkward no homo encounters in the bathroom, no murders or other lists. If anything, her exaltation of Bateman to sigmas rests in the fact he doesn't lift.

>> No.21242003

I really love those eyes
I don't know the terms tho

>> No.21242005
File: 42 KB, 610x680, 0D40ED80-9A76-4EC2-A9BA-BF16E43E5EBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most chicks neither read nor take particularly good care of their bodies, so she's already wrong about "doing things girls have done forever". Beyond that it mostly seems like she's just ripping on dilettantish newfags who haven't actually gotten their shit figured out desu. People who are actually serious about fitness do a whole lot more than lift twice a week (unless they're Mentzerfags kek), just as an example.

>> No.21242007

>mentionning /lit/ bookcharts
Yeah… op made this.

>> No.21242009

People who heard about bookcharts came from Reddit too. It's been like a decade since /lit/ pointed anyone to the sticky since the mods fucked it up.

>> No.21242010

There is only so little time in my life, and I will not waste it reading the words of a w*man.

>> No.21242029

Now try that in English, Paco.

>> No.21242032

the choice of words of this post >>21241887 is made by a sub 100 IQ midwit. I don’t have an issue with woman hating but your written english is cancerously bad.

>> No.21242034

This. Most turbo normies don't know the difference between 4chan and reddit, and since reddit is more popular, they usually refer to that when they wanna talk about "a weird website where incels gather". A lot of them don't even know what 4chan is. Realistically, a picture like this would mention some subreddit, not fucking /lit/.

>> No.21242050

She has never read American Psycho, clearly doesn't understand that it's exactly that behavior that makes people similar to Pat.

>> No.21242068

>he doesn't understand the Greeks
Don't you have menial labour to do, pleb?

>> No.21242073

You're not Greek, Paco.

>> No.21242078

Like you could tell.

>> No.21242084

where's the supposed "woman hating" in my post? is any sort of disagreement with womemes considered "misogyny" now?
i'm just stating as it is - mediocre bitches like her have become socially irrelevant, that's why she resorts to hateful confrontational attention whoring, most likely hoping to attract of those self-improvers she claims to hate
the average young male has been conditioned to masturbate to e-whores instead of investing real life effort into girls like her; celibacy rates are skyrocketing for both sexes

>> No.21242095

midwit is 100-110iq

>> No.21242112

>ITT: men giving a dumb thot attention for the stupid shit he said with her mouth hole

>> No.21242138

i will explain to her the finer details of kant's critiques as i dick her down

>> No.21242164

Been a while since I've been here, who is she, and why is /lit/ giving her attention?

>> No.21242177
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why is everyone so mean to each other all the time

>> No.21242179

no sexo

>> No.21242181

Why do people ruin stuff with pepe-wojak bullshit. The original is much better.

>> No.21242192


>> No.21242194
File: 131 KB, 692x1200, 1668098272946290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need a Tiktok microceleb GF for sex.

>> No.21242210

>There's only one Master and Blaster
Calm down, Australia, real people are talking

>> No.21242221


>> No.21242222


>> No.21242225

Fpbp /thread and as usual OP is a faggot

>> No.21242227

I believe it's called "seethe"

>> No.21242247

interesting how they aren't saying what exactly is supposed to be wrong with lifting weights, reading good books and taking care of yourself. Just that you should feel ashamed for it because you are a man?

>> No.21242254

i will get her pregnant she can forget about internet rants

>> No.21242267

but most of these people haven't actually done a proper iq test and should have 15 points deducted for these online iq tests' inaccuracy and thinking they are worth taking in the first place

>> No.21242276

45 replies to this retarded thread of an braindead young girl's opinion, while threads sharing actual literature archive without reply. Farewell /lit/, you're not worth my time.

>> No.21242283

>Farewell /lit/, you're not worth my time.
it hasn't been in years and yet you're still here

>> No.21242286

you'll be back

>> No.21242289

>didn't even read American Psycho
You guys are embarrassing

>> No.21242293
File: 142 KB, 1024x666, 22568209403_d81aecfc07_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't larp as anything, I'm naturally autistic and schizoid and always have been, and now guys are culturally appropriating my actual mental disorder for attention and to seem cool

>> No.21242296

Jewish phenotype detected
Opinion ejected

>> No.21242301

you are the main character

>> No.21242443


>> No.21242943

>the butthurt itt
So op was right?

>> No.21242947

Anyone else feel barely contained urge to kill every time women imply that their lives are even 0.001% as difficult as males?

>> No.21242957

>you are bored, aka a failure
Kek nice way to start the list

>> No.21242959

Just stop paying any attention to their "opinions", it all means nothing. This girl in particular is obviously sexually frustrated and lashes out at imaginary young males who should be courting her but they mind their own business instead.

>> No.21242963

Her /fitlit/ boyfriend pump and dumped her

>> No.21242966

>Never improve

>> No.21242968
File: 365 KB, 1078x1043, Donotlisten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not hear it

>> No.21242981

The damage control ITT is unreal.

>> No.21242990

Negative emotions are easier to instigate than positive emotions, people are addicted to arguing online and most of the algorithms are based on creating conflict which creates engagement.
People are usually much nicer in person, although there’s days it seems like everyone is a jewbot bully irl as well, which can only be the result of being raised in agnostic, shit households

>> No.21242995

Everyone is arguing about her motives, but is what she says actually wrong?

>> No.21242997

femcel face and the fact that she knows what /lit/ is confirms it

>> No.21242998


>> No.21243005
File: 108 KB, 499x739, 35BAAAEA-2187-4219-84D5-15F184267C7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21243022

>Can our hero take on wahmen, internet warriors and sicilian families at same time?

>> No.21243032

But men are much more present in gyms than women. They also work way harder at it.
Men also read great works of literature much more frequently than women, let alone teen girls.
So basically what she meant is that no matter what you do, your worth is your looks(patrick bateman) and your money(andrew tate) and nothing else.
How does this bitch have so little awareness of what she spits?

>> No.21243080

What was the original text?

>> No.21243090

it's real, lit isn't your secret chud club there are girls here you know

>> No.21243095


>> No.21243097
File: 30 KB, 656x679, b0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lit isn't your secret chud club
Yes it is.
> there are girls here you know
No there are not.

>> No.21243102


>> No.21243103

Women really hate it when you go to the gym for some reason.

>> No.21243107
File: 78 KB, 656x678, 20221111_125111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shan't be clicking.

>> No.21243122

But if you're DYEL she'll on cheat on you with the biggest grunting meathead she can find. Many such woman moments.

>> No.21243145

Everyone who vocally hates women so much should consider for a moment that he wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for a woman...

>> No.21243154

Kinda agree here, a man who takes their ideas of masculinity from internet/movies/ecelebs will only ever be a pathetic fucking larper even if he really lifts a lot

>> No.21243160

>if not for a w*man I wouldn't be forced to exist
Thanks, now I hate women even more

>> No.21243184

desu this girl is hot as fuck. she is right that most men are losers. she definitely has potential