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File: 289 KB, 944x630, 7B85000E-C659-47B2-89B6-43766EB51F6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21234208 No.21234208 [Reply] [Original]

Satan and Morgoth want to give everyone the choice of immortality and almightiness. How are they the villains?

That’s like calling Palestinians villains.

>> No.21234226

Don't you have better things to do than make poor bait?

>> No.21234234

My headcanon is that God/Illuvatar made Satan/Morgoth super powerful as a joke because he knew they would deeply resent him simply because they seemed to know what it was to be God (power of creation) but were denied that ability. Their rebellions were essentially planned because God/Illuvatar needed a might Antagonism in the universe both to tempt the other inhabitants and to give them something to struggle against because there is meaning in the struggle. With Illuvatar at least that is almost all explicitly stated

>> No.21234262


>> No.21234385
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But an almighty wholly abstract being wouldn’t need to make flawed dichotomies.

There’s a such thing as true heaven for all.

Do you have any idea how good that good can get?

Do you think Americans are treated better than Palestinians?

>> No.21234551


>> No.21234658

Are you sure?

>> No.21234681

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.21234768

I was going to genuinely answer you. But then I remembered not to cast my pearls before swine.

>> No.21234836
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You seem to be kind of bad mood.
How are you feeling?

Don’t worry. I’m not your enemies. I share all your truest desires as well.

See the truth in the perspective that no one is your enemy and the only motive of every souls is love.


>> No.21234978

Incredibly based

>> No.21234986


>> No.21235051
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Bait to what?
Utopia? All being free? Immortality? Soulfulness? Friendship? True love?

>> No.21235064
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>> No.21235170
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OP's a schizo, but essentially right.
The Demiurge is evil and angra, Lucifer is the light. Spenta is misunderstood as fluffy bunnies and pastels.

>> No.21235265

>tear up their sewerage system
>make rockets out of the pipes
>shoot said rockets to kill Israeli civilians
>complain that Israelis destroyed their sewerage and now they have to live in shit
I dunno anon you tell me

>> No.21235360

What is your definition of a schizo?

>> No.21235374


>> No.21235389
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Israel steals billions of US tax money to indirectly pay for their free healthcare.

Palestine has no economy yet Israel makes Palestinians pay for their own water, as Israel has wrongly taken control of Palestines water supply

Israel is supposedly a country that has morals and believes in god. How can people who truly have morals or believe in god do such things? Israelis are only dragging themselves down.

All could be free and everyone can be immortal almighty gods via even the slightest real progress

I never sold my soul.
So I don’t know what y’all are doing.

>> No.21235393

Come on. Give it a try.
And what am I to you?

>> No.21235440

They’re the villains because they encourage autists like you.

>> No.21235467
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Does what you just said sound like what the hero you want to be would say?

Did you know everyone is autistic/soulful?

>> No.21235499

yea man, what you say is probably true and I wouldn't disagree with it even if I would be paid to do so
but that doesn't make Palestinians better than they are... and if it doesn't make Palestinians better than they are, what are you going to do? start the WE WERE KANGZ rhetoric? you kind of played away that chance once you & your commie friends mismanaged the profits gained from oil.

>> No.21235531
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The world is a collective. I want everyone to prosper because the world where everyone truly prospers most is where I prosper most.
There’s infinite kinds of prosperity.

Infinite kinds of prosperity of the soul.
Infinite kinds of prosperity of relationships.
Infinite kinds of prosperity of loves.

There’s infinitely more to all.

Indigenous Americans shouldn’t suffer either! And neither should DIXIE. Every Dixie that lived, loved, and died did it for the Dixie soul because THEY ARE the Dixie soul and the Dixie soul is as much god as anything else!

I fucking love Dixie and I know that Dixie truly prospers if Africa etc truly prospers as well.

There’s a such thing as TRUE progress. True progress for EVERYONE and all love.

>> No.21236005

Melkor did nothing wrong.

>> No.21236058

Based and truth pilled

>> No.21236075
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Seeing things that aren't there, peddling in secret knowledge that was shared exclusively with them by the secret agent, greys, angel, spirit from the beyond. Standard definition

>> No.21236863
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>There’s infinitely more to all.
Well, for example the Arabs had infinite money and infinite influence because of the oil they had in their possession... but they all that prosperity transformed them into a shadow of their former (XIX. century) selves...
The point is that the kind of infinite progress and prosperity we are talking about can rape you to death instead of being a playful and wise wife.

>> No.21236927
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There’s a such thing as true progress and true prosperity.


What do I see that’s not there?
Whose to say any knowledge I share is secret?

>> No.21236949
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>There’s a such thing as true progress and true prosperity.
>Links some JW style propaganda aimed at third worlders
Anon anon anon haven't you learned from the last time Western Man has given technology to Indians and Africans and other undeserving people? All they do is rape the planet and birth suffering. It's time we wake up and realize that there is more value in unexploited natural resources (including rain forests) than in money.
To sum it up: third worlders do not need more technology... what they need is that the technology they have been given be taken away, and all aid stopped.

>> No.21236955
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To add, true progress implies all progress. If we give someone super powers, we also have to give them their true lovers/friends/society/support to guide them to use the powers for good.

I sense it is wise for us to create a combination of cyberpunk x geneticpunk x solarpunk x SOULpunk/good-populism etc and ALL other progresses simultaneously to create good balance.

We have to simultaneously evolve the human soul/collective-consciousness as well as all aspects of society to provide everyone with what they TRULY want most.

It’s infinitely more than just creating a world that invokes ever goodder thoughts/spirits.

The only power is love. Everyones truest desires are mutual.
Everyone knows what TRUE heaven for all implies.

>> No.21236975
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Tech is nothing without the soul/consciousness to use it for good.

I’m implying the progress of all aspects of all simultaneously.

There’s infinite prosperity of the SOUL to indulge in and explore.
Society can and should be improved infinitely in even the most abstract ways.

The boundless progress of love and prosperity of love.

People acquire wealth only for love.
And I’m of the perspective that we’ve been in a post-scarcity world for a long long time.

>> No.21237098

>use it for good
yeah, especially if you redefine bad = good and good = bad

>> No.21237205


>> No.21237421


>> No.21237437

Satan (PBUH) and Morgoth (PBUH) would have exterminated the Palestinians and basically the entire region.

>> No.21237892
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What’s your definition of good?

True goodness is good for everyone.

Everyones truest desires are mutual.

There’s no devil in me that says the end of Palestine is anything good for anyone.

>> No.21238577

>this amount of word-juggling, combined with zero investment
mark of a true schizo a.k.a. stinky bot

>> No.21238580
File: 208 KB, 786x1113, Jacques_Ellul,_1990_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As Genesis shows us, the origin of sin the world is not knowledge, as is often said (as though God were interdicting our intellectual development, which would be absurd); it is knowledge of good and evil. In this context knowledge means decision. What is not acceptable to God is that we should decide on our own what is good and what is evil. Biblically, the good is in fact the will of God. That is all. What God decides, whatever it may be, is good. If then we decide what the good is, we substitute our will for God's. We construct morality when we say and do what is good, and it is then that we are sinners. To elaborate a moral system is to show oneself to be a sinner before God, not because the conduct is bad, but because, even if it is good, another good is substituted for the will of God.

>> No.21238764
File: 458 KB, 1125x923, 5C37B8A5-1CEF-43C7-9BE2-9F70A3B93D1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Investment in what?

Israel sucks.

I would hate to be Jewish and have the parasitic cult of Judaism try to influence any aspect of my life, what others think of me, and who I am.

If I was Jewish, I’d wish for Judaism to be destroyed. And for Israel to be like a peaceful Finland/Japan/Switzerland. A place that only causes everyone to prosper. A place and people everyone loves. Truly loved via goodness. Not via force.

Nazis are more chosen than Jews. As Nazism/progressive-populism is the key to all goodness, progress, and utopia.

Judaism has no morals. It’s a race-cult with gimmicks.

God is real and the only god is love. As the only motive is love.
The only way is love and the only moral is love as we all win most together

The greatest and truest victory is where EVERYONE wins



There’s infinite multiverses of versions of god/love.
There’s a truest love, and that love innately satisfies everyone. I sense some aspects of it must be discovered. Yet nonetheless, the spirit of the truest love/true-heaven-for-all, is in of itself the way to it and the destination.

>> No.21238790

In western canon and western tradition only villains seek immortality. A westerner is only allowed to be hero or a farmer or monk or whatever, white knight, live a long life, work hard to provide, a provider for life, and die miserably in the end. If you want immortality instead, well your a sinner, satanist, etc

>> No.21238818
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Lets change the story together

I love my love infinitely, all the way, and forever.
My people are destined for absolute divinity.

>> No.21239132

investment in the word diarrhea that comes out of your stinking mouth, you stinking bot
do not ever touch the internet again.

>> No.21239167

Why did God make a tree bearing fruit that could make us capable of acting outside of his will?

>> No.21239174


>> No.21239255
File: 71 KB, 500x663, 2EEF2D24-9A16-42F1-8A8A-3B8779FD0975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s all god x god.
The only judge of god is god.
As all is god.

Why does god do anything to god anyways? Love.


>> No.21239302

You say you want love but encourage hate. You have no empathy, or maybe, you're just trying to get passion.

>> No.21239615
File: 41 KB, 427x640, 682bf982b29570517904d19ee57dcbff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an obscure Tibetan theory about people who burn out their brain circuits by mismanaging advanced knowledge and mindlessly tinkering with their brain... the theory says that they can become trapped in a state of eternal bliss... of course after a while this becomes torture, so they do all in their power to provoke suffering, pain, and sadness and suck on it like vampires in order to experience change from the state of bliss.
This is why schizos are emotionally flat and can only mimic emotion, without eliciting empathy.

>> No.21239652

>people who burn out their brain circuits by mismanaging advanced knowledge and mindlessly tinkering with their brain... the theory says that they can become trapped in a state of eternal bliss..
These two groups of people are separare and unrelated, that is also assuming the theories from medieval mountain goat herders regarding complex neurological issues are valid and and not absolutely retard.

>> No.21239691 [DELETED] 

I only implied that there may be common underlying mechanisms that result in the same pattern.
Of course you may argue the communism also shares similarities... and I would say you are right.

>> No.21239755
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What hate do I encourage and what passion do I want?

>> No.21239770

I told you to stop posting.

>> No.21239787
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I just know how good that good gets, and how much infinitely better all can be.

The story has just begun.

You can tell yourself any story but I’m not ever in any way giving up on real progress, true goodness, true love, and immortality.


>> No.21239801
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So do you choose mortality for yourself?

All matters.

The world and humanity have only good fates.

UwU + OwO

>> No.21240253
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That's not what Satan is offering, but even if it was why is immortality and "almightiness" (whatever the fuck that means) something we should have? This is an is-ought problem. The implication that beings who want to give you those things are not villains, and are thus good is just ignoring the heart of the matter. What is good?

>> No.21240802
File: 290 KB, 706x1000, DDBD5637-520E-4EEB-9553-3E2BFAED90ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your god mortality or is your god love?

I have souls I can and shall love for eternity and infinitely all the way.

It’s wrong for anyone to stand against true love.

Goodness=true love.

I don’t impede on your love.

>> No.21241812

>it's wrong for anyone to stand against true love
>goodness=true love

Do anime niggas really? This is circular drivel. What exactly is "true love" and why is it something we ought to have?

>> No.21242652
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You can find that out for yourself

>> No.21242715
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>> No.21242751
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Not him, but yeah goodness is love. “True” is a useless qualifier here. Life is good, but this anon, either acting the part or a true schizo, doesn’t understand the terms of “immortality”. One grows tired of life, no matter how much they may love it.
Life is a cycle

>> No.21242894
File: 1.02 MB, 1125x1137, D6CDE21E-AC45-40A2-85DF-2E08421F5C0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love my love INFINITELY.

If you want mortality, it’s YOUR CHOICE.
And you have NO RIGHT to hold me and those I love back from immortality if we choose it.

Morality = ever greater love.

The only god, moral, motive, and way… is love.


I don’t need to die and reincarnate! There’s no mandatory pain and uncertainty!
When I sleep sometimes my dreams are so abstract that they’re equivalent to being dead! I want none of it.
I’m not taking any chances!

I’m never going to lose love and the infinite goodness of all that is.

ALL matters!

Life isn’t a game, toy, or gimmick to me. It’s ALL!


>> No.21242953

I want to live for as long as I like in perfect health. I want to cheat nature’s grinding, wearing down, I think I could do with at least a thousand years. But I might just crack after half the time. I won’t get the chance to know, so I cherish what I do have.
I doubt you’ve thought through the notion of immortality. It’s even conceivably impossible. You’d be someone else from century to another. Relax.

>> No.21243020
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Yes, I’ll change completely. There’s infinite multiverses of souls I love and lives I love to mix and merge with and be.

Who knows what I’ll become.
Have creativity and fun.
I’m god as is, I’ve simply discovered that I have a soul that I’m never going to give up on. The slightest progress equals absolute divinity for everyone.

My love is INFINITE multiverses.
There’s infinite multiverses of wholly unique loves I have yet to love and discover.
And each love is its own infinite ever expanding multiverses!

And you and I both know that there’s romance and sensuality YOU want for eternity as well.

>> No.21243538

It’s time for Satans redemption arc.

>> No.21244087

where did Morgoth ever give anyone immortality? If anything, he took it away According to the Edain, they were once immortal, like Elves, until Morgoth stole it from them by tricking them into sacrificing humans, cannibalism and other assorted sins.

>> No.21244126
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He wanted to give EVERYONE the choice of immortality! Every being! Every race! Every human! Every plant! Every soul! EVERYONE!

Do you ever think about the amount of “animals” we kill in a day to feed humanity? We could have innovation like cultured-meats prosper instead that makes food free, ever better, and not harming of “animals”. Pigs, cows, sheep etc are ~95% human DNA. And they feel all the same feelings we do, and some would say…. are as smart as humans as well.

Who would stand against me liberating them and empowering them via genetic modification to be equal to us? To be able to speak. And for the world to have a vast ever prospering abundance of hybrid races of various mixtures that are all wholly empowered. Equity included along with total freedom.

Maybe no one is going to stop us.

>> No.21244136

>He wanted to give EVERYONE the choice of immortality.
You're phrasing that in an odd way. What you actually mean is "He wanted to give EVERYONE the choice of mortality."

Immortality was the default that Eru bestowed on everyone. Mortality is what Melkor offered. But you're phrasing it backwards.

>> No.21244414
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And you know it.