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21239556 No.21239556 [Reply] [Original]

Has a book ever made you laugh? Like laugh out loud?

I used to think that was a meme; "this book is so funny" or "theres humor on every page". Books arent meant to be funny. They arent even meant to be fun. But pic related was genuinely hilarious to read sometimes.

Miss Trixie and Ignatius yelling at the movies got me good

>> No.21239559

Honestly I've laughed more reading Plato than any fiction

>> No.21239622

Wodehouse is pretty funny. Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams are pretty famously funny too. I think I had some decent laughs at Dave Barry back in the day too, but I don't remember anything in particular, so don't hold me to it.

>> No.21239739

Idk some sections in becketts novels absolutely make me piss myself. Just how fucking useless some of the characters can be at times. I can’t remember if it’s Molloy or Murphy when the guy has the stiff leg, he runs over the woman’s dog and at the burial because he can’t bend at the knee just lobs it in the grave lmao

>> No.21239781

I hate funny books.

>> No.21239793

Fuck you

>> No.21239823

every once in a while i'll think about a random catch-22 bit and be obligated to pull out my copy and find it. manages to be funny every time

>> No.21239830

The crocodile patrol section of V. had me suppressing laughs and smiling like an idiot in my workplace lunchroom.

>> No.21239847

Honestly, I've laughed more reading Plato than any fiction

>> No.21241341


>> No.21241359

Candide still gets a chuckle out of me. Alice in wonderland too.
>Mine is a long and sad tale, said the mouse
>It is long, but why call it sad?
Fucking gets me every time.

>> No.21241395

I don't usually laugh, but the part in The Third Policeman where they explain hanging a bike for murder made me shut the book, stare at the ceiling, and just grin for several minutes.

>> No.21241399


>> No.21241562

Any example?

>> No.21241580
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Thoughts? Any good? Amis seems as a raging asshole like his son.

>> No.21241665

Read him

>> No.21241676
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This part of Cicero's serious rant against Antony where he suddenly calls him a manwhore faggot had me cackling like a hyena.

>> No.21241697

Kek'd heartily. Which Philippic is this?

>> No.21241717

It's the second philippic against Antony.

Another thing which I remember laughing at (though I can't recall where it came from) was a story about how caesar spent a lot of time at some foreign ruler's place, causing some men to think he had sexual relations with him. When he returned and at a point gave some order to a legion of troops and they responded with "Yes ma'am".

>> No.21241722

> Books arent meant to be funny. They arent even meant to be fun.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.21241743

That was the rumor about Caesar and the king of Bithynia, right? Here's some article about it that compiles a list of sources where it's mentioned: https://repository.library.georgetown.edu/bitstream/handle/10822/551722/Osgood_Caesar_and_Nicomedes_Classical_Quarterly.pdf..

>> No.21241757

brothers karamazov and demons
anytime socrates absolutely mogs someone

>> No.21241769

Yes that's it 100%. Now that I read it, I remember it being some soldiers saying "My Queen!" to him in response of something.

>> No.21241772

>Cicero's head and hands were sent back to Rome, where Mark Antony ordered them fastened to the Rostra, a large platform from where orators spoke

>> No.21241777

it's funny because wealthy homosexuals still run the world

>> No.21241784

Lmao what a faggot.
That man was abolutely assblasted.

>> No.21241788

Amis Sr. was a raging drunk but a based writer. I love "Lucky Jim" but I think "Girl, 20" is underrated. There's something quintessentially English about his works, like Wodehouse. If you like "Lucky Jim", try Malcolm Bradbury's "University Man". I enjoyed it, but he got some slack for aping Amis I've just tried his debut, "Eating People is Wrong", but I'm not super impressed.

This was funny

>> No.21241823

Anon is right about Wodehouse. Spode, J. Washburn Stoker and co. have comic voices that resonate out of the pages. Some of the comic passages in Houellebecq are authentically hoot-aloud hilarious. The sex scene in Laurent Binet's The Seventh Function of Language ("let's make a desiring machine...") is a big high-brow in-joke, but if you get it, it's very funny indeed.

Many novels contain smirk-inducing passages, but laughing aloud is a stronger condition. I can think of many "funny" books, but very few, like The Third Policeman (>>21241395) which are as funny as the company of a very amusing friend.

>> No.21241829

Rabelais & Stern. Have you read more than five books?

>> No.21241842

Catch-22 got me quite a few times

>> No.21241865

Don Quixote, don't remember which parts exactly

>> No.21241963

This but for me it’s Nietzsche that buffoon

>> No.21241969
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I love Romans so much it's unreal.

>> No.21241973

>when you can't handle the bants
Cicero was right. What a fag.

>> No.21242890

confed of dunces was very funny.

also suggest catch 22 and puckoon. good soldier svejk wasn't as funny as i hope it'd be.

the grandaddy of anti heroes don quixote is still funny in moments here and there...moreso in first half.

>> No.21243172

I've always found funny bits on several books.
Of course it's harder to laugh out loud because the comedic pacing of a book is a lot slower and user dependent, not to mention how every other book happens to be the translation of a translation of a reinterpretation.

>> No.21243351
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him making food and then immediately vomiting it up was pretty funny

>> No.21243562

The whole section at the top of book 2 where he obliquely responded to complaints about book 1 was pretty funny and startlingly meta. As meta humor has become extremely overplayed and annoying in recent history, mostly at the hands of people I'm sure haven't read it, it was comparatively delightful coming from someone 400 years ahead of his time.

>> No.21243635

Don Quixote is pretty funny

>> No.21243640

Suttree had me laughting like a retard at times.

>> No.21244045

It’s kind of cheating but in the Norm Macdonald book had me weeping with laughter when the doctor of his Make-a-Wish kid recites the moth joke and Norm starts blindly swinging at him because “it had made him feel small”.
Also the chapter where he describes wanting to fuck Sarah Silverman but keeps using the phrase “lie down with her”

>> No.21244052

Any scene with Harrogate was pure gold
>Suttree visits him while he’s living in a literal sewer with exposed live wires and dead birds and animals everywhere
>”I’m gonna sell them to niggers! They’ll eat anything!”

>> No.21244054

The part about Major Major being Henry Fonda but being "too chickenshit to admit it" always busts my sides.

>> No.21244063

>”Filth!” Ignatius shouted, spewing wet popcorn over several rows. “How dare she pretend to be a virgin. Look at her degenerate face. Rape her!”

This paragraph made me laugh so hard when I read it the first time it was uncontrollable and embarrassingly in public.

>> No.21244250
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This got me good. That and Miss Trixie biting the hispanic guy that got hired at levy pants

>> No.21244703

'Alan Partridge, Nomad' right now. Bloody chortling right now m8.

>> No.21245056
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This part from The Brothers Karamazov made me chuckle.

>> No.21245079


I'm reading Ulysses at the moment, and it's the first book that has made me laugh in a while. The bit where Bloom fantasises about being the absolutist monarch of Ireland and dispensing dubious wisdom to petitioners was really great. All of the cuck jokes about Bloom that get thrown around are hilarious too. Bloom tries to block out the knowledge of what's happening with his wife, but his subconscious keeps throwing it back in his face.

>> No.21245429

The part where Bloom was saying how he was not guilty and a genuinely good person before a witness claims he saw Bloom take a shit in a painter's bucket had me fucking dying

>> No.21245858

The Iliad for me cuh

>> No.21245860

I laugh a lot when I read

>> No.21245880

thread isn't about this

>> No.21245882

he made me cringe more than laugh.

>> No.21246157

Diary of a Wimpy Kid had me busting my gut when I was young. Still makes me chuckle when I remember it.

>> No.21246367

Candide was absolutely hilarious

>> No.21246376

Most books make me laugh at least once, even something like stoner did once or twice. I have never read a book that constantly made me laugh or was trying to be funny though.

>> No.21246420
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>Journey to the End of the Night
>Naked Lunch
>Catch 22
>The Sluts
>The Castle

>> No.21246506
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Sot weed factor - john barth
Suttree - mccarthy

2 funniest books I've read.

>> No.21246545

Yes, in The Apology theres a part where Socrates's wife visits him in prison and she makes a scene crying and Socrates' says something like Someone get this woman away from here but its came out of nowhere and cracked me up for like half an hour

>> No.21246630

>Has a book ever made you laugh? Like laugh out loud?
Everything that I've read so far from Stanislaw Lem has made my laugh uncontrollably. It's absurd, but also very clever.
And this is true for Euthydemus

>> No.21247220

wardine be crying

DFW should have written the entire book in AAVE

>> No.21247587

American Psycho made me stifle laughter on public transport way back when I read it. Being on a bus and trying not to lose your shit, especially when the well memed parts come up, is definitely an experience. Good thing it was on an ereader, or I'd have looked even more certifiably cracked.

>> No.21247712

NUTCRANKR, just released, is by far the funniest book I've ever read. Laughed aloud many times while reading it. It is like a modern version of Confederacy.

>> No.21247957

Bad literature with lots of purple prose like Eye of Argon.

Frankie Boyles second book had a prologue that got me good as well.

>> No.21247981

This, Farenheit 451, Harassment Architecture, the Eyes of the Overworld, Call of the Crocodile.

>> No.21248326

Fyodor K acting like an absolute jackass in front of Zosima was cringe kino. You can feel Alyosha dying inside.
There's one part in Oxen where Buck Mulligan and his goons are talking about how much they want to fuck Milly (not knowing she's Bloom's daughter), and one offhandedly says something like "are you alright sir? You don't look so good" to Bloom, got me good the first time I read it

>> No.21248342
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Surprised no one has said it but PORTNOYS COMPLAINT is very funny

>> No.21248356

His lunch date with that woman where he makes her read his "dead nigger on the wall" poem and feeds her a urinal cake is where I absolutely lost it with that book.
That and when a woman (idk if it was the same one) offers to pay for her own food and he says something like "I felt broken, tortured, on the verge of collapsing into convulsions" then makes himself vomit up the food after the meal.

>> No.21249661

Those among many other excerpts. The iconic scenes from the film/memes as well. And for some reason the part where he's got the decapitated whore's head bobbing around on his cock while he walks around the place. Say whatever you want about Ellis, he's a fag or whatever, sure. But American Psycho is fucking funny as hell, at the very least.

>> No.21249884

>>Journey to the End of the Night
It was also really depressing at times

>> No.21249894

Aziz Ansari's book of modern romance. Tells you a lot of information and about other dating cultures. Really surprised at the Jewish one as he also joked about it in one of his specials. The way they get together online is "Jewish and zip code" it's like they don't care who they marry just as long as they spread their dna