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21238489 No.21238489 [Reply] [Original]

Other than Thomas Mann what are the quintessential authors of the Weimar period in German literature?

>> No.21238832

alfred doeblin

>> No.21238884

thomas mann was a faggot. read Ernst Jünger, Ernst von Salomon

>> No.21239208


>> No.21239230

>thomas mann was a faggot
Please explain why.

>> No.21239239

Adolf Hitler.

>> No.21239244
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>> No.21239249


>> No.21239257

Herman hesse

>> No.21239309

Not Weimarer Klassik anon.

>> No.21239325

He made a hard swerve to the left by the time he finished Magic Mountain, and after he emigrated to the USA he doubled down on the whole shitlib thing. It leaves a mark on his post-MM works.

>> No.21239331

To clarify, I think most people dunk on him for that not because he became a shitlib (though it's kind of a shame because a good part of MM is about the failure and contradictory nature of the classical shitlib mentality in the modern world) but because it comes off really forced and phony. This is the same guy who wrote the confessions of an unpolitical man, after all. You can't shake the feeling that he did it because he knew which way the wind was blowing.

>> No.21239361

But really, post-shitlibwende he just comes off as really pathetic and bootlicker-like. It's sad to see a talent of his caliber to kiss ass and outright grovel to his new overlords like he does, trying to prove at every step how he is a born-again shitlib who spits on everything he used to think and feel before he was enlightened by the boundless grace of the WW2 victors.

>> No.21239376

>comes off as really pathetic and bootlicker-like
Not really. He stood by his principles even when the anti-communist hysteria was at its peak in America, and he suffered as a result.

>> No.21239381

Was unironically gay and also a paedophile attracted to his own children.

>> No.21239392

Döblin and Musil.

>> No.21239397

A truer martyr for the faith the world has never seen.