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21237572 No.21237572 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get the point isn't this an Elliot Rodgers manifesto type of ramblings of a schizo teenager?
why is this mandatory reading in many schools but not some other mass shooter manifesto?

>> No.21237584

What you're jabbering about has little or no relationship to the actual contents of the book. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.21237587

>why is this mandatory reading in many schools
Because, for this book, teachers have ready-made study packages and "analysis" they can feed to their students without actually knowing anything about literature or having to think about it.

>> No.21237592 [DELETED] 

>when plebs read entry level literature

>> No.21237602

I am sure there is a lot of deep meaning and context and a tragic backstory and all that shit
but so does elliot rodger's manifesto

>> No.21237612

If you do not understand this book then I look down on you and assume you do not have a capacity for empathy either. If you genuinely believe holden is like elliot or any of the incels then you have been filtered.

>> No.21237619

There's jack shit in common between this book and Elliot Rodger's rambling bullshit. You might as well say, "The Bible is like God's manifesto, so why do they teaches Bible in church and not teach Elliot Rodger manifesto in church??" I hope you kill yourself.

>> No.21237627 [DELETED] 


>> No.21237629


>> No.21237637

for who, schizo males?
no such empathy was given to me when I was your average cringey teenager

>> No.21237649

There are some slight similarities. Holden and Elliot both feel alienated, and especially wrt women; Holden even gets into a fight with a chad who fucks a girl he used to like. They're both contemptuous of society while being dysfunctional and hypocritical.

That's about all though, Elliot was a raging narcissist and autist while Holden is comparatively normal, though there is clearly something wrong with his head. The book doesn't really give enough information to say with certainty what exactly is wrong with him, but his behavior is kind of bipolar or bpd or something.

Catcher in the rye is not only about Holden being fucked up though, there is other stuff going on.

>> No.21237662

t. hasn't read elliot's manifesto
so much for empathy, you just read the few exerpts from the media, the manifesto is more than 10 pages long
there's much more to it than elliot

>> No.21237672

I did read the whole thing back when the shooting happened. It's garden variety incel ideology interspersed with a truly comical lack of self awareness. The guy compares himself to Anakin Skywalker. He didnt understand people at all due to his autism but he did dimly perceive that contemporary sexual dynamics are dysfunctional.

>> No.21237681
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>people were mean to me so they should be mean to other people waaaa

>> No.21237690

Holden and elliot are exact opposites

>> No.21237814

You are a literal actual brainlet

>> No.21237819

People absolutely did empathize with you and decide to let things go when you were a cringey teen. The fact that you can’t see that means that you’re still mentally a cringey teen. You’ve just outed yourself as a genuine emotional retard.

>> No.21237850

Fucking retard.

>> No.21237876

you must not have grown up in an american high school
if you think someone doing something cringey was left alone because everyone had empathy, then you are delusional

>> No.21237894

Im talking about adults toward teenagers retard, which is one of the main themes of the book.
Sorry you got bullied by /other/ cringey teenagers. But they were fucking teenagers and so were you. Are you REALLY so fragile and pathetic that you STILL harbor resentment to bullying and teasing from fucking middle and high school? I don’t think you’re mature enough to understand this book OP.
And that’s from someone that doesn’t even like it that much.
>verification not required
Damn right

>> No.21237928

what? no you have no idea what the book is about, especially not when it's mandatory reading for teenagers
and yes, I find it really hard to find empathy for people who acted exactly the same as me, especially because I didn't have it easier.

>> No.21237973

Sounds like you need to read the book again and this time try not to be a pants-shitting retard with low-double-digit IQ while you do it.

>> No.21237980

>no argument
I accept your concession

>> No.21238027
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Picrel is vastly superior to that drivel.

>> No.21238249

No argument to what? That it’s cringe you’re still mad about high school bullying? What exactly am I supposed to argue against in any of your posts?
You have some immaturity issues and grudge-holding issues that you need to work on, irrespective of if you understood this book or not (you didn’t).

>> No.21238264

for someone who doesn't let anything bother them 0.1 seconds after it happened you sure took your time to reply to that provocation

>> No.21238350

The other anon is right. Your view of catcher in the rye is "other people did not feel bad for me, so I will not feel bad for holden" and he is calling you a loser for it.

>> No.21238786

I never once said nothing ever bothers me. I never spoke at all about myself. You are projecting because you don’t understand. You are being needlessly defensive because you’re still hung up on high school drama and it is exceedingly obvious. My original point stands: you aren’t mature enough to understand the book (or most social interactions in general from the sound of it), you should look inward and try to resolve your issues and then maybe read the book again when you realize that it’s ok to be a cringey teenager because that’s what everyone was (and still is, mostly).
One day you’ll be an adult observing awkward cringey teenagers yourself and you’ll smile to yourself and forgive them for their gawkiness because it doesn’t matter. We were all like that. It’s ok.

>> No.21238798

Because it was written at a time when mass shooters weren't a thing so there wasn't a push to trivialize real issues like loneliness and insecurity and frame anyone who has them as pathetic. Which isn't helping dissuade the potential murderers at all because when someone is driven to that extent, they do so out of DESPERATION, not glory-seeking. But normies are generally too vain, sociopathic and narcissistic to understand any motive besides social validation. It's their one true God, after all.

>> No.21238802

>People absolutely did empathize with you
Average normie gaslighting.

>> No.21238981

You think everyone everywhere just immediately hated you, and that every annoying you EVER did was met with direct and excessive retribution? You never once had a stranger see you trip on a sidewalk and /not/ drop his bags to point and laugh in your face?
Everything’s been bad the whole way through? You really believe that?

>> No.21239001

Actually incel ideology is very different, and is more involved with the blackpill. Elliot was a mentalcel narcissist. Basically the only connection with incel ideology is that Elliot was aware of the racepill.

>> No.21239027

Silly anon. Just because normies don't actively bully you doesn't mean they empathize with you. They are just indifferent to your existence and efforts to communicate with them. They already have friends, why would they need more?

>> No.21239034

Elliot frequently talked about women liking dumb assholes, which is a fairly standard incel point. The incel wiki I'm pretty sure even mentions ASPD as being attractive to women.

>> No.21239051


>> No.21239135

Genuinely pathetic

>> No.21239143

Dismissing things outside your comfort zone to maintain the feeling of safety is pathetic.

>> No.21239191

you see the problem isn't always that you got preyed on for being different, the problem has always been the unreasonable expectation that now that you are past that and grown up, you should act completely different than how you were treated when you were most young and vulnerable.

>> No.21239206

Like you dismissing being empathetic to holden because it makes you uncomfortable to have empathy when others (maybe) did not have it for you? Or you dismissing the other anon as "gaslighting" because it makes you uncomfortable?

>> No.21239571

He won’t reply, it’s a waste of time.