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/lit/ - Literature

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21228655 No.21228655 [Reply] [Original]

> Barely outsells 20 year old HP book

Explain this

>> No.21228656


>> No.21228658


>> No.21228660

>zero discussion about diper overlode on /lit/
what changed?

>> No.21228679

Thesaurus Mac is a hack, and no one gives a fuck that your Edgy "You said I was a sissy for reading, but I'm a real man after all, ma!" Western

>> No.21229026

That's that new illustrated version.
Parents, more like. People want their children to read even if they don't themselves.

>> No.21229031

Parents and women are not mutually exclusive. I don't think many dads buy Harry Potter.

>> No.21229035

1) McCarthy is an overrated hack
2) Who the fuck cares what the lowest common denominator buys or reads?

>> No.21229039

Went to Barnes or Nobel and was surprised he didn't have a kiosk or something. Just half his own table.
Didn't buy book because cover is super ugly.

>> No.21229057

>I don't think many dads buy Harry Potter.
Why not? Most boys liked HP back in middle school (the ones who didn't read would at least watch the movies).

>> No.21229149

The reception of The Passenger really broke the insecure contrarians on /lit/.

>> No.21229323

this board became infested with pseuds. i haven't seen a good /wimpy/ discussion in years.

>> No.21229334

colleen hoover is way worse. every one of her books is about a textbook abusive dickhead. Unbelievable. girls read this shit, and then they fucking believe it.

>> No.21229352

That's a huge number for literary fiction. The novel's only been out 2 weeks.

>> No.21229354
File: 86 KB, 622x1346, 1651941524240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When women read about abusive dickheads, their brains turn off and their vaginas moisturize.

>> No.21229416

Can someone explain how colleen hoover is charting so high?

I've though about reading it, but it really doesn't look like my cup of tea

>> No.21229427

Funny thing is, kinda looks like the character still likes hurting women...

Not very subtle either...

>> No.21229477

book sales counts are manipulated to give the appearance of success

>> No.21229483

Diper Överlöde

>> No.21229617

That McCarthy, an old white guy who writes in a style that turns normies off, is outselling one of the better received books in the best selling YA fantasy novel series of all time is actually shockingly good. I have no idea why you would see this as anything other than a win for literature.

>> No.21229850

he is the last son of the West

>> No.21229870

Imagine if this girl read American Psycho or something. It may not hold her attention because Bateman doesn't exclusively talk about women and the humor might fly over her head. Still

>> No.21229919

What the fuck

>> No.21229934

>Author: Child/Child

>> No.21229976

search engine

>> No.21229999

So are all the retarde anons going to fall for this again? She is tongue in cheek and specifically doing this to fuck with you

>> No.21230046

Impressive numbers but you aren't fooling anyone, roastie. Women are midwits by default but sexual arousal makes them literally braindead.

>> No.21230069

I liked hurting girls
>past tense
Mentally, not physically
>on the inside

what is the fucking purpose of writing this shit in the book. It's literally implicit in the original text, you don't need to make it even more obvious

Jesus Christ, I love women so much

>> No.21230081

You fags are too easy to troll. I love this broad

>> No.21230091
File: 155 KB, 720x1480, 1660038569388234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop samefagging. Here's a sample of prose celebrated by booktube roasties, they're borderline illiiterate. Make no mistake thogh, with the state of education as it is, this intellect on display should be enough to get her PhD in journalism, psychology or gender studies.

>> No.21230107

If you can’t tell the first girl was trolling with her annotations, I don’t know what to tell you. You are either autistic or oblivious

>> No.21230126

She most certainly isn't, you're just a simp or seething foid yourself. Those annotations correspond with any random booktok or booktube whore level of literary understanding: how "relatable" the characters are, how "easy to understand" the plot is, and how much "diversity" is there. Stop pretending that the female YA community isn't completely retarded.

>> No.21230146

I guess I can’t convince you otherwise, so whatever. Just know she got you good and her and many are laughing at people like you, who not only took the bait and the hook, but the sinker too

>> No.21230158

I can smell your cunt from here, just go away with your embarrassing e-whore apologia.

>> No.21230162

I thought the internet was over with the whole "joke's on you, I was pretending being retarded" thing.

>> No.21230171

i hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.21230182
File: 79 KB, 760x425, 1616784225223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying that women aren't capable of humor (picrel is a good bookreview joke) but this particular booktok roastie - and the whole community in general - is genuinely retarded.

>> No.21230198

There is no way women actually think that's literary genius. You're fooling yourself. There's physical way for women to have devolved that much.

>> No.21230207

She posted good bait obviously and deserves the attention

>> No.21230217

if people weren't so obsessed nowanddays this could be the new "only one enemy remained"

>> No.21230220 [DELETED] 

Devolved? They were universally considered as second class second class people only good for sex and babies for about 98% of human history, and probably for a good reason.

>> No.21230224

Devolved? They were universally considered as second people only good for sex and babies for about 98% of human history, and probably for a good reason.

>> No.21230363
File: 23 KB, 342x500, A8E1BA6C-2D6E-4A59-8AEE-D55F058683A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Céline chads...Londres didn't even make the list...

>> No.21230693

he's over 9000 years old and running victory laps, shtitposting about quantum anal tunnelling and the quest for the niggs boson. to be even top whatever at that point is baller.

>> No.21230766

>Loved it
>He enjoyed it
This gets me errytime

>> No.21230789

How the fuck is Harry Potter so popular it's still selling in the top 10? (And I'm assuming the other books are in the top 20s and 30s, Jesus fucking Christ).

>> No.21230794


>> No.21230977

there's a difference between rough-housing and out-right abuse. I have read A LOT of porn written by women, and enemies-to-lovers is a very popular trope, but it also involves the abuser very much having to redeem himself, or suffering karmatic justice, and it almost never crosses certain lines (unless of course it's a dead dove: do not eat story).

>> No.21231029

Nothing changed. /lit/ just stopped pretending to read.

>> No.21231056

McCarthycels seethe at Hooverchads

>> No.21231189

Written by two brothers with last name child

>> No.21231218

I wonder how it compares to all his others. I saw that the road sold 156,000 initially, then millions when Oprah picked it up. Blood meridian sold like 1200, being an earlier work. Not sure about the rest

>> No.21231296

Inceline is garbage.

>> No.21231414 [DELETED] 

Awwww is the little tranny trying to spam his shitty meme? How cute! How long until you join the 41%?

>> No.21231435

Fact is one chud tried to shill Inceline's garbage here but even the other chuds realized it wasn't worth the time. I am just reminding.

>> No.21232111

Perhaps Plato was right about poets?

>> No.21232412

No he was not