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21225947 No.21225947 [Reply] [Original]

the review that destroyed /lit/

>> No.21225978

This woman needs a husband, and she needs to be regularly beaten.

>> No.21225979

>Buy on Amazon BR
Sinto cheiro de macaco de longe.

>> No.21225999

>Cut your line, land your boat and go to McDonald's!
Americans are disgusting vile creatures. They can only think of burgers and fast food even while writing a review about a book of all things.

>> No.21226009


>> No.21226010

>not the mate I would pick
What makes she think Ernest Hemingway wrote an entire book just to sexually impress this roastie

>> No.21226019

This is just charming

>> No.21226026

Glad you're revolted by us. Don't come here and stay in your third world shit shack with no running water, please.

>> No.21226039

America is literally a third-world country.
t. fellow burger
>woman review

>> No.21226048

>Don't come here and stay in your third world shit shack with no running water, please.
I live in a first world european country and have clear and safe drinkable water (unlike america). I also have affordable healthcare and schooling where kids don't shoot each other (unlike america). My country is also safe, white and homogenous (unlike america)

>> No.21226053

Perfect encapsulation of the bourgeois.

>> No.21226071

so that's why women are inferior to men?

>> No.21226077
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I think I got to read this book.

>> No.21226081

>safe, white and homogenous
not for long (thanks to america)

>> No.21226093

>why do men do things that aren't obvious attempts at seduction
>specifically the seduction of, well, me
>me, sara, your humble narrator

>> No.21226097

The american is proud of ruining and destroying white countries. What a vile creature you are.

>> No.21226103

In woman's mind, everything a man does is a showboat to gain access to her fuckhole.
Notice how she's denying pussy by proxy in a fucking book review. Women are subhuman, I'm sure that a particularly well-trained dog is less controlled by its sexuality than a femoid.

>> No.21226105
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>> No.21226111
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>> No.21226121

Stupid dog fucker. I bet she enjoys Harry Potter, Twilight, Maze Runner and Games of Thrones.

>> No.21226127

Wait! Are they called roasties because their vaginas look like beef?

>> No.21226134

Today this anon made a grand but obvious realization.

>> No.21226338

This is just charming

>> No.21226390

>Masculinity only exists to get women and provide for the family!
The sexual revolution ended this women can provide for themselves now and raise childern on their own. Because of this men have to find other ways to define what means to "be a man". You can critique Hemingway's enterptiation on what means to be a man but this isn't it.

>> No.21226398

Olá Anon, falando sobre o tópico, qual foi o ultimo livro que você leu?

Also what happened to the spanish and luso generals on /lit/? I haven't used the board regularly for a few months but they were pretty constant from what I remember, got some good Machado posts in there

>> No.21226441

I couldn't finish Wizard's First Rule. I really tried but felt almost like a parody of fantasy.

>> No.21226507

I prefer the ongoing 14 year saga of a roastie updating her Handmaid's Tale review every few months to tell us how the US is "LITERALLY TURNING INTO GILEAD!" Too bad length limits have forced her to delete some high quality salt.

>> No.21226520

>too dumb to cut your fishing line
>instead of stubbornness
Jesus Christ, not only filtered, but also clearly not White.

>> No.21227112

She’s right.

>> No.21227645

love from kazakhstan

>> No.21227671

Well you have to be american to get it. It’s not like they sell Arby’s roast beef around the world

>> No.21227742

>There are all kinds of lovely, gruesome details about the search for food, water, and shelter, but there's only one brief mention of sanitary arrangements. Of course, people dealing with survival in a mountainous, wooded area aren't going to visit lovely toilet facilities, but they're being hunted.
Why does she want more graphic peepee and poopoo scenes? Is there a psychological relation between her feminism and fascination with peepee and poopoo?

>> No.21227929


>> No.21227947

>Poopoo scenes
Does that mean GRRM is the most feminist author ever?

>> No.21227951

'Realism' is a cope for retards and pseuds. You can achieve verisimilitude without adherence to realism and doing so in fact heightens the aesthetic appeal of the work. For the same reason that nobody wants to hear women bitch about their period irl, nobody really wants to hear about the protagonist taking a shit.
Of course women with holebrain don't comprehend the aversion to hyperrealism in either scenario.

>> No.21228026

good lord. is this famous or did you just happen upon it

>> No.21228091

happen upon it

>> No.21228196

First Post Best Post

>> No.21228202

I agree.

>> No.21228215
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Lmao holy shit, I’ve always wondered if men from countries like Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia read this stuff then show it to their friends like:
>see brothers, THIS is kind of shit that will happen if we ever give any rights to our women

>> No.21228223

>in afghanistan
Good one.

>> No.21228250
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It’s actually pretty easy to get satellite internet in Afghanistan, not to mention its pretty close to millions of IT professionals in Pakistan. There’s infamously controversy about the fact that Twitter banned people like Trump, and banned Andrew Tate for “misogyny” but still let’s literal Taliban members shitpost without being banned

>> No.21228255
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>> No.21228272

>Jacques lifted his arm from the counter, throwing gusts of air perceptible only to mosquitos from his gently accelerating limb. His left ventricle contracted, pushing blood to the right, and the right in turn sending seventy milliliters of thick red fluid through his branching pulmonary artery. His lungs expanded and filled with a gassy substance that consisted of roughly twenty percent oxygen by volume, infusing every protein of hemoglobin with innumerable molecules of the allotrope dioxygen. Just as his blood made its way out his pulmonary vein, Jacques' oral muscles contracted involuntarily as if to push saliva towards his esophagus; it did, and the soft pink doorway to his stomach engaged in the reflex of deglutition, pulling globs of thick clear substance into the caustic acid below.
>The sudden action of Jacques' upper digestive tract triggered another uncanny, undesirable, and altogether unfortunate event- waves of peristalsis moved through his bowels like the slow contraction of Muscularis Externa in the intestines of a human organism. He could not contain it. He would not contain it. In a moment, a cloud of pressurized sulfurous compounds pressed against his interior anal sphincter, tearing through and easily breaking past the external anal sphincter. Small strands of poorly trimmed protein filaments fluttered in the gaseous breeze of his colorectal cavity, causing his body to experience universal piloerection in tune with his perceived increase in temperature and embarrassment.

I don't feel the realism vibes

>> No.21228600


Stopped reading there

>> No.21228699

21st centuary old man and the sea

Old man takes his neice bra shopping. The shopping centre, tiled, hung with glistening plants that usually grow in darker parts of a jungle, is empty, like a film about a shopping centre empty - people with luxurious space, as if the whole place was made for them to wander between open shops, laugh with beautiful shop assistants, and the billboards with the rest of the even more beautiful world in elegant positions

Anyway, the story goes on to the guy trying to hold on to his neice, her youth, his identity and dreams. Meanwhile the images of success are everywhere and all they mention is fucking, and his neice wants to know which bras are nicer, and the shop assistant is flirty and he wants to fuck her, but he mentions that the girl is not his daughter and the shop assistant gets weird.

So they go for lunch and the food is sloppy and gets all over his hands, and all he wants to do is like them and suck his fingers, like his neice

And so on and so on

>> No.21228739

Funny thing about machismo, it's always grounded in insecurity.
Do what real men do, laugh at your inferiors, laugh at blatant stupidity, and laugh at impotent posturing threats, just as I'm laughing at you.

>> No.21228758

thanks for posting this, i thought (ESL) she meant "mate" as a metaphorical shipmate. as in "if i were to go boat fishing I'd pick a less reckless shipmate"
that attitude makes it way worse.

>> No.21228770

reads like an alien novel about humans. I'd read it

>> No.21228839

Women can't understand men; men can't understand women.

>> No.21228845

Can you even read? She’s ridiculing the sort of masculinity presented in the book. Masculinity and femininity are both ultimately constructs which evolved for the purposes of mating and cohesion between the sexes. Thus when she says “not the sort of mate I would pick” she’s saying that Hemingway’s masculinity isn’t true masculinity according to her. Her version of true masculinity is apparently a man who takes care of his children and “important things” like the home. Whether you agree with her or not about this specific point, female evaluation of men IS directly linked with masculinity, because cohesion between the sexes is literally what masculinity and femininity evolved for.

>> No.21228857

>can only think
How interesting your hatred of America rendered your reading comprehension nil. She is clearly thinking of a much larger picture, but joking. It's you desiccated, eternally-cucked Euros, rife with complexes of every kind, who are always hung up on the USA with the same braindead, self-affirming retardation of the modern Nazi and his fear of the omnipotent Jew. Stay in your inbred, powerless land, and while you're at it, speak your own language to your own people.

>> No.21228942

holy fucking shit, dude

>> No.21228950
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I'm so sick of your twisted logic roastie.
>No means no but it can also mean yes if he is handsome hihi
>When I say I wouldn't pick him as my partner because he is short what I really mean is I don't respect his idea of masculinity which is grounded in his shortness

>> No.21228990

>Laughs at an autist unable to appreciate locker room jokes

>> No.21229132

She is right. OMATS is incredibly mid. Reddit likes it because it's short and the symbolism is easy to grasp.

>> No.21229136

This is my girlfriend's favorite book.
You DON'T want to insult my girlfriend's favorite book, trust me.

>> No.21229137

I wonder how you came up with that example tiny.

>> No.21229148

You have talent and vision. This could be a good short story to put your name out there.

>> No.21229290

>old man takes his niece bra shopping
already cringe and unrealistic, but i read everything you posted and it got even worse

don't write. you'll just add one more piece to the pile of modern western """"art.""""

>> No.21229295

you're a pervert and a moron. his work would only circulate among retards like you.

>> No.21229358

Lmao you just know she's american

>> No.21229436

You're opinion is completely immaterial to me. Seethe more.

>> No.21229460

>Also what happened to the spanish and luso generals on /lit/?

I stopped contributing, so they probably became shit and disappeared.

>> No.21229498

lol stfu faggot

>> No.21229534
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>Sinto cheiro de macaco de longe.

>> No.21229627

so much posturing for such a little lady

>> No.21229791

chupa minha pica filho da puta

>> No.21229852

lmao, when was the last time you drank water fatty? Easy on the burgers, chungus

>> No.21230837

>Masculinity and femininity are both ultimately constructs which evolved for the purposes of mating and cohesion between the sexes.
If that was true, they would each lead into the other. However, masculine values lead men to hate women, not desire them; and femininity is just the collection of leftover traits men don't mind having in their partners.

>> No.21230897

You gay?

>> No.21230953

>years of seethe
>partisan political discussion under a review
I kinda get why IMDB forums were shitcanned in retrospect

>> No.21231502


>> No.21231514

she's correct
hemingway is a writer for infantile boys

>> No.21231787

"take your daughter bra shopping"
Degenerate hag

>> No.21231798

>Hey Mrs. Jones. May i please have your e-mail? I am leading a class discussion in my English 101 class and I would like to show that one video you showed us with all the disney characters and how their roles are sexist. I know i have your e-mail some where but i cant seem to find it. Anyway, if you could please e-mail me, my e-mail is simplypierreschick@yahoo.com
thank you.

>> No.21232195

I don't think you know how to understand a story, my man. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Please tell me something worthy of appraisal

>> No.21232601

>Take your daughter bra shopping
*hits pipe*

>> No.21232636
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Isildur, cut the line!

>> No.21232837


>> No.21232871

Women can't understand men (they lack the parts to do so, both up there and down there) but the inverse is definitely not true. If you think women are at all complex you're still clueless.

>> No.21232922

21th century "Oldman and the sea" is a business man bought a big company and trying to make profitable. But the experience of the businesman is too small, power is limited, sharks are hungry, the shore is far away.

>> No.21232924

Anglos can't understand anyone.

>> No.21233008

>write a book about macro colombian fibre industry
>it's called The Macroeconomics of Colombian Plant Fibre
>woman looks at the title
>"your vagina stinks!"
>proceeds to write 2 volume critique
>the first is her cathartic whining about how some guy winked at her before walking away
>the second is an offering of behavorial readjusment for her ideal imaginary boyfriend based upon the social dynamics of a teaparty

>> No.21233013

You are giving her inane response way too much credit:

>> No.21233042

uh, isn't the point more that he does what is fulfilling? trying to grasp at some ineffable truth, and more importantly the pursuit of something? isnt the point of things like the great gatsby that even if you died in your endeavor, there is an intrinsic greatness in that endeavor itself. I mean, Gatbsy literally got shoot and died, but Nick still reflects foundly on him for his capacity to dream. like, in that story specifically I dont know HOW you could get a thesis like this when Gatsbys girl was literally a shallow person who absconded with the other rich guy, and Gatsby died in worldly obscurity.
the whole
>Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And one fine morning——
> So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back cease- lessly into the past.

>> No.21234164

>female equivalent of muh_dick.jpg
At what point do we stop laughing at women, and realize it's inhumane to pretend they can function on a truly adult level? At some point it's simply cruel.

>> No.21234179

American hands typed this

>> No.21234960

Yes, and?

>> No.21235559

They are good books anon

>> No.21236068

obsessed eslmonkey