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21221343 No.21221343 [Reply] [Original]

>I will write an epic for my people by stealing from other culture's myths!
Bravo, Tolkien. Perfect encapsulation of the Anglo spirit.

>> No.21221354

Tolkein was German.

>> No.21221360

In his mind, he was an Englishman writing le big English epic.

>> No.21221371

Then why not write in German? Also I'm sure he had English ancestry on his maternal side.

>> No.21221393

>I hate anglos so much I'm going to make another 'le anglo hate thread'
>what do I make it about
>ahh here is a popular English author
>what lie can I tell I the hope of perpetuating

>> No.21221414
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>> No.21221422

>I am, somehow, a victim here!
This thread is explicitly about Tolkien the Thieving Rat, sonny.

>> No.21221429

It's a very well-known fact that Tolkien viewed LoTR as an epic for the English people. He stated it multiple times in interviews. It's also well known that Tolkien's whole mythology is stolen from the Kalevala. Many Tolkien scholars admit this.

>> No.21221436

Fuck off

>> No.21221439

Truth hurts.

>> No.21221449

Tolkien infantilized world myths and added infantile elements such as goblins, dwarves, hobbits, bobbits and whatnot.

It's similar how cuisines degraded when Europeans entered American markets and you ended up with goyslop like Corn Beef Hash (ie. food suitable for Americans).

LOTR is for low brow audiences who want to escape real world myths, legends and folklore to a daydream. They cannot accept reality as it is.

>> No.21221711

>t. resentful Europoor / second world degenerate

>> No.21221721

Good luck staying warm this winter

>> No.21221729


>> No.21221734

You aren't interested in an argument, just feeling superior to a culture you don't know anything about.

>> No.21222177


>> No.21222320

>t. seething non-germanic

>> No.21222435

Truth is relative, anyways

>> No.21222466

Just like Borges.

>> No.21222468

I thought a lot of the power of this stuff is the supposed interrelated/perennial character of the myths. If you’re trying to fit into that tradition you aren’t really stealing you’re trying to lose your cultural particularity in the monomyth or whatever. That’s the impression I get from grazing the trad/fantasy/religion threads on 4channel at least

>> No.21222469

It's the finnish schizo.

>> No.21222483

How do you think every other epic was made? How do you think every other culture's myths were made?
Culture doesn't form in a vacuum. Every culture borrows off of cultures in close contact with them. That's why every religion has a universal flood myth. That's why every culture and every religion has a messianic dying-God myth. That's why every culture and every religion has a Mother-Goddess myth. That's why every culture and every religion has a going-down-into-the-underworld-and-getting-out myth. Every culture, every religion. Cultures spread their mythical and epic motifs. Tolkien isn't doing anything new or alarming by any historical standard. Grow up.

>> No.21222563

Imagine falling for Putin's propaganda... What a dumb mutt...

>> No.21223262

>>I will improve and combine multiple European epics to create a new magical world

>> No.21223270

Reminder that this is how meds think.

>> No.21223319

Borges never wrote an epic.
Those myths happened organically. Tolkien's work is an artificial construct by his own admission and he did it for profit. Imagine taking all these foreign myths, remixing them, and then putting your name on the result. Gross.
lmao nice bait

>> No.21223399

But it's still white people culture.
Guess he should have based it on more Nordic/Germanic/Celtic mythos.

>> No.21223406

imagine falling for a ukrainian warlords' propaganda - enjoy your winter

>> No.21223564

It is not. And no they do not. It doesn't even draw anything from it.

>> No.21223569

The hobbits are pretty stupid.

>> No.21223577

Tolkien didn't realise the only reason people would read his books endlessly is because the symbols for elf women and dragons are too overpowered,
he just stumbled onto those symbols by chance.
Nerds just plant the movies over the top.

>> No.21223712

Get a job Finnfag, this was 4:30 in the morning lmao.

>> No.21223717
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>European myths and folklore of yesteryear is more real than European myths of folklore of the 20th century

>> No.21223873

He was british.

>> No.21223914

And here we see the eternal Jew, culture is property, property is profit, creativity is theft, only greed, jealousy, stupidity remain

>> No.21223923

>infantile elements such as goblins, dwarves, hobbits, bobbits and whatnot
The earliest Norse sources had trolls, goblins, elves and dwarves, and you will keep your ignorant mouth shut about my cultural heritage

>> No.21224041

These mythological entities and nations had an aura of evil, mischief and obscurity to them and were associated with races of past ages such as Tuatha Dé Danann.

In the European pagan systems, Any natural object possessed not only its material characteristics, but was a manifestation of a more or less tangible idea on which it depended. The Pool was a pool, true; but also there was a nymph or water elemental whose home it was. In her turn, the pool's inhabitant was dependent on a superior kind of nymph, who was much less closely attached to any given pool, but more to pools in general.

Tolkien infantilized all of this and made them seem like some merry little creatures having teatime and biscuits and whose sole existence was dependent on being merry little woodland critters.

And thus the whole work of Tolkien is filled with miscalculations and Christian superstitious dogmatism when trying to "unlock" and "understand" folklore of ancient Europe. Then you end up with Tolkien self-inserting characteristics to elementals and inhabitants of the earth element (gnomes), who in the folklore were laborious and patient, and they become the hideous infantile dwarves of Tolkien, who are now chiefly concerned with grossness and avarice.

>Ui! Let me sing the song of my race! And then we have jolly tea and biscuits with my Bobbity-Hobbity Fellows!

He raped the European myths.

>> No.21224064

All aryan mythology have a common origin. I am scandinavian and think Tolkien basing lots of LotR on norse myth is cool and based. I am flattered he would find our legacy so compelling. Grow up.

>> No.21224070

Take your meds

>> No.21224082

>I am scandinavian and think Tolkien basing lots of LotR on norse myth is cool and based

Factually incorrect, considering Tolkien himself highlighted Kalevala and the Finnish myths, not Norse myths.

>> No.21224090

I said Tolkien based "lots" of lotr on norse myth, not all of it. Some of it was also inspired by the bible. Go to bed finnautist.

>> No.21224091

There's plenty of Norse influence to be found as well. Gandalf should suffice.

>> No.21224096

>I said Tolkien based "lots" of lotr on norse myth

The word is some. Not "lots", but "some"

Kalevala was 80% of the influence of LOTR and Silmarillion. The Bible and Norse myths constituted maybe 10-20%

Honestly, respect the Finns.

>> No.21224103

Kalevala is not "Finnish". It was some guy exactly like Tolkien making up myths for Swedish rape babies

>> No.21224121

>Aryan mythology

Kalevala is not aryan, but Uralic heritage. Research more before making factually incorrect statements like this,.

>> No.21224128

No one is talking about your made up "epic", finntroll

>> No.21224133

Tolkien was obsessed with it and based LOTR and Silmarillion on it though.

If you want to think LOTR and Silmarillion as based on "aryan myths", that's fine, but actual researchers and professors of literature disagree with you. However, they admit the Finnish influence.

>> No.21224137

>but actual researchers and professors of literature disagree
Cite them or fuck off

>> No.21224162

Uralics are aryan. All white people are aryan. Yes, finns are white. Actually among the whitest people.

>> No.21224167

Finns are mongols, hence trolls

>> No.21224185

This is not even up for debate my friend. You are being intellectually, and nationalistically, dishonest if you disagree with the above considerations. I am sorry kid.

Bachelor’s Seminar and Thesis
English Philology

Researching J.R.R. Tolkien:
How Kalevala influenced his legendarium

J.R.R. Tolkien’s Land of Heroes–
Fëanor, a tragic hero of Middle-Earth in
comparison to Seppo Ilmarinen from the Kalevala

University of Jyväskylä
Department of Languages

What J.R.R. Tolkien Really Did with the Sampo?
Jonathan B. Himes


+50 other numerous academic studies.

>> No.21224190

>my friend
Your pettiness shows
"Citing" is not listing some copy+paste sources. Quote the actual disagreements with their sources instead of your bs

>> No.21224191

How much Tolkien exactly did steal from the Finns and the Kalevala?

>Tolkien wrote that The Story of Kullervo was ‘the germ of my attempt to write legends of my own’, and was ‘a major matter in the legends of the First Age’; his Kullervo was the ancestor of Túrin Turambar, tragic incestuous hero of The Silmarillion. In addition to being a powerful story in its own right, The Story of Kullervo – published here for the first time with the author’s drafts, notes and lecture-essays on its source-work, The Kalevala, is a foundation stone in the structure of Tolkien’s invented world.

Verlyn Flieger, who wrote that above quotation, is the Professor in the Department of English at the University of Maryland.

Why does /lit/ say that the influence of Kalevala was rather minor, when university professors and academia say contrary things and tell us that the Finnish myths and national epics of Finland formed the very backbone of Tolkien's mythological world?

Who is right? Some neckbeards on 4chinz or actual professors who study linguistics, mythology and world literature?

>> No.21224195

You disagree with Verlyyn Flieger? >>21224191

Because after all, you are on 4chinz and know better than professors at the university of Maryland?

>> No.21224205

So Tolkien was inspired by Lönnrot to make a fake epic of his own, and no one gives a shit, because unlike Lönnrot, Tolkien was a good writer
And here you are seething while I goad and laugh at you?
Good on you

>> No.21224225

>I am the master king of 4chan!! You are here to amuse me like the old kings of Eld had court jesters! Look how superior I am since I am not debating i am just laughing at the Finnish nation!!

Whatever kid. Maybe time to re-read the Hibbit the graphical novel with "wahh wahh cool sword look at the cool sword"?

>> No.21224228

>projecting this hard
You are really invested in this, maybe get out, talk to some people, chill and have fun?

>> No.21224567

You're too old to be here.

>> No.21224573

What was the problem with Arthur, really? Just because the legend of Arthur became a pan-european legend it never stopped being the "matter of england".

>> No.21224574

>what lie can I tell
Tolkien literally, actually took from the myths and languages of other cultures. You may not agree with, OPs take, but he is definitely not lying.

>> No.21224609

Every writer, ever creative person, builds on what they know and like. It's not stealing. You retards are the same kind of ilk as the guys suing George Harrison or Led Zeppelin for "Stealing Riffs". In the age of the meme no less
The Kalevala autist itt went on and on about how Tolkien copied it, but it itself was written by a guy copying and building on folk tales and songs
Grow up

>> No.21224634

It's quite sad really that you are comparing creations of infantile fantasy authors made for low brow audeinces to Karelian oral folklore and timeless wisdom that is thousands of years old

>> No.21224638

Kalevala is not authentic you mong

>> No.21224643
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Then read Old Kalevala

You think Lönnrot just made up these poems?

Read The Old Kalevala if you feel that few additions in the newer versions made by Lönnrot somehow made it "not authentic"

>> No.21224652

>treating culture and myths as some sort of commodity you can "own" and that has fucking trademark or copyright laws
Why are people like this? This is like saying the Greeks "stole" the Phoenician alphabet.

>> No.21224654

Nationalism brain has done great damage to discourse in this board. Retards will genuinely judge a text based on whether its author is from a "based" Nationality or "le cringe" nationality. While at the same time, other faggots will interpret any criticism of an author as being an attack on their nation-state. It's so fucking stupid.

>> No.21224657

It's an epic constructed during the time age of national romanticism. It's funny that you have such a hateboner for Tolkien, since Lönnrot did exactly the same thing that you are complaining about. Constructed a work from stories he collected and built on. Tolkien did it for the love of creativity and story-telling. If that is so abhorrent to you that you need to continue screeching about it over and over, I will leave you to your petty misery. Have a good rest of your day.

>> No.21224662

Oh yeah Tolkien really infantilized the ADULT AND MATURE Norse mythology by adding... Dwarfs, which always existed in Norse myth?

>> No.21224667

Kalevala exists and existed with or without Lönnrot. Besides, it was already a dying tradition when Lönnrot went to visit and record the last rune singers alive.

This is akin saying that the archeologists who uncovered Egyptian artifacts and mummies literally invented those relics and monuments. No: it was an act of preservation

Not conjuring some sort of false narrative for national romanticist purposes only and inventing false glorious past for Finland

>> No.21224672


See >>21224041

>> No.21224675

He collected folktales and made a story from them.
Tolkien, as a philologist, collected written texts, and made a story from them.
The end.

>> No.21224684

>He collected folktales and made a story from them.

No, that is not what he did. Lönnrot collected the oral rune songs that dealt with creation of the world so as to begin Kalevala with those

It was an act of categorization and giving structure

Do you think The Bible or Old Testament was written in a same manner how Tolkien wrote The Hibbit, LOTR or Silmarillion? Literally vast amount of material, in a same manner of Kalevala runes, was omitted from The Bible through the centuries before it achieved the form it is known today

>> No.21224703

Yes that is what he did. And those people, those stories were not "Finnish". It's like the Norman-English waxing nostalgic over The Matter of Britain, which was old Welsh folktales, collected, and used to make a national epic
Obviously I'm not saying that Tolkien did the same thing. Because he did not pretend that what he wrote was somehow "authentic". He wrote his own stories based on the stories he loves. He is a writer, that's what writers do.
Again. Stop seething and get a grip.

>> No.21224721

Kalevala is not explicitly Karelian, the fact that the rune tradition still existed in latent form in that region does not make it solely a Karelian tradition and there were/was similar poems and runes found in coastal, western Finland too.

>> No.21224734

It is to Finland as TLotR is to 60's hippies. A construct, adopted to give them a sense of identity

>> No.21224749

No, that's not what it is. Those poems would have existed and did exist without Lönnrot.

Lönnrot, like Tolkien, were fennomans and obsessed with Finnish national spirit.

Even the actor of Saruman in the Peter Jackson adaption of LOTR was a fennomaniac:

>When the Second World War broke out in 1939, Lee had enrolled in a military academy and volunteered to fight for the Finnish Army against the Soviet Union during the Winter War.[30] He and other British volunteers were kept away from the actual fighting, but they were issued with winter gear and were posted on guard duty a safe distance from the border. After two weeks in Finland, they returned home.[31][32] In a later interview, Lee stated that he knew how to shoot but not how to ski and that he probably would not be alive if he had been allowed to go to the front line.

These anglos were obsessed Finland to a degree that this young man willingly came here, without compensation, to sacrifice his life for the independence of Finland

But Finland does not need these anglos

We do not need tolkien like we didnt need the contribution of Christopher Lee

We do not need you

>> No.21224762

And yet here you are, screeching about how much you don't care to people who don't care at all
Doesn't quite add up, now, does it?

And the poems would no longer exist, except for the story that Lönnrot built from them. Again, just like Welsh Arthur would have been lost if it hadn't been for the Matter of Britain. That they did exist doesn't mean anything, because they had no connection to the National Romantic idea of Finland or "Finnishness". They were co-opted by Lönnrot to become that.

Again, the only difference between Lönnrot and Tolkien, is that Tolkien does not claim some kind of spiritual authenticity, because he wrote his works as fiction, in the model of ideas that he loved.

And in that he was more honest. Just as he is much better known and loved. And that is the real reason you can't just relax and read the works for being good stories.

>> No.21224834
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>Tolkien largely based his world on a Finnish epic, even including a constructed language heavily influenced by Finnish
>he was absolutely open about this

I don't see any problem. He didn't say anything to the contrary, as if he were saying he made everything up on its own. Also, what he made with these inspirations was entirely unique, and Tolkien will be remembered as being extremely original, literarily speaking.

Why don't you accuse him of stealing LotR's Christian concepts from the Bible and infantilizing them as well?

>> No.21225096

>Muh wypipo calchur
Retarded american
He took another nation's myths, remixed and neutered them, slappped his name on it and profitted. He IS the Jew. May I remind you that he was a philosemite and told the nazis to fuck off? Stop the /pol/tarde larp next time you suck his dick.
BASED. This literally cannot be refuted.
Cringe cuck.

>> No.21225105


>> No.21225111

>It's ok when Tolkien steals because ehh le inspiration n shieet

>> No.21225154

Tolkien did to these myths what Disney did to fairy tales. He neutered them and made them commercial and commodified for the Anglo audience.

>> No.21225159

>He didn't say anything to the contrary
But people do. They say he invented fantasy and he was le unique original creator who fathered fantasy.

>> No.21225181

We've already been over this. Go to bed, poro

>> No.21225185

Over what? You have never replied to me about this.

>> No.21225186

That would be Dunsany. Do you even read, bro?

>> No.21225198

Are you retarded? I'm not the one saying this fraud is the father of fantasy. I'm saying this is what some people say. And no, fantasy existed even before Dunsanny.

>> No.21225202

>The Pool was a pool, true; but also there was a nymph or water elemental whose home it was
It is addressed in Silmarillion.
>dependent on a superior kind of nymph, who was much less closely attached to any given pool, but more to pools in general.
"'The Evil of the North has defiled the springs of Sirion, and my power withdraws from the fingers of the flowing waters.""

The Valar are the elements of Arda. Ulmo IS water. But, due to Melkor's interference, we got dead inanimated matter, i.e. modern day physics. Water becomes mere water.

>> No.21225203

No, but you clearly are.

>> No.21225210

Tolkien is not folklore. He's faux-folklore at best. An artificial mishmash creation used for profit and today, even for propaganda.

>> No.21225219

That's what some people say, even on /lit/ sometimes. It's not my problem they are retarded.

>> No.21225220

He's a literary writer. Go to the drunk tank

>> No.21225225

>literary writer.
He's a genre writer who took from myths.

>> No.21225227

It is however your problem that you seem retarded. It's make people laugh at you and automatically discard anything you say as just being more dumbfuckery from that dumb retard
But then I'm sure being called a dumb ass moron is the exact reason why you are posting on /lit/ in the first case

>> No.21225231

Literary fiction is the correct term. Get the stick out of your autistic ass

>> No.21225235

What the fuck does that have to do with what I said? Way to deflect, nigger.

>> No.21225236

>Anglo-saxons aren't European
Peak /lit/

>> No.21225237

>but people do
Yeah, and not him. You shouldn't judge people by the actions of those they have no responsibility over.

>le unique original creator
He actually is. No fantasy author had done we he did, before. No author of any other genre at all, in fact. Just because a million people have tried to copy him (all of them failed,) doesn't change that he was and remains unique and original.

>> No.21225238

/Pol/ go back, stop shitting on threads

>> No.21225242

>Literary fiction is the correct term
Not at all. That'd be the term if we were talking about Faulkner or Proust. Tolkien and Rowling are genre fiction.

>> No.21225245

>All Europeans are the same and have the same national and cultural identity
Peak American /pol/tard

>> No.21225249

How was he original? He literally stole more than half the shit he's known for.

>> No.21225251

>Tolkien infantilized all of this
Tolkien reutilized all of this. To provide mythological answers to different kinds of modern problems. To reactivate that mythological feel in a modern day commoner.

>An artificial mishmash creation used for profit
He wrote LotR for decades and Silmarillion throughout all his life and solely for himself. This is not how "for profit" works. But it did brought profit when published, because people sensed that the effort involved is way above your usual commercial shit.

>> No.21225258

>How was he original? He literally stole
It's like saying that Homer isn't original, because he used the same oral formulas you can find in Mahabharata.

>> No.21225259

Tolkien religion when

>> No.21225262

You're mad and I can tell

>> No.21225263

Literary is the overarching term for fiction which is established to be "literary" in the sense of not true, as opposed to myths and folk stories, which are supposed to be "real" in some sense.

>> No.21225267

>How was he original?
Everything he fucking did was original. Did Homer invent fictional languages?

>literally stole
You really have no idea what this means. He was always open about what was inspiring him.

>> No.21225268

Again, that's like saying Lönnrot "stole" those songs and tales to write his epic
We've already been over this

>> No.21225285


>> No.21225292


>> No.21225299
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>Did Homer invent fictional languages?
No and neither did Tolkien. He simply copied
other languages. He made dialects at best, not languages.
That's not what I'm asking. I'm asking why is he original? It's as if Anglos convinced themselves he's somehow original and the "father of fantasy" or some nonsense. He's a myth himself. Luckily it's one we can call fraudulent.

>> No.21225304

Literary fiction is fiction of the highest quality. Tolkien is genre fiction. Genre fiction is also not real.

>> No.21225305

>He made dialects at best, not languages


>> No.21225307

I never knew Finns were such butthurt retards.

>> No.21225309

Because no one gives a shit about your "culture", finn-nigger
Is that a clear enough answer for you?

>> No.21225312

>You have to be a Finn to think Tolkien is a fraud

>> No.21225316
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White people argue about the dumbest fucking shit
Its fiction my cracka

>> No.21225319

>He's a shabbos goy for the finns
Even worse

>> No.21225327


>> No.21225331

Where do you think you are?

>> No.21225332

False equivalence. Tolkien said he wanted to make an epic for his people with other cultures' myths. Lönnrot was simply putting together the very folklore of his own people i.e. not taking from others.

>> No.21225335
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>I'm gonna walk in here just to tell people I'm black

>> No.21225350

The stories Lönnrot collected were not "his". Not his people, not his stories. He appropriated them to create a "national epic" in the style of Homer, because that was the style of the day. At least Tolkien has enough honesty to appreciate his sources and not let on that his work is the creation of anyone but himself.
Like I said, we've been over this, if you want to talk shit, at least keep up with the thread

>> No.21225353

Non stop bitching and hiding behind layers of irony to make insecurities of low intelligence

>> No.21225358

/shit/ - You want innocent recommendations and literary discussion, fuck you jew nigger have a meme pic

>> No.21225362

>Le barebones grammar and the totally-not-Finnish
Whoa such a master at creating fully fledged langauges. If the bar is like that then Dante created the Italian language with the Divine Comedy.

>> No.21225370

The amount of futile autistic butthurt of you finntrolls is absolutely glorious
Show the nice jannie where the bad Anglo touched you

>> No.21225384
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>barebones grammar
>everything is finnish

He even made the effort to have the languages evolve over time. Quenya in one era is different from another. If there's anything you're going to criticize Tolkien about it shouldn't be about linguistics.

>> No.21225389

Lönnrot took the oral stories from his own nation to put together a book. People are aware he's not the author but a folkorist. Tolkien
stole from foreign myths like the Kalevala, the Eddas, etc. to make an """""English""""" epic and somehow deceived the world into thinking he's le original creator. Differences between a noble folkorist and a Jewish thief.

>> No.21225395
File: 175 KB, 889x1390, mandrogi-russia-regione-di-carelia-ragazze-paesant-in-abito-tradizionale-a-piedi-nel-villaggio-2b2bjf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sickens me the anglo Tolkien estate are literal multimillionaires through this franchise while the Karelian nations live under oppression and de-facto poverty

>> No.21225400

Indo-Europeans share a culture. Its all variations on a theme.

>> No.21225402

>Quenya in one era is different from another.
Lmao and it's all Finnish but changing some letters spelling.

>Gö fakk yarselphi
Whoa I invented a new language that it's totally not just English. Trust me.

>> No.21225405

>People are aware he's not the author
Lönnrot is the author. He used those poor people the same way Tolkien used you poor Finns. Apparently irreparable damage has been done to the national psyche, and you had best go to the sauna and drown your sorrows in cheap spirits, because absolutely no one gives a fuck
And everyone loves Tolkien

>> No.21225406
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>What shall I defile today?

>> No.21225408

>Indo-Europeans share a culture
Not true.

>> No.21225412


>> No.21225415

Finns are mongols, they are not I-E. Hence the spiritual hurt

>> No.21225416

If all he did was steal from Finland, I'm sure you could accomplish what Tolkien did much better than him. You could probably make a lot of money, too, so that you can help out the Karelian nations with their poverty.

>> No.21225425

That's right, post meme pictures to hide your tears, joro
Just thank your ancestor spirits your terrible "cultural appropriation" wasn't done by Lego or Disney... Yet.

>> No.21225432

>Putting your own nation's oral folklore onto the page so it's not lost is as bad as stealing from foreign cultures for profit and claiming it as your own
We are reaching Jewish levels that shouldnt be possible.

>> No.21225439

>claiming it as your own

He was open about what was inspiring him. You've been told this multiple times.

>> No.21225440

>Not true
Variations on a theme means its not exact but derivative transformed etc. The amount of scholary work on this now is actually overwhelming and not even Tolken had access to such proof and he just went with it.

>> No.21225444

>your own nation
There is no "nation". You are Swedish/Russian hinterland, and got made a country as a bufferzone. And you are not Aryan, so you can take your muh jews talk and stick it up your ass. You are not a people, you don't "own" anything. It all belongs to your cultural masters
Now go cry somewhere else

>> No.21225445

I would rather read Tolkien than the Kalillillia or whatever it's called, sorry finnbros

>> No.21225450
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lol lmao even

>> No.21225455

It's okay. Being a soi redditor is normal these days on /lit/

>> No.21225461

Impossibly Jewish reply. I can se se your seethe, Schlomo. And no, Jews also rob people around the world.

>> No.21225464

He said he wanted to make an epic for his nation (the English). But somehow from stolen mythologies. Bizarre because if someone loves one's nation one creates something out of his own mind.

>> No.21225465

Aww, every loser always tries the jew card
You're the jew around here, trying to prop yourself up by stealing some glory from poor old Tolkien
The eternal Finn at it again

>> No.21225466

I've read that the best Kalevala translation is Friberg (Penguin Classics). Is that correct?

>> No.21225469

>no u
Lack of arguments and onto trolling and baiting? Classic move.

>> No.21225471

So, you misread some interview he gave and went straight to /lit/ to reee?

>> No.21225476

It's all you've been doing this whole thread, joro

>> No.21225480

What he made was British. What he made was also Catholic. It was just inspired by other mythologies. I don't see what the fucking problem is.


>> No.21225486

>What he made was British
Not true. He explicitly mentioned making an *English* epic.
>It was just inspired by other mythologies
Way more than inspire. That's an understatement.

>> No.21225497
File: 444 KB, 1048x1564, Talquan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TAL QUAN was a proud brother who had his true black history stolen by the white man. TAL QUAN was not Anglo, he was a proud black man. Learn your history chief.

>> No.21225498

And still, no one cares. There's nothing that was "yours", and what Tolkien did was much better by any measure
Let that seething eat you up while we all laugh at you

>> No.21225512

>we wuz elves

>> No.21225519


And this somehow equates to cultural theft? He was open about all of his inspirations. He wasn't taking things from elsewhere and saying he made them up himself. Call him unoriginal if you want, but he wasn't 'stealing from the Finns'.

Please explain how it's stealing if he was always open about what this and that was inspired by. If you don't I'm going to stop wasting my time with you, which would probably be for the best.

>> No.21225525

>let's write modern English in Welsh runes
I still think it's hilarious how this passes for esoteric in the Anglosphere.

>> No.21225529

>and what Tolkien did was much better by any measure
If you like Disney movies rather than the real fairy tales, sure. Bombastic infantilized bastardizations. But if you have a developed sense of taste and critique, then no.

I'm actually glad that Amazon filled the televised Tolkien phony folklore with grotesque negroes. Based Bezos raped his creation on TV.

>> No.21225542

Cry harder. Your kalevala is national romantic thrash, so bad that no one has even tried to make a show of it in the age of Netflix/Amazon anything sells

>> No.21225543

>Call him unoriginal if you want, but he wasn't 'stealing from the Finns'.
He was. And he produced his own brand that has made billions. Stealing has its perks.

>> No.21225552


I'm done talking to you. Feel free to have the last seething word.

>> No.21225560

It's funny how your ilk always post the stupidest shit, but say it in such a haughty way. I can feel the asspain through the text, it's almost palpable.

>> No.21225561

I don't steal. Thankfully I am not Jewish. I create my own stuff, like a man.

>> No.21225564

You talk shit like a loser, that's all you do
Now go sleep it off, your head's going to be heavy in the morning

>> No.21225566

The feeling is mutual.

>> No.21225570

It's fine, anon. I don't know what country you are from and I probably couldn't find it on a map. You're good for a laugh, though.

>> No.21225576

I'm sorry for having principles. It must be hard for Jewish-minded thieves to understand such a thing. Even a supposed Christian like Tolkien stole. Hilarious and sad.

>> No.21225591

If you don't know basic geography I wouldn't expect you to understand literature and mythology. It's okay. Leave this for the ableminded and go back to your neutered disneyfied collages.

>> No.21225600

Basic geography includes places that matter, I am afraid.

>> No.21225643

It certainly mattered to the man whose cock you continue to suck. But I wouldn't expect the common anglo pleb to have a good education.

>> No.21225649

Oh you're the seething Finn again. Lol

>> No.21225656

>criticism on a literary board is "seething"

>> No.21225662

>Finns do not need you a bloo bloo
Then go post on your Finn board, Apu

>> No.21225674

Except I never said that. Amazing the dickriding that fanboys would go to just to defend their idol. It's like some soi website rather than 4chan's /lit/.

>> No.21225684

This is not you? >>21224749
Then there are more than one of you crying in this thread, even funnier

>> No.21225697

That is in fact not me. There are thankfully lots of people exposing this thieving rat. It's good knowing not everyone on /lit/ is a reddit sheep with reddit taste. Next thing you faggots will worship JK Rowling and Stephen King.

>> No.21225714

You don't have principles. You shitpost and spout the same slurs the same as every other il/lit/erate retard that has turned the board to shit.

>> No.21225738
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>> No.21225747

>I'm a victim because someone in the past did a thing!

Incel vibes.

>> No.21225752
File: 539 KB, 600x776, finns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on I made it better for our Finnbros

>> No.21225768
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>> No.21225774

It's funny how my root posts are all about Tolkien (on topic) and all you sheep's posts are about the person talking about it (off topic). If what I said was untrue you wouldn't resort to petty insults but there's truth to it so you must attack and deflect leaving me no choice but to defend myself.

>> No.21225782

How am I saying any of that?

>> No.21225799

We settled the thread. You keep ree'ing. You are not OT, you are autistic. Sorry to have to break it to you

>> No.21225803
File: 44 KB, 500x500, 1622637467801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh yes another seething leftoid
the fact that Tolkein lives rent free in the heads of the most disgusting people warms my heart.
God rest his soul

>> No.21225812
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>> No.21225828

>We settled the thread
In your mind, maybe. None of that guy's arguments we're refuted.
Tolkien was a philosemite and an anti-nazi. His work is consoomed by leftists and liberals.

>> No.21225843

>Country has old mythological stories
>Literally no one gives a fuck and it is all being forgotten
>Someone records it and publishes it
>Ah, this is quite inspiring. To think this was all going to vanish into oblivion, such a tragedy. I think I'll make some stories based on this. I'll also tell people their source in the hope that the originals will be spread to a wider audience.
>No stop it you can't do that!!! It's mine give it back stop stop stop!!!!

>> No.21225901


>> No.21226142

>It's funny
You don't sound amused.
It does have "weeb learnt his name in katakana and now believes he speaks Japanese" vibes.

>> No.21226747

>You will be paid in exposure, bro. And I will profit from your nation's creations lol I love the Jews btw

>> No.21226767

Keep giving him (you)s for it and I'm sure he'll stop.

>> No.21227131
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>> No.21227385

No he wasn’t.

>> No.21227430

He's a retard please understand.

>> No.21227518

>Tolkien was a philosemite and an anti-nazi
The fact he makes /pol/ eternally ass blasted is another testament to his greatness

>> No.21227552

OK so were the angles, jutes, and saxons who moved to England. What's your point? He was a white guy raised in England his entire life.