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File: 484 KB, 1740x2560, bullshit jobs book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21224503 No.21224503 [Reply] [Original]

40% of all jobs will be gone by 2030.
We will have to replace those jobs, probably with bullshit jobs.

>> No.21224519

if only short staffing were illegal

>> No.21224521

Is being a janitor of an online forum a quote unquote - 'bull shit job'?

>> No.21224528

considering they all fucking suck at their "job"? Yeah.

>> No.21224544
File: 7 KB, 300x242, 6F126923-77AB-478C-B3A0-97FE3C58B636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We will have to replace those jobs, probably with bullshit jobs

>> No.21224589

bullshit jobs make it more difficult to accomplish the work performed by the few remaining real jobs, and probably the automated/outsourced jobs to an extent too.
t. half-real job

>> No.21224598

>40% of all jobs will be gone by 2030

>> No.21224601

There is literally no reason why the workday can't be 4 hours other than the fact that the average person seems to love being a slave for people who will never have to work a day in their lives.

>> No.21224611


>> No.21224681

without an 8 hour workday how would you get 10-12 hours of work out of the gullible neurotic whites that are barely keeping everything together as it is?

>> No.21224701

There were demands for 4-hour workdays decades ago; even 5-hour. However, I do think the system has tuned itself way too finely for it to change to such a workday. Essentially, businesses would just be hiring part-time workers and the workers wouldn't get much benefit from it -- as it is now.


>> No.21224736

>There is literally no reason why the workday can't be 4 hours

You either get paid half as much or every company doubles their salary expenses making them unsustainable. I agree we have acquired a parasite over class comprised of mainly jews.

>> No.21224790
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>mfw im on the tools and clear 88k a year before any OT
>mfw i can call people cunts and fuckers
>mfw i call hands dickbeaters
>mfw we can bully FNGs to see if they are worth training

Being a specialist mechanic/tech is truly the best.

>> No.21224892

Most office workers do 2 to 3 hours of actual work a day.

>> No.21224898

you're describing me. i work with a subset of people that actually do their jobs and more for some reason.

>> No.21224899

That's not true since most employees do fuckall for more than half the time.
Actually interesting answer.

>> No.21224902

Yeah that's an average obviously there are people who do nothing all day and people who are actually useful.

>> No.21224994

No one needs to work at all, except the super rich have such tine dicks they need to compare the gold toilet rims on their super yachts, a new one for each three day holiday
People are fucking suckers, it used to be teevee, now it's facebook and /pol/shit

>> No.21225452

Why not just implement Universal Basic Income? Why do we have to be slaves to our 'jobs?' We have the technology. It does not have to be like this.

>> No.21225549
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No one who actually works in a private company would even guess there are bullshit jobs.

Only government, non profits and tech giants can afford to not jettison dead weight.
I have never heard of someone in Insurance, reinsurance or finance feeling "underworked" lol

>> No.21225553

>private company
Everything you do is a bullshit job

>> No.21225562

>t. neet

>> No.21225580

>someone in Insurance, reinsurance or finance
these are the gullible neurotic whites >>21224681
was referring to - among others

>> No.21225589

what's an easy job for a low skill neet like me?
i am working on a project that i think will get me lots of money but i need to get some sort of income while working on it.

>> No.21225595

"work hours" in those industries are in the contract listed as not defining.
They are formal suggestions to make everyone feel better.
If you are in a position that actually makes profit you work until the work is done and don't bitch about a time card saying you have overtime.
Believe it or not but some people find work to be the fulfilling part of life and not the drain for their evening and weekend reprieve.

>> No.21225610

Did Graeber ever read Bataille? I haven't read Bullshit Jobs, but the premise seems kind of simplistic. I guess it is targeting a "normal" demographic of readers, so it isn't surprising that he would frame it this way. But it feels funny to see a book like "hold on, what if the economy isn't aimed at being 'productive'?" and Bataille is right there.

>> No.21225618
File: 385 KB, 1200x1832, 28B85C19-4F2C-4811-8CE3-74191488349C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably with bullshit jobs.
No, how about we address the climate crisis and the food shortage crisis at the same time by ditching capitalism and taking the lands that billionaires are buying up?

>> No.21225659

> address the climate crisis
The only solution is killing humans.
If you are not killing humans on a daily basis, you are a poser.
> the food shortage crisis
The only solution is killing humans.
If you are not killing humans on a daily basis, you are a poser.

>> No.21225676

This guy gets it. Literally every problem with the world gets fixed by drastic population reduction.

>> No.21225718
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We can not address the problem until we address the fact that brown and blacks are unsustainable as demographics. They also burden those who are sustainable. Anything else is just anti-western agi-prop

>> No.21225720

We can start by having all the climate activists kill themselves

>> No.21225751

Black people kill a lot of people.
They have a positive environmental impact.

>> No.21225777

They are a cancer upon the earth and should be treated as such. The fact that they kill commit more murders than all others put together is not sufficient to justify their inclusion to society.

Simply cease sending aid and order Europes borders to shoot to kill and the problem will resolve itself in under a decade.

>> No.21225802

cobalt bombs would solve the problem in a week. it's a trivial matter; the real issue is one of will, or of fifth columns.

>> No.21225805

You sound more like a racist than environmentalist.
We should kill all people indiscriminately, otherwise it is not for the planet but for sick ideological reasons.
Every death is positive for the world.

>> No.21225806

No, the only solution is to trap the carbon in plant life, reforesting the world and feeding off of it. Less people is a good idea too, but stop thinking so murderously. That just puts you in the liberal’s camp. I’d plant you and the rest of you liberals ITT in my garden if you came at me.

>> No.21225824

Cope. Blacks will be around longer than whites.

>> No.21225892

Work is stupid because the things worked for are stupid. A human being can't work in a factory and take money in exchange for allowing themselves to be treated like a machine and not die in some way within themselves. The work itself is meaningless and too far removed from anything that has any significance for the individual.

They say the weapon that wounds is the weapon that heals; maybe life will get better when technology develops a new class of slaves i.e. robots.

>> No.21226056
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I can be both viciously racist and care about the enviroment, you stupid fucking ape.

>> No.21226676

By default racists tend to hate the environment

>> No.21226808

>There is literally no reason why the workday can't be 4 hours
I'm already working two jobs. You're telling me I should just work four jobs to make ends meet?

>> No.21226810

stop being a failure

>> No.21226825

I'm kidding. I don't actually work anymore. Just consulting, sueing, and investing. Its fun. You should try it.

>> No.21227141

>You should try it.
too busy doing nothing at my fake job

>> No.21227170

nice ballista

>> No.21227209

its asset management capitalism. 10% of the population owns 86% of corporate equity and mutual fund shares. Doing this 10%'s bidding are asset managers (blackrock, vanguard, and state street) who collectively control 30% of the voting shares of the s&p 500. They use their corporate governance clout to ensure that the profits from any increase in productivity goes towards bloating management staff with bullshit jobs, extracting more value from workers who actually produce things. This serf class is kept perpetually working with the threat of abject poverty looming over their heads so they cannot organize and demand better conditions. They are also pumped full of propaganda from the PR arm of this corporate behemoth, the mainstream media so they blame other poor people (whites blame minorities, minorities blame whites), instead of the ruling class who exploits them.

This modern feudal relationship is outlined in the book, but the relationship with the financial industry is only briefly touched on. Here are some useful links to learn more about what I mean.



>> No.21227226

No, we need a return to cottage industry with the appropriate technological advancements of the 21st century. Everyone needs to be a producer first, a trader second and a consumer third.
This intersects with the homesteading movement but I don't mean to suggest a fullscale return to agrarianism. Its perfectly possible for the modern urban dweller to produce tangible goods of market value in his home, likely more complex or niche goods (the 3D printing market is huge and relatively undeveloped, for example).
Bring back the studios and ateliers, with the bolstered communication and training abilities of 21st century communication technology.

>> No.21227234

>Doing this 10%'s bidding
the NIGGERS at vanguard aren't doing my bidding, they're doing whatever's necessary to comply with jewish corporate social pressure tactics and regulations laid out by bureaucrats also subject to said pressures.

>> No.21227246

Yeah the asset managers are the vehicle by which this globohomo shit is enforced.
>ceo not following Jewish globohomo
>Larry fink calls him
>”push globohomo in your firm or we will oust you from leadership and insert someone who will
>the extinction of the white race

>> No.21227247

The root of the problem is hourly pay. Someone who works on commission or a salary can work half the time and still get full pay if they're good at what they're doing, but there's a fuck ton of jobs that this just can't be applied to.

>> No.21227284


Declining resource extraction rates will mean plenty of mining and recycling jobs.

>> No.21227995
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 1565586933516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just tax billionaires bro, it will totally work this time bro

>> No.21228218

Those “gullible neurotic whites” also control the global economy and realistically have a greater effect on your life than any politician.

>> No.21228321


life is meaningless in itself and that's the root of the problem

the only offer atheists have in their commercial society is that working in order to earn a lot of money, money is used to coom with casual sex and casual drugs, hence the push for liberalization of sex and drugs
and the pleas don't understand this>>21224994

in life you are either an hedonist, and thus support the democracy, because it brings the most all the material wealth hedonists crave for
you are anti-hedonism and you go full religious and a commercial society can't run on this (that's the whole point of the atheist revolutions) and then you try to quench your sexual lust and other hedonistic cravings
The semitic religions have all failed doing this, given how coomers their priests are lol

>> No.21228357

Can it be called a "job" if they do it for free?

>> No.21228362

The world accepts the 8 hour work day because we live in a global liberal regime sucking all imagination and ambition from people. Our system has been redundant for most of modern history and yet we still cling to it. Our paucity of aspiration is unbelievably pathetic, we love mediocrity.

>> No.21228375

Its not a super serious book. Its essentially a blog post stretched out so he can make a bit of money off it.

>> No.21228376

As a zoomer I think about this a lot and it kind of freaks me out. Colleges in America are so saturated. Even with the obscene amount of debt that college puts people in, you’re simply expected to go to college no matter what. If you don’t then you’re considered a loser. It’s mostly women who go to college and pursue prestigious degrees (usually medicine) and most of them my age are becoming pretty miserable. I often wonder how all of these people are going to get jobs in the future. None of this seems sustainable but we never do anything about it. Why are we spending 100k on college for jobs that won’t pay us anywhere near that amount? How will all these students find employment? What do we do with all these people? I believe they call this crisis “elite overproduction” in academic circles but it needs better terms

>> No.21228406

It's unpaid.
But there are just plain shit jobs too. Like fast food, or actual janitor.
Bullshit jobs do nothing.

>> No.21228465

>It's unpaid.
How so?

>> No.21228508


>> No.21228936

>food shortage
There's no food shortage, only over comsumption.

>> No.21228956
File: 64 KB, 489x282, 866AFFAB-08B1-4998-87AC-560A37D17F10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a musicologist and I have a very well paying and respected job that can’t be automated and will only gain significance
Sucks to be you wagie

>> No.21229309
File: 31 KB, 324x500, 41wJzZZsSBL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billionaires control your future and don't care if you die as long as some other is there to fill in the loss of production. They want you as a tradeable resource. Live in the pod, eat the bugs, own nothing. Do you think they will stop there? After they have you in the pod, consuming goyslop, watching goybait? Not at all.

The only thing that will address the problems of the futute is a world-concept built on Blood and Soil. Every NGO and supranational organization is doing all they can to hide this fact. It is the only thing to save the West.

>> No.21229336

>most employees do fuckall for more than half the time
It's really strange
I am a very expensive employee paid hourly for work I provide on-site. Despite the obvious incentive to limit my hours to times in which I am actively making the company money, I am required to sit and do nothing for the vast majority of my working hours. I don't even bother trying to look busy, I just play internet chess. Eventually, some bottleneck sends me what I need to do my job, and I finish it and leave.

For reference, I cost as much as 5 regular employees during my working time, which is artificially inflated to 5x what it needs to be. I would feel bad, but the other employees seem to do just as much work as I do. In fact, the only time I see them working is when I specifically request them to do something specific. It just doesn't fucking make sense, man.

>> No.21229353

>will only gain significance
right, because it has none right now.

What are you? A composer? A researcher? A teacher?

Musicologist isn't a job. It's a specialization

No one ever thinks: Well, gotta go to a musicologist for that

>> No.21229361

t. Never worked a day in his life

Most contruction projects miss their deadline, and that's usually with extra hours and saturdays worked.

the 4 hours work day or 4 day work week won't work in jobs where a project actually must be finished somewhere in the ball park of "on time"

>> No.21229368

retail part time

>> No.21229384

I'm a Product Manager, the day devs stop being autistic and actually learn how to interface with business folks, I'm done for. But that's not going to happen anytime soon :)

>> No.21229909

Why would you kill populations with higher intelligence who have contributed to the world, and aren’t violent?

>> No.21229933
File: 1.18 MB, 768x1098, Titellitho-Darré-Neuadel-mit-HK-768x1098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally one of the bigger, not quite core, aims of National-Socialism. Hugely in support of this.

>> No.21229937

just hire more workers lol

>> No.21229998

And somehow incorporating governments and capitalism is going to do this. Maybe if we have a multilayer border fence and genocides of the darker races and a return to enforced Christianity too. That’ll work. The nation wouldn’t need to invade anyone after that. Hermetically sealed off natsoc supremacy will surely work this time.


>> No.21230021

I'd be more than happy to put billionaires on pikes, but UBI is not the solution you think it is. UBI would be the best way to reduce humans to a cattle-like state and it is why international organizations* owned and primarily funded by billionaires are providing the greatest push for UBI.
You're falling for "counter-rebel propaganda" for lack of a better term. That is, propaganda designed to make proles believe they are being "rebels" and "fighting the man" by supporting the ideas and political positions espoused primarily by billionaires, NGOs, and most big media companies. The prole rationalizes any evidence that the elite are pushing for these supposedly "rebel" positions by claiming that the elites do it for show, to distract, to fool, or because (insert rich man) is secretly fighting for the little guy.
This sort of propaganda is the future. Every government and big corporation could be united in a nefarious policy, but with clever counter-rebel propaganda they could make even the most well-meaning of people support it zealously by convincing them that only "the rebels" would want this, and the rich are "secretly" trying to stop it from happening. It's how people like Vaush can espouse the exact same positions as nearly everyone in academia, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, more than half of politicians around the world, the WEF, and still consider himself a rebel thinker when he's really just a useful idiot.

*I'm assuming you aren't retarded and already know the laundry list of NGOs, politicians, and billionaires that espouse UBI and have even brought it into legislation on temporary bases. (I'm also assuming the counter-rebel propaganda resolved the cognitive dissonance by convincing you that this must be a trick (eg., intentionally sabotaged tests))

>> No.21230050

I'm also going to be optimistic and say I don't think you're stupid. An intelligent person can get stuck in a retarded movement like (I hate to use him as an example again) Vaush has and expend all of big brain energy desperately trying to rationalize the most retarded shit, but there's only so far a brain can go to keep something completely broken afloat.

>> No.21230058

All these 'antiwork' people shitting on jobs are leftist neets who never worked a day in their lives.

This is exclusively a first worlder phenomenon. As the average kid wants to be a tiktok influencer or soundloud rapper instead of a cosmonaut, you get these first world tier welfare jobs and pseudo careers such as hr, fashion experts, 50$ haircut economy, hyperinflation, recession, women, adult daycare office where you babysit excel file and gossip all day.
This is why western countries when from ~90% of world gdp in the 19th century to less than 30% in 21st.

There is no bullshit in heavy industry. In construction. Mining. Aerospace. Semiconductors. Ship building. Manufacturing. Average electrician, mechanic or a welder is already making more money than some humanities professors because in the real economy you can go self employed and dodge taxes and hyperinflation.

>haha we could just work mining and ship building 3 hours a week haha heh im such a genius, its all bullshit anyway amirite hihi haha
No, fuck off leftist. Go write about your mental illness awareness or imaginary oppression. Real people with real jobs are proud of what they do and they can buy houses with their work unlike you.

>> No.21230079

Constructon deadlines are pointless anyway. It'll get built when it'll get built.

>> No.21230138

>It'll get built when it'll get built.
Literally the thinking that led the Soviets to lose their empire.

>> No.21230143

Okay PragerU

>> No.21230165

First, the existing government can barely keep the ultra-rich from hiding their wealth with off-site banking, tax-free charities, and other ways of shuffling money around. Then you've got the problem that once you have a welfare class they'll keep those people in power as long as the gibs keep flowing--which in that case means that billionaires WILL keep power no matter what.

>> No.21230176

same shit happened in qing china, then this unemployed incel scholar went postal

>> No.21230191

>in the real economy
all economic activity is part of the real economy, retard. to think otherwise is "leftist" bullshit

>> No.21230293

>In construction. Mining. Aerospace. Semiconductors. Ship building. Manufacturing.
Literally the most combatant sectors in labour history

>> No.21230305

Fuck construction, stop using soulless cement and concrete

>> No.21230987


>> No.21231135

It was a overproduction crisis that led to the breakup of the Soviet Union, not a particular type of thinking.

>> No.21231212
File: 185 KB, 315x326, genitection – creaction – syllogosis – conspection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All jobs are work, but not all work is jobs.

Although work, and leisure, are both mutually distinct & different, and equally important, the optimal work, and leisure, are the ones that are cofunctional toward one's purpose.

The best creations transpire between work, and leisure, being a syllogistical coproduct of both.

>> No.21231242

thats not how a plan works. you usually want something done within a time frame because other things also depend on that very timeframe and you have to be giving resources over that period of time. I mean, this is even true with personal things.

Having an idea of how things are going to play out, the investment within that general idea, and the subsequent plans based on it.
Ok, use wood and brick if you want.

>> No.21232090


first women go to college for the sex and alcohol and they stay in school because they do well there, because they need a strong structure in their life. Outside of school they are a mess, ie debased sluts with zero margin for error.

second the degree that those women get is mostly in BS studies. In 2022 an ''educated woman'' is just s slut who studied psychology and who will end up in a meaningless and shallow bureaucratic job spending her day between useless meetings, virtue signaling on facebook and preparing her tinder date for the weekly casual sex.

third the race with the degree is just a sign that atheists have no idea what to do with educated people. Atheism is based on the propaganda that the peasants should have the life of the bourgeois, ie go to school and do commerce. the immediate consequence is that there is a lot of competition among the peasants to get a job and when the bourgeois opened the ate of the academia to the peasants, it just means you need more and more diplomas to get the same job at the end

and now the wages have stagnated since 20 years, because the democrats have put all the jobs in china and now india so that even the CS monkeys with their glorified ''''''engineer degree'' compete with an uneducated pajeet working fro 5usd/day KEK