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File: 33 KB, 304x500, botns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21219671 No.21219671 [Reply] [Original]

Post good, weird works of fantasy ITT. Keep Tolkshit and Bakkershit away.

Is Botns really the best? What's better?

>> No.21219678 [DELETED] 

>Is Botns really the best?
It's not even fantasy, it's sci-fi.

>> No.21219688


>> No.21219699

There’s an ongoing fantasy on Royal Read I read a little while ago that is clearly written by somebody with no fucking patience for most fantasy authors and tropes. It’s set in a late-Victorian environment and presupposes that industrialization would significantly BTFO wizards etc. I can’t recall that name but if you weirdos are interested I can crawl m my history to find it.

>> No.21219744

Zothique Cycle

>> No.21219760
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>> No.21219802
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>> No.21219886 [DELETED] 


>> No.21219899

it's the most beautifully written fantasy series ever. The best, maybe. There was no one in the genre that ever had command of the written word that Gene Wolfe had. He almost stands with the likes of Nabikov, Melville and Shakespeare in that regard. Add on top of that the way he adds throwaway details and tidbits of info that haunt the reader hundreds of pages later. Add on top of that the little parables and fables he sprinkles in that feel like they could have been found in the Bible or some other ancient, holy text. That said I like Bakker too, roast me I don't care.

>> No.21219907

>It's not even fantasy, it's sci-fi.
It's both, midwit.

>> No.21219966 [DELETED] 

no, it's sci fi.

>> No.21220000

You sound so gay lmao

>> No.21220008 [DELETED] 

checked and based

>> No.21220015


>> No.21220036
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keep digging that hole

>> No.21220044

You know, I didn't know much about this series or how anyone regarded them and hadn't developed much of a feeling about whether to read them. I'm going to give it a crack on account of this. I am certain it won't be Shakespeare, but all things considered, it seems pretty unlikely to be bad at this point.

>> No.21220048

>Is Botns really the best?
This book had been sitting on my shelf for months, along with other highly-praised works I've been looking forward to, but I bade my time, waiting for the mood to strike. Few live up to their reputation, but most at least deliver part of the promise.

I would expect any author mentioned in the same breath as Peake to have an original and vibrant style, but I found Wolfe's writing to be simple without being elegant. His language and structure serves its purpose, only occasionally rising above mere utilitarianism, and then he rushes to florid flourishes that fall flat as often as they succeed. Sometimes, it is downright dull. The prose of the second book is stronger than the first, but its plot and characters are more linear and predictable.

I appreciated his 'created language' more than most fantasy authors, but I didn't find it particularly mysterious or difficult, because all of his words are based on recognizable Germanic or Romantic roots. Then again, after three years of writing stories about Roman whores in Latin, I had little problem with 'meretriculous'. Even those words I wasn't familiar with seemed clear by their use.

The terms are scattered throughout the book, but rarely contribute to a more pervasive linguistic style, as might be seen in The Worm Ouroboros, The Lord of the Rings, Gormenghast, or The King of Elfland's Daughter. Wolfe's terms pepper otherwise and unremarkable modern style, which hardly helps to throw us into a strange world.

He is better than the average fantasy author, but he resembles them more than he differs from them. His protagonist started off interestingly enough: an apparently weak and intelligent man, which made it all the more disappointing when he suddenly transformed into a laconic, wench-loving buttkicker who masters sword-fighting, finds the Super Magic Thing and follows the path of his Awesome Foretold Fate. Again, I must agree with Nick Lowe: Wolfe's plot owes more to magic and convenience than good storytelling.

It relies on the same tricks over and over: any time a character is about to give important information to us, there will be a sudden attack or other interruption, as convenient and annoying as the moment when the dying man says "I was killed by . . . aargh". We also get problems solved by divine intervention whenever things start to slow, which doesn't leave the characters much room to be active.

He also seems to suffer from the same sexual discomfort that plagues so many fantasy authors. There is an undercurrent of obsession with women and their sexuality, complete with the sexualization of rape and murder. It's not so much a case of misogyny as it is an inequality in how characters behave.

The women always seem to end up as playtoys for the narrator, running around naked, desiring him, sparring with him coyly, but ultimately, conquered; and the camera pans away.

>> No.21220060 [DELETED] 

>Is Botns really the best?
lmao this guy ripped it apart. wolfefags never refuted him

>> No.21220079

BOTNS single handedly rekindled my love of reading speculative fiction after a six year drought of only reading non-fiction historical works and in-depth journalism. It sucked me in and I read it twice back to back, went and read half of Iain M. Banks 'Culture' novels, and came back to read it a third time. It's just that fucking good.

>> No.21220085

This is why I hate botns. Its a good book but you hype it up as the best thing ever. Wolfe writes about the space gods cutting peoples dicks off and you praise it as being heckin deep and expectation subverting.

>> No.21220089 [DELETED] 


>> No.21220098

OP here guys. Recommend obscure literary fantasy.

Enough about Botns.

>> No.21220102

>google summary of wikipedia says it so it must be so

>> No.21220114


>> No.21220118

that review reads like a parody of Lovecrafts purple prose

>> No.21220126

>makes baseless claim
>gets proven wrong and can't admit it
you have a personality defect

>> No.21220144

>but I bade my time

>> No.21220393
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Gormenghast is fantastic, beautiful, and deserves to be on a pedestal right next to LOTR and BOTN. Although there is an argument to be made that it's not really genre work

>> No.21220396


>> No.21220409

I could list some semi-obscure stuff that seems weird, not Wolfelike, but the thing is I haven't read any of it yet.

>> No.21220501

List them anon.

>> No.21220530
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I started reading this yesterday and I now understand why he's Steven Erikson's favorite author.

>> No.21220550

Dunno if it fits in, but i troughly enjoyed the king killer chronicles....

>> No.21220555

Two things, a lot of these titles are more scifi veering towards fantasy, but these guys have other novels too that might be more fantasy
Inverted World by Christopher Priest
Soldiers of Paradise by Paul Park
The Vorrh by Brian Catling
Engine Summer by John Crowley
Gnomon by Nick Harkaway
Earth in Twilight by Doris Piserchia
Helliconia by Brian Aldiss
The Shattered Goddess by Darrell Schweitzer
Viriconium by M. John Harrison
Too Like the Lightning by Ada Palmer

>> No.21220562

Sci fi that far removed from reality is just fantasy. There isn't any science in it anymore than there is on all the made up technologies of star wars.

>> No.21220609

What is the best science fiction novel or series ever? Everything I have read so far fell short of my expectations. BOTNS and Hyperion cantos weren't it. Neither was Robots and Foundation.

>> No.21220611

Look into the Gregs (Egan and Bear)

>> No.21220635


>> No.21220642

Better watch your tongue before I pull it outta ya, ya filthy Orc!
>he doesn’t know that Wolfe something called “the best introduction to the mountains”

>> No.21220649


>> No.21220699

Since I'm a decent chunk into Lord Foul's Bane it's become clear that Erikson basically modeled his style of writing after Donaldson's but adapted it for a more modern audience. People like to recommend Glen Cook to Malazan fans but I found the style to be completely different whereas if Thomas Covenant stays this good I might end up liking it as much or more than Malazan.

>> No.21220724

I agree about his style being dissimilar to Cook's (which I find superior at its highest point), and I was suprised how well-written Malazan was considering the absolute onslaught of lore and characters and systems.

>> No.21220730
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Have you read this? I heard it is inspired by Blood meridian.

>> No.21220787

Elric of Melnibone is the best SS and better than all the gay shit that came about in the 90s and onwards.

>> No.21220867

>Blood meridian.
why is every incel on every board obsessed with this shitty book. We are discussing fantasy on here so why bring up this trash. Every fucking literature discussion has to revolve around Mccarthy and his pretentious pseudo-intellectual diarrhoeatic prose. Fuck off.

>> No.21220879

What's some good Portal Fantasy? I know the very famous ones of course.

>> No.21220889
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I only read fantasy with cool covers/art.

>> No.21220905

I didn't know it would hurt you so bad. I was just asking a question.

>> No.21220934
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Overatted, boring, and I read the complete serie
Read Prince of Nothing instead

>> No.21220944
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>> No.21220947

What makes Bakker better than Wolfe?

>> No.21221106

The cover art is the only good thing about this book

>> No.21221345

The characters and plot and setting are also all really really good

>> No.21221662

He goes straight to the point

>> No.21221670 [DELETED] 

There's nothing straight about Bakker. It's pure faggotry.

>> No.21221717

The only people that say this hate reading and force themselves to do it because it makes them feel smarter/better than others. You’d much rather be watching a marvel or Pixar movie

>> No.21221740

2k pages of epic fantasy ruined by seething over a couple places of penis-use.

>> No.21221788
File: 343 KB, 1080x1184, LGBTQ fantasy gay scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker supports the LGBT community unlike Wolfe

>> No.21221804 [DELETED] 
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That can't be real.

>> No.21221813

Anything good contemporary?

>> No.21221814

its grimdark fantasy sex. the guy gets raped for humiliation purposes.

What I find worse is Bakkers cringe anti-trump essays. I mean I don't like the orange jew either but ever since I read those I deleted my bakker books.

>> No.21221852

>Anything good contemporary?
Its all gay, cringe, and effeminate; just the cultural direction we are being propelled towards

The only thing that comes to mind is "The Heros" I barely enjoyed that.

>> No.21221863
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Welp, looks like I'll be buying a Wolfe book today.

>> No.21221865

Is it a kind of BLoodborne-eque setting?

>> No.21221881

it's the only existing literary fantasy book
those are fun but it's just coming-of-age pandering

>> No.21221885 [DELETED] 

>it's the only existing literary fantasy book
Not even true.

>> No.21221906

name 1 (one)

>> No.21221911

The fellowship of the Ring

>> No.21221914 [DELETED] 


>> No.21221954

not fantasy
it's good but at the end of the day LOTR is a normiefication and simplification of traditional myths, it's the opposite, rather than making them more complex and literary

>> No.21221968 [DELETED] 

>not fantasy
It is, by definition.

>> No.21221976
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>> No.21221989

it's alternate history, there's nothing fantastic about it

>> No.21222013

I'm a different anon but no you're wrong, sorry dude it is most definitely fantasy. It includes fantastical things like magic and orcs and elves and black and white morality. The fact that it pulls from a lot of European myths and works in history doesn't make it any less fantastical. I guess it all depends on how you define "fantasy" though, right? If we're working with completely different definitions then that's another thing entirely

>> No.21222100
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whats up everyone

>> No.21222211

You have good taste. What do those Peace and Hyperion covers look like?

>> No.21222306

Which of these are your favorite?

>> No.21222338

Do you even read those books.

>> No.21222479

I remember you from an earlier thread, either a shelf or Wolfe thread. It’s a beautiful collection. Is that Kafka Edition in German or in English?

>> No.21222497
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>> No.21222523


>> No.21222641

There’s literally more gay sex than straight sex
>Kellhus - Proyas
>Moenghus - Cnaiur
>Cnaiur - Conphas
>Sorweel - Zsoranga
>Proyas - the scalded horseman guy
Literally every major male character

>> No.21222665


>> No.21222671
File: 143 KB, 1000x1510, 176B2C67-6960-4ACA-A7F3-BF7173C15027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have read this book more times than I can count. Not visionary or original, but just really enjoyable. It is a pleasant fantasy novel that I recommend to anybody looking for something dramatic but not overly serious.

>> No.21222679
File: 258 KB, 1024x752, 01-The-Eye-of-the-World-outside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try reading the filenames.

>> No.21222873

It's fucking retarded and don't let these autismos tell you otherwise. The story doesnt even go anywhere until the last 3rd of the book, and even then it's just more turbosperg wind rain shadows dancing across the grass field amidst the ruins of the sun's rays among the trees swaying bullshit bullshit bullshit

>> No.21222928

dumb nigger got filtered

>> No.21223716

Retarded pseudbrain faggot

>> No.21223727


>> No.21223871

>Bakker supports the LGBT community unlike Wolfe
Like that time Wolf wrote a short story about a naked savage dude doing naked savage things surrounded by naked savage dudes.

>> No.21224171

Which story do you mean?

>> No.21224206

People actually read this shit?

>> No.21224369

I read The Second Apocalypse books and enjoyed them quite a bit. That excerpt is probably the most revolting scene in the entire series. But apart from that there is a lot of other disgusting shit. It’s what the author is going for and he does it quite well.

>> No.21224396
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>> No.21224416

>Ada Palmer
Anon.... I.....

>> No.21224420

Is a boomer meme book
>What's better?
Don't make a "general" when what you want is entry level suggestions for trashy pulp literature

>> No.21224427

>pretentious pseudo-intellectual diarrhoeatic prose
Sounds like you're describing Wolfe

>> No.21224443

based rich fantasyfag

>> No.21224452

Is the Judge a fantasticish character ?

>> No.21224614

>never heard of Vyacheslav Nabikov

>> No.21224973

Just first edition covers
Lafferty books. I have more now even. They are just really hard to obtain.
yes, just about all of them
Thank you. English

>> No.21225005

I've read BOTN 1 & 2 but I still don't get the appeal. Everything is so fucking overly intricate

>OMG this guy walked in to our shop with a really expensive sword, I should murder him and steal it!
>No I've got a better idea. You go and 1. dress up as a knight 2. challenge him to a duel 3. I lead him around town so that he can get some McGuffins 4. I take him to a place to get a duel weapon so that he can also meet important character from the swamp 5. You train him at how to use the plant weapon so that he has a better chance of winning the duel 6. You fight him in a duel where there is a decent chance of you dying 7. You win the duel but he has chosen one protagonist powers and survives, he still gets to execute you later

>> No.21225047


>> No.21225348


>> No.21225948

filterus maximus

>> No.21225982
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So, why is current year fantasy in the hands of women as thinly-veiled romance novels?

>> No.21226013


>Man demands a price for a rare weapon owned by a man who works as the Autarch's executioners. No one ever sees these guys so it should be easy to steal his wares
>Owner refuses
>Person states: "The traditions around here dictate you can say no to my offers, but you cannot outright refuse to sell a thing."
>Owner doesn't give a flying fuck and doesn't buy the bullshit
>Incestuous pair trick the Executioner another way, by appealing to his sense of honor and duty, so that they may steal the sword by setting up a duel where the Executioner is destined to fail
>Their greed and deceit is rewarded with the imprisonment and execution of the male, despite it being 100% the female's idea and set up
>The scorned sister becomes the Greek Fury as the cycle is complete

Read more books retard.

>> No.21226080

>this level of cope
Wolfe is a shit Reddit tier author for midwits like you.

>> No.21226107

someone finally said it

>> No.21226167

>Person incapable of reading beyond bare bone surface text due to years of twitter and ADHD calling any analysis of a text 'cope' and calling anyone a 'midwit.'
I've been stuck on this site since before Reddit's first CEO necked himself and I can catch an underage poster from a mile away. They're precisely like you.

>> No.21226180

That's not really true. The way Wolfe explains the tech without going too self-gratiously deep into it and without showing too much is just really intuitive.

>> No.21226209

It's heavily implied that they've done this routine before. It was bound to end with punishment. The real funny part is how Severian didn't see it coming until it was already over

>> No.21226226

Why hate on Wolfe? It's ok if you didn't quite get the story at your first read, that's intentional. Have you read any of his other books?

>> No.21226238

>Why hate on Wolfe?
fat papist hack

>> No.21226262

I wish Wolfe had been more overtly Catholic. He was too American for his own good.

>> No.21226271
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Is there any real fantasy released in the last decade?

>> No.21226297

BotNS is pretty high up there but a few I would rank higher:
Assassin's Apprentice
The Deep and John Crowley in general

Honorable mentions:
The first two Viriconiums
Just about everything Jack Vance
unironically Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.21226330

Hardcover Short Sun nice.
Excellent shelf.
I think Lord of Light would make an excellent addition.
Wheres the Tolkein?

>> No.21226399
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>> No.21226417

Post hack authors with zero redeeming factors and whose books make you feel a visceral sense of disgust
>Brent Weeks

>> No.21226452

Probably one of my favorite books.

>> No.21226476

First one is sort of meh, second one is good. You can see the author improving between books.

>> No.21226485

What's the context, pimp and whore? Or best friend and whore?

>> No.21226522
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I recently also obtained the 4 first edition Viriconium books to complete my Dying Earth collection
I need to get more shelf space to put tolkien up. I'll post it all on here some day

>> No.21226530

does Book of the New Sun occur in the far distant future or in a universe that exited before/after our own?

>> No.21226545

there has been plenty of fantasy in the past decade
a lot is trying to cash in on Game of Thrones
they're very obvious to spot with similar titles and cover designs
I would recommend Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell from 2004 and Walter Jon Williams recent Quillifer novels

>> No.21226557

Far future but near the end of the books a secret is revealed about the universe and its birth/death which could imply many things

>> No.21226586
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y'all aint real niggers

>> No.21226607

I like the effort and the pringle can is perfect, but what is the point of collecting and having a bookshelf if it isn't hardcover?
>>21222100 Wolfe all bottom right

>> No.21226657

where do you even get hardcovers? all bookstore I've been to normally have very few or none

>> No.21226660

I like to collect vintage mass market paperbacks

>> No.21226670

hardcovers get published once, these have been purchased long after that

>> No.21226840

>Lord of Light
I really disliked his Amber series. Is it worth reading Lord of Light anyway?

>> No.21226860

Lord of Light is a stand alone novel and quite a bit different

>> No.21226948

Internet. Abebook/ebay specifically
I do too. But they are for reading in hot tub/bath, not for display
That's the point. They are rare and beautiful. Cherish the history of them and pass them down to your children/auction house sell them

>> No.21226980

Is it any good?

>> No.21227013

Do you even read those?

>> No.21227037

Why are you larping as K.G. Keely

>> No.21227073


>> No.21227167

yes, read Zelazny's Roadmarks if you want really weird weirdfiction

>> No.21227190
File: 36 KB, 602x430, main-qimg-31b59a357869acd6fdf49dde90aab7ed-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could he play Severian?

>> No.21227222

I absolutely agree. I was enchanted by Gormengast and I honestly put it above LOTR.

>> No.21227224

Any novels that blend a sci-fi and fantasy setting, like where an advanced spacefaring civilization interacts a developing, dark ages one?

>> No.21227242

Book of the New Sun

>> No.21227266

I've only read two Zelazny. One was The Dream Master that I thought was total crap and one was Lord of Light which I thought absolutely ruled.

>> No.21227273

what >>21227242 said. Also my book next year

>> No.21227410

too old

>> No.21227515
File: 718 KB, 2561x3056, esg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes the deep is great. if you like that read this.
More people need to know about this guy too

>> No.21227881

This looks great.

>> No.21227928

What are you talking about?

>> No.21227952

No need to roast you anon. Only thing I’d really disagree with is that Tolkien wrote the most beautiful fantasy ever. Wolfe is a close second, though.
I think of it as, Tolkien is the Shakespeare of Fantasy, Wolfe is the Joyce.

>> No.21228046

Wolfe isn't that bad.

>> No.21228052

>Dragon Waiting
The prose was decent, if overwrought, but the fantasty elements and paganism being the dominant religion was entirely inconsequential and the War of The Roses still happening was downright retarded.

>> No.21228142

My cum dripping out your mom's asshole was the only thing to come out of her.

>> No.21228713

Assassin's Apprentice is complete trash, don't know how you could put it next to all the others you have.

>> No.21228727
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Robert Jordan is always a good read.

>> No.21229187

Severian is like 17-23 years old, I think it's important that he is young

>> No.21229448

>Is Botns really the best?
No, that's Short Sun

>> No.21229463

I'm pretty sure Wolfe says in this interview he did with Asimov and Harlan Ellison that it's science fantasy. But idc, to me it feels more like a fantasy.

>> No.21229562

You have no soul

>> No.21229630

what am I in for with that book?

>> No.21229636

cheapest version I can buy here is the paperback for 25 bucks. fml

>> No.21229686

is this a copypasta?

>> No.21229691

>The women always seem to end up as playtoys for the narrator
It's almost like the narrator is a character or something

>> No.21229727

It's the text of a review from an eceleb reviewer on Goodreads.

>> No.21229740

yeah my copy is print on demand from Wildside press but it's not bad quality. I think the original hardcopies with the illustrations might be worth something if McNaughton ever gets some recognition.

>> No.21230128

$25 is a lot?

>> No.21230299

Really, really over-hyped on here. Its a fun series, really flushed out fantasy world. But ultimately the grand over-arching story is just as aimless and unmotivated as its main protagonist. Citadel left me frustrated and disappointed.
Its popularity and over-hyping on /lit/ makes me feel that people on here dont actually read all that much.

>> No.21230325

Really, really underrated on here. Its a fun series, really fleshed* out fantasy world. But ultimately the grand over-arching story is fucking cool just like it's protagonist. Citadel left me amazed and astounded.
Its popularity and popularity on /lit/ makes me feel that people on here actually read are cool.

>> No.21230360

For a poorfag.

>> No.21230421
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Shame the books got stretched out so long. Story should've been half the length of the series.

>> No.21230503

>ultimately the grand over-arching story is just as aimless and unmotivated
its incredible how many people think this

>> No.21230555
File: 150 KB, 555x795, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read The Library at Mount Char
This was aaalmost really something great. Can't believe the author has only written 1 fiction book (?)
He could have written some fun heist-type stories, I'm sure.

Book seem to have a universally great reception. But I really didn't like the latter book of the part, when it started tying up the ends, and solving the mysteries
It didn't have to do that, I would have fine with only "getting" a tiny gist of what was going on
Like, I didn't want to have it explained in terms of them having X-men superpowers derived from books, got a bit lame when it was actually shown
My favorite parts were the freaks trying to pass as Americans. Interacting with regular people. Wish there was more of that.
Guess there already was a lot... Hmmm, maybe it's for the better. The jokes would have gotten stale.

Book just really worked for me when everything was still mysterious and weird.
Then it got less interesting as it started to shed light on itself.

>> No.21230875


>> No.21230878

>dude the Commonwealth is South America
Ask me how I know that article is retarded.

>> No.21230889

Wolfe isn't a fantasy author, so comparing him to fantasy authors is retarded.
Science fiction is about ideas, and there are more mind-expanding ideas per page in The Book of the New Sun than just about any other work of sci-fi.

>> No.21230892

You should post an example.

>> No.21230896

Compelling critique there, champ.
Never change, /lit/.

>> No.21230900

>I didn't get it: the post

>> No.21231261

>mind-expanding ideas
books for this feel?

>> No.21231264

the hobbit is better than all of lotr combined.

>> No.21231277

Ngl I read them all in second grade and I remember loving The Hobbit and having a really hard time getting through LotR, so I agree.

>> No.21231281
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Anyone Read dying Earth? I did a while ago, and it absolutly oozes style. Id recomend it on the prose alone and the tone. Its a bunch of short stories of a far future earth after countless eons falls and rises, in the waning days of the red sun. some stories in abstract are kinda schlocky and simple in a way, but they all embody a real "mythic" feel to them thats really impressive.

>> No.21231331
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I thought /lit/ was always just memeing this book and it was going to be absolutely terrible.

However, when I finally ready it, it was quite good. The story was enjoyable and the prose was as well. All the obscure words were fun to look up, but if you didn't feel like it they still made sense from context.

I haven't read the rest of the series, but at least the first is worth trying.

>> No.21231365

Agree, didn't expect for the book to be like that. All these neat stories. I used to read classic fairy tales as a child. They got that feel to them.
Some weird simple choices in the prose too, mixed in. Like how the main character's name is used like 5 times each page. "Kugel looked about", "Kugel said", "Kugel thought about that"
That's not normal - but everything just works so well when you read it

What also surprised me about it, is how funny it was.
There's great humor. Outright jokes. Bizarre dialogue and scenes, like the poisonous lobster in some guys shoe while Kugel is chilling at a tavern and placing bets on it.
I REALLY found all of that hilarious, I'm not usually into this

>> No.21231366

It's like reading a bunch of African or native American myths. They are weird, both morally and descriptively, and the plot meanders and never really gets back to where it started. I wouldn't really recommend it.

>> No.21231379

Read Schild's Ladder by Greg Egan

>> No.21231425

It sounds very mathematically and scientifically complicated and I ain't no fuckin faggy nerd.

>> No.21231508

huh? did we read the same book? at least the firat book, the collection of short stories, usually tied up their own plots pretty cleanly.
yah, but even though they are simple in execution, the ideas are usually really interesting. the man with the wondering disease who has a "gap of knoledge" in his head. the created women who cannot see good in anything. the man who wanted to create life. the city where each half cant cognitively acknoledge the others existance. the man who just wanted to rape a forest witch. yah the plots were very keep it simple stupid, but really I think its the world and ideas and feelings that it tries (and I think really does succed in) to convey.

>> No.21231521
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yup continue on

>> No.21231522

My condolences

>> No.21231574

huh neat. Yah, I just read the first Dying earth, none of the continuations (Though years ago I did stumble across and very much enjoyed the night lands as an experimental read).

Just from my impression of the dying earth, it kinda made me feel like I did when I read the Hobbit, I was perfectly satisfied with the small crossection of the fantastic world that was presented, and really didnt feel like I needed more. if that makes sense (Not that I didnt WANT more, but It was so tightly written that it could stay as is and be great by itself). But yah, I think "whimsical" is the best way to describe the actual content. Really about the visceral persuit of fulfillment in the last of days rahter than having some overbearing "thesis" to constrain its magic and rawness. Ill have to get on to the next some time since I thoroughly enjoyed it.

BTW, has anyone played or looked into Worlds Without Number? That Crawford RPG that very much leans into dying earth as a premise. I got it and enjoy it as a GM reference if nothing else, but I really jived with the latter earth bent too. Think he is making a more in depth setting guide for the (thankfully for a toolbox) world of Gyre setting that im excited about as reference material.

HAve also heard a lot about the New Sun stuff in passing, but I make it a habbit NOT to overexpose myself to classics I havent read yet.

>> No.21231582
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>> No.21231604

It wasn't five short stories. It was a novel with five loosely connected parts. It would've been better had they just remained separate. I also disagree with the ordering and the silly purple prose but whatever.

>> No.21231627

>It wasn't five short stories. It was a novel with five loosely connected parts.
well yes, but effectively they were short stories. as I remember it, only the first 3 were all that connected, and the main thrust of each was wrapped up in their particular tales. The one about the wizard looking for the knowledge to make a human and the two stories concerning the made humans. You could read any one of them alone and not miss out on much.

What about the order didnt you like?

>also disagree with... the silly purple prose
You know what? I have a distinct memory of finding the diologue of the first short story very stilted and cheese, but the rest of the prose I found either endearing or legitimately excellent. In fact, I remember the best part being the descriptions and how Vance convayed mood and the nature of things.

>> No.21231633

>it kinda made me feel like I did when I read the Hobbit
this feels very much like a hobbit journey set in dying earth setting >>21226522

>> No.21231634

for a shitty paperback yes it is.

>> No.21231638
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>Chinese music starts playing

>> No.21231640

He writes the dialogue very purple/formal yet the actions are brutal/animalistic

>> No.21231643

I literally just bought a hardcover of it because of this thread for less than $25 on Abebooks

>> No.21231652

It's not Memento, just start with the first story in history first. Also as a post millennium reader it probably would've worked better to not have the crazy first story be first. Or like warm a person about the fetish and ultra violence in the title. Gene Wolfe did the opposite, like where was the torture? The purpose seemed over the top and dream like. Or maybe the whole thing was just dream like. Reading people's dreams is boring.

>> No.21231654

As a side note, I think the audio book version read by Arthur Morey really helps. He has a great voice for this sort of writing. very deliberate and assured.

>> No.21231679

yes, thats a good way to put it. But I don't think all the dialogue is bad per se. I think it makes a kind of sense for people to talk in this sort of decorumful way. when you dont want to offend some strange potential sorcerer or being of pride and a lot of civilization is essentially medieval if not more primitive.

yah, that was also something I recognized. Its not really "Ultra violence", but vance wouldnt shy away from the grotesque or brutal if it fit the scenario. I actually liked that aspect of it, it didnt try to go out of its way to be grim dark at all, but if it made sense that a consequence of a certain thing might end in a bloody way, it would. the intro is kind of an odd mood setter though with the test tube failures.

>> No.21231805

>where was the torture?
God, that reminds me.
That scene where Severian brutally executes some woman that was suspected of being a poisoner (I forget)
breaks her legs with the broadside of his sword, then chops her head off on the return swing as she falls to her knees

After that. Narrator Severian goes like: I will only tell you of this 1 execution. I assure you, there were many more. I plied my trade while traveling to Thrax. But 1 execution is enough for this story. No more executions for you, Reader!

It's some weird move Wolfe does, where he goes very meta and just lies out the rules of the story to the reader. This is the way the story will be.
From a writing point, it makes kinda sense, having these executions become procedural could be repetitive and boring. May be hard to pull off.
While also getting the idea to the reader, that Severian doesn't really want to talk about this stuff too much. That's clever.

At the end of Long Sun, id made me really pissed.
Silk is supposed to hold this grand speech to the people that are going through some kind of French revolution in space.
Which supposedly was really powerful and brought about the end of conflict and was the best speech ever. All the books were about setting Sillk up for his role as this leader,
Then the narrator just goes like: "I swear it was a super great speech, but I'm not gonna repeat it to you, cuz I don't feel like it"
Are you kidding me?! This is anti-climactic bullshit! Then the narrator just rides away from the plot on a spaceship. Holy moly.

Don't get me wrong. I love Long Sun. And this is mostly a joke.
I also figured out why Wolfe skipped the speech. Whatever he wrote would have been underwhelming and cringe, right? Better leave it to the readers imagination/unsaid.
I think that whole move with the narrator actually being someone else doing an biography -> Super clever, loved it. Stuff like that impress me too much, it's so novel.

>> No.21232005

I'm half way through the last book and BotNS is the best rec/shill I've got from this god forsaken board. It really has been as good as it's been hyped up here.

>> No.21232006

>best "dying earth"
wolfefags are delusional

>> No.21232010

what do you think causes it? do you think they find and huff wolf feces?

>> No.21232020

papists who think catholicism is le based

>> No.21232347

>this thread is genuinely better than years of /sffg/
Just goes to show you what can be accomplished when a certain homosexual Canadian fantasy writer is kept out of the discussion

>> No.21232359

>Brings up Bakker despite no one talking about him
Why are you like this? Why can't you just stay fucking quiet about him.

>> No.21232360

You the retard that doesn’t know how to use the report feature, so you make provocative posts?

>> No.21232362

You should check out more of Jack Vance, all of his stuff is similarly fantastical and he really is one of the best writers in the field. I highly recommend The Dragon Masters and Maske: Theary.
Though there's a lot of him I still haven't read, like Lyonesse.

>> No.21232363
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Mythago Wood

>> No.21232433

grrm's 1000 worlds:
in the house of the worm
and seven times never kill man
greywater station

jack vance's:
araminta station
planet adventure

>> No.21232444

All that bougie SFF and yet no sight of Solaris. Shame....

>> No.21232463

What makes it bourgeoisie

>> No.21232571

The shelf.

>> No.21232574

What about the shelf

>> No.21233017

It's not that good and the original translation was shit

>> No.21233106

It's here somewhere. I need to reorganize the shelf. I got more stuff since that photo was taken

>> No.21233229
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>> No.21233235

dogshit reddit book
fuck off
>b-but it's just like LE BERSERK
berserk and beyond two shits are both drivel

>> No.21233239

the word bougie makes everyone involved in a conversation seem bougie by proximity.

>> No.21233325

The way that New/Long/Short Sun are all in universe books is one of my favorite details. Didn't expect it with Long Sun either, until the epilogue and confession.
I know this might be a controversial opinion but
Long > Short > New
I like Silk too much

>> No.21233429

you keep shitting about this series. but i cracked the first one open and couldn't get past how kitschy 'captain whiskeyjack' was. THIS is good writing???

>> No.21233747

its what happens when you think d&d is interesting

>> No.21234236

kek your tranny seeth is quite delicious. You are fool if you think no one realizes why you don't like Wolfe. You are very transparent plebbit toruist. next time have some arguments if you don't want to be btfo.

>> No.21234250

I started reading this today and it really reminds me a lot of Bloodborne and the Souls series and Berserk. Is Wolfe an influence on those? Was BOTNS big in Japan?

>> No.21234294
File: 126 KB, 818x282, japanese_book_of_the_new_sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to tell, curious as well. We do know Amano pulled a lot of influence from it for sure though. You can see in Angel's Egg; I don't know how much it influenced him with the FF series, but I'd imagine a bit at the least.

>> No.21234334

wolfefags are amerimutt spics who think catholicism is LE BASED
fuck off
wolfe has always been shit

>> No.21234355

I love this style of fantasy illustrations.
Picrel is Elric of Melnibone.

>> No.21234358
File: 1.88 MB, 813x1090, Elric_Fortressofthepearl_Yoshitaka Amano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt get file

>> No.21234434

That’s awesome. I want to read Elric soon. Never read any Moorcock

>> No.21234539

nooooo you cant just depict man sex that means you want my little boy (hypothetical) trannified you MONSTER this is why i vote republican

>> No.21234549

he's talking about gormenghast, which I agree could be called "not fantasy" but then again who cares what is and is not "not fantasy"

>> No.21234602

I love it. You should read Zothique, it's similar and just as good

Other fantasy I like that I didn't see mentioned:
>Fritz Lieber books - they're "sword and sorcery" short stories mostly with the same heroes. They are very funny and creative.
>The Night Land - it's a crazy book. The setting is excellent and like many prototypical books, the imitators are just that. It's not that easy to read as it includes vast swathes of what could be described as waifufaggotry, all in stilted archaic English. It also stuck with me like nothing else, and is one of the most romantic things I ever read.
>John Crowley - I only read a couple of his books but they were unusual and fascinating.

>> No.21234699


>> No.21234719

reddit post

>> No.21234725


>> No.21234984

catholicism is LE BASED and always hilarious when Europeans say anerimutts when there population is getting literally raped by migrants

>> No.21235014

the ring of the nibilung

>> No.21235047

Post it

>> No.21235162

Word. Peake is fantastic.

>> No.21235183

Lol, lmao even. Only read the first trilogy and knew it went bad after that but this is hilarious.

>> No.21235200

Not gonna lie, the first one isn't as well written as the rest, and it's not even close. Nothing wrong with Captain Whiskeyjack though. He's named after the bird.

>> No.21235209

Is the Sword of Bayne any good? I have a list of books that I'm getting as gifts for Christmas. So far I have Gods in Darkness, The Once and Future King, The Dying Earth, and Jack of Shadows

>> No.21235351

Have you tried reading it.

>> No.21235377

Sounds similar to the Powder Mage trilogy

>> No.21235507


>> No.21235526
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>> No.21235573
File: 59 KB, 1231x1024, 59E7CE80-DBDC-4BBD-AB09-921C4EA07249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> LOTR is a normiefication and simplification of traditional myths, it's the opposite, rather than making them more complex and literary
Cringe and utterly mid-wit take. You clearly haven’t read the Hobbit or LOTR. Pic rel.

>> No.21235582

>Lafferty books
Kneel Gayman deserves to lose those estate rights he purchased if he doesn’t bother to reprint a single Lafferty volume till he kicks the bucket.

>> No.21235623

I agree, and a much worse fate upon him

>> No.21235684

>uses the dunning-kruger'd interpretation of the dunning-kruger effect

>> No.21235720

It isn't.

>> No.21235722
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>> No.21235748

ill check it out.

>> No.21235887

This song is a tribute to the greatest song.

I've only finished the first book, at what point does severian ever seem like a psychopath?

>> No.21235933

I highly recommend Showboat World. Easily some of his best work

>> No.21235955

You are invited to visit my thread. It's to guide newcomers of Beowulf :)

>> No.21235984 [DELETED] 

Conan > Tolkien

>> No.21235992

Conan > LOTR

>> No.21236017

I've got an idea for one that's been swimming around in my head based kn a dream i had about Game of Thrones (ASOIAF)

>> No.21236133

Catholicism is for papist latin american shitskins
fuck off wolfefag

>> No.21236231
File: 997 KB, 511x765, illearth war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also started reading it because of Erikson. I'm about halfway through book 3 right now. I'm liking it a lot but I cannot stop thinking about book 2. It hit me hard.

>> No.21236280

Is this really what you do in your spare time? Just whine about an author you don't like?

>> No.21236287

The sad thing is that he shits up /sffg/, so I don’t know why he’s complaining.

>> No.21236312

> the space gods
Once I believed you three were gods, and then that the Hierarchs were still greater gods. So the autochthons believed me a god, and feared I would plunge into the western sea leaving them in night with winter always. But only the Increate is God, kindling reality and blowing it out. All the rest of us, even Tzadkiel, can only wield the forces he's created

>> No.21236321

I finished reading Shadow of the Torturer but I struggled through it. It's probably because I'm retarded. But I'd like to finish the series. How are the audiobooks?

>> No.21236819

The ones on audible are really good. I'd still recommend reading it though, especially urth of the new sun

>> No.21236850

and those latin american shitskins are better then you limp wristed tranny subhuman. Keep getting btfo. You are mindbroken by Wolfe. Dead men has more worth then your entire genealogy, including your tranny ancestors.

>> No.21236980

I miss Keely

>> No.21237004

I'm put off both by the 11 years and counting wait, as well as frequently reading the MC described as a Mary Sue

>> No.21237084
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>and those latin american shitskins are better then you limp wristed tranny subhuman. Keep getting btfo. You are mindbroken by Wolfe. Dead men has more worth then your entire genealogy, including your tranny ancestors.

>> No.21237093

Because LotR is a Middle Earth travel guide with some story thrown in to keep things mildly interesting.

>> No.21237119

>t. pajeet

>> No.21237128

This is possibly going to make a few seethe, but Dark Souls shares quite a few eerie similarities with Sanderson's debut Elantris.

>> No.21237188

The way he treats and views women is severely problematic to say the least, going as far as raping one in captivity...

>> No.21237262

nice selfie trannylover

>> No.21237268

not even close. Your post does not even make sense, but you discord trannies are not known for coherent arguments.

>> No.21237281

I will ban you guys from my thread if you keep behaving like toddlers.

>> No.21237296

>t. pajeet with a book on English grammar

>> No.21237404
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>> No.21237787

Is this the "consent is impossible for prisoners kind of rape" or actual rape? Because your use of the word problematic is clouding the issue.

Secondarily, stop being offended on the behalf of other people, it's disrespectful. They aren't your pets. Assuming ywnbaw.

>> No.21238009

Same, he made wolfefags seethe so much

>> No.21238032

its a whore that "changes her mind" as he is plunging it in so yea "rape"

>> No.21238144

I like the blog he did. Really insightful

>> No.21238178

He seethed so hard at people calling him retarded. It was funny to see.

>> No.21238286

Can't blame him, wolfefags have yet to refute him.

>> No.21238309

Any good books set in fantasy Africa?

>> No.21238546

Is the new DragonLance good? Stopped reading partway through chapter 1 when the 'strong black woman' narrative became obvious.

>> No.21238652

I feel the exact same way, and I know it sounds gay to outsiders. He even compares (without arrogance) people who could be drawn to BotNS to those who pick up the Book of Gold in Ultan's library.

>> No.21238670

>Though there's a lot of him I still haven't read, like Lyonesse.
I sure wish I could read that again for the first time. You're lucky and don't know it.

>> No.21238809

tranny who sucks pajeet dick on daily basis

>> No.21238820

apparently he got refuted that's why he does not show up anymore. He is too afraid and too cucked

>> No.21238855

>the sexualization of rape
Who is this retard?

>> No.21238873

Why people keep saying Severian looks like an Exultant (the rally tall noble class of people)
They are like actual 7 feet tall, even the women. Which is made very clear, as his Exultant prison GF is towering over him.
My point is, no one with eyes would have problem telling an Exultant apart from a regular person. They are just way to tall.

Is it because the people who say this has literally never seen an Exultant in real life? (only heard stories)
Or are they just trying to manipulate him through flattery?

>> No.21238880

Jolenta is a slut that wanted it, and, deserved it
Shame about the vampire bat.

>> No.21238890


Or he's the one narrating the story and he's saying it from his own conceit.

>> No.21238910
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>> No.21239482

>Is the new DragonLance good?
Read it and find out

>> No.21239674

Is it good?

>> No.21239686

Every name is mispronounced by the narrator before he magically gets them right in the fifth book. E.g. Dr. TAYLUS vs. Dr. Tah Los.

>> No.21240752
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You guys reading anything or royal road? Been really enjoying paranoid mage although I wish it updated faster

>> No.21240757

>You guys reading anything or royal road?
No, we don't read garbage.

>> No.21240762
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>looks at the catalogue
you sure about that?

>> No.21240913

Part 2 of The Fifth Head of Cerebus. Highly recommend.

>> No.21240932

Can this be a constant thing now? /sffg: is all but shit now.

>> No.21240939

This thread is better because it is irregular. As soon as it becomes regular it will either attract the same retards, or retards of the same caliber

>> No.21240942

wolfecels seething

>> No.21240945

You can always just report them if they’re just shitting up the thread.

>> No.21240950

>This thread is better because it is irregular.
Thread has been up for five days and the shitflingling has been at a minimum. /sffg/ is useless to discuss anything.

>> No.21240970
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I love these niggas so much

>> No.21240996

What a waste.

Can a triumvirate this based ever exist again?

>> No.21241057

I have tried to start THE SHADOW OF THE TORTURER so many times, at least 8.

I always drop it right around they visit the parks, zoos and he gets poisoned and almost dies just before exiting the city.

It just, I can't really explain it, but it becomes so fucking boring.

>> No.21241077

Sorry, we're on this thread because the web lit cancer just won't stop infecting the main sf/f thread. Kindly excise yourself.

>> No.21241092

It would be nice if the decent literature loving folk of sffg resisted the foul incursion of weblit and litrpg at every oppertunity. But they do not. The fire has died in their hearts; so too the light in their eyes.

>> No.21241095

>But they do not.
They do, actually, and whenever they do, the fags that talk about weblit and litrpg spam the thread to the bump limit

>> No.21241172

Why don’t you make your own general.

>> No.21241215

>Can this be a constant thing now?
I wouldn't mind if this is the new fantasy general.

>> No.21241345

This is answered in the book itself. Very few people actually ever get to see an exultant. Do you see royalty randomly strolling around your little village or slum? Apart from that Severian is extremely tall. He is probably a solid 6‘5 or so. Naturally someone who has never seen a true exultant would think a man like that to be one.

>> No.21241356

I agree that the first book plods along too much. It feels too much like a quest in Witcher 3 where you're purposefully choosing the wrong choice to find out what happens. Severian's companions are a liar and an amnesiac who can't explain anything going on around them, and most other characters are indifferent to the grand context until the last chapter. Wolfe is too coy for his own good and it can weigh on the reader, especially when you know that the answers will come later.

>> No.21241376

Who are the ones on the left and right?

>> No.21241377

From my understanding no one confused Severin for an exultant but possibly an exutants bastard with a commoner. Even then he is basing this only on being taller than his peers and being good looking.

Or he is just an orphan who has no idea who his parents are and has chosen the most flattering idea of who theMPESNKy might be.

>> No.21241436

Was his own fiction any good? I always remember him talking it up in reviews/his blog but never read it.
>the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.21241530

Hopefully, someone makes a new thread once this is done.

>> No.21241556

I agree. BOTNS is one of the best ever written and nothing comes close to it. Reading it for the first time is genuinely one of my fondest memories. I just started my third read of the series and this time I’ll try to use Lexicon Urthus as much as possible.

>> No.21241816

I don't hate people who read those, but I'd never read something without structure like a book version of a shounen manga.

>> No.21242522

That is often where people get filtered.

>> No.21242534
File: 169 KB, 887x665, 1634861715357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you all have not read Fifth head trilogy or the Island of doctor death stories, please do it asap

More fantastic wolfe stories