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/lit/ - Literature

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21217643 No.21217643 [Reply] [Original]

/WWOYM/ Write What's on Your Mind
Memoryholed Spooks Edition


recommended reading:

>> No.21217729

I’ve been in a cave
For forty days
With only a spark
To light my way
I wanna give out
I wanna give in
This is our crime
This is our sin

But I still believe
I still believe
Through the pain
Through the grief
Through the lies
Through the storms
Through the cries
Through the wars
Oh, I still believe
Still believe
I still believe

>> No.21217806
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Next thread though

>> No.21218741

My ass is a swamp.

>> No.21219505


>> No.21220225

is that a dude

>> No.21220283

Broke NNN last night :/

Coomed once which felt mad, coomed again an hour later which hurt pretty bad (like my coom pipe was blocked or somehting), coomed again today (any 12 hours later) and kind of hurt but not as bad as that 2nd coom

>> No.21220661

fug bro i've been thinking about doing it but didn't

>> No.21220665

I did too sadly because of peer pressure so to speak

>> No.21220673

Modern life really is a disaster. Sometimes it seems like living with dignity is not even possible.

>> No.21220694

If I spent even 50% of the time I spent on this website actually reading I'd have actually finished 50 books by now

>> No.21220780

I wish I had someone older and more successful to seek advice and mentorship from. It's always just been me.

>> No.21220858

I despise my own biography.

>> No.21221152

it's called reading the canon

>> No.21221320

why do they call living frugally living in squalor wtf make it sound so bad

>> No.21221389

I teach 10th Grade English. This is currently the writers I teach. Which writers should I add to enhance my classroom and taste in students?

Isak Denesen
Anna Akhmatova
Federico Garcia Lorca
Albert Camus
Primo Levi
Czeslaw Milosz
Wislawa Szymborska
Gabriela Mistral
Luisa Valenzuela
Chinua Achebe
Bei Dao

>> No.21221394

People who correspond to a different time, when things were done differently and for different reasons.

>> No.21221468

Writers I am considering adding:
- Gombrowicz
- Mishima
- Bolano
- T. Wolfe
- Crane
- Desnos
- Breton
- Trakl
- Proust

I need some good Russian short stories. Eventually, I need to add drama. Currently, at a public high school, but will be enrolling in a respected Master of Arts in Teaching English program, which, along with my Bachelors and Juris Doctorate, will help me land a comfy teaching job at a private school.

>> No.21221504

Ive said before that whoever makes these threads picks the absolutely worst pictures for them and this is the best example, what could compel you to choose this image of a fat tranny

>> No.21221521

Why are you teaching so many works in translation?

>> No.21221527

It’s public high school, bud. I have 15 IEPs this semester alone, among many 504s. These kids need to work on English first.

>> No.21221534

I didn't mean they should be reading the original, they should be reading English writers.

>> No.21221543

You’re right. I have taught them Bradbury, Lawrence, Frost, and Coleridge before. Technically, English II is a world literature course, whereas English IV is an English Lit class. But I could get away with just adding more American and British writers, it’s not like the admin cares. As long as I show up, they don’t care what I teach.

>> No.21222502

it iiiiiiiiis what ittt iiiiiiiiiiiiiis.

with that I think I wrote, what needed to be writen

>> No.21223685

big cocks will fail to erect

>> No.21223719

>be esl
>others scramble and squint to understand what you write because the point you make is obviously important
>meanwhile get to read pefect english by others and you know what you write yourself so no problems reading own stuff

>> No.21224174

Always wondered, were any of those Defloration porn series episodes real?

>> No.21224182

Trannies will never be real women.

>> No.21224217

Jim Sterling is a perfect example of how “dead-naming” and respecting pronouns is a huge lie. You call that thing a dude and get shit for it. But if it was such an issue would Jim Sterling (the channel name) not be highly criticized? What about the show still being called the “Jimquisition”?

Lefties are such fucking retards is hilarious.

>> No.21224338

don't talk about porn man it's nnn

>> No.21224458

Is transgenderism the biggest gaslight of all time?

>> No.21224535
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I'm a moralist, I'll always be, you'll always seethe at it. I'll always make you feel bad about your terrible choices. Cope and seethe. Screeching about it won't stop me. I know you fucks want to be degerenates with no remorse and you strangled your voice of conscience, but I'll still be here reminding you about your immorality. No amount of shaming will ever stop me. I'm a moralist, I'm mean, and I'll hurt your fragile feelings. Fags.

>> No.21224595

>le chud moralist

relativism hombre, embrace it.

>> No.21224607

>lowercase cuck
No thanks

>> No.21224631

I do not want a private sector job.

>> No.21224646

>LoWeR cAsE CUcK
˙ǝǝɹƃɐsip oʇ ǝǝɹƃɐ oʇ ǝʌɐɥ ʇsnɾ ll’ǝʍ

>> No.21224717

This is why people keep calling you a tranny.

>> No.21224722

---- Solaria 403 ----

The term, instantly appropriate when

She insisted that I must have gourded her
When a huge vine exploded among the ruins
That pass for a garden by her door, overtaking

A strip of lawn, knocked up with something that
Looks like nothing I planted last year, an apocalocyntosis
Identifiable only with some research, not a pumpkin, not a squash,

Not a gourd, but this weird squat pale fruit you couldn't carve
Or cook or make into anything but itself, an item for display made
Via a bee visiting from God knows where, thence distributed by wind

Or some furry little thing furtive in the night, from my place into hers,
Or by a bird that went unnoticed in daylight broad
As the hum of several air conditioners.

And as per usual where such spirit reigns
One can say, if endowed with a hint of will
Anything you like about butchers in faraway

Asia, oriental despotism, monstrous programmes.
Of course from any perspective so warm, so serene
There's the fate of fortune, a suite of dreams everyday,

Too digressive to record by any means.

>> No.21224724

I just want to talk to someone right now

>> No.21224725
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No. Antisemetism is. They would have you think antisemetism is some mad and disgusting illness when it is the correct response to seeing how jews act.

>> No.21224754

anyone else also get overstimulated from talking to people and get a headache
how am i going to cope

>> No.21224777

Ameribros...what is up with all the creepy YouTube ads about voting?
>who you vote for is private, but if you vote is public. We will know if you voted.

>> No.21224850


---- Solaria 404 ----

Last night I cracked open
And slid wide as it would go

The window to my second bedroom
And held my head almost outside of it for

Pleasure idle as can be, just to sense for sense itself
Or toward some experiental sum.

The scene was hilarious with dogs and trains so faraway
That all of it was inaudible indoors.

>> No.21224931

---- Solaria 405 ----

Liz painted you a benevolent witch
Which isn't inaccurate since I too see fish

Like contrails on pleasant afternoons.

>> No.21224960

I highly recommend Bruno Schulz, but I'm not sure if translations can do him justice

>> No.21225013

---- Solaria 407 ----

Nothing frighens me liike cold
Cryogenic in tone or implication.

I like February best from a bed warm as Hawaii,
From inside civilization hot-rod gods ply like

Scintillating bears, Christmas
Lights, snow photography,

Imperial power.

>> No.21225022

Hi there. I’m bored at work and thinking about the painting that I want to make when today is over. What’s on your mind?

>> No.21225029

Hello! Right now, I'm just sort of chilling. I'm trying to think about what to write, and also what to draw. I want to try to imitate a woodcut style.

What's your job? What are you planning on painting?

>> No.21225056

This post was intentionally left blank.

>> No.21225109

just now I'm thinking about my archive of fractal parameters and a certain technique for acrylic on Mylar: Take a piece of tempered glass meant for a sliding glass door, and mount it on a rolling base as an easel. It's an excellent start for anyone with a gift for nuance or gesture.

>> No.21225150

cooming and not wanting to break nnn

>> No.21225155

I'm gonna be honest, I only understood about half of that, but are you sure arcylic is gonna heft to the mylar right? Won't it flake off?

I once had a dream where I was outside of reality and I saw the whole thing and it was all fractals. Every moment was a new fractal. I'd love to paint it, but it's one of those things that don't really translate well into the physical world.

>> No.21225197
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Acrylic sticks to Mylar very well. I've paintings on it that are 4 decades old, that look the same as the day I made them. As for fractals, look into Mandelbulber and MB3D. The former was written by one guy who happens to be a genius, the latter by a team.

>> No.21225218

Shit, that's pretty damn cool. It's awesome that you found your artistic niche.

>> No.21225239

Ooo, woodcut, that sounds fun. Have you ever tried to do a real woodcut? I tried once at a workshop but it’s surprisingly hard and did not come out well.

Work is a meeting and that’s why I didn’t reply for a while. I was thinking of painting a guy with…basically holes in his body, like he’s a skeletal thing with rib-like openings.

>> No.21225248

Do you use Mandlebulb? I’ve had such a great time with that in the past, I should look at the latest update. Apparently there are new formulas available.

>> No.21225279

If you're watching YouTube ads it's already too late. Checked btw

>> No.21225281

>Have you ever tried to do a real woodcut?
No, not woodcut, but I've done linocut and that went well, but it wasn't a very complicated design. I've been tracing some cuts to get a feel for it, but when I try to do my own I just can't get it right.

I like to draw people too, but I always have to hide the face, because I learned how to draw by doing manga art, and that fucks you up forever. If you just started, stay away from anime and manga.

Is it a monster? Like a wendigo thing?

>> No.21225314

I started out that way too, it’s so frustrating. I took some live model classes which really helped. But I definitely still struggle with it sometimes. Kids need to be shown realistic art at an earlier age.

I’m not sure if it would be a wendigo, but I like the idea. I think there’s going to be things living inside him, like little warriors that are trying to get out.

>> No.21225334

Update: I'm still a loser

>> No.21225338

Lately I've been thinking through what can be done in Open CL using a Radeon VII, one of which I've got in my closet, awaiting a build. if my lazy ass will ever get to it. Mandelbulber is so far, the only piece of software written to tap GPUs for the purpose--about 11 double-precision teraflops per second. As for MB3D, I've about 100 images in 8K that no one but me has ever seen.. I'll get around to posting the best of them in due time.

>> No.21225340

What does the expression "find myself" even mean? What exactly does the person "finding himself" not know about himself? Maybe I'm just autistic but Ive never understood it.

>> No.21225375

Well, it's establishing who you are when you're alone, is how I always thought it. Who you are when you're only yourself. What do you like to do? How do you feel about things? Why do you feel that way? What do you wish for? It's important to separate yourself from what you have to do, and what you're supposed to do, and what people want from you.

>> No.21225421

Huh I guess its never been an issue for me because I've always been alone more often than in company

>> No.21225475

yeah, I've never had that issue either.

>> No.21225500

Woke up early to drop my brother off at school. Got nothing else to do with my life so Im watching one of those feel good family movies. I am so superfluous. I think I should pick up alcoholism as a hobby

>> No.21225523

nah. much better is that you get yourself a couple diy kits. you can get a lot of different ones for cheap. you can try a lot of different things, and keep yourself busy at the same time. just this year I've tried 3d puzzles, mini theater tins, fimo, soapstone carving, tarot cards, beadwork, butterfly knife... next I want to try resin and a metal puzzle.

>> No.21225526

Summer of 2017, also known as the, “The Time I Simped so Hard That My Soul Departed My Body and Traversed the Astral Plane”

>> No.21225535

oh and I made a wooden prosthetic for a doll- keeping yourself busy really does wonders for your self-esteem.

>> No.21225554

get a job

>> No.21225555

Summer of 2017, also known as the time i found the most beautiful city in the world, the one most remote from the East.

>> No.21225559

Realized that the cure to my problems is work, real work. Real challenging, fulfilling work that can give me satisfaction. The goal of life is satisfaction not happiness.

>> No.21225619

I'm stuck working for an unreliable contractor. Jobs are scarce.

>> No.21225631
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make one of these

>> No.21225641

That sounds cool. Where do you order these kits? I'll buy a few soon as my boss finally pays me

>> No.21225655
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I get mine off amazon or aliexpress or ebay, but I get a lot of ideas off of pinterest, too. For example, something like this, all you need is cardboard and a glue gun. What are you interested in most?

>> No.21225677

My two favorite aesthetics: gothic horror and cowboy. I like philosophy and religion, hiking/camping/shooting, and bondage sex.

>> No.21225721

Mine, true crime and flower gardening. In all matters erotic, I like things slow and gentle as can be.

>> No.21225724

I meant more in terms of diy kits, but that's okay. I like monster horror and I collect realistic fish pillows, rocks, and animal skulls.

>> No.21225754
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I saw this cool skull while on a walk in the neighborhood

>> No.21225767

Lucky! I've never found a skull in the wild.

>> No.21225772

The best bondage sex is slow and gentle. Nothing better than your tied up gf moaning into her gag as you cuddle.

>> No.21225784

One time I was running gas and water lines in a crawl space. there was about three racoon skeletons that were crunching under me the whole time. Wish i saved one, but this was for a ritzy client who would for sure be creeped out if I crawled out from under his house with a skeleton collection.

>> No.21225821
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Here's one of the racoons

>> No.21225829

ah, bummer. next time grab the skull and stick it in your shirt.

>> No.21225831

I can do without the gag, and cuddle all night long. Usually I'm the little spoon, if a little domineering in arranging that. Tall guys are almost always nice.

>> No.21225867

Hey, Im tall. We should go on a camping trip where we take a long hike, admire the wildflowers, then we can go back to camp where I tie you up in the tent and read you a true crime horror novel (I have a very deep and low voice, people tell me I should go into radio).
One thing I cant compromise on is the gag though.

>> No.21225921

Nope. Sex outdoors is good only with someone who doesn't think like that.

>> No.21225936

Summer of 2017, also known as the happiest year of my life. I had a great social life, a loving girlfriend, didn't have to worry a single iota about my future and my face wasn't scarred and wrinkled yet.

>> No.21226187

What happened to your face

>> No.21226505

I have to contact this girl so she can save me from whoring around.

Got 10+ kg in muscle mass, turns out I also have a pretty face, shocking revelation for me too. I have to go to /fit/ and tell them getting in shape gets you girls, but it also makes you not care, like they didn't know already.

This friday a women asked me if I want to go to the pool with them or some shit, I declined already, she stands up, goes to her friends that she was waiting for, I look behind me, five more above average/good looking middle aged women, a man's dream.

Today the waitress was fucking teasing me. Please help. It's not as good as you think.

>> No.21226549

I look at pictures of people from my university’s societies and groups, smiling happily together, and knowing I will never be accepted as one of them, all I can do is despair. This loneliness will never go away, nor will the agony it causes.

>> No.21227761

I'm sad and lonely

>> No.21227772

I spent the entire day alone and it was absolute paradise. Then i attended my night class and was reminded that people other than myself exist, that I will never be able to connect with them, and became really depressed. I straight up run out of the class at the end of the lecture every single time because I absolutely hate being around people. This sucks. I wish I could at the very least interact with people even if casually

>> No.21227874

I'm trying to find some books to teach myself a skill or something so i can stop compusively using the internet.

Any suggestions?

>> No.21228057

I feel the winds of the void.

>> No.21228166

i wanted to build a machine but the tools and linkages i need to buy for it need some money but i already spent my neet savings on something else earlier this year

>> No.21229545

just don't pay for it

>> No.21229625

Hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, stargazing, anything outdoors.

>> No.21229655

I really want to go somewhere, do something, get something, anything interesting in my biography before I'm 30. So far this is like living in limbo.

>> No.21229951
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I went to get an MOT test done today. For people who live in free countries, you might not know what that is. Basically here in the United Cuckdom, the government forces you to take your car to a mechanic every year for a "roadworthiness test" and if you try not to they lock you in a cage and if you resist they shoot you.
As I was waiting for the mechanics to finish inspecting my car, I took a stroll through the lovely old neighbourhood they have there. The place was a decrepit, litter-filled mish-mash of different cultures: blacks, Arabs, Poles, Anglo-Saxons. Every face that passed me by was sullen; years of angry, brutish thoughts were embossed upon their countenances. Some people had wounds on their faces, I can only guess from fighting, and one man I saw had tattoos on his face and a gold necklace on, like some all-too-stereotypical gangster. Never have I felt more in danger than when I was in that disgusting neighbourhood, and as I passed by three crackheads gleefully reenacting some scene of violence they had apparently witnessed not long ago, I realised: this is where society is heading.
Yes, it's inescapable. Educated, middle class, and upper class people are having fewer and fewer children, while the type of person who lives in this sort of neighbourhood is increasing. Soon, there will be few pockets of civilisation left, interspersed among areas like this. And those of us who have the capacity for intelligent thought, sensitivity, and compassion, will be utterly swamped by these angry, brutish, violent people. This is simply an inevitability of our current situation.
Goodbye, civilisation, adieu; and hello to subhumanity!

>> No.21231372

Wanting to read Anna karenina again and got the Maude version which is supposedly the diffinitvw and Tolstoy approved version (originally read C garnett)

How come they use white ppl names for some of the names? It feels weird and tis throwing me off. Iirc the originally names werent even that outlandish or difficult to read and they still use Russian surnames anyways which are often harder to read. Did I just get a revised/modernised copy or something ?

>> No.21231385



This dude shit on everybody 127 years ago. Fucking do-nothing sacks of shit. Every subhuman prattles on in their 128-character-SMS Tiggertongue as if the constantly reminding the world that "He's a Tigger, you're a Tigger, and I'm a Tigger too" does anything but remind us that you're just a lazy fucking Tigger and the SMS bullshit you pollute the internet with is no more valuable than the most meaningless and trivial babbling of the least functional Tiggers in the fucking ghetto.

The only point is that the working man is such a fucking dolt that he allows the parasites to drink his blood since he has such little capacity to measure actual value and is so easily tempted and debilitated by wanton, destructive, and wasteful hedonistic pursuits

>> No.21231557

>This is currently the writers I teach
Might need to take the 1st grade class yourself before continuing fella

>> No.21231609

I've been looking for a specific absolutely unfindable non-porn video I wanted to jerk off to for literal years and I've finally found it today. I couldn't believe it and neither could my dick. I am coom, and I have transcended the coom. It was a transformative experience. I don't know what to do with my dick anymore, I'll probably retire it.

>> No.21231618

Lib propaganda around voting is so gay really makes me not want to vote desu

>> No.21231628

the elitism on this Mongolian basket weaving forum is fucking astounding, you espouse the virtues of intelligent thought, sensitivity and compassion but nothing you’ve said exemplifies them.

>> No.21232503
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why is this on page 10, also its over for trump fags, the era of desantis has started

>> No.21232504

Because the real thread is this one, you retarded /pol/tard. >>21227446

>> No.21232508

Think I fucked up my research accreditation with a poor thesis, I'm going to be graduating overeducated and underskilled with nothing lined up. What do

>> No.21232513

Same. I've never voted in my life and dont plan on it either.

>> No.21233373

worst WWOYM in a while ngl


>> No.21234073

these things usually go in a cycle anon

>> No.21234081

sshhh this is the comfy slow one

>> No.21234902

Might as well bump

>> No.21234921

I cannot stop sqeeuzing my cock all day. I cannt stop rubbing myself, squeezing, pinching. I will literally rub and squeeze for cock for 6-7 hours straight.
>hahaha funny
no its driving me insane. i have no focus anymore, i just grab my cock. im not exaggerating im not trolling. i want to fucking stop acting like a primitive ape but i cannot. im 32 years old for fuck sake and i cannot stop

>> No.21235007

---- Solaria ----
(lush corridor)

It seems a little silly,
To commute along a view

So richly green from spring to midsummer
It's rare by the most severe of standards, superlative lowlands

In exuisite eyes
Riding in cars in which all possible music plays.

>> No.21235017
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Treat me badly and I will respond badly, which will prove I am a bad person. Then you will treat me worse, and I will respond even worse, then it goes on forever in an endless spiral

>> No.21235021

Good riddance.

>> No.21235024

I tire of this world. I'm tired, so damn tired. How can I be so young (22) and so tired at the same time? It's a conundrum, or it should've been if I didn't already know the answer. Globally, things are on the right path but I am not happy. I don't know if I am secretly enjoying making my own life miserable or if I'm truly missing something important that mutes every other emotion. I don't even feel bad, I'm merely watching days go by and achieving minimal efforts to sustain my existence at this point.
I'm tired. I feel like a cow in the body of a human being; something feels wrong yet I can't grasp what. My primary needs are fulfilled and I'm not in the middle of a battlefield risking my life, so why is living so hard? It's like I suddenly lost my soul overnight and habits have taken over to ensure my body is still in acceptable condition for when it will get back. I don't want anything. I just wish I was somebody else with less complex needs right now.

>> No.21235054

>How can I be so young (22) and so tired at the same time?
been there, said that.

>> No.21235123

Yeah I said the same thing at 22. In hindsight it was just boredom.

>> No.21235236

This is a really long shot I know:
Can anyone help me identify a short story collection I used to have as a kid? I don't remember the title or any of the authors.
I only remember one of the story titles: "A tin of sardines"
I've been looking for it for some time but I can't turn up anything on google

>> No.21235287
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Next thread for real


>> No.21235375

I think you'll miss me when I'm gone.

>> No.21235942

---- Solaria ----
(The Time Machine)

Skylines appearing and dissolving
Like trees within communicable generations,.

Foresight superlative everyday, any aesthete who lives without apology.


>> No.21236291

next thread when we're only 120 posts in this one?

>> No.21237233

is naked (1993) a lit movie?

>> No.21237424


>> No.21238452
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The bird that I am going to write about is the owl. The owl cannot see at all. By day and at night is as blind as a bat.
I do not know much about the owl, so I will go on to the beast which I am going to choose. It is the cow. The cow is a mammal. It has six sides—right, left, an upper and below. At the back it has a tail on which hangs a brush. With this it sends the flies away so that they do not fall into the milk. The head is for the purpose of growing horns and so that the mouth can be somewhere. The horns are to butt with, and the mouth is to moo with. Under the cow hangs the milk. It is arranged for milking. When people milk, the milk comes and there is never an end to the supply. How the cow does it I have not yet realised, but it makes more and more. The cow has a fine sense of smell; one can smell it far away. This is the reason for the fresh air in the country.
The man cow is called an ox. It is not a mammal. The cow does not eat
much, but what it eats it eats twice, so that it gets enough. When it is hungry
it moos, and when it says nothing it is because its inside is all full up with

>> No.21238472

I don't sleep around despite the intense draw to because I know it's only going to fuck me up more than I already am. Finding a woman is so fucking hard.

>> No.21238502
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What's Quentin's new YT channel?

>> No.21238635

How did I ever start lurking on this website? How did I start posting? Why didn't I just read and play games instead? Is this punishment for not being on Twitter and Tik Tok like everyone else?

>> No.21239127

going to be swinging my arms at people one of these days