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21215835 No.21215835 [Reply] [Original]

Mud, rain and steel Edition

Previous Thread:>>21206820

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21215843
File: 178 KB, 809x1200, 74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker is K.I.N.G.

>> No.21215890
File: 33 KB, 299x478, super powereds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are opinions on Super Powereds? Supposedly it's good, but at the same time I heard very little about it. It's like a quiet hit.

>> No.21216094

Has anyone of you read Malice and Havoc by Chris Wooding? I first read them years ago when I was younger and to this day they remain some of my favorite books. I was quite obsessed with them for a while. Do you know anything similar to them?

>> No.21216134

looks like it is for brainlets. did some research and it appears even the author is a super brainlet who can't even proofread his own book. if you want a book written by an idiot for idiots this is it.

>> No.21216137

Why did cyberpunk have to ossify into cringe after PKD died? All the really cool philosophical stuff in his work has turned into kitsch with “””Cyberpunk””” subgenre slop.

>> No.21216151

There is nothing particularly worth exploring in Cyberpunk setting. We already more or less live in corporate-ruled dystopia with extreme capitalism.
What more can you say about it with Cyberpunk? It has some easthetics, but what beyond that? Cool sci-fi guns go brrrrr?

For fuck's sake, look at the new cyberpunk game. It took elements from REAL LIFE into the game. Because Cyberpunk as a setting was simply insufficient for today's world. Fucking real life.
Cyberpunk as a setting has exhausted itself. It'd need an earthquake, someone to take its direction into a new and fresh space of thinking.

>> No.21216170
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I want to see sci-fi go back to early to mid 19th century aesthetic and mindset like this

>> No.21216204

>It'd need an earthquake, someone to take its direction into a new and fresh space of thinking.
Just you wait. The messiah will come.

>> No.21216245

>David and Leigh Eddings adopted one boy in 1966, Scott David, then two months old.[9][10] They adopted a younger girl between 1966 and 1969.[10]
>In 1970 the couple lost custody of both children and were each sentenced to a year in jail in separate trials after pleading guilty to physical child abuse.[11] Though the abuse, the trial, and the sentencing were all extensively reported in South Dakota newspapers at the time, these details did not resurface in media coverage of the couple during their successful joint career as authors, only returning to public attention several years after both had died.
>After both served their sentences, David and Leigh Eddings moved to Denver in 1971, where David found work in a grocery store.[12]

>> No.21216247

Old news but I guess you saw it on Twitter or Wikipedia.

>> No.21216325

>Eddings too is a child rapist.
Fucking hell, how many of the fantasy scene?

>> No.21216350

>Fucking hell, how many of the fantasy scene?
DIdn't the guy behind Narnia diddle kids as well? Or was that part of the Magicians a conjecture by Grossman?

>> No.21216492

Multiverses are inherently soft sci-fi

>> No.21216516

soft sci-fi = reddit
amiright or amiright

>> No.21216521

The Xeelee Sequence is most assuredly harder than your favorite sci-fi. :)

>> No.21216594
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read cradle

>> No.21216703


>> No.21216796
File: 131 KB, 450x450, 1666060687106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are some appendix chapters left but i basically finished the first book.
it indeed has a ton of 'woke' shit in it. quite a lot, not in terms of pages spent on them, but the amount of different topics it hits. but surprisingly, it is integrated in a way that isn't very offensive or annoying. again, because the story isn't about any of this shit.
although the amount of it is still notable enough on its own. it has just about everything that poltards would hate.

that aside, the story itself was good. and it was told in a pretty interesting way. i heard the next few volumes won't be as good but we'll see.

>> No.21216834

to add another thing: this entire book is pretty much a prologue. and again, it is told in a unique way. a way that won't necessarily be carried into the next books.
so if the next books suck then that's not a good look. but we'll see.

>> No.21216836

Read Worm instead

>> No.21216892

Is this a childrens book. It looks like one. Did you pick this up after finishing Ramona and Beezus

>> No.21216934

This should go without saying but don't believe everything you read in fantasy books.

>> No.21216975

>This should go without saying but don't believe everything you read in fantasy books.
I mean, stuff like that is common enough for me to not even question it when I read it, considered it just another surprise of yet another author being sleazy with kids.

>> No.21217050

I'm not ashamed of it anymore. I like GRRM.

>> No.21217147

Eddings didn't screw the kid, they just beat the little orphan and used him as a slave like Oliver Twist

Yes, I'm certain C.S. Lewis is a renowned child molestor like John Wayne Gacy, JRR Tolkien, was an avowed atheistical communist, Lewis Carroll undoubtedly did the Jack the Ripper murders, and Leonardo da Vinci was actually a cross-dressing homosexual reptilian alien invader. Don't you have a "Fluffer to the Stars" fanfiction to read?

>> No.21217176

>Eddings didn't screw the kid, they just beat the little orphan and used him as a slave like Oliver Twist
iirc the wife raped and molested their daughter. It was even mentioned in the last thread. I believe that's why so few people talk about the Avalon series these days.

>> No.21217217

Is that series good?

>> No.21217222

You're thinking of Marion Zimmer Bradley and her husband (they were both Jewish, and gay/lesbian pedophiles)
David and Leigh Eddings were an entirely different husband-wife author team, who were straight, not jewish, and not pedophile rapists.

>> No.21217227

nah, Avalon is pretty offensively bad, it did to Arthurian Legend what the Disney sequel trilogy did to Star Wars

>> No.21217557
File: 940 KB, 1467x2200, Neuromancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neuromancer, The Sprawl Trilogy #1 - William Gibson (1984)

Neuromancer is Gibson's debut novel that popularized the cyberpunk aesthetic and various neologisms. That's a notable accomplishment, even if there's nothing else worthwhile. There's no way that I would've finished this if it wasn't one of the four books that won the vote for me to read and write about. Aside from the peculiar aesthetic it evokes, there isn't anything about this novel that I enjoyed. Gibson's style is exceedingly uncomfortable for me to read and I don't know why that is. I'm usually inattentive to prose, but I couldn't ignore it this time. I've tried reading his other works, but I've had a similar problem with every other I've tried, so I don't think I'll be reading more novels by Gibson.

Neuromancer was written in 1984 and that's extremely evident. Gibson later said that this trilogy starts around 2035, but I think it would be much more accurate to call it an alternate present of 1984. With every year that goes by Neuromancer becomes ever more retrofuturistic. It's aesthetic is nostalgia for an imagined future that never came to pass, at least not in the way it was portrayed. This was written near the height of post-WW2 anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States, so it's interesting to see how even though the beginning takes place in Japan, it does so in a foreigner only ghetto that has almost no relation to Japan except when needed for exotic flair. An example is the fascination with shuriken and usage of sarariman instead of salaryman, among other Japanese words.

Science fiction may not exist for the purpose of predicting the future, but if it's set in the future, I would prefer that the author would make an attempt to not be excessively anachronistic, unless that's what's intended. That's how I felt about the technology that was used. Maybe it's overly critical to notice the discrepancy between talking about three megabytes of RAM and mentioning 100 terabytes per second of bandwidth usage per pixel of a map showing a single block of Manhattan, but even so, it still bothered me. There are several other technological choices that I could criticize. It was also difficult for me overlook that society, especially Japan, was mostly frozen in 1984, aside from a few new technologies and superficial differences.

The plot itself was an adequate crime thriller. The characters were serviceable. Case, the protagonist, is a burnt out and paranoid hacker turned petty criminal addicted to amphetamines, a real headcase one might say. He later becomes involved with a woman named Molly, aka the amphetamine known as Ecstasy/MDMA, so he's consistent with his addiction. The world isn't revealed much and what is, isn't particularly noteworthy, aside from the orbital station. The sex is nihilistic, which is appropriate for the aesthetic. If you aren't reading this for the aesthetic, I don't know what you'd be reading it for.

Rating: 2/5

>> No.21217567

/sffg/ Star Ratings (115)
Five: 40 (35%)
Four: 35 (30%)
Three: 29 (25%)
Two: 9 (8%)
One: 2 (2%)
Average: 3.896

Goodreads Star Ratings (298,627)
Five: 108,439 (36%)
Four: 96,810 (32%)
Three: 59,678 (19%)
Two: 21,837 (7%)
One: 11,863 (3%)
Average: 3.898

Average: 3.896
Average: 3.898
/sffg/ rated it 0.002 stars lower.

>> No.21217628

How long did it take you to figure out what she was doing with the POVs?

>> No.21217672

One could think the all-time classic like Neuromancer would be better. Seems the king is naked.

Anyway, speaking of Sci-fi, I need to know a name for certain popular science fiction book I forgot. The plot is about a man and his lover building up a digital paradise. When the paradise is booted up, the man kills himself, and his clone inside goes against the lover's wishes and wakes up her clone as well. I don't recall much of the plot, but would like to refresh myself.

>> No.21217708

Well, what I wrote isn't really representative of the consensus as detailed in the following post, but otherwise, yeah.

That seems like Permutation City.

>> No.21217726

Give me some hold-your-ground-final-stand type novels
The only ones I know are Sixteen Ways To Defend A Walled City, Warriors of Ultramar, and Wolves of the Calla

>> No.21217766

>One could think the all-time classic like Neuromancer would be better. Seems the king is naked.

I feel that way about most "classic" science fiction, with scant few exceptions.