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21214677 No.21214677 [Reply] [Original]

What was the first novel to bring you to tears? What was the last novel to bring you to tears?

>> No.21214680

a novel has never brought me to tears, but then again I am not a woman.

>> No.21214708

Lol this. I've cried to games and even anime. But never a book.

>> No.21214727

Fair enough. I guess I'll start then. First novel I cried to was The Illearth War. The last novel I cried to was The River Why.

>> No.21214733

peak soi

>> No.21214739

I can break u in half bitch

>> No.21214746

I hope she sees this bro

>> No.21214749

Watership Down. I think I was 11 or so.

>> No.21214753

Before or after you have finished crying over your cartoons and toys? Faggot.

>> No.21214757
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Shut up

>> No.21214772

a novel has never brought me to tears

>> No.21214774

Are you done samefagging bitch boi? Pathetic little runt that you are. Go on now, cry like a bitch in heat to Jane Eyre

>> No.21214856

I don't give a fuck who sees anything.

>> No.21214874
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time to put you out of your misery

>> No.21214878

Ladies first. Cry rivers over Super Mario and DBZ, soiboi.

>> No.21214880

Where the Red Fern Grows
The Bible

>> No.21214941

I don’t remember the name, but the first was a book my mother was reading to me as a toddler that contained a passage in which a monster forced a woman to dance until she died. It was probably Terry Pratchett or something - she liked fantasy novels.
Last was Sorrows of Young Werther.

>> No.21214966

Has not happend yet. Books not having any sort of soundtrack makes it unlikely to.

>> No.21214968

I have never cried.

>> No.21214978

>*cries at words on a page*
Does your boyfriend cry with you too

>> No.21215050

Chronicles of Narnia

>> No.21215070

*cries at bing bing wahoo*
You don't belong on this board, soiboi.

>> No.21215097

Crime and Punishment

>> No.21215121

I never cried to Flowers for Algernon, Fault in our Stars, Remains of the day, The Great Gatsby or whatever else. Every time someone says you'll cry to a book I just call BS.
But I did cry to Steel Ball Run.

>> No.21215122

A Day No Pigs Would Die
I shed a single tear at the end of Stoner

>> No.21215132

>Les Miserables
>Jane Eyre

Off the top of my head, these made me tear up

>> No.21215154

Last was Cancer Ward

>> No.21215177

First: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Last: The Grapes of Wrath
In between: Lincoln in the Bardo (George Saunders), Master and Man (Tolstoy)

All of these capture the raw, almost unbearable essence of love so well; they made me cry like someone peaking on a psychedelic. I can't think of a higher purpose of fiction than to allow us this experience, to just let us know that love can exist and endure in this hellhole universe.

>> No.21215257
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gay fanfiction

>> No.21215285

> noooo i dont cry cus im a real man!!!!!!
Fucking retard.

>> No.21215310

I almost cried at the ending of Brothers Karamazov, and I almost converted to Orthodox Christianity right then and there

>> No.21215313

The only book to have made me cry was Johnny Cash by Johnny Cash. Specifically, his depiction of how peacefully his brother died.

>> No.21215380

First, maybe the Arthurian Legends, maybe Robin Hood

The last was yesterday, Confessions by St Augustine

>> No.21215471

Of Love and Other Demons
I cried from laughter reading Moby Dick a few months ago

>> No.21215486

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
This part specifically


>> No.21215503

because you don't read

>> No.21215542
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not technically a novel but the last part of paradise lost, where the angels talking about how all the kindoms of the earth will be worthless without love, that was maybe the first time i cried during a book.

the most recent was during the magic mountain, when (spoiler:) settembrini and naphta are about to duel, castorp frantically trying to stop them, and settembrini says "Dont worry enginneer. I will not kill.

>> No.21215860


>> No.21215869

Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren
The Birds by Tarjei Vesaas

>> No.21215884

Foucault's Pendulum
Never cried when reading novels but after I started HRT it happens pretty regularly

>> No.21215888

Kokoro, Natsume Soseki

>> No.21215910
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most books make me cry
crime and punishment
Platos dialogue Theaetetus
The Bible, Divine comedy and Brothers Karmazov made me cry for days.

nier automata
Ive cried for weeks after darling in the franxx, evangelion, lain and girls last tour hit hard as well.

I am a big, /fit/, man and I work construction btw.

>> No.21215918

Some Jack London novel, I don't remember which one.
Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.21215936

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and The Sheltering Sky both came incredibly close but I can not recall a book which actually brought me too tears. It happens in my writing fairly often, deeper connection to the characters and there is always that one little bit of truth about myself buried in there that really makes it emotional for me. Emotion in reading is ultimately sacrificed for me by my writer side, when I start getting caught up in the emotion the writer in me kicks in and starts analyzing why that bit was so effective which derails the effect. Sort of disappointing but it makes me a better writer so I am ok with it.

>> No.21215992

>What was the first novel to bring you to tears?
I don't remember, babies often cry.
>What was the last novel to bring you to tears?
"Doctor Faustus" Thomas Mann. I listened to an audiobook at work and shed tears on the last chapters.

>> No.21215997

The Magic Mountain is filled with tear jerker moments, and it all ramps up at the end. When Castorp turns out to have poetry deep inside him during the seance scene got me. Also when he gives up and just becomes the record jockey.

>> No.21216091

I probably don't remember the first book to make me cry. The earliest I can recall is Looking for Alaska when I was in highschool.

The latest was The Crippled God.

>> No.21216657

Anna Karenina and Anna Karenina only.

>> No.21216700
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I guess it's working then because women are more emotional than men. Pretty soon you'll become much less rational and much more prone to start fights for no reason. One time a girl got mad at me for raping her in a dream. How the fuck am I responsible for what happens in someone else's dreams?

>> No.21216702

>What was the last novel to bring you to tears?
It didn't bring me to tears but it was a very moving moment, I was reading Ten North Frederick and when Ann tells Harry that her parents made her have an abortion and Harry covers his face and cries, I felt it.
Anohana is for faggots.

>> No.21216706

can't remember first or last but the grand inquisitor section of BK and then contrarily the jean factory scene in confederacy of dunces brought me to tears of laughter

>> No.21216745

i read i want to eat your pancreas manga and got a bit glassy-eyed near the end.

i guess the end of the border trilogy, knowing how billy ends up also got me choked up a little bit.

i really don't get emotional over books or anything else. emotions are generally for pussies.

>> No.21216764

Freak the Mighty

>> No.21216880

"Thereupon did Life look thoughtfully behind and around, and said softly: “O Zarathustra, thou art not faithful enough to me!
Thou lovest me not nearly so much as thou sayest; I know thou thinkest of soon leaving me.
There is an old heavy, heavy, booming-clock: it boometh by night up to thy cave:—
—When thou hearest this clock strike the hours at midnight, then thinkest thou between one and twelve thereon—
—Thou thinkest thereon, O Zarathustra, I know it—of soon leaving me!”—
“Yea,” answered I, hesitatingly, “but thou knowest it also”—And I said something into her ear, in amongst her confused, yellow, foolish tresses.
“Thou knowest that, O Zarathustra? That knoweth no one—”
And we gazed at each other, and looked at the green meadow o’er which the cool evening was just passing, and we wept together.—Then, however, was Life dearer unto me than all my Wisdom had ever been.—
Thus spake Zarathustra.

O man! Take heed!
What saith deep midnight’s voice indeed?
“I slept my sleep—
“From deepest dream I’ve woke and plead:—
“The world is deep,
“And deeper than the day could read.
“Deep is its woe—
“Joy—deeper still than grief can be:
“Woe saith: Hence! Go!
“But joys all want eternity—
“Want deep profound eternity!”

>> No.21216900

>The Bible
Holy based

>> No.21217001

Harry Potter I
Jane Eyre brought a tear, but A Wild Sheep Chase really made me bawl

JFC is there a modern English translation of this schlock?

>> No.21217236
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>> No.21217247

Still hasn't happened, and I'm not even against crying. It's hard to get that worked up about make-believe people and events.

>> No.21217281

Don't remember, but I was living in a psychiatric half-way house when I was reading The Persian boy, and at the end when Alexander died and everyone started immediately in-fighting, I started sobbing so hard that no one would believe me when I said I was fine. The supervisors kept running around demanding what was wrong with me, and I think I gave the psychotic kid and episode. Poor dude was just standing in a corner wringing his hands the entire time. It took a long time for me to stop crying.

When someone tries their hardest, and then at the end it ends up being completely meaningless, that breaks my goddamn heart.

Also when Kolya died in City of Thieves. I'd fallen in love with him over the course of the book, and then he was dying and I was crying, and then he made a joke and I did that watery laugh thing that happens in movies and kept crying.

For a long time those were the only times a book made me cry, but then I was hit by depression, and even the littlest thing would make me cry. At some point, I think it was nearly entirely somatic. I'd just leak whether something actually sad was happening or not.

>> No.21217285

>Where the Red Fern Grows
Goddamn, I still think about that sometimes.

>> No.21217294

Once I read a boondock saints x walking dead fanfiction that was absolutely devastating. I read it for a while, maybe half an hour, and then suddenly I realized I'd been crying the entire fucking time, so I dropped it.

Murphy dies, so when Connor meets Daryl, he sort of intentionally deludes himself into thinking Daryl is his dead brother, and it's so fucking sad and pathetic. Jesus Christ.

>> No.21217299

Either Where the Red Fern Grows or after finishing the Harry Potter series (when i was a kid though, I think I was just sad that there were no more books in the series to read)

>> No.21217313

1) There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom.
I could identify with the neuroticism of the boy and the misfortune circumstances he was given and I believe I cried when he creates like a fantasy world within his stuffed animals where he is respected and loved. the ending is good but I don’t wanna spoil it. Probably still holds up nowadays.
2) last book I cried to was the Hobbit, the prose is beautiful bros.

>> No.21217328

The Idiot

>> No.21217746
