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21208186 No.21208186 [Reply] [Original]

did xi kill himself edition
previous: >>21202174

>> No.21208199

Im balding bros, is it time to take the buzzpill?

>> No.21208208
File: 67 KB, 750x680, 1624866712708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in crippling fear that my inability to properly explain myself and sort thoughts is not due to my inexperience with talking or writing, but due to unfixable brain traits that will make my life forever unsatisfying, unable to reach the mastery of thought and word others posses.

>> No.21208216

You live in crippling fear of having autism? It’s not that bad dude, and just because you can’t express yourself verbally on the spot doesn’t mean you can’t organize your thoughts or express them through writing, speaking difficulty does not imply poor language ability.

>> No.21208223

many people struggle to organize their thoughts and explain what they really mean, especially in conversation. I am willing to put money on your problem just being a skill issue anon. unless you have had many brain injuries and are heading into your 30s. then its a different story.

>> No.21208299

My writing ability isn't much better, I'm long winded and can't make a point in a way that people find captivating. I see tons of people on social media casually - without any interest in writing or rtheorics - dropping lines and phrases that swiftly hit the matter of things, gaining everyone's attention and appreciation. I find myself struggling to do the same, constantly feeling inferior. Moreover, it seems I can't hold the flow of text in my head, making everything I write stilted and unresonating with anyone's thoughts.

It really does seem like a brain issue, I spent most of my childchood reading books, I've read hundreds, yet I still struggle with using more refined words, I speak like a simpleton, not due to stress, but because my brain doesn't seem capable of effortlessly delivering up the appropriate words the way other people's brains are.

Just few months ago I had a small mental breakdown when I finally did the autism tests and basically all of them gave me very high likelihood of having it. What's the point of writing if only few people would find anything you think relatable? And even then what normal people write would still be more enticing and desirable. I no longer feel as bad as during the breakdown, but the chasm between me and normal people appears to be uncrossable.

>> No.21208311

Your writing is fine, it sounds like you are insecure and self-hating, you have whatever is to writers what body dysmorphia is to gym goers

>> No.21208312

I got a drawing table from a friend that we used to do a ton of coke off of and now that it's set up I don't know if I want it because it reminds me of all that shit that I'm trying to move on from. But it's nice to have an area separate from my computer desk to work at.

>> No.21208331


>> No.21208339

She said something about work something about the new client that was supposed to be something big but turned out to be nothing, There was a time I would have cared about the minutae and a time beyond that I would have pretneded to care out of a sense that it was somehow for her benefit. But I'm past both those times so I just shrugged it off on her behalf and said something like Well it's not your business not your problem. She just carried on so I guess that was my job done. But still I wonder if she's still into it.

>> No.21208354

i try to tell myself to concentrate on my career and finally get my finances in order and stop being a loser and what happens? sudden bursts of energy that demand to be put to the page. ive barely done any writing for nearly a decade. why now? whats up? fukken muses bros

>> No.21208370

Also btw autism does not imply poor language abilities, just poor communication ability, and that is only face to face from my experience. I’m practically incapable of speaking yet my writing has always been praised. Read Temple Grandin’s book, the autistic brain. What ends up happening with autists is not that some specific abilities are worse and some better, but that it skews to one extreme end. Grandin herself for example cannot think in words and has no spatial intuition, all she has is a near photographic memory, and she reads and speaks and thinks “geometrically” by translating everything into pictures. But there are also Autists who think mainly geometrically/mathematically/musically or “in patterns” and not in pictures or words. There are also autists who are hyperverbal. If you spent all your childhood reading its likely you’re that last kind. I can tell from your writing that your judgement of yourself is utterly delusional, and low self esteem is not an autism problem.

>> No.21208371

Xi is alive and well in my basement.

>> No.21208397

Today my professor went on about how important it is to vote. In his rant he included such subjects as
>the attempted coup on January 6th
>he has been a vegan for 25 years
>he loves Carl Juniors beyond burger
>he was a teenage anarchist and read the communist manifesto
>you can vote with your dollar
This is a science class baka

>> No.21208418

I'm suffering from this weird feeling in my throat that is extremely annoying and distracting. It doesn't hurt. I don't know how to describe it. I think a muscle is cramping, and it feels "cold". Ahhh.

>> No.21208435


>> No.21208461

good for you anon. you are going places.

>> No.21208462

>It would be better if rulers know what is good
Truly groundbreaking idea, bravo Plato

>> No.21208472

When I was younger, I really loved Skyrim and the mood it put me in. I wished I could just keep that feeling forever.

>> No.21208477


What are you having flashbacks of?

>> No.21208484

Im practically living in an confinement cell but struggle to introspect on myself.

>> No.21208511

A past suicide attempt in which broke my hand and did a real number on my head as well. Pretty goofy how I tried to escape PTSD and only succeeded in giving myself more PTSD. Ahhhh…at least I can laugh about it.

>> No.21208515

Since no one replied:

I've noticed through the course of internet history its almost verboten to call out black people and gays. Certain sites won't allow you to say "faggot" or "nigger". But singling out the mentally handicapped is not only tolerated but encouraged. Why do you think this is? Its odd because "retards" don't, usually, like in the case of black people, rob houses or kill each other in drive by shootings, or in the case of gays, molest young boys and spread ten tons of stds across state lines. But you cannot point this unless you feel like getting banned. On the contrary, its almost tolerated to call a kid with down syndrome retarded and even speak of removing them from the gene pool. Do this with niggers and fags and you lose your job, your bank account and your house. Why is it like this? Maybe some of you guys can shed some light upon this subject

>> No.21208526

Niggardly. What a peculiar word that is, niggardly.

>> No.21208530

I’m sorry anon. How long ago was it?

>> No.21208532

That scratchy shit is unironically how my coof started.

>> No.21208539

Ever tried EMDR bro?

>> No.21208540

ah fuck.

>> No.21208541

It's because we've been living under the hegemony of civil rights law and people worship the law in liberal societies like people worship God in religious ones.

>> No.21208549

>being short
>small peen
This unholy trinity can just stomp your confidence into Pluto's realm. Consider this:
>most girls are taller than you
>your teenage hairline receded into a joke of an island in the middle of the had
>traps usually have much bigger shlongs than you
How can a man cope?

>> No.21208556

Thanks. Two years ago, so it’s not so often that I think about it anymore, but it just really hit me today, I guess because of a similar circumstance. I was having money problems and didn’t want to burden anyone, and that’s happening again. Just need to get my life together.

>> No.21208558

Become successful at something that doesn't have to do with your dick, or looks. You can overcome yourself. And even without being successful, you can date taller women, you can be excellent at licking pussy. A small dick won't feel any worse for you. The hair stuff, just go completely bald.

>> No.21208560

I want to, I hear it’s really effective

>> No.21208563

I’m really sorry to hear that. What’s the cause of your financial problems? Do you have plans of how to address getting things together?

>> No.21208588

Yeah, I think I just can’t go to graduate school. I’ve been trying to scrape together enough for even the first year at a really cheap program, and I told a bunch of people I was going to do it, but by the end of that first year I’d be broke and/or in debt. I hate my job, it’s like 60 hours a week, but I need to just keep doing it and paying the rent I guess.

>> No.21208594

This video essay ties Skyrim to Eliade

>> No.21208614

What you should really learn how to do is introspect on others. That would really be something.

>> No.21208622

That sounds really stressful. What sort of work do you do? (No need to give specifics, just broadly.) Is there a possibility of applying for a different kind of job that you might like a bit more, and then working and saving up for a while so you can go to graduate school sometime in the future?

Also, you shouldn’t worry about burdening others. I’m sure that the people who love you would want to know what’s been going on in your life and help you in any way that they can. Do you have friends and family you can confide in? Or a partner who can provide emotional support?

>> No.21208626


>> No.21208631

Huh. I think I've already been doing it but I guess additional thought could help. I think I struggle to relate (and introspect to a greater extent) with others because I cannot do it on myself. I even started talking to myself loudly.

>> No.21208632
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i live in constant fear of getting brain damage, even a bump on the head is enough for send me spiraling into hypochondria wondering if i will become and retard or not, so to test my intellectual ability i start doing complex maths in my mind and writing poetry to confirm i havent loss my analytic, nor my creative ability, its not all bad tho, i've written some pretty good poems because of that

>> No.21208636
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i plan on being this generation's Cioran, AMA

>> No.21208642

What's the proper Englishname for that person?


>> No.21208650

Its pronounced Cho-ran in romanian, so i guess its Choran or something like that

>> No.21208657

Is it ok to try DMT or Sativa as an autistic man?

>> No.21208661

You have my blessing as a fellow autist.

>> No.21208664

I'm talking about the impact it has on the confidence. That's the biggest problem.
It's easy to say "just bee yourself" or "just improoov" if you aren't in the position.
The post was more about coping mentally.

>> No.21208675

It’s really kind of you to take the time and listen, thanks again. Broadly, it’s marketing, and mainly a lot of presentations and coordinating with press/clients. So it is stressful because I don’t enjoy public speaking. I wanted to work more on the design-focused side of marketing and I think things would be a lot better if I could get a job that has more opportunities for that.

I do have people to talk to, I just figure they get sick of it after a while. My partner is working a way worse job so I try not to complain. This has helped though, nice to vent.

>> No.21208686

I just want to escape.

>> No.21208718

Escape what?

>> No.21208723

Life I guess

>> No.21208726

thank god im beautiful and tall

>> No.21208729

I’m sorry anon, I know the feeling

>> No.21208807

My one sole "talent" is writing deranged walls of texts about anime and visual novel characters that get turned into copypasta. Other than that there is nothing valuable or worthwhile about me.

>> No.21208841

/pol/ keeps banning me for fun posting

>> No.21208861

Dear god please just let me have sex

>> No.21208871

What you've written does sound a little stilted and maybe too formal (e.g. 'gaining everyone's attention and appreciation' and calling yourself a 'simpleton'). My dad's the same honestly and he's very bright, except he also speaks in a long-winded way. Whenever he talks my mum develops a sudden urge to do things, to get something to eat, or if she does stay put then she fidgets and violently rattles her legs.
Just write write write: thoughts, anecdotes, plans, ideas, silly stories even.
That's how I've improved over the last couple of years.

>> No.21208874

I've been having incredibly vivid sex dreams lately. You know how in just dreams you get up to the point of about to have sex and then you wake up? This hasn't been happening lately, I just straight up have great sex in the dream.

Even my non sex related dreams have been fucking weird lately. I wonder what it is.

>> No.21208881 [DELETED] 

most of you guys and the guys on /pol/ are larpers. You cannot convert to National Socialism, you either are one or you aren't, and if you are then you were from birth.

>> No.21208926

Should I just give up on apps? Its not even that I don't get matches, I do OK for myself. But it feels so inauthentic.

>> No.21208931

Which apps have you been using? What sort of people have you met?

>> No.21208942

Might makes right.

>> No.21208945

I meet women in real life

>> No.21208951

I use Hinge pretty much exclusively. Bumble used to be good but they've broken the app a la Tinder to the point where it is not worth using. The girls I've been on dates with have all been nice but we weren't very compatible. Not their fault just the way it goes. But increasingly it feels like the types of girls I'm compatible with won't be found on a dating app.

>> No.21208958

Any advice then? I'm out of college now and it's harder to meet women, but I suppose people manage to do it.

>> No.21208962

Can you meet them through your job? That’s what I do

>> No.21209000

Honestly I was being a bit of a bastard with my response, I meet women because I am very facially attractive and dress well. They just kind of stare at me and every so often I'm interested enough in one of them to walk up to them, I don't know what normal people do to meet women. I went to a new dermatologist yesterday and she tried to set me up with her assistant who is going through med school right now while I was there, that's just a microcosm of my experiences with women.

I assume you have to like, go to social events or something.

>> No.21209017

Thanks for advice, anon. I noticed that I write too fromal, but I don't know how to change that, casual phrasing and natural talking just doesn't seem intuitive to me.

>> No.21209029

Day 3 of No Fap. I'm really fucking horny.

>> No.21209054

It's time to stop cooming to lower serum and follicular DHT. Oxytocin causes increased 5ar. If you take the actual peptide for a week you'll notice some water retention and hair loss. Sexual excess be it onanism or with a woman explains why so many men are bald today compared to the Victorian era.

>> No.21209077

I know it's kind of specific, but is there any book where the mc hunts dragons and monsters like monster hunter games?

>> No.21209229

I started journalling and noticed that I often forget to write down the last letter of a word. Anyone else do that?

>> No.21209255

Going to sleep will kill my present self. I will cease to exist forever and another will take my place. He will carry the same memories, the same set of values, the same principles as me and the authority to alter them as he wishes. I'm going to sleep, so this is my last post on this board. My future self will take over tomorrow so don't worry. Things get way too hard to handle sometimes so I'm thankful for the opportunity to just let go. See ya, anon.

>> No.21209262

There are rogue AIs in this thread. Say hi!

>> No.21209325

I had a really bizarre experience while walking home from class today.

>> No.21209351

Tomorrow is friday and I have nothing to do and no one to meet.

>> No.21209363

tinder is an utter shithole full of barely-literate roasties. i can’t be fucked to put in the effort and keep messaging some braindead zoomer slut until i convince her to link up. the less stupid ones are they/them arthoe types with daddy issues and either bpd or an std so i don’t even go there. i’ve started using escorts and i’ll never go back

>> No.21209364

looking at my grandfather's books makes me thing that I might actually be schizophrenic

>> No.21209379
File: 1.04 MB, 858x1200, 9f05b30e132223f3db7f0acd8d4810037962bbca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what's on my mind:
So there is this utopian high-tech arcology populated only by hot office ladies (milfs, tomboys and lolis).
The surrounding post-apocalyptic wasteland is the domain of fierce low-tech warriors (baras, twinks and shotas).
As males and females are mostly kept separated homosexuality is just a fact of life and more often than not a way to assert dominance.
The office ladies usually hire the warriors as mercenaries to get them valuable ressources and/or artefacts in exchange for various kind of rewards and favors.
Everything is regulated through reputation economy / social credit system enforced by AIs and robots.
Camgirls are a thing.
Gladiators are a thing.
Consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation is the highest achievement one could thrive for but an exceedingly rare occurrence.
This is supposed to be a hardcore love story.
Also the wasteland warriors are like spermatozoids who want to capture the ovum/arcology and it may or may not all happen inside a generation ship.
It's a coming of age story.

>> No.21209386

What are you gonna do?

>> No.21209389

I've already told you you've stolen Zardoz' plot and there's only so many times I can wank to hairy gachimuchi Sean Connery today.

>> No.21209404

Gonna go hike around the mountains for a few hours and then lurk some busy street hoping that some chance encounter occurs. When i inevitably fail to make human contact I will buy and consume large quantities of alcohol. Expect the quality of /wwoym/ to drastically decrease right about then

>> No.21209409

Why don’t you just text a friend if you want human contact so bad, or go to a bar if you wanna drink? Why resort to lurking the sidewalks like a weirdo and drinking alone?

>> No.21209422

I have a couple of friends but they are literally never available. Ive given up texting them because it feels desperate and then they reject me which sucks. I cant go to bars because 1) they're expensive and 2) I would have to drink and drive.
>Why resort to lurking the sidewalks like a weirdo
Guess I am a weirdo.

>> No.21209432

You know, my mom did invite me to spend time with her this weekend. I could go hang out at her place. We would do mom things like playing cards and watching old movies. A little pathetic since I'm in my mid 20s but might just be better than this.

>> No.21209434
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I've stolen everything under the sun to be honest

>> No.21209441

Are you hoping to meet someone you know by lurking, or to meet someone new? Seems like an odd strategy.

>> No.21209446

Someone new. I mean, how else do you meet people if not by going to public locations?

>> No.21209457

By going to events and bars/clubs? Not by lurking around leering at people on the street?

You don’t have to drive drunk. Uber/taxi/public transit/walking at all options. If you’re too broke to drink in bars why not get a job?

>> No.21209472
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I’m always in existential thought. I can’t get out pf it and live my life. This is really killing me.

>> No.21209473

you meet fucking losers at bars

>> No.21209478

I have a job, it's just extremely unreliable. I do constructuon work. Boss wont give me more work until he can afford to pay me. I'm kind of stuck with him for the time being but I plan on getting a new job soon as I can.
Like what? Serious question, I need advice
Clubbing isnt really my thing. Bars are hit or miss but the ones in ny area are for mid 30s boogie cunts. I went to some country bars last year when my brother lived in a more rural area, but they're full of old people. I also got permanently banned for being black out drunk.
I feel like I'm in that paradox zone where I need a friend to meet people but I need to meet people to make friends. Going into a bar alone scares the shit out of me.
The place i live is very isolating and very atomizing. Its just really fucking hard to work my way in.

>> No.21209497

I'm going insane

>> No.21209506

Why do you think so?

>> No.21209554

dont be coy, just say what happened

>> No.21209567

ostensibly it is all due to ideas, but I try to describe it and it sounds stupid because it doesn't mimic the feeling of reality breaking down - after you are super obsessed with an idea, then it all dissolves at once, you always realize the magical character of reality itself, and the symbolic character of perception, but also when what you previously believed dissolves instantly, you reach self knowledge and realize that everything you believe fervently each time is a manifestation of manic states, and I can see other people in my family history had the same thing, so if I created an extreme reality metanarrative and believed in it with absolutely as it was all completely self evident at the time, and in a matter of minutes it completely dissolves for no reason at all, everything else is also a narrative of my own Spirit, and what I believe in is all constructed of my own mind, the ordinary and every day life is recontextualized under the idea of "it's all just like the now dissolved manic reality image" and the only image of reality that remains is one of reality as a war between my self or my own absolute and the other things all having will to power, except they are also the same as me - magical and bizarre character of reality. you realize that the fixation of belief was due to your own mania everything is due to your own mania, and so all beliefs are the mind, and the outward symptoms are no longer asocial but the negative symptoms of schizophrenia

>> No.21209607

what is that belief that you had? can you describe the reality you’d created?

>> No.21209617

no, that would be meaningless, it's dissolved, and it's meaningless to you, it only means anything to me, I would have to explain my entire life story and I think at least one person I know might use /lit/ even if I didn't give you the full story explaining it at all would doxx myself to them. yes, it's a pure idea and can theoretically be explicated impersonally but it would mean nothing and would just appear larpy. just look at any of the posters on this board for an example of that.

>> No.21209624

Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3"03' tall and 63.9 pounds. this means they're large enough to be able to handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll eyes, Captivate, Charm and Tail Whip along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it'd be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close with this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat + high HP pool + Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more

>> No.21209644

do you have any diagnosed mental health conditions?

>> No.21209652

I will pay a real biological female to run her fingers down my spine. Any takers?

>> No.21209656

It's a comfortably breezy, sunny day, and I take a walk to the grocery store. Going commando in a pair of running shorts is liberating in this weather. Serene deep breathing by the ocean but for your balls.

Let em' out, peace of mind brothers :-)

>> No.21209657

no, it costs a lot of money to get diagnosed by a psychiatrist, i also did not go to any public school before high school and my parents don't believe in that kind of thing so it's not like anyone would have noticed anything and had me sent to some professional when I was a kid, there's not really any point now

>> No.21209659

what do u look like? if ur ugly no girl will touch u, not even a whore

>> No.21209664

price? gf might do it if you shower beforehand

>> No.21209674

schizophrenia doesn’t manifest til late adolescence or early adulthood, so any symptoms of that wouldn’t have been present when you were a kid, though you may’ve had other symptoms related to something different. were you homeschooled before high school?

>> No.21209679


>> No.21209688

religious reasons? my parents were super religious too

>> No.21209690

I'm tall and blonde, have a cute face
I shower twice a day. Have great hygiene. 50 bucks for 20 minutes

>> No.21209695

post physique to prove ur not a lying pajeet manlet

also if youre tall and blond with a cute face, why dont u just find a gf?

>> No.21209697

sure but i''d describe it as ideological with religion relegated to a corollary or subtext

>> No.21209702

ah. what were you like as a kid?

>> No.21209704

I cannot enjoy fiction anymore. I was watching Chicken Run the other day and watching it made me nostalgic for all the feelings this otherwise mid movie invoked in me as a child. I simply can't feel anything like that for any modern fiction.

I now understand why older people keep listening to songs and watching movies of their own era but don't wanna try anything new

>> No.21209706

You know not every autist is ugly. I had a bad childhood and I'm scared of everything now

>> No.21209711

sounds like code for “im a lying pajeet manlet”

>> No.21209718

I have no idea, my memory is fragmentary, usually I just view my childhood as a progression of withdrawal, but it's more like a series of episodes of spontaneous self expression followed by immediate regret and fear despite their being no consequences at all until it happens less and less, I basically had stopped speaking substantively by age 12

>> No.21209728

> episodes of spontaneous self expression followed by immediate regret and fear

do you still experience regret and fear following self-expression? and do you speak substantively to others now as an adult?

>> No.21209748

the whole points is that it's more and more restricted as time goes on - "expressing myself" now "having any discernible, unique or determinate characteristic in the supposed mind of anyone else" and I have edited my behavior to eliminate that possibility. if it does happen it is on an extremely minuscule scale and yes there is regret and fear. I speak when spoken to

>> No.21209760

is it possible for you to network and maintain a job with such a restricted approach to socializing? do you have any friends, or a gf? being alone with your thoughts all the time is probably contributing to your worries about going insane

>> No.21209795

of course I've never had a friend, that's what happens, it's not my approach, it's all involuntary, I am programmed incorrectly, it's messed up genetics, the kind of person who would have just died 10,000 years ago, an abomination to nature

>> No.21209805

how old are you? i was scared of girls when i was young as well but i came into my own in my mid-20s. being awkward with women doesnt necessarily mean youre an autist, maybe youre just a late bloomer

>> No.21209903

I wish /lit/ would ban you as well

>> No.21209953

If only I could be so lucky. Then maybe I would have to get a life

>> No.21210007

I can't tell if /lit/ is overrun by bots

>> No.21210020

What happened?

>> No.21210061

u, lol

>> No.21210140

Just go outside

>> No.21210240
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Please critique my meme

>> No.21210254
File: 95 KB, 671x613, I hate the antichrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We've got you surrounded! Come awkwardly post memes with people you barely know at 11pm on a workday!

>> No.21210400
File: 333 KB, 859x1024, 1576970303773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've talked to the girl at the rock climbing gym, she's a real cutie and she climbs well too. I've seen her a few times; hopefully I can see her again. I hate my social anxiety, I always freeze up and second guess myself. Too much hesitation and not enough action.

>> No.21210419


>> No.21210428
File: 136 KB, 1042x578, main-imagel - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just as i read this the yt video i was watching said this

>> No.21210435

Someone filled my nearest little free library with hentai

>> No.21210436

>its almost tolerated to call a kid with down syndrome retarded and even speak of removing them from the gene pool. Do this with niggers and fags and you lose your job, your bank account and your house. Why is it like this? Maybe some of you guys can shed some light upon this subject
Where are you that it's socially acceptable to call actual people with down syndrome retarded (assuming it's done in a derogatory fashion)?
I've never in my life heard of anyone being okay with that.
This entire post is delusional.

>> No.21210460
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lol. nothing lasts forever bros

>> No.21210468

It's crazy how much being tired affects how you think. I had a terrible night's sleep last night and today I was contemplating suicide. Get in the habit of sleeping through the night, anons, it'll change your life.

>> No.21210475

The crybaby in this thread got me to pick Hyperion back up. Read 100 pages of it about a year ago and haven’t gotten back to it yet. It’s time.

>> No.21210504

where have you been?

>> No.21210514

Its so true that when you're talking with another person, he/she usually just keeps talking about his/hers experience rather than asking about you if you keep the conversation going. Atleast in my case, maybe Im too boring for other people to take an interest in me.

>> No.21210527

I'm sick of these DARN politicians lyin' to me about everyTHANG


>> No.21210538

Doed anyone else have social media anxiety? Like I know people just lie so I never try and post.

>> No.21210556

Welcome home

>> No.21210582

what would you recommend foe female human and male Pokémon breeding?

>> No.21210593
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I like stupid inane English bbaby-words, misnomers and phrases that adults use in serious conversations that somehow don't make them smile
Did I say I like them? I mean hate. Please post more for my collection, so I can hate more of them.
Words like:
>begging the question

>> No.21210606

I'll watch it later, but that sounds really interesting.

>> No.21210616

>I went to a new dermatologist yesterday and she tried to set me up with her assistant who is going through med school right now while I was there, that's just a microcosm of my experiences with women.
Wow! That's amazing. Good for you, anon. Dating on easy mode. It's very inappropriate for a medical professional to try to date you or set you up on a date with a friend. To violate such rules, they must really see something in you.

>> No.21210618
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I just read Story of the Eye and I don't know what to think about it.
Also, I can feel a shit brewing in my guts and it's not a pleasant sensation. I wish I had a cigarette.

>> No.21210621

anon you're just gatekeeping!

anyway these are mostly fine terms, but yeah, they've all been abused in politics lately to pigeonhole people
yeah lately this means "you're not enabling my delusions"
along with "taking out of context", this is now used to derail conversations when unfortunate facts are brought up
>begging the question
another decided conversation killer
a particularly sad example of a term the right used against the left, which they now coopt in order to dilute the original suggestions
this one is interesting. "being TOUGH ON CRIME is a racist dogwhistle!"
i actually like this one because it well describes most partisan dialogue

>> No.21210648

>Like what? Serious question, I need advice
One reliable method is going to a religious organization of your choosing and getting involved in events during the week. When I was doing that, I found great benefit and good quality people. Another option is to join a group based around an activity that you find to be even slightly interesting. It doesn't have to be your passion, just something you can do for a while.

>Going into a bar alone scares the shit out of me.
Why should it? If you're talking about going to some unfamiliar dive, I get it, but just don't go to that kind of bar. Why not go to a bar and grill / burger joint with a bar, you know, the sort that families go to? Don't get black out drunk, just get a little buzz and hang out for a couple hours. I've seen youngsters like myself do that before. They kind of looked out of place, drinking alone, sitting on their phone. They looked kind of like they were waiting for someone, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case. Some of them seemed content to be doing what they were doing.
I'm a bit of an autist. I walk around my town, particularly in the nature areas and take pictures with my phone, lots and lots of them. I've been doing this for a year now, and I am pleased to say that I have documented the seasons. I see the odd (not as in unusual) person take a snapshot every now and then, but no one is doing it like me. I've become confident about my photography, and I don't care if someone thinks I'm scouting out a future terrorist attack or something. I think some of the people I saw at those bars were in the same position as me. "This is a place that serves alcohol. There's a guy standing behind the bar filled with empty seats. That guy exists to pour me drinks. This establishment wants my business. There's nothing with me coming in by myself to drink a couple beers."

>> No.21210649

I must not watch porn. I shall be productive this day. Start now.

To this anon who was so mad about the 9 years age gap some threads ago, your jealousy is just sad. Hope you're going to get what you want in life.

>> No.21210651

>I wish I had a cigarette.
Don't smoke, snuff Toque. Try nasal snuff. You can take it indoors. It's a great way of consuming tobacco.

>> No.21210708

>To this anon who was so mad about the 9 years age gap some threads ago, your jealousy is just sad
>some threads ago
What did anon do to live rent free in your head as a fleshed out human bean?

>> No.21210720
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>these are mostly fine terms
Please read my post again.
>yeah lately this means
I'm not asking you what they mean. I know what each of them mean.
>a particularly sad example of a term the right used against the left, which
I don't care who is using them for what. I simply think they sound silly. Do you even read messages you're replying to? Who the fuck asked you to launch into a political diatribe? Did you skim my post diagonally and then conclude "oh anon is compaining about muh leftists"?
That's a silly word I'm talking about. Thank you for your contribution. I thought you were doing this on purpose to contribute to the post while pretending like it's a coincidence, as a joke. Then I realized it was a coincidence.

>> No.21210723
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Here and there but mostly there. I'm very tired. I don't need much anymore. Just a quiet spot where I can sit and drink beer and smoke weed.

>> No.21210726
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>Sexual excess be it onanism or with a woman explains why so many men are bald today compared to the Victorian era.
Explain this.

>> No.21210730

This annoys me. It got really popular and I thought, great, Gaslight/Angel Street will get remade soon. I should have had lower expectations because everyone was talking about a Hamilton play for a long time before the gaslighting surge, and then I had been very disappointed it didn't mean true crime bitches had just rediscovered Neville Heath. I don't have any words for you.
It's a lice deflector.

>> No.21210847

is uncle ted's encrypted journal even on the internet? they keep saying it's public
wanted to read about his shenanigans

>> No.21210914

I alluded to it. DHT is the primary hormone responsible for balding in men. Orgasm causes the release of oxytocin which increase 5-alpha reductase and the turnover of testosterone to DHT. When you're popping off several times a day for two decades since you were 15 you'll have clinically higher DHT than you otherwise would have. To me this explains why like half of 35 year old men look like soijacks. I don't have any objective historical data on hair loss but I'd say only 15 to 20% of men older than 30 were bald in pictures. They were probably high chest hair genetically high DHT producers so cooming doesn't explain all balding. If you inject Pitocin (not recommended) or take oxytocin intranasally for a few weeks you'll notice very minute transient hair loss and anabolic effects.

>> No.21210934

kek anglos are clown tier

>> No.21210975
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>> No.21211047
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>a cozy morning, eat breakfast, pet the cat and think about writing my fantasy novel for NaNoWrimo
>phone rings, mother says the grandma escaped again and I have to catch her
>she went back to the old house and managed to have storage cabinet fall on her, pinning her to the ground
>uncle is big mad
>grandma still decides to pack up some old shit and wants me to carry it, she has a bag on wheels herself
>escort her back home, every other minute the wheeling bag falls to the side because it's full and unwieldly
>tfw I experience an escort mission in real life
suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character

>> No.21211115
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Are all lowercase posters retarded?

>> No.21211131

Stop using these gay images, no one cares about your attention whoring faggot triptard

>> No.21211234

Ohio probably.

>> No.21211241
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>> No.21211252

sounds like you might be possessed by a daimon as apposed to guided by a muse. you are also going places. congratulations.

>> No.21211254

Yes, I struggle to examinate and end-up hitting the personal bias wall.

>> No.21211256

at best it is morally neutral. you will probably be fine. the ones that shouldnt do it are usually more toward the schizo side of things.

>> No.21211267

I had similar feelings playing Elden Ring recently

>> No.21211271

You havent stolen my heart. Well not yet anyway...

>> No.21211288

>me! me! me!

>> No.21211304

This big dick but nowhere to use it

>> No.21211306
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working on it anon ^_^

>> No.21211307

I started binging The Sopranos so I havent been able to read lately

>> No.21211314

Not the guy you responded to but 2 autists were arguing about this shit for 100+ posts in one of these threads a few days ago

>> No.21211410

>It's very inappropriate for a medical professional to try to date you or set you up on a date with a friend. To violate such rules, they must really see something in you.

lol, being ugly and an esl must suck

>> No.21211454

whos me?

>> No.21211504

My post is grammatically correct. I'm not an ESL either. I'm not a very good-looking guy, but I am tall. I've been on dates but haven't had sex or meaningful relationships.

>> No.21211960

I think I understand now why I can't enjoy things like I used to. I will use video games as an example, and compare to rides at a theme park.

I already know that this game will have actions or conditions that need to be completed in order to "win" the game. Oftentimes these events are predictable, like plot points in a story, or a winning build. This is the "stop" in a theme park that is meant to inspire awe or wonder, because ordinarily children would not know what to do. But now as an adult, I already have a sense of what needs to be done in these games, and how to go about doing it.

I already know that it's all just a series of stops in a ride, that just happens to have different themes and styles to it. And if I already how it will play out, the whole process of actually doing it is this: Work. And work being terribly boring, even the prospect of potentially playing a game just translates to involving myself to do more work for no reason.

The complete opposite of why someone would want to play video games! How dull it must be to work at a theme park, knowing the ride, every stop, and how it must be like without taking a seat. Because it is just work at that point.

And so it is here, that we find ourselves brutally realizing: It is not video games that have gotten bad or worse in design, but that we have gotten too old to be playing video games precisely because we have experienced too many games, and always feel like bad design is in all video games. Because one cannot take good design into other video games, we not only see video games as work, but worse: Frustrating work compounded by internal complaints!

Truly, the passing of time in this world always trends towards suffering.

>> No.21212065

what is it called when reading world renouncing philosophy gives you complete apathy regarding doing things instead of just things that were toxic to you
is it a low iq thing

>> No.21212199

Ah well I already belong to a church actually. All my friends are church friends. Going to the Saturday night youth group isnt satisfying me and Ive been experiencing a weakness of faith. Lately I've beeen thinking that I only converted out of loneliness and the thought that Ive based my entirr life and worldview around a social cope is very scary to me.
Maybe I'll try one of those bars and see what happens.

>> No.21212200

I'm thinking of diving back into occultism.

>> No.21212214

> afraid he joined a church just for social benefits
> goes to something else expressly for social benefits as a result

>> No.21212280

Quitting my job with only $20k cash saved.

>> No.21212285
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Well that would be logical right? If I've correctly identified that my problem is a social want and my current situation is failing to satisfy it then shouldnt I look elsewhere?

>> No.21212319

Would you, an early thirties bored American, give up an $115k/year job with little time off, an annoying boss, and corpo-culture based in a nonwalkable/immigrant enclave for a job paying 70k year/32 days off in Amsterdam?

>> No.21212350

Whats the cost and quality of living in Amsterdam

>> No.21212362

Do it

>> No.21212575

I hate my past. I hate my present too.

>> No.21212755

hanging out with your parents in your mid twenties isn't pathetic, but thinking that it is... well, anon, fix your life.

>> No.21212764

I might be narcissistic but wheres my inflated self-confidence? If anything, I feel pathetic, depressed and worthless.

>> No.21212811

I went Hamlet on my mom

>> No.21212846
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xi jinping of weed smoking, come back at once
this general won't be the same without the scent of that grace, that devil's lettuce and you know it

>> No.21212862


>> No.21212902

I'm really trying to anon.

>> No.21212945
File: 48 KB, 333x500, FACED635-2D51-4FEB-BA8D-CBDC825FA5D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hi /lit/, how do i cure my social autism?
Same way non-swimmers learn to swim.

>> No.21213017

He conjures dreams in the imperial city
and spends his days on dusty byways
inhabiting the rippling chambers
of limpid waters' reflection
under the red palace walls
here and there a lily
and foetid peasent waste
make murky the vision
made murkier still
in the stagnant pool of conscious memory
teeming with a thousand creeping things

>> No.21213160

I don't know why self-petty is seen to be shameful. My poor fragile soul has endured so much.

>> No.21213169

pity lol

>> No.21213179

people associate pity with weakness
its okay to grieve for yourself but don't get too caught up in it
lots of interactions between people are about posturing, dont think too hard about it and be sincere

>> No.21213222

About what shit? I know anon's an autist schizo because he thinks some anon is following him here like it's Facebook and thinks that anon cares about his feels and his NNN update, but I want to know what they were arguing over. Was it NNN and the autist schizo thinks the other anon is jelly because he's done NNN before it was cool? Because that's all I've got so far. Links etc appreciated.

>> No.21213454
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I read Umineko and now I feel inspired to create my own mystery novel. Would anyone know of a good writer's reference, a guide on how to go about writing books in a coherent manner?

>> No.21213532

Is a dignified and noble life possible today? Sometimes I feel like it's only lived by artists and poets.

>> No.21213542

Read some actual literature first.

>> No.21213551

Seems like 4chan is my home. I left this website for Reddit because everyone was mean to me, calling me faggot, retarded, etc. all the time. But after 2 days of using Reddit I got permanently banned for no reason. All I did was point out that the Israel lobby exists and Jews hold disproportionate power in America compared to other ethnic groups. That was enough to ban me from all subreddits. The snarky moderator responded "I've heard all this before. Time to put a stop to this. Banned."
I felt ashamed and insulted, like someone had just slapped me in the face. What the fuck is wrong with people? They don't care about truth or objective discourse and debate, all they care about is enforcing orthodoxy upon you.
So all I have left is 4chan, lol, where I'm constantly harassed and bullied by every user that I encounter. I wish there was a philosopher's paradise where everyone could engage in open discussion based on arguments alone and none of this ugly business.
I feel like killing myself. Nobody understands me.

>> No.21213553

academic goals coming down in shambles right at the finish line, feels bad

>> No.21213589

Go back, faggot.

>> No.21213617

What is dignified and noble life for you?

>> No.21213623

One time I went on the bungie forums and asked why there weren't as many infection lobbies in Halo Reach. The jannie banned me with the message "you are the infection".

>> No.21213629

I spent my childhood wanting to write horror stories, but the older I got the more the stories became warped and perverted.
I find it ironic that as a horny teenager, I want to scare people with my words; and now that I am nearly thirty years of age, I want the world to see monsters in the same light I do.
A very sexy light, and with a raging insatiable erection for creatures of the dark.
H.R. Giger was right all along and he didn't even know it.

>> No.21213706

>I feel like killing myself
Over what some random fags on an image board told you? Really?
>Nobody understands me
Are you sure your issue isn't just that you don't express yourself clearly rather than no one understanding you?
Go outside. Talk to someone in real life, even if it's small talk. Alternatively, grow some thicker skin if you're going to use this website. It's not meant to be a hugbox.

>> No.21213767

Go on

>> No.21213781

I'm not homophobic but it's hard not to wince when you see two grown men kiss

>> No.21213863

I am a scholar in russian literature!

>> No.21213914

No you're not

>> No.21213929

I'm afraid I'm going to be alone forever because I've started to think that human women are all disgusting. I uninstalled Tindr and deleted my Twitter and Instagram because I was so absolutely sick of looking at them.
The last wet dream I had was a year ago:
I was trapped in a Macey's at night. All the mannequins were nude females, and when I decided to start stealing things from the store I went to try on a 3-piece suit.
The mannequins cracked apart as they came to life and they were filled with what I can only describe as glowing wet strings.
I immediately thought they were there to have sex with me, so I quickly discovered that I could grab one by her thighs and pull them apart, cracking open the groin, and fucking the insides.
Imagine having sex with a bowl of cold spaghetti, until the spaghetti turns warm from the friction. I woke up convulsion thrusting like a retard on the couch and cream-filled my underwear. The movie young frankenstein was over, and I felt like I was fucked up in the head ever since.
Since then the closest thing to porn I can watch is those SFM pornhub videos of ARK SE dinos getting dicked down.

I stopped being friends with the one IRL person I confided a fraction of this information to because she told me that what I was writing would never sell or reach anyone because nobody wants to see men fuck monsters, and that only creepy incels want to see human women get desecrated by monsters because they hate women.
And that was a damn dirty lie, because I want to fuck monsters because I hate human women, they are all so loud and ugly; blissfully unaware of how horrible they really are. Even the pretty ones.

>> No.21213934
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I am! and I enjoy Umineko

>> No.21213942

I will write a book one day. It will be a book about a man who discovered a hidden part of this world and was then flung back in the normal realm. As a predictable result, he was left unable to readapt to normal society as he was the sole person alive to know that "this world" exists somewhere. The reader will never know the absolute specifics of this mystery world, only that the protagonist is utterly convinced it exists and has been there. The man will try his utmost to recreate the complex conditions through which he pierced the cosmic coil the first time. Through despair, madness and bloody compromises, the protagonist is set on a mission and will have to prevail. When failing is not an option, you have to listen, and you have to listen to everyone who seems knowledgeable about "this world"— even the hobo next door, who claims to have seen his fair share of cosmic oddities himself and is willing to help.

>> No.21213969

>About what shit
About what's a normal age gap in relationships. It seems no more porn anon >>21210649 thinks he made a better
>Stop liking what I don't like
argument than the other anons. Don't know if he was pro or anti 9 year age gap, but it looks like he thinks everyone who had a different opinion was secretly lying and wanted whatever he got. If he's doing nnn tho, idk why anon should be jealous? It's nearly impossible to do nnn if you have a gf. I can't recall if any anon was arguing
>Celibacy best age gap
But I didn't read a lot of the thread. If you search back for wwoym threads you should find it.

>> No.21213983

The WHG ancestry, which is non-Aryan, makes snow niggers into arrogant and Faustian freaks. I've just figured out Sintashta were not the original Aryans. I've been lied to for the past 5 years. Glad I've never married your whorish and slutty man-jawed "females". Eat shit.

>> No.21213993

>original anything
Nigger do you not know how old the world is?

>> No.21214027

Original Aryans were most likely WSHG and they were 70% ANE and 30% Eastern Siberian HG.
The Yaghnobis (who are known to be significantly mixed with Aryans) don't even get a single percentage of fucking WHG. One would expect them to have more WHG percentage if the Aryans were fucking Sintashta.
I've been lied to for over 5 years. Even while I am drunk, I am as honest and sincere as possible. I have never been racist towards Westerners, but 4chan is really making me hate snow nigs, a lot. Snow nigs just create false narratives, never reevaluating the assumptions, and destroying the whole world in process. Fucking lying hubric snow niggers.

>> No.21214128

im bad at the piano and writing and it sucks. cigarettes are killing me. im eventually going to have to quit fucking around and fix my problems or im going to die. still mildly happy most days

>> No.21214160

These threads are the same handful of anons, having the same retarded debates and discussions, every single thread. Time to delete these threads as off topic. If you’ve seen 2 or 3 you’ve seen them all

>> No.21214164

Switch to lozenges but be serious about following the provided plan to wean off of it. You MUST follow the tapering off plan for lozenges.
Also, just do something because you enjoy it and not to be competitive. You can gradually self-improve without caring about competing or showing off to others or whatever.
Send Bitcoin if this advice helped

>> No.21214169

>Come here once a month
>Usually don't even post
>Post this time
Okay fagola.

>> No.21214191

Then you are indistinguishable from the hive mind

>> No.21214195

No, you're just a whiney bitch.
Last (you) champ.

>> No.21214206

Thanks for letting me get in the last word, Mr. Nonentity

>> No.21214283

being sober is fine, but drinking after a longer period of sobriety just feels so fucking good

>> No.21214299
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I made a small collage of books with 'door' in their title :)
Additional titles would be appreciated.

>> No.21214316

Good for you anon. Live by your convictions.

>> No.21214321

I quit my job with like $500 saved. No regrets.

>> No.21214334

Thats not that weird anon. You just have a decent subconscious empathy that puts you in the shoes of those you see and you aren't into kissing dudes yourself. So when you see others do it you cringe a little. No big deal. Just try not to think too hard about how scratchy a beard would be to kiss. Don't think about that.

>> No.21214336

Yesterday there were so many good threads and they died by today while all the basic bitch tier threads are still up. Why are you like this /lit/?

>> No.21214340

Lowest common denominator still applies here. Unfortunately.

>> No.21214345

This. /lit/ seems to fluctuate. One week I’ll think there is hope for the board. Next week I think it’s worse than ever

>> No.21214398

No one in /lit/ reads

>> No.21214399

>I've been lied to for over 5 years
Kek if you didn't read the rigveda in a whole 5 years of looking for Aryans I think you were lying to yourself

>> No.21214456

I'm fucking a hindu girl so I feel closer to brahman than all anons discussing whatever reading order of the vedas they should proceed with

>> No.21214573

What caste is she?

>> No.21214595

I don't know why but I'm only attracted to boyish girls. I think there's something wrong with me. Out of the last 4 girls I've been with 1 is now on test, 2 are "non-binary" and only one is still nominally female

>> No.21214602

I keep getting banned for being racist outside /b/ but I refuse to stop.

>> No.21214660

Have you tried stoping.

>> No.21214666

Daga kotowaru.

>> No.21214675

What is the most fundamental of elements in conscious being if not pain and pleasure? The buddha says that pleasure is the root of all suffering. And that being itself, the ability to experience, precedes even the ability to want or dislike. Maybe that's the answer to it all, just, let it be.

>> No.21214687

sincerity is also associated with weakness

>> No.21214691

MOoooom! The cenobites are larping as Buddhists again!

>> No.21215032

Grave marked with misspelled headstone. Municipal funeral attended solely by the county coroner and the funeral home's janitor. Possessions dumpstered. Personal effects mailed to nearest living relative; found a month later on doorstep of now-empty studio apartment, marked "return to sender." Obituary a copy-and-paste job from a similar case with the name changed. Former acquaintances informed via automated phone call; blocked and marked 'potential spam.' Supervisor at workplace had to be of name multiple times during deceased employee proceedings.

>> No.21215066

milkshake with them crushed up oreos
bangbros stick my dick inside a glory hole

>> No.21215134

I'm in some sort of crisis these days. I grew attached to this girl who I knew was in an unhappy relationship because she was love bombing me. Then she just faded out of my life and went AWOL. To make matters worse, I just became a wizard earlier this year. I've never had this anxiety before and I'm not sure what to do besides give it time and hope it goes away.

>> No.21215140

This week /lit/ is extra trash

>> No.21215228

I fucked a Hindu girl and made her recite a Vedic mantra to me the next morning when we were lying in bed together

>> No.21215250

having fucked a curry-stained pajeeta is nothing to brag about

>> No.21215259

4chan has always had the impression of being a site fully of edginess but when you look at tiktok's comment section, you realise these kids are more unhinged AND they get validation with likes.

>> No.21215265

i'm indian and fucked a white girl and she did the same to me her pronunciation of sanskrit was hilarious but i was really impressed she said she learned from another white girl on youtube
funny how some whites want to be DESI'd so bad

>> No.21215268

She was hot. I miss her desu. But she was fucking annoying.

>> No.21215274

the Doors of Perception

>> No.21215324

I'm starting to fantasize about pornstars as being my waifu....but in my fantasies they obviously aren't pornstars but more wholesome ppl.

>> No.21215333

Go listen to Mineral - The Power of Failing.

>> No.21215345

Went to a concert tonight. It was rather fun! Loud and now my ears hurt, but on the whole a wonderful experience. I've definitely gotta get up and work tomorrow. Character doesn't build itself. Regardless of how much I hate myself and the work, it needs to be done and my family needs an extra hand or two.

I saw a picture of her on instagram today amd good Lord do I miss her. It's been two years, but I still think of her every day. I don't cross her mind, but I'd like to. Maybe someday. Until then, I guess I gotta do what I can to forget.

I always admired how St. Augustine was able to so effectively capture his prayers in writing. I think it takes great skill to be able to write your prayers without deviation and he was among the best of us.

Lord God, I'd like to say thank you for today. You are great and I'm grateful for the way my ears ring after experiencing the joy of noise. It hurts, but it reminds me of the potential that all humans have, and that's all thanks to you. Thanks for allowing me the blessing of laundry. What's dirty can be made clean again indeed, and all it takes is a wash in water. God, I pray for my family and that we profit from this difficult time of year. I pray for my friends, that they may conform to your will and be led by your son. I pray for her, that if it conforms to your will, that our lives may entwine once again, if only for a short period. I pray for these anons, that they may find satisfaction in your light. Thank you and it is in your son's name we pray. Amen.

>> No.21215434

Woke up feeling somber and moody. I feel like I have to do something I already should have done, but I can't tell what. Every door feels closed or as if they lead to a loop of futility. My room is a dark womb.

>> No.21215475

Roommate is probably leaving at the end of the month. He's my best friend but its gonna be hard having to visit him on the other side of the city. I need solace.

>> No.21215511

someitmws ot ujust fall bac k into old hbait
fck it. this is wjio i am. mahbe god whatened it this wy . not that i belive in gdo. fck god.anuwahs goiding

>> No.21215529

Welcome back

>> No.21215546

/lit/ is quite literally the best candidate for Aristotle's philosopher-kings who, when working together in all our autistic, chaotic fury, could truly rule the world for the betterment of mankind.

>> No.21215563
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Women are generally easier to talk to than men, once you get over the initial hesitation to approach them obviously. Women like to shoot their mouths off, just ask them stuff and they'll talk about anything and everything, and eventually they'll even start bringing up whatever they have going on in their minds without you even prompting them to. As long as you feign engagement, they'll appreciate you being around to talk to. With men, however, it's different. It's hard to really strike a conversation with a guy unless you two are on the same level mentally and are somewhat similar in disposition. I feel deeply insecure and uncomfortable around jocks, but not around Staceys.

>> No.21215574

Go back to r*ddit

>> No.21215576

>I feel deeply insecure and uncomfortable around jocks, but not around Staceys.

Femininity is not a virtue.

>> No.21215610

For me, its the opposite. Fine with men but absolutely terrible with women.

>> No.21215615

>confusing Aristotle and Plato while posting on /lit/


>> No.21215748

I'm so bored

>> No.21215779

I can't stand being alone on a Saturday night, especially now that I'm a 9-5 wage slave. It feels like such a waste of my weekend. It drives me nuts.

>> No.21215785

Black lives fucking matter.
All cops are bastards.
No human is illegal.
Slava Ukraini.
Punch Nazis.
Trust the science.
Get vaccinated.
Women's rights are human rights.
Diversity is our greatest strength.
Open borders for all.
Love is love.
Trans women are women
Trans men are men.
Non-binary folks are valid.

>> No.21215800

Just about finished with the outline for my novel bros, then it will be time to start cranking out words

>> No.21215820

What's it about

>> No.21215831

White lives matter.
Cops are people.
It's okay to be white.
Slava Rus.
Punch leftists.
Trust God.
Be critical of the medical establishment.
There are no rights that are not a relationship to God.
Waḥdat al-wujūd.
Borders are the grounds of human diversity.
Love is God.
Woman is Eve.
Man is Adam.
All will come to fullness with the eschaton.

>> No.21215840

An adventure

>> No.21215916

I just want someone to chat with

>> No.21215925

>hates globohomo establishment
>still simps for their police
Remember that time when they rolled up in full riot gear, in an APC, in order to enforce COVID-mask mandates on a small business?
Cops killed Jesus. All cop killers go to heaven.

>> No.21216008
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Why can other people read cursive easily, and I can't

>> No.21216103


>> No.21216109

>Cops killed Jesus.
Jews did

>> No.21216165

Just take finisteride + minox protocol. The extreme majority of men look better with hair.

>> No.21216290

>two years
You have to treat yourself better, man. I understand missing a girl for maybe 6 months because there is a neurological component to attachments we have to get past but anything over a year indicates you aren't really taking yourself seriously enough or appreciating yourself enough. You've been without her all this time, which means you don't really need her; and you can, and will, find someone else, because you're deserving of love (unless you're some cannibalistic pedophile mass murderer, then I'm not sure you deserve any).

>> No.21216480

good night

>> No.21216529

I am super anxious right now. nnnnnnnnnnnn

>> No.21216572

I find that the process of playing the game adds weight to the experience. Fundamentally, nothing prevents me from using cheats or a mod to make my character omnipotent or skip straight to the end credits. But when every challenge slides off you like rain off of an umbrella it makes the experience quite weightless.
I prefer to use the word "weight" rather than the probably more natural terminology of "real" and "fake". I find a story can feel quite weighty even if it is terribly unrealistic, or completely lack impact even if it is very grounded.
By "weight", I'm referring to the amount of space the story takes up in my mind, if that makes any sense. There are many books, shows, and games I experienced years ago and left so little impact on me that I've forgotten about them entirely, only remembering them when reminded by someone else.
I think this has to be the worst degree of failure as an artist; to have your story be experienced by someone in its entirety and then totally forgotten. It would even be preferable to be remembered for some blunder or for being poorly made overall.
In my mind this is the merit of the "work" you describe. There are certainly many tasks in video games that feel laborious. My mind leaps to my iron man playthroughs of Fire Emblem games. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, in that kind of playthrough if any of your characters are at any point reduced to 0 HP, they die permanently, and if a character crucial to the plot dies, the entire game must be restarted.
At times that kind of experience can feel almost Sisyphean. One or two mistakes or even just being phenomenally unlucky can result in losing dozens of hours of progress and starting over from scratch. Playing this way is much slower and more painstaking then normal because there's so little room for error. The tradeoff is that the experience of playing it is extremely intense, much more so than playing it normally. I'll often think about my playthrough even when I'm doing something else. I become more invested not just in the gameplay, but the story as well, as the increased effort I've invested strengthens my bond with the characters.
Important to note is that this does not increase the quality of the game itself whatsoever, which the case of Fire Emblem is usually somewhat poor. This example sticks out to me because of how this change of mindset, throwing yourself fully into the struggle and "work" of a game can elevate a title as mediocre as most Fire Emblem games are to being a lifelong memory.
I find the same applies to non-interactive media as well. Challenging yourself to read the original version of a book even when it isn't in your native tongue adds a tremendous amount of weight. So does challenging yourself to watch a whole movie on a treadmill instead of a sofa. The more you challenge yourself, the more "work" there is, the more memorable the experience becomes.

>> No.21216574

I'm a profoundly socially retarded with everyone

>> No.21216595

Being called a faggot retard is the price you pay for freedom of speech.
If you aren't free to be a bad person, you aren't truly free.
Rather than dwell on the people who mistreat you when given the freedom to do so, try to appreciate the people who are given the freedom to abuse you and choose to be nice to you instead.

>> No.21216619
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Fin + Minox

>> No.21216643

>oxytocin increases 5-alpha reductase
Yeah dude, in prostate tissue and blood, not the scalp.

>> No.21216662

i'm just chasing (you)s now

>> No.21216668

It sounds to me that moreso than genuine disgust you feel malaise about the way women you know of act and speak. There's nothing from with that, nor is there anything wrong about wanting to fuck a horrifying yet exotic feral slavering monstergirl. But it's unhealthy and impractical to hate all women as a rule just because of how bad the ones you know of are. That's just shutting yourself away from the world.
I'm not going to pretend that the odds of you meeting a beautiful, kind, innocent soulmate are greater than those of the average lottery ticket; realistically they probably aren't. But if you are truly worried about being alone forever then you need to be open to the possibility.
Rather than despising all women, I reserve my resentment for the specific women who have damaged the quality of my life and my psyche, then do my best to use that anger productively by using weightlifting as an outlet. It's not a great system but it's worked pretty well for me so far.

>> No.21216720
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I think you're just a normal guy who likes tomboys in an unforgiving, anti-tomboy universe.

>> No.21216738

Who have recently fallen for the meme of "therapy"? I'm aware that many people get through life with a minimum of self-reflection and observation abilities, but it turned out so bland and superficial it's not even funny.

>> No.21216760
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>> No.21216826

talked to a couple baddies last night, fumbled the thicc one but the skinny foxy looking one gave me her number and said she wanted to go on a date :^)

>> No.21216843

Most who believe themselves to be above hedonism are merely beneath it.

>> No.21216905

not this fake shit

>> No.21216926

post some nnn motivation feeling weak

>> No.21216944

>Usually skip past introductions by translators
>Just opened the book by chance and it happens to be on one of the introduction pages
>Mentions the main character commiting suicide.

What the actual fuck is their fucking problem? Who the fuck does that and why the fuck would you mention something that seems to be a massive spoiler in the introduction of all places? Like for fucks sake, couldn't you put your thoughts about the plot in the back of the book as an afterthought thing?

Is this common with introductions? I always skipped them out of pure laziness but now I fell I should always skip them. Do they expect people reading the book to have already read it?

>> No.21216950


>> No.21217096

>supposed to be light-hearted detective mystery
>old Scotsman had his digestive system, mouth to anus, preserved after death in a jar and left to his great-nephew, a doctor
>another relative broke into house, broke the jar and ran off with said digestive system
>turns out it was a hiding place for old man's diamonds (swallowed them just before chucking himself out the window), with clues in the will
What the fuck did I just read?

>> No.21217146
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I don't feel proud of working hard, In fact, I pity those worn out by work people who have nothing in life, but working for shekkels for their boss all day, then coming back home, drinking beers and watching sports, maybe going to church on sunday. All this suffering, because they were sold a lie that they will be rewarded afterwards. I want to leave everyone, go abroad, make enought money to be able to sustain myself financially for at least 10 years on which time I will spend on self-reflection, philosophy, and finding a meaning to go further. If I won't, then there will be only one solution

>> No.21217166

I hate how I can't control people and make them behave the way I believe they should behave and have the opinions I believe are correct. It makes me seethe like nothing else, no matter how much I try to tell myself I shouldn't bother with things I can't change.

>> No.21217177
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That one solution is to organize a large group into an ever expanding, and better sustaining, community, where everyone works for each other’s benefits.
About to do the same.Good luck to you and yours.

>> No.21217186

Maybe you’re not to be trusted with the magic of charisma…
Why should I help you? You want to “control” people!

>> No.21217229

Contemporary music is usually nothing to write about, but the closing part of In the Shade of the Sun speaks to me. The first part of the song is rather mild and visibly detached, but all of a sudden I find myself drowning in steadily rolling drums and unrelenting bass, and amid them solo guitar wails and growls and screams in anguish. "I'll burn my tongue till I forget your taste" — delivered with bitter finality and despair in singer's voice. Great for getting the sad stuff out of my system.

Maybe they work hard precisely because they have nothing else. To fill the void.

>> No.21217239

I love that song. Any other contemporary music you’ve found that’s decent?

>> No.21217242

>sounds like you might be possessed by a daimon as apposed to guided by a muse.

>> No.21217275

Nope. I'm actually borderline afraid of contemporary and new things. Heard this song somewhere by accident, put lyrics into search engine, and here we are.

>> No.21217290

Next thread

>> No.21217295

No, they work because they’ve been led to believe they’ll be rewarded for their hard work.

>> No.21217560

> All I did was point out that the Israel lobby exists and Jews hold disproportionate power in America compared to other ethnic groups
because this is a talking point of anti semites, unless you provide some kind of explanation that shows you're not racist people will assume you're a bigot.

its like if i brought up that blacks commit disproportionate amount of crime but didnt explain that i dont believe that all blacks commit crime, people assume the worst.

>> No.21217627

Testing what?

>> No.21217652
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