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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 955 KB, 3024x4032, mobu2jb0fmx91[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21207127 No.21207127 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any tattoos that subtly reference literature?

>> No.21207129

>inb4 incels afraid of needles complaining about tattoos

>> No.21207143

this person could just write this quote on a piece of paper and keep it in their pocket if they really wanted to remember it

>> No.21207155

All tattoos are trashy, without exception, but tattoos in lettering are literally morlock tier.

>> No.21207158

But that wouldn't signal his eternal allegiance to the Consumer Dweeb Tribe.

>> No.21207179
File: 598 KB, 2000x2266, 840cd4f6-1f67-4581-b134-38e9dcc8d22a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All tattoos are trashy

>> No.21207203

Hitler humor used to be the funniest shit around, no cap, but its stock has crashed hard in this terminal phase of the culture wars.

>> No.21207216

What could possibly be more pseud?
Good grief. This is absolutely ghastly. Where did your life go so wrong?

>> No.21207241

>frail arms
>doughy torso
Guarantee you this faggot never leaves the house without a hoodie so he doesn’t get his ass beat

>> No.21207324

>the Ds and Os look exactly the same
>the Hs alter in direction
You can tell the artist stopped caring half-way through. He just wanted to get done with that shit.

I mean I definitely have worse tattoos I got when drunk by friends but tattoos that are supposed to have a """meaning""" and still look garbage are the worst.

>> No.21207350

To anyone considering getting a tattoo: Dont
I got a bunch when I was 18 and now at 29 I regret them all.

>> No.21207362

I have a tattoo of a tall slim man on a horse holding a lance accompanied by a shorter fat man on a donkey.
But that's not subtle.

>> No.21207365
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At least you've lived…

>> No.21207367

Have I?

>> No.21207424

that's your fault for getting shitty tattoos

>> No.21207429

but let us know we do not live in vain
I just don't know where to put it, or in what font.

>> No.21207435

You seem like a young person. You'll understand one day

>> No.21207446

no, actually. my best friend is a tattoo artist and all my friends have tattoos. cope.

>> No.21207492


>> No.21207496

agreed. I have one on my shoulder. It's fine, people like it, but I'd rather it wasn't there.

>> No.21207512

I got my first tattoo at 25 and it was something I had contemplated for a year, and I have absolutely no regrets about getting it. your issue is you got a bunch of dumb bullshit when you were a barely developed adult

>> No.21207515

I got a Mr Douchebag sleeve when I was 17 in Mexico and I regret it every day.

>> No.21207518

post pics

>> No.21207651

like pottery

>> No.21207665

I have never, once in my life, seen a tattoo that was aesthetically preferable to naked skin, not once. I challenge every tattoo-faggot ITT to present what they consider the best and most aesthetically pleasing tattoo of all time to change my mind, but you will fail, and most of you will not even try, out of fear of how violently I will shit on your tastes.

However, in spite of their ugliness, it is not this that is the most annoying part of a tattoo - it is invariably the boring stories and boring rationale and boring words that a tattoo fag will pour over you, waterboarding you with irrelevant, annoying, tedious lectures on what this toddler's drawing of Loki symbolizes, what profound symbol of hindu culture this is, what deep personal meaning this quote or date has - it is excruciating, it draws the very marrow from the bone. Not once have I heard a story of a tattoo that was worthwhile.

>> No.21207671

you sound like an insufferable dork

>> No.21207674

As well as overflowing adipose tissue solely around the waist, illuminating that this is without a doubt a skinnyfat physique with metabolic syndrome (the worst and most unhealthy one, behind morbid obesity).

>> No.21207675

have sex

>> No.21207676

>I will not fear
>I will face my fear
So you will face nothing?

>> No.21207680

>immediately the tattoofag is monumentally asspained

>> No.21207684

Literally will in a few hours when my gf gets off work, until then the most fun I can have while my dinner is cooking is to completely annihilate the minds of tattoofags by merely suggesting that people don't give care about their tattoos.

>> No.21207689

it took me 5 seconds to call your little rant gay, I genuinely do not care what you think, I only cared enough to call you a faggot because that’s what you are and you deserve to know.

>> No.21207691

On your forehead in some gothic font

>> No.21207704

Do you just plan on being unemployed for the rest of your life

>> No.21207715

>seething through tears, the tattoofag told himself that all those pained expressions during the lectures he had given on his tattoos were incidental, that people thought he was cool, that his tattoos were cool, and that the anon who called him a fag was, in fact, himself a fag - it was obvious! Of course he was! Everyone cared about his tattoos! Everyone! To suggest otherwise was faggotry of the highest order.

>> No.21207725


>> No.21207746
File: 145 KB, 766x842, ISHYGDDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are anti-tattoo-fags in here seething so much? Why do you care so much if other people get tattoos?

I got my first tattoo when I was 17. It got me laid a lot, so it was worth it only in that aspect.

>> No.21207754

you’re talking to yourself again anon, time to take your Thorazine

>> No.21207790

>metabolic syndrome
is this an actual thing other than just eating trash and being sedentary?

>> No.21207818

eating trash and being sedentary is what makes someone have metabolic syndrome

> Metabolic syndrome includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels. The syndrome increases a person's risk for heart attack and stroke.

>> No.21207907

That's because you dipshits got covered at 17/18. I've been accumulating slowly for 15 years and at 33 I've got a bunch that I love.

If you want to get a tattoo, wait a year and see if you still want it. The only people who regret their tattoos are the ones who get them impulsively or all at once because they want the 'aesthetic'

>> No.21207916

imagine being this painfully insecure

>> No.21207939

ikr, he comes up with this schizo post about being afraid and obsessed with what other people think of you, revealing that he’s a huge faggot that truly does obsess and care what other people think of him.

>> No.21207951

My first tat is a quote from Looking For Alaska by John Green. I got it on my ribs to see if I could handle the pain of getting a tattoo and ribs is one if the most painful places apparently ( I was able to handle the pain and went on to get 6 more tattoos). Tbh I can't even remember the quote now, it's something like "we can never be hopeless BC we can never be broken" or something like that. I never see the tat bc i just cant really see all of it from my perspective without looking in a mirror. I actually forget i have it most of the time. I was 19 years old

Another tattoo I got a few years later was a globe on my thigh with the words "My little body is aweary of this great world" which is Portia from Merchant on Venice her first line. It appealed to me BC I am a small petite 5 ft 3, 115 lb woman and was being overwhelmed by the slow revelations of how the world REALLY works (I was not quite fully redpilled back then but was getting there). Also its funny BC the bad guy in that play is a Jew, this was years before I started to figure out the whole zionism conspiracy stuff LOL

The final tattoo I got was from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, on which I wrote my Masters thesis. "When I looked around, I saw and heard of none like me. Was I then a monster, a blot upon the earth?" I got it to commemorate the completion of my thesis, but honestly it describes me too. While I do not feel monstrous, I have always felt very different from most "normal" people. The latest iteration of this feeling is my having birthed all my children at home instead of in the hospital; I do not meet many other women in real life who have also made this choice, nor many who even understand it. So it feels isolating at times to experience that aspect of life so differently.

I don't get tattoos anymore but those are my literary tats

>> No.21207976

To be honest, I hate when people ask about my tattoos. I actually don't want to regal them with stories behind my tattoos BC I know they are all very subjective and personal to me and the other person literally couldn't care less LOL I think your opinion here is valid

>> No.21208011
File: 408 KB, 1650x1836, PXL_20221103_175606012~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks wonky due to curvature but there's the john green quote on my ribs. Yes that's a shitty lions head below it LOL I wasn't very satisfied with that tat but that's another story

>> No.21208017
File: 1.74 MB, 2268x4032, PXL_20221103_175448553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Globe with Shakespeare tat on my thigh

>> No.21208026
File: 1002 KB, 1836x3264, PXL_20221103_175344991.MP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its on my forearm so it is difficult to get a picture of it without it looking a little wonky. Frankenstein quote. And yes that's a baby I am holding, she will be a year old this thanksgiving

>> No.21208035


post pics of your asshole

>> No.21208036
File: 526 KB, 1000x982, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21208042

pls be in london

>> No.21208053

Both of you are untermenschen
Post your grandpa Wehrpass

>> No.21208132
File: 114 KB, 723x1168, IMG_20221103_193412~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21208167

It is fucking hysterical that women expect to get married to me (a hot sexy chad) when they have tattoos.

>> No.21208231

This is pathetic

>> No.21208266

>I'm going to be a man and print my manifesto on my arm, that way it will always be with me, and I can read it whenever I need reasurance.
>tattoo it upsidedown

>> No.21208284

I want to get a tattoo having to do with uncle Ted.

>> No.21208406

The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.21208773


>> No.21208793

>be incel
>afraid of needles
>rejected by cute tattoo'd girl
>made fun of constantly by tattoo'd chad
>not enough money to get a tattoo(he fell for the neet meme lmao)
>his mom won't allow him to get a tattoo(he still lives with his parents)
>go on 4chins to project his insecurities into others

So many cases. Sad!

>> No.21208817

As a wise anon once said: the line between based and retard is razor-thin.

>> No.21208825

I love tattoos because it allows me to spot fucking impulsive idiots instantly. Keep it up please. Imagine drawing some tribal tattoo or some TV character on your skin permanently lmao. Rock-bottom grade F retard behavior.

>> No.21208842

Are you this blind or has /pol/ rotted your brain?

>> No.21208856

How can it be impulsive? Any decent tattoo artist has a waiting list that could take months, you'll generally need to go to a consultation as well, and then you'll get a date. Do you guys think you just walk into a tattoo shop and walk out with full sleeves?

>> No.21208869

>Do you guys think you just walk into a tattoo shop and walk out with full sleeves?

yes they do think that because people who think this way shut ins with their brains rotted out by the internet

>> No.21208919

So you're telling me people actually think and plan out how their ugly tattoos? That's even worse and makes my point even more valid lmao.

>> No.21208927

>plan out how their ugly tattoos
Plan out their ugly tattoos

>> No.21208953

Ladies and gentlemen,

>> No.21208977

1. are you male or female
2. how does a tattoo get you laid?

>> No.21209040

that fluoride stare

>> No.21209062

Why is it pathetic? Give me your answer and I will explain.

>> No.21209090

not that guy but the armband looks too big also the face looks like the artist had problems with human anatomy

but I still don't understand how a tattoo gets you laid, as I find 99.999% tattoos on ladies absolutely disgusting
maybe ladies view a tattooed man in another light? is it easier to identify him in case they rape her, so she feels more comfortable? i dont get it.

>> No.21209093

>marking yourself with a litany written to help women not to start crying for anything

>> No.21209149
File: 233 KB, 1200x1500, Mike_Tyson_2019_by_Glenn_Francis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it easier to identify him in case they rape her, so she feels more comfortable?

>> No.21209313

I am in love with you, m'lady, please run away with me. I can take you away from all this.

>> No.21209373

>Frankenstein quote.
lol very fitting for a transgender

>> No.21209387

It's dude my man. Look closely at his face.

>> No.21209419
File: 229 KB, 283x340, 98089237439837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21209488

>implying men can have babies
Maybe stop getting all your opinions from TikTok and think for yourself, sweaty

>> No.21209625
File: 82 KB, 500x388, 1667224782042311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21209750

Some men can in fact have babies though.

>> No.21209784

>Someone was actually stupid to do this
Good lord.

>> No.21209811

This nigger gonna be wearing long sleeves for the rest of his life. If he has a woman, she will be a racist skinhead type that fucks black guys behind your back because of self hatred and mental issues. This also shows how absolutely retarded you are. Even if you are a full fledged Nazi, there are some things you don’t advertise prominently. I bet this one of the niggas that posts about trannies, leftists and women all day on /lit/. Worst of all this potato don’t read

>> No.21209872

This nigga loquacious

>> No.21209905
File: 310 KB, 609x1444, C20EF73A-E3DF-4C60-B265-A0FACB31961F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is quite subtle, like the name of his cat

>> No.21209913

Fluoride? Are you joking?
I drink filtered spring water from a literal hot spring that is in my town and stopped using fluoridated toothpaste years ago. Even my shower head has a filter on it

If I had smiled in the pic someone would have had a problem, if I had frowned someone else would. That was my best neutral face. You people on here always complain about women finding excuses to take selfies and post them on instagram or whatever the fuck. These are literally pictures of my stupid literary tattoos, to answer OPs post.

There are still retards on here trying to say I'm some janny. Lmao as there is a fucking infant in my lap ! Hello! you people are retarded. If you don't believe I am an actual woman who has given birth not once but twice at home with NO medication or medical intervention whatsoever, listen to my birth stories, or go kys.


Also, did any of you pick up on the fact that I don't get tattoos anymore?

>> No.21209921

My name is Jadarius, not Loquacious nigga

>> No.21210018

You're going to regret having that when you grow past 18

>> No.21210057

If you showed me this in public I would laugh in your face. Are you trying to impress teenagers with your comic book drawings?

>> No.21210119

I'm pretty sure this guy is an Azov POW
All tattoos look like shit from far away. Simple fact. They look like dirt or bruising. It doesn't matter how tasteful the subject or skilled the tattooist. As soon as you're further away than a dinner table, it looks like shit.

>> No.21210142

I’m tatted up and girls approach me all the time asking about them. Tattoos have probably gotten me pussy more than anything else. Who gives af about what you look like from afar when you can get girls up close in bed?

>> No.21210150

I bet you're all really high end people

>> No.21210155

>no cap
>stock has crashed hard
>terminal phase of the culture wars
spend less time online

>> No.21210162

If a man literally had women walking up to him to strike up a conversation and later sleep with him, it's because he's incredibly physically attractive. He would get laid without tattoos; an ugly man with amazing tattoos would not get laid.
Tattoos used to be costly in-group signifiers, not anyone can get them. Women are not fucking men because they like their tattoos- almost all men below 35 have them not anyways.

>> No.21210168

I actually like it. This guy has bigger balls than anyone who has responded to this photo.

>> No.21210178

Yeah I agree if I were to get tattoos it'd be all nazi shit even though I'm not a nazi but that's the only thing you can do that's still in the rebellious spirit tattoos were supposed to embody before every white collar soccer mom got them

>> No.21210183

Get the Wanted poster on your back

>> No.21210186

I am good looking but the tattoos give a reason for approach and a topic of conversation

>> No.21210189

Yeah I'm going to reiterate that that is retarded. If a tattoo is an excuse, so is pretty much anything else.

>> No.21210195

i agree. i believe the only tattoo that could possibly be aesthetic for my tastes would be perhaps a name or a few words (or numbers). maybe a small symbol too.

>> No.21210198

>I like your tattoos
It’s a super easy conversation starter. I’ve had way more strangers comment on my tats that anything else. Reading books in public is a distant second. I don’t think you realize how hard it is to strike up a conversation if you have nothing to go on. It gives them an excuse to approach me and get to know me when I explain

>> No.21210217


>bigger balls than anyone who has responded to this photo.

>> No.21210219

Tattoo is an easy ice breaker for anyone interested in you. Girls that think I'm cute that wouldn't know what to say can complement my tattoo and ask me about it and get the conversation going.

>> No.21210223
File: 2.01 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck im retarded I forgot image


>bigger balls than anyone who has responded to this photo.

>> No.21210231

These. I guess autists don’t understand

>> No.21210252

Disgusting whispy leg hair

>> No.21210264

Yea idk why its like that, its much denser below my thighs, its been this thick since I was 12

>> No.21210389

Based nazi knee chad. Your balls are of sufficient size. You must be popular at swimming pools kek. I sure couldn’t pull that off.

>> No.21210396

It will sure be awkward when you get older and mellow out yet still sporting these

>> No.21210406

>grandpanon who’s that guy with the funny moustache on your arm
>he was based, my boy

>> No.21210524

Overweight and disgusting.

>> No.21210684

wigger tier

>> No.21210687

take your meds and dilate

>> No.21210704

This is worse >>21209905
No matter what, a tattoo is an instant sign you're dealing with a low IQ goy.

>> No.21210942

Ishmael's whale skeleton measurements is the only /lit/ tattoo

>> No.21210968

I have two black dots caused by Pilot V5's clipped into my pocket but worked free from the caps so they could stab me when I sat down. Fairly /lit/ considering I carried those pens because I was constantly writing, war wounds. Those V5's are part of the reason I switched to a fountain pen with a screw cap.

>> No.21210973

AS stupid as this is, the actual tattoo is really well done

>> No.21210978

cute feet

>> No.21210979

>I've eaten things you people wouldn't believe. Double bacon cheeseburgers deep fried in lard. I devoured two whole Digiorno thick crust pizzas stacked on top of each other. All those moments will be lost in time, like ice cream in my root beer float.

>> No.21210985

Perhaps, but it is the sort of tattoo that looks like complete shit after a decade regardless of the subject. The more well done (realistic) a tattoo is the worse it looks as it ages, ink fades and bleeds in the skin over time.

>> No.21210992

Nor his eternal allegiance to Bene Gesserit mommies!

>> No.21210998

>Imagine drawing some tribal tattoo or some TV character on your skin
Imagine ranting about it, I'd call you boomer if we weren't on /lit/

Not literature, but friendly reminder to watch serial experiments lain

>> No.21211006

This was supposed to be there

>> No.21211010

I mean this, why this board doesn't work

>> No.21211012

Holy shit you realize this is the same level of embarrassing as "subtle" anime tattoos. Liking shit isn't a personality.

>> No.21211166

thanks man
the autism is probably getting a tattoo because you can't say 'hi' to a cutie staring at you

>> No.21211185
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>> No.21211214
File: 601 KB, 1078x1612, megbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it begs to differ

>> No.21211284

Every dumb cunt starting with Lady Gags with a Rilke quotation tatted on their stupid hides.

>> No.21211309
File: 40 KB, 320x320, iceland_stuffed_crust_cheese_feast_pizza_453g_52373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek but I've eaten two stacked pizzas before but they were pic related with some bacon I added in the middle and it still ranks as one of the best meals I've had in my life.

>> No.21211320

I saw someone get a tattoo of the Finnegans Wake sigla which was pretty based but I doubt many people will catch the reference

>> No.21211438

Based and correct

>> No.21211448

i don't have any tattoos
no one's trying to impress you, fag
you're boring

>> No.21211456

i bet those look good when you're on your knees sucking black cock

>> No.21211519

lol imagine taking a joke so seriously, nobody cares what you drink or what you have to say

>> No.21211524

Imagine ranting about my rant. I would call you faggot but I'm sure you already have a tatto that reminds you of that. No one wants to see your disgusting Harry Potter quotes or the gay dream catcher above your asshole

>> No.21211632 [DELETED] 

>low IQ
nah , just low class
you're low IQ